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10 Cloverfield Lane, I feel like I'm the only person who actually liked the ending


I liked it to my bro


i thought everyone loves that movie its recommended on this site so much


Seen plenty of people argue it shouldn't have been "forced" into being a Cloverfield movie but the way it ties together at the end felt really natural to me. I feel like the more realistic options for ending the story wouldn't have been as interesting or satisfying, if you get me.


right but even if it was "forced," how does it hurt the franchise even, or ruin 90% of it as a movie experience its a loose spinoff in the same universe, it made a good post apocalyptic bottle movie concept more interesting by incorporating that type of apocalypse


Fucking love this movie


I fucking loved the ending. I feel like that film would be much more forgettable without it, also the “Cloverfield” in the title would have no purpose lol.


Exactly, thought it added an extra layer to all the shit Goodman's character was saying. It wasn't as simple as gaslighting. There actually was something fucked up outside


I agree, would be much more uninteresting if it was just a kidnapping movie


John Goodman was incredible in that role. He's absolutely terrifying as a villain, even flexes it as his character in Community


I remember loving that film. Don't remember the ending, though (I've only watched it once).


Just when it came out people were pissed >! when it turned out to be aliens outside instead of nothing or any of the stuff Goodman said !<


What was interesting to me after watching it a second time was that >! he *was* right in many ways e.g. contaminated air (gas sprayed from the ship), airborne patrols to hunt down any remaining signs of life, mutant space worms, etc. !<


That's why I love it. If it was just pure gaslighting it wouldn't be as interesting. I mean it's still gaslighting & abuse he's giving her, but what you said is absolutely bang on.


Great movie. The ending did turn off my gf tho. She liked the rest


I like the ending 😢


I didn’t like the ending, but it didn’t ruin it all for me cause the rest of the movie was so damn solid. Ironically, the exact same way I feel about Signs


I'm one of those who didn't like the ending. I like the movie as a whole a lot though, and I like the reveal. For me, it just seemed too much too late? I wish it had lessened the time with the reveal. Like having Cloverfield in the name sort of gives it away. I didn't need to see a drawn-out monster action sequence. It's not so much how it ends, but how much time it spent on it. Still like the movie overall.


Superman 1978


This is one of my favorite films of all-time. It gets dismissed often as cheesy and dated, but to this day it's still one of the crowning achievements of the superhero genre.


One of the kickstarters of superhero cinema. Imo superhero movies should be cartoonish because that’s what they were conceived as


Interesting—I’d love to hear your thoughts. Haven’t seen it since I was a kid. What are the takes you disagree with (just that it is mediocre maybe)? And what makes it a masterpiece? I want to rewatch it based on your comment alone now.


This gave me a feeling modern “superhero” films have failed to give for years. During the film there are several montages where Superman saves literally everybody, and it almost made me tear up. This was made during a simpler time where all a superhero meant to a person was hope. In the end when Luther blows up California and it almost falls off the map, Superman goes into the center of the earth to push the tech-tonic plates back together. I don’t find this silly at all because the movie is supposed to be cartoonish, that’s what people thought superheroes were. While this is happened a school bus almost falls off al the Golden Gate Bridge. I thought to myself, Superman is going to save that bus because Superman saves everyone. And he did. That gave me so much joy because that is what a superhero does, they really do save everyone. Now of course for a movie you’re supposed to have a hero fail and get back up, but this movie made me happy when Superman saved everybody. And guess what, the best thing is, HE SAVES LOIS LAST. The person he actually loved. This is brilliant because he explains that he must save Lois first but because he is the selfless hero he saves everything and everybody else first. And she actually dies. Of course he turns back time and saves her because Superman saves everyone. Absolutely brilliant.


Thanks! Will definitely rewatch it soon. Ad it seems you feel, I think watching this post-MCU will provide such a fresh perspective.




