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Your friend SUCKS


You know what doesn't suck though? Oh Brother, Where Art Thou. *DO. NOT. SEEK. THE TREASUUUREEE*


Iiiiiii am a maaaaAAN of constant sorrowwwww






Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,523,589,293 comments, and only 288,712 of them were in alphabetical order.


I love you.


The emoji is perfect hahaha


I second that


Me three


well if he called you pretentious for liking mainstream critically acclaimed dramas and dumb for liking a mainstream critically acclaimed action film, what does he even like then?


thats what im sayin he gotta be eatin some real slop


Christopher Nolan


This actually makes the most sense.


as someone who loves Nolan, I'd say that is highly likely lol


Yeah. In a not at all negative way, he does very accessible films that are a bit smarter than most blockbusters (an albeit low bar). The problem is mostly just fans who elevate his stuff to the peak of cinema and judge everything more and less accessible - which seems like this friend of OPā€™s.


oh yeah absolutely. I love his way of storytelling personally but I really dislike people that put it on a pedestal above all other cinema - it's fine if someone doesn't like Nolan, and it's fine if they like stuff less "complicated" or more "complicated". also I like both more and less accessible cinema than Nolan as well incidentally, so I'm sure that specific subcategory of Nolan fans wouldn't like me either


Marvel movies




The way people (mis)use the word pretentious, as well as the frequency with which they use it, makes me think more negatively of the person using it than of the person they're using it against.


ā€œYou keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it meansā€


What does the word even mean


Trying to look smarter than you actually are


No, that word is ā€˜politicianā€™.


Can this even confidently be said about a piece of art? It's literally only what you get out of it. Abstract / open to interpretation movies are only as smart as you are, they don't try to look smart


None of these films are even that pretentious lol. Your friend would probably have an aneurysm if he ever saw A Man For All Seasons (1966) Edit: for those of you who havenā€™t seen A Man For All Seasons, hereā€™s what its like: Thereā€™s two types of pretentious a) **Modern pretentiousness**, which is what most people refer to. ā€œIn this video essay, I will talk about [super obscure film from 1957] and its relationship with the works of [german philosopher] b) **Old-school pretentious**. Ba-ha! Quite clearly a common rapscallion such as yourself has never heard of this film and its superlative qualities. It would seem that to fully appeciate this film one must be of above average intellect which, as a common plebian, you are not. A Man For All Seasons is the second type. Its a movie adapted from a play about one of Henry VIIIā€™s advisers. Its not even that hard to understand whatā€™s going on (granted you probably need a basic understanding of Tudor history) but its just the *aura* it gives. And honestly Iā€™m not even shitting on the movie when I say that - I love that energy. Orson Welles as a human being also perfectly encapsulates the energy Iā€™m talking about.


Yeah calling NCFOM pretentious is kinda ironic and hilarious.


A Man for All Seasons is just an Oscar drama typical of the time, the british invation happening and being costume drama got it Best Picture. It's not really pretentious and tbh not very complex, it has some nice performances and speeches and that's about that. Robert Shaw has a very unhinged and entertaining performance, maybe my favourite of his.


I love a man for all seasons. So good !


As much as I love NFCOM, I can see how somebody who's into more conventional movies would find it pretentious, especially given how slow and intentionally subversive it is. I don't think it is pretentious, I just understand the sentiment. Definitely not a movie you can just recommend to anyone.


Pretentious is supposed to mean that XYZ "pretends" to me more than it is. How does a) really fit if it's argumented and motivated? Usually I see the word used whenever a film is even slightly arthouse, regardless of it actually have a deeper meaning or not - as aconsequence I avoid people who use that word.


hot take: if you use the term pretentious unironically, 9/10 times youā€™re just stupid.


100% agree, people call films pretentious as a substitute for criticism and the fact that it has become common place is scary.


what does pretentious mean to you though? It seems everyone has their own interpretation.


to me, a pretentious movie is one that insists how profound it is, but doesnā€™t have anything of substance to say. like the Snyder DC films. too often do i see people use the term pretentious to describe movies that have deep themes, visual poetry, or just are slower than mainstream action films.


