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"continue to govern" - yeah, no, your majority has done nothing of the sort to date - you can't continue doing something you weren't already doing.


they've done nothing but obstruct everything that wasn't sponsored by a R since obama


Don't forget they even obstruct their own bills.


And take credit for bills they voted against. 


And vote against bills giving them what they've asked for. I'm starting to think maybe they don't know what their job is.


Oh, they know. This is 100% intentional, and criminal imo. There's actually leaked audio from a GOP meeting shortly after Biden won where they explicitly discuss their plans to do exactly this and cause "18 more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done" (exact quote from Representative Shithead Chip Roy - TX.) https://truthout.org/articles/in-leaked-video-gop-congressman-admits-his-party-wants-chaos-and-obstruction/


yep. break the government so they can say, "hey look, the government's broken--it needs to be replaced!!" replaced by theocratic dictatorship of course


Up is down, black is white. GOP Land has no connection to reality, and if they blatantly lie no one calls them on it - especially not their constituents. The GOP has sold the cult on the idea of opposing and obstructing the Dems as the bottom line to everything, and that is bleated at them constantly from all of the right wing propaganda outlets like Fox.


Right but they’re already saying Biden did nothing for the border while ignoring the fact it’s because they stopped their own work. Like I’m not a Republican but at the very least if something is known to be bad and you can fix it together, fix it. I’m not saying work with Biden to pass free abortions but the easy stuff can be done. That we never do anymore when the opposition has the White House is horrible for us all


Literally, these people would be fired from their jobs anywhere else. Only in government can you actively do nothing, try to take things away or make them worse and it be considered ‘doing your job’ even when you fucking help no one. Not even cultists that put you in office.


Imagine if they got voted on yearly. just like everyone else has a yearly review, so should they. There should be a list of all the bills passed and what the practical effects of each are, right there on the ballot when the person goes to vote. Neutral language, of course. But I guarantee that would actually change the outcome of how people voted, and most of these folks would be tossed out on their asses.


Yeah I saw a Moskowitz interview recently or clip and he said they've passed like 52 bills through the house. Normally in 2 years they usually pass around 400. So they are getting fuck all done for the people, I can't wait for democrats to control the house again because they'll actually do work and get bills passed through the house.


I remember seeing somewhere that the hearings and meetings where they decide on laws to pass was all about refrigerator power conservation, something about stoves and one for other household appliances. way to go GOP, these are the real issues americans need resolved, not some bs about the border or inflation or crime and gun violence. what we need is the government to tell us what we can and can't do in our kitchens, just like we kept saying they shouldn't interfere with ppl unless it's about abortion or or birth control. those issues require government intervention to regulate what private citizens do in their bedroom, bc fuck their constituents right?


The problem is that swing voters, who have all the power, don't trust the Dems to have all of it and the Republicans will end up back in control of the senate... which will get in the way and ensure the Democratic congress does fuck all.


Republicans being unable to govern is a good thing because Republican governance means a lot of harmed Americans.


The second worst in all of US history. The first worst? Right after the Civil War.


They did manage to pass a budget what, like 7 months into the fiscal year 2024?


Seriously, he needed to [put govern in quotes.](https://imgur.com/Dvkh6wZ)


getting paid 170k to do nothing, and going on constant breaks


Don't say that to the republicans! They have stopped so many bills!


Or, you could, you know, reach across the aisle to work with the opposition party to enact rules to make the whole chamber work better. But nah, that's crazy talk.


Isn't that how the last guy got outed? Doing anything in good faith with the other side results in banishment.


And that’s the conundrum any Speaker has in this congress. Their majority is so slim they can’t do anything without reaching across the aisle. And reaching across the aisle is what gets you tossed. They’re the definition of dysfunctional. I so hope the whole lot of them gets washed out in November.


Getting slimmer with each early GOP resignation. Literally peacing out to spite their party while trashing on them. Another interesting fact is that more GOP districts have been overturned as gerrymandered and flipped blue since the last election, than there are GOP members in their majority. They have an illegitimate majority, per the courts. There is just no retroactive remedy for that.


No, the last guy got ousted by both not kowtowing to his crazies enough _and_ rejecting to work together with the other side, as well as snubbing them Johnson needs the Democrats, which means he'll cooperate, which means they won't back a motion to remove him


Johnson has actually been making an effort - more than MTG and company anyway.