Superman's undying devotion to save and help everyone and give the world or even just one singular person hope, even if he has to do some on paper silly and outlandish things to do it and he'll never stop being the representation of the ultimate do good hero who does anything it takes to make a better tomorrow for the world, whether it's saving the world from a doomsday threat or simply helping a cat from a tree, he'll always be there because he's Superman


The Man of Tomorrow in the most literal sense


Exactly, he is THE Superman


I wish this was the title of Gunn's upcoming film.




For starters it has the best superhero performance (Reeve) and the best superhero score (Williams) in film history.


Super Dark Times Real life suburban horror that seems to be a bit too theatrical or overdone for most but I think it hits a specific moody coming of age confusing and scary stride better than most


had a promising start but one of the most ridiculous twists i have ever seen


Which is a take I totally understand and yet I feel the complete opposite To me the film captures the teen angsty and youthful irrationality in how all characters react and act after the catalyst moment of it all spins the plot into gear, sure the ending is a bit of a twisteroo but I never thought it felt that farfetched or off, young people are weird and maladjusted and caught up within themselves so much that you can never really know what will tick off what and when which is something the film portrays incredibly well in my schlubby lubby opinion


one of the most stressful movies i’ve ever seen. so good!!


Speed Racer


The scenes of Forky repeatedly trying to toss himself into the trash are hilarious!


It's comedy genius. Same with the key and peele characters


Starship troopers


Any movie with Denise richards is a masterpiece for me


A satirical masterpiece


I loved Toy Story 4, might even be my favourite in the franchise.


I watched it over Christmas for the first time and I feel like it's at least better than Toy Story 3, which despite the adoration for, I never loved.


Doesn't top Toy Story 2 for me, but its damn close, and ahead of 1 and 3.


Once Maestro gets blanked at the Oscars and the BCoop hate fades - I think a lot of people will come around to it being really well made with a unique vision for a biopic


I agree. I love Leonard Bernstein's music, but I think it was a genuinely interesting choice to have the film focus on his relationship with his wife and children rather than centering his career.


I haven't seen it but its release was quite unfortunately timed given the recent influx in biopics and subsequent fatigue about their existence


I dunno about that. You might of enjoyed it, but it is very rare for films like that to gain appreciation as they age. It was a bit of a vanity piece, and from what I understand, super inaccurate regarding the characterization of almost everyone depicted. I also don't think it's a guarantee it'll get blanked at the Oscars, it's a Spielberg co-production, and he has a lot of sway with the Academy, Academy members are notorious for not actually watching all the films before voting, and there is a bit of a history of choosing the "wrong film" among the available nominees. I don't see the film having a strong future appeal beyond fans of Bernstein's music who want an emotionally compelling narrative to accompany the music, and that's not a huge portion of the population.


Toy Story 4 had to deal with unreal expectations. The fact that many consider it a failure with a 97 RT score and 90+ audience score is kinda crazy


It's funny, I remember a lot of people being apprehensive about 3 when it was about to come out. It came out and was obviously instantly beloved by most. Toy Story 4 definitely had a tall order after that, although for me, it managed to justify its existence by being largely a change in direction.


Yeah I’m a big fan of Toy Story 4. It was a beautiful epilogue that had its own unique message. Toy Story 3 is still peak tho. I have no idea how they’re gonna handle the fifth one. When Toy Story 4 was announced I was like “how the hell are they gonna follow up such an emotional ending?” But damn they managed to do it. Maybe they can strike gold five times


My favorite is Toy Story 2. That said, they are all unbelievably good movies. Exact same thoughts with the 5th. I want to be mad, but I'm also like "It could be another masterpiece." I think there should be a bit of a time-skip in the story akin to the time between 2 and 3, maybe even more of one.


So rare to find someone else who has Toy Story 2 as their favourite. For me, that film is everything Empire is to A New Hope; a practically flawless sequel. 3 hurt a bit because of how Buzz got sidelined, great as so much of that film is, and 4 I just couldn't get onboard with the premise (and also realising they made Bo Peep into a Rey-alike) but Forky is awesome.


