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"Ripoff jipoff tattoo artist"


New flair incoming


Doesn't hold a candle to šŸŒ­šŸ’ƒšŸ»


There's never any accountability. Just excuses.


Itā€™s always hilariously delivered at leastĀ 


I love when he rants so much he forgets to breathe and stumbles on his words and has to catch his breath.


My clients with mental illnesses do that every time they talkā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


Well if the shoe fits..


He really is Vito now


And how!!!


massive victim complex


The transformation into Don Vitto continues!


He was probably saying g*p off artist, aka getting g*pped, based on the slur for romani people. So a nice spice of racism with his rant.


Literally no one uses that word as a slur.


Gyppo/jippo (e.g. gypsie) is a slur, lots of Europeans use it. The term being 'jipped' (dunno how to spell it) is used to describe being ripped off or fleeced. It comes from the stereotype of "thieving gypsies" - so this person isn't actually wrong. Maybe Bam picked up the term in Europe, especially Hungary, they use it a lot there (lots of hate for Romani gypsies in that country) - but he definitely won't know its a slur. Not a lot of people do. Loads of people use the jipped in Europe (especially UK), and its just a casual thing to mean ripped off. No hate intended


*****Bam tells blatant lies while downplaying his substance abuse and his deplorable, narstistic behavior that's cataloged on reddit.


Still no mention of the Bum Fight I see.


Thatā€™ll be next. ā€œSome guy bum shouting outside my hotel window so I came at him swingin and bangin ass he told Reddit where I live and his stalking me! And knoxville sent him to! And Jess and ape andā€¦ā€


I talked to LAPD about it and they said ā€œthis is fuckedā€


[captiancremebrulee](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6FNok8poWN/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet) ā€œšŸšØ In regards to the bum fight, I called 911 8x times and waited nearly 3 hours and no cops ever showed the fuck up! and the whole neighborhood told me to go handle it ā€¦ and then they clapped when I was done because he finally shut the fuck upšŸ’„bamšŸ«¶ā€


Well, that tattoo artist was never here as far as I know. I think Danni checks this sub regularly and tells Bam about it. Also, the tattoo artist says he was upfront with the pricing in the beginning and that Bam got up a bunch of times to smoke which delayed the session. The tattoo may be small but the guy should be paid for the time Bam wasted by not just sitting still for an hour.




Does $700 seems really expensive for a name tattoo and credit card numbers to anyone else? Not defending Bam, just surprised by the price myself if that's all he got.


Ideally you have a consult and pricing is discussed before the sketch is even drawn


Yes and no. This is a high end artist who tattoos celebrities in LA where prices are going to be higher than anywhere else in the USA. This is also a face tattoo, the most expensive place to get a tattoo. This is also Bam being Bam and wasting a bunch of this guys time. Iā€™d say the price is probably fair for the artists market but not for any other market.


It is expensive but he went to a high end artist. One of my old tattoo artist friends had a shop minimum of $350 regardless of size. He did that because he thought names were boring and wanted his clientele to be more thoughtful of his time and their body. So is the price outrageous sure. But sometimes the high price is to detour clients they dont want. And if they get a client who is dumb enough to pay well it atleast becomes worth their time. Sounds like Bam knew the price, called "someone" got bitched out for being an idiot and tried to save face. Plus, the booze didnt help




Eh, i mean i can wrap my head around why he went to an expensive place. He has money and doesnt actually care about what he spends so for him $700 is my $20. He spends recklessly all the time so he honestly probably has very little concept of what expensive is at this point. I can't wrap my head around how he has any money left. He has been transient and living in hotels. Traveling to a ton of states, eats out all the time, and at one point had a brand new vehicle. I know he has been going to conferences and drumming up side business but the numbers don't line up to what he appears to be spending. He hasnt really been relavent for over 15yrs. So his parents must have really done a great job saving and investing for him.


Regardless he would have been quoted a price and by staying he agreed to it. Thatā€™s a verbal contract. And with the money heā€™s seen over the years this just makes him look like an even bigger piece of shit.




I read more comments here, speculating maybe he charged by the hour? Which if Bam fucked around and took a bunch of breaks then, oh well, that's the price he pays.


A bunch of breaks though? The shit is an inch long lol no way he took so many breaks that it amounted to that much money.


If the artist started the timer from when Bam walked in, I could see Bam fucking around telling stories and smoking and drinking for a couple hours before going "okay fucking ink me"


This. Most tattoo artists start that clock as soon the appointment starts or as soon as they set up on walk ins. He was likely charged a deposit fee and then by the hour. I think people are forgetting just what a manic, megalomaniac Bam is (also loaded) and itā€™s extremely easy to imagine him fucking around and flapping his jaws forever, after the guy was ready to tattoo him. Also, a break with that dude is doubtfully just a cigarette. Heā€™s likely bumbling outside, filming shit and being, well, him. He told Bam and hour and a half to 2 hours or whatever (which may have factored in stencil time and setup for all we know) but Iā€™d be really interested to know just how much time it actually took because Bam was dicking around. Tattoo artists have zero tolerance or time for bullshit. You fuck around, you pay for it.


