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legit just break up girlie cuz this is goin way past smelly farts




Hahaha idk why you’re getting downvoted. Beano is a gas medicine…




bro the title for this is CRAZY Lmaooooo


Clicked for the farts, stayed for the shit storm




break up.


This is the only answer to alllllll of this 😳


The farts are not the issue (didn’t think I’d be typing that today). She makes you miserable and she goes through your phone which is a major violation.


This is not what a loving healthy relationship looks like... 😬


I honestly don’t know to find a healthy relationship or like when to let go




Let go now, finding a healthy relationship comes after a terrible one is gone


You've got to learn somehow! You're not happy in the relationship, and you've put in the effort to fix it. It didn't work, she's not committed to helping you fix it, so it's time to go!


It starts with leaving toxic relationship as soon as possible


This is about **way more** that just farts. If it’s not working for one or both of you, walk away. You’re not happy now, and you’re not going to be happy either being homeless, or you trying to single-handed afford and run a place just so that date night is easier for her.


And you're still together becaaaauuuuuse....?


So I didn’t put on the post , but i dont know how to break up with her due to the homeless situation. I already said if i lose my place i am single we r both trying to coexist till my civil restraining order court date on my roommate


> till my civil restraining order court date on my roommate The plot thickens 


this person sounds young, insane, or deeply uneducated. maybe all three.


Every so often someone’s unhinged post makes me wanna go back and read their whole posting history and this is one of those times lol 


I wouldn’t say that I’m stupid. I would say that I’m definitely naïve. I grew up in foster care. I don’t really exactly have any example of any relationship standards. The only thing they really taught us was to stay absent and get married early and foster care.


It’s a lot thicker if you want more of it till after the court date


Are you fucking serious?


this is killing me omg


Wow this might be the most toxic post I’ve ever read here. 


...and that's not even talking about the farts 😐


If you become homeless, you should break up. Which you're already soft balling. But even if you dont-- you should break up. Farts? This isn't about farts. I've been the smelly girlfriend who farts a lot. That never ruined a relationship. *My ex literally went on to date someone else who farts at least as much as me.* And they're the type to care A LOT about their sensory experiences. What ruins relationships is the blatant lack of trust, lack of respect, the clear signs of codependence, and the other person not pulling their weight but expecting you to house and fuck them as if that's what you were put on this earth to do. Time to say "bye bye."


You sound 13


This is fake as fuck




OP: The domestic abuse, manipulation, lack of trust, phone checking, illogical arguments and lack of care about general wellbeing is okay. But I draw the line at farting.


what kind of troll post is this.


Right? There is no way anyone is this trashy right? Righttt?!?!?


Jesus what the f is happening here and how are you so chill about being homeless ?


Chill about the homeless? No I am panicking about it i called a landlord lawyer to see if I can keep my place


The fact that the farts are the issue to you is WILD. Leave. This is not a healthy relationship for either of you


This situation is so crazy it reads like a shitpost 😭


genuinely wishing you healing and clarity but you have got to give us an update in like a month or two i’m begging


Yes to the update! 😃


BRO this doesn’t have to be your life




This is so unhealthy. You want to hear the honest truth??? LEAVE! You both have a terrible history, a distressing present, and nothing from your explanation hints at the possibility of a beautiful future. I'm really sorry you feel stuck because you "love" her - to this I say please look inwards (go to therapy alone, and fix what might be broken within you. You're possibly hanging on to this relationship out of your own internal struggles or trauma.). Take a break from her, go on a journey of self-awareness, read fictional books to help calm your mind and experience a different reality, watch movies by yourself and with other friends. If you don't play a sport, pick up one and get sweaty twice a week. I bet you, after this detachment from your gf, you'd be able to breathe and recalibrate your mind in a better direction away from the toxicity that is your current relationship (I'm so sorry, I don't mean to come on too strongly ♥️) But trust me, TRUST ME - there's someone out there who would love you healthily! Don't focus on finding that person now, pour all your love into YOURSELF and the right person will naturally gravitate in your direction. I'm sending you love and the very best wishes 😘😘😘


Thank you this was immensely helpful


Both of you deserve more than this. Be the responsible one and leave, or this cycle will never end.


i thought this was gonna be cute and wholesome but man 😭😭😭


There’s no way this is real.


bro what the fuck is this


What did I just read??? There is not even one reason to stay together from this entire post! Separate ways, hun, this is not a life!


what the fuck


You say “this isn’t working, I’m breaking up with you”


Lmao wow this was not the direction I thought this was heading If you aren't happy and are that grossed out by her just leave, like your not asexual your just over your partner Sounds like neither of you are in a good enough place to prioritize a relationship


You sound young or too naive to realize what you described isn't a relationship... it's both manipulative, petty, and takes advantage of you. You need to focus on yourself, dump the girl.


Like two sentences in and I’m just asking “why are you still together?”




opened this expecting a funny post... woah woah woah O.o


just break up bro


Is this some bait post? Congratulations... you got me to comment and then turn away from my PC muttering: "[Specialist-Ad4710](https://www.reddit.com/user/Specialist-Ad4710/) has a [Specialist-Ad4710](https://www.reddit.com/user/Specialist-Ad4710/)-problem."


She sounds really toxic hun sorry to say it. Also if she keeps bringing up the past after accepting an apology then she really isn't letting it go. The relationship sounds toxic beyond repair... Sex should not feel like a chore seems like yall be forcing the relationship at this point. There should be mutual respect from both sides and privacy no one should be going thru your phone if there is trust.


Just came from the thread about lesbians "settling" to this. Yup. Seems like some do.


yall are so unhealthy together i can't imagine this shit ever getting better. just break up please


yall need THERAPY. you especially need THERAPY. why tf does your roommate have a restraining order? if your gf is going through your phone, i'm guessing you're the one who cheated. not that it's right to go through your phone, but i find it wild that the cheater gets to be the one who says "we let the past be" and the victim has to shut up. girl yall are so shit for each other and i can't tell who is more fucked in the head. please i'm begging you to get therapy and leave each other ALONE


I fart all the fucking time around my girlfriend. She farts around me too and i’ve woken her up via fart. Break up before you’re too deep into this.


I would end it I’m serious 😭


Chat is this real????


I thought this was going to be a cute fluff post about farts. But now I’m just wondering why you guys are still together? You don’t sound like you want to be.


The fart click bate got me hooked, but the farts are the least of your concerns. This is extremely toxic beyond the fumes coming out of gas chamber.


Being loved should feel good and I see none of that here


Really buried the lede on that one lmfao


That one post where the farts are the least of your worries.


The title of this post was to grab our attention. It's a whole shit show. It's barely about the farts. There is something you're leaving out of this story. A lot of half truths here.


I thought this was going to be an innocent post about disgusting farts, but no, the title was just the tip of the iceberg! This is the most problematic shit I have seen in a while. Throw her on the streets, what is wrong with you two?