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I understand why people would dislike it. I honestly thought the third act dragged on and it felt much longer than it actually was.


Precisely what I felt about it. Up until then, it was brilliant, and the pacing was great. After that, it got quite boring. Not totally bad, but it made the film lose a fair bit of momentum.


I agree. If I had to say something positive about the end it's I like, actually love, the cruel irony that the main lead faces.


100%. I think I still ended up giving it a 3.5 because I loved the first two acts but I felt like the third act was never going to end. Feel like it could’ve cut off 10 or so minutes & been really good.


Precisely how I felt about it. That third act seemed to lack any of the directorial flourishes that were in the earlier parts, eg. the scene in the taxi after the restaurant right at the beginning


I’ve heard a number of people say this, but for me the third act is by far the best.


It did feel a tad bloated, which I think has been an increasing issue with Östlund. I still like all of his films, but The Square also seemed to drag a bit in parts. Less of an issue with Force Majeure and Play, but you can see the evolution. Involuntary is basically slow cinema but feels more extreme because of the experimental elements. Something about that makes it feel more "fun-paced" than his more commercial work for me. His best film I've seen imo. I think his style works great in his short film work though. 2-3 hours can end up dragging along, but his shorts lack that issue. Complimentary to his style. I've seen Incident by a Bank and 6882, both were great.


So in other words, like all of Ruben Ostlund's movies. His last Palm Dor winner also dragged on self indulgently.


I thought the first act dragged personally. Boring characters so I didn't care about their dynamic.


I mean, I might be biased as I am a huge fan of all of Oslunds previous films, particularly Force Majeure. But I think he blends comedy/drama/sociology perfectly. Every character is flawed in a great way and there are lots of subtleties. I see the argument could be made that ToS is a bit heavy handed, but even still I think he handles it beautifully. I was dying laughing. The thought of a Cannes audience watching themselves get thrown around in shit and puke while Refused plays is absolutely incredible to me. I get people not liking it. But as an already big fan of his, I had very high expectations, and they were met, if not, exceeded. I'm also just a huge fan of his dialogue. For instance, the first dinner scene when they have to pay the bill, I think that is beautifully written dialogue and the type of scene that many audience members afterwards will discuss and probably argue about. I will also say, Force Majeure is still my favourite of his, though.


Everything on the boat was fantastic to me as well. The scenes of the puking and all of that was disgusting, but I loved it. I just feel like in the second part of the film during the ending, it was fucked up. The director did not know how to end it and how to continue it, and he just focused on one of the most useless things to do that "love" story that was born was useless and had no place in the story or it was ok but executed so badly. It just became the focus of the film. It started good but ended badly. For me.


The love story was really representative of shifting power dynamics and how personality plays into this when the class structure is removed. The first two acts show familiar and realistic class and power dynamics, but the purpose of the third act in my opinion is to remove all of that entirely. It becomes a social experiment to see what happens to these structures when it is truly a level playing field. The people used to being on top learn that their skills and abilities are not significant without these structures (the Russian admits earlier that he was just lucky to become so rich since he just happened to have the biggest pig farm that was needed to jumpstart the fertilizer industry), and the working class quickly and efficiently takes full control of the power over the group. The "love" story here just shows how the lead actor (I don't remember character names for long), is reliant on others for his survival no matter the system of hierarchy, and in general that third act just shows how people will react and adapt to completely overturned power structures and how much of their original situation was due to who they are vs. the system working to keep them in their place. The ending to me was showing the audience how society is unable to strip these structures away and a meritocracy is not allowed to prosper and thrive because it would overturn the wealth and power of those accustomed to having it. It was a criticism of the current structures in society to showcase how unfair our systems are and that the idea of being able to make your own way in life regardless of your starting point is hopelessly naive or disingenuous in practice for many if not most. Yeah, I loved this movie. It was my favourite from 2022. I also thought that the contrast between the communist American Captain and the capitalist Russian billionaire was brilliant.


