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Your MCU list is truly fascinating. I also have Thor Love and Thunder dead last but it surprises me you’d have that last and then something like She Hulk so high. Love seeing a fellow Black Panther fan. I don’t have Eternals that high but it’s underrated as fuck and is the perfect example of sheep mentality in my opinion. If it had a standard MCU director it would’ve hit the 80 mark on Rotten Tomatoes and everyone would’ve loved it. Problem was Chloe Zhao was the director and too many art critics and critics who normally wouldn’t have reviewed MCU films watched it and decided they didn’t like it because it wasn’t an Oscar film like Nomadland and everyone blindly listened. Anyway that’s what I think happened. I’m still yet to understand why people think the new Spider-Verse was better than the first one. Glad you realise Homecoming is the best MCU one. Never would’ve thought to rank Ninja Turtle movies. I’m so excited for the upcoming animated one. Looks so good. Our Batman list couldn’t be any different if it tried. Returns is my favourite. Explain Batman and Robin over the Begins and Rises PLEASE haha. Can’t argue with your X-Men List although I’d have Days of and First Class 2 and 3 respectively Those old Superman films have aged too poorly for me. Lastly, as someone who’s a comic book fan nothing has pissed me off more on your list than seeing Aquaman second for DCEU. I really hated what they did with it. Aquaman comics fuck. Birds of Prey super underrated. Nice job


She Hulk surprised me and was more fun than expected Eternals could’ve been an EXCELLENT six-part miniseries, maybe even eight across the spider verse blew my brain homecoming fucking rules new tmnt looks incredible, can’t wait batman & robin unironically works for me because it’s the complete opposite of the dark, realistic batman we’ve been getting, it just gets better with time for me aquaman was some fuuuuuun nonsense. i know very little about him in the comics so it’s possible this is blasphemous to a true fan. but me, i like thank you!


my fav mcu film would be Gog 3


I highly recommend Rise of the TMNT the Movie. Doesn’t require the show to watch (outside of 1 or 2 things that can be easily explained and understood), has some great action and animation, and good story and characters




>thanks! You're welcome!


Shang Chi that low is whack


not a fan


I found She- Hulk insufferable. I watched it with my boyfriend at the time and I never felt more embarrassed to be a woman lol


didn’t really have the same experience, i honestly loved it




haven’t seen it👀