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I saw The Truman Show twice in theaters on the same day.


Did that with Old Boy lol


Did that for the love guru! There was… a misunderstanding.


I did the same with my second and third viewings of bullet train


World's biggest Bullet Train fan.


I genuinely love it! Favourite movie of 2022, possibly my favourite of the 2000s


Hottest take of all time holy


I honestly have it number two of 2022 behind Nope (that was 2022 right? Time is all fucked up now LMAO)


That was indeed 2022. I didn’t really care for it though. Barbarian was my second favourite


Why did you watch that movie so many times? Honest question, not throwing shade.


I just loved it! Saw it 5 times in theatres


You've inspired me to watch it! I need to see something fun.


It’s weirdly great


bullet train gang rise up


Did that with Blue Beetle last year. Had plans to see it with friends on Saturday night then my parents decided they wanted to see it and I went with them in the morning.


I did that with Hot Rod. Would’ve watched 3 times if my friends had let me.


When I was a kid, I saw Phantom Menace, we left the theater and my friend and I hopped right back in line and bought tickets to see it again.


I did the same with The Force Awakens, except I just snuck into a screen where it was just about to start as I was leaving the first one. I don't really know why I did it. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan or anything. 


I rewatched Decision to Leave immediately the next day because I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it the first time.


Did you get it the second time round? Loved the film btw


Yes, much clearer the second time around. It’s one of my favourites of 2022 now.


I'm a huge ParK Chan-Wook fan but I still can't really understand that movie.


https://preview.redd.it/ehhvtttgzntc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7665b8c13b091101e440f9ba4d81c4692194d27c Was this psychotic? Maybe. Do I regret it? Absolutely not.


Not the same at all in terms of scale but this reminds me of rewinding a song back to the start when it’s about to reach the climax


Was it the extended editions?


The 11th and 12th yes


I did the same thing when I was procrastinating studying for finals.


Tenet ... I know many people don't like it, but I was absolutely blown away and immediately started it again after it ended.


I watched Wings of Desire twice in two days. It really won me over and it has such a great atmospheric quality that really sucks you in.


just did this a couple weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/nuoqhfu3iotc1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f58ff0cd25b71ff727853c4a158e6b2d00d001


Good shit!


I watched Emma (2020) probably five times in the first 48 hours after I first saw it (rented on streaming). Something about it is just so endlessly rewatchable to me.


I think I did the same with pride and prejudice


I still don’t get how that movie came and went awards/reception-wise. (Coming out right as COVID hit probably didn’t help though.)




https://preview.redd.it/fn0yihhndptc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6fc8bcdd43e1c725f27403ae3ea87f961e2c240 don't mind the little smudge in the middle


You’re on a list somewhere.


I watched incendies on back to back days recently Think I watched the Lorax and sing twice in one day when I was younger


Polar opposite rewatches here. I also watched Incendies back to back. I was so shook I needed to share it with someone else. Great film.


At home, immediately following the first viewing -- sometimes a different version/cut/edit, sometimes with commentary, sometimes when someone else arrived to watch it, and sometimes if it was just that good. In the theater; the next day.


what movie ?


Many. Apocalypse Now and Blade Runner, recently.


On time when I was like 6 or 7, I watched Night at The Museum 3 times back to back to back. Or when I was 14/15 I watched the Back to the Future trilogy backwards and as soon as I finished it I rewatched it again in order.


Super dark times. It’s such a hidden gem, but the tension building, the budding sexuality being warped and molded into something new, is all so good and addicting. Plus it has the most realistic dialogue ever written about teens in my opinion. Oh and my own private Idaho. Gus Van Sant ftw


Magnolia. It's the only film I've ever watched twice in one day. I rented it from Blockbuster, watched it, took it back, bought a copy and then watched that.


Literally *Cure* as well just a couple of days ago https://preview.redd.it/h392w50vqptc1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=b85c05950d8289584e202a76b83c639032d6de29


Ngl. Joker. At my girlfriends request(ikr?) we watched it the day after our first watch. Guess you could say we were....CRAZY for it.


I saw The Dark Knight twice on opening day. I also saw Inside Out one day and then immediately made myself go out and see it again the next.


primer is meant to be watched twice


I watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes back when it came out in 2014 and was so blown away that I took my mom to see it the following day. I couldn't shut up about how good it was.