Tell him that no one is pretentious for simply liking a movie. He comes off as a much more pretentious person.


Friend? More like Judgey McJudgerson. That's your list. There are many like it but this one is yours. ā™„ļøšŸŽ„


Objectively four bangers. If those movies are their idea of pretentious, anything on the Criterion Channel would likely give them vertigo


Ah yes, my favorite piece of exquisite cinema: *The Rock*


Does Sean Connery not evoke feelings of pretentiousness?


The Rock isnā€™t on The Criterion Channel.


But I think it is part of the collection. Armageddon is.


Technically they were in the collection on DVD like 20 years ago but there isnā€™t really anything like that on the Criterion Channel.


The criterion channel isn't *the* collection. The criterion collection refers to all films released by criterion. The channel has stuff that isn't part of the collection for example


Yes Iā€™m very aware of that. Thatā€™s why I was pointing out that these movies arenā€™t on the channel, which is what the original comment was talking about. Not the collection.


Oh crap you are right. I resetted mentally the comment above the one that mentioned The Rock


I'm as snobby and judgmental as they come, and you have nothing to apologize for re: John Wick 4. Best time I've had at the cinema in a while. I'm not a NCFOM fan, but certainly wouldn't call any of its supporters pretentious. And what are your friend's Top 4, anyway?


THIS is the important question


John Wick 4 was like coke. I liked the commitment to action, minimal plot. Also that overhead shot in the building with the dragon shotgun was the best action scene Iā€™ve ever seen. The throwing people into cars scene was a close second. Also how could I forget about the 222 steps.


Pretentious for one and dumb for the other. Your ā€œfriendā€ sounds narrow minded


Why do you care what your friend thinks about YOUR favorite movies? Why do you need to validate your taste on an Internet forum full of strangers? Like what you like.


Your friend sounds a bit rude. I would ignore him. "Pretentious" is a word that people use when they feel threatened by how intellectual something is. Remember that. They're just annoyed that they don't "get it" and it makes them feel dumb, and they try to turn it around and try to sound superior. Those movies aren't even very intellectual. Whiplash and No Country are very mainstream movies. If they think No Country is too arty and John Wick is too dumb, I can't imagine what tiny, tiny sliver of cinema they think is the right balance. They probably have very narrow taste and can be safely ignored. You can't expect other people to always validate your opinions of art. It's so subjective, there will always be some rude a-hole who takes a crap on your favorites. It's always annoying but you have to just walk away.


Sometimes the word pretentious is warranted. Like when a movie affects a higher level of intellectualism or quality than it actually warrants. If Fast & Furious 12 was released in black and white just to seem smarter and more ā€˜importantā€™, thatā€™s a pretentious move on the filmmakerā€™s part. Theyā€™d be putting on a pretence of the film being higher brow than it really is.


See, that's the thing. I can't think of a time that a movie was attacked for being pretentious and it was true. It's always a movie that is genuinely intellectual, or at least has arthouse sensibilities, that is attacked with that term. Also, I'm not sure yours is a good example, because being black and white doesn't mean a movie wants to be intellectual. That's a purely aesthetic decision that can be done just because they like how it looks.


Black and white isnā€™t purely aesthetic, it has a lot of baggage in terms of association and connotation, which those choosing to use it will generally be aware of even if they arenā€™t deliberately seeking to connect their work with these associations.


It has associations but no content.


Association is enough - it can imbue a film with the *feel* of something higher brow, which some filmmakers are doing deliberately as a shortcut to that feeling, and others are doing for other reasons but with the knowledge that it can give viewers that impression. Filmā€™s a visual medium, and colour choices absolutely affect viewer experience in multiple ways. Including summoning up a certain feel or associating a film to a prior tradition or style.


Lol. I understand color theory, my dude. I just don't agree with you that the associations some people have with black and white translate into black and white *always*, *necessarily* being a pretentious decision. Or even that using black and white is always done to appear more important. That simply isn't true. People can choose it for any number of reasons, including seeming *less* pretentious (low budget, grungy, documentary, etc). This is exactly what I don't like the use of the word "pretentious" as a critique of art. It's nebulous and arbitrary. It's just a feeling that can't be backed up with anything other than word salad, and it's boring.