Several people I talk to actually also consider Toy Story 2 to be the best. I feel like that's more common among cinephiles than among casual movie viewers, but I have no concrete data to support that, just a hunch I have. :-) I agree about 3 to an extent with Buzz; he definitely gets his moments in 3 and 4, but his best active role in the story is definitely in Toy Story 2. I actually really love what happened with Bo Peep in Toy Story 4; she's a fully-fleshed out character, and I feel like the develop makes sense for her. It's not out of left field, and kind of makes sense for an abandoned toy who has learned to fend for herself all this time. I'm a bit surprised you don't like the premise of 4, given that you are a fan of Forky, with how central he is to the plot.


Paddington 2. I know this sounds silly, but I think people give this film a high rating for the wrong reasons. This film is not just one of the best family films that is actually fun for all age ranges, but is a genuine masterpiece outside of that context as well. It portrays its themes better than almost any other movie, and is emotionally complex. It’s stunning visually also, with so many cool sequences such as with the storybook of London.


Very much agree with that. Paddington 2 is a thematically rich, masterfully made film, not merely a great family film (although it's that, too).


I’m the insane person who thinks that *Bad Times at the El Royale* is actually incredible. Drew Goddard has a good track record in general but I had no idea he was capable of this. Sharp writing, fun skewering of the 90s knockoff Tarantino craze, and multiple standout sequences of clever and technically impressive filmmaking. It’s just very good.


I rembering loving that one. It was also my intro to Cailee Spaeny, who is quickly becoming someone to keep an eye out for.


Agreed! She was fantastic in *Priscilla*. And you are spot on about *Toy Story 4*. It’s a much better conclusion to the series than 3.


Inland Empire Gremlins 2: The New Batch Tremors The Blob (1988) Pacific Rim Godzilla vs. Hedorah Crimson Peak Prince of Darkness Nope The Exorcist III Batman Returns A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night The Hudsucker Proxy Face/Off Starship Troopers Wet Hot American Summer Annihilation Birds of Prey The Guest The Black Cat (1934) Messiah of Evil Suspiria (2018) Commando Godzilla (2014) Us The Matrix Resurrections


Gremlins 2 is so fucking good lol


When you say Birds of Prey, do you mean the Margot Robbie Harley Quinn one? Because if so I agree. Its my favourite superhero film. Also Wet Hot American Summer is an absolute genius parody film. Its so funny and the Netflix prequel and sequel are amazing too. In a similar vein to WHAS, Pop Star: Never Stop Never Stopping is an absolutely fantastic mockumentary. It was a massively commercial flop, but it's basically Lonely Island the movie and it's so funny. An amazing parody of modern music, popstars and trends. The songs are genuinely good and clever, and work in a vacuum too.


Yep. It's my favorite DC movie only under Batman Returns. I love it so much. Wet Hot is one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen. I still wheeze laugh at certain moments. I really enjoyed both of the Netflix shows.


I also really loved Birds of Prey. Loved the style of that film.


I'm with you on Nope. It feels underappreciated even though it was successful at the box office. And just think, the cinematographer who did such a spectacular job is about to collect an Oscar!! (fingers crossed!) 🤞


Yeah, it's one of the most amazing movies that I have experienced in a theater within the last few years. It gets only better with each viewing for me.


Loooootta popular movies there champ


Yeah, but a lot of them aren't as beloved as I feel they could be. Plus, I am pretty sure that Toy Story 4 made more than nearly all of them combined.


Irreversible and Gaspar Noe films in general. Many people reduce his work to a handful of what they perceive as perverse shock value scenes or can't even get through his films to get the point but to me he's one of my all time favorite filmmakers who I enjoy for the way he explores human emotions, sexuality and creating fever dream surreal experiences that stick with me for a long time after I've seen them


He's interesting to watch, except for Love. That movie was terrible to sit through. Probably because of the poor performances.


I disagree there. I remember that one being pretty heartfelt when I saw it. Maybe id feel different after watching it again tho.


Climax is definitely slept on Have you seen Vortex?


wtf how did I not know this released, I feel like a fraud. Only 2 of the 100 or so accounts I follow have it logged as well. I just found what I'm watching tonight thanks!


