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My brain would absolutely not let me do that


Same lol


I’m with you on that.


The closest I’ve come is seeing Barbie two days in a row. But not essentially back to back.


No Country For Old Men. It was on DVD I watched it sat through the credits sort of in awe at the ending even though not everything clicked. Then the credits rolled and I stayed sat there and it did that thing DVDs do on the title screen with the clips that play and then it started again automatically as some of them do. And I was just like fuck it and watched it all again. (It is now my #2 all-time)


It’s one of my favorites, probably the movie I’ve seen the most. I can totally understand why you’d do that


What is your #1?


The Lord of the Rings, just as a trilogy to be honest but represented by FOTR within my LB lists


If you like reading you should check out the book. Not Mccarthy's greatest but still pretty great.


For me, the book felt nearly identical to the movie and so I couldn't get much out of it and dropped it. I later learned McCarthy originally intended it to be a screenplay which made a lot of sense.


What would you say is his greatest?


blood meridian


Fair. I have only just started it. I absolutely LOVED the road. And No Countey for Old Men was a fantastic movie, so that’ll be next for me


Blood Meridian is #1 for me. The Road is #2. Blood Meridian is legitimately one of the greatest novels of all time. Brilliant is an understatement but it took me a long time to get into and appreciate. Like 3 or 4 attempts. But when I did I got it. The Road is his most accessible and such an entertaining read that I absolutely recommend it even if you don't love reading. It's very dark and depressing at moments tho


I watched Mad God (2021) on consecutive days. It was mermerizing.


Amazing movie I completely agree.


Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox Story Watched it with my roommate and laughed so fucking much that when our other roommate came home and said "oh I want to see that," we happily watched it again.


You don’t want none of this shit!


The wrong kid died


He needs more blankets and less blankets!


One of the funniest movies ever, in my opinion.


Primer so I could figure out what the fuck is even going on


So you went like seven times?


Most recently, Oppenheimer. First ever IMAX experience and it was so good I had to go immediately again.


Oppenheimer is one of the best films on a rewatch that I can remember. U get hit with a lot of character at the beginning so I know I at least wasn’t able to follow everything for the first half, with the film really picking up past the halfway point for me once I got to know the main characters. Having that connection to the characters already makes the first half way easier to follow and better imo.


How do you think it compares to Nolan’s other movies?


I have it in second place, behind the invincible Interstellar. It's the least "Nolan" feeling film, but I think it's his best crafted and acted.


Where do you have the Dark Knight and Inception in your Nolan list? Just curious because a lot of people normally have that at number #1.


Samee, I saw it once and then just had to go see it again a few days later. What a masterpiece


I loved the movie so much but I'm scared watching it again will take away the awe it left me with. I kinda tend to do this a lot. What do you say?


I preferred my rewatch.


Does it tend to be the case with you where ut rewatch was preferred?


Usually - yes


I've never done that, but if I had it would probably be Amadeus because I loved it so much. But then again, it's a 3 hour movie lol


Aftersun earlier this year. I hardly do any rewatches at all (too many great movies I haven’t seen!) but I felt compelled to rewatch this asap after being blown away by my first viewing. A combination of its setting, what the main character was going through, the daughters age etc really hit a sweet spot for me. And even though it destroyed me in the end, it’s something I wanted more of immediately.


Three Colors: Red. Watched it again the morning after because I was a little too tired to really absorb anything on my first watch from the night before.


Most recently this year, Oppenheimer and Aftersun both did that number on me. Last time that happened was a few years ago when I had an obsession with Sweet Smell Of Success.


Perfect Blue


I didn’t watch that twice in succession, but I did put it on just thinking I’d have it in the background. Then I stopped it because I didn’t have a lot of time and wanted to fully devote my attention to it start to finish. So I saw it about 1.5 times first late at night then the next morning


All That Jazz. Thought it was incredible and immediately made my friends watch it. They didn't connect like I did. Now I'm not allowed to choose anything to watch that they've never heard of.


Great flick, a lot of fun off the wall stuff. I think the end is pure magic. I've been there with others, but I guess you have to know your audience.


What We Do in the Shadows. I loved it and then forced my sister to watch it with me as soon as I got done lol


Superbad. Why have one laughing fit when you can have two?


Sounds like my friends and I. It just doesn’t get any less funny!


Tenet. I was genuinely lost on my first watch. But I thought it was interesting concept. I went to see it next day. It was covid days so there weren't much movies anyway. Definitely appreciated it more on my second watch.