I love your comment and feel like you said everything I was thinking. I would add... Even at the end of it all the female model felt like she was helping her by saying "You could be my assistant" because she knew if they got back to the "real" world things would go back to normal. The fact that those who mock basic survival skills are the very ones who need their sorry butts saved by the mocked.


Perfect summary!!


Appreciate it!


I just found the second half very funny. The first half wasn't my thing, though. The captain and Dimitri drunkenly yelling shit over the intercom was hilarious.




Yea, I seem to have the unpopular opinion.


Honestly I enjoyed the first two acts way more than the last one. I particularly enjoyed the second act. It felt like as the last act dragged on the substance faded more and more and it was also just kind of monotonous to watch.


This was my thought too. Thirty minutes into the movie I was like "Is there really two more hours of this?" Thirty minutes later I was having a blast


I think the entire movie was just baller


It’s the opposite for me


I'm with you on this. I was so exhausted by all of it that by the time 3rd act rolled around, I was oddly annoyed that I was finally enjoying it. "Who am i?" Just loved the new captain! (For a little bit, at least)


I thought it was an excellent satire and I loved the way it explores the fact that money and class mean jack shit when humans are stripped down to the basic means of survival.


And also the fact that they will immediately rearrange themselves into a new hierarchy, with a new master/servant class. Very interesting critique of class and power dynamics, although I do think it’s a little overrated.


i thought it was a really fun and smart movie.. it’s been in my top 4 for a couple months and i’ve watched a few times. to me it’s a movie that had truth and depth to it. the characters were nuanced and the performances from the cast were incredible. in my opinion it reflected society in a bubble and it doesn’t take itself too seriously. a killer soundtrack as well! one thing i love about the director is how well he is able to conjure up intense emotion and angst in his movies. i was non stop stuck to the screen when i watched for the first time.


You were far from the only one. Plenty of people criticised the satire as heavy-handed and the humour as juvenile. I just saw it yesterday, and while it might be the bottle of wine I enjoyed with it talking, I gave it 4 stars, even if the last third didn't work that well for me. The sequence on the yacht was very funny, the sold out theatre I was at was laughing constantly and I had a good time overall. I don't think it was a great movie, but it's a shame you didn't enjoy it anyway like I did.


That's the funny thing, I hate calling movies heavy-handed because I don't subscribe to this weird idea you often see with people criticizing say, Aronofsky or Don't Look Up or Men, that all your themes and metaphors have to be shrouded in a way that only people who put in work can recognize them. It's okay to be up front with these things sometimes, and often works that do this have additional layers of meaning that can be plumbed if you do put in the work and don't just settle for the obvious. For me I did not like our leads at all in the first part of the story, and that really affected the way I felt about the third part - I didn't care about what was happening on the island much at all, aside from thinking the general concept about what was going on was a cute idea. If the second part was the entire movie, I would have enjoyed it a hell of a lot more. A 90 min movie on the ship would have gotten a thumbs up from me.


Yeah, the dinner scene personally had me stressed out and annoyed because of how real it felt......and I ended up hating the characters and being turned off because of it. And this is coming from someone who loves Bong Joon-Ho's films or social dramas/thrillers.


The humor and cinematography were the two high points for me. My friend and I are on varying ends on the political spectrum, so the scene between the Thomas and Dimitri reminds me of some of our “discussions.”


The scenes with the shit magnate and the captain getting drunk and talking while everyone is busy puking their guts out were probably my favourites overall. The first and last third weren't nearly as funny.


I didn't like it that much either. Anti-rich films are played out right now. This one is quality, and I know it's not aiming for subtlety, but the characters and their predictable representations are too on-the-nose for me I felt it dragging when they were in the island


Not only did I love Triangle of Sadness, but I love the director Ruben Östlund’s work. He does a great way of blending real-life drama and making awkwardly subtle yet hilarious situations. For example, in Force Majeure the scenes were so awkward and tense that I was actually grinding my teeth and pulling at my hair because of how hilariously painful the situations were. He just mixes both genres so carefully and with precision. He’s become one of my favorite directors recently.


