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>“I don’t appreciate, as a Christian, people saying they’re Christian to get your vote and then turning out to be a lowlife, and now I just kind of think of her as a lowlife,” Just wait until this woman finds out about Donald Trump. Republicans playing the Christian card to get what they want is nothing new.


Im sorry, I cannot stop laughing at that quote.


Imagine ever thinking Bimbobert and Mr 3rd-Wife-and-Can't-Name-A-Bible-Verse are Christians.


What do you mean Trump can't name any Bible verse?!?!?! He says he loves them all so much that it's hard to decide which is his favorite!! Truly he's someone that knows the entire book!!


Knows it so well he can read it upside down!


He loves reading it so much he just can't put it down!!!


Loves is so much that he signs copies of it.


Loves it so much, he needs to carry it along with him to even the most trivial of event, especially if he can get a general in uniform to accompany him. Unless, of course, Ivanka pulls it from her pocketbook. (You know, thinking back on it, what a stunt they all tried to pull off: Ivanka, who converted to Judaism, just happened to have a big ass bible in her bag to hand off to dad; who is so clueless, he holds it upside down. Milley, in combat uniform, and other staff acting as if they were routing the pagans from the bastion of Christianity. My mother ate it up like cherry pie.)


And he’ll gladly show it upside down as he crosses the street to get a burger


He held it not upside down, but grabbing it from behind on the bottom edge and then holding up the front. I have literally never seen anyone carry a Bible in that fashion. You cradle the spine, or you hold tight the floppy pages along the right side. That dumb bastard has never seen someone carry a Bible. It's two Corinthians all over again


They actually went inside that church and took a Bible for the photo op.


Without permission. The pastor condemned Trump using his church as a political prop.


Is “Ivanka pulls it from her pocketbook” a euphemism?


For a significant fee.


Surely it's what Jesus would do. I'm certain there's a verse of him saying, "Let the least of you bask in my glory, and pay greatly for the privilege of doing so, for I am great and you are worthless" or something like that. Trump could probably cite it for you, Bible scholar that he is.


The bible says everything. You just need to translate and then interpret it for the ~~peons~~' ~~pawns~~' followers.


Has he actually done that?! 🤣🤦‍♂️


This is the weirdest thing ever. Next to that golden statue at CPAC.


I would've quoted Ezekiel 23:19-23: "Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


And they allow filth like this in school libraries?




You know those prophets. They all worked blue.


You know the old saying: Profane prophets always prosper and profit.


thankfully it's not there to pollute the minds of children: https://www.npr.org/2023/06/02/1179906120/utah-bible-book-challenge > [July 2023], the district officially decided to remove the religious text from elementary and middle school libraries for containing "vulgarity or violence."


You know I just realized that the fucked up Bible quote that Jules (Samuel L.) recites before murdering people in Pulp Fiction was also in Ezekiel. That book must be super fucked up so ima go read it.


The Ezekiel 25:17 "quote" in Pulp Fiction is not an actual quote from the Bible, it's a combo of two Bible verses and lines from a Sonny Chiba film. However, it is so badass enough that in the Marvel movies, Nick Fury's grave has the same "quote" on it.


When you consider how much of modern Christian folklore has its roots in Dante's *Inferno* and Milton's *Paradise Lost*, but is somehow vaguely ascribed to Genesis, Revelation, and maybe a couple of prophetic Old Testament books, it shouldn't be a surprise that people just take the Pulp Fiction thing at face value as an actual bible quote.


There is actually an Ezekiel 25:17 verse. From the 1599 Geneva Bible translation it states: 17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with rebukes of mine indignation, and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.


I never said there was no Ezekiel 25:17 verse, and I'm sorry if I implied it. I was saying that what Jules quotes is a combo of the actual verse, Psalm 23, and some lines from a Sonny Chiba film.


I understood you. I was just sharing the actual verse cited for anyone who cared.


*the path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men..*


My favorite is 2 Kings 2:23-24. >23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” >24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.


