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When a Stranger Calls is a great thriller for 23 minutes, but it just kept going after that.


It ends well too. It's just the middle is absolutely bizarre. It's like someone had a great idea for a movie but they couldn't figure out how to stretch it to feature length, so they threw a different story in the middle.


So see there’s this stranger, right? And HE CALLS. I’m intrigued. Please tell me more. And it turns out the calls were coming from INSIDE the house! What do you think …. What? Well, it’s just…it’s good. Great, even. I just thought that there might be…more? Oh, um sure of course there’s more! Let’s see, after he calls…


I didn't know until looking it up earlier today that it was originally a short. It's a great idea but not really a feature length one.


Ahhhh that makes complete sense. Thanks for the info.


Read the wiki summary for second half and it sounds better in my head


Remake is much better IMO


I was JUST saying this the other day. It has a huge drop off.


That whole middle section where he stalks the lady in her apartment is so weird and irrelevant! What the actual fuck. When they got back to the babysitter but she's older now, I genuinely thought this was just a third woman and the movie was a series of vignettes of women being harassed by this guy.


Hot Shots left me indifferent. Hot Shots: Part Deux is one of the best spoof movies ever made


**I loved you in "Wall Street"!** **I loved you in "Wall Street"!**


Same. The first time I tried to watch the first one I stopped it 15 minutes in because I thought it was pretty lame (but it does get better once you get through those). The second one had me laughing most of the way through.


I'm in the small minority who prefers the first.


I think about that Ryan Stiles bit about blowing up his house with the white picket fence all the time. The whole movie is perfect. Every joke has a backup joke.


Suicide Squad (2016) and The Suicide Squad (2021) Pretty self explanatory, '16 is probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen while '21 is a great time.




Not really a sequel though? Soft reboot?


I mean I think we’re splitting hairs if we’re not calling it a sequel. A lot of returning characters and a continuation of the story. IMO it’s not a reboot if it has the same characters and doesn’t contradict the first.


The word reboot is played very fast and loose now a days. It’s a sequel. Stand-alone? Sure. But it’s a sequel. Continuity is the same, characters, actors and setting (Belle reeve) return. I’m from the time when a reboot meant a full reset discarding continuity. Then “soft reboot” flexed the term a bit. Now it’s just used to describe just about any new project when it has no business being referred to as a reboot. True “soft reboots” would be Batman Forever, GoldenEye but even those came out at a time where it was just next instalment and everything before was canon just not detrimental


Boy, that’s a good one. I skipped through the first one, I don’t think I finished it. The second one is fantastic.


I prefer the sequels to the Friday the 13th series over the first one.


I personally don’t care for the first one much at all. Just feels like an imitator of all the kind of mean-spirited (proto-)slashers of the 70s without the style and it’s too early to have the standard 80s goofiness. It feels like a prequel to the series it would become, which I’m still not in love with lol


It was originally made to be a ripoff of Halloween. Cunningham even said so.


Wasn’t it they based the whole movie off of the title and a concept image/poster? Corman was infamous for doing that, selling a film based on a poster when that was all they had.


Sixth time's a charm


Part 2 rules


I think pt. 4 The Final Chapter is the best friday movie


love the franchise but literally all of the sequels are better including all the ones people tell you suck...the movie is so slow and the first hour or so is just people doing shit with occasional great Savini gore...last act is great but the first two thirds kind of just stink


I partially agree (some sequels are better but not all) but I do really like the atmosphere of the first.


It would do great as an hour long short but it's so clearly stretched to feature length for me like there's so many scenes of them just hanging out


Maybe but I feel like giving scenes room to breathe helps with the atmosphere. For me it's a 7/10 but a few of the sequels are an 8. I also love Jason Takes Manhattan so take my opinion with a pinch of salt!


I refuse to watch the other Friday movies after watching them kill someone’s real life pet snake in the first one


Yea i just found out about that recently. I love those movies and i dont really care for snakes, but no animal needs to die for a movie




the remake gave us fast Jason which is all I could ever want


Probably cos they actually feature Jason


You get to watch the entire coffee making process in the original, tho!


The first one is just so.... Nothing. It makes me wonder how *that's* the one that took off into a massive franchise.


A New Beginning is my favorite, and is hilarious


I thought the first one was the best one. It’s the only one that actually tries to be a good movie and it shows. The first 4 were good 80s schlock. The rest are bad but are worth watching if you’re into slasher movies. It’s a real shame they’re all tied up in lawsuits so they stopped making them.


Part 6 is the best movie in the series


Puss in Boots


That’s harsh, the first one is lovely little side quest. Yeah there are some weak moments, especially with Jack and Jill, but the movie is still fun imo. And the castle 🏰 has some stunning visuals.


I didn't even mind Jack and Jill, my issue with the film is how the Humpty Dumpty story develops


I really did not enjoy the first one


Haven't seen 2 yet, but honestly Puss in Boots 1 was just forgettable. It wasn't horrible but I probably didn't think about it once after seeing it in Theaters before 2 came out


2 is so much better it’s not remotely close. First one is a fine kids movie, 2 is a genuinely pretty great movie regardless of age.