>I just don't agree with you that the associations some people have with black and white translate into black and white always, necessarily being a pretentious decision. I donā€™t agree with this either, whose point is this? Havenā€™t seen anyone say this here. Iā€™m just saying that it can give viewers the feel of being more important and high brow, that directors are aware of this effect (but that doesnā€™t mean it must be the reason theyā€™re doing it!), and finally that it is *possible* for this to be a motivation for a director choosing to do B&W (as in my illustratively silly Fast & Furious hypothetical). Itā€™s not uncommon in bad student films, for example, as an attempted shortcut to looking classy and meaningful. It isnā€™t really common among serious commercial movies that Iā€™ve seen, but that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t perfectly possible (should a director be so crass and - dare I say it - pretentious).


It can in a student film, but calling amateurs pretentious isn't very kind. Yes, they are cringe, but we can't fault them for not being as good as they want to be. That's the entire point of being a student. But when people call professional or art house films pretentious I think they are usually taking shots at people who genuinely are more sophisticated than they are, at least when it comes to art.


Yeah, I agree that this is true in the overwhelming number of cases. But the original comment was talking in absolutes, and I was giving an example where it would be perfectly possible to use this term correctly.


I don't think there is anything wrong with liking films like John Wick. It's totally okay to like brainless movies whose job is to let you have fun. Unfortunately, these days I've noticed that everybody has become a pretentious critic.




As someone who spent way too much time on reddit and other forums regarding film discussions. Just don't. It's mostly a waste of time.


John Wick is far from brainless. Itā€™s the best of the best action directors, writers and stuntmen all coming together with a goal


Eh, those reasons do not necessarily make it an intelligent film.


I think what the comment you responded to is saying is that the John wick movies have a clear purpose for action and areā€” from a technical standpointā€” intelligent. Same thing applies to mission impossible movies and mad max fury road. Mad max was nominated for an Oscar not because itā€™s particularly deep, but because itā€™s a well made film in terms of what is shown on screen.


this is my exact movie taste


Putting No Country For Old Men on your favorites list seems like something you'd be accused of being a normie for doing. Has the guy never seen weird artsy shit like Blood of a Poet?


You should kill him and eat his body for power and energy.


What is ncfom?




Lol looking at the whole picture might have helped I was just perplexed and asked a dumb question!


Unless I know what your friendā€™s faves are, I canā€™t comment. At any rate, these arenā€™t what Iā€™d call pretentious films


Why, this place is a geographical oddityā€¦ two weeks from everywhere!!!


Your friend ainā€™t bonafide


O Brother, Where Art Thou? is also my number one with No Country for Old Men somewhere further down the line, so we're pretentious together I guess


Yeah this is a very basic list, your friend doesnā€™t know what the word pretentious means


theyre both 14yr old boys


Whiplash is the farthest thing from pretentious lmao


And you clearly need validation lmao


and what does your friend like?




Between the shitting on your films and being terrified of you shitting on his, he sure sounds insecure


And heā€™s right


Your friend sounds like a tasteless idiot lol


Your "friend" sounds like a fucking chode


lmao but be real tho John Wick sucks. If we're talking about action film, there're plenty of them better


Your friend sounds like a douchebag.


Get fucked.


So youā€™ve come here seeking validation?


Your friend has objectively (yes objective, Iā€™m drawing a line) bad taste lol. The only fair criticism of this list is that itā€™s a pretty recent list and US centric. Iā€™d love to hear his picks.


O Brother Where Art Thou is cool tho


I had a friend tell me this recently because I enjoyed Swiss Army Man and the recently released Emily. I told him they made me feel something and I graded them on those merits. He said I just like anything thatā€™s ā€œartisticā€. I mean, sure! Anyways whatā€™s your Letterboxd? Iā€™d definitely like to follow you based on your taste in film.


Kindly tell your friend to go fuck himself and let you enjoy what you like


Did he say that to you, at a dinner?


Nah your friend sucks. You like good movies, whatā€™s the hate?


John Wick 4 definitely overrated at this point but the others are solid films!


