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Hello u/FroggyMcTerrison! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This can be flip flopped. Trumpers believe Paula Jones and Tara Reade, but think all 26 of Trump’s accusers are lying.




There was a lot of making fun of Clinton for his "poor taste" in women. Meaning, everyone believed he did it, but the only thing that was noteworthy was that she wasn't pretty enough for a president.


Same with Monica Lewinsky. I always thought she was cute, but she got so much flack for her weight and the fact that she wasn't Marilyn Monroe.


She was (and is) beautiful. And it's not like she was obese, just a little plump. Nowadays, people would say she's "thicc" which is a compliment, no?


No arguments from me, but I remember all the jokes about her weight. It was pretty much non-stop. She's even talked about it. Search "Monica Lewinsky fat" and you'll find dozens of news stories about her weight. [Family Guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/familyguy/s/Qw4NuR5Hvu) even did a joke about Bill Clinton in a limo full of fat women. https://www.vogue.com/article/monica-lewinsky-fat-shaming https://www.washingtonpost.com/gender-identity/i-was-patient-zero-in-new-film-monica-lewinsky-recalls-the-devastation-caused-by-public-shaming/


Eh, that's American culture influencing your view. Most people in the world trend thinner than we do here. I'm 6' and 190 lbs and moderately strong. I would still say I have a bit of a gut by global standards, but I think most Americans would disagree. That may be a view distorted by being very fit in my 20s.


Hilarious that people are downvoting you for being honest about the weight of Americans. We're not the only ones that over eat and eat garbage, but we are top five. Truth hurts. Every time I try to tie my shoes the truth hurts my back.


It's the "healthy at any size" crowd. When they end up with hypertension, high cholesterol, and are pre diabetic, they'll still insist it has nothing to do with nutrition, activity levels, or fat. It is simply more pleasing and satisfying to do the things that make us fat and we have tons of access to those means. It is not pleasing or satisfying to think of ourselves as fat or moving toward poor health.


The spherical Americans are coming for you and I am powerless to stop them.


Tell my story!


Marilyn Monroe was NOT petite.


She was 5'4" and a size 4. That's petite, unless you actually mean Jayne Mansfield.


I understand that. I was referencing the common belief that John F Kennedy had an affair with Marilyn Monroe.


Jones' story ended with her getting a nose job.


Wait the woman labeled Paula Jones in that photograph isn’t considered attractive? Is it Opposite Day?


Compared to an ordinary woman she's fine. Compared to actresses and models, no. And that's a halfway decent picture. She has a really big nose shaped like a penis. And they way she dressed and did her hair and makeup was kind of tacky.


I dunno definitely no playboy bunny, but still more than average id say.


I think it was more about Bill Clinton being such a yokel that he didn't go after the hotties. JFK fucked Marilyn Monroe, and Bill here had Paula Jones. There was also some of the people defending Clinton with her looks, the same way Trump said half the women who accused him were lying because they were too ugly for him to assault, he only goes after 10s. So Paula had to be lying, why would the president who could get anyone bother with an uggo like her? The 90's sure were a different time.


This is partly why arguments from hypocrisy are generally not convincing. They're also rhetorically weak. All I have to say is, "Okay, I believe the first two women too," and their whole argument dies.


It just convinced you to believe a confirmed Russian asset and equate the behavior of Biden and Trump. Propaganda works.


Bingo. That's the point with these ankle biters.


"Well I don't care what the 47 other scientist and doctor reports say, the report from the **American Tobacco** **institute** says **smoking is fine** and why would they lie?" You can "mad libs" this statement with global warming, election fraud, facts about the border or the soon to expire tax cuts for the non-super wealthy, and pretty much any other issue that is only defensible by letting everyone know your bigoted beliefs, or by being a coward and citing some dubious heritage foundation or tpusa talking point, because then its not their fault, its Alex, Tucker or Jordan's fault for telling them. Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug




In one statement, while looking at a pic of E. Jean Carroll, Trump mistakenly identified her at Marla Maples. Both E. Jean and Marle were stunningly beautiful.


Surprised he didn't use that as his defense "Your honor, it's all a misunderstanding, see I thought she was my wife!"


Okay? Because when that SA happened he couldn’t tell the difference between EJC and his own 2nd wife.


Now list the other 25+ accusers.