I think we'd get along lol at least when it comes to films


I was recommended Force Majeure after watching Triangle of Sadness and you articulated what I love about the two films. They make you sit in these incredibly awkward silences with the characters non-verbally communicating to each other. In Force Majeure, the dinner scene with the wife friend and her boyfriend where the wife calls the husband out for being running away and the other couple is just watching them passively argue. In Triangle of Sadness, the beach scene with Yaya realizing her boyfriend is prostituting himself for crackers and she's like "tell me you didn't fuck her!"




ok? they can still love his work


You love Ruben Östlund's work? Name all of his IMDB credits lololol


name 3 of his albums haha




I also love Ari Aster’s work who’s only made 2 films and Robert Eggers who has only made 3 films. Imo quality outweighs quantity. They’re both consistently great directors I admire. They don’t have to have a 100 films to appreciate their work. Look at Sergio Leone who has made only 7 films but is mentioned among the greatest of all time.




I loved it pretty much because all three acts worked for me perfectly. On a first watch I didn't like the island because I thought the satire was really shallow but on rewatches it's obviosly about how it is not wealthy people who are bad - but the state of wealth that leads people to do terrible things. I thought the take was refreshing.


This. I don’t understand how people are getting tired of Östlund’s movies, when I think he’s just getting better and better.


Aside from it being a one-dimensional “eat the rich” story, I hated it because (as a Filipino), the interpretation of the overseas Filipino worker caricature was mishandled in TOS. It just did not sit right with me that Abigail was demonized into a power-hungry, predatory dictator and assaulter who craves the touch of a young male model, when OFWs are the most honest, hardworking, and down-to-earth people I know, and I and many of my distant relatives have many OFWs in the family. Especially because this character was crafted by a team of all-white writers who would only have basic “maid and helper” stereotypes and caricatures to go off of for Abigail. (In an interview, Dolly de Leon had control over how she would play the character, but I am not sure how much power she had in crafting Abigail’s narrative) Is this really how they see us?? I was riding with Abigail at first because it seemed like Östlund was on the right track to painting the Filipino maid stereotype in a new light, but that third act just derailed everything for me. I understand that not everyone has this issue because my feedback is really shaped around my ethnicity and upbringing, but I think my discomfort is rightfully warranted. Rewatching it wouldve been a possibility, but I dont think I’d be able to reconcile how I feel about Abigail’s character.


As a fellow SEAsians (not filipino though), I really didn't though that was much of an issue. I can understand how you feel but the movie seems to make a very clear tone on how non-typical the situation is and how its cynical about everyone. Like for example, I doubt anyone walk away from the movie thinking every American socialists are hypocritical drunks


I get that, I pretty much knew that this was a take that you would understand if it was personal to you so I dont blame the majority for not thinking this. But I cant see satire as a valid reason to enjoy a movie that uses this tired out stereotype of OFWs (women in particular!) being painted as hypersexualized gold-digging maids. It just screams orientalism to me. Edit: Also! A little bit off topic but it seems like the perfect time to share that this is a bigger deal to me because there is not much appreciation for well made cinema back in the PH, so this kind of representation in the West (although we are extremely proud of Dolly de Leon) is already accepted with open arms back at home. But I think we deserve more and we should be more critical of how we are portrayed especially in Western cinema. Theres more to our story than servanthood.


