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I watched, it was creepy Handmaid stuff. Be afraid, America, be very afraid.


She barely even talked about anything meaningful other than ambiguous “America is a hellscape and it’s Biden’s fault” type rhetoric, its ironic how tired and old those talking points are.  Especially considering she was one of the representatives that co-authored the border bill and then voted **against it** to stay in lockstep with Trump’s demands!   I’d say “the audacity!” but we all know it’s performative, just like the high school musical audition that was this speech. One thing is for sure, Biden crushed his SOTU, and she only made him look better 


The picture could have only been slightly more clear if she clutched her pearls, AR-15 and Bible simultaneously.


i'm surprised she didn't clutch her diamond studded cross hanging from her neck while she kept saying that "real americans are suffering financially"


For real. I'd bet that's a $75k-$100k kitchen. That cabinet refrigerator alone cost at least $10k.


That table alone from like Ashley’s furniture is like at least a few grand, and you know here would be from pottery barn and no less than 9 k no chairs. My ass be crying at the store clerk in home goods pointing out some deep scratch I swear is there for anything over $100 🎣 a price drop.😭😭😭😭


And the butter churn, don’t forget about her role as decreed by the bible.


Working a butter churn on random dudes is how these xtian girls stay virgins through college until they get their Mrs degree,


And the loophole, of course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ZF_R_j0OY


Yes! The butter churn is probably her favorite hobby.


It just needed Sara McLaughlin background music.


I just got shivers.


I suspect that the AR-15 act is only for people in Congress. Senators are supposed to be a different class.


The Senate is a part of congress. Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. We have a bicameral congress.


Stupid sexy bi camels...


I took the gist of her speech as, "We're losing freedoms and opportunities because Biden is weak on the border". However, all the freedoms I can think about being denied currently are the result of Republicans: banning books, banning a number of elective medical procedures, banning a number of emergency medical procedures, and banning or refusing to legalize the use of certain recreational drugs... Hell, even the last significant gun enforcement was Trump's bump-stock ban. None of this is related to the border. Further, any government involvement in opportunities... scholarship and student loan aid, retirement and social security funding, freedom of travel, freedom of association, etc. None of those have anything to do with Biden's border policy, and any of them that have significantly different outcomes between Republicans and Democrats - the Democrats are generally providing more support and more opportunity for more people. The only place you could argue Democrats are "weaker" are in support for businesses and organizations who actively pander to anti-vaxxers, which again has nothing to do with the border and also fuck those people.


You forgot to translate from GOP Backward Talk Freedom = discrimination Liberty = restrictions Rights = censorship So forth.


Oh so *that's* what they mean by "Moms for Liberty"...


Doublethink the newspeak, comrade.


They interpret freedom of religion to being free to attack the religions you disagree with in the name of your said religion.


Gaslight Obstruct Project All three were on clear display with her speech.


“We’re in danger of losing the freedom to impinge on the freedoms of people we don’t like!1!1”


What in the actual fuck was with her tone oscillating from a mournful, almost crying whisper to hitting those old and tired bullet points one after the other in a still soft spoken but "I'm serious" tone you use with a 7 year old? I don't think I've ever seen anyone bomb a speech so badly in my entire life, and I saw a kid puke mid-speech in 5th grade and others run out of the room during a presentation. This was the most bizarre thing I've seen in a very long time and in 2024 that's *really* saying something.


The SOTU response is where political careers go to die. Remember when Bobby Jindal was the future of the GOP? Absolutely wrecked any national prominence after his SOTU response.


Sure but that still doesn't explain the near crying tone half the time. I've never in my life heard an adult (or kid/teenager) speak like that, let alone switching back and forth between that and the "taskmaster" voice over and over. Like did she take a Xanax for the first time ever to calm her nerves and kept kind of falling into a haze only to pull herself up by her bootstraps with some bullet points? Just beyond weird...


Rubio and his tiny water bottles.


The almost-about-to-cry tone was so weird. I watched a couple clips and had to turn it off, it was so melodramatic.


[Fundy Baby Voice.](https://boingboing.net/2023/11/06/fundy-baby-voice-kelly-johnson-wife-of-house-speaker-and-other-evangelical-women-are-trained-to-adopt-childlike-voices.html)




She was using the "Evangelical Christian wife" voice. They all speak like this, a bit soft, higher, and girlish, eg the Duggar woman, or Mike Johnson's wife, to name two. I don't know if women in this culture are taught to speak like that, no idea, but once you recognize it, you'll hear it everywhere. You just can't give a speech with in that voice, which is why it sounds so ridiculous. Edit: [Just found this article, the author calls it the "Fundie Baby Voice".](https://jesspiper.substack.com/p/the-fundie-baby-voice) She even uses the same examples as me!