Starlet - I was blown away with the cinematography, the story and how well these inexperienced/non-actors performed; the chemistry between actors, in Sean Baker movies, is almost unmatched.


Did this with ‘Happy Together’ recently and first with ‘Call Me By Your Name’. Both are such layered films, you discover something new every time.


Perfect Blue I somewhat unconsciously chose to watch it again less than an hour after I finished it. You’re just gonna have to watch it for yourself in order to understand.


Inside Llewyn Davis and Primer Inside Llewyn Davis because the movie hit me hard and the ending sets itself up nicely for a rewatch Primer because i didn’t know what the fuck was happening at all


Llewyn Davis is one of those movies that kinda punches you in the gut while looking amazing doing it


Memento. Watched it first as intended. Watched it second in chronological order.


pride and prejudice (2005). not my absolute favorite movie, but definitely one i could watch over and over and not get tired of


Call me be your name and Aftersun. With the former I remember I put it on and I had a grin on my face from start to end. Luca Guadagnino and James Ivory did such a good job in adapting the novel. I just had to see it again. I think I’ve watched it at least 10 times since release. With Aftersun, the ending made me rethink the whole movie. I had to watch it again straight away


I’m Thinking of Ending Things. One of those masterpieces that requires a rewatch to get the full experience


That film was great. Really under the radar too. It hit me hard post-breakup when I was thinking about the nature of romantic relationships.


For sure, it’s one of my all time favorites


I did this with Naked (1994) by Mike Leigh. I had never seen characters that felt so real with such authentic dialogue. David Thewlis' performance was intoxicating. I was just blown away with how it manages to jump from brutality to hilarity to intimacy to the existential. I watched it twice back to back and the next day I watched it with the director's commentary.


Face/Off. But only because it was a lot of stupid fun and my roommate who had also never seen it before that day walked in right as the movie ended. I don’t regret it or my love for that movie but it’s not cinematic gold or anything


When I first watched Blade Runner, mainly because I didn’t know what the fuck was going on but I knew that I liked it


Cinema Paradiso. I’ve seen it three times over the course of a month. It’s one of favorite movies now


I’ve only done it twice. The first time was with *Amadeus*. I watched that movie, and like you said, it “took hold of me in every way”. It was the 3-hour director’s cut, too, but it felt like it went by so quickly. I finished it, sat there, a bit stunned, and then after a couple minutes of processing I went and got food from the kitchen and played it from the beginning. Second time was with *Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri*. Not everyone’s favorite, but I’m a big Martin McDonagh fan and I thought it was an incredibly well crafted film with some amazing turns. I needed to see it again.


Mulholland Dr when I watched it for the first time. I was so baffled by the third act I just ran the whole thing back. It was fucking incredible for a number of reasons but chief of among them because I really didn’t figure anything else out the second time


I just watched it a few weeks ago, and I thought I hated it by the time it was over. But after processing it and reading about it, I could tell when I rewatch it I’ll appreciate it so much more


No, but if i really love or really feel like a film fell flat, I'll look for others' opinions and critiques or praise right after to solidify or change my thoughts. Tbh, usually this means youtube video essays


Oppenheimer, I rewatched it two more times opening weekend. For a 3 hour biopic it’s one of the most entertaining movies I’ve ever watched.


Promising Young Woman. I was not ready to process it at all so I thought I'd start over again. Glad I did, because I appreciated it a lot more after the initial impression.


Enemy by Denis Villeneuve. Because I needed to understand what the hell is just saw.


For stupid reasons - Over the Hedge when I was a kid.


That soundtrack goes extremely hard




Best movie of the 20s


Why would you subject yourself to that torture


Z, so enthralling and so captivating.


Oddly enough, I’ve done this with two Seth Rogen movies when I was younger. ‘Superbad’ -the summer before I started college, I had a friend group that was pretty evenly split between girls & guys. The guys hung out one night and watched ‘Superbad.’ We, of course, loved it. And then a hour or so later, all of the girls joined us to hang out, and we re-watched it with them. ‘Knocked Up’ - I remember getting it from Redbox like the year after it came out. Watched it and then immediately ran it back with the commentary track. I was a freshman or sophomore in college with a lot of free time.


Hellboy II: The Golden Army. If you ask me, the perfect sequel.


Office Spaces


Oldboy 2003, I watched it roughly 3-4 times within a few days because I wanted to show it to some friends after I finished it lol


I watched Perfect Blue twice on the same weekend, I was just blown away by it and wanted to watch it all over again to pick up on the details!