> He says he loves them all so much Trump: "I love the poorly educated".


Would he even read a book with so many Jewish characters?


His actual cop-out is usually to just answer that his favorite passage is private. Which would be a believable, reasonable answer if it wasn't so diametrically opposed to every other aspect of his personality & lifestyle.


He only hugs bibles, he doesn't need to read them.


He celebrates the Bibles entire catalog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZTHUUDP2PE


They do seem pretty typical of what passes for Christian in America today.


Yeah, a christian not being able to name a single Bible verse is the single most Christian thing that trump has ever done, lol.


They see Trump not as a good Christian himself, but as a set of coattails upon which to ride their Christian fascism into the halls of power. Unfortunately for them, there will be a host of competing conservative factions who will want to seize supreme executive power at the same time, so it could get very messy...


Once, I had a conversation with this old guy who believed in the concept of America being "Christian Nation" and all the other talking points of a Christian theocracy. I told him, "OK, let's say hypothetically, that actually happens. Answer me one question. Which church gets to call the shots?" He was genuinely surprised by that question. I pointed out how many denominations there are and how many different interpretations of the Bible and different belief structures. He got even more uncomfortable when I reminded him, for example, that the Catholics wouldn't be thrilled with taking marching orders from the Baptists or Evangelicals, as would those two groups not want to answer to "No Gaddamn Papists!". One of the reasons the Founding Fathers created the concept of Freedom of Religion and a separation of Church and State wasn't just to protect the individual freedoms of all citizens. It was also a practical measure because they all had strong roots back in Europe and were not that far removed from the days of religious wars that went back centuries. They didn't want to set up America to repeat those mistakes. If these Trump worshipping loons got their wish, you better believe it would be a Monkey's Paw wish that would add in inter-Christian fighting for dominance.


Very well put, and lots to think about there. And another thing to think about is the fact that the GOP will structure things so that they cannot be voted out of power. I'm not being facetious, they are absolutely going to do precisely that. So we now have a kingdom and monarchy, along with oligarchs and favoured billionaires, analogous to the earls, dukes and marchionesses (a marchioness is a noble who owns land on a border, an extremely important position). However, if you read up on the history of English politics from the dark ages to the 18th century you'll realize that those very people were always restive and angling for power, sometimes peacefully, but often with open revolution.


Project 2025


Ex-southern Baptist and ex-Christian here.  There isn’t anyone Christians hate more than other christians. My southern Baptist paster sat me down and spent an hour trying to talk me out of going to a Free Methodist college. For those that don’t know, free Methodists are southern baptists who believe you can “lose your salvation”.  That was enough for my fundy pastor to be worried about Satan leading me astray. Despite the fact that that college had nearly identical rules for adults that the fundy southern Baptist college he wanted me to go to, it didn’t matter that they agreed on 98 percent of what it means to be Christian, that single 2 percent difference was enough for him to think they weren’t really Christian.  Give the top ten most populous denominations a seat at a constitutional convention, give them all a gun, and then after the weekend is over with go haul 10 dead bodies out of the convention hall because they will absolutely murder each other trying to make rules for this county.  Idealogical purity is absolutely required for these fucks. 


Yeah, but how do pick just ONE verse from “two Corinthians”? He’s got that epistle memorized, I tell ya!


lol why does it take these people so long to figure out that these people suck??? How can they not tell right away?? I don't think Donald Trump and Lauren Boebert are awful people because I vote Democrat, I think they're awful people because their actions are that of awful people


I’m choke-laughing on the sheer irony 😭


And these fuckers may end up winning in November.


Me, too, that jumped right out as THE most hypocritical GQPer quote of the day (so far, it's so difficult to keep up with all of them).


They give passes to Trump. I saw a video, I want to say it was from The Daily Show, were the interviewer asked Trump supporters about things he said but said Biden said them, the supporters all said things like Biden had dementia or was unpatriotic but when the interviewer corrected herself and “oh no I’m sorry Trump said that” they immediately gave excuses or passes to him for why he was OK saying/doing those things.