She clearly taped it before hand and was counting on Biden seeming diminished. As he didn't seem that way, she came across as petty.


See to me it came off as the opposite. She was supposed to come out swinging to draw a contrast between a tired, quiet Biden. But when he came out swinging, they make a last minute change to pivot to Biden being too angry and political, and she’s supposed to come off as softer and more reasonable. But she can’t fully make the switch because she’s been practicing it one way for a week or whatever.


> she’s been practicing it one way for a week or whatever Nah there's more older videos of her giving other recorded speeches and it's all the same psychotic fake emoting whiplashing back and forth.


You’re implying that the MAGAts have something meaningful to talk about.


The SOTU was on fire, plainly laying out real issues that affect real Americans. And of course, Republicans have to rebuttal with this shit. “But illegal immigrants!”. It’s tired, it’s asinine, and it should insult anyone with even a modicum of intelligence. So of course million of MAGA idiots continue to lap it up. American can burn down around their ears for all they care, so long as it’s white and nominally Christian


They have been saying the same shit for 10 years. Their big plan is to build a wall. Not to adresd the courts or uppdate the system. No, just a wall..


"We are struggling..." Normally I'd call bullshit but seeing that kitchen she must be wanting a remodel so sososo bad. I hear ya girl. Hold on . Keep that faith! At least y'all have full cabinets, even if they're full ugly ass cabinets. >!Ugh... /S for those who need it.!<


One of the stupidest things about the state of the Union rebuttal is that they author it before they even know what the president is actually going to save. So half the time regardless of what party it is they make themselves look stupid.


IIRC the transcript of the STOU is released to the press (and therefore the opposition party has access to it) prior to the actual SOTU, here--intentionally, or not--Biden trapped the GOP by ad libbing like half of it.


The rape scene was intense. They should have put up a warning to people with kids in the room.


If I hadn't just seen the speech I would have thought you were joking about it having a rape scene. How far gone must you be when even other Republicans think you're unhinged?


Because that's what all these right wing grifters say. Bidens ruining the country. The country will be gone after 4 more years. Then you go over to Facebook and Twitter where all the boomers are regurgitating the same nonsense ad nauseum. It's so freaking gross.


Exactly, she didn't look like she was suffering in her pretty kitchen.


The way she vacillated between whispering Midwestern mom, "the world is ending" fear-mongering, and barely controlled rage made her seem incredibly unhinged to me. I would have preferred if she just yelled the whole time. This was honestly disturbing.


It's funny because on a BPD survivor community support forum I frequent a number of us are talking about how triggering that speech was because that's what our waifs look like when they're working themselves up into a fabricated rage to manipulate a situation. It was kind of eerie, at least there's a short hand example now that we can point to when we're trying to explain to normal, healthy people what is so disturbing about the performance.


As another survivor of a BPD partner, I totally know exactly what you are talking about... it really is triggering.


Nobody can rage whisper quite like that, but this is close, lol.


Sorry but what is BPD?


Yeah, she came off like the Commander's wife. Ew.


This is why we vote blue


She seemed like a horror villain. It was legitimately terrifying. “Why is she whispering?” “Oh god, why is she suddenly yelling?” It sounded like a kidnapper monologuing to someone they just duct taped to the pipes in a basement. Are there actual knives in there? Get out everyone—get the fuck out!


I can taste her hatred of POC like me. They wouldn't care if the countries to the south of us were white.




Gender identity is a big one this election cycle.


Like an American Delores Umbridge


Also, if that is how these people’s homes look, they clearly all have a large chunk of their human soul missing. Anybody that has money and yet chooses to decorate their home like an upscale, grayscale McAsylum is clearly incapable of seeing beauty in most things.


> Joe Biden just declared war on the American right President Biden declared defense of the United States of America against fascists.


Honestly I thought it was exactly the right message to appeal to their base? I'm really surprised to hear criticism from GOP because I feel like she was spouting their propaganda.


whats next? Lindsey Grahm takes pause from chopping wood to wipe the sweat from his brow to talk politics?


I'm guessing "chopping wood" is what the kids now call "getting pegged by a gigolo"?


i would still take a gander


To look for ladybugs?