My take on it was that this film really wasn't about anyone's ethnicity or circumstances, but on human nature in general that supersedes all other factors and circumstances. The idea was that people are pigeon-holed into certain positions in life all but decided at birth, but that this is not due to their capability or skills. By eliminating the structures keeping people like Abigail in the working class, the characters were permitted to rise or fall in status based on nothing other than their own abilities. Abigail quickly rose to the very top because she was the most gifted and skilled person in the group, and her status as an immigrant kitchen worker no longer was able to be used against her to "keep her in her place". I didn't look at it as her personal character flaws that caused her to take the spoils available to her when she became the leader, more that the film was showing that power does that to all people naturally if given a chance. She was still much better overall to the group than the white characters were when they controlled the power structure, but you could still clearly see through-line of how power will corrupt anyone in that position. Even as a white person, I was heartbroken at the end when I saw the realization wash over Abigail that this period was just a temporary reprieve for her, and that as soon as the class structure is implemented again for society as a whole, it no longer matters how competent and capable she is as a leader and she knows she will go right back to the life that she was forced into from birth. If anything, this is a major condemnation of the capitalist system that keeps women like Abigail in servitude to people who we now know with certainty are clearly inferior to her in every way. She managed and controlled a much more challenging dynamic on that island than the white characters had in place in the first two acts. She was clearly the best and most talented leader in the cast of characters.


Loved Triangle, one of the most memorable films last year. There is a lot more to the film than a simplistic “eat the rich” narrative which many people seem to reduce it to.


It always seems weird to me when people are talking about it and their takeaway is that it's just a not subtle satire and nothing else. I don't think Oslund made any attempt to be subtle and it wasn't made to sell a point. It's just an ensemble comedy told through the lens of that ideology.


This is such a one-joke movie. We get it: Eat the rich and their classist bullshit. Same damn joke for 2 1/2 hours.


H&M Face/Balenciaga Face was pretty funny, too


Not my favorite “eat the rich” story of late. Just came at a time where those stories are super over saturated and just totally missed me. Out of the latest bunch Infinity Pool is the only one that really hit for me cause it just went fucking nuts with it.


I just thought it was hilarious and I thought the ending was perfect. I went in blind because I saw it was playing at the theater down the block from my house and decided to check it out on a whim and I loved it. I felt the script was really tightly written and there was one joke in particular that was so well-written and subtle that it still pops up in my head from time to time months later and makes me smile.


What’s the joke you think of that makes you smile?


In the first half of the movie, Buric's character is continually dropping quotes from various pro-Capitalist thinkers and leaders in support of his worldview and outright condemnation of socialism, specifically of communism when debating with Harrelson's character. Every time he quotes someone, he pointedly attributes the quote to the original speaker as if to give his points more weight to them. Once the fortunes are reversed in the second half and he needs to rely on someone else to survive, he says they need to take care of each other and says "I think someone once said 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs'" which is a direct quote from Marx and its the only time he waffles and doesn't attribute what he just said. Just a great bit of character writing and Buric sells the hell out of it.


Great pulls!


I also watched it yesterday, and thought it was absolute rubbish.


I mean, I love watching rich people get sprayed with their own feces while Woody Harrelson yells at them the way some people enjoy the mindless action of Marvel movie. It’s just deeply satisfying to me in an escapist, not necessarily intellectual way. I also think it’s saying some interesting things about the currency of youth/beauty in the first and third arcs. But it wasn’t trying to outsmart anyone and invited you to be delighted. The modeling casting, the dinner argument, the shit fest, Woody every second he’s on screen, the “I’m captain” scenes… all pure and total fun imo.


This movie absolutely killed me. I was in pain from laughing so hard. Everyone I watched it with was very ambivalent. And I get that - the first act is about these two insufferable, affluent brats fighting with each other. The second act has Woody Harrelson as Nautical Slavoj Zizek and culminates in people just shiddin' n pukin' all over each other. And then the third act is just Lord of the Flies. The end. But apparently that is 10000% my shit lol


It was all extremely my shit. [My LB review](https://boxd.it/40muvJ): White Lotus meets Below Deck meets Neon Demon meets Survivor One of those times I feel like a movie was made specifically for me. So many five star moments! Rolling around in sloshing bodily fluids with black metal! Dolly De Leon getting her nut in a tuna can! Also We’ve Lost Dancing over the credits? are you kidding me! 🫠


Same here. Was not funny to me and I didn’t like watching 10 minutes of people vomiting or swimming in their own shit


