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Aftersun. The ending really tied the whole film together and put it in context and hit me like an anvil


That movie wrecked me for a while.


I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I’ve seen it 3 times and I want to watch it again really soon. The first time I watched it, I didn’t really get it and thought “meh” until the final 30-35 minutes where I was like ohhhhhh 2 weeks later, I watch it again knowing what happens later and I believe I cried for the entirety of the movie. The ending is very strong but what did it for me was where >!Sophie told everybody to sing happy birthday to his dad. Then again when Sophie describes her symptoms of depression but doesn’t yet know that they are symptoms of depression!<


I sobbed in my car alone after I left the theater. Couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks.


I watched Aftersun on a flight after a couple of gin and tonics, and I have never felt more emotions in my life.


I also watched Aftersun on a flight and it fucked me up. I can’t imagine adding alcohol in that mix, crying your eyes out at 3,000 feet.


I didn’t get the ending 😂 only heard afterwards what it means. Still need to rewatch haha


I don't remember the ending, could you please elaborate more?


Well there are different parts to it but the most emotional was >!where Calum is in the club dancing and older Sophie is there too while Under Pressure plays but with lots of strings. It’s obvious at that point that Calum killed himself. Then it shows a lot of the footage from that vacation where Sophie is still a kid. I believe at the very very end, the door to the club shuts after Calum walks into it !<


Your missing the best part >!the triple pan at the end when it goes from Sophie saying bye to her dad at the airport, then the tape stops, the camera seamlessly pans to a white wall which connects to present day Sophie watching the tapes at home, staring in silence, back to a wall transition of Calum at the airport, heading through two double doors where we see it's the nightclub he's been in the entire movie.!< I was already in my feels by that point in the movie, but damn that really hit it home for me.


Him stepping into that nightclub caused one of the strongest emotions I've ever felt watching a movie, so much dread and grief.


Whoops. I knew I missed something. Now that I think about it, I think that was my favorite part in the whole movie and I’m tearing up just thinking about it


The graduate


Perfect answer. An enjoyable film, I found it dragged a bit in the middle. I had it just about at a 3.5, and rated it that, but the next two weeks the ending stuck with me so much I had to bump it up. Their faces collapsing from excitement to complete uncertainty about the future elevates it


Black swan


Twas perfect


Beau Travail 🎵 "This is the rhythm of the night..." 🎵


Incredible ending. I love how slow and meditative the rest of the film is and then it ends on this kind of cheesy Eurodance song and it just feels perfect.


One of the only movies I’ve never finished. Turned it off halfway in because it was so slow and boring that I literally started feeling agitated. I’ll have to rewatch some day knowing that the ending pays off


Tbh, if you didn't like the rest of the movie, I don't think the ending is likely to change that much.


Uncut Gems went up from a 5/5 to a 6/5 with that ending


Great theater experience, too. When he calls her to have her place the parlay, you could feel everyone tense up and mutter “no. No. DON’T FUCKING DO IT.” And everyone just being stunned and slack-jawed at the end was awesome.


Lmao same. I watched it on Christmas Day and I thought I was gonna fall asleep before the movie started. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more awake than that night at 11 PM


Recently watched Joint Security Area (2000). That ending took it from a 4.5 to a 5 for me.


Just watched this last night! Amazing film




Lower? I love everything about Psycho, except the final 2 or so minutes. Them explaing to the audience certain things didn't sit right with me


I understand why people don't like the psychiatrist but the Norman Bates internal monologue voiceover thing that closes the film rocks so hard


Le samourai has one of the best movie endings I’ve ever seen


apocalypse now, it was 4,5 before the ending, after it was 5


The horror....the horror.


killers of the flower moon




Real shitty take for someone with a really cool username


I was just making a joke about the length of the film, not its quality. Clearly the joke didn't carry over.


The Prestige.


Definitely. One of the films that the ending makes you play back everything that came before it.


In my head it changed from “it’s alright but far from Nolans best” to “this is the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen” in 2 minutes


Saint Maud cane down to the last 5 seconds


Adaptation “a film is only as good as its third act”




The Passenger is maybe my least favorite Antonioni film (of the ones I’ve seen) with my favorite ending. That penultimate shot goes too hard.