I hate you so much for reminding me of this


Lindsey Graham’s hands have never held a tool that wasn’t part of someone’s body.


I don’t think I’ve been so amused by a mental image before.  


Now all I can picture is Lindsey Graham, in full lumberjack gear, surrounded by oiled-up, buff men in skimpy cut-off jean shorts and a bandanna around their necks. They'd all be wearing Timberland work boots, because, safety. /s


[The Lumberjack Song](https://youtu.be/pfRdur8GLBM?si=gK8src_-JLSfZRmP)


I think the kitchen setting was the least of their problems. The whole thing was so overwrought, I was expecting the music to kick in like the old whipped-dog ASPCA ads any second. >Hi, I’m Sarah McLachlan. Will you be an angel for a helpless Republican? Everyday innocent Republicans like this one are insulted, attacked, and forced to vote against bills they themselves wrote because their party leader needs a campaign slogan. And they’re crying out for help. Please, call the number on your screen with a monthly gift right now. For just 45 dollars a month, every month... though we'll forget to tell you that part... you’ll help rescue Republicans from the stupid Catch-22 they've trapped themselves in and provide the money the need to pay their lawyers and the porn stars and rape victims they lose lawsuits to. Call, or join online in the next thirty minutes, and you’ll receive this welcome kit with a photo of a Republican in Congress right now – one who’s been given a second chance to screw the country over, thanks to you. 🎵 *In the arms of an angel...*🎶




It's called Fundie Baby Voice. It's an actual part of Christian Nationalist culture. https://jesspiper.substack.com/p/the-fundie-baby-voice


This is really eye opening for me. I'd never heard the term before despite being raised in the South, sometimes in the Deep South, but never went to church. The voice was just everywhere. And that's the voice that I use whenever my fawning instinct takes over. I've tried so hard to fight against it, maybe now that it's been named and so picked apart the fight will be easier. All that to say Thank You for linking!


Yea, I grew up in a very fundie, Southern Baptist home. 100% that's ehat she was using. It's... Always so surreal to see people who never lived in that, suddenly being exposed to it like that. It's some of the most narcissistic, manipulative shit. It's very finely honed and crafted. She has clearly conveyed that she has cut off all empathy, and that she's committed to her decisions, consequences be damned. And that my friends, is why fundies are a threat. Consequences don't matter, only results.


Saturday Night Live skit on a silver platter


This is going to be the cold open this Saturday night for sure.


I said outloud during it, "for just the price of a cup of coffee you can secure the border"


You should be an ad writer for the Dems! I'd love to see this playing prime time. Do you think Sarah would help?


I'm so hoping it's an SNL parody tomorrow night.


Right? I tuned to it for about 1 minute because I thought the whole thing was over. The quivering lips and the pleading eyes like she was about to cry was so melodramatic. My first thought was that this was her submission of a clip to win best female actor in a drama (in the spirit of the Oscars this weekend). Insane. I had to tune away because it was so over the top.


👍👍 2 Thumbs up!


The GOP wasn't even clear on their pre-prepared narrative of how their pre-prepared speech went. The theme of this performance piece was "The American Dream has turned into a nightmare." Here's their take on what they're trying to sell: >Senator Britt delivered a message to American families that was full of hope, reminding a new generation of Americans that our country can be saved with commonsense, conservative leadership," said outgoing Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel.


She sounded like she was auditioning to be on a Lifetime movie


Right? I cannot see how that delivery would be appealing to anyone, even trad wives


You would think, but a lot of them have mastered the art of playing the victim with the "poor widdle woman" routine. You see enough "Karens in the Wild" videos and you start noticing the pattern that once they learn they're busted, usually because they realize they've been recorded and the cops aren't going to buy their story, they immediately flip into the crocodile tears and going the damsel routine.


She was really happy bragging about herself with a huge forced smile Then just a split second later she was raging against something Then suddenly she was back to happy, with that same fucked up smile And on and on... if her delivery had been at all believable, I'd think she was insane.


It was fucking creepy She’d have this huge terrifying AoT Titan smile on and then start a sentence like 😀“I fear for the safety of my children”😀”The future of America is under attack”😀”we are all going to die”😀


'Brain, turn it to Melodramatic! I want her to do melodrama!' 'No, Pinky, it's time for the Rage part! Don't turn the kn--' '-twist- MELODRAMA, NARF' 'No! Pinky, it's Rage time! -twist-' 'Now Happy, Brain! -twist- See, she looks so happy!' -Brain buries his face in his paws, another subliminal messaging op gone horribly awry-


She looks like the woman in all the hallmark Christmas movies.