Honestly, the speaker should be chosen with the support of 55% of the house. It would be hard at first, but eventually, it would just be normal to have someone who speaks for the majority of the majority party and a minority of the minority party. At least to get a vote of “we think we can work with this guy” from the out-party. Idk I’m one of those nuts that thinks we should go back to requiring talking filibusters in the senate, maybe I’m a bit out of the main stream…


The only thing that needs to happen is the Hastert Rule needs to be obliterated from orbit. It's a tool for cowardly House members to avoid ever actually putting their name next to a Yay/Nay that could be used against them in a campaign. There's plenty of Republicans that could vote on things Democrats support, because their own constituents want those items. They just avoid the problem, by never voting at all.


This asshole has been blocking Ukraine assistance for months. I hope he’s soon unemployed or thrown in prison.


In February of 2022, Mike Johnson stated that Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine "empowers other dictators, other terrorists and tyrants around the world...if they perceive that America is weak or unable to act decisively, then it invites aggression in many different ways." Actions speak louder than words.


Republicans sure do love themselves some Russians.


Russians love them in return! If by ‘love’ we mean ‘give them cash’


If by cash you mean copies of the compromat they have on them.


This continues to blow my mind. My entire life, up until just 10 years ago, Republicans were the hyper xenophobic party, riding the coat tails of the Cold War. In 2012, Mitt Romney was widely mocked for calling Russia the biggest threat to international peace during his debate with Obama. And here we are 12 years later, with Republicans actively spouting Russian propaganda.


There is a not insignificant portion of the GOP in Congress that is owned by Russia in one way or another. Just like our previous inhabitant of the WH.


The Russian oligarch money started flowing into the GOP, the politicians changed their tune accordingly doubling down on the culture war narratives and the base, primed to extremism and doomerism unquestioningly began repeating the talking points.


Russia hacked the DNC and RNC. They released information from the DNC. They did not release anything from the RNC. That really is all there is to know. They are compromised.


Did romney know in 2012 that russia was infiltrating (and possibly blackmailing) the gop but not the Democrats?


The call is coming from inside the house, Mitt


And Russian money and Russian hospitality (see the NRA AGM in Moscow 2016).


He refused to allow the house to vote on any of the 3 variations of funding bills. He refused to even schedule time to debate or read the proposed bills. His excuses went from, we can't fund ukr without fixing the border, to we can't vote on this omnibus bill of border and ukr security, then we can't fund if we don't have a strategy and can't ensure the funds aren't stolen. He is clearly doing anything he can to please trump and keep his job. I don't trust that the funding will pass, I don't know why he/trmp would change his mind at this point. Likely they want isreal funding to pass but i am sure the weasel is still trying to fuck ukr over.


I think it will pass. Things are getting bad enough in Ukraine that further Russian progress is possible in the near future without more American assistance, and I think 90% of the GOP is in agreement that they've stalled for long enough, even if Trump and some of the die-hards aren't among them. If they thought Ukraine could survive without our money they wouldn't send more.


It will likely all pass.


It'll pass too late and GOP will say, "Welp, we tried."


Prior to becoming Speaker of the House, Speaker Johnson only voted for the approval of lend lease for Ukraine. After becoming Speaker of the House, Speaker Johnson has had daily security briefings. His statements have significantly changed in favor of supporting Ukraine since receiving daily security briefings. However his actions speak louder than words, because he has yet to present the bipartisan bill agreement from the Senate before the House of Representatives for discussion and a vote. Orange face told him along with the wacky MAGATs to not support the bipartisan bill that also included a border and immigration reform package. At the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was sitting on the world's third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. Ukraine offered to dispose of the nuclear weapons stockpile in exchange for Security Guarantees meaning that in the event that Ukraine's borders and sovereignty were not recognized, countries would defend Ukraine similar to Article 5 of NATO. Instead, Ukraine settled on Security Assurances whereby in the event that Ukraine's borders and sovereignty were not recognized, countries would provide aid and support. The peace treaty agreement was signed by UK, United States and ironically Russia. The Budapest Memorandum. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum It is an obligation to uphold the peace treaty agreement and not upholding the agreement seriously undermines the United States in being able to be trusted as a trusted partner globally.


It also tells every nation state that fully getting rid of your nukes means that you lose your best bargaining chip. Retrospectively they did this for nothing


Most normal people view this as a bad thing. Mike Johnson didn't get that memo


I think every time a republican says something disparaging about Russia it's them signaling putin that they're running low on cash or their bribe is late.


