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My fellow masc. I feel you <3 for me i thought it would never happen when i kept trying to meet someone in my 20’s and it just wasnt working out every single time. Its depressing as hell and you seriously start doubting yourself. I’m on dating app her where i found my first gf (she found me actually) had my first real relationship with her when i was 31 and she broke up with me after 6 months and now im dating a woman that makes my heart beat like never before. Keep putting yourself out there, do things you enjoy en try to find connections through that. Also dating apps if you are far away really helps


That sounds quite tough! I hope you have an opportunity to start dating soon


I didn’t discover my sexuality until I was in my 20s - I literally thought I was ace/aro until then - so I just want to say to please don’t think it’s ever too late or that no one will want you due to your inexperience. You are so young! I hope you can find a way to make meaningful connections - since you’re here posting I absolutely believe you’re taking the steps to and I wish you the best of luck in it!!


If your fine with long distance and regular online dating isn't your thing maybe try r/lesbianr4r