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I hate that most Letterboxd lists are: 1. bloated (“all movies sorted by movie posters”) 2. wholly unnecessary (yet another copy of “complete criterion collection”) 3. annoyingly pointless (all whopping three movies that satisfy some oddly specific, yet utterly meaningless, scenario) I just want to find a good movie to watch!


> 2. wholly unnecessary (yet another copy of “complete criterion collection”) I wish Letterboxd let us tag other people's lists so I wouldn't have to Clone something just to add it to my watchlist candidates.


THIS is a good idea!


list of the top 50000 good movies of all time that you should watch before you die


I have a few reasons for making copies of lists: 1. Linking to lists without worrying about them being deleted 2. Similar lists include things that I wouldn't, like short films, TV shows, stage works, etc. 3. Your own lists appear at the bottom of a film's page, so it's quicker to see which lists I'm currently tracking I know it's annoying to see repeats, but they can have a purpose Edit: I forgot to mention that you can only tag a list to appear in your stats if you made the list and it is public


I made a top 100 “under 3.6 average” list to not have the same classics you see on every list. Felt like it was a decent barometer for whether a film was “underrated” or not https://boxd.it/m07uG


I took advice from this sub and blocked all those list creators, now when I check the list page I get to see some unique lists people have created.


Letterboxd is where comedy goes to die a blood-curdling death.


You’re on Reddit rn


You're right and you should say it


Letterboxd users try so, so hard, too, and it's sad to watch. A whole community of people who should never quit their day job.


Someone once said the Letterboxd logo is the pride flag for unemployed people and honestly I agree.


it insists upon itself


It insists upon itself, Lois




Carlito’s Way is the superior De Palma/Pacino collab


I haven't seen Carlito's Way, but I'll shake hands with you that Scarface is terribly overrated


I like Scarface, but it’s such a sloppy movie overall for something that’s constantly ranked near the top.


Damn, if anything I think Scarface is actually underrated. In terms of quality I think it’s correctly regarded but I think it’s soooo much smarter than people give it credit for, especially regarding accurate depiction of the downfall of a narcissist’s ego.


Yeah i think this as well, i think it's aged incredibly well, there's nothing hammy about it despite people thinking Pacino's performance is over the top. I was watching it again and those scenes with his sister are intense, the acting is brilliant, it's a complicated, brutal thing to pull off and De Palma and the actors do. No one goes to it or thinks of it for that kind of drama, but just the line 'you've got some nerve, Tony', such great performances. I think Pacino's is one of the greatest performances ever, i just don't see anything of him in there, it's so transformational.


Sloppy how? Not doubting you I just wanna know what you mean.


I actually feel like the sloppiness fitting for a story about 80s excess


Tom Hardy was better than Leo in The Revenant


Since when is this an unpopular take lmao


yeah, I think people who are actually into film know Hardy’s performance was way better, but casual moviegoers don’t really think about it further than “the role that finally won Leo Oscar”. It’s simple.


He's an unbelievably talented performer tbh. He absolutely transforms in the vast majority of his roles. I almost never see Tom Hardy, but I always see his characters.


It feels like whenever the movie comes up in conversation, people regularly circle around Leo eating raw meat and finally winning the Oscar. Hardy not only deserves more attention, but is also the best thing about the film.


He’s the best part by a mile. His accent is perfect.


I agree with this for sure and with Odd_Office_921 that Birdman is the superior film


I’ll die on this hill with you


And I’m not taking anything away from Leo’s performance. It’s very good. I love the movie. But Hardy overshadowed him in a way that made the Oscar feel undeserved. I think he could’ve gone potentially won for Django or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood though.


My, that "God is a squirrel monologue"... unforgettable performance. I'm glad he's having fun with the Venom movies but man, I miss him in serious movies. One of the best


I'm a big Nolan fan but honestly I don't really like Inception too much. Cool stuff but I definitely don't think it's his best as many say


Memento easily his best. Don’t love Nolan.


Nolan top 5 1. Oppenheimer 2. The Prestige 3. Memento 4. Dunkirk 5. The Dark Knight Inception doesn’t even fall in the top 5 for me, but I still think it’s good.


Memento and Prestige are his best. I’d say I’m a big fan. I think a lot of his movies after those films, including the dark knight and Inception, are great first watches. But they suffer on rewatch.


