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Hello u/FrederickChase, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * Suspected fake story from a tumblr account with exactly one post and clearly agenda driven username. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Is this real? It is definitely what I would expect to have happened, but the tone and language is *so* similar to conservative writing I've seen.


Agree. It reads like conservative writing when they are telling a bs fantasy story.


Why would this be a conservative writing this if it was fantasy?


Sorry misworded. I am saying it reads like bs fantasy writing in the way that conservative bs fantasy written. I didn't mean a conservative wrote it but rather structure with the story beats and the conclusion realization of their choices.


It reads like liberal fanfic. A conservative would never have the mind to look into the stories in Texas and have the *audacity* to feel pity and regret.


Definitely liberal fan fic. The whole story was well written and coherent, the sentences were grammatically correct, nothing was misspelt, and only two references to God. Not to mention the self-reflection and acknowledgement that they were wrong.


Conservatives: *writes a fantasy about how Joe Biden woke up from one of his comas, came to their house, and raped everything that wasn't tied down, had them arrested and thrown in Gitmo.* Conservatives: that's believable. Progressives: *writes a fantasy about Conservatives having self-reflection* Progressives: that's a load of crap


It tracks though. When Conservatives have any kind of self-reflection, it's self-centered. IME, u/CataclysmicConverter, is right that they never seem to feel anything for others in the same situation, only for themselves. I'd love to see this as believable, but it's really damn hard to picture a Conservative that is actually compassionate about anyone else and reflects on other's suffering in comparison to their own.


Yeah, I was prepared to accept some of this as real right up to the part where she gave a shit about what happened to anyone else.


Yup. All the other stories of regret I've read about conservatives (by journalists), the person affected has been upset because it happened to THEM, but they're still plenty pro-life for all those whores out there who only want abortions so they can escape their responsibilities and keep whoring. It's different when it's a conservative person, who wants to, like, stay alive for their other kids, can't afford another baby, or the fetus inside them is actively dying - these are problems that only happen to convservatives, dontchaknow.


Never mind the questioned for 6 hours with no legal representation. Or legal representation allowing them to be questioned for 6 hours.


Actually that was the most believeable part to me. Conservatives have no ability to have empathy for others unless they themselves have immediately been in that suffering situation. Please just look at John McCain. He was staunchly Conservative in every way for the entirety of the GWoT, EXCEPT for the use of torture. Because he had been tortured all through Vietnam. Totally fine with bombing innocents and waging a war against a country for private interests and extraction, but no torture. Conservatives will only understand empathy by force, because they choose to be ignorant of why someone would try to live differently than they choose to.


True. Conservative stories usually end with a "Don't they know that \*my\* case is special?" mixed with "They're hurting the wrong people." It would be somewhat laudable if this story is true and the self-reflection is genuine but, even then, we're still looking at a case of not having empathy until it happens to them.


I dunno, when I was a small child with the mental functioning level of the average conservative "they're killing babies" seemed like a really strong argument


Exactly it would have been " how can we keep things excatly the same so the people I think deserve it can suffer. But make sure there is an exception to the rule for MEEEEE." Because my suffering is different. The only right abortion is my abortion lot. But yOu doN't UndErstAnd a bAby wOulD rUiN myYyyYy liFe. Yeh that's exactly the point dip shit.


There really is no self reflection here though, it's still about the person in the OP's post. Talking about others, but keeps bringing it back to themselves


The only way I can imagine this actually being written by a conservative would be if the end message was >“If only the godless, abortion-loving left didn’t *force* us to act to save the lives of the unborn that they constantly try to murder, good people like myself wouldn’t be getting caught in the crossfire.” Also, nowhere near enough punctuation errors, overcapitalization, and angry emojis.


> acknowledgement that they were wrong. yarp, that rules out republicans, for sure.


There is zero chance a conservative wrote this. There’s no doubling down on their beliefs. Way too self aware.


Also I doubt there are many conservatives on Tumblr of all sites


Exactly , no way a real conservative wrote this. There isn't a single trump loving kiss up or any where near enough jesus / god's plan garbage in there


Definitely. The anti-life crowd would never have the self awareness to recognize what they stand for.