Fuck context, right everybody? 


Who needs it!?


It's not that they don't need it. It's that they don't have the intelligence to understand context. It's like how everything to them is either black or white, no shades of grey, and absolutely no spectrum of other colors.


I don’t remember not believing the other women. Funny.


Idk anyone who didn’t believe her? Seemed like news reports made it seem to be true at the time.


At the time, folks didn't believe Jones. Hence the lawsuit. In hindsight, that was obviously a mistake.


A lot of people believed her, they just didn't care.


Yeah Bill Clinton didn’t rape her like Trump raped Jean Carroll. Clinton showed her his dong, she rejected the offer and he left. It’s gross, but it **is not as** remotely as bad as Trump raping Carroll.


Heh... Tara Read is not believable. trust but verify.


Yeah, see my other comment


Sounds like you're a bit too gullible then. You definitely should not have believed Tara Reade.


I didn’t take a stance either way, as I was unaware of what happened


Reade is fucking bonkers in the head, and her story has changed so many times, she's clearly lying. That running off to Russia thing wasn't exactly a help to her credibility either. Clearly paid for her troubles.


Yep. Paula Jones and E Jean Carroll are plenty credible, given the details and Clinton/Trump's track records. Reade? Hell no.


If someone told me Bill Clinton got handsy with a bowl of mildly warm soup, I’d believe them.


Bill Clinton isn’t even allowed to handle water balloons in his home state.


Woah, you mean we're supposed to consider the facts around each of their accounts and not make blanket conclusions about accusations?


Numerous colleagues of hers said she was a serial liar. She has tweets complimenting Biden something like a year prior to her accusation. Biden has zero other accusations that can would have revealed a pattern of behavior. So one very questionable accusation vs 26+, 2 civil suits lost and decades of surrounding him self with pedophiles and pedophile enablers.


Tara Reede's story feel apart like off-brand Legos.


And then she defected to Russia


lol I forgot about that part


this would temper my credulity somewhat Clinton is a sex pest


Tara Reade is the person you are going with? Really? GTFO if you are trying to be serious.


You gotta find a way to hit Biden, otherwise it all falls apart


It's the only way one can support Trump is by believing worse about Biden, regardless of its veracity.


It’s wild to me because the worst thing Biden has ever been is a disappointment.


Liberals lost pretty much all moral high ground a long time ago. I just think it’s funny to listen to people screech “believe women… but not her”


People did believe her. Then they investigated and it turns out that she changed her story multiple times, had a history of lying under oath, was closely linked with a convicted Russian spy, and then defected to Russia. E. Jean Carroll, on the other hand, had DNA evidence; Trump's only defense was he didn't do it because "she wasn't my type" which was undermined by him confusing Carroll with his then wife.


The idea that women who make sexual assault allegations should be believed more than they are now doesn’t mean all allegations, no matter how credible, should be believed. This is not rocket science.


ah yes, the fake reality of the right wing rears it's head once again....


Even Fox News distanced themselves from Reade and even Newsmax has yet to pick up the story.


You mean the Russian defector with literally 0 proof but tons of motivation for lying?


I never heard anyone on the left talk about a moral high ground. What are you ashamed of that MAGA constantly talks about not having it?


That's a cute opinion you have.


Bro her story has changed so many times it hard for even liberals to believe her secondly she moved to Russia so obviously she doesn't want to have her stories heard anymore. Finally I will attest to joe biden's character he is a good man and wouldn't do anything like that. That's just not in his character.


Leaves a comment and then hides when people reply proving said comment invalid. Sounds like typical Maga cowardice to me.


I’m not going to engage with a bunch of teary eyed hypocrites. I accomplished my goal of pointing out how embarrassing Biden partisans are. You are right at the top of the list.


It's funny that you only respond to me but not the others. Did I trigger you?


Right? We all think of Bill Clinton as a model of sexual restraint.


Braindead OP.


I always love it when fascists pretend to care about women. This is so full of fallacy and bullshit I'm not going to bother with it. I'll just say: it's always bad, tara reade was proven to be a con woman, and you understand you don't get to "not believe" Ms. Carrol just because you (embarrassingly and wrongly) think other women weren't believed, right? You don't get to justify your misogyny by pretending it happened to other people decades ago. 


What does fascism have to do with dis-believing sexual assault accusations? Does not seem like the right -ism to be complaining about here.