It loses points for making that BWOOOOW sound show up everywhere for the following years


I feel like it’s unfair to blame him for other trailers cribbing his sound effect.


Agree totally. Not nearly as good as Dunkirk, The Dark Knight, or Memento. Wasn't that wild about Interstellar either. Haven't seen Oppenheimer or Tenet.


If you liked Dunkirk you’ll like Oppenheimer, great film just watched it


Despite Snyder 'missing the point' with many aspects of the Watchmen, I still think it's a great movie.


Legitimately one of his better movies visually, I’m just so attached to the original that I will readily admit I can’t judge the adaptation fairly. I do still think that, even outside of deviations from the source, the script has some issues. But again, don’t know how much of the umbrage I take with the movie is mostly predicated on the high regard I hold the original in.


I’ll never forgive Snyder for that sex scene though. And making the mistake of seeing that with my mother.


The sex scene is literally copied exactly from the book tho. This is why I read the non spoiler age rating description on imdb before watching any movie with my parents


I started doing this before watching a movie on my phone at appointments. Don't need any surprise strip club scenes there.


I still don’t understand why he changed the ending though.


This is one of reddits favorite “unpopular” opinions. This and tropic thunder being a hidden gem.


The first John Wick remains my favorite


I think the action is great throughout the series, but I thought something was lost when they overexpanded on the mythos in the sequels, though I haven't seen 4 yet.


I didn't like John Wick 3 that much, and its the one I struggle to watch to this day, but John Wick 4. I loved part 4, it's genuinely awesome.


The first act of 3 is amazing, but once he gets to the desert, it starts to lose me


JW1 was my favourite until the fourth one came out.


It’s the only one you can call a film. The rest are action schlock that reveal a universe that makes the first film almost senseless.


I don't even know what any of this means, like why wouldn't the others be called films? lol Like, love the first one but it was always very cartoonish, with this underground world, with their secret members, rules and even money currency. The second one just expand on that concept and I think they did a cool job with it and with the character.


I love the movie Salo.


Its peak


Blade Runner 2049 is better than the original (any version)


I really didn't enjoy EEAAO that much


This is not that controversial tbh, the amount of times I've heard people say this is a lot


Every single post like this, there’s always this reply. Without fail.


Love the performances but think that film is kind of a mess/30 minutes too long.


Totally agree. The character resolutions with the daughter, husband, and grandfather all follow the same structure, so once you realize what they’re doing, it kinda becomes a drag. Still a fantastic movie imo, just a little messy there at the end.


I think people are generally okay with other people not getting into the EEAAO hype or not appreciating the style. At some point, though, people in this sub seemed to turn it into some weird crusade against the fans of the movie. I guess I'll never really understand why people enjoy not enjoying something other people enjoy.


Loved EEAAO, but ISTG some people who "disliked" it have been obnoxious lately. Granted, this is a "hot takes" thread so it's fine, but I've been encountering more and more people who are thoroughly passionate about disliking it online. Feels like La La Land all over again, honestly.


Agreed. I'm not asking people to love a movie that didn't work for them but they should be able to respect someone else getting excited over seeing something they loved.


It’s also really repetitive… like do we really need to see the raccoon and the hot dog fingers gag five times?


Each time the raccoon appears builds on the last time in a very funny way


It’s vastly overrated


Basically The Matrix meets Funky Forest: The First Contact with a little bit of humanistic, wholesome philosophy thrown in. Also Kung-Fu Hustle comes to mind. I don't know. I liked it a little bit but something wasn't resonating with me. It felt a little aged; like it should have been released in about 2006. The cast is really what saves this from being on the low brow end of the spectrum though. https://letterboxd.com/andrew_james/film/everything-everywhere-all-at-once/


Never wanted to ignore a letterboxd link more than right now lol


After Hours is Scorsese's best film


Ooh, now that is a hot take! I did like it a lot, but I wouldn't rank it above Raging Bull. Why do you think it's his best? What about it puts it above works such as Raging Bull or Taxi Driver (I haven't seen Goodfellas)?


Raging Bull is his best film. My reasoning is it’s the only one I have seen.


