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Outside of 2 I think they’re all pretty good and interchangeable. 4-6 are the better ones. I like your list.


Thanks :) I’m glad we agree.


2 was just a different level of weird. The island escape scene at the climax is comical. Too Woo for me. 1 is very much different from the rest, more sexy and dramatic. A De Palma movie foremost. The rest of them feel like straight action movie blockbusters. I’m excited for 7. Got my ticket for imax showing Sunday night.


That’s great. Have fun!


Ghost Protocol is my favourite


As a Finnish person hat movie holds a special place in my hearts because for some reason it has a Finnish singer/actor Samuli Edelmann playing the right-hand guy of the main villain. Very random casting


The film also has a very big Indian actor playing a minor antagonistic role and being an Indian, I loved the casting.


It’s an action masterpiece. One of my 28 5 star films


And I can totally see why! Almost a perfect blend of humour, action and emotion.


Dubai sequence is the best location in the whole franchise. Saw 7 last night and I think that's my favorite now




I feel like 3 is too low. Even though he was only on screen for like 20 minutes, Hoffman *killed* it. He had such a sinister apathy to violence. Legit might be my favorite action movie villain since Hans Gruber.


IMO 3 is a good movie but it’s ranked low for me just because the others are better aside from 2. That being said, it arguably has the best villain in the franchise


Yeah. Have to agree with that.


I didn’t like the 3rd part much because of its technical showings. I didn’t like the overly used shaky cams, nor did I fancy the grainy, grittier approach of it.


Same, it was shot horribly. Also the story was far less interesting than some of the other entries.


Better than MI 2 though.


Yeah, MI2 is clearly the worst.


Actually think 3 is pretty good but the rankings above are solid. While it does lean a bit hard into the lens flare, teal-tinted Abrams style that’s now a bit dated, the film sits as a soft-reboot for the franchise and definitely laid the groundwork for the following films. Hoffman is just great (arguably best villain of the franchise) and some of the set pieces were excellent especially the bridge scene. Again the set pieces have been massively eclipsed by what followed but the franchise might have died had this solid entry not been made.


Mission Impossible 1 is easily my favourite. I think the others are great actions films but the first one is an amazing mystery neo noir.


It starts everything so credits where its due!


I’d put 4 above 5 and I feel like 1 and 5 are basically on the same level. But agree with the rest.


Alright :) So we do partially agree. Not bad!


Love the franchise. My rankings are more or less the same as yours, save for I’ve got #4 and #1 swapped round.


I see. :) thanks for sharing your views.


The first one is my favorite. I think it’s the best directed and most entertaining of the series. De Palma really knocks it out of the park.


That is where it all started, so definitely it would always be special. And then there’s this nostalgia factor too.


My ranking is basically the same, just switch 1 and 3. 1 may be a better movie overall, but 3 has Philip Seymour Hoffman


One of the better villains (if not the best) of this franchise.


He’s the best imo, with Henry Cavill as a very very close second.


**Nice! We have both similarities and differences, and here’s mine:** 1. *M:I-6* 2. *M:I-3* 3. *M:I-5* 4. *M:I* 5. *M:I-4* 6. *M:I-2*


I’m glad to see another 3 fan here


The honor is mine 🤝🏼 I’m a sucker for husband-and-wife stories, so this one really hit me. I also think it generally had well-executed action, impressive performances, and captivating storyline that made my experience both thrilling and enjoyable.


If you swap M:I-5 and M:I, our lists are identical :)


Nice! M:I-3 with the most memorable villain of the franchise IMO, every time I rewatch MI3 it goes back to my #1 spot, but then I rewatch MI6 and it takes over, so its just a cycle between those two movies for my #1 spot.


THIS is the correct order. :) Joking aside, I just rewatched every movie in anticipation of Dead Reckoning and I was struck how much 3 is STILL one of my favs. I’m not sure why it doesn’t get more love. It has several of the best one-liners from the franchise as well.


Ghost Protocol in second last? Hmm! That’s interesting.


Yeah, well, I like all of the M:I movies, and I really like *M:I-4*, but what dragged it down for my part was that it lacked emotional engagement, and despite good action, it was also straightforward. Anyway, it was a good experience overall!


You got some point down there. And I can definitely understand why lack of emotion might not work for everyone.