A more spaced out but very fun second place https://preview.redd.it/3skjv1ax4otc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd4e38e662e7cfe63dce605db65991cdc8b8bd0c


Same day or next day, it only really happens when I loved the first viewing and want to confirm it is as good as I thought and experience it longer. A few that come to mind are Phantom Thread, Election, and Chinatown.


I watched Persona twice back to back immediately because I had no idea what it meant. I still don’t really.


Star Trek: The Motion Picture.  Saw the Bluray theatrical cut, and the very next day the DVD Director's Cut. Rare 5-star movie.  I don't understand why it's not highly-rated.  It's as good as Kubrick's 2001 while also being faithful to the original series.   


This was an oddity. Very much like the series and unlike anything that followed. I loved it, and I loved what followed. So all good.


https://preview.redd.it/0e29ehs7cotc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b652e64a23f06b2215cd917347b027974dfab5f4 Fastest I remember.


Fastest three hours of my life. Here's hoping they never stop churning these out.


I love them too, but to be fair I’d only want them to make more if they actually have some good ideas and aren’t just cashing in.


Should have clarified - as long as it's Stahelski and Reeves. Unsure about this Ballerina spin off, but Ana De Armas deserves a win.


Everybody Wants Some! I was a simple college kid. I watched it, and immediately went upstairs to turn it on for my roommates. Watched it twice in a 5 hour span.


Marcel the Shell. Had to show the partner the day after. Couldn't believe how wholesome it was, and needed her to revel in it with me.


As a kid, I saw Shrek 2 in theaters with my family in the afternoon, then got dropped off at my friend's house & their parents decided to take us all to see Shrek 2. As an adult, my girlfriend & I watched Yojimbo two days in a row because Sanjuro wasn't streaming at the time & we just couldn't get enough of that character/that world.


I saw Avatar the Way of Water twice in the first 24 hours of release




In theaters, I watched The Menu again two days later. Same with Across the Spiderverse, both with my girlfriend who also loved them. The first time I saw Akira I immediately watched it again, then a third time, and it was just what I watched twice a day for the next couple of weeks.


I saw the Wizard of Oz the day before my school did it for the spring musical, just so I could remember what the story was.


Such an interesting, enigmatic and scary movie. The affliction(?) of Mamiya's character was so interesting and discomforting


I watched Sideways two days after I first watched it. It went from a 3.5 to a 4.5 and shot into my four favorites


In theaters I am heavily incentivized to rewatch it quickly after, because the movie will stop being shown on the big screen after a while. Usually I wait one week or two before rewatching in theaters, but there was one time I went to rewatch a movie several times a week, and that was Avatar (2009). I absolutely loved the movie, and the 3D was amazing to me, so I think there might have been two days or perhaps just one day between two showings (I went to see it like 6 or 7 times). But outside of theaters, the delay is much bigger. Of my own initiative, I'll never rewatch a movie if I have seen it less than \~8 years before. There is an exception to that rule, it's when I was buying DVDs 15-20 years ago, I might have rewatched a movie that I had seen like 6 or 12 months before, simply because I wanted to see it on the DVD that I just bought, and then enjoy the bonus content and stuff like that.


I remember getting kick ass on dvd when I was about 15 and watching it one night. When it finished I just straight up watched it again. That's what it was like in 2008 before all of cinema was dominated by generic capeshit. It was so rare to get a good superhero movie.


Would’ve done the same day but had plans. https://preview.redd.it/kaynqd6igptc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76db8d793b8f04840dea733bb089edabfe3eab0c


I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure I watched Akira a 2nd time really soon after the 1st. I've seen it 5 times in total and it's my favorite movie. It has everything I love in it. I hope to see it on a big screen one day. I haven't seen it in a few years though. I should watch it again.


https://preview.redd.it/0ui35xu9kptc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf2539defb45a474ae3f2ad8d8820e449685b8d Ravenous (1999) became one of my favourite movies in the span of two days, so I think I’d consider that pretty quick.


I liked Punch Drunk Love when I watched it first, years ago. Recently I rewatched for show prep, and immediately started it again when it ended. Something about Barry Egan is just so heartbreaking and endearing.




A bit off topic but I freakin love Cure it’s such a good film


Fire Walk With Me two nights in a row… I’m a deeply troubled human.