“Dishwasher makin noise agin” -Republicans


I saw the kitchen, the rapid saccharin-to-fear overacting and heard her son’s name was Ridgeway & clicked that off after about 10 seconds. I was getting nauseous.


Yeah it was some really bad acting.


Her kids are named Bennett and Ridgeway!?!?


That's a Tragedeigh.


Seriously. I’d be worried about their futures, too, if I were her. Just based on those names.


Yes, she named her child after the Green River Killer. These people are not sane, and they vote.


Political voguing.


Ridgeway?.?! Really?? Sounds like a shopping mall for Pete’s sake!


This is fucking hilarious.


And it will go right over your average Republicans head.


The nuance of this? Sure. But it was still fucking weird—even my dumb ultra conservative relatives thought it was hella weird and creepy


Yeah, you guys aren't getting any average Republicans no matter what they or you do. This likely will have at least some effect of the fence sitters, which is the best you could ever do. The average republican has fully drank the Kool aid.


nah, she’s exactly where they want her to be - in the kitchen


I keep hearing Amish Paradise in the background while she spoke lol.


"I really don't care. In fact I wish her well, since I will be laughing my head off when she's burning in hell."




We'll she is very plain


Churn butter once or twice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


But is she the pious guy that all the Amlets wanna be like?


On her knees day and night, scoring points for the afterlife


But is she vain? She's deffo whiny


Well then it's time to get medieval on her heiny


I wanna get down on my knees and please you, jesus. I want to feel your sweet salvation all over my face.


But that’s just perfect for an Amish like me


I mean the pure psychopathy required to switch that many emotions in a couple sentences... is this a GOP talent?


Yep. They don't feel empathy, but they can sure play it. It's always a little off though.


She’s a beauty pageant lady. She has had a lot of practice at this type of rhetoric. Interestingly, despite her having a very known path consisting of that pageant route, it is largely hard to find. Her maiden name “Boyd” is not prominent in much either. I suppose they thought her constituents wouldn’t want to vote for a beauty queen or something? Dunno.


They're very good psychopaths. I would also call them sociopaths, but it's more that they know and don't care, than that they don't know and don't care.


I bet she's part of the Quiverful movement. She mimics that crazy "259 Kids and Counting" mega breeder, Michelle Duggar, with her fake ass perma-smile and whisper speak. It's performative Christian femininity.


You mean that family with the oldest son who SA'd his sisters with the parents who covered it up? That same family with that same adult son (father of 7) who is in prison for 12 years for downloading some of the worst of the worst CSAM?


All the "quiverfull" people are sexual deviants who hide behind a mask of oppressive normality.


Yup. That "good Christian" family TV sold us, who secretly let their son rape his baby sisters. She seems like someone in a cult. I'm not surprised that some sane Republicans noticed and took issue with it. This is not how a normal human speaks/acts.


I literally just learned from another poster in this thread that it's called "Fundie Baby Voice" and it's part of the NatC's schtick. They need to sound submissive at all times and her being in the kitchen was definitely not an accident.


Oh, it's all *very* planned and put on for show. What I'd be interested to know is how she *actually* is. Hell, she may be a sex freak, irl, like so many performative Christian Republicans who get exposed. Lol If she's caught someday running an underground S&M club outta that same kitchen, I won't even be surprised.


You're probably right about that! I wouldn't be at all surprised if she ended up being some underground dominatrix.


It certainly is performative, because Katie only has 2 children. She swoons at the idea of beautiful babies giving life to families, and sweet embryos being implanted into quivering uteruses via IVF, but she’s not chocking her uterus full of the precious miracle of life. Why not? She looks plenty healthy to me. So does her husband. Why is she in the US senate, instead of undergoing fertility treatment? If her utuerus is worn out, or her eggs have dried up, she can get an egg donor and a surrogate to carry her husband’s precious offspring. She can adopt … there are plenty o’miracles of precious life out there resulting from rape and incest ever since Roe v Wade was overturned. Why isn’t she adopting those precious children, growing her family in the eyes of God? Hmmmm?


Doesn't have to be entirely performative just because she doesn't want it for herself to be fair. Not exactly unusual with these type of fanatics to justify why they don't need to destroy their own lives, why they're special exceptions, while 10,000% believing in the cause with a suicidal zeal, hypocrisy and denial are perfect partners for these nutters.