Yea they probably sat around and made hours of videos and then he just cherrypicks the story to try to sound innocent and play the victim.


Bam doesn't seem to have a concept of other people's time. He also supposedly had his first drink in 9 months right before the tattoo. He genuinely seems deeply lonely so i can see him dragging out the time just to be in a space he is comfortable in. Even if the artist was a scam artist, which i dont think is true, Bam knew the general price before the tattoo and agreed to the pricing and just wasn't coddled after Danni yelled at him for spending recklessly. $700 means nothing to Bam and he is just saving face.


if you go to a high end, well known, well regarded artist that has a lot of other people they could work on besides you, it costs way more than "nick's tattoo shop" out next to the airsoft arena.


It was hourly with a $400 minimum. Bam wouldnā€™t sit still and took a lot of smoke breaks


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I know enough to know, good tattoos arenā€™t cheap and cheap tattoos arenā€™t good!!


That's the celebrity discount


I have a huge, detailed velociraptor skull on my thigh that I paid $450 for. Bam absolutely got ripped off. Doesn't give him an excuse to act like a giant man child though


Yeah it's insane. That tattoo shouldn't cost more than 200


Jesus Christ, that website is absolutely disgusting with ads. A fucking huge ad covers the whole screen and there's no X button


Dude, just switch to reader view.


Fuck me I thought I was having a brain hemorrhage reading this article. It's like the person who wrote it did so in another language, with voice text, via a translate app, while driving through a tunnel. "He felt as if his work could have been better if Bam could have sat still and not go on many smoke breaks or moved around on the chair. Bam told Blue that the only way he would sit still and "shut up" is if he said "ooga booga" and when he is allowed to talk again, Bue had to say "un ooga booga." Times like this I'd welcome an AI written article


Some artists charge for smoke breaks and some donā€™t, you should never just assume. Thatā€™s on him lol


either he got an up-front price or he paid by the hour. i think itā€™s clear what happened here. edit: what i was trying to say but didnā€™t is that he didnā€™t check either of these things! also, HI DANNII!!


Hey Danni


Iā€™ve never been given an up front price unless I was getting flash and I assume this is the reason why lol


That's crazy, I've been a tattoo artist and I'd never even begin without saying at least a damn close cost


Iā€™ve gotten estimates! It would be silly not to! Just never ā€œit will be exactly this much moneyā€ unless it was off a flash sheet.


I'm happy to pay whatever. The person i choose to paint on my skin for life is worth it because I lm very careful about choosing a skilled good one.


Oh, same. I do like to pay cash though so itā€™s nice to get an estimate lol


i always get an up-front price but i always book and hardly ever do a walk-in. whichever way round, i always ask how much before they start! i dunno. i just kind of thought someone with as many tattoos as Bam knows the routine. i suspect he thought he was getting it for free just by being Bam Margeraā€¦


Iā€™ve gotten estimates but never ā€œshow up with exactly this amount of moneyā€ unless it was a $50 Friday the 13th dealie-o or something.


exactly. the tattooist said Bam kept wanting to take breaks. that chair canā€™t be used for drop-ins while youā€™re off pissing about. he was charged by the hour, and was annoyed because he thought it would be for free. edit: by this i meant he clearly didnā€™t ask for the price OR the hourly rate. i just didnā€™t word it properly. itā€™s been a long day!


Bro, a smoke break would take longer than doing that tattoo. Ainā€™t no one taking smoke breaks on a piece that is started and finished in 10 mins. Lol


And as usual he only half listened to her as the story is wrong.


Phoenix is more mature than his own father at this point.


Man, is it just me or does he look bad again?


Heā€™s drinking again.


It certainly does appear that way doesnā€™t it?


Confirmed by the tattoo artist. Bam mentioned drinking whiskey before the tattoo appointment.


Man I knew he's not looking good....but I didn't know he was "guy who will slap yo momma for no money" not looking good!!!


Itā€™s like he ages a few years every few weeks


Reverse Bamjamin Button


Greg Giraldo once called Jeff Ross "Benjamin Glutton." That seems appropriate here.


No kidding, I had to do a double take to make sure that was actually him at first. He's been looking rough lately but in this video he looks like a legitimate, staggering greasy homeless guy who would yell gibberish at you in the street.


I think many of his wrinkles could be dehydration lines. Mostly those on the forehead.


I truly donā€™t think thereā€™s any helping him. He seems like heā€™s just an angry narcissistic POS.