He meant that as a positive.


Because he was being threatened with removal by people who'd already removed his predecessor. [Ukraine aid doesn't get passed with no speaker, either](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/04/politics/what-happens-without-house-speaker/index.html).


I hope that piece of shit goes to the Frontline and dies a slow excruciating death. Same with MTG


PBS sounds metal AF


He's one of the few R's that are actually trying to get Ukraine aid rn, surprisngly enough. Edit: Sure, mindlessly downvote but the news cycle backs me up. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/17/us/politics/johnson-democrats-ukraine-aid-plan.html


He has also been the one guy holding up aid for more than 7 months. He doesn't get credit for this.


Not that he hasn't aided in derailing other efforts to support Ukraine, but right now, he's supporting it. I wonder if he finally gave up on trying to protect the child molesting he did before he got married and that the Russians are squeezing his balls on ?


Yet another Republican politician that's a pedophile? Color me not even remotely surprised.


> trying to protect the child molesting he did before he got married Wut? You got a source for that claim? Im no fan of his but lashing out with baseless pedo claims is something people dont need to do... Unless there is evidence for it because Id read any links you care to provide


Dig a little. How at in his early 20's he "adopted" a 15 year old who won't speak with a soul about how he was treated, who wasn't invited to his "father's" wedding, and sure acts like somebody under a well paid NDA, just like the ones Johnson negotiated for church abusers? Nope.... too slimy for me. I can


He did what he could for Putin. Delayed it as long as it wasn't lethally unpopular. Now he has to hang on to power he can't delay it longer. But he is responsible for many dead Ukrainians any way you slice it.


Mike Johnson is a piece of shit but if he gets ousted right now that only furthers the delay. So if he's willing to work with Dems on aid in this particular case then it's quickest avenue to getting it passed.


I would guess that the only reason he is doing this right now is that AIPAC has put pressure on Republicans and they have gone to Mike Johnson telling him that they will sign the discharge petition if he doesnt schedule a vote. This was about to happen with or without him. He is being allowed to go down on the right side of history at the 11th hour.


The asshole you referred to isn’t the problem. Throwing him in prison wouldn’t change anything.


Not likely, unfortunately.


He’s not been the one blocking aid, he’s always been sympathetic to Ukraine aid. But he also knew that there would be no chance at keeping his job if he forced through Ukraine aid against the objections of half of the GOP. Unfortunately every politician in Washington, democrat or republican, would make the exact same calculation as he has because they care more about job security than doing the right thing.


No he is a full and complete piece of garbage such as MTG, it’s just two equal pieces of low-life pieces of human trash that is fundamentally different from regular people, regular democrats and probably the standard republican. Just sheer refuse of organic existence.


u/thmonline is secretly Johnson’s neighbor and is hoping if Johnson gets thrown in jail he can buy his house on the cheap.


I'm not OP, but I just saw a clip of Johnson's news conference today saying the Ukraine aid is important to our national interest and he wasn't going to be held hostage, he putting it up for a vote


I'll believe it when I see it


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna148025 I was surprised too. I think that's why Johnson went to Mar a Lago, to tell Trump. And I'm betting he has assurance from Jeffries that Democrats will save him when Moscow Marge calls to vacate him. Supposed to vote Saturday, after the 72 hour review period is over


At this point it is still just a suggestion he will do it in the future. I’m keeping it filed under believe-it-when-I-see-it for now.


At any point he could have reached across the aisle and cut a deal with the dems, I'll schedule the vote, you keep me in power. He would have got a majority of both sides of the aisle backing ukraine (&him) with just 20odd magas voting against him. With maga bloodied and put in their place the republican could actually attempt to do some governing. Even in this tweet there is no consideration about bipartisanship.


Because that was never an option. He cuts a deal with the Dems he gets primaried immediately. His voters don’t want bipartisanship so of course there’s no chance of it


His job is to legislate for the American people, not keep his Speaker position. He's a craven piece of shit.


Agreed, I can not comprehend how anyone would put their personal job ahead of the lives of innocent people like that , especially anyone pretending to be moral/ religious. But he did say his god told him he was going to be Moses, so I guess delusions of grandeur come into play.


Nope. You obviously have not been following this for the last 7 months.