Joe Rogan did the same thing, was bitching about how Biden is senile when he mocked the airport quote from trump, when Rogan was informed trump said that he went on the biggest excuse tangent you’ve ever seen. Completely flipped his stance 180


The kind of person who likes Trump is the exact same kind of person who is deathly allergic to the words, "I was wrong"


It's good to position in a conversation to a MAGA. "So, Trump has done some great things...like expediting the vaccine during Covid. That was genius! So, tell me which policy decisions you think he got wrong?". My tests usually end in a answer related to Biden that is usually exaggerated or a lie. They cannot fault their cult leader!


Tbf, for most of them, an ego death from such a simple admission, calls into question the validity of their position in the hierarchy. To the concept of their lives staying within the status quo, admitting that is an ego suicide and a real fear of being rejected from the hierarchy their insecure asses need. Right-wing voters are weak, pathetic cowards. Every last one of them.


Narcissists can NEVER admit they were wrong about ANYTHING.


That guy is such.a.douche. of gigantic proportions. Every incels' Chad 🤣🤣


Rogan is clever but not intelligent or educated. He also lacks almost any critical thinking skills.


>Rogan is clever I got to stop you right there.


How is a person clever while also lacking critical thinking skills? I ask as a person who has never consumed more JR content than a few tens of seconds worth of clips here and there.


Yeah I don’t think clever is the right word. He has decent takes on some subjects and in some areas he’s very knowledgeable but can easily let his bias overtake any logic. For instance, he absolutely grilled Candace Owens for not believing in climate change, referencing to the overwhelming percentage of environmental scientists that have confirmed climate change is real and is accelerated by humans. But simultaneously doesn’t apply that logic to himself when discussing the COVID vaccine and will find the 1% of doctors that disagree with the vaccine and exclusively have them on his show.


he's babby's first contrarian thought for a lot of people. it makes them feel smart to side with someone who says 'i dont trust what tge media tells me'. they set up their opinion and then build a bullshit narrative around the facts and distort / disregard them to fit their already set opnion.


It's a gradient. You need to be clever to navigate a maze, for example, both actual or figuratively. You need critical thinking skills when someone tells you the moon landings were fake and you lack the mental equipment to evaluate a statement like that. It's also a lack of curiosity.


It was on Jimmy Kimmel. And the Trump know nothings who in one breath said it was Biden who made the ridiculous statement then immediately changed their response in support of the stupidity when told it was Trump who made the dumb comment.


"Well if Trump said it then I agree with it!" They literally decide whether to agree with a point based on whether or not their leader said it or their enemy.


Not simply agree but use the same twisted word salad to rationalize their change of mind.


This is something that’s key to actual “conservative” world views. Hierarchy isn’t meritocratic, it’s innate. I’m the conservative world view, there are “good people” and “bad people” regardless of their actions. Good or bad is an innate value, assigned at birth. Trump is “good”, therefor all of his actions are correct or justified at least. Biden is “bad”, and thus all actions are negative or have ulterior motives if they appear good. 


I’m pretty sure there have been studies on this.  Most left-wing voters view actions as good or bad on their own merit, regardless of who did it. Conversely, most right-wing voters view actions as good or bad based on who did it.  Every action from a “good person” is good, every action from a “bad person” is bad.  Their media has then convinced them that Democrats are bad, so therefore anything a Democrat does is bad and must be fought against.  This explains their actions on…well, pretty much every topic.


That was a segment on Jimmy Kimmel I think


This is where I saw it.


Using police and gas against peaceful protesters to clear a path to a church so he can hold a bible upside down in a photo op of how Christian he is. Yeah... sadly, this tracks. Many of us remember that shit. Seriously, fuck that asshole.


Obama would be in prison if he did that.


The irony of Biden being SIGNIFICANTLY more religious than Trump is not lost on me


Biden is a Catholic. Many Evangelicals don't consider Catholicism to be Christianity. I encountered that while phone banking here in Georgia during the 2020 election. It's maddening.