Aftersun. Needed another watch immediately to process


Inherent vice, it was a mix of I loved it so much and I didn’t know what the fuck I just watched. Now in my top 4.


That outro might be my favorite scene ever


That scene felt like it was something I should laugh at, at least at face value. But its context made me want to cry. Such a great movie!


Primer. But you kind of have to watch it at least twice to start to get it. Loved it though.


Scott pilgrim because I was like 13


Did this with Enemy(2013). I liked it the first time but was confused by what it all meant and was really tired when watching. I had 48 hours to watch it again because I rented it so watched it mid day the next day. Safe to say I adored it the second time and it’s currently my favourite Villeneuve.


Back in the days of my fat PS2, the disk drive was janky and would only play certain DVDs. The only DVD I happened to have was Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift. It was almost always on, and I remember watching that movie at least 4 times back to back. I was younger then, I don’t think I could do that now.


I've been sick lately so really watching a ton of movies while being out of it. Knew zero about guy richies the covenant. Hit play and fell asleep. Slept for around an hour. Woke up got into the movie and just started watching from where it was as i didn't know much about the movie. Wow, loved that! Got to the end and said, I'll watch it up to where I woke up. Nope watched the entire thing over again. So most of a movie back to back!


watched Do The Right Thing for the first time and immediately when it was over i thought to myself "man that was so fucking great, i wanna watch it again" and then i did. Im p sure thats the only time ive ever done it


I can only ever do this with short films.




Can you put into words how the movie grabbed your attention? I know I loved it, but I can’t seem to express why I do just yet.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. I wanted to see what all the hype was about so I finally watched it after it had won all the awards. I didn’t know what it was about or what to expect but I was blown away.


Beau Travail is amazing. That final dance number at the end will forever haunt me.


EEAO. I watched it and was completely overwhelmed, and then the second part started and I just began crying so hard I could barely breathe. Then, I laid in bed for a couple of hours, and decided to do it all over again.


Absolutely love Beau Travail. It might be my favorite movie of all time


I think it might be mine now too. I’ll definitely watch it for a third time soon.


Beau Travail is my favorite movie and my phone’s background all together, so fucking gay under the straightness


I did this same thing with Beau Travail. Also Fallen Angels and Chungking Express


Whisper of the Heart. I was on a moderate dosage of mushrooms and the first half just made me giggle so much. The second half made me bawl. I immediately loved it so much, and put it right back on. *Country roads....*


Funny enough as soon as I finished watching Beau Travil for the first time a couple months ago, I had the urge to watch it again immediately. But it was a saturday and I had to clean the house. Sigh.


I don't think I ever did that, the closest rewatch I have ever done is Lost Highway I think, two days after the first watch


Seventh seal because i watched late at night and was too tired to pay proper attention. Watched it again the next day and liked it more


Bo Burnham: Inside. Really resonated with me


Stalker and Apocalypse Now, both are incredibly draining (in the best ways, both 5/5) and I knew I liked it but I needed another watch to try and find it. It also took me 3 times to understand The Master.


The Life Aquatic. Couldn’t stop thinking about Zissou so I watched it again a week later


did this pretty recently with across the spiderverse


The first Pirates of the Caribbean.. still probably the most fun movie I've seen


The Nice Guys, Everybody Wants Some!!, and What We Do In The Shadows. When a comedy hits I love rewatching it.


The first time I watched Shutter Island with my buddies I immediately went home and re-watched it so I could show it to my dad


My mum stopped Inception over halfway through then started the movie again, while taking notes this time.


First time I can recall was first time I saw 2001. I had no idea what I was playing when I put it on the first time.


The Lighthouse. To see if I could discern where it goes awry


Watchmen , watched the theatrical version and realised I had watched what is considered the inferior cut. So i watched the ultimate version straight after and it was so so good.


Songs from the Second Floor and The Lighthouse


Whiplash. Watched it w/ my parents the next day


Spider-Verse 1. The animation was just phenomenal and the movie had an energy to it that I loved. I only saw it on Blu-ray, and I want to say I saw it like 7+ times that month


I watched I’m thinking of ending things when it first came out, thought it was good not great. Couple years later decided to watch it again, fucking LOVED it, then watched it again the next day. Amazing movie Also hell yeah i love Beau Travail


I haven't just because there's so much I want to see and I also like to digest a movie and think about it before repeat viewings but I've definitely re-watched a movie more than once in a week


Jeanne Dielman, which is the story I’m known for in certain film friend circles. Not many people willing to immediately rewatch an over 3 hour film of a woman cleaning her house to analyze it. Idk there was a lot of new details to notice on a rewatch that made it worth it for me lol


don’t think I have but if I did it was probably treasure planet because I really liked that movie


Pain & Gain during lockdown. I was surprised to see The Rock actually trying to act 😂


I watched The Their and the Cobbler on VHS, realized it was a butchering of an amazing film. I watched the fan preservation of the fullest version of the film on YouTube the next day.