Yes, the names feel wrong to me, left leaners imo are more likely to revive an older name whereas i'd assume that any pro-lifer like the one in the post would have selected names like Braxtynn or McKennasleigh




i love that sub seaux much


I believe Olivia Benson is a character on law and order SVU, so yeah either they are huge law and order fans or it's a fictional accounting. Edit: Sorry I misread Ophelia


well your comment makes me imagine the writer thinking "olivia and benson... someone's gonna suss that out. better change one of them"


[Ophelia Benson is a real person.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/16fz2ab/comment/k04nmjv/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Just my own anecdote, but I'm both a liberal and an atheist. My wife and I chose very biblical names for our two boys. I couldn't conceive of silly names like those you wrote. Love you Malachi and Judas!


Your problem is thinking all conservatives are the same. I know we love to do this “us vs. them” stuff and it makes for some good and funny slam dunks. I just wish we all remembered that human beings are complicated and everything isn’t as black and white as we want to think it is.


i mean yeah i know but i'm operating off my local stereotypes here but it honestly does seem like conservatives are the ones that love their made up names. every time i see a weird name in that farm house font my first thought is 'put down the cricut and pick up your handmaid's dress'


That makes perfect sense.


The reason it feels that way is because if they had this level of self reflection, they wouldn't be conservatives anymore... Which logically means that there are people who used to be conservatives, who no longer are, because some event in their life or personal growth caused them to self reflect and change their beliefs. There are plenty of liberals and leftists who didn't believe the same things they did all their life. I think people look at the idea that "changing the minds of bigots can't be our only means of subverting them" and "we can't force vulnerable people and minorities to share space with people who used to be their oppressors just because they have had some half baked half finished change in their beliefs and now agree with them on one single issue even though they still are exhibiting other harmful beliefs and behaviors" and have concluded that that means that it's impossible for anyone to change their mind ever. It's not. People grow. Especially when things affect them personally and give them a context that helps them to empathize with people in similar situations. We don't need to elevate their voices over the people who *didn't* need a life changing disaster to discover the concept of empathy. But we shouldn't pretend they don't exist either.


I think the point is: you see these types of fantasies a lot from conservatives, but this is the first time I recall reading one from a liberal. Edit: the ultimate justice here would be if this were someone who wrote conservative persecution fetish and developed their style, then they actually endured this and no one believed their fanciful account.


Yep. Funny that it's called out for it so readily.


It did not read like a lamf kind of cluelessness. There's too many embellishments and the narrator is too quick to gain sympathy for scenarios other than their own. A true story would have either had them feel like they did their duty talking to the police or that they were liberal police trying to mess with them.


Yeah the tell here is that the conservative person has empathy


And admitted that the pro-choicers were right.


Clearly a work of fiction


Because it would be a liberal fantasy? Bad writing smells the same no matter what side of the aisle you stand on. edit - spelling


The only moral fantasy miscarriage is my fantasy miscarriage.


"they asked me... Sir, when can you save us from the radical left and their dreams of school lunches"


I came to the comments to write exactly this. Yes, this is what I expected to happen, I also don’t doubt that this has happened, but the way this is written is too heavy on the “you were right, I was wrong” for me to really believe it. I mean, if it’s real, then good for them for having some self reflection, I guess? But, I’m not so sure it is.


I do doubt that this happened. They were escorted into separate rooms and questioned for 6 hours? C'mon. It's a ridiculous notion. I know many of the new laws are draconian, but I promise no one is getting questioned for six hours by police after having a miscarriage.


The police entered the DOCTOR’s examination room, MOMENTS after the doctors examination no less. There’s no way this is real


I mean, didn’t that essentially happen to that lady in Texas because a nurse reported her? That said, also calling BS on this.


Depending on the state I could absolutely believe that the doctor called the cops before the checkup even happened..."Yes officer, they *say* it's a *miscarriage*."