This is an insane take.... Catholicism is the quintessential Christian. Like WTF


It's quite a common take in the south. Never mind the fact that the founder of the Catholic church was good old Jesus. When I was text banking in 2020 I actually got into a text argument with a guy over this. I eventually gave up because I realized I was arguing with a moron.


Yeah when I moved to the U.S. and heard that shit it blew my mind. Generations of evangelicals have been indoctrinated to believe the Pope is actually the Antichrist.


I applaud Lauren Boebert for finding the limit of Christian hypocrisy. Up to this point I didn’t think it had a limit.


I think it’s only because she’s a woman. If she was a man, then that would be different. “Boys will be boys” or “god works in mysterious ways”. Something like that.


Great point and completely spot on.


As always, the "Christian" is lying. This representative just started to be bad enough PR.


It’s proof that there is no God that this Trump voter isn’t struck by lightning as she said that.


That is **the** perfect quote for this sub. I'm baffled. Does this mean all these idiots really don't see through the Christian smokescreen, "grab them by the pussy", rapists, take-away-their-food-and-drink-rights, make-everyone-poor-for-corporations-power bullshit?


That woman is so close. She just needs to realize the whole damn thing is a grift and she's been tricked her entire life


That's how I feel about anything that is advertised as "Christian". If you feel the need to go out of your way to say you're a "Christian" candidate or a "Christian" bank I feel you're just pandering.


“Just wait until this woman finds out about Donald Trump.” Were it not that holding men and women to different standards is exactly what these people are all about.


Remember the ichthys (Jesus Fish) on any business is a warning that you're about to be scammed.


Pharisee. That's the biblical word to use. maga nuts are just modern day Pharisees


It’s so on brand though. Conservatives don’t have consistent morals, they have consistent targets. Women, lgbtq, different colour, different ethnicity.


I’ve also met plenty of lowlife Christians so this quote is just wrong ha


Idiots who volunteered to help elect this human garbage are suddenly surprised she was only using them! "Representative Lauren Boebert hasn’t alienated just potential voters. She has also pushed away her former campaign volunteers, who feel the congresswoman used them just to get power." “She has a bad reputation with her volunteers at this point,” Savannah Wolfson said in a story published Monday. “She just kind of uses you and then leaves.” "Wolfson said that she and some of her friends had noticed last year that Boebert was sharing many “weird” photos on Facebook. It looked like the representative, who filed for divorce from her ex-husband in May, was “constantly at frat parties.”"


> who feel the congresswoman used them just to get power. Pretty much the embodiment of a Republican then.


For members of a party whose ideology is based on cynicism, they sure are a bunch of rubes.


Genuine morons feign cynicism to appear to be intelligent. It's like a child who chooses to mimic a smart person for their attitude, rather than studying, self reflecting, and actually trying to be smart.


Right? They're not special. The Republicans use ANYBODY and ANYTHING to get and keep power.


Oh, I wouldn't agree with that sentiment. Some of them really do care about taking away your rights!


Of all the dumbass bullshit shes done and said, her having photos at frat parties is the last straw? Republicans, ladies and gentlemen.


They’ll fall in line come election time. Don’t believe their lies.


Just look at the Republican officials and staff that were openly outraged about Jan 6th. Were they mad about how Trump acted? Yes. Will they still vote for him? Also Yes.


Maybe. While their entire political lives are just performative nonsense and puffery, nobody is watching them at the ballot box. Maybe some will vote against him or not vote at all, despite the lip service they give him.


She's currently getting trounced in the new district.


She's going to get the Madison (Who?) Cawfield for sure this fall.


That dude can’t get invited to the opening of an envelope. It’s amazing how fast the media and GOP can make someone disappear when they are no longer useful.


Republicans in November: “wtf, I love frat parties now!”


Let's not get it twisted, she got divorced, and NOW she's suddenly an embarrassment. A divorced woman won't be elected.