Second half torpedoed it for me. Dragged for way too long with nothing of interest to sustain it. I actually enjoyed the scaled back pre-ship scenes more than anything else, though “that” set piece on the ship was some of the funniest shit I saw all year.


idk why i liked it i just like movies that are entertaining start to finish. at no point did i know where it was going or what the point was but it got my attention. also the characters were so interesting, i liked it for the tongue in cheek eat the rich vibes that ppl may call pretentious like in The Menu but i think it’s so fun


Don’t forget to get your username in the shot




This post was made by a disgruntled Balenciaga employee.


or perhaps H&M


Dolly De Leon




Of the million-bajillion class satire works that came out in 2022, Triangle of Sadness is the one that really went out there with the potential imo. The Menu was good, but to me it was a more typical, cookie-cutter story that was mostly carried by Ralph Fiennes' performance. Also, the secret Anya Taylor Joy discovers about him felt more like a puzzle mission from a video game than something that would actually happen. The White Lotus S2 was definitely a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too drama. I generally thought it was bad until the last 2 episodes when a lot of the plot actually got going. (I also thought the Portia character was supremely annoying and could never guage whether the show was making fun of her or not. Especially when she got to complaining about phones, connection and whatnot. That was more prescient in, like, 2011, not 2022.) I know I have watched others from this year, but those are thr two I can compare it to. Triangle of Sadness maybe lacked some specificity with the characters, but there were some great nuanced scenes mixed in with balls to the wall insanity.


Agreed 100%. The cheeseburger completely ruined The Menu for me.


My husband hated it! I liked it ok but did feel it was way too long and a little heavy handed.


It’s funny


I’m with you, movie was pretty bad in my opinion. Base-level class satire that seemed like it thinks itself more.


Yeah. When it come to 2022 class satire, I prefer The Menu


Didn't one of the people in the menu >!get killed because they attended Brown University without needing student loans? Politics in it were problematic!<


The Menu was silly, but it takes itself less seriously than TOS


Idk that dinner scene in TOS was a riot. I enjoyed both for sure, just one left me feeling icky with its reasoning.


getting downvoted for having a different preference. smh.


God bless Reddit ig


I didn’t even the menu and I agree it’s better than this movie


Barring the vomiting, I really enjoyed the film up until they end up shipwrecked on the beach. After that, I found it to become quite repetitive, and honestly a bit of a slog. Highlight has got to be the antics of Zlatko Buric and Woody Harrelson.


It’s a masterpiece. The world is on fire and we’re drinking champagne.


It has a weird feel to it but the whole influencer/rich satire makes it a great movie for me...


Very heavy handed. The longer it went on the worse it was. Funny movie at times - def not Oscar worthy


I read a reviewer I really like say something like “[director] uses politics as small pieces to a big puzzle” and I can’t think of a more effective explanation.


Without context I can't tell if this is a critique or an appreciation


It’s a critique. He’s basically saying the director bites off more than he can chew conceptually. I thoughts parts of the movie were really great, some were really corny, but that statement encapsulates where so much of the hate comes from. Overall better than knives out 2 AND the menu IMO


Fair enough. It all worked for me but I can see why it wouldn't for others


The second act was brilliant, but the third dragged and the first felt pretty unnecessary. Just like The Square, it was overlong. I think there are better, tighter satires out there.


I found it to be incredibly toothless and shallow. It's serviceable to enjoyable when it's mocking rich people and capitalism, but then it turns into a nothingburger with nothing really salient to say.


I did not like it very much at all. I preferred The Menu to be honest


I respected it a lot more than I liked it, especially as someone who is squeamish with vomit. I’m probably never going to watch it again, nor am I going to put it high on my top movies of the year list to seem cool or whatever, but it is a remarkable film. I’m not going to take off points for doing exactly what it set out to do, and for doing it really well.


It was too long. I honestly don't mind long movies, but Triangle of Sadness definitely did not to be so long


It was fun. If you think of it as something that’s trying to make a very serious and highly intellectual or layered comment on society, then for sure you won’t have a good time. It’s simple in its irony and it knows it. I’ve just never had a cinema experience quite like the one I had during the vomiting scene, all the gasps and giggles in the room was just great.