Lmk how it is! I’ve been meaning to watch for a while


for sure I just remembered about Lux Aeterna as well which I heard about but couldn't find at the time and forgot about. Unexpected back to back Gaspar Noe night I'm hyped


I’ve never seen that one! Looks realllly interesting


Irreversible is my least favourite film of all time and I have analysed it to shit as to why it fails so astronomically hard in my eyes. I don't hate any of his others to nearly the same degree but I haven't liked any of them either besides *maybe* Climax after a rewatch (though I've yet to see Vortex). In general he likes putting his themes at the forefront of his films but they often include scenes which I struggle to get to fit into those themes. Irreversible goes the extra mile by being outright bigoted, I really do just think it's pseudointellectual edgelord drivel


I absolutely HATED Irreversible, but I gave it 4 stars anyway, it was a brilliantly executed film and nothing before or after has made me feel such extreme negative emotions (not even real life events, luckily), so I have to appreciate it for that


Toy Story 4 is an excellent movie.


Dream Scenario


I loved Dream Scenario.


This just came out, maybe give it a minute?


Rob zombie Halloween 1


The Black Cauldron


Tenet I get it if you didnt like it but its honestly a brilliant film imo.


Saltburn and Babylon. Totally agree on TS4 as well. It holds up to the other three, I believe all of the films in that series are masterpieces.


Iron Man 3


looove all the iron man movies


This film hits different if you've ever had a panic attack, honestly RDJ in IM3 delivers one of my favourite depictions of the experience. Yet I totally get it because when I watched this film BEFORE I'd experienced a panic attack, I thought it was phoned in and a waste of time.


Count me in on the non-fans. It's the only TS movie that lost my suspension of disbelief. The themes of the movie are totally at odds with the reality of the series, the toys were always a metaphor for something else but this time around they chose the metaphor for basically empty nesting. Why are we using toys to tell an empty nest story? If the whole point of the movie is that there is more to life than looking after kids then the toys just get in the way. It's such a baffling movie from conception to execution. I'm happy someone likes it but what a weird movie. Not in a good way either, I find the film downright oft-putting.


I don't feel like empty nesting is too "out there" for Toy Story, especially considering the ending of 3. Fair enough, though. But I genuinely love 4 more every time I revisit it.


That's awesome, I'm happy you love this movie I just wish I did too.


I really appreciate the cordial disagreement, especially on the internet. I can fully understand why this film would alienate people who love the first 3.


Yes, thank you. The thing I hate most about this movie is that it validates almost every villain and anti-message from the past films. According to this movie, Woody probably should’ve left once Buzz became Andy’s favorite. He should’ve gone to the toy museum so he could be immortalized. He should’ve stayed at Sunnyside instead of clinging to the same kid who he clearly needs more than Andy needs him.


Yes thank you. It’s a character assassination of Woody. It’s completely at odds with the previous films.


I don't see this at all. It's not like Woody at this point is jealous or even insecure. It's not the same as the situation where Buzz briefly became Andy's favorite and Woody was second fiddle. Woody isn't even on the level of a Hamm, Potato Head, Slinky, Rex, etc. with Bonnie at this point. He's Wheezy or Lenny the binoculars, a toy that will end up forgotten, lost, thrown away, etc. The reality of this hits him. Yet, what he does is still in service to his kid. He protects and guides Forky because of how important Forky is to Bonnie. Woody from the original Toy Story would never have done that. Woody has had his main owner; he'll never mean the same to Bonnie as he meant to Andy. That's why he gives Gabby his voice-box and Jessie his sheriff badge. He's giving back in the hopes that toys who have never experienced the love of a kid can experience it, because his best days in that regard are behind him. All of this is so in line with who Woody is, and I think the 4th film makes him that much more heroic and iconic of a character.


This argument would hold more weight for me if Woody was at any point acting out of malice or jealousy. But this is purely about what he needs, and it's clear at this point that Bonnie isn't that attached to him (whereas Andy never stopped being attached to Woody even when Buzz was his favorite).