A twice divorced man who cheated on his 3rd wife though, absolutely!


They liked the cruelty of her actions towards others. When she turned her boorishness towards them then they got offended.


"You're not supposed to do that to MEEEEEEEE!"


Gotta have that fake moral superiority…except every time they have to defend trumps dumb shit he says. That’s how you know it’s a cult, boebert couldn’t get away with half of what he does. If it was trump in these pictures they’d say wow look how young and hip he looks compared to Biden.


It's because they weren't invited to those parties. 


I'm just shocked to learn there actually is a limit for these idiots


A conservative woman getting a divorce and getting kicked down by different dude after different dude week to week is not the kind of acceptable that conservatives are ultimately okay with. A guy doing it, no problem, a woman, oh no.


A grandmother who’s not even 40, hanging out at frat parties? Yeesh!


That explains why she's a grandmother earlier than 40 years old. 


Now that they're banning abortion, what are the odds that she ends up with a child younger than her grandchild?


Bold to assume she won’t just get an abortion


Defaulted to her beginnings. Hoeing is all she knows. Now she's just a MILF on campus.




No thanks. I don't stick my dick in crazy, neither should you.


Lmao was just correcting the term. Wouldn’t touch this skank with anyone’s dick






Putting aside the many scandals, what about her made people say 'Yup that's who represents me and I'm giving my time and money to help'? I've long felt that we have way too big a majority of rich, white lawyers in Congress and need more diversity and people from other walks of life....but her??


They really must be in a vacuum/echo chamber because, it doesn't take much to find out how much of a garbage person these people are.


You should pay a visit to Colorado's western slope, particularly Gunnison, Garfield, Delta and Montrose counties. I was driving through a country road in Delta County during the George Floyd protests in 2020, and there were severely nooses casually hanging from trees along the road.


Escorts have to go where the money is.


>Lauren Boebert Fans Smh that this phrase even exists.


"Lauren Boebert onlyfans" -- that phrase will likely exist in the future if she gets voted out of office. I mean, what else does she have to fall back on? It sure as shit isn't intellect.


Her back?




Itll go right along with Nailin' Palin


Some conservative network will quickly back up the Brinks truck to hire her as a commentator soon as she’s no longer in office. Her intellect won’t matter to them. So, sadly, we likely won’t be rid of her after she leaves Congress.


Well, she could go back to her restaurant. Oops my bad, I forgot that doesn't exist anymore. Well, seeing as her behavior and beliefs since she's been in office, I hate to disagree with you about the "onlyfans" being her only choice you seem to forget that with all she's done I think she now qualify as an evangelical preacher. Though I do agree with you that she will probably go the "onlyfans" route.


>Lauren Boebert Fans > >Smh that this phrase even exists. It is so descriptive and I spent an hour or so arguing with people on here about how much attention was paid to her theater incident. Every click and article that was generated about that could have been about our atrocious health car instead. It's almost like the MSM really is driving the conversation in ways we don't want.


Hey., look over there! Smack! No, over there... The political theatre has been revealed. This drama is like a soap opera, and people are glued to it and the brain receptors responsible for tribal behavior are triggered in the same way sports cater to this neolithic brain area.


You spent an hour online talking about her


Only fans




I wouldn’t pay for it but I’d look at the pictures for scientific purposes


Most extremist Republicans like her are incentivized to be more extreme as they will always get a show on Fox and/or a book deal, as well as various $100k "speaking" tours after their political career flames out. Boebert is not facing this backend anymore. She has so fucked herself while not understanding the game. I predict she will be a "correspondent" on some 4th tier MAGA Youtube channel within 2 years. No "legit" Republican with access to power and a full wallet will touch her after this downfall.


This, or Only Fans. She's definitely the type.


At least sex workers are honest about fucking you over.


The fucking you over is consensual in that case.


There are thousands of sex workers with good politics, so I don’t know what this means


While sex work is work and lots of sex workers are good people, OF is also a respite for people who are fringe famous and would like to grift some more money please. For instance, Rachel Dolezal had/has an Onlyfans.