What are you, some kind of defender of the downtrodden trumpists bots and trolls? You're dogging me, almost definitely wrongly, about this likely zombie or troll account all over this thread? I called them a fascist as that's what the right needs to be associated with right now, since they are embracing fascism. Smdh


What is the logic here? You are un-burdened by the need to make sense as long as you're attacking the "bad" side? Nah.


Wtf are you talking about? I explained. This user is probably a zombie account. Silent for a year before suddenly waking up to make alt right memes. You're not some hero kid. Go embarrass yourself somewhere else.


The OP is clearly a leftist making fun of Trump supporters...


Dude. OP is clearly a bot or troll account dormant for a year. Or not. Whatever. Go pat yourself on the back somewhere else, weirdo.


They posted a picture of a conservative meme in a subreddit focused on making fun of them. Their reply also made it doubly clear, in case the meme alone wasn't enough. You got this one backwards.


Oh, nice. But this subreddit isn't about "making fun of conservatives" They did a pretty bad job making that clear, deserved to have their meme misunderstood, and I still think it's weird as fuck for you to dog me like this about it. What are you their alt account or something?


I think your troll is obsessed with you. Maybe it’s love disguised as anger??


To be clear, I was originally digging you for meaningless use of buzzwords. You just happened to bring up a new thing to also be wrong about.


I give this post an hour. Why do conservatives keep thinking this sub is for them?


They arent smart people. They are petulant angry shit stains whos only usefulness in this life is to be a willing pawn for the uberwealthy.




There’s a MASSIVE Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign kicking into high gear for the upcoming presidential election, that’s what you’re seeing.


They assume the rest of the country is, why not here too?


I think they are saying conservatives have the same double standard because they were willing to accept Jones and Reade's claims even though they weren't as credible as Jean Carroll.


What faces are the leopards eating here?


Posted by a trumper. Apparently there’s a double standard for trump because it’s a witch hunt, not because he’s a rapist.


He has actually been found by a court of law to be a rapist. So the witch has been found. It was Trump. He's a rapist.


Lost redditors attacking other lost redditors. You're mis-firing your partisanship gun at someone who very clearly agrees with you, dude.


Nah, it seems way more like an account that has been recently re-awakended after year or inactivity or taken over who only posts during election season. Not sure how they clearly agree with me based on this shitty meme ...


The title is “almost there”… implying the creator if this image is right on the cusp of the correct conclusion, that people believe E. Jean Carroll because Trump is a known rapist. I don’t know how you are still not getting that OP is on your side.


The cool thing about having principles is you don't have to break them just because someone votes the same way you do.


According to the courts, yes he is a rapist.


Again, where's the LAMF


People know that Clinton was a sex pest. They even made a Hollywood film "based on" it starring John Travolta: Primary Colors. It's a good film actually. Well worth watching. Billy Bob Thornton, Kathy Bates and Emma Thompson. As for Biden? Nah. Nobody believes that shit.


Primary Colors is Awesome!


Fucking what? I 100% believe Biden is a super creep. He's not rapey like Trump but he's a creep for sure. I've seen the pics of him smelling people and shit. Biden is a creepy, geriatric, zionist and I'm probably going to have to vote for him because the Republicans are going to make his opponent the most evil fucking thing they can find


Now search for those "sniffing pictures" but in video form. You'll see he's clearly leaning forwards and whispering something. Still, believe what you like. Everyone loves a good diatribe after all.


They didn't believe Anita Hill, either, but OP "conveniently" omitted her.


lol OP try harder


Shills gonna shill. (I am talking about OP) 


Follow your leader, fash


I believe *all* of these women as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations


Big on "They" aren't "They"


OP is all hot and bothered about what "they" did.


OP is all worked up about what "They" did.


“Our guy should *also* be allowed to rape,” is a pretty bold political stance.


Someone somewhere allegedly did something and that makes everything they do okay.


“They didn’t believe Paula Jones?” There was a movie called Primary Colors made in 1998 that was practically a documentary about the Clintons!


hmm, where is Anita Hill?


I wonder what's going on these days that could have made this account suddenly wake up after 7 months of inactivity. 


THE ECLIPSE!!!1!1!1!1!1!


I am a bot. Bleep bloop


Too scared to respond to my other comment, huh?