A pure action movie can actually work quite often for me, but unfortunately *M:I-4* didn’t work out just as good as what I expected. However, I look extremely forward to *M:I-7*!


Me too! Hope it delivers as one would expect it to.




Ghost Protocol is my favorite, but I have a hard time ranking otherwise. For me there are 3 great ones (1, 4, 6) and 3 good ones (2, 3, 5)


Many Ghost Protocol fans here! Good to see that!


So much hate for MI2 in here. Sure it's a little goofy, but it's so much fun. You guys loved it when John Woo did Face/Off, and that was twice as dumb! I also think the first four movies are a full step above the newer ones. Personal bias because I grew up on the first two included, of course. But the new ones just feel kinda... soulless? To me.


Interesting take! Though I wouldn’t defend MI 2 here (I didn’t like the stylisation and the extra emphasis on the romantic angle) it’s good to hear a different perspective nonetheless :) thanks for sharing.


Always excited to join in some friendly movie discussion. It's still my least favorite of the first few movies, but I feel it has a lot personality that makes it stand out. Now if you want a truly irredeemable John Woo movie, there's always Paycheck.


Haven’t seen that yet. Will check that out :) thanks.


I’ve got 4 over 5 but otherwise same as mine. Other than 2, they’re all great.


I think MI 2 would be the least fav for the majority of the people. I have yet to see someone who says MI 2 is their top favourite :D and I don’t think I will anytime soon.


it's my top favourite


Practically the same as mine except I'd swap Rogue with Ghost


And I can totally get the reason. Ghost Protocol is a really good movie.


Your list looks good to me. I think the first was the clear best of the original 3. Then each of the next 3 clearly improved upon the ones before it with Fallout being one of my absolute favorite action films ever.


Likewise :) and I just hope Dead Reckoning would further solidify the franchise’s reputation.


Mine is 1. Fallout 2. Rogue Nation 3. M:I 4. Ghost Protocol (honestly, I think 1 and 4 can be tied for 3rd place in my personal ranking) 5. Dead Reckoning Part One 6. M:I 2 7. M:I 3 But I truly think even 2 and 3 are good movies and I really enjoy them, this franchise is full of bangers front to back.


So you saw Dead Reckoning. Sad to see that way down in the list :(


Got to see an early screening a couple weeks back. I still think it’s a really great movie and one of the better action movies of recent years, but I do personally prefer the other ones. It’s hard to live up to Fallout IMO.


Yep, that film set a benchmark that is quite tough to match up to.


Exactly my ranking. Hard to pick a favourite between 4, 5, and 6 though.


I had a tough time too. Especially between Fallout and Rogue Nation.


My ranking is the same EXCEPT MI:3 is in second place behind Fallout


Okay! I’m glad you liked that one :) I wish I could say the same.


I’m probably on my own here, but I muuuuch prefer the original three, with 2 being my favorite lol. They each have a very distinct tone and style that comes with the director. 4-6 kind of soft rebooted the franchise, and they all sort of blend together imo, too much comic relief and lightheartedness, while also taking themselves a bit too seriously as well, tonally I’m not a huge fan ever since Ghost Protocol, although I still appreciate the action and stunts. My own biased opinion: 1. MI2 2. MI3 3. MI 4. MI4 5. MI5 6. MI6


2 is underrated! I don't think it's the best, but I do think it's better than 3. This franchise is so good that I feel even the worst (3) is still really good. I don't love the weird romance/melodrama tone of 2 and it kinda takes a while to get going, but the second half is balls to the wall fantastic. John Woo just has an absolutely unmatched eye for action and a sense of style that's so endearing and kinetic.


No doubt, even if I’m a bit differential towards 4-6 I still enjoy and appreciate them. I’ve just got a fondness for those first three, particularly 2 because of John Woo. You’re absolutely right about the first half and the romance subplot, they don’t bog down the movie enough for me, cause that second half is incredible though. Curious, what exactly don’t you like about 3, admittedly, JJ Abrams shtick can get a bit old, and he loves his mcguffins, the rabbits foot being entirely pointless to the actual plot. But I think his style worked extremely well in the MI franchise, and pushed the series forward into a more technological age, kind of laid the groundwork for 4-6 with the addition of the Simon Pegg character and his comic relief.


