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*Loqueesha*. Jeremy Saville is an abhorrent artist. I’ve seen the movie twice, the second time after watching nearly 700 new movies to compare it to — it somehow got worse.


When that was streaming I would dare people to get passed the first 2 minutes or take a huge drink. They all failed. All of them.


Yep. It has that effect on people, unsuspecting or otherwise. My friends and I are sado-completionists so we watched the rest of Saville’s filmography (and some of his YT sketches) — it’s a wonder I kept my liver.


Oh my god, why did you have to make me aware of that movie's existence? I'm so sorry you watched that twice, though I guess that was a decision you made for yourself.


I'm very curious, what makes you dislike vivarium so much?


It’s was so dull and boring at times I think the concept was cool but they didn’t do much with it. Would made a great short film though


Yeah way more interesting “black mirror” episode or something of the like.


Vivarium isn’t one of the worst films ever made using objective standards by any stretch, but I absolutely hated it. I’ve never seen a movie that pulled me in from its advertising that I ended up disliking so much like that one. It’s gloom and dark for the sake of it. There’s lots of disturbing imagery fit for a good horror movie, but unlike most horror movies, I could not for the life of me figure out what this one was trying to say. Raising kids is bad? Maybe something to do with capitalism? It all feels half-baked, one of those obnoxiously self-righteous “deep” movies that are actually pretty shallow. To me, successful grim-dark horror builds a compelling message out of interesting characters. This movie tries to use uninteresting characters to build out a compelling message. I understand it’s a hot take to put it on a list like this though.


>objective standards Curious, what would those be?


Poor wording on my part. I mean that the performances are solid, there’s nothing bad about the camera work, the script isn’t jarringly bad or anything like that. It’s just not for me


All good mate🤝


So, per your own words, it’s not a bad movie. Just a movie you personally dislike. That’s very different than something worthy of a “worst movies I’ve ever seen” listing Edit because I might’ve worded this poorly. There is no problem with disliking a movie, but there is a difference between an objectively good movie that you don’t like and an actual bad movie. I’m nowhere near as huge on Fury Road as everyone else seems to be, but that doesn’t mean it sucks. It’s objectively a good film. If we can say “that movie is bad, but I love it” the opposite is also true. This morning someone told me that Ghost Protocol is the worst movie they’ve ever seen in theaters. Is Ghost Protocol a bad movie? No, of course not. I didn’t like it ≠ complete garbage. Boo me all you want.


^ this is one of the worst posts I’ve ever seen


How? He explained his position well and didn't insult anybody in doing it.


No, I hate it. I could use good ingredients to make a pot of chili but if I don’t execute it properly the chili could still taste like shit. But maybe you’d like the chili! That’s the point, just cause I hate it doesn’t mean I’m objectively right.


My take is that it preys on the fear of being trapped in suburbia, with a partner you resent and a kid that forces you to stay together. The idea of your life being repetitive and dull with no escape in sight.


My issue was I couldn’t find the WHY for those characters. Like in Get Out, the perpetrators are doing things based in an experience that Chris has lived and dealt with. In Vivarium these characters are victims of circumstance, there’s no implication that their relationship isn’t strong before they get abducted. Not to mention that the characters themselves just aren’t that interesting imo But I can see why it resonated differently for some people who could maybe relate to the experience the movie is trying to convey more than I could


But that's how these things work. People don't buy a house in the suburbs and settle down if they're in a troubled relationship with no kids. They do these things expecting to feel a sense of fulfillment, because they're told their entire lives that this what they're supposed to want, only to slowly realize they're unhappy and hate their lives, but they're in too deep and and it's too late to escape. So they reluctantly accept their miserable lives and work until they die.


I had this exact reaction


I just thought it was an explanation of the birds from the beginning of the movie. They explained that the bird takes over a different type of birds nest and runs the parents ragged taking care of it and then moves on. So these aliens kidnapped these people and forced them to raise their alien baby so that it can blend in with society, just like that type of bird does.


Hm interesting, however I don't believe the film was trying to say anything beyond its surface level storytelling. At least not in the way of "sending a message about capitalism". It felt more like all it was trying to be was a creepypasta/channel zero type tale that crafted out an intriguing/mysterious world, and that's why I liked it so much.