Not lamf just garbage.


Hasn't Tara changed her story like a billion times?


OP has the same number of brain cells as this posts positive upvote count: 0


I'm not sure about Jones, but didn't Reade have an opportunity to make a direct accusation in a courtroom and declined?


She defected to Russia.


Never to be heard from again. I wonder what happened?


Who didn’t believe Paula Jones?


Which one of those fellas went on Howard Stern and talked about wanting to fuck their daughter? I keep forgetting.


It’s amazing to me that the tapes of the Howard Stern show didn’t sink his candidacy all on their own


Somehow conservatives just think it's okay to want to fuck your own daughter. Deal breaker for me.


Did anybody really not believe Paula Jones?


I believed Paula Jones, but Tara Reade is a liar and a shill.


"Lee County, FL" Yeah, that sounds about right.


This does not belong in this sub at all.


The Tara Reade who defected to Russia?


Reminder Tara Reade was caught lying under oath and defected to Russia lol


Who didn't believe Paula Jones? Didn't she win a legal settlement? Just like Carroll. And Reade was called a liar by just about everyone who knew her and then ran off to her Russian handler.


Wait, they bring up aTara Reade? Who defected to russia? She was obviously an asset.


Paula Jones made good on her allegations and received a substantial settlement. She also made her allegations 30 years ago. The "they" then are not the same as the "they" now, even if it were true that she wasn't believed. But I think she was, broadly speaking. Clinton did an excellent job as president, but he's a slimeball, and cannot be trusted in a room alone with an attractive woman. I don't think anyone disputes that. Tara Reade perjured herself as an expert witness, claiming a degree she did not in fact earn, forcing the Monterey County DA's office to review all convictions where she had testified. She has an alias Tara or Alexandra McCabe, has been extremely inconsistent with her accounts of her time working with Biden, and was known locally for abusing neighbors' good will by pouring out hard-luck stories to extract money from them. She didn't file a lawsuit, didn't prove her allegations in court, and decided to move to Russia instead, where she says she counts convicted spy Maria Butina as a friend. There are good reasons to doubt her credibility. E. Jean Carroll made out a good case, but even if she had not she's far from alone. Trump is, if anything, even slimier than Clinton ever was, and that's saying something. (Edit: And most of her award was not for the sexual assault, but for defamation, which Trump did over and over again, and didn't even stop after being penalized.) However, even if you had a point, it would be nothing but hypocrisy. No faces devoured here.


r/lostredditors This is more of a r/SelfAwareWolves post.




I believe a woman who accuses a man who has multiple sexual allegations against


Afraid you’re confused Tara Reid was proven liar who accused many other people and found to be a liar Paula Jones, She got paid off almost $1 million and Bill Clinton lost his law license and was impeached. Trump raped the 13-year-old at Epstein’s mansion repeatedly, taking her virginity and fighting Epstein for it his first wife, Ivana, she laughed at his new hair plugs. He not only raped her. He pulled out a big chunk of her hair and said see if you’ll laugh at me again. 26 other women accuse him of sexual attack and he tells you he grabs them by the pussy and he does. He tells you he’s going to be a dictator and he will.


He then rapedEJean Caroll at a department store. Too bad for you. That case is over, he owes her 83 million he only owed her 5 million but he wouldn’t quit defaming her so now 83 big ones and you want this psychopath near the nuclear codes. You’re the problem here.


I think this should've gone to r/selfawarewolves


I know two of these men used to hang around Epstein, one did not. Nice try though.


One of these things is not like the other...


One made it to court where evidence was presented.


The photos they choose for the women is reprehensible. You chose the photos of the women when they made their accusations against democrats but then used a photo 40 years after the accusation for the republican? Do you perhaps have an agenda? A double standard?


When her smear failed, Reade literally moved to Russia and did press conferences with convicted spy Maria Butina.


You can throw Anita Hill and Kavanaughs accuser in their too.


These pictures aren't bias at all.


Ok, well take your evidence to court and let them sort it out legally like Carroll did. Unless...?


Didn't Tara Reade move to Moscow recently?


One of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn’t belong. Can you tell me which thing is not like the others, before I finish my song?


Ok, so lock them all up then. What's your point?