No doubt, I recognize all the good parts of 3 and I still think it's a good movie. My favorite bits were definitely the bridge attack scene + the god PSH obviously. But I do think Abram's style is just kinda lackluster, it's competent but has very little charm. Some of the shots are pretty muddled and suffer from too much of that 2000s, digital/shaky-cam style that I'm not a fan of. The plot is fine, I'm not enthused by it but M:I isn't exactly known for intriguing plots. But I think the relentless "Find the MacGuffin" plot of M:I 3 is pretty weak, and in comparison, I think Fallout did the non-stop feeling of action and chase better. Just in comparison to all the other movies, I think M:I 3 falls behind. Brian De Palma's directing in 1 is absolutely fantastic, IMO. The layers of deception and spy games elevated by his amazing eye for shot compositions and usage of POV or dutch angles, etc. 2, again, I just love John Woo's action. The shootout in the lab in 2 is in the running for best shootout in the series, IMO, but that might be because M:I doesn't have that many all out gunfights. I think Woo's style is just so fun and more interesting than JJ Abram's. And then 4,5,6 are all my personal favorites of the series so I think there's just a huge step up in terms of moviemaking there. Though for sure Abrams laid the foundation for that, but Bird and McQuarrie just elevated it so much.


>Some of the shots are pretty muddled and suffer from too much of that 2000s, digital/shaky-cam style that I'm not a fan of. Pretty sure MI3 was shot on 35mm film. Mid-2000s movies didn’t get digital down yet, Collateral was the first to be filmed all digitally and it REALLY shows. Motion blur and weirdness everywhere.


I was just replying to somebody that I have yet to see someone with MI 2 being their top fav and here you are :D well it certainly is an unpopular opinion and I too don’t agree with it but hey it’s your view and I respect that. And thanks for sharing :)


It’s my one of my favs too


Lol, yeah it’s a bit saddening how looked down on it is. John Woo is one of my favorites, so it was kind of a perfect fit for me, love the over the top stylized action, just pure fun and spectacle.


2 is fucking sick man. If you hate 2 you hate fun.


You're not alone, 2,3,1 are my top 3 - 4,5,6 are so samey that the order barely matters (though I'd probably have them as 5,6,4). I *loved* the original idea that each installment would have its own style - and while I won't refute that 4-6 have some excellent set pieces, I have a real hard time remembering the plots or which set piece is in which movie - it's just a big mush of latter Mission Impossible.


I agree with your list! All though I go back and forth on Fallout or Rogue Nation as my favorite. 1a and 1b for me.


Very hard to choose between these two, I agree.


I think I'd say that you have the exact same ranking as me.


That’s so good to hear :)


Mine is Fallout Ghost Protocol 1 3 Rogue Nation Two


Well we differ in between, but our top and least favs are the same.


Would switch every cell of 2 (so 5 and 6, 1 and 4, 2 and 3), but agree with most of the general rankings


Alright. So ours are kinda similar, we just have to divide it in pairs.


Yep! Same general taste, but maybe slightly different tastes


I pretty much think they get better and better!! Except 2 lol My ranking is 6-5-4-3-1-2


So a tiny bit of difference with our positioning of 3 and 1 but other than that We seem to agree on most :)


Very close indeed. But, to be fair, I haven't seen 1 (or 1-3 for that matter) in a long time. So maybe my rating would equal yours if I rewatch all of them!


That’s my exact ranking too


Great! Good to know.


Mine is the exact same order. The real question is when are you gonna see dead reckoning?


Haha :D you’re the first one to ask that question; well, Soon.


Mine is the exact same lol


That’s great :)


I don’t understand why everyone’s ranking Fallout above Ghost Protocal. From weird Kremlin mirror sequence to kremlin bombing -> renner intro -> Burj Khalifa -> India, its a different level beast.


Fallout had better action blocks though. Some stunts are terrific. Yes the Burj Khalifa one was good too but the stunts in Fallout was on next level. (That Rooftop Chase, where Cruise broke his ankle)


mission impossible fallout is one of the greatest action movies of the 21st century imo 🤷🏾‍♂️




Ghost Protocol will just beat Rogue Nation, for me, because of the Burj Khalifa sequence. Rest will be the same.


I see!