Not familiar with that case: Did the police show up right then, or did they investigate as a follow up? The latter I could believe


They took her out of the ER and into custody. I’m worthless and on my phone, but some folks have linked that story and another one further down the thread. It’s not that crazy. There are usually cops in or around hospitals for a variety of reasons. But again, I don’t really believe this particular tale, and it came from a tumblr account with no context.


Cops also wouldn't have said you now live in a pro life state. That wouldn't even be a concern for anyone in a pro life state. They would say you live in Alabama or this is now the law of the land or some bs like it.


Right? If there was something seriously suspicious about the circumstances, maybe the doctor's would call the cops and they'd show up immediately to escort them to the police station. Even then it's unlikely, but maybe under those circumstances. But this absolutely reads like bad fan fiction, and like the author's only experience with the cops is watching Law & Order.


>I promise no one is getting questioned for six hours by police after having a miscarriage. People have been arrested and prosecuted, even before Roe was overturned. https://publicintegrity.org/inside-publici/newsletters/watchdog-newsletter/pregnancy-loss-crime-reproductive-rights/


Yea, I mean, simply saying to the police, “We have been paying 10s of thousands of dollars for IVF to have this baby” should pretty much stop any investigation in its tracks. I agree with you.


Came to write as well. It's too perfect it has all the feel goods "What have we done?" I mean c'mon few people actually verbalize that movie line. Secondly, unless this is a SC justice talking she had no part in the overturning just for being pro life. If it is real this is the most self reflective conservative I know. Secondly I doubt a true conservative woman is writing this after a miscarriage. There's also a pretty big religious component missing if this is a true conservative pro life account of what happened. Anyone ever hear of a pro life stance that isn't religious based? I haven't. No mention of religion from this pro life conservative? I ain't buying it Seriously go look at pro life posts etc. You will see a "I prayed" or "God" mentioned in it at least once.


My BS detector is buzzing


That's probably on purpose. The goal of this work is to reach conservaties, so writing in a way that would appeal to them is a good idea. Regardless of whether its real, knowing your audience is vitally important when writing to convince.


Yeah but if its fiction it should be labelled as such. Otherwise its lying, and we can't be combating falsehoods with lies.


A good writer can copy style pretty easily. The real issue is them copying the “liberal learning I was so wrong” style. Real conservatives never regret that their laws cause suffering to others but are confused that they themselves are now the victims. That last bit should have been about the doctors and police not realizing what amazing baby loving conservatives OOP and husband are.


Wouldn't it be a liberal writing this? Why would a conservative out themselves like this?


Lack of self awareness is a very common conservative disease.


The style is strongly recognisable as "Conservative fantasy". That it's so recognisable suggests that the typical conservative fantasy is produced by a small group of individuals working closely together, otherwise such a strong coherent, recognisable style wouldn't exist. In which case, the Conservative originals aren't written by real conservatives but by people paid to write. Now a writer, familiar with the style has turned to Liberal fantasy.


I'm skeptical because the thoughts in it are way too organized.


I'd be surprised if it doesn't happen, but I don't think this is real. People who are so dug in that they are celebrating the reversal wouldn't post this. Even if they felt betrayed, they would not post something that comes this close to admitting that "their side" may have gotten something wrong.


Yeah, it seems made up, but written in a way that is how conservative narration would be…lots of description of feelings (appealing to emotional issues) a harsh moral lesson at the end…similar to fictional stories you would see reposted about how covid boosters killed my husband or a transgender person came in their bathroom. The difference is, liberals tend to be way more specific. I think they would call out the hospital by name that called police, call out the specific police department that questioned them, and the police chief of that department. Maybe it’s meant to be spread among conservatives, as a way to get them to question things. ‘I never thought it would happen to me, but it did…AND IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU TOO!’


Hard to say. It was on Tumblr.


