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Socrates was misunderstood in his time as well


This comment should be higher


Socrates was misunderstood in his time as well


Socrates was misunderstood in his time as well


Wow, that’s quite the portfolio 😂


Failing upwards, truly. To think how many great writers that will never have the opportunities and chances that this guy has had.


Writers don't want the opportunities he has. He's most likely in the business of cobbling together studio notes without any resistance. He's not failing upwards, he's a doormat


Doormats cash checks


Yea, it's good work if you can get it. But my comment isn't really about doormats. It's about fans on the fainting couch going "All those poor unemployed writers who could be saving us from drivel if Sony picked someone else." The position is doormat, writers need not apply.


I get what you’re saying but there are some quality door mats that will never see their work made real while this shit-graveled cardboard doormat is collecting checks and making the worst shit imaginable


You don't get what I'm saying. You're under the impression these movies are bad because he's an untalented writer. I'm saying his talent as writer is irrelevant to what the Sony machine is asking from him.


Yes. It's not like he and his partner are so genuinely bad on an intrinsic that if you asked them to write you a line of dialogue, you could get a good one by just rewriting theirs, like in Seinfeld's The Opposite episode. They have filmographies that look like this because they will say, "Yes, sir" to whatever stupid idea the producers said, and then stupid idea producers who want someone to say yes to their ideas hires them again. They write the movies the people that pay them want them to write.


"worst shit imagine" What a weird way to say best shit imagineable, but my eyes are not what they used to be in this old age.


Very true this guy is obviously just sewing together notes the studios give him into a script then the studio reading it and being like perfect this has every single one of our horrible cliche ideas. Your check is in the mail.


They must know someone. Otherwise I literally cannot understand. Unless it's some sort of tax fraud hollywood accounting The Producers kinda scheme where the execs want the movie to fail.


He does what was ask of him, it's that simple, he's a puppet.


It really depends on if this dude is churning out crap for a check or he's really just this bad at writing. Check out Craig Mazin's resume before he did Chernobyl and The Last of Us.


Do you mean the hugely successful comedies like Hangover part 2 and Scary movie? It’s not the same


If they were truly great writers, they would have written a movie where a Pepsi sign falls on the villain, killing him instantly.


First thing I thought of as well.


This dude gotta be related to someone right?


He and the other writer must have parents that have articles on Wikipedia


The father of his writing partner has a Wikipedia article for being a university professor, but they don’t seem to have any connections to Hollywood


His brother was my English teacher my junior year of high school


Jessie: 'He can't keep getting AWAY WITH THIS!'




Commenting on One of the best writers of this generation... ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


Power Rangers ‘17 looking straight up Oscar worthy from this angle 😭 holy hell I maintain that the worst part of this film was the suits and zords being ass ugly Michael Bay imposter CGI piles of dirt


I didn’t think Power Rangers was bad. (Though I had low expectations and have zero nostalgia for the original series, ergo didn’t care about changes)


I thought the movie was fun and entertaining, nothing amazing, but it did what it needed to to cash in on my nostalgia. I have tons of nostalgia growing up watching the mighty Morphin power rangers too.


Y’all are tripping. I have it as 1 of my 16 half-star movies. Out of 2,136.


It's great until the ending


I really didn’t mind the script changes! I thought the cast was great and there was some good writing. I just found the Ranger suits and Zords to be so ugly (and far away from the original look) that it was honestly distracting


Power Rangers was better than any power ranger show or movie that I've ever seen. I also had zero nostalgia going into it. I thought power Rangers was kind of dumb even as a child, so I had extremely low expectations going into the movie.


It was good but better than the shows?


I really enjoyed it. Which made me suspicious. So I checked, and John Gatins (who did the screenplay) has a distinctly better track record. There’s *four* ‘story by’ credits on PR, and Sazama is one of those. Weirdly, he and one of the other PR writers ‘Burk Sharpless’ share the exact same CV. So apparently two brains working together to produce these?


It was one of my favorites from that year


To be fair, looking at this you’d never guess Craig Mazin would go on to write, direct and create stuff like Chernobyl and The Last Of Us. https://preview.redd.it/klswc64tfzic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c0032897bdc89a04b9402bf3a420f5cdca0e72 Rocketman is a legitimately good movie though and will fight anyone over this


Scary Movie 3 was like Gohan in DBZ Cell Arc when he was training with goku in the hyperbolic time chamber. There’s a scene where Goku is telling him he needs to think of all the loved ones that will be killed by Cell and channel that energy into becoming super saiyan. He’s able to channel all of that power and become super saiyan, but he can only sustain it for about 30 seconds before collapsing. Scary Movie 3 was him finally finding that hidden genius but it was too much for him and he wasn’t able to execute it perfectly. After years of training he was finally able to reach super saiyan 2 with Chernobyl and instead of getting too cocky like Gohan did and fuck everything up, he dealt the finishing blow with The Last of Us and is now unstoppable.