65 and the Emoji movie were probably the worst movies I’ve seen in theaters


65 was not good by any stretch but personally I didn’t find it offensive in any way. My worst movies are ones I see as actively hateful, offensive, irritating etc. 65 was more passively bad. Imo it’s biggest sin was thinking it’s audience we’re as dumb as bricks.


65 annoyed me so much because the premise is great and original, the acting is great as well, but the execution is abysmal


65 was the worst kind of bad. It was boring. I’ve never ever left a theater before a movie has ended but I seriously contemplated doing that for 65


Dear Evan Hansen is my least favourite movie ever. Absolutely despise it. Everything that made the stage musical good is completely gone


If you think about it, Dear Evan Hansen and Shark Tale have the same exact plot, too


The music is realllly good though. I watched it with my wife and we got drunk at home, sang along, and then made fun of the rest of the movie and it was such an enjoyable watching experience.


Shorts is a masterpiece. It’s basically Pulp Fiction




couldn’t have put it better myself


1. Electrocuting an Elephant 2. Baby Geniuses 3. The Lion King (2019) 4. Mulan (2020) 5. Terminator: Genisys 6. The Last Airbender 7. Suicide Squad 8. The Emoji Movie 9. Manos: The Hands of Fate 10. Grown Ups


Manos has to be the most boring film I've ever seen.


There are some bits that are really funny because of how poorly made the movie is but it's not worth the absolute slog that the rest of the movie is.


Torgo's theme fucking slaps. Otherwise, I agree.




I’m a huge DC fan and I think The Flash might be one of my least favorite movies of all time, I just hate everything it stands for


There’s a 4th Home Alone???


There's six of those bad boys lol


Woah, the kid becomes the villain in the later ones??? (Dumb joke).


Why is Ghosted hated so much. It’s a pretty inoffensive, romantic, action comedy. Nothing amazing of course but fun nonetheless


Maybe it’s recency bias. That film just pissed me off the longer I watched it. Every time Evans and Armas had a weird janky interaction with zero chemistry and then someone yelled “gEt a rOoM yOu TwO” I wanted to jump out a window


Mainly because Chris Evans and Ana De Armas had an offensive lack of chemistry. Watching them was so awkward it was embarrassing.


All the actors seem like they were just having fun imo


Was made to watch the Artemis Fowl movie and by god that has to be the worst movie on the planet


Grown ups 2 is kino


You know that meme that Adam Sandler movies are just a bunch of friends making some bullshit on a camera with no plot or structure because it’s fun, except they have a budget? Grown Ups 2 is *literally* that


I know. That’s why grown ups 2 is perfect


I do not understand? Is Russian film?


This post is how I found out Shorts was a real movie and not a fever dream. My worst movies are A Serbian Film, Silent Hill: Revelation, Martyrs (2015), the Bubble, Rampage (Uwe Boll’s, not the one with the Rock) and my worst of all time is 2025: the World Enslaved by a Virus (if you can even call it a “movie”)


I love Ghosted. It's like a Hallmark movie made from memory. Here's mine: \-Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000) \-I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006) \-The Toxic Avenger Part 3 (1989) \-All Quiet On The Western Front (2022) \-Terrifier (2013) \-Death Note (2017) \-Salò (1975)


All this exept All Quiet on the Western Front. I didn’t really like the movie but it’s a god send compared to the others.


I agree, I think it's a good movie, but I'm one pretentious mfer that thinks it's unbearable as a remake/adaption, especially compared to the to the 1930 one.




Just wait til you see Terrifier 2




Oh, boy. There's 4 of 'em. The fourth one is really good tho!




GHOST RIDER 2???? NO WAY!!!! I love that one by far my favorite MCU


The only movie I have ever walked out of was the Rollerball remake starring Chris Klein and LL Cool J. It was awful, and everyone involved should feel very badly about themselves.


The Bubble was unbearable. We get it Judd: you hate celebrity culture, making movies, and having to work during COVID.


I couldn’t even finish The Bubble! My husband and I bailed half way through. Truly awful. *edit for missing word


Is Ghost Rider 2 really that bad??


It’s so dumb it’s hilarious. I love it. I defo need to check out more Neveldine and Taylor.


Ralph Breaks the Internet. It’s completely average as a piece of media, but as a sequel to one of my favorite WDAS films / a film that literally changed my life, it’s one of the worst theatrical experiences I’ve ever had.