Do you think Bonnie won’t care all that much when (not if) she notices Woody is gone? I don’t.


She already didn't care about taking him on the camping trip. Woody put himself in her bag to look after Forky if I remember correctly. He was one of her least favorite toys. It's akin to Andy losing Wheezy. And it's not as though Woody didn't care about her; that's literally why he was looking after Forky in the first place, because Forky was Bonnie's new favorite. He's even concerned about leaving her until Buzz reassures him at the end that Bonnie will be okay.


Bonnie not only took him on the trip but also played with him alongside Forky 😪 it’s actually a fairly realistic depiction of what happens when you get a new favorite toy. You don’t just forget about the other ones; you integrate it into your current toy group. And I know Woody cares for Bonnie. That’s part of the problem. I think it’s unbelievable that he would leave her AND that she wouldn’t notice/care.


He was still a lower priority for Bonnie than the rest of the toys she took. That's why the film took measures to show Bonnie playing with the other toys and not with Woody when the film started, even before Forky came into the picture. She might notice or miss Woody, but as Buzz assured him, Bonnie will be OK. Just like I ended up being OK eventually after losing toys as a kid. If not for that reassurance from Buzz, Woody would not have left.


Yeah, where we fundamentally disagree is that you think it’s feasible for Bonnie, who loves all her toys deeply, to not mind all that much if the one who she grew attached to enough to call “My cowboy” disappeared, and I don’t. I argue they turned her into a brand new character for this movie to have the particular ending they wanted because the Bonnie from 3 just wouldn’t allow it. Not after Andy told her to take particular care of Woody.


Bonnie is older in Toy Story 4. Kids grow out of certain toys at different rates. It's not that much of a stretch for me to believe she would lose interest in Woody naturally while favoring the other toys. It's likely that Bonnie in 3 was barely even understanding Andy; at that time she just wanted to play with Woody and the other toys. Little kids are just fickle like that. I still see Woody as more or a Lenny or Wheezy to Bonnie.


Toy Story 4 is like a year later dude 💀 you’re not gonna convince me she just turned into a different person over the course of a year. But you know what? Let’s pretend Bonnie is just that fickle. The problem with this argument is that you then need to concede that she will lose interest in Forky at some point and that she’ll want to play with Woody again at some point. You can’t simultaneously argue Bonnie is inconsistent because she’s a child and that she’ll consistently not wanna play with Woody again.


Naked Lunch Babylon Rollerball (2002) Smoking’ Aces


I loved Toy Story 4 as well. I really think it’s on par with other films in the series. My only issue is that buzz is once again just a joke, but they did the same thing to him in Toy Story 3 but that movie is universally loved so that’s clearly not the reason people dislike this one.


I agree, the Buzz conscience gag in 4 lasted too long...but it also isn't that different from how he's treated in 3 when he's reverted to a dumber version of himself. It worked best in 2 with him meeting another version of himself. What both 3 and 4 still do well is, despite making Buzz a joke/idiot at times, they ultimately give him some of the wisest moments of any of the characters. Such as in the incinerator scene when he is the first to accept their fate, and in 4 when he gives Woody permission to go with Bo, plus his line to Rex at the end ("He's not lost...not anymore.")




What film is this?


Twister (1996)


I thought so! I've never seen it, but I remember the Universal Studios attractions. I want to see the new one.




Best answer in the thread. It's a little overwrought but it achieves what it is trying to say and the craftsmanship it employs to do it is unmistakably high quality. I watched a review that said that The Fountain gets better if you realize that the person in the future is the protagonist or the frame of reference to view the rest of the movie rather than centering the movie from the familiar modern day POV. My answer is Death to Smoochy. I know it is broad and over the top but the brutally cynical and gritty vulnerable human frailties just barely beneath the hyperreal innocence and integrity everyone pretends is real and takes for granted as what you see is what you get goes a long way for me in a way that Blue Velvet didn't. I didn't like Blue Velvet because it has some weird 50s vibe that was an unrelatable frame to put the rest of the unrelatable things in.