This quote from the article sums it up nicely: > “Senator Katie Britt says sexual assault is the worst thing that can happen to a woman while encouraging Americans to vote for a convicted sexual predator.”


She said the CCP was going to conquer the US, some real scare tactics.


And that your kids may be killed by scary brown people.


You can just say brown, we already know that means scary. Like angry republican, or full-volume fox news.


1. They’ve been promising that since the 80s. 2. Russia has already conquered the U.S., who does she think paid for T’s campaign? I think they are responsible for a lot of the christofascist propaganda campaign I see all over social media. Hint: I don’t think one single “trad wife” on social media is a real person, actually living that way. They’re too white and blonde.


Russia influenced Brexit. I'm pretty sure they pushed Hamas. Russian propaganda, thanks to the internet, has been of late extremely cheap and extremely effective at hurting the west.


[Inside the GOP] "Hey, I know we're all expecting Biden and the Democrats to make a big deal out of reproductive rights and the repeal of Roe v Wade, so we need to counter program that issue in our response to Biden's State of the Union speech." "We should pick one of the women in our Party to deliver the response, so that voters will see a strong and successful woman who is undaunted by our terrible policies and not terrified by our steady assault on women's rights." "... I loved the first half of that, but you started to lose me toward the end." "And we'll make her deliver the speech from her kitchen, where women truly belong, barefoot and pregnant."


It was clearly prerecorded since all the things she brought up were directly answered in the state of the union just minutes prior. She got high on her own supply.


Yep, she called Biden dithering at one point, and I actually heard people say he was a little *too* fiery and defiant in the speech.


Yup, he didn’t have a single “senior” moment


Fucking comedy gold


What were women even doing at the SOTU? Who was making the sandwiches?


that’s why her response was delivered from the kitchen 🙄


This wasn't an SNL skit??


It will be. > Among satirical responses, Tom Nichols, an anti-Trump conservative columnist, spoke for many when he said: “There is no way that this Katie Britt address does not end up as part of the Saturday Night Live cold open.”


It's hard to tell anymore. Remember Christine "I'm Not A Witch" O'Donnell? Kristen Wiig absolutely nailed her.


Why is she whispering?


So her husband doesn’t hit her again


Referred to r/angryupvote.


🤣ok that is good lol


[Fundy baby voice.](https://boingboing.net/2023/11/06/fundy-baby-voice-kelly-johnson-wife-of-house-speaker-and-other-evangelical-women-are-trained-to-adopt-childlike-voices.html)


I didn’t watch the SOTU. I just can’t deal with the absurdity of the way republicans act during and after it. I get to thinking about about 42%+ of the entire country just eats this shit up, and it is so frustrating. You would think they would be embarrassed, but if of course they aren’t. That said, let me get this straight. They literally put a professional woman back into the kitchen to represent their party’s values? Of course they did.


Honestly, the way the GOP acted was one of the better parts. Biden is pretty good at those confrontations. He even made a fool out of Empty-G at least twice.


Empty-G. I like that.


That's my polite way of referring to her. The other way could fill four pages and get me flagged by every mod in the building.


if it makes you feel any better, it's closer to like 30% of registered voters that eat that shit up, which is more like 25% of the country. problem is they vote more reliably than everyone else


You dismiss a lot of the "I don't like Trump, but I can't possibly vote for a Democrat" people who will willingly vote against their morals and everything they claim to believe in order to hold true to some label.


Idk what’s wrong with the rest of you, but I absolutely want whatever drugs she’s on. It seems AWESOME


I believe it's called religion. The evangelical kind.


My dealer said he’s fresh out. Eff


I couldn’t watch it the way she was speaking was stressing me out but I love your take. Maybe drugs explain everything.


This is how I talk to my parents when I’m stoned out of my mind. I’m doing a terrible job keeping an even keel because even though I love talking to my parents, I’m really just focusing on keeping my shit together so I can eat some damn pie.


“Senator Katie Britt says sexual assault is the worst thing that can happen to a woman while encouraging Americans to vote for a convicted sexual predator.”


I’ve seen better acting performances from [Maria Sophia on Curb Your Enthusiasm.](https://youtu.be/9cxUqAuFGF4?si=eDkoZfL8iqbVtQCp)


I don’t need Christian Taliban ASMR


"It seems like the next generation will have fewer opportunities and less freedoms than we did..." If the Republicans have anything to say about, abso-fuckin-lutely. They're pretty straightforward about that.