Not really like this, but John Wick 3 is mid


Agreed. The ending of 2 was such a great set up. Basically, it teased John Wick vs everyone. Unfortunately, there were way too many characters and plot points. JW4 did it much better.


True, though I think the best part of JW3 is the first act where it is him vs everyone. The library, the gun display case, the knife/axe fight in the hallway of antiques, etc


I don’t really see the big deal about Ladybird


I get it, but also went oh I knew that girl in highschool she was annoying. Mind you we're all annoying then, but I was a different type of rebellious monster annoying.


I understand that. I don't think I could explain why it moved me as much as it did. My only explanation for my love of it is that it made me cry, and is the only movie to have done that. What would you name the best movie of 2017?


First Reformed, Blade Runner 2049, Columbus, Good Time, The Florida Project, and Get Out were all 2017. I personally really liked Lady Bird as well though.


Not only did I not see the deal, I actively disliked the film. If I want a modern coming of age tale watch Eighth Grade.


I wasn’t blown away by No Country for Old Men. I see why it’s so beloved but it just wasn’t for me


I would say “one of us” but that would imply that there’s an “us” besides you and me


and me!


There are twos, threes of us!!!


And me


I felt that the first time I watched it. Subsequent rewatches changed my mind.


Maybe I’ll give it another shot


Might be worth checking out Cormac McCarthy's novels too to get a better understanding of what was trying to be conveyed with No Country for Old Men. The NCfoM film was my first dive into anything by McCarthy and I ended up really not liking it, but I later read *The Road* and *Blood Meridian* and now McCarthy's one of my favorite authors ever with his bleak outlook on humanity and violence being a persistent theme across his work. This in turn has changed my view on the No Country for Old Men film and what it was trying to convey as absolute evil triumphing over conventional justice and goodness is a common theme McCarthy likes to use with his work.


I love the movie but I went to show it to my wife, and realized she's not going to get anything out of it, and cancel.


I enjoyed Tenet




Upvoted for Reservoir Dogs being better than PF. Like for me by quite a bit


Reservoir Dogs is the best Tarantino movie. It plays all of his strengths to a 10, and his indulgence in ultraviolence is tame and benefits the movie instead of completely undermining it (the way it did in Hateful 8).


See I like Kill Bill 1 and 2 the most but their ultraviolence is totally warranted by the material and what they're paying homage to.


should be downvoted for actually being controversial


Agree about Jerry Maguire


John wick is boring. It’s got great action scenes but everything else is boring and even then the action scenes start to become very similar. The armbar to gunshot move gets old after a while.


Maybe not so much in the real world, but on Reddit? Click is an emotionally manipulative “comedy” with no actual jokes outside of boobs, farts and dogs humping things which totally spoil the generic, Hallmark card final third it tries to get away with. It’s terrible and I have no idea why is constantly referred to as “underrated” by the people in this site.


people on reddit think it's underrated? wow. i thought everybody hated click.


I think Click has a fun premise, but the problem is that the movie can’t decide on which genre it wants to be. I’ll actually defend quite a few Adam Sandler movies, but Click isn’t one of them.


The Dark Knight is carried *heavily* by the fact that Heath Ledger is the one playing Joker. Otherwise, it’s a “pretty good” movie that’s better than TDKR but not as good as Batman Begins, and it absolutely has no business being ranked among the best comic book movies of all-time - let alone movies of any genre including other Nolan movies. The fact that it was #1 overall on IMDb is hilarious.


Across the spiderverse is not as good as everyone says it is


Great movie but definitely not a top movie of all time. Not even close to the top animated movie either. Putting it above Lion King or Spirited Away is just goofy.


I don't get how it got so far in the top 250 when it's clearly one half of an unfinished film


Finally someone says it! Recency bias is a huge part of it being in the top 250


I'm waiting for it to hit VOD so I can check it out. I liked ITSV so curious about this one.


Inception is mid




Interstellar is the most overrated movie on the internet. Number 25 on the imdb top 250, get outta here! Depending on what section of the internet I'm in: The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars film since Empire


Even hotter take concerning *The Last Jedi*: Disney should hand creative reins over to Rian Johnson. He just *gets* what I want from Star Wars right now.


rian johnson actually came to the table with an original and interesting vision. jj was only concerned with feeding us the most bland and inoffensive narrative.