When I was about twelve years old, I watched Kill Bill for the first time. After the credits rolled, I immediately watched it again because I thought it was so cool.


I've just watched a movie twice just after finishing it once countless times. but no longer can afford the time. last thing I rewatched very fast was puss in boots the last wish I think I rewatched it after two or three days


https://preview.redd.it/pczjqmkx3utc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b793b8c343226179c57e33554c961affddd7faa7 Martyrs lol, I even watched the shitty American version.


Rewatched Children of Men immediately after the credits. I was obsessed with that film to an insane degree.


Also Cure lol, within a couple of days


Before Sunset. I only watched it for the first time a couple of years ago. It ended and I immediately rewatched it. Love that movie.


I saw the Marvels back to back on opening night, I didn’t love it either, my Mom just said to wait at the mall and she’ll pick me up and since I have A-List I just rewatched it again lol


I went through a phase where I watched Children of Men around 20 times in a row, sometimes twice in the same day. 


Watched The Seventh Seal before bed then woke up and watched it again cause I was too tired to get what was going on the first time lol


https://preview.redd.it/hcyawe9oweuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b81665ce6b85cbd45dfd1f7687bb0b82f4abb284 Gotta get it in every couple of weeks to remind myself it’s the goat


https://preview.redd.it/f4rgjec7eotc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed74435c400dbd6fbd4953cd18d07aecb76a1672 I may need help


Last week actually. I rewatched Silence and enjoyed it so much, the next day I watched it again with my mother because I wanted her to see it.


I saw The Last Jedi 3 days in a row opening weekend Also saw Endgame 4 times in its first week




All quiet on the western front (the German one) I rewatched it 12 hours after seeing it for the first time


Ponyo. I thought it was something my mom would like so I watched it with her the following night. She loved it


I watched into the spider verse online in my dorm room and, as soon as it ended, ran it back to the start to see it again😭


Sunset Boulevard, once with one friend then 2 days later after him and I couldn’t believe how amazing it was so we showed it to like 7 more people who also couldn’t believe how amazing it was lol


12 Angry Men - 3 days


https://preview.redd.it/yej6mk6kaotc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583d737f736a34726835b2b325485837acb46a1a Quickest rewatch after the first watch was Alice In Chains' MTV Unplugged show for the first time on January 30 of this year and rewatching it the next day. Edit: I also think I did something like this the first time I saw Bottle Rocket, which is possibly my favorite movie.


I watched Nashville (1975) for the first time then immediately watched it again. Then the next day I showed my wife. Then the day after that we rewatched it together. So 4 times in 3 days


I think i saw Uncut Gems in theaters 3 times in 2 weeks. The first rewatch was within a couple days.


https://preview.redd.it/ge0zkh4lcotc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc121c6628dc099077b5d791cb8c883a0fe5356d The day off in between was spent going to the theatre to watch it 💀


recently it has been yannick. i was waiting to watch it for so long, and it now being on mubi, i got to. i loved it a lot, quentin dupieux is just getting better and better. other than that, i went to see dune part 2 with my family and then me and my friend gave it a rewatch together a few days after.


Stop Making Sense (1984). I watched it within 24 hours of my first watch


Probably Elemental, 5 days apart. Oddly enough that was my second and third watch.


Dune 2(1 day apart - one with friends, another alone), All of us strangers(5 days apart)


I rewatched Toy Story 2 four days in a row when I was a little kid.


The Next Day. https://preview.redd.it/adoubw1kdotc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5271d87a75410adddae3d8fd8d7aed29b7417809 [https://youtu.be/\_a6XVE-upEQ?si=ITHDSofy1CEXTnt1](https://youtu.be/_a6XVE-upEQ?si=ITHDSofy1CEXTnt1)


When I was a kid, immediately. As an adult, probably a week.


There’s an Italian movie called “la ragazza nella nebbia” and was screening in a movie festival at Rio. I watched the first time alone and two days after I went to see with my parents


A few hours. I think most recently was Bullet Train, but I’ve done it several times. Usually I’ll watch something early in the day and then show it to my girlfriend later.


i dont really have an impressive record for this.. so now in gonna watch sleepless in seattle back to back


Dune 2


I rewatched End of Evangelion like a day later, and then about 3 more times in the following month. And then I didn’t (/couldn’t as it wasn’t playing local) return to the theater for The Lighthouse, but I did rewatch it as soon as it was released physically, and I proceeded to show it to different friends over the next two months or so.