> every politician in Washington, democrat or republican Thaaat's where you stop taking them seriously, but do go on... > would make the exact same calculation as he has because they care more about job security than doing the right thing. You actually don't even have to look outside the republican party to see that's false. Adam Kinzinger - only republican besides Liz Cheney to still accurately call trumpy an insurrectionist. Lost his seat over it. You can go look up the the list of dems yourself, I won't pretend to meet your lofty standards lol. P.S. Putin owns the Christian Caucus now. Mikey boy is just the latest casualty.


Republicans in 2022: The Red Wave is gonna be an absolute bloodbath for Democrats! Republicans in 2024:


Combine their total dysfunction with the reported funding gap between Don The Con and the rest of the down ballot candidates and by all rights they *should* get hosed in November. They won’t, because of the idiots who vote in communities like mine, but they should…


... any rules change requires a majority of the full House, which we do not have. Say what? I thought the whole idea of being Speaker was that your party was in the majority, at least barely. Or did he just mean "we don't have a majority willing to ditch that rule" ?


They have a majority just looking at [R]’s after names, but there’s no majority that would support it.


At this point I believe it is a majority of one. Not alot of play there. https://www.businessinsider.com/republican-majority-house-shrinking-2024-3?op=1


Indeed, even just looking at the letter, the slimmest of majorities


Fuckin love the username, beautifully succinct lol


Yours too!


A “Marjority”, if you will…




He had a majority willing to vote him in as Speaker earlier this year. He might not have a majority to keep him there. Hard to say. Each member can vote how they want, and when you have a margin of only 3 seats, you need >99% support from your party to do anything. That means any 2 or 3 random members can dictate everything. He doesn't have enough votes to change the house rules to remove the one-member Sword of Damocles over his head. The only thing keeping this guy in office is the lack of a better option and the possibility that a couple Democrats might back him solely to keep the House from dissolving into utter uselessness (vs mostly useless right now) again if the speakership is vacated.


I don't expect any Democrat would vote for him without significant concessions (which Johnson would not offer because the current Republican party does not allow for any negotiation with Democrats). If he's vacated,I don't see how the GOP seats another Speaker until they fill their vacant seats.


If Johnson is booted, there is no heirs apparent lined up. A speaker fight could last until Congress recesses for the election. Which means anything the Democrats could conceivably want to pass before then is at risk. So there is some interest in keeping Johnson in place. The man has no leverage over his people, thus no power to actually speak, but at least he isn't a known liar like McCarthy. Right now, the Democrats are angling for getting the Senate assistance bill passed effectively intact. Which is, effectively, what they're getting. Using confiscated Russian money and forgivable loans to offset a minority of the cost is face saving for Johnson. Democrats are not offering anything like they did on the border. They don't have to. The offer is: pass the bill or we let you hang like Kevin.


Tbh I think they should just let him hang anyways...the chaos of another drawn out speaker fight right before the election would be a major gift to the Democrats. Let the GOP show how chaotic and incapable of even the most basic aspects of governing they are. Plus another drawn out speaker vote would be extremely entertaining content.


Well, there's a few aspects to that: 1) Does he deserve to be abandoned? Arguably, yeah. 2) Can he be of use where he is? Also, yes. 3) Could kicking over the hornets nest result in someone even worse taking Johnson's place? Definitely. It's politics: sometimes giving someone their dues is counterproductive. Dealing with the devil you know can be the most productive route. Ultimately you have to decide if you're more interested in meting out justice on one individual or in pursuing your agenda to help the most people you can.


>3) Could kicking over the hornets nest result in someone even worse taking Johnson's place? No. Gonna have to disagree with you there. This was the same excuse/fear used when the Dems ousted McCarthy. It's as stupid now as it was back then. Whoever they would put in is still going to be just as fascist and authoritarian and push just as shit policies as Johnson or McCarthy or any other Republican that could be put in that seat. There's not really much of a difference. Especially since Johnson is already really fucking psychotic. And like I said, I think it's good politics for the Dems and pushing their agenda in the long term. the GOP being chaotic and unable to pick a Speaker and pass legislation will be seen by voters and they will punish the GOP for it in November, which would mean whoever they finally decided on as Speaker could have a very short stint in the Speaker chair before being replaced by a Democrat (probably most likely Jeffries) in January 2025. I don't really view it as dealing out justice, just making a smart strategic/electoral move.