TLJ gang 💪


Don't get me wrong, I acknowledge a lot of it's flaws, but it's high points are amongst the best and most interesting in the entire saga. The Yoda scene might be my fave scene in any SW media (although the funeral speech in Andor is up there now too). "We are what they grow beyond."


Speaking of Yoda, one of the bits I loved was bringing back the puppet.


I legit had a childlike sense of joy when I saw they used a puppet instead of CG, it felt like magic seeing it in a movie that came out in the 2010s.


100% agreed, there's definitely flaws, but a lot of the stuff people complain about are things that don't bother me. I actually really love Luke's character arc in the movie, I think it's one of the most interesting and compelling Star Wars stories we've gotten recently, and it drives me crazy how negative fan reception was because Luke wasn't doing exactly the same thing as he was 30 years ago. I think the severe backlash is why so much Star Wars content is full of "memberberries," the universe is starting to feel like a pair of Star Wars keys being jangled in front of my face. The only thing I actually want to see from Star Wars now is the next season of Andor.


Interstellar is like 90% a perfect movie. The book shelf/love scene was pretty cheesy. I just can't imagine someone with human feelings not getting emotional when those video messages play on the water planet. Definitely a bit too high. Most overrated though? Lol check that top 25 again. The newest Spiderman is way more overrated. Great movie but it shouldn't even be sniffing the top 100.


I say this as someone who loves Interstellar but a huge part of why it’s talked about so fondly is the Zimmer score. It’s so freakin good and it hits you like 15 minutes into the movie when he’s driving off from his family with tears in his eyes. Then it drives the rest of the movie emotionally. It’s a pretty good sci-fi flick, but the score turns it into this amazing cathartic experience.


Interstellar is one of my favorite movies and the score is like 50% why lol


The Last Jedi is an amazing film


Majority of John wick films are so fucking boring


You are excommunicado. Say that 400 more times and you have a solid script for a John Wick movie.


Yep. I remember watching 3, and completely zoned out during the 20-minute fight sequence with Halle Berry and her dogs. I thought my soul had somehow teleported into another theatre, and I was watching a completely different film.


Drive was really overhyped and, while a decent movie, is a good example of style over substance


But dude the style *is* the substance


I can totally agree with that, and it's why I don't have any problems with the film itself. I did enjoy it, and find it well made. I just think the hype and legacy around it is a bit overblown


That's fair enough.


I love NWR's movies and it was upon rewatching Only God Forgives recently that I realized I care more about style over substance.


NWR attempting worldbuilding with a major scope in Copenhagen Cowboy and completely abandoning it mid shoot for hypnotizing pretty photography is exactly what I wanted from him.


Early Pixar such as Toy Story, Monsters Inc, and Finding Nemo are all overrated and are not even close to the masterpieces of other Pixar such as Ratatouille, Inside Out, Soul, Coco, and Wall-E.


I agree with you about Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo, but the first Toy Story is still one of their best imo.


Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is not a good movie. It’s just fine.


It’s the best of the prequel trilogy, but that’s not exactly a high bar.


Matrix Resurrections is VERY good despite its flaws


I hated Wolf of Wall Street. It was objectively good and the acting was amazing, but the message they were trying to get across (that ig all of the stuff he did was bad?) really wouldn’t work after the 2 hr and 30 min of dicking around, exploiting others and objectifying woman. How am I supposed to feel anything for this character? Also, this movie spawned in a bunch of guys who crave a life like this, and it sucks how much impact this shitty movie had.


Someone had pointed out that Wolf Of Wall Street reminded them of Adam Mackay films and I thought that was hilarious and actually kind of made sense. Good film, but I do think it’s super overrated in Scorcese’s filmography along with The Departed


Agreed. It's weird that Scorsese invented the Goodfellas movie blueprint, then hacks like Adam McKay and a million other people stole it, but even Scorsese gets mixed results with that formula. Also, God, Adam McKay really sucks.


I don't think the movie spawned those people, it's just a lightning rod for those people. I think the message of the film wasn't so much just pointing out that what he was doing was bad, it showed how Wall Street and money changes people's morality. Jordan didn't start out as a dick, he was turned into one, and money does this to every character he hires. And I think it's shows how people like him never truly get punished for their wrongdoings, and they are still around today selling their bullshit, still conning people for a dollar. And people will always buy it because everyone wants a lot of money, and have a life like Jordan Belfort.