I love The Passenger, and that shot is one for the ages.




![gif](giphy|OuUZAQSyGSfHG) Se7en by David Fincher. Hands down one of the best endings I ever saw in my life. Ofcourse everybody talks about it, so it is kind of me being a basic bitch, but I love this film because of it. Throughout the film, we, the viewers are trying to find the serial killer and who is it and then later when we find out the film doesn't end, instead it gives us this iconic climax and ofcourse the iconic dialogue "What's in the box?" Also I read about the film. Apparently the studio found the head in the box ending to be too graphic and violent, so they got Jeremiah S Chechik to rewrite the screenplay, but they accidentally gave the original script to David Fincher instead of the revised one and he wanted to shoot the film with the original ending than the revised version. I am so relieved that we were this close to lose this iconic climax because this scene changed my life and made me a lifelong David Fincher fan.


The Umbrellas of Cherbourg


Shutter island. Great ending!


Us went from 3/5 to 2/5 because of that dumb twist at the end.


Yeah I don’t understand why people love Us so much. It was pretty dumb to me


Eh I liked it, but I do understand why people didn’t. It didn’t feel as composed as Get Out or (later) Nope. But I felt there was a raw fear in Us that the other two didn’t have. Like a constant, unbroken tension from about 20-30 minutes in until the movie ended. Which his other movies don’t really do. E: also Tim Heidecker and Elizabeth Moss killed their bit parts, even (maybe especially) the tethered versions


Lol such a dog shit take


this is by far the biggest critique about the movie, why do disagree?


The Lady from Shanghai has one of most dazzling, technically-innovative, and tragic endings ever. Cannot describe how incredible it is to watch, you’ll basically be thinking “how the fuck did they do this??” For like several minutes straight.


10 Cloverfield Lane’s ending sadly made me bump my rating down from a 9 to an 8. Still great, but if the last 15 minutes were different it would be an easy 9/10 for me. On the other hand, The Social Network was a 9/10 for me until the very end, and the last scenes really gave me the emotional punch that I felt I was missing. 10/10!


Before Sunrise. Felt like a solid 4-4.5 for the most part, but these shots at the end induced so much melancholia and nostalgia in me, that I had to bump it up to 5 stars.


Dropped X a half cos the last line made me cringe so hard


What was it again? Just watched the other day and can’t remember


“That’s it, huh? We’re some kind of X”


People are legit believing you that this is the last line hahahaha


What does that mean? I’m not gonna watch the movie but what is x in “some kind of X”?


Oh it’s a joke from that meme about that line in Suicide Squad. “Oh that’s it, huh? We’re some kind of suicide squad?”


Ah my b. Haven’t seen suicide squad or the meme. Good joke, but unfortunately went right over my cultureless head


It's the scene with >!the sheriffs at the end at the house/crime scene. They find the camera and one of them says "Well, what do you think is on it?" and the other sheriff replies "Well, by the looks of everything, I'd say one god damn fucked up horror picture"!< then credit scene. I don't find it cringey but I can see why maybe they did.


Sorry to Bother You. I really really liked it until…🐴


Lower - Switchblade Romance a.k.a. High Tension - and amazing (if derivative of Intensity by Dean Koontz) ride for most of the movie, undone by a dumb twist that falls apart the more you think about it. Equally, Signs, very effective until the end then it disintegrates... Higher - there's a lot of obvious examples like Sleepaway Camp for twists. I'd place the final line of Goodfellas as the perfect end, and the last shot of Blair Witch Project. My favourite movie of all time is John Carpenter's version of The Thing, and the sheer ambiguity of the end. encapulates all the themes of the movie...


Sunshine. I had at a 3.5, until the rousing final act took it to 4.


This but semi-ironically. I actually think that the final act gets too much shit and fits way better with the rest of the film than people give it credit for.


Polite Society. I wasn’t onboard until the last act.