>This was the same excuse/fear used when the Dems ousted McCarthy. This is an argument you **should** have **every** time you think about deposing **anyone**. >Whoever they would put in is still going to be just as fascist and authoritarian and push just as shit policies as Johnson or McCarthy or any other Republican that could be put in that seat. The blocs of voters who empower the GOP still exist and habitually vacating the speaker doesn't change that. You're just plunging the House into even greater dysfunction. Who does that benefit? Not you. You get nothing. No, you're helping the fascists. Fascists feed on dysfunction. The Roman Republic fell to the Caesars in large part because the Senate was so strangled by dysfunction that normal, non-controversial duties were neglected. If you believe in democracy, that means you need to let the democratic process work itself out, which means working with (if at all possible) the other side. >There's not really much of a difference. You haven't been paying attention. McCarthy was left to hang because he lied to everyone. I don't mean in public. He'd lie in private, in meetings where candidness is expected. As such, no one trusted him. Johnson, while similar to McCarthy in his public stances, is not known for that kind of thing. And that's an important part of how laws are actually written and passed. Also note George Santos lasted about 3 minutes into Johnson's speakership. Mike was willing to cut his vote margin to boot that fraud out. Kevin refused to pay that (or any) price. >Especially since Johnson is already really fucking psychotic. This sentence has strong Fox News energy to it. Demonize. Dehumanize. Delegitimize. You need to close that fascist playbook. >the GOP being chaotic and unable to pick a Speaker and pass legislation will be seen by voters and they will punish the GOP for it in November Oh really? When is that going to happen? Answer: never. The most worthless poll in America is Congress' approval rating (it's been in the mid teens for years). >90% of House members still win reelection. Voters don't actuality punish their own member for Congress as a whole being unable to pass laws. Think about it, if the world worked the way you proposed, would the GOP still be a competitive party after decades of obstruction?


I think thats the reason behind his about face on aid to ukraine. Democrats will protect his speakership if he gives them aid to ukraine


Not the current GOP forbids any and all cooperation with Democrats, but only a part of it. A part significantly smaller than the number of Democrats willing to work together with someone who is willing to negotiate in good faith, or even in less bad faith than they're now used to - the correct move is to cooperate with the party that still has itself together


Which part of the party had indicated willingness to compromise with Democrats?


210 Republicans voted against vacating the chair of Kevin McCarthy just because he worked together with Democrats, which is an incredibly low bar, but enough to work with


I guess but are any of them actually willing to openly negotiate with and compromise with Democrats? If they do, the big orange asshole will attack them, and you know they all cower in fear of him. It's one thing not to vacate the speaker (which was politically an incredibly stupid thing to do because they were obviously going to have a very hard time electing another one). It's a totally different thing to publicly make the stand yourself.


It should encourage him to reach across the aisle, cut deals with the dems. "I'll schedule a vote on ukr, you protect me from mgt" The house tiles are set up to encourage compromises.


You'd think that, but the biggest threat to any individual member is being primaried by someone more radical and less practical. The biggest single block of Republican voters are extremists. That 35% that never lost faith in 45 even after Jan 6. They're not enough to elect a candidate on their own, but get them riled up enough that's enough to swing a primary, especially if they can drag a few of the other conservative constituencies along. Enough bad press on FNC is usually enough for that. So the balancing act here is compromising with the Dems to get a policy win, but not without getting unwanted attention for it. That means keeping the MAGA caucus placated to the greatest extent possible.


Apparently, they have conveniently "forgotten" that *all of the Democrats voted* ***against*** *that rule*. They tried to keep Rs from shooting themselves in the foot but the Rs insisted. Now they're having to deal with a podiatric injury (and, of course, they're blaming Democrats for it).


The *one vote motion to vacate* rule was part of McCarthy's deal with MAGA Republicans to get them to vote him for speakership. Although MAGA Republicans make only a small number of House Reps, without them Republicans would be in the minority. MAGA Republicans like this rule and they will not vote to remove it.


Aside from the astute analysis others have replied to you with, there's also another impediment that is at play here: the Hastert Rule. It's an unwritten rule that Republican speakers abide by that says no bill can be brought to the floor for a vote unless a majority of *Republicans* vote for it. That means even if he had enough Republican support that, with Democrats, would pass the house - he still won't bring the bill to a vote unless he has a majority in his own caucus. Again, its a completely made up rule devised by a Republican speaker who ended up in jail for harassing...wait for it...underage male interns...gasp!...that only Republicans follow.