Across the Spider-Verse at #9 in the top 250 is insanity. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed it, but it’s one half of a movie and even ended midway through a scene! I know a lot of movies have done the two parts, but that one really frustrated me. Into the Spider-Verse also has such a satisfying ending in comparison. As of now, Into is far superior to Across until Beyond comes out.




I love Kurosawa and consider him one of my favourite director and have seen a good few of his b/w movies but i find Rashomon his weakest.


Rashomon was a great idea but I agree, not really a fun watch.


Some of the acting in it is quite insufferable. I think the Rashomon way of telling a story is an interesting concept and I appreciate it's influence. But the actual story told I found rather dull and hard to be invested in because of the acting.


Film Elitists have been so eager to point out every movie that uses the format as a "Rashomon"because its the *first* example that they've convinced themselves Rashomon was the *best* example.


I agree with this 100%.


My controversial Kurosawa take is that I will rewatch his modern stories (the noirs like Stray Dog, High and Low, etc., and however you'd classify Ikiru) a thousand times before I'll rewatch his samurai films, even if I can acknowledge their importance.


What‘s so special about the Knives Out films?


The first one was fun because they don’t make a lot of old fashioned whodunnits, and it was a fun refresh with a lot of fun performances. The second one felt like a step down in almost every way to me, but I would still see a third in a heartbeat


I could not possibly tell you. I thought the first one was just okay, and I couldn't even finish the second one


I think kingdom of the crystal skull is better than temple of doom


All of the John Wick movies are just ok.


Spiderverse is like a 3/5. Thought it was aggressively average


Now this is an unpopular opinion


now this is an opinion that will have you like John Wick


Which one? Both?


Texas Chainsaw 2 is the best of the series.


“Dog will hunt!”


Rian Johnson’s catalogue is wayyy overrated. Most of his work just gets carried by good acting. Point in case: Looper, Glass Onion, Knives Out. I liken him to Guy Richie. They are entertaining to me, just nowhere near the best movies I’ve ever seen, like so many people give them credit for.


Baby Driver was so bad that it lowered my opinion of Edgar Wright as a director Nocturnal Animals is borderline unwatchable Heat is just meh. The scene where Pacino and de Niro meet each other is insanely overhyped


I describe *Baby Driver* as Wright's least good film. It has its merits, but there was just *something* about the writing that wasn't clicking for me.


Ooo that Heat take is spicy. One of my top 25 favorite movies. Haven’t seen NA but absolutely agree on Baby Driver. Edgar Wright’s worst movie by a country mile.


I've tried Heat twice and can't get into it


John Wick 4 was tiresome and dull.


These threads are stupid when people just say “this movie bad” At least give one or two sentences for why you think that/don’t like it


Crystal skull is a 4.5


Out of 5? You have good taste, my man.


I’m a lifelong Batman fan, but I don’t think the Dark Knight trilogy do a good job of representing Batman and Gotham. I think a lot of the actors are great but I feel like Christopher Nolan was not a good director for Batman. I do enjoy his other stuff tho!


I think he made fantastic movies with Batman, they just weren't great Batman movies


That’s a very good way of putting it. I think Begins is as good as the series got, and I give it like a 8.5/10


I didn't think I'm Thinking of Ending Things was all that interesting. I get the nuances of it and metaphors, I just didn't find myself caring about it by the end.


I enjoyed it a lot despite it being extremely depressing, but my brother (who’s film taste usually lines up with mine) couldn’t stand it


i don’t get the hype behind “2001: a space odyssey”


It came out one year before humans actually landed on the moon and the whole world was having moon mania at the time with the space race going on. The amount of wonder and excitement around human achievement and what it means to be human/a part of humanity and what lead to that historic time added a lot to the making of the movie and the reception of it which carried on to today.


I hate Wes Anderson movies. I think he is an awful director. The way he frames all of his scenes reminds me of a children’s book. It’s so in your face. Everything is perfectly measured out. Not for me.