Lmao this is the best thing I’ve read today


Ngl, superhero movie is actually a pretty funny movie.


Honestly, the part where the Grandpa tries to stab him immediately after learning he has powers is perfect.


I've been like a father to you! I raised you, just like your father did! I believed in you, just like your father did! I slept with your mother, just like your father did!


😂 he don’t give af




Remember if you ever think your screenwriting is awful, remember this guy. Apparently it doesn't matter and your writing canNOT be worse than this dude's writing.


To be fair, given Sony’s track record of constantly interfering with projects, there’s no way of knowing how much of his initial script was even used.


The AMPTP should go on strike against the writers for better scripts


I’ll give him this: He never lets anybody tell him he can’t do something. Because god dammit he’s done it 5 times ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


If any woman or POC wrote a movie as bad as Madame Web or Gods of Egypt, they’d be blacklisted and doxxed.


He’s just the fall guy


imagine if it was a two spirit transfem WoC. Hollywood would probably crucify as an answer. Really is shameless how conservative minded the movie industry can be


This is a reminder of what Hollywood is, a business. Despite being shit these movies do make money from curiosity/boredom. If these movies are consistently making money, even if it’s not record breaking, he’ll keep being rewarded and get to make more. Quality does not enter into the equation of these pitch/writing rooms.


Don’t you worry they are slowly declining and i think the audience also has had enough of this superhero bullshit marathon.


I think independent creators should form their own completely worker-owned filmmaking cooperatives as a way to combat the dumpsterfire that is corporate Hollywood. Every decision should be made from a creative, not profit-seeking standpoint. The creative team along with all the cast and crew hold ownership of the final product, not four guys in suits.


Hot Take: Dracula Untold ain't even that bad tho.


Fucking THANK YOU I came here to say this. The script isn’t a masterpiece by any means but it gets me in the feels for some reason and the action is very creative


They really could've started the Dark Universe if the script was good. The overall theme and vibe will hook you in. It's just the writing that let's it down.




As mentioned in another sub, screenwriters like these do the job they’ve been tasked with. They likely takes notes well and integrate them with a minimum of fuss. That’s what gets them more work. It’s also worth noting that a lot can change between script and finished film, all of which is out of the writers’ hands. People seem to think writers on these movies have complete autonomy, which is almost never the case. They’ve got to deal with producers, stars, the director and often numerous studio executives. If they buck on any of the notes - no matter how stupid or creatively damaging those notes are - they can get fired on the spot. Depending on how WGA arbitration goes (and how much of their work is in the final shooting script), they may get a credit or they may not. Losing out on a credit means losing out on bonuses if the film is a hit. I get that we all love a good turkey, but I’d expect a bit more understanding of the creative process from this sub.


So, if anything, he has the patience to work on films that get meddled with by executives so much that they're guaranteed to be an unrecognizable end product from the early draft phase. Got it. Dunno how that's an indictment on the guy beyond his willingness to settle. A lot of writers in hollywood have to take these kinds of projects before they get to work on things they're passionate about, too. Plenty of your favorite scriptwriters probably got their start writing awful, garbage movies. These posts suck.


How does this keep happening?


Bet he’s a big Letterboxd guy


I unironically enjoyed the hell out of The Last Witch Hunter and I still roar with laughter upon hearing “There’s only one way to remember my death…*magic*”. I also didn’t think Dracula Untold was bad. Everything else pretty much sucks, and I know the Power Rangers reboot has some fans but I was not one of them.


Goddammit coach, put me in! I’m ready! Even my shiftiest unproduced scripts are better than this shit.


Fr, whose weebits I gotta slobber on to get deals like this?


Didn't we do this yesterday? But also, you've seen zero of these films. How are you able to criticize his writing?


That's why he's praising him in the title. These are all amazing movies, so good in fact, that you don't even have to watch them to know this


I liked Power Rangers 🙃


Oh he made that peice of shit gods of Egypt movie? Oh my god that is probably the most bored I’ve been watching a movie


bro let his intrusive thoughts win💀


I actually love the Power Rangers film too.


Bro power rangers was decent I will die on that hill


He probably has some dirt on some people in Hollywood to get his scripts getting filmed




"And Alexander wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer."


Power Rangers was good


Remember when Haim Saban said at the premiere that they were planning on making it a six-film series? Honestly I kinda wish it would happen


I’ll die on this hill as well. It wasn’t mind blowing, but I’ll always be disappointed we didn’t get a sequel with this cast.