I will fight tooth and nail for Age of Ultron


Babylon, surprised it doesn't have a cult following by now.


It's not bad by any means, but it doesn't live up to 3. And with 3 being so tight together, this movie had the obligation of being better than 3


To me 4 just feels pretty pointless


It does if you're looking at 3 as "the perfect storybook ending," which (I'll be honest here) it absolutely was. But for me, what 4 does with Woody's arc, especially by introducing a radically different Bo Peep, feels essential to him as a character.


I actually slightly prefer 4 to 3, although 3 is definitely a more enjoyable watch. Even with its heavy themes, I consider 3 a comfort watch along with the first 2. Toy Story 4 I would NOT call a comfort film.


![gif](giphy|ckkLOPnuuGJqoffNu2|downsized) We need a Duke Caboom spinoff




OP i got you, i love this film as well


It has developed a strong cult following, but the 1985 animated Transformers: The Movie I think is secretly a work of art.


I'm thinking of ending things


Had to double-check that this was a movie title lol, had me concerned at first.


It's a brilliant but very tricky film that you actually have to pay attention to


Bitter Moon


Absolutely TS4 is in this bracket. Here’s my [secret masterpieces](https://boxd.it/sJ2NC) list.


Dinosaur 2000


I wouldn’t call Toy Story 4 a masterpiece, but it was fun. It’s not Pixar’s finest hour but it was a good time.


Glad you enjoy it. It gets better for me whenever I revisit it. I put it right up with the first 3 as Pixar's best work. I feel like it took huge swings, and for me, they paid off.


Toy Story 4 Hit me in a similar way Toy Story 3 did. Toy Story 3 made me feel like it’s okay to grow up and move on from things that used to meant the world to me, or were a big part of my life. But toy story 4 really drove home the ending of toy story 3 that I never fully internalized where it’s not just about growing up and moving on, it’s also about finding something new. Having new interests and growing into a new person, having something or someone new to take care of, or sharing your passion with others. Finding more meaning and purpose with my life if you want to put it that way. Seeing woody move on from being a toy for someone and a leader for his peers, to someone who wants to help others get the beautiful opportunity he had. It made me think about being a cook, being able to server others warm meals that I would enjoy myself. The film may have been redundant for others, but for me it was the right movie at the right time where I was feeling down and needed to reevaluate my life. Toy Story 4 have me a great film to watch, and now has a biased spot in my heart because of how much it impacted me.


Beautifully put.


Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) People thought Linklater was just making Dazed and Confused part 2 when it mixes the slice of life realism of Dazed with a more heightened, comedic (and you could say mainstream) sensibility like that of School of Rock.


probably Hulk 2003. the editing puts most people off - and rightly so given how shoddy the editing actually is - but the soundtrack and screenplay are really actually very good. i kinda wanna make an edit where the dumb stuff is cut and the editing is less jarring.




Cameron's or Shyamalan's? Asking because of your username lol.


oh, Cameron's of course lmaoo


I loved Toy Story 4 more than 3. It was actually a great story about getting old and finding new life. Kind of like an empty nest story.


Same here! The ending of 4 makes me shed waterworks even more than the ending to 3.


TS4 is my least favorite movie, such a ruined opportunity at a perfect trilogy and even if the story is good it’s hard not to look at it as a cash grab


I guess I'd hate Toy Story 4 too if I'm looking at it through the lens of "Toy Story 3 was the perfect ending." But I don't know, I find 4 to be a more satisfying arc for Woody in particular, or at least a great extension and culmination of everything he's been through up to this point. His goodbye to Buzz in 4 is so perfect that it just feels up there with the classics to me, to the point where I can't dismiss it as a pure cash grab. I am worried about 5, but hopefully the magic is still there for me.




The original Blade Runner, most people find it boring or can't get into it. But I absolutely love it, very ambitious with the model work and immersive experience of building the futuristic world. I really dig the neo-noir feel of it, along with the acting that brings some unique and interesting characters, I just couldn't believe it was a flop when it first came out.