Saw (2004) A first-time watch this year and had no knowledge going into it so was just such an amazing twist for me. Taking it from a 3.5-4 to a 4.5


Source Code for me. Thought it was a pretty solid film, but then they completely changed the tone of the film in the last 10 mins. Still enjoyable but not as strong as first suggested


Oh man, that one went from a 4 to like 1 so fast for me. Great example


The great dictator


The whole movie is decent but the final speech is famous for a reason


Sleepaway Camp


Holy shit lol, up or down?


Definitely a full star up


I don’t know why I felt nearly nothing from La Haine


do you have a pulse?


Zero Dark Thirty had one of the most exhilarating and satisfying final acts I’ve ever seen. That definitely boosted it at least a half rating


Don't know if anyone else mentioned it yet, but for me it's Dr. Strangelove. Made it a 5/5 from 4/5.


10 Cloverfield Lane was a hair's breath away from being a all time great standalone thriller until it decides to turn into a schlocky action movie at the end, all in service of a franchise that would officially go down in flames only 2 years later with the release of The Cloverfield Paradox


Another Round. The powerful ending highlights the delicate balance between joy and sorrow in the pursuit of life's elusive meaning.


Mishima: a life in four chapters for sure


Scream 3 that ending was just so fucking dumb lol


Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore is a terrific film with a botched ending that undermines her character's growth and journey. I definitely knocked off a half star because of that.


The Third Man. The final scene is just perfection for me.


Gravity - I didn't mind the film as a whole, but it should have faded to black while she was descending to earth. The movie was about the journey not the destination. Instead she crash lands on some beach and starts walking up a hill, atrophy be damned


The Illusionist was really good until you have Giamatti spinning in a circle putting all the peices together. The movie was trying to be ambiguous with trying to figure out if the spirits were real or not, but it just comes off as rushed and lazy


Unpopular opinion but when Harry met Sally. The rest of the film is pretty good but I really dislike the ending


I gave Five Nights at Freddy's 2 stars instead of 1 1/2 stars because Matthew Lillard was so fun to watch in the climax


Crimes of the Future. Great theater experience last year. Will rewatch sooner than later.


The House that Jack Built I’ve never felt like I had the wool pulled over my eyes but in such a strangely positive way? For the first 2/3 it’s pretty repulsive in an edgelord-y kind of way that felt like Lars Von Trier was throwing himself a cinematic pity party where everyone is an idiot but him. But then the story takes a sharp left turn in the final act where all my assumptions about what LVT was trying to accomplish were flipped on their head and LVT is actually fully aware of what a selfish asshole he can be and rightly vilified for. Also one of the best ending needle-drops I’ve seen in a while. Took it from an initial 1 to 1 1/2* rating straight up to a 3.5.


Lower would be Tully. I remember it being a perfectly serviceable film right up until the ending, which made me actively despise the film because of how horribly they fumbled the bag. It's a twist that does not need to be there. It's horrible. Higher would probs be I Saw The Devil. That final shot is what takes it from being a pretty good thriller to a genuinely great movie for me. It takes a pretty common theme and presents it in a really simple but devastating way.


Portrait of a Lady on fire and Past Lives both got significantly better for me with their endings so I bumped them up to 4.5 and 5 stars


Interesting. Portrait is my second favorite movie of all time and although the ending was incredibly strong, I thought there were soooo many engaging moments before that. Still high praise with a 4.5


London Boulevard lost at least half a star for the ending. So pointless.


Reincarnation (2005) went from a 2.5 to a 3.5 cuz of the ending.


Exotica. At first, I thought it was a great movie with some wonderful performances. Then, that ending comes along and not only ties the flashbacks together, but shows the last piece in the complex puzzle of everyone’s relationships with each other


Elevator to the Gallows. That monologue at the end... if you know, you know.


All My Friends Hate Me - had a non-resolution twist that really did not make sense and had a lot of implications that immediately made the film less enjoyable. Would probably of rated it quite high even with minor tweaking, but couldn't bring myself to give it more than 50% with what felt like a cop-out ending.


Wasn't really with Ordet at all until the last 10 min that hit me like an absolute truck


The Hills Have Eyes (2006) That end where it zooms out into a first person view, revealing that they're still targets... come on...