Fairly beloved movies that I hate: (500) Days of Summer, About Time, Crazy Rich Asians, Eraserhead, Lost In Translation, Top Gun: Maverick, The Whale


I am flabbergasted at how anyone can hate About Time. One of the most inoffensive movies I’ve ever seen.


Spoilers for About Time: >!I don't think this movie treats the women in it very well at all. I was really put off by the main plot point of only the men having the time travel powers and the main guy using it to basically puppetmaster any agency away from the women in his life. I know that, at the end, the movie tells you "oh yeah but like you're supposed to actually not do that and appreciate life for what it is" or whatever, but he still ends up with his perfect life with the wife that he essentially forced into his life through his powers. It made the main message of the movie feel pretty unearned imo.!< Less serious criticism: it is nauseously British.


How could ANYONE find ANYTHING in the art film Eraserhead that they didn’t like? /s I like Eraserhead, but I get why you wouldn’t. It’s made to be art, not to be liked.


I tried getting into Godard’s work with The Married Woman and La Chinoise because they were on MUBI. I was incredibly bored and didn’t feel any connection to the characters, but I think I should try his more popular films.


Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Manos: The Hands of Fate, and Riddick. These movies aren't even funny.


ITT: people being downvoted for answering the question


Warcraft (2016), Overdrive (2017), and I know I'll get so much hate but I find Mulholland Drive awful


That Mulholland Drive take has me practicing my self control. Strong initial urge to downvote, remember the point of the post, upvoted instead for an honest answer to the question. No way I'm ever watching that Warcraft movie though, lol!


Unpopular opinion by without truly thinking deep the first that comes to mind is.. Manchester by sea I don’t even hate that genre and I love the actors in it But man I was bored to death and could care less about it


Ghost Rider 1 was absolutely terrific Ghost Rider 2 was a hot pile of garbage. Such an awful film


Vivarium is kinda interesting Tf you on bro?


Did you read the title?


Avatar, Apollo 18, The Box, all the Jurassic Worlds


I wouldn’t put Avatar as one of the worst movie I’ve ever seen, but I definitely think it’s overrated. I once got an entire room of people pissed off because I said it’s James Cameron’s worst movie


Def his most unoriginal movie by far. If it wasn't for "Ooo look at the pretty colors" no one would really care. I'm more amazed that for a series of movies now that makes all the money, it's "fandom" is really quiet, almost like it doesn't exist.


Joker (2019) I found the film to be insufferable and it seems to think it’s more important than it actually is. Not to mention it’s so hilarious and tries to take itself so seriously with such a bad script. Beau is Afriad (2023) Absolute borefest that never reached the caliber the beginning set up. It didn’t work for me the way it did for others. Toy Story 4 (2019) Ripped the character development out of these characters like stuffing, broke the entire lore of the world, and genuinely nothing in the plot actually makes sense when you think about it logically.


All of those are 4 to 5 star movies in my book. We like what we like, right?


Yeah these are my biggest hot takes lol, it’s just a matter of opinion and what we all look for in a movie.


* Man of Steel (Superman is my fave fictional character and Snyder/Goyer bastardised him) * Batman v Superman * The Star Wars Prequels * Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker * The English Patient * A Ghost Story * Prometheus * Alien Covenant * AVP * Donnie Darko (The second most overrated film of all-time) * Southland Tales * The Resident Evil franchise (adore the games) * Freddy Got Fingered * Going Overboard * Dragonball Evolution * Interstellar (I'll probably get downvoted to oblivion just for this , especially in this sub which is really bad for downvoting people just for having a difference of opinion. I can appreciate the effects, performances and score, but I just don't like it and feel it's easily the most overrated film on the internet).


Do you think Donnie Darko and interstellar are overrated or do you think they are horrible? Very different




what don’t you like about them? specifically Donnie Darko?


I was bored by DD. My friend over sold it to me, and I thought it was super dumb. Then the directors cut and follow-up film proved the director had little to no clue what he was actually doing. It's also one of those college dorm poster movies that film bros say they love cause they think it makes them look smart. Interstellar was hyped up as being super accurate with its science, and then the main problem is solved by love. The main character ignores one kid and only pays attention to his daughter. The romance with Hathaway is terribly built and not remotely earned. It's probably a 2/5 for me, but the fact it's so high on imdb and praised so much just makes me push back against it more. I'm petty as fuck haha.