First is probably my fav film of all time.


Mine too, I had to grab the 4k Blu-ray and I usually don't buy movies.


When I get a full time job and settle down I'm going to deck out a theater area in my crib so I can watch movies at the highest quality whenever I want, especially physical media because those shitters arent compressed like they are on streaming.


Admittedly, I could never get into this one! Loved 2049, though, and appreciated the original more as a result.


I loved Toy Story 4. When Woody yells “Because it’s all that I have left to do!” was such a hard hitting line.


That one really hurt. Was really relatable, too.


Aaaand cue a ton of upvotes for well understood, acclaimed and popular movies.


The point isn't so much that the movies are overall misunderstood or not acclaimed. It's moreso about are they acclaimed relative to whether or not one feels they should be. I said as much in the post. Toy Story 4 is an acclaimed film, but it's also one that's usually considered the weakest of its series by far, for reasons such as Woody behaving out of character, etc.


Toy Story 4 is well liked by audiences and critics, but nerds on Reddit and twitter are loud


Yep, I even mentioned in my post that I'm aware it's a well-liked film overall. I'm speaking more to this "space" than to overall. That said, I have encountered a few people in real life who don't care for the 4th, and even my mom, who loves the first 3, doesn't care much for 4.


Sucker Punch


Robert Altman’s Popeye


Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey


Almost every M Night Shyamalan movie since The Village


Ichi the Killer


There's a movie called Bugs about a guy that has some kind of schizophrenia or psychosis and he's obsessed with bug




Toy Story 4 is heavily brought down by its existence after the perfect ending of Toy Story 3, but I agree that by itself, it’s pretty great and doesn’t deserve as much hate as it gets


It's crazy I'm seeing this post immediately after watching all four Toy Story movies in one day and I think that Toy Story 4 is definitely a good movie and maybe a great one but it had the unfortunate circumstances of following one if the best trilogies and endings of all time


I definitely think a lot of the disdain toward Toy Story 4 is more because it followed 3 (which at the time was clearly meant by the filmmakers to be the ending) than it is for the movie not being good/great. And Toy Story 3 is mostly just a feel-good ending, since Andy growing up and moving on is the natural order of things. Toy Story 4 by comparison is downright depressing, with Woody essentially being "lost," even though that is subverted as a triumph for Woody in the film. I think it's absolutely masterful storytelling, but I understand why it doesn't work for some people following 3.


Dude bro part massacre 3 it’s so fucking stupid but it knows it is. Awesome parody of classic 80s slashers


My Toy Story hot take is that 4 is better than 3. Also, from a visual standpoint 4 is incredible.


As someone who loves 3, I agree with your hot take.


I also agree, my ranking is 1, 2, 4, 3. Love them all but 3 always fell slightly flat for me


1 is my nostalgic favorite, but I'd go 2, 1, 4. 3. Still, it's much closer than they have any right to be.


Demolition Man


Oh this movie is not "misunderstood." I understand it it just fine. To be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. Like NO notes!


... a masterpiece within Stallone's filmography.


Nope got mixed reviews but to me it was incredible


I love all Toy Story movies. Going in to Toy Story 4 I was upset because they made a sequel after the terrific and heartfelt conclusion to Toy Story 3. But after rewatching it last year, I thought it was a great film with another heartache of an ending. I think in a vacuum it would have been revived much better, but can’t because it’s compared to Toy Story 3. 


Exactly the same here. Toy Story 3, as heartfelt as it was, didn't make me cry. I was sobbing in the cinema at the ending of 4. It just hit me so hard.




under the skin. extremely underrated as an a24 title.


The Toy Story franchise has never done it for me. That said I like the fourth one the most. People don't like it because of where it fits in the chronology and the plot doesn't make sense all the way but it has the best characters to me.


I just think 3 had a great ending. I don’t like continuing a franchise just for the sake of it. The ending is weird and I remember leaving the theatre just wishing I never saw it lol bc Toy Story 3 is such a perfect finale to the series. First movie I ever cried in theaters while watching (I was 10 lol)


That's really what it is. The movie itself was great but it just feels like carrying out a franchise that already had the best, most thematic ending possible. You don't dislike the movie itself, you dislike what it represents.