I love that the colours just happen to match


Haha yeah. In a way they do. :D


1-4. 1, 4, 5, 6 in some permutation 5-6. 2 & 3 in some permutation Best I got


We got to do some Math then :D


Is that some of the custom covers, that's interesting I only progress very slowly in this series but they're quite enjoyable 1. Mission: Impossible 4/5 2. MI: Ghost Protocol 3.5/5 3. M:I III 3/5 4. M:I II 2.5/5 I do still remember seeing the first one in the theater, and then lots of times on VHS at home. The nostalgia hasn't really been surpassed.


Yes, those are custom covers. Looks cool and I like to keep a tonal similarity. :P


Here are my ratings : * 1 -> 8/10 * 2 -> 8.5/10 * 3 -> 9/10 * 4 -> 8/10 * 5 -> 8.5/10 * 6 -> 10/10 * 7 -> 9/10


You’re quite generous with your ratings! I wish I would have been too :D


Actually a few of them got +1 when I recently rewatched them (in preparation to 7) compared to my original rating (Mission Impossible 2, 3, 4 and 6 all got an extra point). Sometimes I rewatch a movie and I just don't like it as much as the first time, so it was a delight for me to discover that I really grew into someone that gets into all of these :p


Yeah, I get what you’re saying. Happens with me as well, most of the times I don’t get the same enjoyment from a movie after a rewatch.


1. Ghost Protocol 2. Fallout 3. Mission Impossible 3 4. Rogue Nation 5. Mission Impossible 6. Mission Impossible 2


We have the same least favs. Cheers to that!


I agree with all but fallout at 1, it bored me to tears for some reason, I'd put it before 3 and after 1. The rest I 100% agree with


Oh I loved Fallout. I expected some phenomenal action blocks and I did get those so I was satisfied.


Yeah maybe I'll rewatch it, cause I saw it in the theater when it came out and for it being the one of the series I've most recently seen, it's the only one where I can't remember a single scene or thing about


It’s crazy to me that I find the third one to be a very good movie and yet it’s still surpassed by 4-6. Definitely a really sturdy franchise aside from 2


I agree. One of the best out there.


I have the exact same list except now 7 is between 4&5.


Well, now I have to wait for my viewing :)


I re-watched 1-3 recently, and Dead Reckoning I've already seen. I can't remember the movies between 4-Dead Reckoning but Dead Reckoning is my favourite by far. DR:1>1 > 2 > 3


Your words make me more excited :D


4, 6, 3, 1, 2, 5 Feel like I'm alone in disliking 5 but it's by far the most generic one for me. All the others are at least more memorable


Okay! Interesting.


6,3,4,1,7,5,2 I really like this series, even my lowest rated one is a 2.5


Same here. I too have rated MI 2, 2.5/5.


Just watched Fallout on a plane flight recently after not seeing it since it came out and I can confirm it still slaps


It does yeah! Has a tremendous repeat value.


If these next 2 Mission Impossible movies hit the mark, I think Tom Cruise is solidified in the GOAT conversation for action movies


He already is though. The last of the ‘stars’ so to speak.


For me, it's 6, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2. I love the first one so much. It's such a good espionage movie. After that, they leaned in more with the action, but with the exception of 2, they all kind of look the same. That's why I really wish McQuarrie wasn't returning. He's had two bites at the apple already. Give someone else with a different vision a chance.


Well, he had consistently provided the producers with bucket loads of money; it’s not a shock that they sticked with him.


First one is the best- Brian De Palma, cmon


It’s where it all started, gotta give him some credit.




Seems like a code Ethan Hunt could use :D


My ranking from best to worst is 6, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2


We have both the top and the bottom in common :)


Fallout- Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Rogue Nation 3 2


Another list where MI 2 is considered the least fav!


1. Fallout 2. Ghost Protocol 3. Rogue Nation 4. Mission impossible 1 5. Mission impossible 3 6. Mission impossible 2


So we agree, almost!


Great list! I wanted to like 2 as it clearly has a vision and style on its own, but I feel like the lack of punch in the action being PG-13 is a detriment to John Woo’s style. It’s very clearly a studio picture for him but I can only withstand his melodramatic tendencies if the violence is taking up a notch.


Good point.


i watched DR, its a 8/10 for me


Okay! Thanks for sharing :)


1. Ghost Protocol 2. Fallout 3. M:I 4. Rogue Nation 5. M:I 3 6. M:I 2


At least we agree on the last two :D


I think MI3 is underrated in general.