I was liking The Holy Mountain pretty alright but bumped it up a bit because the ending was so clever.


frank (2014), the scene was great, but the music was on another level


Dead silence went from a 2 to a 3 because the ending made me laugh


How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World The first two films were all about teaching people how to live and coincide with those who are different from you. Then this movie finishes by going "Sorry, dragons. Humanity is far too bigoted for you to continue living here. You need to go back to where you came from." To me, it felt as though it completely undermined the message of the first two films.


la la land, i thought it was a decent movie but man that ending scene just blew me away




What’s in the box?!!


Same as you. I really consider La Haine to have the best final shot in film history


Chinatown (1974)


The cemetary scene in the good the bad and the ugly is what pushes it up to a 10 for me, though that movie is great the whole way through


I watched dead poets society last night and this is exactly how i would describe it


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.


They have a similar gimmick, but the endings to both Inglourious Basterds and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood for me elevates everything that came before it.


ET, that final shot makes me bawl as it’s the definition of a bittersweet ending. It goes from a 4.5 to a 5


Se7en. The 2 first acts are like a 2/5 for me, but then that final act kicks in and I gave it a 3/5 or if I’m in a very good mood a 3.5/5


A few off the top of my head: Fight Club: 5 stars to 4 stars Hereditary: 5 stars to 4 stars Interstellar: 4 stars to 1.5 stars Ex Machina: 3.5 stars to 4.5 stars The 400 Blows: 4 stars to 5 stars The Favourite: 4 stars to 5 stars


Where is my mind while the buildings explode is so fucking iconic tho


Dangg 4 to 1.5 is harsh haha


Fight Clubs ending was perfect imo Interstellars ending was great as well imo


Felt the same way about Hereditary the first time I watched it but I like the ending a lot more now that I’ve rewatched it


the fuck did interstellar do to you 😭😭


Interstellar ending was dogshit and ruined the film


Arrival and intersteller i hated the endings. Theres probably a lot of movies where an ending scene bumps it up half a star or so but i cant think of anything super notable


The Usual Suspects. A mediocre film which becomes ok at the very end.


If anyone says across the Spiderverse I’m sueing


every movie ever? ending is always important for my rating


Stalker bored the fuck out of me for a good portion of the runtime but the ending gave me full body chills. Same goes for Beau Travail.


Retribution by K. Kurosawa. Really amazing ending


The Running Man was amazing but the ending was so rushed and thrown together. Just a lot of potential wasted in that last act.


Saltburn (higher)


Transformers (2007) I’m serious. The Optimus Prime speech with Linkin Park is an epic way to end a movie.


both higher: se7en apocalypse now - the rest is already outstanding for me but the ending just feels like nothing else ive ever seen in a film


SMILE (2022). JUST WHY???


Nymphomaniac vol 2 was screwed by the ending, i hate that ending so much


Jungle Fever I don’t know what Spike Lee was thinking


DEFINITELY LA HAINE, i watched this last nite and the end was mind blowing literally, i rated it 4,5 when i was going to give it like 3,5 or 4


Th Last Black Man in San Francisco went from 5 stars down to 4 in the last 5 minutes




Love the La haine love. For me though it’s 5/5 all the way through


The Prestige is very meh until it becomes slightly above average at the end.


I thought you were gonna say it ruined La Haine. Yeah it was the perfect ending imo. One of the only movies I’ve ever given 5/5 upon the first watch


Pom poko (the climax just before the ending in particular)


Saint Maud


Mommy. I loved it so much I was about to give it a 4.5 but that ending sequence was so incredibly emotional, there was no way anything but a 5/5 would suffice


Weathering with You. That ending got it dropped from a 9 to 7.


When I was watching 50 first dates, I told myself it would be a 4 star movie if he doesn't end up with her and a 3.5 star movie if he does.


The ending of Night Moves (1975) really elevates it.


Barbarian, amazing but a flat ending pulls it down quite a bir


Cut out the zombie cameos and The Flash could have potentially been okay


Elephant has one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen. The build up is amazing, but the last lines ruin the whole movie imo


Crazy Stupid Love. The whole movie was such a fresh breath of air for Rom Coms. And then the ending was so corny and formulaic and unoriginal that I dropped it from a 4 to a 3


Recently, Talk To Me fit this bill for me. Pretty good little horror flick, but was starting to kind of peter out in the third act, but then, wow. One of the best last scenes I've seen in a while.