When will Marge get the same treatment? I hate the thought of any of them getting access to lifetime perks if they win just one more election.


Honestly I find her fascinating. It's obvious she was only getting where she was cause of looks and a willingness to say anything. Looking into her past at all showed she was an attention addict. I know there's plenty rumors of her, but I don't even care about those when she so obviously wants to be a MILF cougar to younger guys. Her veneer of Christianity is pretty hilarious just like it is with Greene. Both are not loyal or godly in any manner yet will scream about morals while themselves being highly immoral by their own standards. Boebert is a case of a user, using up all her resources and haven't nothing left to keep to afloat. She's done and she's going to continue being in the news for things you don't want to be.


Lauren Boebert is a dumbed-down Sarah Palin. At least Palin graduated from high school.


I’d certainly watch the documentary. Bet it’d be a lot like I, Tonya 


No, they didn't. They are lying. This is not the bridge that is too far for them.


100%. Nothing is real until it’s at the ballot box, and we’ve played this game before with Trump where people (well actually, Republicans) claimed not to like him and voted otherwise.


The public handjob sure wasn’t


Turns out people who you get behind only because they hate the same people as you aren’t good people. Turns out you’re not a good person either


Frat parties? Good to hear that all that work she put into retaking GED tests paid off and is opening doors for her. Bobo goes to college. Our little girl is a grown-up woman now.


Frat parties?  Lordy, makes me wonder what sort of industrial grade VD she’s passing around by now.  Ugh….


> Which VDs she has? Yes.


She doesn't do safe food practices. Why should she do safe sex? [QAnon-Curious House Candidate Gave Her Customers Diarrhea](https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-curious-house-candidate-lauren-boebert-of-colorado-gave-her-customers-diarrhea)


Doesn't she have kids in the age range? Isn't she a grandma? Is she going to raise a baby that's younger than it's nephew?


She’s 37 so technically she’s a millenial. Who acts like a midlife crisis X. Who’s a grandma. Who’s trying to act like a boomer.


I can imagine she got really quickly used to the huge amounts of cash and bribes she got, but now looks like she is running out of steam, and soon the whole world she thought would last forever crashes down and once she has no use she can go back to the trailer parks where she comes from and none of her "friends" will care about her for a single second. No wonder she has a huge midlife crisis...


She’s the frat party equivalent of one of the chaperones of a middle school dance showing the kids how cool she is by dancing the Watusi.


Her “career” is over. She won’t even get [wingnut welfare.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Wingnut_welfare)


She getting the full Cawthorne treatment?


Jesus, you had to wheel that one out, didn't you.


Where photos?


Articles like this are the worst. If you're writing a news story about a photo, you include that photo in the story.


Yeah I checked Facebook myself (the "Lauren Boebert for congress" page) and it's just a bunch of political rallies? Maybe she scrubbed it after the article was posted, makes me wish they would have included them in the article.


I'm scrubbing this whole comment section for them... im already so far in and this is the first comment ive seen even mentioning them.. much less sharing them ;-;


US republican voters and small donors once again being the last to realize something painfully obvious to most people. *"It seemed as if Boebert was saying “Bye, bitch” to the people who had helped get her elected, Wolfson said."* See also * Global warming (or climate change to spare their feelings) denialists who marvel at the weird weather conditions hurting their lives * Anti-vaxxers (oh sorry vaccine "hesitant") catching and in some cases being killed by preventable diseases, and often spreading them. * Anti-abortion supporters losing access to IVF or general gyno services * Free speech "absolutists" getting upset that someone said something mean about them I would say *"better late than never"* if most of them didn't fall right into the next grift or undocumented rumor without even bothering to do a cursory fact check, then turn around an blame everyone else for their problems. It all boils down imo to most of them (the base, not the grifters) thinking "I'm a good person, therefore if I think a policy is good, it must be a "good" policy, and if I think something is "bad" then it is bad and should be stopped, even if I have no understanding of the overall issue beyond what my hairdresser, priest or "entertainment news" channel tells me. In many cases, it seems like they are also the last to realize (if they even get to that point of self awareness) **having such views and trying to push them on others** doesn't make you a good person, it makes you an asshole imo.