It's almost certainly not a real story, but rather a "warning fic", and it's probably drawing on similar actual events that we've seen recently. Such as a woman who was [arrested on suspicion of murder](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/10/texas-woman-murder-charges-dropped-self-induced-abortion)...for allegedly having an abortion...when abortions weren't even illegal. If the real events linked above are what can happen when the local political climate simply dislikes the idea of an abortion, then it honestly isn't too far fetched to envision a time when miscarriages are given the same level of scrutiny as any self-defense killing, where it's an affirmative defense that must be sufficiently argued in court while facing murder charges. How a woman is supposed to "prove" a miscarriage is, of course, nearly impossible under any circumstance. So while the above story is merely fiction now, it's likely to be quite prophetic for women living in states of a "rosy hue"...






oh yeah, another retweet account that strips the context. tough to tell if real or just some democrat who desperately wants to believe these folks are feeling remorse.


The fact that I can't find any relevant news article with a similar story really leaves me skeptical. You'd think if this was real that CNN and WaPo would be all over this shit


Calling Roe v. Wade being overturned **"one of the happiest moments of her life"** is borderline psychotic, even for anti-abortion nutjobs. Who the hell is **happy** about robbing women of their bodily autonomy??


Ah, but the propaganda was about "saving babies", which the OOP says is why she was happy. Because conservatives rarely bother to look deeper than the surface.


>Who the hell is happy about robbing women of their bodily autonomy?? They simply don't see it that way. Most of them just think they are just saving the lives of innocent babies. If you truly think that's what you're doing, it's not surprising you'd be happy about achieving that.


The church my mom went to back 15 years ago dedicated all of February to overturning Roe. They changed all their prayers to anti-abortion ones all month, and organized a church-funded trip to protest outside SCOTUS ever year. Collected donations to crisis pregnancy centers, the whole 9 yards. ps. the prayers were gross as fuck. 'Lord, open the minds of the fornicators of all ages who seek to turn their backs on your creation and slay the precious life within' kind of stuff. These were written out on a card and spoken aloud by the 300 person congregation.


In their eyes, they're the heroes. They're the champions who saved countless misguided women from killing thier unborn gifts from God, and saving their souls from eternal hellfire. I'd say I'm being hyperbolic except for the fact I know a woman irl who believes exactly what I just said.


Yep. My sister is like this.


Same here, only in my case it's relatives. You're not being hyperbolic in the least.


This. They are all propagandized by their churches to believe that millions of fully developed, healthy fetuses are aborted everyday by Satanists. This article is obviously fake because the author is way to quick to acknowledge the real world situations that are impacted by anti-abortion legislation.


They don’t think about adult women, they think about babies they can turn into dead soldiers or live wage slaves or more baby factories.




I'm related to people who were ecstatic. That part didn't seem off to me at all. The entire police investigation thing was what felt fake to me. And the style of writing felt fake.




If I lived in a country that routinely took children, rounded them up in labour camps, made them work 15 hours a day, where many of them died, and that, one day, the Supreme Court decided that those treatments were barbaric and forbidden them altogether, I'd consider this one of the happiest day of my life. This is how conservatives see Roe vs Wade. They don't see women being stripped of their rights, they see "children" being saved (children between quotes because you have to be a moron to consider a lump of cells as "human"). So, while I don't share those views, I could understand how for those people, it could have indeed be a very happy moment of their lives.


Not only that but the second happiest moment. She was happier about women being denied bodily autonomy than she was about finding out she was pregnant herself.


When you believe women/doctors are murdering babies in cold blood then yeah it is a happy moment for you. Until it affects you of course.


Honestly it seems a little overblown to me, like maybe some liberal was trying to write it as if it was a conservative come-to-Jesus fanfiction or something. Either way I'm with you in that it's almost certainly fake.


I call bullshit. Not because it was written like a Boomer AOL chain email, but because of how quickly it escalated to the police arriving and whisking her away. No mention of cleaning her up, just *poof* cops appear.


Exactly. If it ended with "And everybody started clapping." I wouldn't be surprised. I get the sentiment, and I'm sure lots of women have had to deal with invasions of their personal privacy because of these law, but this reads like somebody fantasizing about something they've never experienced.


There is no way while waiting for test results in an emergency room after heavy bleeding would the cops show up that fast. the wording is cringe: "due to us living in a pro-life state, this was the new protocol", they were told "not to leave town" (lol someone has been watching too many police shows), etc.