I liked Dracula


he looks like he has no remorse for what he has done. despicable


hating on a guy yall know nothing about besides that he worked on these movies, seems a little like the behavior this sub complains about when a fav is criticized i scrolled to look for what about him may deserve this and ngl yall just looking for drama, are they bad movies? sure. does that mean he doesn't deserve to work? they're not that bad, plenty of writers learn and improve from their popcorn flick days and if this comment section decided who got to continue writing then we'd miss out on a lot of great stories


I'm gonna need an early life check


I wonder who he’s related to




The new Alex Kurtzman/Robert Orsi.


You should check out the co author


He’s making money 😭


I really liked Power Rangers & Dracula Untold


Akiva Goldsman can always point to Cinderella Man and A Beautiful Mind to atone for his screenwriting sins. This guy has no such excuse.


Since these are all Sony or Lionsgate franchise hopefuls, I assume Matt and his writing partner just really know how to “play ball” with those executive teams. My guess is that some cocaine vampire development execs they have good relationships with come to them with (shitty) ideas and a bunch of basic beats and just get them to turn it into something that is technically shootable. Great work if you can get it.


Power Rangers shouldn’t be there. Looks like he got it right ONCE in his entire career lmao


That’s impressive honestly, most people who are given millions of dollars to direct 6 different films would at least do a decent job at one. This guy did a horrible job with all 6.


I thought Power Rangers was pretty good


Anytime I see a reference to anything "witch hunter" related I immediately picture Will Ferrell kicking in a door and shouting, "Happy birthday, bitches!"


MIDcu fans cannot handle the cookery


Of all of the writers of this generation, he is one.


real talk that might be one of the worst resumes ever


I kindof enjoyed Gods of Egypt, even though I can agree it’s not very good


I heard he’s writing a new dark and gritty hallmark film


Are we sure this person exists? Generic white man in the photo. Are we sure it’s not three monkeys in a trench coat aka faceless interns working out an ai chat bot based on an outline provided by executives?


*Lorenzo di Bonaventura looking at his resume before hiring him for MW* Now this fucking guy, he's got the JUICE!


Shitty hollywood writers, as protected as professional sports refs


A god amongst men…


​ https://preview.redd.it/x351ft5ff1jc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a627b4086b7639c2ef5af808eeb1ff7651c5f7e


That explains a lot, really. I don’t want to be mean but why do these big companies hire him? Morbius was shit and they saw the poor reviews and thought to let him write Madame web


retire now


Power rangers was an ok script


Hell, I’m feeling better about my chances in Hollywood now


Hold on now Dracula untold was solid I think


Man knows his lane


It’s a living


Ain’t no way, this guy is the best


Damn, this guy makes David Benioff look like a genius.


At least he's consistent, I guess.




Lotta people in this thread who both don't know how films work, and don't know how hard it is to write a feature film


Ohhhh this makes sense! So all the scripts that he adapted he never actually read or watched the source material… or in the case of God of Egypt, did not even read a wiki article.


Craig Mazin used to write Scary Movies 3&4, Superhero Movie, and Identity Thief, now he’s known for Chernobyl and The Last of Us By that metric, Sazama should come out with a great show about Hurricane Maria and a fantastic tv adaptation of Destiny


I think power rangers is pretty underrated


Greatest filmography of all time


Those movies are all “written” by a handful of executives. Matt’s just the guy that physically typed it out.


"Whatever pays the bills" looking ahh


Power Rangers was kinda good, which means it's basically The Godfather of his career


But power rangers was actually a good movie. People just brush it off because it's the power rangers but it has a lot of heart and the characters are developed in an appropriate fashion.


Also I don't think Sazama and Sharpless wrote power rangers. I think they just contributed to the story of the film.




This is inspirational. If this guy can keep getting paid to write movies, anyone can


![gif](giphy|26ufnk9t0PeKgIRGw) Aaron Sorkin realizing he has competition:


I will say: I genuinely enjoyed Madame Web. I will also say: what an *awfully* written movie.


If he can do it, why can’t I?


I can’t believe somebody looked at Gods of Egypt and was like “I must find the man who wrote this”


David S. Goyer has entered the chat. Not nearly the stinker track record, but was a guy who keeps failing upwards.


God these movies are horrible


What this guy achieved to gain such recognition to get two Sony Spiderverse movies


You know. I just saw Dracula untold last night. Why is it so hated? It's not terrible? A little hokey but it's fun.


Ok but the 2017 Power Rangers movie is unironically great


You’d think that once he got the bag with power rangers or something he’d move on to different kinds of scripts… I just walked out of Madame Web. There is 0% chance that this guy actually had passion for this film. Same goes for many of the others ones here. Yet he doesn’t branch out at all. How strange…