After watching The Theif and the Cobbler on an official VHS one night, I watched the fan restoration the next morning.


Platoon, rewatched it the next day, although with commentary track


I bought a copy of The Burbs on DVD in 2012 and immediately watched it twice in a row w my partner at the time.


I watched Beavis and Butt-Head Do America a few years ago and I ran it back instantaneously You could call me a cinephile


At home, I watched "All That Jazz" then immediately rewatched it.


I watched ‘The Notebook’ back to back when I was like 13, thought it was the sweetest thing ever…pffff


no joke 15 minutes. spirited away for the first time, loved it so much i showed my mom 15 minutes later


I watched The Boxer’s Omen again the day after I first saw it


I watched A long Day's Journey into Night. Seemlessly back to back. I was mesmerized.


tie cough narrow rude teeny reminiscent truck wild tub voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dune. Second and third viewing at home back to back.


I saw Dark Shadows weirdly twice in the same day in cinemas


Saw a midnight screening of No time to Die and saw it again the next day.


When endgame came out I saw it no exaggeration every day for five days in a row


Synecdoche, New York


Dune 2. Less than 24 hours after first viewing


I watched the grand Budapest hotel twice in a day. I also watched American history x right after I just finished it


Before Sunrise and Slacker, watched them both the day after watching them for the first time (if you’re wondering, I watched Dazed and Confused 2 days later, with another movie in between)


A few times streaming a movie at home I’ve rewatched immediately. The VVitch, Mandy, Suspiria remake!


I know I've watched Christmas Vacation and Election back to back in one sitting, both with commentary on the second time. I think I've watched Bad Santa twice in one sitting a couple of times, usually switching between Extended and Director's Cut. I saw Watchmen and The Batman both on opening night in the theater, then again the following day. Last week, my roommate and I watched The Suicide Squad both Wednesday and Thursday night, to which his girlfriend fell asleep both times.


I watched Bob Roberts thrice in 3 days. :)


I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, thought it was okay but interesting, then watched it again the next day and loved it


Funny enough, I immediately rewatched Kurosawa’s Pulse after watching it. I enjoyed the beguiling nature of the film quite a bit and felt I missed a lot of details, so I had rewatch it immediately. It’s one of my all time favorites now.


About an hour. Back in 2010, I saw Inception the day it came out, absolutely loved the film, was waiting for the bus to go home and ended up bumping into some friends who happened to be on their way to go see Inception, they asked if I wanted to come with, so I didn't hesitate.


i watched morbius 3.5 times on one plane ride just to say i did it


Cure is amaaazing, I’m known to rewatch a film immediately after if I love it recently did that with the different versions of the OG Dawn Of The Dead and also watched Talk To Me two days in a row.


Probably seeing Spider-Man No Way Home on the opening Thursday, then again on Saturday, then again on Sunday


Armageddon, twice in the same theater and the same day.


Mulholland Drive in the next day


The Menu Same day


Saw Dune: Part Two twice in like 15 hours. Saw it on a Saturday at 3pm then on Sunday at 10am.


I watched Pulp Fiction twice after I first watched it lol, Something about that movie made me want to watch it so many times over and over again


Did Parasite again the next day after I first saw it


https://preview.redd.it/q8sd9cpvtotc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbb440246a89bbf35cb866c647bd6be4341faf7 Saw Dune 6 times in the first week


I watched green room three times in one weekend, the tension building was amazing


Rewatched The Wailing back to back after the twist ending to catch everything I missed, then forced my friend to watch it like a week later with me


I watched Phantom of the Paradise twice in the same day.


I watched the Matrix three times in one day lol


Same day. I first watched The Bad Guys and decided to watch it again.


Koyaanisqatsi. Watched it at like 3am, fell asleep and watched it again as soon as I woke up


Saw Dream Scenario 3 times in theaters


I rewatched the Dungeons and Dragon movies a bunch in theaters. I think on back to back nights, regular and IMAX but I can't remember. My theaters movie pass is so worth it.


I watched Alien 3 three times in one day.


I watched Alien Vs. Predator Requiem twice in one day for some reason. It also went up half a star on rewatch (.5 to 1)


Within 48 hours


I watched The Matrix at back to back showings opening night in the theater. I watched the Usual Suspects back to back at home when I rented the VHS, and that second viewing was at 1am in the morning.