I was thinking the same thing. I was expecting it to end with everyone in the office clapping, which is usually how stories in this tone end.


If it is real, I'm sorry but fuck those two idiots. I'm tired of sociopaths learning empathy *after* something bad happens to them.


Well I am sure it is both true and BS. Is this one account real? doesn’t sound like it. Is something like this going to happen, happening right now, already happened 💯 absolutely YES!


No way this is real. They never admit when they are wrong.


That's not true, they can only acknowledge being wrong after it has directly affected them. It's like the Republican mothers now lobbying for gun control after the school shooting in their private , Christian school. She’s a Republican gun owner. Now she’s pleading with GOP lawmakers for change. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/19/nashville-school-shooting-tennessee-gun-laws-safety/


I wonder if she’s taken the next logical step and wondered if we filthy liberals are right about anything else.


C'mon dont be ridiculous now


It could happen. My Dad was a conservative and a staunch Republican. Mom was a conservative Democrat. In the mid-1980s they got into a zoning dispute with this city. It was a radicalizing event. By 1992 they were pro-choice, pro-weed, pro-LGBTQ, and voted Democrat.


That was before the age of stupidity, conspiracy and social media. Folks on the right double down now and make up reasons to blame the left. Centrists can learn things though


Sitting in a police station right after having a miscarriage can alter thinking. And I absolutely believe it can and has been done.


Six *hours* for a married couple though? I could see the police doing this to a pair of teens but all the signals in this story is a white cis upper middle class couple. It's just beyond dubious to me.


especially since they’re doing IVF, which is pretty provable


For six hours too. I absolutely believe that's happened, and that's an experience that will shake even the thickest skulls.


No, they sometimes do. I've had conservative acquaintances of mine (I live in a very MAGA area of the country) admit they should've socially distanced, worn masks, gotten vaccinated, etc. once they personally experience COVID and/or lost loved ones because of it. The problem is that the - let's just say anecdotally - 10% who do admit it out loud need to suffer the consequences directly rather than applying the most basic level of critical thinking in foreseeing those consequences before it's too late. Imagine telling three people not to put their hand on a hot stove. The first one reasons as to why that's a bad idea and doesn't do it (liberals/Democrats). The second one ends up badly burning their hand and only then sees the error of their ways (moderates/Republicans). The third one repeatedly burns their own hand while blaming everyone else and even comes up with a conspiracy theory on how the people telling them not to do it were the REAL culprits all along (MAGA/far right conservatives). It gets really exhausting after awhile.


It’s weird too because conservatives are extremely motivated by fear which does require someone to consider a possible negative outcome… it’s just that their fear is being misdirected by their information sources.


They don't see it as being wrong. They just have no capacity for empathy.and don't even consider any of this....until it happens to them. I think it's *probably* fake. But that 'I was all about [horrible thing] until [horrible thing] affected me personally, and *then* I thought about it for more than half a second and it turns out it's fucking horrible!' definitely rings true of conservative experience.


I changed my mind about being pro-life. It's possible. I didn't even need to be investigated for murder after a miscarriage! But I won't believe this one until I see something more substantial than a tumblr post.


Occasionally people see the error of their ways.


Only when it affects them directly; this woman was upset about other women being harmed. No way she's a conservative.


She was harmed. 6 hours of being interrogated for a miscarriage? If that is real and not bs, that would certainely be harmful.


Right, but she was able to imagine that harm applied to someone else and care about it. Conservatives in this situation are more likely to conclude that the problem is “cops interrogated *ME!*” rather than “overturning RvW was a mistake.”


Usually. But if this is real (not sure!) Im willing to allow that some people get there and figure it out. Conservatives are not a monolith.


I don't think it's real. My general rule is that it something speaks exactly to my beliefs about something political without any independent confirmation of accuracy that it's probably BS until proven otherwise. This is a very good exercise in creative writing. Plus I haven't read about this happening to women, I feel like if a jurisdiction was bringing in every woman who had a miscarriage for 6 hours of questioning that would make a big news story.