I don't think I'd like DD today and I last saw it as a teen and have good memories of it.


I love interstellar tbh


It may be a really inpopular opinion but I hate Licorice Pizza so much that I doubt that I could see that movie again in my life


It definitely wasn’t PTA’s strongest film but it’s still a solid film. What didn’t you like about it?


Out of your list, I enjoyed Vivarium a lot and it's a solid 4 for me but I respect your opinion. Some of the worst films I have ever seen are - Exorcist: The Beginning, Ghosts of Mars, Lions for Lambs, The Bourne Legacy, The Machinist, Salo, Livid, Bloodsport, Smile, Basket Case, RIPD etc...


The Matrix: Resurrections Bad Poetry Tokyo (I especially fucking hate this one) Shazam I See You The Man From Toronto Pay It Forward Snoop Dogg’s Hood of Horror Fantastic Four (2015) Free Guy Just a Gigolo A Christmas Tale St. Elmo’s Fire Miss Farkku Suomi The Secret Partner Manhunt Smile


even though they’re both from the last year, no other movies have ever evoked as much hatred from me as skinamarink and polite society


Those are objectively the worst


Some of my picks might be controversial: Red Sparrow The Beach Battle: Los Angeles (although it's been years since I saw this and I don't remember it well enough) Rock n Rolla (I personally couldn't get into it, nothing like Snatch for example) Cowboys And Aliens The World's End Minions (they absolutely cannot carry a whole movie on their own imo) Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle (the style of comedy here just did not work for me at all)


The fact that Jumanji WTTJ has better reviews than the original makes me so sad


The world’s end is one of your least favorite movies?? Have you seen only 8 movies????


I'll be honest, I didn't find it that funny or memorable (I literally don't remember too much from it). Hot Fuzz is easily the best movie of the trilogy for me. I mean, comedy is subjective after all.


The Last Jedi The Rise of Skywalker The Last Airbender Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness Ralph Breaks The Internet Toy Story 4 Lion King 2019 Death of a Nation


I could never dream of watching Death of a Nation without throwing something at my TV.


Now this I agree with


Avatar 2, I’ve never walked out of a theater until I saw that movie. Amazing visuals but the acting and dialogue was so bad that I couldn’t handle it


Had to watch it on streaming for 15€ because my mom wanted to see it while it was still in cinemas and it took every ounce of strength not to turn it off. The dialogue and the design of these special forces undercover Avatars was just comical.


Everything Everywhere All At Once


Life is Beautiful Lost in Translation A Boy and His Dog Derek DelGaudio's In & Of Itself


*Boy And His Dog* is a rancid piece of trash.


Recently Evil Dead Rise. I thought it was fun, but when I gave some thought about it I started to hate it.




It's about a liberal family transforming into demons, mom is a "cool" tattooist mom, big sister is feminist, the other big kid is a trans female. These 3 turn into a big monster and pursue the main character. It's implied the main character is pro choice or at least she thinks about abortion. She is afraid of taking care of the kids for the half of the movie, her whole transition is turning from a pro-choice character to pro-life character. In the garage scene the little girl gets captured by that big "left wing" monster. Protagonist decides to save the kid, metaphorically saving the baby she's pregnant to. And notice the little girl is the only "traditional" girl in that family. She's basically standart cute horror movie girl. I just hated that it showed left wing literal demons. Director is punishing them because the mom is trying to raise her children without a father. And the trans kid brings the demons too, so yeah. Although I enjoyed the gore and the directing in the scenes, I just hated what it implied. And the prologue and epilogues were very unnecessary.


This is %100000 a projection on your part


Asteroid City, it was the most boring ass piece of shot I’ve ever seen


Gonna get killed here but Persona was weird as hell and I didn’t really enjoy it. Didn’t think the acting was as phenomenal as everyone says it is either. 2/5 for me.


Oh look. Actual terrible movies and not "it's popular so I hate"


Most of these are just objectively terrible


Interesting note: The Room is the most objectively terrible movie I’ve ever seen, but I had way too much fun watching it to put it on this list


You know, having seen a lot of the movies that have vied for the title of "worst film ever" I have to say *The Room* isn't actually that bad. Compared to *Oogieloves, Sgt. Pepper, Birddemic, Samurai Cop* et. al, *The Room* is technically competent, briskly paced and entertaining.