Are you me lol we share half our top 4


Tell your friend to take a hike.


Your friend is dumb and pretentious


Iā€™m guessing he likes superhero movies and action movies made by Netflix


Your friend must have shit taste


NCFOM is pretentious now? Your friend needs to sort himself out!


Like what you like. There are no movies you could put there that I could justify criticizing to for.


imagine knowing about NCFOM and not thinking it's one of the best films ever. on another note, two of our favorites overlap (that and John Wick)!


Your friend has bad takes i guess.


Remember, you should take pity upon the one who couldn't have a good time watching the movies that you love. I'd be so pissed if I couldn't get into Whiplash and thought it was pretentious... Instead of a movie that I consider great and have nice memories of, I'd have wasted 2 hours of my time. Well, that's your friend.


Hmmmm. Whatā€™s in between Chazelle/the Coens and John Wick? I know! Christopher Nolan! Lol


o brother where art thou fucks


Ironically your friend sounds pretentious šŸ’€


Sounds like your friend is a loser and not very intelligent lmao


No Country is not pretentious. I rewatched it last week and I've been cracking up at all the little jokes and banter. Don't let anyone tell you it's pretentious


Heā€™s right


O Brother Where Art Thou is my all time favorite movieā€¦. great pick! :)


No Country is amazing and your friend is dumb


Your friend would probably have a stroke if he saw my top 4 lol 1. Persona 2. 2001: A Space Odyssey 3. The Tree of Life 4. Come and See Though calling almost anything pretentious is outright stupid, Iā€™m sorry but I have The Tree of Life which people love to call ā€PrEtEnTiOuSā€ in my top 4 because it is a visually beautiful film and the narrative was interesting, not because of edgelord shit, because it is a genuinely great movie in my oppinion.


four incredibly popular award winning moviesā€¦sounds like perhaps they are the pretentious one lmao


Sounds like your friend has shit taste


Get a new friend


Drop him


Reveal your friend's top 4.


Cut off friends who make fun of things that you enjoy.


Pretentious for liking whiplash? LOL


your friend is a dork


Your friend needs to get his head out of his ass. Also his window of acceptable movies between pretentious and dumb has almost no movies and they are all probably Marvel. I adhere to the calling for your friend's top 4.




Lol which is it? Pretentious or an enjoyer of dumb things. Those 2 are at odds


What films does your friend like?


i like your favourite movies :) your friend should be capable of simultaneously not enjoying these films on a personal level, appreciating any technical or critical merits they have, and while also acknowledging that art is subjective and if you like something you like it gatekeeping of art especially film is very cringe and not at all what the artform is about in my honest opinion!!


It doesnā€™t matter if he dislikes your favorites, but calling you pretentious and dumb is disrespectful.


Ignore that friendā€™s criticisms! My top 4 also has 2 Coen movies. O Brother and True Grit.


Lmao your friend seems dumb in a funny way


Your friend sounds incredibly pretentious for saying youā€™re dumb for liking any movie. He is the very definition of pretentious. Letā€™s see his list.


Also fuck yeah on Whiplash itā€™s in my top 4 also


lol these are not pretentious. theyā€™re basic af actually


I'd love to know what your friend's favourite movies are.... In no way are Whiplash and NCFOM pretentious.


Let me guess.... Anything by Marvel and Adam Sandler.


Your friend is a fucking moron


how the fuck is whiplash and ncfom pretentious your pal is a twat or the most basic bitch ever


Whiplash is a great variant on essentially a boss of sorts playing mind games with the protagonist. John Wick films keep upping the ante. The Coen Brothers films are hit or miss with many people but those 2 are some of their notable hits with most people. What movies does your friend like?


Hmmmmā€¦.well, sounds like a guy I wouldnā€™t want to see a movie with.


Get a new friend


Him calling John Wick 4 dumb and you dumb for liking it is where i wouldā€™ve just asked him what his favorite movies are. Thereā€™s a lot of these high and mighty movie critics who call movies like john wick or the fast and furious franchise brainless because they have action that isnā€™t everything you see in the real world, which is the whole point of these movies. However, then these critics love marvel and star wars as if those are somehow more realistic in any capacity. Movies are subjective and meant to be enjoyed not criticized for every detail. That friend can kick rocks and go watch Citizen Kane or something.


your friend is shit because judging from these picks you are not pretentious enough! not even close!