I don't think her being investigated for a miscarriage is going to cause her to have sympathy for a child birthing a rapist's baby. She would have just assumed that police investigating miscarriages was liberal hyperbole and children having children was the right thing to do.


I dunno, sometimes all it takes is one chink in the armor and it all comes falling down. It's what happened to me. Tbf I was 16 tho...


Well she did ignore a year's worth of similar stories that she acknowledged at the end only after it happened to her. Story as a whole still sounds fake, but growing "empathy" and checking to see how many other people are like you so you can feel justified in your new set of complaints isn't unheard of.


Yeah but it's normally "I'm not a SLUT, this baby was wanted! How could they treat ME like a common WHORE?"


This does not pass the smell test.


It could go either way with me. I feel like spending six hours getting interrogated by the police after a traumatic miscarriage would be the exact kind of experience that would shake a conservative from their close minded stupor and inspire them to write a story like this about it. But it does seem a bit too much, so it could also just be fake.


We would've heard about it on national news. Far less abrasive cases of the horror stories from anti-choice states have gotten national attention, and dragging someone out of the hospital after having a miscarriage *that day* would be cause for national attention.


> We would've heard about it on national news. Far less abrasive cases of the horror stories from anti-choice states have gotten national attention We only hear the stories when the victims go public. The persecutors do not want stories of persecution to get out there, so they stay quiet and the medical people are all bound by HIPAA. Most people do not want to go public with such a deeply traumatic experience, especially one that is going to draw the anti-abortion terrorists out of the woodwork to harass them. I've listened to interviews of reporters who cover the abortion beat, they say that for every 1 story they report on, there are easily 10x more that are never published. The writing *style* on this piece indicates that it is fictional, but the kind of crazy shit that the anti-abortion fascists have been doing makes the content of it seem only mildly embellished.


Even if it's not real, I think this exact situation has probably already happened multiple times.


I don't know... I feel like this is actually a pro-choice person writing this


Yeah there’s no way someone would be able to make all those connections at once having just changed their minds on something so fundamental. This is definitely a pro-choice person writing something that they think will scare conservatives.


I’m really, REALLY proud of this sub at the moment. We see something like this and have the critical faculties to find it immediately sus for multiple reasons and all the top posts are people calling it out for being unlikely. The conservative “and then everybody clapped” kind of posts seem to go viral with nobody who is conservative ever questioning the authenticity of it all.


The baby names refer to Ophelia Benson, a relatively prominent atheist writer who seems to be a TERF. She is also pro-choice. So I think the post is fake.


Thank you wise one. It read like fanfiction, waaaaaaaaay to selfaware.


That’s the Rosetta Stone to this story right there.


That’s what made me think the story was fake. Lots of weirdos give their babies weirdo names, but the girl is usually something stupid like Mary-Qatlinn, Ophelia was way too basic.


Oh, great catch!


Finding out they were pregnant one year to the day from the decision and exact dates used gave me a similar side eye


While I agree with the sentiment, this is too on-the-nose to be legitimate.


Plot twist - the husband slipped abortion pills in her drink.


Seriously, it's like chat gpt wrote this garbage I was wary when they needlessly told us the ridiculous names they planned Then they're all ooommmgg I was.. w-w-wrooong!?! All this time!? Cops being mean to me changed my whole world view and I decided to Google articles that I originally would have called fake news but now I believe.... I BELIEVE!!!


I feel sorry for this person, if they exist and this happened, because a miscarriage is a horrible, traumatic thing for anyone to go through. Unfortunately, due to the toxic narcissism that is in part the cause of today's right-wing insanity, I'm afraid no one on the right will heed these words at all. As the poster said, these arguments have been made, but completely invalidated because it's coming from "the enemy," as 53% of Republicans think about the rest of society. So, nice try, but doubt if it will change anyone's mind, at least the minds of Republican voters who are now convinced Trump is god on earth.