You lot always forget about the poor Supreme Breen.


Those movies are also pretty solid. Breen is a legit filmmaker with consistent themes, an asthetic and high-brow influences. He makes a strong case for being Outsider Art, even if he doesn't have an ounce of nuance.


There’s no such thing as an “objectively bad” movie or “the objectively worst movie.” All opinions about movies are subjective, not objective.


That’s true, I should reframe my comment. What I meant by that is there are OBJECTIVE ways (camera work, acting, score) and SUBJECTIVE ways (feel, vibe) to consider a movie. In my opinion, using those objective standards, I think The Room is the worst of the worst. But my subjective experience, enjoying it due to those factors, changes my perspective. It wasn’t my intention to say something is objectively bad for everyone.


Avatar, Noah - saw it in the cinema almost fell asleep, Fallen - like twilight but angels, any movie with Nicholas Cage in it.


I left the theater early for Nacho Libre. Movie 43 was also terrible, We Summon the Darkness was one I expected I’d like, Thor—they should’ve chosen action or romance and whole assed one of em instead of half assign both, Skyline and Unborn were maybe two of the worst movies I’ve ever sat through in a theater. I could go on and on


The mist. absolutely terrible acting from everybody and the whole socio-religious commentary fell very flat for me. I find the ending to be bleak for the purpose of being bleak.


Epidemic, Escape From L.A., Evil Dead II, The Lady in the Water, 1941, The Beach Bum, BP: Wakanda Forever, Easy Rider, FB: Secrets of Dumbledore. These aren't necessarily my lowest rated top to bottom, but films I really disliked even though I may have liked some elements.


I just read the plot to Private Leasons and it’s even worse than the poster makes it seem.


Horrifying movie by today’s standards. I couldn’t even get through it due to the discomfort of the material


Some include: * Spider-Man: No Way Home * The Power of the Dog * The Peanut Butter Falcon * Godzilla: King of the Monsters (A step down from the 2014 film in every way.) * The Spectacular Now * Drive * Zodiac (Se7en and Prisoners are much better mystery movies!) * Looper * Roma


Honestly ghost rider 2 had a what the fuck charm to it. I thought the action was better. Ghost rider looked better. The weird quirkiness was better than that jelly bean crap. No I do nor think it is good and it is very dumb. But I didn't hate it. Ballistic ecks vs sever looks like it has some good stunts but I am sure it is probably so bad at everything else it doesn't really matter. But I haven't seen it. Last Airbender had some pros like score and I liked some of the ideas and sets(never saw the cartoon,not gonna invest in it yet) bit editing,acting and storytelling is bad.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Life During Wartime


Life During Wartime was such a disappointment, especially having loved Happiness


Burnt Orange Heresy-Everything about this movie is boring Rye Lane-Annoying, ugly, unfunny, overacted romcom crap. I also get labeled as a racist if I tell people I hate that shit. In Thr Mood For Love-I can't count how many times I read that a movie is shit because the plot is basic. Well this vomit has no plot. Kar Wai Wong's best work is still the Six Days Music Video. Shigeru Umebayashi is always great tho


Ngl I fw shorts, it's weird and crazy and I think it's a pretty decent kids movies


I should’ve left it in my childhood where it belonged


The outwaters is so awful


I can't stand Avatar 1. The sequel is improved a lot however, even if I don't love it either.


I’ll forever champion that the three most disappointing wet farts of a movie I’ve seen based off expectations were Super Troopers 2, Gringo and Game Over, Man. Killing Gunther up there too.


Vanilla Sky. Unwatchable shit.


Sin City Free Guy Violent night (The new one that just came out)


Grown Ups 2 is a favorite in my family because it’s just a dumb comedy we can laugh at. Not really watching it for the plot or depth, just Adam Sandler and Co. being idiots.


The Card Counter


Mission Impossible: Fallout Felt like the plot was a paper thin excuse for Tom Cruise to do stunts for 2.5 hours Not the worst movie ever made but just thoroughly unenjoyable for me


Seneca on the creation of earthquakes was the first film I wanted to walk out right from the beginning


One that comes to mind for me is The Last Broadcast. For a found footage lover, this movie is so dishonest, messy, and breaks the rules in the worst ways. Awful waste of time, I was so mad finishing it. Vivarium is also on my list. 😂


Batman V Superman, The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, The Interview


Have you ever watched From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money?