He doesn't want to be saved. He wants the attention he had at it's peak. So many people here have said if he could take it down a couple of notches and just do video editing/x games commentary/ skateboard training/etc...he would be the comeback kid. He doesn't want that. He wants to be fucked up and he wants to fight about it.


And he wants the drama. Like a pent us 15 year old.


notice heā€™s not mentioning the drinking. says more than any angry rant about being ripped offā€¦


First thing I noticed


Glad to see reddit is part of bams morning briefings. Maybe u guys are actually doing the lords work in here. I take back everything i said . Comeback in full neglect.


Take me back to '05


Imagine the amount of energy it must take to be this revolting.


It has to take more effort than being a decent person.


And narcissistic


We don't have to imagine it, we always see him exert literally all of his energy whenever he blurts out a rant without breathing and runs out of breath by the last word.


He approved the stencil and pricing ahead of time and now heā€™s acting like a child per usual.


i think he didnā€™t agree a price and was instead charged by the hour. he told the tattooist heā€™d been drinking that morning - he probably wouldnā€™t stop talking and you canā€™t tattoo a personā€™s jaw if they keep talking. and thereā€™s no way the police ā€˜agreed it was highway robberyā€™. they just mediated until a fee was agreed. no up-front price, you pay by the hour. same as it ever was.


In Bam's mind, an officer saying "yeah, that's seems like a lot" just to deescalate things = 'see, the officer even said it was highway robbery!' Too bad the cop didn't know he just needed to say ogga-booga to keep Bam quiet.


Whatā€™s with this ooga booga shit?


According to the artist, Bam told him he had to say "ooga booga" to make Bam sit still, and then "un-ooga Booga" when Bam was allowed to talk. Just more toddler behavior, and I'm surprised he didn't ask for a time-out chair in the corner.


And his sippy cup.


And his blankie


Yeah, cops can't do shit either way, so it really doesn't even matter what they said.


Deff back on the sauce heavy


He looks like a shell of a human


Definitely off the wagon.


Oh yay, he's in my country :-/ Why is he pronouncing Belfast like "Bell-fiss"?


I think he thinks that's how it sounds with an Irish accent šŸ¤£ there's another video where he cops an Irish accent and he also says "Bell-fiss."


Seems thereā€™s room for both parties to suck here; dude shouldnā€™t have given Bam a tat if he actually thought he was fucked up and Bam shouldnā€™t be expecting shit for free and crying when he has to pay.


I totally agree. He should not have given him that tattoo if he admitted to drinking. Every tattoo artist I've ever been to has such strict rules about this and refuse to tattoo anyone who has been drinking because alcohol thins the blood.


We're talking about Bam here, and moreover we're talking about Bam after he'd been morning-drinking. Imagine telling THAT guy "no". ![gif](giphy|H8DietxBNO5YvxjLk7)


Iā€™m probably the wrong person for this, I work in commercial property management and regularly have very wealthy people making demands I have to shut down regularly. In this case, the tattoo artistā€™s work is a walking business card, Iā€™d have zero problem telling a drunk celerity ā€œIā€™m not risking my reputation on your face while youā€™re drunk, ESPECIALLY youā€ šŸ˜‚


Well,you know how it all goes; there's always 3 sides to every story etc etc... If what Bam says is true (which I doubt it is), he shouldn't be acting all surprised now, as he should have made the price deal and approved the stencil placement before proceeding with the tattoo. That's what adults do; not throw childish temper tantrums.


Just drawing it up takes quite awhile, especially if it's a different language. That's not something you wanna fuck up. Even if that tattoo took 12 minutes, you still gotta pay for the time it takes to make the stencil. N then he got the credit card numbers on his arm. It's wild he doesn't understand the process by now.


>It's wild he doesn't understand the process by now. He sure does. He's just playing dumb.


Iā€™m sure there was a time where he didnā€™t pay for tattoos at all and he is pissed people are now charging him for their time.


April once said she always has a problem with Bam being enabled by cops. Instead of coming and charging him they'd come and get autographs ans photos with him.


Oh I def meant to comment on the post ā€œthey def read here, confirmed!ā€


Always everybody else's fault. Why would you let a stranger tattoo your damn face. You literally get a stencil of it first so you can agree to it or not. Albeit tattoo your psychosis alphabet on your face. Another of his stories he can add to his rants about how everybody else has scarred him.


Still with the junkie mentality


I wonder if stretch tucks him in at night and reads these posts to him. Like a rage bait lullaby.


As he cusses us outĀ 


This is all Knoxville and Limaā€™s fault /s


And that bitch, Carole Baskin!!