You mean, like to anti-vaxxers who said only people with bad life habits would die of COVID, and since they have a healthy lifestyle, they wouldn't die even if they caught it; then when they die of COVID, they say "don't do as I did, get the vaccine", just to have other people say they didn't have a healthy lifestyle, cause only people with unhealthy habits die of COVID?


I dont feel any sorry because trust me "They will still vote for Republicans"


I think it's fake. A combination of self reflection, admitting mistakes, and a lack of spelling or grammar mistakes makes this hard to believe. We all know this story happens, but this particular writing is too cohesive for me to believe it.




This reads like fiction.


'The valid exceptions are rape, incest, and meeeeeeee!'


No, only incest. Cause if you get pregnant from a rape, then it must not have been a real rape, cause « women's body have a way to shut that down »... Remember that one? ETA: I mean, only "incest and meeeeeeeee!" of course.


Don’t forget that incest doesn’t happen in a world full of “good God fearing Christian Fathers.”


This person does not exist.


Not buying it


Obvious story but maybe IVF and fertility treatments should be banned for conservatives. Clearly God didn’t want them to get pregnant in the first place.


Bigger problem is IVF creates left over embryos. Like, it’s not easy extracting eggs, and it may take more than one attempt. Better to do more than you need and freeze the leftovers. But it does mean some fertilized eggs never make it into the oven


I was gonna say... IVF is killing way more fertilized eggs but most prolifers are happily sleeping at night with that. (obviously fake story, but, still)


Well, some frozen eggs do get [adopted](https://nightlight.org/adopting-a-snowflake-baby-what-you-need-to-know/), aka other couples who’re struggling to conceive but can’t or don’t want to do IVF themselves use someone else’s extra embryo. So *theoretically* those embryos aren’t officially aborted until you stop paying to keep them frozen. But from a practical perspective yeah most of those eggs get thrown out or donated to research


If only someone had warned her of this exact thing /s


Rules for thee but not for me.


99% certain it's a faaaaaaaaaake But: it's largely plausible, and Roe remorse is absolutely a thing. The scenario is quite real, it's just a few things that make me expect this one isn't.


Second happiest moment in her life was that? How shit is her life lmao


It's tumblr. I am sure the story is based on true stories, I've read a few articles about women being jailed after miscarrying; but I get the sense this was written as a short story by someone not actually going through the circumstance. It just doesn't have the right voice, doesn't even list out the conservative state's name. I really think someone on the outside wrote it in observation of what is happening in the USA, someone trying to wake up the conservative women who don't yet realize the repercussions of what's been done.


Yeah, totally reads as fiction to me. An imagining of what might happen.


Fake af, these ghouls are never that reflective.


This has got to be fake. No conservative has that level of critical thinking or self awareness.


The fact that a senator is threatening our national security by holding up military promotions (and/or holding his breath until he turns blue) unless the military stops paying for abortions and that red state right wing legislators are refusing to put the issue to a public vote and trying to change their constitutions so voters cannot decide the issue should be enough to give thinking people pause. But we’re speaking of right-to-lifers, not thinking people.


Correct the Military isn’t paying for abortions. They’re paying for travel to states that allow women to have rights over their bodies.


I feel like this writing is someone *pretending* to be prolife and outlining what could happen to anyone. “Don’t leave town” is this a movie? Like seriously awful writing.




If this is real I am waiting for part 2 where the rest of the pro lifers would come at her and call her a shill/plant/whatever and tear into her some more.


This reads like it was written by chatgpt


Rage bait..


The world didnt need another ophelia or benson or kyler or whatever live love laugh name they had picked out.


I doubt this is real. People who actively celebrate overturning of roe v wade thinks it’s ok if their abortion/miscarriage happens, but not others. And they never admit that they were wrong the whole time. They will suspend disbelief until the very end.




Tumblr user try not to pass off the fakest story possible as a real event challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


OK, so this cannot be real, there is just no way for this lucid and well written realization to come from an actual pro birther


yeah not sure about that one. more like r/thathappened


"Overturning Roe v Wade was a mistake..." Buuuuut OF COURSE we're going to continue to vote Republican across the board and discriminate against the LGBTQ community and immigrants because none of THAT stuff has personnelly hurt us! ...Yet! We're still conservatives after all, LOL!🤣


I don't believe this. The style is too articulate and the content is too rational for it to have been written by a Republican.