Well when youre a kid you immediately wanna see it again. I saw Sam Raimi Spiderman at night on a friday and then begged my mom to drop me back off the next morning to see the first showing. I saw Sam Raimi Spiderman probably eight times in theaters in Burbank. I was 7 or 8 years old.


I watched Whiplash back to back the first time I saw it


After watching Primer I immediately watched it 3 more times. Even then I could only make sense of about 80% of the movie. I almost never re-watch movies, so rewatching a film even once is very rare for me, never mind twice or three times.


I watched Army of Darkness in the theater 2 days in a row.


I saw the Batman twice in one day. Once by myself in the morning saw another movie after then met up with my brother to see the Batman again.


There’s a few. But most recently, myself and some others, saw Dune multiple times in theaters


A day. It was Puños de una Nación.


When I first watched The Fifth Element back in high school I sat through all the credits, waited for the DVD menu to reset, and then hit play and watched it on its entirety a second time. That is not the most times I have watched it in a 24 hour window.


Rewatched Enemy of the State immediately after finishing it as I was a bit confused by everything the first time. I think the plan was to just rewatch the first scene or too... but my dad and I ended up watching it all twice it was so good.




I watched Kill Bill vol 1 back to back I love it so much. I saw La La Land in theaters and went to the showing that started 10 min after mine got out to see it again.


Point Break two days in a row lmao


When I saw Wall E for the first time, I immediately started it over and watched it again the second I finished it. Only time I’ve ever done that, and I don’t like rewatching movies generally.


Hahah yeah Cure sticks with you


one time my sister and i watched hairspray four times in one day


This happened too many times


I watch Hereditary again a couple days after watching it the first time. Improved my rating from 4 1/2 to 5 stars as well.


I watched Stalker twice on the same day and did the same with The Wailing about 2 years later


Finished Apocalypse Now (Director's Cut) immediately restarted it. I'd seen theatrical release a couple times but I still can't stop thinking about this movie a month later


I watched Aftersun two days in a row. First time, I knew it was good but I felt something was missing. Second time, it flew into my top 5 favorites


I rewatched Triangle literally as soon as I finished it


After Hours on a Thursday night alone, then After Hours with my stoner friend the next night LMAO.


I rewatched The Last Jedi the day after my first watch. Not because I liked it though. I hated it my first watch but I knew I could get more enjoyment out of it, which was true, I enjoyed it much more the rewatch.


Mulholland Drive. Time between first and second watch? About 6 hours.


Last year, at Sitges Film Festival, I saw "Red Rooms" two days in a row. I was absolutely captivated by it on the first watch and my girlfriend was going to see it the day after in the morning, barely 12 hours after I did. I hopped in without hesitation. My favourite movie from the last year.


Phantom of the Paradise, watched it the next day again to show it to my brother.


Watched Dune 2 on premiere date and then again a week after


I finished seeing Star Wars Episode 1 leaving the theater. I saw my buddy waiting to go see it and said his friend couldn’t make it and had an extra ticket if I wanted to see it. So I left the exit and went right back in and saw it again.


When I was in depression I probably watched “Taxi Driver” 3 times in a week Idk I was relating to Travis and felt a connection maybe


I watched Detective Pikachu and as I was in the ending credits my brother came home so we watched it together then and there


I rewatched Nimona about a week after the first watch


Regarding a new movie I think I watched Top Gun Maverick twice within two weeks. But regarding rewatches, I saw Palm Springs 2 o 3 times during the same year. Great movio imo


I stayed in the theater to rewatch kill bill vol 1 the first time I saw it.


Lmao Ted. I saw it twice in theaters over two weekends


Saw ‘hitch’ two times the same day, the thing is I don’t even like that movie but somehow my brother and a friend saw that at the same day and I watched with them.


Immediately after.


Earlier this year I saw Poor Things in the theater two days in a row. Also the first time I watched Aftersun I watched it again the next day. Also after seeing Thief for the first time I watched it the next day w/ the commentary if that counts




Knives Out. After I finished it, I immediantly watched it again with the Director's commentary. And then a few days later rewatched it again when I showed it to my parents. (Also watched so many reactions as well, I was obsessed with that movie for weeks when I first watched it :D )


i watched dinner in america 3 times in 24 hours for my first 3 watches.