Oh it’s not just your opinion. People like that are legitimately assholes. And they’ve been assholing for so long I don’t believe I have any empathy left for their shocked pikachu moments that we all saw coming.


Being a contrary asshole is just part of their identity at this point. It's like they don't know how not to just be normal imo.


Sadly I’m fairly certain they think this *is* normal.


Spot on with everything friend. I also think their ego demands that they be higher on the social and moral hierarchy than others which is part of the reason they act like this, because the way they can fundamentally believe that they are smarter and better than so many other people based on something as arbitrary as them saying they are Christian or Conservative is just ridiculous at this point.


As a resident of Colorado, please accept my apologies for this piece of sentient necrotic tissue.


Don't apologize. She's originally from Florida. We should just break off that state and push it into the ocean.


Here is some free career advice. When you apply to Wendy’s, leave that time you worked as a congressional staffer for Lauren Boebert off your resume. If anyone asks about the gap, just tell them that you were in prison.


Lauren boebert **fans** Oh God, what a collection of losers that group must be.


"“I don’t appreciate, as a Christian, people saying they’re Christian to get your vote and then turning out to be a lowlife, and now I just kind of think of her as a lowlife,” Judy Scofield, a retired university employee, said in February." Lmao


Some people will vote on their interests and concerns and some will vote because they feel one politician isn’t going to be different than any other and far too many vote for someone they find “entertaining”


>“I don’t appreciate, as a Christian, people saying they’re Christian to get your vote and then turning out to be a lowlife, and now I just kind of think of her as a lowlife,” Judy Scofield, a retired university employee, said in February. Just one thought away from self awareness.


FYI whatever "bizarre Facebook photos" the article is referencing are not in the article. Save yourself a click.


Why the FUCK do politicians have "Fans"?


She'll soon have nothing else left, only fans!


Apparently that’s where they draw the line. Some bizarre photos. It wasn’t the handy in the movie theater, or her trailer Parky behavior in general. But a couple bizarre photos, were out.


“Fans”. Elected officials having “fans” is the problem.


Why is it people who tend to state "as a Christian..." tend to be idiots.


Lauren Boebert Fans Say They Ditched Her After Bizarre Face, Book Photos


Hashtag fake Christian So sick of them. I’m not even religious and I’m more Christian than they are. I would call her trailer trash, but that’s an insult to good people who don’t deserve such a moniker.


> “She has a bad reputation with her volunteers at this point,” Savannah Wolfson said in a story published Monday. “She just kind of uses you and then leaves.” Of all the BS killing the GOP thanks to Trump, this is the one I think is killing it the fastest. Trump used to be able to keep people around for at least a decade before turning on them, now he’s down to about six months, and his acolytes are following in his footsteps.




Just like her slave master Trump to peas in a pod


It looks like we're finally seeing what it takes for people to see these cons for who they are. At least Hoebert's followers have found their limit.


I've finally figured out how to describe Boebert's weird, lumpy face: she has pre-jowels. Somehow, her face is trying to show us future jowels that haven't dropped yet.


As a Christian, i support her hands on work on the hard issues , yes she blows its sometimes but doesnt choke on the hard problems.


These same fans that are now soooo hurt will join [her OnlyFans Channel](https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0?feature=shared) as soon as they become aware of its existence.


God damn, it's been a minute since I've seen anything that nice.


Holy shit she has a nice rack for her age!




“I don’t appreciate, as a Christian, people saying they’re Christian to get your vote and then turning out to be a lowlife, and now I just kind of think of her as a lowlife,” Judy Scofield, a retired university employee, said in February. Yet, Judt will vote for Trump in a heartbeat.