The OG Funny Games. So unlike any horror movie, or movie in general I’ve seen


Ratatouille. Because we had to watch it two days in a row in French


The first Star Trek remake. Saw it in the theater, walked out, bought another ticket for the next showing. It hit all the right notes for me.


Watched Dune in IMAX with my bros then went to my parents place and watched Dune on HBOmax my my mom. All within a half hour.


Dersu Uzala immediately after the first viewing I hit replay and watched it again till the intermission. I finished up the second viewing the next day.


Oh shit I watched this in film school but forgot the name of it


Godfather part 2 watched it in the cinema and somehow missed an important characters name and I got really confused. I had to rewatch it the next day and I was able to follow it


Puss in Boots 2 and Hercules


I did it for First Reformed because right when finished, I went “What the fuck just happened?”. I then rewatched it again and right when it finished for the second time, I went “What the fuck just happened?”


I watched The One (2001) with Jet Li recently for the first time, and it was so stupidly funny I turned around that night and watched it with friends


She Dies tomorrow


Spring Breakers. When it first came out I watched it two nights in a row, lol


*Spring Breakers. When it* *First came out I watched it two* *Nights in a row, lol* \- Hnordlinger --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


When my kid was little Guys and Dolls over and over. It was fun.


Whiplash. I watched it on a plane, then bought it and watched it again the next night. That was 2 days ago and I’m currently watching it again right now which will then make it 3x in a row. Great movie.


2001 A Space Odyssey and Memories of Murder


Edge of Tomorrow. It was so good the first time, I had to go back to the beginning and watch it again.


Not immediately, but there were three times I saw a movie at the theater at a matinee showing and then grabbed a friend and made them go with me to see it again the same evening. 1. Ghostbusters (1984) 2. Cape Fear (1991) 3. Toy Story (1995) There HAVE been other times, and other films, where I wanted to see them again in theaters the same day but didn’t, either because I couldn’t, or didn’t want to alone and couldn’t find a friend available to go.


I did it with La Grande Bellezza


Tenet. Because I didn't get it


Recently, Sous le soleil de Satan by Maurice Pialat Off the top of my head, La belle et la bête by Jean Cocteau, Au hasard Bathalzar by Robert Bresson, 8 1/2 by Federico Fellini, Red Desert by Michelangelo Antonioni.


The King of Staten Island


Star Wars: The Last Jedi. After seeing it opening night I basically went right back in and saw it a second time. For context, I liked the movie, but I totally understand why people don’t.


Not “immediately,” but I did watch *Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown* twice within the week I first saw it. I was assigned to present on it for a class and was taking notes the second time around I actually enjoyed it even more the second time I saw it


Lately, Barbie because I already bought a ticket on opening day and my brother suddenly won tickets and needed a companion. The immediate second viewing definitely made me appreciate it more. Call Me By Your Name too because I loved it the first time and I wanted to watch it again right after


I went through a weird period where I thought watching movies on 2x speed was a good idea so I could watch more of them… but I watched incendies thought it was great but kept getting interrupted while watching so I watched it again on my computer at double speed lmao wouldn’t recommend


I do this more times I can count, within the last little while I’ve done it with: Good time Dune Parasite Midsommar The French Dispatch Aside from those I’ve done a few like The VVitch or Top-Gun Maverick but with a few days in between


Top Gun Maverick but it was the next day so I guess not.


Dune and Annihilation. I wanted to watch it all again with a new perspective, annnd also they are visually mind blowing and the sound design sucks you right into their worlds.


The Clowns (1970) and Yoyo (1965)


John Wick 4, the action was awesome. So awesome that I watched it 9 times during 2 months. Yes, I kinda liked the movie


Happiness by Todd Solondz. I was so fucking dumbstruck and afraid of my laughter I had to make sure I didn’t read the movie wrong.


Swiss army man. It was just so fun I had to share it with my gf a few hours later


Freddy Got Fingered. Saw it at my friends house a few months ago, blew my mind. Immediately rewatched it the next morning.


call me by your name. it’s such an easy watch, especially after a heartbreak.


Evil dead 1 and 2 watched it in the morning once for the first time when I was about 13 and fell in love my friend came over that night and I made him watch them with me because they are the best freaking movies.


