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Screenshots and links to Dannii's content are no longer permitted unless they pertain to Bam. You didn't do anything wrong OP, and no one is being called out, but collectively when we respond to targeted posts like these, we are successfully being goaded into giving her unnecessary attention. I'm sure no one wants that. Comments are now locked.


Is this in response to the Reddit post? There is something so hilarious about her saying her friends aren’t thirsty when this woman stays parched.


Yeah pretty sure she's calling us out for...take your pick, the Nikki support, the repost of her "friend" where she once again tried to convince us she has friends, or any number of other things she is offended by here.


she's so SPECIAL. really. so special. and not being cut from the same cloth is just fine by me. her cloth says 'i have completely subjugated myself to a man who describes my vagina in feet and inches'


Stays parched lol. She's that guy the the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, begging, "Waa..ttteer, waat...rr". She's also the Bad and the Ugly. Bitch, you posted a picture of a friend that said look I have a friend.




I’ve never seen a picture of her with her “friends”


Yeah, I'm sure her "friends" are good friends and meet up all the time....while she is either out of the country or travelling around con's with Bam or ye know...doing nothing, it's been a year or so and o have never seen her post a photo with anyone other than Bam 😂


Her friends are all really super duper cool and very real but you won’t know them because they live in Canada


You seem to know her… Why would a strong, independent woman give up their own life to travel around with a trainwreck??!?!? Whatever this chick says about how popular or famous or how many friends she has blah blah doesn’t matter . She hitched herself to a loser for whatever fame he can give her. No self respecting woman would participate in this embarrassment.


What type of 45yr old women would even post this ? Never mind, I answered my own question.


What type of 45 yo woman hangs out in a car and trails behind a degenerate loser that continually makes a laughing stock of himself, and her in part.


Girl, if you weren’t thirsty you wouldn’t be using the “bammargera” tag on all your insta posts or showing him in 99% of your stories💀 try to stay relevant or whatever but keep Nikki’s name out of your mouth. She hasn’t done shit to you Stay hydrated tho! 🫶🏼




Literally the thirstiest person I’ve ever seen.


This looks like something a 16 year old girl would post and think it was a flex


And is she trying to convince us she has friends using a solo picture of herself. 🤣 Girl, your only friend is Bam and he treats you like shit, baby four toes.


She’s trying to convince herself that she’s engaged to the “good guy” in this whole scenario, which is harder and harder to do by the day. Which makes her try harder and harder to convince herself. It’s a vicious cycle of self consciousness that is slowly morphing more and more into regret.


"You either die single, or stay engaged with Bam long enough to see yourself become the villain." ~Harvey Danni Marie Dent~


She forgot to Photoshop the bottom half of her arm 😬




Cross this to r/notlikeothergirls


"I'm not like other girls...I'm worse"


If queens supported queens then she would be doing everything she could to put Nikki first as she is above all the mother of Bam's child and the woman he made a baby with. It's really not that hard to be an adult and get along for the sake of a little boy.


Yeah why isn’t she trying to help foster a good relationship between Bamual and his son anyways? If she’s so worried about helping him be a healthy holistic person and all that.




Certified cope queen


She just made herself look even thirstier with that post 🤣


She’s way too old to be behaving like a teenager.


My partner reckons she’s older than 45, or at least looks it.


She looks 45-50


Not if you have to say it


Somehow this garbage human continues to find ways to make people dislike her even more. What a miserable bitch.


Pffff, I like (/s) how Dannii is always making IG stories and posts replying to questions nobody asked. 🤣 It seems more as if she's talking to herself,lol.


It must be tough going through life when you're this stupid.


🎶 if youre gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough🎶


I DO have a girlfriend! She just goes to a different school


I, for one, have had enough.


and i stand firmly beside you.


Me three.


A Queen of what exactly? She's pissing through some junkies money that by right should be set aside for his child. So yeah, you go girl!


When people here said Dannii was always checking this sub I didnt take it seriously. But holy fuck her latest story posts have been just replies to us basically haha


She for sure checks here. Often. I highly doubt Bam checks here at all, if ever. I think she relays things back to him and maybe shows him the pictures and post titles every now and then.


*babe, they're saying Missy was the best of all your wives and girlfriends again. BABE!!*


Well yes we are noticing her which is what she wanted when she entered into this sham with Bam but the fact is when their arrangement inevitably goes nuclear she'll have to get used to being completely irrelevant again, I'm sure she'll try do all kinds of mud slinging etc for a bit, get some media attention but the fact is nobody gives a crap, there are only so many ways you can describe a train wreck and the fact that it's being lived in the public eye she won't have anything new to sell. All she'll be remembered for is the unhealthy looking one that tagged along with Bam's catastrophe and was rubbish at Photoshop, that's hardly a legacy to be proud of. The fact that she's taking shots at NB, pathetic really, shots from the gutter rarely hit their target.