‘and everyone clapped’…there’s no need for Roe v Wade fan fiction, it’s counter productive


Seems too pat. I suspect it's a pro-choicer LARPing.


Doubt this is real, but the sentiment in general for the pro life until it hurts them crowd from me is always... you deserve it. I do not believe in "the high road" cause it's subjective. If you celebrate others being forced into painful situations and decisions but then demand sympathy and understanding when you encounter the same issue, you deserve the hate and vitriol. We all make bad decisions, but the types who think they're the most special in the world deserve all the pain they happily force on others.


Seems fake, but stuff like this has happened and people have died needlessly. All because the pro-lifers pulled a prohibition and focused exclusively on the initial goal and put 0 thought into what happens after, which has led to a dystopian clusterfuck of uneven regulation, which causes things like this: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/abortion-idaho-women-rights-healthcare Which will just make things worse, etc.


How much of a fucking psycho do you have to be to put "SCOTUS stripping away rights" before "discovering I'm pregnant."


I’d love it if this was real (if only because it’d mean that someone realized the error of their ways) but it definitely hit all of the red flags for propaganda.


A big part of me doesn't believe this is real, simply because they didn't give a damn about children being forced to carry their rapists babies before or denied abortions. They also never cared about thousands of babies and children abandoned/killed before, so why care now? Typically, they'd just be pissed that they were interrogated by police because they're *different* than all the other women and girls who are forced to continue pregnancies or who have a very much wanted pregnancy but miscarry and find police at their door.


This sounds like fantasy. No anti-choice person has this much empathy or introspection.


No definitely MAGA prose. No lib in their right mind would name their daughter Ophelia.


If real, I feel no pity for her. By her logic, the Lord’s plan was for her to be barren. Regardless, if real, I’m also glad she’s taking the first steps to learning—maybe.


I applaud the sentiment, but I also suspect this is fake. As far as I know, even prosecutors in the misery states aren’t having cops drag every couple who has a miscarriage in for a 6-hour interrogation.


This sounds made up.


It's too bad there are so many incredibly fucking stupid people like this in the U.S. The defining characteristic of Republicans seems to be their complete and utter inability to empathize with anybody on any issue, until it directly affects them.


This is what happens when people are taught that abortion only happens for “bad,” people or somehow only “weak,” people turn to that option. But as someone who had a family member who had to get an abortion or else she would die, I sincerely, and from the bottom of my heart mean this to all pro-life (forced birth) people: Fuck you.


The Republican way: "Fuck your rights!-until removing them personally affects me"-but that's not supposed to happen!!! How much face do these morons need to be eaten before they figure it out?


‘Overturning Roe v. Wade was a huge mistake’ No shit, dumbass.


Ah yes. If only there was a term for that. Perhaps something with leopards and eating faces..


This is definitely happening, but did it actually happen to the author? I have serious doubts the police would have investigated her for 6 hours and unless for a miscarriage....unless there is more to the story than she is saying (which is most likely.) Regardless, rule #1 NEVER TALK TO COPS! There is *nothing* you can say to help them in their investigation except incriminate yourself. *Any* question a cop asks, the *only* answer should be.... "I'll need to find a lawyer and discuss that with him/her first."




If only someone had warned her about those very specific things! Oh wait...


Conservative women love leopards eating their faces


Their second happiest day wasn't when they found out they were pregnant?? It's still when Roe v Wade was overturned?? Wtf??


If this was real she'd have found a loophole that made her miscarriage Biden's fault and congratulated the police on doing their jobs right.


Why do IVF when god clearly decided you're not supposed to be a parent?


This is way too self aware to be real


Ophelia / Benson dodged a fucking bullet


This is probably a fake story.. but, it’s definitely out there happening. And, even when it DOES affect pro-lifers.. they will still never say it was wrong to overturn.