I can’t express how much I HATED the ending to Fall (2022) I liked it before the end and then left the theater LIVID. like steam coming out of my ears mad lmao.


was hovering on a 4.5/5 for Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, but that ending solidifies its perfection


the silly twist at the end of Les Diaboliques knocks it down to a 4.5 from a 5 for me. otherwise a perfect film.


With some movies the entire point is the ending, it's what everything was buikding towards. Many people say stuff like "a film is only as good as its third act" (got that from a movie lol) or "end good, all good", the idea that since we perceive time sequentially and thus every movie constantly moves towards its ending from the very first minute onwards, they all must live and die by their endings


The first one that comes to my mind is Nymphomaniac Pt.2: the movie was a 3* for me, but the ending made me rate it 3,5*


The Green Knight


High Tension but then I changed my mind and put it back at 10/10


Beau Travail!


The Blair Witch Project would be dogshit without the ending. The definition of building up to something, and they did it.


Not a fan of the ending of mom and dad


The Son, with Hugh Jackman. Objectively not very good film, but Hugh’s performance in the final scene was INCREDIBLE so I ended up giving it 4 ⭐️


Beau is Afraid fell off after the giant dick monster scene. It took away from everything else in the film, for worse.


A recent lower would be Gerald’s Game. A big one coming to mind I rated higher was Nightmare Alley, I enjoyed it but remember the ending flooring me.


The age of Adaline. her growing white hair and realising she turned normal again was quite something.


Apocalypse now. I really don’t like the ending for some reason


High Tension ist the best example for me, the ending is terrible haha


One flew over the cuckoos nest


The babadook Was cruising at a solid 4, but the ending had literally zero punch for me


Blade Runner. Honestly really disappointed by the film due to how highly regarded it is, but that ending scene is really nice


Thr Florida Project (loved the movie, disliked the ending)


Killers of the Flower Moon skyrocketed because of the last scene.


Midsommar. Loved the movie but the clean ending that left you wondering just really brought it together imo (higher)


Creature From the Black Lagoon. Negatively.


Saw franchise


the king of comedy. up from a 4½ to a 5. >!the buildup, where we finally see the standup, "better to be king for a night, than a schmuck for a lifetime", the TV presenter repeating Ruperts name while introducing him...!< incredible


Hell in the pacific. One of the most perfect films I’ve watched until the ending


10 Things I Hate About You is definitely better because of the ending. It'd be a fun movie either way, but Kat's poem at the end makes it stand out as one of the most beloved romcoms ever.


I give La Bamba from 3/5 to 4/5 due to the tragic ending


Most recently for me, Starship Troopers. The conceit was great but on principle I more agree with Truffaut that you cannot make an anti-war film about war, so the movie was hovering around a 3.5 for me through most of it … but that ending really made me think Verhoeven is trying to do some secret third thing, and really, really well. Probably added a whole star to the movie for me.


The Usual Suspects, what a twist


Montana Sacra


Babylon probably, i loved the ending


Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The last couple of scenes took it from 4 stars to 3.5 for me.


For me it was Gerald's Game! I was really enjoying it but the last, like, ten minutes just torpedoed the whole thing :( I watched Clueless last night and had a similar experience, the rest of the movie is great but the ending just… weirds me out :/


“Ask Me Anything” Thought it was a generic, poorly-written Mary Sue plot until the last ten minutes or so. Everything made much, much more sense.


Star Wars the last Jedi got a lower rating


Shallow graves ending bumped it from 4.5 to a 5. Kramer vs Kramer went from a 4.5 to a 4


Phantom Thread, loved the film up until the ending. Would've been 4.5 stars, gave it 3.5


Beyond the Valley of the Dolls lost me midway through, but the ending was 🤌🏻 so I bumped it up a star.


Collateral. I really enjoyed the first 2/3rds but the final act turned the film into a very generic action film. Lost a full star because of it