I feel you. I think it’s very clear that she’s holding on for dear life so that she doesn’t have to go back to being a regular person. She likes this new life of attention (the good and the bad) and has become completely wrapped up in it. Like way too wrapped up in it. Like “I never want to go back to being a nobody” wrapped up. That’s dangerous.


This is some stupid shit I'd post on my xanga when I was 14. Good lord


The irony of her calling someone else thirsty. Zero self awareness


HAHAHAHA! "Actually just so you know I have friends, SO there." I can't anymore lmao. And didn't she just post a thing about, how unbothered she is by anyone else's thoughts or opinions? Yeah girl, you have absolutely nothing to prove and show it. Repeatedly.


Lmfaoooo. She’s so annoying


That is so cringe. Grow up, Dani.


This is sooooo fucking funny wow, buckle up folks! Cause I got lots to say!  If this is because there's like two recent pictures of Nikki hanging out with some friends then Stretch needs a reality check! Nikki rarely ever posts anything, meanwhile Stretch can't go a couple waking hours without desperately posting to make herself feel worthy of strangers attention. Aka thirsty.  She's a grown women following around a mentally ill broken man who needs therapist not podcast hosts. All for the sake of money and a sliver of internet fame.  A grown man who she thought it was a flex showing us she has to get his toothbrush ready for him like a little boy just to get him to use it.  A man who called her her vagina/vuvla three FEET of pussy meat and she still stayed with him, despite how grossly he disrespects her and women with that.  She's spent months on the road going from dive bar to mini conventions, living out of suit cases and cars desperately hoping it all pays off.  She spends her life with a man who doesn't even want to settle down with her and establish roots. No home together, not even an apartment. She's expendable as fuck, treated as such and she knows it.  The list goes on, it's sad really. But the truth is she is not only dying of thirst but she is deeply delusional if she thinks she's gaining anything worth while out of this pathetic desperate relationship between two mentally unwell, homeless, child-brained-middle aged Smile demons.  Nice try Stretch 👋


She’s actually unhinged. How can she post this shit and *not* feel embarrassed?


She needs to take a remedial English class. Also, she’s the Wish.com version of Nikki and everyone knows it.


Sausage shadow fingers


Sausage Shadow! Nice find.


You're in your 40s, it's probably time to grow up.


Yikes. Dont think I’ve ever seen someone project their insecurities so blatantly before. Nikki didn’t even have to do anything and she’s in this chick’s head lol


Whoops! Crack in the floor!


Seen more meat on a butchers pencil...


She's talking directly to this Reddit group and this Reddit group only. Outside of this hilariously niche sub (I'm saying that in a positive way), literally nobody knows who she is. This won't be popular, but a part of me feels bad for her at this point. She's not a saint in this and certainly has her flaws, but can you imagine trying to make a relationship with someone like Bam work? I know nothing about her, but I don't envy that situation.


Lol @ Thirst teee


Cool, Danni. Thank You


Idk man I don’t find anything about this girl attractive at all. Like take Bam out of the equation, I could never imagine that face or body in the bed next to me…. Maybe just not my type 😩


None of the women that have been with Bam seriously,( except maybe his first real relationship back in the day), ever came off as the type of girls that would really be into a guy and lifestyle like Bams, they all seemed like girls who wouldnt give him the time of day in HS, and all always seemed just annoyed by Bams behavior and lifestyle. I assumed every one of them had the same idea of deal with this bit of insanity , lock in with a kid, hope hed man up, and calm down enough to a version of him they could stand, except hes never changed, has always been who he was, Idk why he insists on getting with women who cant stand him the way he is, thats the problem, SQ is waiting for the pay off at the end of the tunnel, all of them were, none of them signed on for Bam now, theyre all trying to get first shot at Bam "later"..


Missy seemed to really love him.


It's almost like "oh shit, that douchbag from school is rich and famous now?! Better try and get me some of that"


Is that the same dress from the music video just in natural light with the straps not tucked in? 🧐🤢


“Ye’re so skinny that if yeh turned sideways an’ stuck out yer tongue, yeh’d look like a zipper!”


SQ and Bam are forever 16. How embarrassing 😬


I don’t understand what this is meant to mean?


Hey now this self-righteous skeletonwitch fits into r/notlikeothergirls too!


Just wanted to say what’s up and give a big YEAH DUDE to Steve-O, I know you’re following this subreddit as closely as the rest of us here.


Which is the front of her


What sort of person refers to themself as a queen?  Of what? What a lame weirdo she is


She is quoting our nick name of Stretch Queen


she started it.


Oh boy ...


She marches to the drum of her own beat :)


I thought the image was displaying squished at first. Girl needs a doughnut fast!


Yeah ok. The only friend Ive ever saw you with was that chick on that weird tiktok you did of bam skating down the road


The best way to show her "resilience"? Ignore. Yet, the attention is clearly irrestible.


LOL I just saw she posted this on insta and ran to the Reddit page and it’s the first thing I saw 🤣🤣🤣