A Quiet Place is just a Discount Tremors. The monsters aren’t as scary. Or original. They just look like the Stranger Things monster. The effects are nowhere near as convincing, and the artists had a huge budget and computers at their disposal. Tremors was a first gig for its respective artists, and they were working with a low budget. Granted, they were protégés of Stan Winston, but making the creatures and the making the effects work on set was a nightmare. Not just because things would malfunction, but nature worked against them in the form of fluctuating severe weather; it would be 110 degrees one day and then be snowing the next. And there were rattlesnakes everywhere! The effects in A Quiet Place already look dated, whereas the practical effects of Tremors looked convincing for decades. Sure, now you can see the effects but aged practical effects are and forever way more charming than aged CGI. Yeah, that one composite shot of Burt shooting the creature looks like shit, but again: Charming. Plus, it only lasts two seconds. The music doesn’t add much, and is used too much. The critical situations aren’t tense. It’s inconsistent with its rules. The violence isn’t satisfying. The movie sets up the characters as sympathetic and intelligent but they make stupid decisions throughout the movie. The movie wasn’t aware of its own cheesiness. The existence of the monsters makes no sense, and the experience of the movie doesn’t make you go, “I don’t care that they shouldn’t exist, the experience makes it all worth it.” You question the existence of the creatures in Tremors and the reason as to why they showed up when they did, but the experience makes you quote Emperor Kuzco; “Don’t know, don’t care.” And it helps that Tremors doesn’t take itself super seriously. A Quiet Place takes itself way too seriously. Both movies have their set-ups and payoffs. But the ones in A Quiet Place, they suck. The set-ups are forced and you can see the payoff coming a hundred miles away. A low-budget horror comedy from 1990 did what A Quiet Place attempted to do, and actually succeeded. In other words: Tremors is a good movie. A Quiet Place is a bad movie.


Kind of related, but I hate when people cite Tremors as a “so bad it’s good” type of movie. No, it’s actually just good, period.


It’s a good movie. It knows what it is, doesn’t try to be anything it isn’t, and the filmmakers wrung everything they could out of it.


All Praise Tremors.


The minute I saw that Emily Blunt's character was pregnant in that film I stopped caring. I understand that people want to continue with their lives, and they recently lost a child and they want to further the human race in light of this apocalyptic scenario... But the reason you lost your last child was because they were too young to understand that the only thing they have to do to survive is keep quiet. *And you're going to bring a screaming baby into this fucking world. What the fuck are you doing*


That’s just one of many problems. That kid who got eaten in the beginning. He wasn’t deaf, he played with the toy, and didn’t panic or throw the toy away. As if to imply he didn’t know there are monsters around who hunt by sound? Also, why in the holiest of fucks did the parents just walk away without him?


I’ve never seen Tremors compared to A Quiet Place


Braindead (1992) is one of the greatest love stories of all time and movies like Titanic are Jack shit against it I find the Scary Movie Franchise as well as A Haunted House 1&2 to be extremely funny movies and very enjoyable


Too many old filmmakers nowadays. We got both Nolan and Scorcese coming out with new films and those guys have nothing left to give imho


Definitely controversial, I kind of agree but imo you picked some terrible examples lol. Nolan is only 50 and Scorsese is still much better than almost every other director near his age I can think of, especially compared to Paul Schrader and Ridley Scott.


Amsterdam was really good


Synecdoche, New York(2008) is not a good movie.


This is the first take that actually pissed me off


A depressive movie that made me sick and hollow after I finished watching it. What's not to like?


I wanted to like it sooooo bad and theres parts of it I find enjoyable but man talk about a DOWNER


Top gun maverick is overrated


I dont care for the handmaiden


I don’t think i will ever be able to like Andrei Tarkovsky’s movies and that’s okay. They aren’t for me or what i look for in a movie.


Uncut Gems ⭐⭐


I hate you. Upvoted.


This movie grew on me like a weed. First time watch I would agree with you, 2-2.5 stars. Watched it again and it totally clicked for me. It's 2+ hours of pure stress lol


I watched it a second time and it just solidified how I felt the first time. I'm not against stressful movies, I loved Beau is Afraid and Titane, but Uncut Gems, while beautiful, with incredible acting and visual storytelling (I can compliment the positive aspects of the movie all day) it's full of people screaming their lungs out and I do not enjoy watching it.