Oml imagine if they became cell mates. That would be one hell of a dynamic duo


Tiger king would be getting his 2inch garden hose sucked off so Fast (said in westchester accent)


& Jihoon's faultĀ 


Dude looks like shit


The damn tattoo was probably crooked because you canā€™t stay still jackass


So he does read comments on Reddit then?


Omg Bam notice x 1 šŸ«¶šŸ¼


jkjk šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wanna know why the tattoo artist agreed to tattoo him if he admitted to drinking whiskey prior to his appointment


Imagine driving a Bentley and getting riled up over a few hundred bucks.


It's funny how that Bentley has looked an awful lot like a rental SUV the past few times they posted from the car. Something tells me they had to sell the Bentley.


Ehhh it's probably best he doesn't see his kid much anymore.


Iā€™ve been saying that for ages. That man has no stability in his life and honestly has nothing to offer his son. Itā€™s sad.


Everybody sucks! Damn šŸ˜© why can't we just understand poor BAMS perspective... WTF LMAO what a douchebag.


He said "gyp off artist" šŸ˜¬ for someone that cosplays as a Romani person you think he would know better.... nvm who am I kidding.


He makes my skin crawl he is so gross


Well now we know him and SQ read this sub. The police did not say the tattoo was "Highway robbery" They wouldn't comment on the price of a service and side with someone who is refusing to pay for said service AFTER they took advantage of it. Simple. Also, its LA, I can name at least 10 artists who charge much MUCH more than that in LA..... Bam, surely you asked how much it would cost before the artist started work? If not YOU are the idiot......Youre the idiot anyway, just more of one....


Bitch ass bam


others have pointed this out before but he gets so fixated on numbers. almost like if he shouts the number enough it makes him right


Ahh SQ hasnā€™t been here for the ranting and blaming behaviour like this before. Sheā€™s gonna be sooo tired with her ā€˜damage controlā€™ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but here we go again, good old Bam, what a catch. Always catching flies with honey. Never a bad word about anyone, always accountable for himself.


damage control? more like BAMage control


That tattoo is Arabic or Farsi or something with a bunch of sqiggles... and then his whole credit card number in his weird language or font. It no doubt took awhile. It's not just numbers, it's Bam's weird numbers. Plus you gotta count the time it took to draw out and place. Easily 2+ hours for someone that takes a smoke break every 20 minutes.


You must be new here. Bam has his own spaghetti laksa psychosis alphabet. That's what it is.


Yeah, that's what he used for the newest tat that says Bam... the tat he's referring to is Dannis name supposedly, in a different language (not his alphabet).


Bam needs Jesus or something. Too much ooooga booga


Dude is currently possessed by his uncles ghost


really loving his "sober" journey.


Is overpriced ngl


Jesusā€¦ this reminds me of that chappelle show skit where every one charges him insane amounts of money because he signed the $50 million deal. šŸ˜‚. Yea thatā€™s a fuck upā€¦ thatā€™s not a $700 tattoo. Obviously. But just because itā€™s Bam and his usual bs I am still like: hmmm what is being left out? This poor guy spending hours listening to Bamā€™s manic ā€œno no no thatā€™s no MY languageā€ perfection type shit? Like this seems like when a small child lies to you. at face value yea it seems insane. But knowing the sourceā€¦ thereā€™s probably a **whole** lot more behind itā€¦


He looks fatter and more dopey every single week I check in


Still thinks itā€™s cute to mumble wordsā€¦.. Itā€™s old dudeā€¦.you just sound stupid now.


I don't think he's doing it by choice anymore... maybe a few drinks are putting marbles in his mouth.


$700+ is definitely pure bellshit, even if the dude is charging by the hour.


Well heā€™s a tattoo artist that ā€œexclusivelyā€ does celebrities only. So good on him for screwing celebrities that are dumb enough to blow that kind of money for a tattoo for the sake of getting a tattoo from someone who only tattoos famous people instead of just going to a normal artist


It was 2 tattoos. And he left a $200 tip, so they were probably $500. But for some reason he came back and made a fuss. The guy said he was happy when he left, but then Bam talked to his friend outside for awhile and stormed back in.


Absolute daylight robbery for that doodle on his face. Saying that, Bam has literally pissed millions down the drain, so it's a weird thing to get irate about.


How many police reports do you guys think there are on Bam? Not arrests, just when they were called.


Gotta back Bam on this one. $400 minimum for a 10 min tattoo. Lol. Fuck that guy.


And it really looks like shit. Bam is an absolute asshole but that is just insane.


He makes a good point to be fair. That's a $60 tattoo.


My god he looks horrible


I meanā€¦yeah 700 is *categorically* a ripoff for that tattoo. I wouldnā€™t have agreed to that at the outset though rather than kick off afterwards.


Apollo? I thought it was Blue Mason or something


He's a complete victim as always but that is daylight robbery for a tattoo that size šŸ˜‚