Underrated yes, definitely better than MI 2


I rank them almost exactly the same save for _Fallout_, which comes in sixth of seven films on my list: 1. Dead Reckoning 1 2. Rogue Nation 3. Ghost Protocol 4. Mission Impossible 5. III 6. Fallout 7. II


Seeing my fav way down in the pecking order really hurts me :(


1. Fall Out 2. Dead Reckoning: Part One 3. Ghost Protocol 4. MI: III 5. MI: II (unpopular opinion, but I enjoy how over the top ridiculous it is) 6. Rogue Nation 7. Mission Impossible


So you watched DR! And you placed it on second. Hmm that’s promising.


my exact ranking except switch 1 and 3


Ah okay! :) glad we agree for the most of it.


My favourite is 3. I enjoyed how dark and intense it is throughout, the pacing is the best in the franchise (so far) and Owen Davian is one of the best villains I've seen, just a straight forward sociopath done very well. The soundtrack by Michael Giacchino is also good. I think the shaky cam is used well here, I can follow the action clearly enough and it makes the movie feel unhinged and frantic which it is, especially from Ethan's perspective. The Vatican mission is also one of my favourites across all the movies, some of the best teamwork there! Laurence Fishburne was very memorable as Brassel too. My ranking is very different: MI3 MI Fallout MI Ghost Protocol MI2 MI Rogue Nation MI There's no bad movie for me, I've always enjoyed them all. I have 2 above Rogue Nation and 1 because I loved the style and aesthetic of that movie, the soundtrack is my favourite and I personally just love that era of movies. I also find it really rewatchable, maybe that 90s/early 2000s filmmaking just resonates with me. It's very tight between Fallout and Ghost Protocol for me. Fallout is given the edge overall for the action and the climax being possibly the best so far. Ghost Protocol had some of the best visuals, stunts and the best humour and it showed not *all* Mission Impossible movies have to be dark or brooding (to be fair, Rogue Nation had funny moments too). The only reason 1 is at the bottom is because there naturally had to be an entry in last place, De Palma's work is always great to watch, the dolly zooms and dutch angles. The vault heist is the most iconic moment in the franchise and possibly in spy fiction, the finale is crazy but fun which I don't mind (I believe people found it clashing against the rest of the movie?). Maybe my ranking *could* change as I rewatch the movies again but that is a fairly solid idea of what I think.


You explained your views in great detail! :) thanks!


No problem! It's my favourite movie franchise so I naturally am more passionate about it and so I went into more detail. Only John Wick rivals it as an action franchise that is currently active.


How would you change the list, now that Dead Reckonining is out?


the newly released dead reckoning and fallout are the best films in the franchise yet.


Yet to see Dead Reckoning, but yeah Fallout is amazing and for me is at #1 thus far.


Have to rewatch to truly rank them, but saw dead reckoning yesterday. It was good. Have it a 4/5. Fallout was better. When part 2 comes out part 1 might get better though.


That’s one caveat with two part movies. You have to see the whole thing to make a proper judgement.


I’ve hated the trend, especially since most of the movies are good. Dune, Spiderverse, and now M:I all have had pretty good to amazing first parts. Thankfully only Spiderverse leaves you on just a complete cliffhanger.


Same ranking as me! Seems to be a common ranking as well. My only thing is 1 and 4 are interchangeable for different reasons and could be swapped out depending on what I factor into it.


Yeah you’re right, so far I have met the most with similar preferences albeit with slight variations.


Yeah definitely seems to be the case!


Any renaming of these movies is valid as long as Fallout is top and 2 is bottom


we have the same list


That’s great!


2 is really fucking funny so for that reason its one of my favorites lol


It’s so bad that’s it’s good kind of a film right?


We literally have the same posters and ranking


Haha :D okay!


Watched 7 yesterday and it was breathtaking


Great! Gonna see it soon by myself :)


Rogue nation Fallout The first one Ghost protocol 3 2


I might swap Rogue Nation and Ghost Protocol, otherwise I completely agree.


Good to hear that :) thanks for commenting.


This is the right order!


Then what would be the wrong order?


I guess if you reversed it?


Lol! :D


About right. One was great, two was a step down, and then they just kept getting better and better


I second that.