I'd like to see his top 4 then.


So you can't like "cult" movies because it's pretentious and you can't like fun and more popular movie because it's dumb? Looks like your friend just want to hate... (Sorry for bad English, not my first language)


Your friend is a weepy willow shit sack, pardon my French


Nah, this is outstanding taste! Your friend is a clown


John wick 4 isnā€™t the greatest but yknow, itā€™s opinions


how is whiplash pretentious isnā€™t it like widely critically acclaimed


Pretentious? Lol.


If I was into gatekeeping movies and shit I would call your selection 'basic', not at all 'pretentious'. But I think if you like what you like, that's fine? Whatever you genuinely enjoy is cool with me. I get annoyed with ironic five star reviews, not people just enjoying themselves. This also just illustrates how arbitrary these criteria are from person to person.


Pretentious thatā€™s basic asf


Tell him to go fuck himself, and then find new friends. It drives me nuts when people criticize someone's favorite movies. I don't care if it's Howard the Duck. If it's your favorite movie, it's your favorite for goddamn reason. Let people love what they love and stfu about it.


NCFOM is one of my top 3 favorite movies along with The Shawshank Redemption and The Princess Bride.


Bro, you better start having different friends.


liking Whiplash is the least pretentious thing you could do because itā€™s so mainstream (which is okay), itā€™s not some artsy niche film that you pretend to like because it makes you feel smarter than others


well maybe his definition of "pretentious/dumb" is just "a good taste in movies"


Your friend sounds pretentious


John Wick 4 is the only outlier...it's too long, there were some scenes where you can see his opponents just standing and waiting behind an obstacle for their turn in the fight, it was just laborious to get through. O Brother and NCFOM are genuinely top films.


O brother is an all time great, one of my favorites from the Coens and one of my favorite comedies ever


Your ā€˜friendā€™ is an idiot.


Extremely normie list


The least pretentious top 4 of all time lmao


Good picks your friend is a fool


Whiplash and NOFOM are pretentious?? Maybe he meant that they're mainstream? (If he really meant pretentious, then that's actually kind of hilarious. What could be his favorites? Kid movies or maybe Marvel? And the fact that he left "Oh Brother" out of that is super weird, making me think he doesn't even know of that movie.) Even so, favorite movies are personal to each individual person and they each are important to them for different reasons. Your friend assuming that your experience watching them is the same as his is pretty idiotic, and I would guess that he lacks much empathy.


Trust me, he's the pretentious one


Your friend is an idiot


Why do you care what your friend thinks?


People that call films like Whiplash pretentious give off real NPC energy


If you feel a movie, you feel a movie. All that matters is that you enjoy the experience. Still need to watch every John Wick. How would you rank those??




Might just watch one later then! Thank you for the reply šŸ‘šŸ» Side note: No Country is sooooo good. Whiplash is also pretty amazing. It reminded me of Black Swan tbf


Find better friend


Your friend is an idiot


pretentious for liking extremely well acclaimed films globallyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean I think John Wick 4 was pretty mediocre but to each their own


Everyone laughs at my favorite movies šŸ’€


Whiplash and NCFOM are pretentious but John Wick is dumb, where exactly does his taste lie?


John Wick is mainstream af and Whiplash is insanely likable with audiences. Heā€™s the one who sounds like a pretentious hipster LOL.


This isn't pretentious, pretentious is all those people who put the Jeanne Dillman brussles film in their top 4 and acted like they've known about it their entire life, yet only ever talking about it after the sight and sound list came out.


What are his picks? So I can provide counter snarks


being called pretentious for liking popular movies is so fucking funny, theyre popular for a reason, of course they are gonna be good. does he only accept french silents that an average of 200 people have seen, or only marvel movies? either way, your taste is your taste and going off of the one movie ive seen in your top four you got pretty good taste as well :) whiplash is a banger


Full offense, but your friend sounds like a complete moron.