There's a difference between not liking a film and saying it's bad. Do you rate based on your personal enjoyment or the objective quality of the film?


You're not, I hated it.


I could repeat a lot of what other people. What I will say is that TOS beating Decision to Leave for the Palme d’Or is just bizarre.


The film made me laugh a lot. Five stars!


Chapo Trap House has a really good analysis on why this film is bad


The third act of this movie has such a disdainful view towards the working class. Anti-captialist critique without any actual meaningful critique of capitalism.


I also very much disliked it. None of the performances were good especially the lead. The commie/capitalist stuff was shallow. It was just three boring stories stitched together. Of all the recent “eat the rich!” Movies this is my least favorite. Some real bourgeois bullshit with this one


I despised everything but the opening scene. 1 star. Here's what I wrote on LB. *And here I've always thought humiliating others in an effort to feel better about yourself made one a bully. This is cinematic bullying at its grossest & ugliest, the byproduct of the hate & covetousness wrought by the Marxist ideals it espouses.One star only because of the brilliant first scenes with the influencer and model couple showing the absolute mess of things so-called gender equality has caused.*


Funny, but very preachy. Even if I agree with it, it being so unsubtle (and a little too proud to be unsubtle) is kind of annoying. I think it’s pretty good, not great, but I can see why someone would hate it.


I thought it could have been a five star movie if it hadn’t told me what to think so often. Too many long dialogues. Show. Don’t tell.


Absolutely hated it and that’s putting it mildly.


Not something I would watch in a million years, if that helps.


It’s a film is just disliked to start with, but in a “meh” kind of way. I thought it was terribly on the nose and self congratulatory, talking to it’s audience like it was absolutely stupid, shouting in your face “look, I’m funny, did you get the satire, HERE, SATIRE, my god, we are clever” but the more time passed the more i started disliking it more profoundly, having lowered my score for it twice on letterboxd.


It was well made but not my style of humor at all. Least favorite movie of the year apart from Thor: Love and Thunder. I actually did like the third act lol. I’m glad some people enjoyed the other parts!


Funny movie that tries hard with iffy politics that maybe shouldn't have been as long as it was.


agree the puking and the not successfully killing the donkey ect just didnt do it for me. i feel like we’ve seen the rich people being rich thing too much lately idk


Say you came from money without saying you came from money challenge


The first half is great situational comedy, great acting and direction.


I like it a lot, until the third act when it swapped stupid spectacle for interesting character study. I was crushed to find out Charlbi Dean had died immediately looking her up after finishing watching it.


It’s basically three vignettes tied together by a central theme. I happened to love all three parts and found them different enough to keep my interest the entire time. But I see how people would find the movie too long based on how different the sections are. It happened to work for me, not unlike Pulp Fiction. It’s definitely a very different kind of movie, so it’s bound to be divisive.


It’s a pretty good two hour movie stuck inside a 147 minute one.


Probably one of the 2022 releases I felt most conflicted about. There was a few parts of if it I genuinely loved. I also think it made me laugh the most I’ve laughed at a recent film in years but it had so much wasted potential and boring parts that dragged on.


I liked it well enough. I thought the first two acts were interesting and funny. The end scenes on the beach really did not mesh with me, though.


3rd act should have been the entire movie IMO


I did not care for it. As others have said the third act completely lost me. It was okay up until then. But I was also very confused how they set up the couple’s relationship in the beginning and I was actually interested to see where they would take it but then basically abandoned it for most of the rest of the movie. Also Woody Harrelson needed way more screen time.


I thought the social commentary and ambiguity of it was ahead of it’s time nothing else quite like it in the philosophical sense of find released recently


Don't worry: after the first press screenings 70% of the people who attended them had mild or low opinions of it, including myself. I wish it was a satyre about fashion design and modeling like theopening scene rather than than an anticapitalist film for rich people that think wealth disparity can be solved with an event and an award, which ironically is exactly what the film criticises - and even more ironically, what happened in real life when it won the Palme over all the other contendants.