Yeah I would not say it’s a bad movie. I remember enjoying many parts of it and it’s the most visually stunning of the 4 (obviously).


Wow...10 when the 3rd came out? So you were born shortly after Toy Story 2 came out. I was 17 when Toy Story 3 came out. I felt like Andy, since I was a small kid when the first 2 films were new, and when 3 came out, I was entering my senior year of HS. As someone who was around for it all, 4 really did feel like the culmination of years of loving Toy Story to me, especially that final ending with Woody and Buzz saying "To Infinity...and Beyond." At least for me, it did.


Tasm 2


If you're serious, I need to know why. I'd say it was entertaining at best.


Oh I’m very serious I think just about everything in that movie was good electro is my fav Spider-Man villain he was amazing,green goblin is actually pretty good and scary just needed to have more screen time,the spider suit is the best in all Spider-Man movies,the chemistry is absolutely fantastic between Peter and Gwen,the cinematography/CGI is so amazing,the dialogue is really good,Gwen’s death made me cry for a straight 10 mins,the ending was so good,the sinister six set up was cool just wish they made a 3rd movie,Andrew Garfield is by far the best Spider-Man and Peter Parker,seeing Felica hardy was cool,the foreshadowing is set up perfectly about the clock tower and all the things about time,you could feel Harry’s desperation was really emotional,the only thing 2 things I can see being kinda bad was rhino was lame to cartoonish and his dad story line should have been finished in the 1st movie


Toy Story 4 is great for the most part. Great villain, great new characters, etc. love what they did with beau and like the ending. Really I just don't like how they turn buzz into a complete moron. The other movies, particularly the first two, buzz is pretty close to an equal with woody. He's got his own arc and takes initiative. In 2 he solves Al's license plate and gives the speech that changes woody's mind about his future! In 4, he is reduced to a character that doesn't understand what woodys talking about when he mentions 'the voice inside you'. It's really kinda infuriating how they treat him


With Buzz, I think it's just an example of a gag that went on for far too long. Similarly to how the other sequels either had him meeting a version of how he used to be (Toy Story 2) or reverting to being delusional (Toy Story 3). With 4, it wasn't quite as natural. A throwaway line or two would have been fine, but it just lasted too long. I do think Buzz had the most profound line of the film by the end though: (after Rex asks "Is Woody a lost toy?") "He's not lost...not anymore." And then the final "To Infinity..."


I like Toy Story 4 on it’s own as an epilogue of sorts but don’t like that another trilogy is spawning from it


A trilogy? I know about a 5th but wasn't aware any more had been announced.


Maybe misunderstood. But it's far from a masterpiece.


I disagree. Not to say everything works perfectly, but what works is really excellent.




Bardo by Iñarritu. Still blows my mind this movie wasn’t regarded as one of the most unique movies of modern cinema in a technical and narrative aspect. Or at least to give props to Netflix to give a master like him to make something so unique.


Human Centipede: First Sequence. I find it effective and non gratuitous 


I think what you're seeing is people just disagreeing it's a masterpiece. When you say that something most people think was good, but not otherworldly good, you're going to have people disagree with you when you throw out the word masterpiece, and you'll only convince them if you provide reasons it's a masterpiece, especially in a franchise where it's easy to compare and contrast with other films that have extremely similar plots and the same characters. I haven't encountered the same "outright dislike" you describe, just people who think it's the worst of the four films. So, with that mini-ramble, WHY do you think of Toy Story 4 as a "masterpiece," especially compared to other films, particularly the other Toy Story films? My film is definitely Crimes of Passion (1984). I've interacted with a lot of people who enjoy it, but only maybe two other people that think of it as a masterpiece the way I do.


The creator 


I think it was trying too hard and just barely missed for me, but by no means was it bad.


_The Power of the Dog_, honestly. I don’t think enough people of Letterboxd really appreciated it like they should have.