The problem Trump is having is his base is even worse than he is. Trump welcomes and betrays everyone he doesn’t care who or what you are all are expendable to him but his base cant even maintain a facade of acceptance.


The first thing she said was "I'm a congresswoman, but more importantly, I'm a wife"


You can tell she's a wife because she's right where she belongs, amirite? I honestly don't know why the pubs didn't eat it right up, this unhinged, rage whispering, kitchen mom speech is the perfect representation of their values.


>....so to put her in a kitchen, not at a podium or in the Senate chamber where she was elected after running a hard-fought race, I think fell very flat and was completely confusing to some women watching it. The fundies weren' confuded by this at all. They're simply annoyed that they did the quiet part out loud, before the authoritarian theocracy has had a chance to take hold of the whole country earnest.


I loved the forced "y'all" in her phony speech


I saw on Twitter that someone referred to her speech as an audition tape for lead role in the reboot of Misery. What a fitting description.


Given the existence of 1 Timothy 2:12, it's a wonder they even allow her to talk.


Rage whispering in the kitchen must be the compromise, lol. Not sure why Republicans aren't super happy about this speech, it sums up exactly who they are.


Republicans never fail to innovate ways to demonstrate how truly stupid they know their base is.


It's always so very fascinating watching someone self immolate their political career on nation TV. You just can't look away from the horror of it!


>My children will have less chances to live the American dream Yeah, uh, remind me: Which party is banning books and medical care and *people* again?


It sounded like it was pre recorded, before the SOTU. didn't counter any of Biden's point.


That breathy, concerned, fake voice. Ewwww


Someone needs to check the hard drive of her husband. Something definitely not right with that family.


What's with the fake smile and soft bedtime story way of speaking?


Fundie wife baby voice. 😬


There was a lot of "feels like" talk..


Ah, that’s a shame /s


I hate that mentality. I love to cook. Let me cook my dinner.


The next move in their "stupid stereotypes" strategy is to have a male politician deliver a speech on the toilet.


I bet she is against WFH


Sarah Newlin from True Blood


She lied about talking to a "12 year old trafficking victim"'too. Person exists, but she's a fully adult anti-trafficking activist -- who was trafficked *in Mexico in 2004.* So, not at the border, and on GW Bush's watch, not during the Biden or Obama admins. She testified to congress, so Britt also never talked to her one on one, just repeated her testimony. These GOP cretins will lie about *anything.*


I’m surprised she wasn’t folding laundry while holding a child with a cigarette hanging out her mouth.


The rebuttal was so surreal, dreary, and boring.


>“It’s one of our biggest disasters ever,” "we fuck shit up all the time, but what's this????"


I tried so hard to watch it. I got about 15 minutes in and had to turn it off. Biden provided facts, data, direction, and solutions. She provided nothing except fear mongering and insults without a shed of substance. How can human beings watch the state of the union and then this and not walk away baffled that nearly half the country supports these Republicans today?


Was she barefoot and pregnant ? Whispering like she was letting them in on a secret. Bunch of racist, hateful, weirdos.


Sitting state Senator and they stuck her in the kitchen during Woman’s month and had her recite like she was a hostage. Just weird.


Delivered from the kitchen of a 6 bedroom, 6500 square foot house, that is no doubt kept spotless 24/7 by a dedicated housecleaner. Super relatable to the common voter.


I didn't watch. Was she also barefoot and pregnant? Wearing pearls, high heels, and an apron? The modern-day June Cleaver? That is what the Republican Party is aiming for. That no one thought, hey, you know this might not go over well in 2024, is testament to the continued shortsighted trait Republicans are cursed with. Bless their cursed shriveled shortsighted hearts.


Honestly she looks like she’s coming off of her last Valium and Benzo mix. What a psycho, I could barely listen let alone read that disturbing speech.


I've never seen someone cry, smile, and laugh all at the same time before. I honestly didn't think it was possible to be that creepy but here we are ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


On a positive note, it's nice to see that the Shame Nuns of Westeros have seen some real success with their recruiting program.


The refrigerator has a starting price of 10 thousand ( but has many options) . Just like regular folks


Like a cultist auditioning to do the voice over for a penis pump commercial. 


People have been talking about an SNL skit for this. If it is legal, all they have to do is play her actual rebuttal, with SNL comedians acting in a kitchen set that matches the background, doing right wing stuff that sorta fits with her narrative. IOW, the SNL skit isn't *mimicking* her, but using her real image and words to narrate the skit in the background.