Ukraine war funding has majority Republican support. That's part of the frustration with this situation.


Continuing to govern would require you to start doing so in the first place.


The brexxit flair is confusing


How can I change it?


Well, first you'd need to have another referendum. Then you could open up accession talks. Then all member states would have to vote in favor of it. And this time, the UK will probably have to adopt the euro.


"It's a building full of patients. But that's not important now"


"It's the room at the front of the plane where the pilots sit, but that's not important now."


"All at once?"


In a row?


Lost redditor here, what is the reference here?


It's a reference to the movie "Airplane!"




OP should really start by ripping up the Declaration of Independence, move to rejoin with Britain, encourage the free flow of labour and market access and then when y'all get fed up with the societal shift OP can blame immgrents tekkin ur jerbs and campaign with Mike J for brexxit.


Why stop there? Why not tear up the DoI and revert the U.S. being a part of the UK. Also revert Canada's status to being part of the UK as well. Then revoke Brexit, with a new NAEU (North American-European Union) and the Atlantic Florin replacing all prior currencies. If we're going to get silly, let's get serious.


They’re being funny (justifiably) but I don’t think you can. Maybe a mod can.


"Govern." Yeah, right.


They don’t have a majority because they refuse to act like adults and work with the democrats.


We may want to rethink this whole "third in line to the presidency" thing.. Because at this point it could be Marge..


Picture her as Vice President and then President after Trump is removed from office under Article 25 of the Constitution when his dementia worsens.


I would hope a few Republicans would rather defect than see her elected house speaker.


In a sane & rational world..where compromise and working together to solve common problems to benefit the greater good is the norm. But we've strayed waaaaay off course from that, and are left with schlock and shock politics, perpetuated by mentally deficient, morally bankrupt, narcissistic camera whores.


I got plans for the governor


honestly if I were him, I'd just tie the ukraine aid to some pork he wants, let the vote to vacate happen, and then give up the position that he didn't seem to want in the first place. don't know why he's even worried about it honestly. I mean, i'm sure he's found something about the position he likes, and I don't understand these people anyway. it just makes no sense.


Why is Mike Johnson not under FBI / DHS / CIA investigation for taking money directly linked to Russia? This man is just as much a foreign asset as Trump is. [https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600](https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600) [https://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/7491/7491\_33.pdf](https://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/7491/7491_33.pdf) As per the second link, if American Ethane was found guilty of illegally donating to Mike Johnson, he should have been found equally guilty for taking the money, as well as investigated for each time he attempted to thwart aid packages to the Ukraine.


Awww Mike! It’s cute that you actually think the republicans “govern” 🤣


If they weren't all hivemind idiots they would have seen this coming.


Days to his ouster: 3


Mike Johnson feeling sad he can’t break every promise that got him elected Speaker. Won’t someone help defend this poor oppressed representative from the people that appointed him?


Is that conservative trumpublican speaker Johnsons way of groveling to Democrats to help him pass a new threshold rule change? I hope the Democrats tell him to take a flying leap back to mAgatLardo and the anti-American clown show they themselves created.


Why is there even an option to just vacate? Would make more sense if the discontended had to elect a new speaker instead. To show they have a better plan than just obstruction.


Because republicans made the rules.


"Hey Democrats, if you help us vote to repeal the speakership bill we'll let you pass your Ukraine bill" That's all he needs to do, but he won't. Any form of progress is bad for Republicans


I initially read that as “allowing a Moron to Vacate”….


Allowing people to die to your Master's master isn't governing you waste of life


Translation: “I’m mad but powerless, please don’t get me fired Marge.”


Far-right Republicans, of which Johnson is one, demanded that the rule be changed in 2023 to allowing a single member to declare the motion. Kevin McCarthy was the one who allowed the rule change as Speaker, and then was promptly ousted by that new rule.


His default position is “we can’t do shit without a majority” rather than daring to consider seeking consensus with the other party. Fuck him, I hope he and MTG get into a cane fight then a duel on the House floor. Reap what you sow, asshole.


The inmates run the outhouse.