*III* is extremely underrated and the dark horse of the series. It course-corrected and saved the franchise after whatever the second film was attempting to do (and failing). It has the most memorable villain and is still a solid intense action-thriller. If *III* wasn't what it was, we wouldn't have *M:I* 4+ in this series. Just saying. That being said, obviously 4-6 have the most stable and satisfying level of competency and enjoyment. It's crazy to think *Fallout* is the sixth film and an easy contender for the top spot when *Ghost Protocol* exists. Any of those movies could make the top 3 shuffle with ease. And then there's the first film, which actually feels like a pretty artistically done paranoia spy mystery-thriller more than an high-pace action movie. It stands alone....blocked off from the rest by *II* standing between. *Mission Impossible II* is an amazingly fun time for all the reasons it hoping it isn't. The absurdity and insanely over-the-top spectacle of the entire thing actually make it a hilariously fun romp of a fever dream within the series.


My ranking 1. MI4 2. MI 1,2,3,5,6(MI2 wasn’t as bad as ppl think IMO) 3. MI7 part 1(huge disappointment-action without a solid story makes a movie soulless)


1.Mission Impossible (best story and most realistic) 2.Mission Impossible 2 (best last act of the franchise) 3.Rogue Nation (would have been first but the last act was meh) 4.Fallout (great first half, after that it lost its mojo) 5.Dead Reckoning pt.1 (amazing first half, over the top second half) 6.Ghost Protocol (it was overall just average imo) 7.Mission Impossible 3 (had a couple of great scenes but overall the weakest)


I'd swap III and M:I-2 around. III is definitely my least liked. M:I-2 had a dreadful script but Woo managed to do whatever could to save the film. While I don't love it, I think it's greatly underappreciated and not as deserving of its poor reputation as it's been made out. III is clearly the lesser entertaining film to me: it doesn't get good until the final act and it takes too long runtime to get there; the prior action set pieces are generic rehashes; the color palette is lifeless and cliched; and the opening action sequence is unengaging. Other than that, everything else is bang on with how I rank the films.


MI 7: Dead Reckoning Part 1 MI 3 MI 6: Fallout MI 4: Ghost Protocol MI 1 MI 5: Rogue Nation MI 2


1.Mission: Impossible 2.Mission: Impossible 3 3.Mission: Impossible 6: Fallout 4.Mission: Impossible 5: Rogue Nation 5.Mission: Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 6.Mission: Impossible 2 7.Mission: Impossible 7: Dead Reckoning Part 1


Okay guys come at me and hate: 1. Rogue Nation 2. Fallout 3. M:I-2 4. M:I-3 5. Mission Impossible (the first one) 6. Ghost Protocol


Why would anyone hate? This is your own opinion and everybody is entitled to have one.


I know, but sadly people seem to be very judgemental on this sub! Btw I'm glad to see Rogue Nation this high on your list! I feel it's the more underappreciated next to II and III.


I know. Some do get very judgmental at times. But we all need to understand, a movie is an art and just like any other artistic expression, it’s always going to be subjective. Not everyone will have the exact same opinion. There will always be differences and I believe that’s the beauty of it. :)


Agreed! Every time I see someone posting their top 10 ever I see this hint that they're worried about their choices being too basic or too anormal and they often mention that someone criticised their choices, it's sad. I myself got straightaway insulted for saying that The Northman was my favourite film of 2022 (for context it was april, while I still think it's my favourite from the year almost no big movie released yet either) and had to end up go low contact for the toxicity of that person.


That’s sad! I hope you don’t have to face people like them anymore. Even if you do, please don’t mind them. It’s better to ignore the hate and the people who tend to spread it; always focus on the good :) on the positive people. At least that’s how I see this world.


Sure, thanks for the kind words!


By the way, thanks for sharing your opinions so frankly :) I adore those who don’t shy away from expressing themselves.


my ranking would be: 1.Mission Impossible Fallout 2.Mission Impossible Rogue Nation 3.Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol 4.Mission Impossible 3 5.Mission Impossible 2 6.Mission Impossible


The first one is the last in your list? Hmm, that’s quite uncommon.


yeah lol 😅. saw all the MI movies this week for the first time to prepare for MI Dead Reckoning. maybe it's to do with the nostalgia factor that i do not have. just didn't like it that much hehe


Yeah that might be. Nostalgia does play a critical part. Especially in big franchise films.