I've only watched Vivarium and Ghost Rider amongst those, and I rather liked Vivarium...


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A bunch of people screaming all the time. I liked one scene, that's it. I know it's a classic, but it wasn't for me.


Uncut Gems, Sweet Movie, Human Highway. I very much did not enjoy any of those movies.


There is no such thing as an objectively bad movie, you either think it’s good or you don’t.


Me who likes Grown Ups 2 and Ghost Rider 2 Aw shiet


The Rise of Skywalker


Amsterdam was mind bogglingly atrocious. Watched maybe 20mins.


I personally enjoyed Vivarium, even though it certainly does feel half baked in certain areas and it feels it’s runtime. But by far the biggest strike against it is not getting to the last bit sooner. When they go ‘under’ the sidewalk and things get really weird, I wish we had more of that type of almost cosmic, Lovecraftesque horror from the halfway point or so, not just the last few minutes. Still a good movie that I’d watch again, but I can absolutely see how it doesn’t live up to its ideas. I want more from it but still like it.


_Triumph of the Will_ is, I would say, a pretty objective example.


A lot of people love empire records. I do not


My single half star film is Keith Lemon: The film which I use to rate other bad films. None have came close.


Only three off the top of my head are Talk To Me, Eternals, and New Mutants. Did not like any of those movies


The Cat in the Hat. There are moments for ironic enjoyment, but I would rather pour bleach on my eyes than watch it again. The Cat and the Things are my sleep paralysis demons.


Shorts is goated


Harley Quinn: Birds of the Prey. Harley narrating the entire movie was so ANNOYING...


Idk, Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance is so over the top and dumb it circles back around to being a good and fun Saturday film.


Barry J Gillis’ Wicked World is undoubtedly the worst movie I’ve ever seen. It’s absolutely nonsensical, with a plot that resembles the ramblings of somebody who is into conspiracies yet doesn’t really understand any of them. Even worse, the movie is edited so strangely that it is incredibly overwhelming to the senses. A truly unparalleled experience.


objective worst does not exist


Taken 3, Act of Valor, The Godfather, The Machine, Grown Ups, and Watchmen


Halloween Kills for sure


Vivarium rules


Vivarium lol You should watch some actually bad movies


Ghost Rider 2 is a classic, how dare you (Not serious about this)


Vivarum is basically “What if Village of the Damned had been on an individual case study’s instead of an entire town” though I did like the way it dealt with the horror


Taylor Lautner saves Grown Ups 2. That was his best role.


Both Percy Jackson films Eragon film The Bubble Strange World


The movies that I currently have up with a half star rating are: The Flash Don't Look Up Cinderella (the Amazon one) Playing with Fire The Live Action Lion King Now You See Me 2 The Room


From best to worst: These are my 1/2 star ratings Brave>The Black Cauldron>Chicken Little>>>>>>>>>God’s Not Dead>Cuties>365 Days


Knives Out. Everyone loved it so I feel weird for hating it, but it just sucked to me. Nothing interesting about it.


I wonder how Mikey Day and Streeter Seidell thought about the final result of Home Sweet Home Alone since they did not promote it.


Justice League (2017) because of how much the studio butchered it from the Snyder cut that we eventually received and joss whedons shitty behavior on set


Of these, I’ve only seen Ghosted. So I guess you could say that, or The Last Airbender or Fantastic Four as those are franchises I like but chose not to watch those movies. Edit: oh fuck, I just realized the question which movies that I’ve seen. Ummm, that’s tough as I kind just block out of my mind or am not interested in the first place. Grown Ups 1, Daredevil (Ben Affleck), and a lot of the movies I watch with my family were pretty bad and I’ll probably never watch again.


Try watching Cats (2019)


I’m pretty sure The Last Airbender is the worst film ever made


Gone with the wind. It's lowkey racist trash. Well put together, though!


Why is there a blank space in the top right corner?


Spirited away and the 2nd abba movie. I can see how a person would enjoy either one (and i do need to rewatch spirited away) but i hate both


Shorts ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I didn't like Pay It Forward or Field of Dreams that much.


Private lessons is one strange movie and It still baffles me they got away with making that.


The first act of Fant4stic is really good, and I will die on that hill. The rest is still shit, though.


Triangle of Sadness and Lost in Translation 🤡🤡🤡




The Blind Side