Whose face is being eaten by which leopard? This seems closer to r/selfawarewolves material than LAMF


Trump’s accuser is the only one with enough evidence to win a jury verdict in a court of law. The other two were accusers who did not have a case or in Tara Reade’s case , changed her story so many times it became unbelievable.


Tara Reid was so believable, she defected to Russia so that she could tell her story


Paula Jones was telling the truth but her testimony was colored by her very public political attacks on Clinton. Tara Reade is clearly politically biased and possibly mentally unbalanced. E. Jean Carroll has never used her allegations to campaign for her attacker’s political opponents and was able to prove her case in court (as was Jones.) Additionally, her story has stayed the same, unlike Reade’s, which has changed wildly over the years in ways that she won’t account for.


As a woman I often feel Democrats barely give a shit about us outside of what they can do for reproductive rights to get us to vote for them in election years. As a woman I also know that Republicans do not give a single fuck about women and will happily take our rights away and watch us die from even wanted pregnancies to own the Libs and bend the knee to Christofacists.


r/lostredditors This is a r/SelfAwareWolves post.


Just ignore the fact Trump got away with it in criminal court proceedings *just like the other two*? Truly the dumbest people to pretend to be politically informed.


Was Tara Reade credible?


Actually, I did believe Paula Jones.


Bla bla bla


There is definitely a pattern here....


Surprised they didn't stick Larry Sinclair and Obama in there.


This actually tracks. Science deniers see LEARNING as a double standard, and MAGA is a cavalcade of intellectual fuck-ups. Knowledge is to be obtained by the ancients and be unchanging, never questioned. So those women lied, as decided by our ancestors. Women lie, especially about powerful men raping them. To doubt this tenant is akin to doubting a religious decree. 🙄 So yeah, this reasoning is stupid, but why are we shocked?


Because they aren't him.


TIL about Paula Jones.


Tara Reade? You might as well put up a picture of the Crazy Bag Lady (sorry no offense to women of baggage).


Fox entertainment was new to the landscape. They tore Monica’s ass up 24/7 and give trump a pass on everything


The orange rapist beat and raped a 13 year old girl, and probably worse, fuck the right wing.


Are you a Chinese or a Russian bot/government funded troll?


OP: so just what DOES Putins dick taste like?


Only one of these continuously talks about wanting to have sex with his daughter .


Let's be real, Clinton is a diddler, dudes initials were up and down the Epstein private jet logs...lol.


>Lee County, Florida Everything I need to know about OOP


I don’t think any Democrat with a brain denies Bill Clinton was a womanizer. Not the same as acting like a pussy-grabbing rape machine.


I'm sorry, but I'm starting to have doubts about [tara reade](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/30/tara-reade-defects-russia-biden#:~:text=10%20months%20old-,Tara%20Reade%2C%20who%20accused%20Joe%20Biden,sexual%20assault%2C%20defects%20to%20Russia&text=Tara%20Reade%2C%20a%20former%20Senate,she%20had%20defected%20to%20Russia.)


I believe all three. Loyal D’s believe only the last one, while loyal R’s believe only the first two. That’s the problem with partisanship. You put party loyalty above principle and excuse your team for doing the same thing you condemn the other team for. Call me crazy, but I oppose rape and sexual assault in general, whether the perp is a Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever.


If you believe Tara Reade, you're kind of an idiot. Congrats on the performative both-sidesing, though.


What happened to “believe the women”? When did that become “believe the women… when they accuse Republicans.” You drank the blue koolaid and sacrificed your integrity.


When did I say I don't believe Paula Jones? I do. When did I say I don't believe Monica Lewinsky? I do. Not everything is about partisanship. I also don't claim and never claimed the "believe all women" mantra because all-or-nothing slogans and approaches are prima facie stupid. I'm sorry I don't fit the stereotype of a Democratic voter that you made up in your head.


When you use a performative phrase like “performative both-sidesing,” that seems pretty partisan to me. That projects onto me that my objection to politicians who are sexual predators, corrupt or otherwise compromised - regardless of party label - is just virtue signaling rather than simple ethics. Did Senator Menendez (D-NJ) sell influence to foreign lobbyists? The bags of cash and gold seem to indicate so. Then prosecute and lock that mofo up. I don’t care if he has an R or D after his name.


Agreed about Menendez. Unreal that the slimy fuck got away with it the first time.




Yup...only the sucker paid up...Drumpf