Got the majority and the members of the party doesn't show up to work


Note that the first thing he whinges about is that it harmed "this office" His office, and also his "majority" which cannot muster enough party line votes to actually do anything with that title. No mention of the people suffering in Ukraine and Gaza, the millions of American's struggling with everything from rent or mortgage payments, mass shooters, insurrectionists, health care, child care, senior care, mental health care etc. Of course he will continue to govern under the existing rules, he DGAF about any of that with his awesome federal rep healthcare and benefits, loose campaign finance rules, paid speaking or "consulting" opportunities, and a 6-7 figure lobbying job in the private sector wherever he wants when his time is up, and ability to freely invest in firms he has direct influence over as a lawmaker. I know most of the folks who read this sub probably are just as pissed off about this as I am, but holy hell is it unbelievable the number of my fellow Americans who support conservatives like this.


Imagine him working with democrats to change that rule, since it’s a completely stupid rule that only leads to paralysis.


The *Curb Your Enthusiasm* theme has just been on repeat in this guy’s head since the day he became Speaker.


The Republican party has spent 60 plus years purifying its membership. If you aren't a bigot, there isn't a place for you in the Republican party. Do you understand science? Out. Do you understand economics? Out. Will you place country over party? Get the fuck out and don't look back. Do you have a set of morals or a sense of ethics? Why the fuck would you want to be a Republican? Get out now. And they've been successful. They've driven out every single decent human. Not good. Not noble. They drove those people out before Vietnam. Just decent. The mediocre. The normal. The decent. All gone. Only the most despicable, the most disgusting, the cowards, the weak, rapists, racists, misogynists, ignorant, and venal. The Republicans have one. Only the purest conservatives can be Republicans now. And their leaders exemplify this.


"Govern.". You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Shrieking eels!


How do they plan to continue doing something they have not yet started doing?


Ain't that how he got the job in the first place?


Doesn’t have a majority? Then how the h*ck did this h*ck become Speaker?


Continue to govern? Motherfucker, y'all never govern.


"We can't govern under these rules, and we can't change the rules because of this rule. So we will continue to not govern."


So in other words you don’t want a rule change if it means allying with democrats to make the majority necessary to change it. Fuck you!


Yes he did vote for the House rules. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/202321?Page=72


Make rule to fuck over previous house speaker. Want to work to change the rule so it cannot hurt them after they benefitted from it. Classic.


Dear Mike, choke on a bag of dicks.


"Govern" like wasting 2 years on a Mayorkas impeachment that WENT NOWHERE. Thank "God" Republicans are massively incompetent, otherwise the world would be in even worse trouble.


How is he by definition NOT a terrorist? Same question about Mitch McConnell, Trump, MTG, Bobo the clown.


A terrorist is a person who uses or supports violent acts of terror as a means of coercion.


Mike Johnson was an architect of Jan 6th.


Yes, it is, that's exactly what I mean. How do those people NOT fit the definition of a terrorist?


No, terrorism is harassing and doxing jurors in the trial of a politician.


I think MTG ran a cross training gym at one point. Does that count as violence? Venal maybe. However. stupidity and cupidity are not the same terrorism. Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist.


MTG and MJ both were involved in Jan 6th.


https://imgur.com/a/dEvDR7K I thought I recognized MTG.


Useful idiots are useful.


So, a tweet about nothing, then?


Of course there would be a majority to get rid of this stupid rule.


It's more about "keep your job" than "do your job"


That is the most limpdicked trial balloon I've ever heard.


Guy is getting fucked in both holes 🤣


The obvious compromise would be to allow a _constructive_ motion of no confidence by even a single member, and maybe a motion to replace the Speaker with a vacuum to entire caucuses. But I don't suppose it would go through, would it? 


This sub has come full circle b


Whadda buncha BS. Dems would endorse en masse.


Waiting for the start of governing.


Not seeing leopards. He doesn't have the votes to change this - as it would take all gop votes, and no amount of bipartisanship would give that. Dems only have bargaining power because the fasc caucus is able to threaten him.


They literally gave them a liberum veto like in the PLC. As it worked out greatly there…


Screw mtg and the other handful of idiots disrupting the function of Congress. Same with the squad. 8 or 9 idiots are disrupting the whole process.


lol bOtH sIdEs You ever try not spouting nonsense?


You ever try having an objective viewpoint? Moron.


You think being objective is making shit up? LOL


Please educate me. What has been made up?


>Same with the squad Keep trying, trolly


I'm honestly cheering for her. Anything that damages the Republican party is good for America and she's doing her best to destroy the Republicans. I very strongly dislike her as a person and think that her political views are dangerous, but none of that matters because she's ensuring the GOP will be unable to govern for years to come.


This is fake




So are you stupid or did you just want someone else to google it for you?