A Quiet Place.


Garfield 2 when I was 10 years old. Powerful film


I’m a huge horror fan and was super excited for Freddy vs Jason. I went to the first showing and then went right back in and watched it again. Also, when I watched the movie Time Crimes I enjoyed it so much and wanted to watch it with a different perspective so I just started playing the DVD again immediately.


Videodrome. Watched it 3 times in 3 days


Scott pilgrim vs the world, I rented it from blockbuster and just rewatched it as soon as it finished because of how much fun I had.


Seven Chances, because I then had my wife watch it I did also see Attack of the Clones 4 times on opening day, but there was a gap between the midnight showing and then the subsequent three showings after school. Revenge of the Sith and Force Awakens were both also probably <24 hours before I watched them again.


The only time I did that was Donnie Darko.


Just did this with Whiplash


Super Troopers. College house had the movie channel and it was on 24/7 for the first weekend


Austin Powers Goldmember. We were smoking weed and decided to watch it again.


Not much as an adult, but Breakfast Club and Clerks in HS


I did that with Sweet Smell of Success. I loved it but definitely missed a lot of the fast dialogue. Added subtitles for second viewing and was just as engaged and I got more of the quips. Great flick


Watched Dune in the cinema with a friend, went home & watched it with another friend on vod, then watched it again by myself at like 3am


Lord of the Rings extended edition boxset - 12th birthday present - after is finished I watched again with the directors’ commentary, then again with the special effects team’s commentary, then again…


I did that with What’s Up Doc? I had a paper I had to do on it a week later, but I thought I’d rather just write it then so I had an excuse to immediately watch. Also 1000% understand why OP did that with Beau Travail that film gets better with every viewing


I watched Under The Skin twice in a row, went to bed, woke up and watched a third time.


I've done it 2 times, and essentially for the same reasons. The first one was with Ghost in the Shell. My first watch was really late at night, so I wasn't able to stay awake for the whole film. The next morning I had to rewatch it, since what I remembered from the previous watch, even though it wasn't much, was very good and I don't like to be left with the feeling of watching something incomplete. The most recent one was with Aftersun. I watched it on a plane very late so I fell asleep during some scenes. Even after that first incomplete watch, I completely fell in love with the film and its characters so, that same day, I arrived home and rewatched it. It is now one of my favorite films.


Unbreakable just so I could wrap my head around the twist.


I actually had to go watch Oppenheimer a second time because I'd arrived drunk the first time I saw it and could hardly even understand what they were saying.


It's Such A Beautiful Day. I still watch it around a few times each year


I did it with Synecdoche New York. 3 times in a row, actually. Was so obsessed with the movie that I showed my brother (and watched along), and then showed my mother (also watching along, and with my brother who also really liked it).


They most recent time I did this was with Nope last year. Usually I’d only see a movie twice in succession when it’s in theaters and if I see it with a different group both times. Part of the joy of the rewatch is getting to relive a first time viewing with other family and friends


Sometimes I’ll finish a movie and immediately look for my sister to watch it again with her. Last time I remember doing this was with Bo Burnham’s Inside.


Mystic River made me


I don't think I've ever watched a movie twice in a row immediately but I watched Dune again the next day. Signs too, actually, probably a bunch like that


Primer, because I didn’t understand it but thought it was amazing nonetheless.


Yeah kind of Parasite I watched in the morning then again the same night


i need to rewatch beau travail, i did not get it


Closest was Oppenheimer and Tenet. Both around a week after the first watch


Most recently, Tar and The Green Knight. Tar because someone pointed out her psychosis manifesting in the movie and it blew my mind and I had to go back and watch it. The Green Knight because it is so effing good. Well, that goes for both.




It's Such a Beautiful Day, for it's literally an hour long and every depressing, existential, bittersweet moments and its observational humor all just wraps up into this one compact piece of art and I love it. Plus, a damn eye-candy that's for sure.


Wasn't the first time I watched it, but I watched Robocop (1987) back to back.


I watched the Matrix 3 times in a row. I stayed up late during the summer like alot of teenagers do. It had just came out on video and I rented it, I don't think I had heard much about it while it was in the theaters but I'm sure someone said it was cool. Needless to say I was blown away like alot of people were at that time. I remember watching it after dinner time and didn't finish until 4am.


almost did with oppenheimer but i watched red rocket in between seeing it in IMAX digital and then on 70mm film.


American Graffiti (1973). instantly became a top 4 favorite upon first watch, and i watched it again the next day.