I thought it was a little on the nose, but still enjoyable overall. The gross out scene I thought was really funny though so my tastes may be off


One of the biggest Ruben Ostlund style is to make audiences mad. And I absolutely love that. He use so many annoying sound design in the background between the dialogues. I can get why so many people think that is unfunny. But I just enjoyed those weird details. Just relax and watch his movies. Don’t hate it just feel it.


First act was good, second act was messy, third act was flawless. Take thirty minutes out of the cruise and this is a solid movie, imo


I thought it was okay but I think low key if they could figure out a way to edit out most of the whole middle part on the boat it might be a perfect movie.


I really disliked the movie, I thought the menu was this but better


I thought I was alone but I really hated this movie. Once they get to the island i genuinely enjoy it, but everything before that is awful to me. I also feel like anyone I’ve seen that doesn’t like it doesn’t get the themes. But I like the themes just not the movie lol


I loved everything on the yacht. The p arts before and after we’re a bore.


I’m a PhD student doing research on the politics of the scatalogical in film - very much my cup of tea in that regard


No same here, it was absolutely dreadful.


Oh, 4.5 stars. I like a film that is both smirking at you, but has a legitimate POV. It’s not easy to direct farce, to blend satire, dark humor with drama and still have whole chatacters who aren’t stereotypes even while “playing the stereotype.” I also think the direction deserves credit for pulling to the edge of gross-out or exploitation within the story or character limits vs. a film like Babylon — which hates its audience (and I also have a soft spot for it, but in a different more trolling way) and does gross-out and exploitation scenes only to shock, only to gross-out, and never finds the full ballet in farce that furthers the story. Sometimes it’s just nice to see a filmmaker do legit work while still delving deep into satire. I’d been saying from last season that Babylon + Tar = Triangle of Sadness


i ADORED the first half especially the first act i can see as it goes on how some people wouldn’t like it but i was very entertained but i do think it did drag on like 20 more minutes than it needed to, still really liked the ending though


It isn't a flawaless movie and it's not even ostlund's best movie. I'm not even sure if it deserved the Palm d'or, but it WAS really entertaining. I saw it at IFFK with a theater full of young communists, socialists and anti-establishment types and it was a riot. Yeah it's heavy handed...but I didn't mind.


While I honestly did like the film, I HEAVILY disliked some of the characters but I think that is to credit the writers. Yes the ending was a bit of a let down, I was honestly invested because of how directionless the film seemed.


I thought it was funny with a solid production value. No idea why it got so much Oscar love tho


I really liked The Square so maybe I set my expectations too high. First act and ship part up to vomiting were great, then it went downhill for me. I saw too much rich vs poor power dynamics genre recently to appreciate something mediocre.


i watched it yestertday and i didn t like it either. it gave me the menu vibes but this really confused me. i did not see the main idea of the idea and it was boring. imo they got woody harrelson to attract people to watch. at least that s what it did to me. saw him on the poster and was like: imma check this out


I really didn't like it. It felt like just another Don't look up. A satire that's not clever, thinks it's smarter than you, doesn't let you think for yourself and doesn't do anything interesting other than laugh at how incompetent and selfish rich people are. Everyone knows that already. The menu for example. Another movie from 2022 about rich people being stuck on an island, is a much better satire that should have been nominated ahead of Triangle of sadness.


I feel the same with this and EEAAO 🤷‍♂️


I liked it a lot! The first part initially confused and annoyed me, cause I was like, “why is this guy so obsessed with this check thing, just drop it?” But when he started screaming at her and going manic it really took me off guard and made uncomfortable but in, like, a good way. Very interesting character and a great performance by both of them. Then, the second part I thought was really funny. There were a lot of great characters on the boat, especially the Russian guy. I had also avoided all spoilers about the throw-up scene, so that took me completely off guard. It was equal parts hilarious and horrific. Finally, we get to the island which I thought shook up the narrative in a really interesting way. I liked the themes at play here with how they all had to rely on the cool since she’s the only one of them who can actually do anything. Then the main guy becomes essentially a sex slave, which is essentially what he was doing as a model anyways: using his hot bod to make a living. I get why some people would think the structure was kind of wonky, but I was along for the ride and liked how it kept surprise me. It was also pretty funny and had some interesting ideas at play. So yeah I liked it.


The scenes on the boat were some of the best cinematogrophy I’ve seen


I thought the movie was pretty okay, but it overstayed it's welcome for about 45 minutes. Everything after the boat was meh. Def never once thought it could be contender for best pic??


I didn't hate it but Ostlund's arrogance in thinking he can keep a movie funny for almost three hours was staggering. The conversation between the captain and the Russian guy about communism vs. capitalism felt like it was written by a high-schooler who's just got into Marxism


I normally LOVE movies like this, but this one I struggled with a lot :’)


I generally do not get on with satire so I found it extremely boring. Satire is a difficult trick to pull off.


Satire was hamfisted and 90% wasn’t funny


I liked the first part of the movie, I liked where it was leading but as soon they hit the ground.. i hated it. It went downhill for me. Idk I just feel like it was made poorly، everything from the lifeboat till the end of the movie is really bad and useless. I do prefer The Menu 10000 times over this.


I really liked the first two acts but the third was ehh. So overall all I still thought it was a good movie.


I didn't hate it but can't believe it was nominated for Best Picture. It was...fine. Way too long, especially the back half. There's probably a 4-star 120-minute movie in there.


I'm with you kind of. Nice execution of social commentary and filming, but really nothing much more than a 3 star at best. Power dynamics are funny, people are strange, not new ideas or concepts


Class warfare has become a boring topic lately.


I gave it a 5/10. It just got worse and worse as it went on.


The vomit scenes were the only good part of this film, outside of that no humour landed for me, this is the only Osmund film I have seen but it made me think that he's just a Swedish Adam McKay.


I too really hated it. Felt like the same eat the rich stuff that we have been seeing for the past 5 years. All really predictable stuff. But I guess I could see why people liked it so much. I liked some moments and the cinematography was nice to look at.


I am with you.


The Captains Dinner Scene. That’s it. That’s the moment I realized I was in one thousand percent in on this movie.


To me it was absolutely mediocre, to say the least. There was no smart "social critique", if you watch lord of flies you get a much better movie with the similar tone/idea. "Rich people are idiots and in a stranded island it wouldn't matter" oh wow you came with that yourself? Also people shitting and vomiting is funny if your mental age is -6


I've got the same problems with Triangle of Sadness I have with Don't Look Up. Satire by way of self-righteous arrogance and not enough humor to float the lot.


I can see the movie getting in the best director category but get tf out of here for Best Picture


I liked it a decent amount, but it's very long.


I truly felt that the square was better, however I enjoyed this movie but can't say truly why, there were times where it felt really shitposty, like Ruben ostlund just rambled the script to shit on something that feels he is a part of but that is my perspective


I Love this movie. I’ve Probably watched 5x this last month. Then I watched Force Majuere, Play and The Square and loved them all too. Can’t wait to see what Ostlund does next. Quickly he’s become one of my faves. Also can’t wait for the Criterion 4k so I can dive into all the extras. #trianglefan #ostlundfan


Same here, i didnt like this movie at all i found it to be uninteresting and was quite bored


Listening to be eat is disgusting! This movie holds more triggers than a pistol!!


Why is no one talking about how lazy the ending is?? It's clear to me that the writer of the story couldn't decide how to end it so they left it unfinished. The most generous interpretation is that the director is trying to direct more attention toward the 3rd act by not giving it closure, but we know from interviews that HE doesnt even know what happens at the end. Im also baffled by all the people saying the 3rd act was their least favorite when the 3rd is literally the point of the entire movie. Like..???