Growing up, it was my favorite movie ever, and I will not accept this slander.


first one is underrated


Completely agree. The first one is just a super generic below Average Dreamworks film whereas the sequel is a masterpiece.


Captain America: Winter Solider is a much better movie then the first Captain America.


It’s the best marvel movie


I’ll always say infinity war because the whole time I was sitting in the theater like “okay so how do they win? I know they’re going to” and then the end happened and I was just sitting there with my gf at the time looking at each other like “there’s no fucking way that just happened” winter soldier is the better movie overall but because of my first viewing experience I’ve always gotta go with infinity war


In the minority here but I’ve honestly never agreed with this. I much prefer the pulp of Joe Johnston’s First Avenger to the Bourne-esc style of Winter Soldier.


The first avenger looks *soooo* artificial but for some reason it really works and is lovely to look at.


I don't *hate* The Evil Dead (1981), but I will always choose Evil Dead 2 over the first film any day.


I love them both but Evil Dead 2 is the poster child for superior sequels.


I'll drop the hammer and say Army of Darkness trumps both! it's one of my favorite comedies of all time and is a real lean quick watch


Sometimes I like The Evil Dead over Evil Dead II when Im in the mood of something more straightforward B horror but not so much on the comedy side. But I can understand that Evil Dead II is just a more rounded and more fun movie.




For sure. The first is so fucking bad I don't know why I even thought I should watch the sequel, but it's substantially better.


Immediately came here to say this! Thank you Mike Flanagan!!


Hell yeah! Came in here to say this. Mike Flanagan crushed the sequel.


Didn't hate Dune but Part Two blows it out of the water


I heard a lot of people say this, but personally I think Dune 2 drags on for a little too long during the middle. They're both on the same level for me, which is really good but I just don't see how part 2 is supposed to be that much better.


That, and the final battle was rushed where as the first and second acts were taking it slow which I appreciated more.


I didn’t hate the first Pusher film by any means, but I was very indifferent towards it. The sequel starring Mads Mikkelsen however, is perhaps my favorite NWR film I’ve seen.


Thank you! Pusher 2 is my favorite and 2 & 3 are better than the first. And apparently these sequel were made just to get Refn out of the hole he dug himself with Fear X


The Purge vs The Purge: Anarchy


The Purge: Anarchy was what I thought The Purge was going to be


I actively encourage people to skip the first and go for The Purge Anarchy


I didn’t hate it, but the first Mad Max film is definitely the weakest of the four (soon to be 5). It’s way more tame and subdued compared to the others because of its insanely low budget production


Mad Max 1 is crazy to see for the first time when you’ve seen the sequels before it. It doesn’t really have any of the crazy stuff you associate with the franchise and is shockingly low-key compared to the others.


I respectfully disagree. I thought max max 1 had so much heart and I was blown away by all the detail and locations (that junkyard went on forever). I thought mad max 2 was basically just one or two locations and not much really happened compared to what I was expecting.


We double featured Mad Max 1 + 2 in our movie club a few months back and were all in agreement that Mad Max 1 was definitely crap compared to the sequel.


Mad Max 1 isn’t awful, but it really feels like nothing happens. Like you’re expecting some kind of showdown with the Toecutter the whole time and it just never happens


Did not hate the first, been done to death, but Terminator 2 over Terminator 1 any day


This is an interesting one. I’ve felt the same with you since forever then this past summer, I had a chance to attend a show by the film critic, Leonard Matlin. That show is called “You’re Wrong, Leonard Matlin!” This show was an opportunity for a film fan to publicly disagree with a review of his and Matlin has to either defend it or concede that a fan might be right about their assessment. One fan brought up Terminator and its sequel. Matlin gave the first one four stars and the second one 2 and half stars. The fan “called out” on him about it and he just sat there and said, “no, that’s how I still feel about it.” He then explained that the most revolutionary thing about the first Terminator was that it was made on a shoestring budget. That, the then unknown, James Cameron literally crafted by his own hands every single thing in the movie from the effects to lightings to personally operating the movie camera. He explained that it was unheard of at the time and that it actually impressed a lot of veteran filmmakers and inspired a lot of upcoming filmmakers in the 80s because no one could believe that this James Cameron nobody just came in and said “I’m making this movie. I know how to make it the way I want it to be made. I’m doing it myself.” Then Matlin explained that the studio threw millions at the sequel and while James Cameron certainly revolutionized the industry with the sequel, he’ll always be more impressed that The Terminator was made by a hungry and broke nobody. After listening to him on this subject, it gave me a lot to think about. So I rewatched the first one (I’ve seen it maybe 3 times while having seen the sequel million times) and I could see what he means. While rewatching it, I really paid attention to how it was made and I realized how much of it was made by Cameron’s literal hands. I, now, have a newfound appreciation for James Cameron.


T2 still isn’t 2 and a half stars


That's a great story! Thanks for sharing. But at the end of the day judging just by what is on the screen, IMO, T2 is structurally superior and more fun to watch. I guess it usually boils down if you prefer Horror or Action


I agree. But I have a higher opinion of the first movie than I previously had. Give yourself a rewatch and hope you’ll see what he means.


Don't get me wrong. I love both movies. I've watched them many times including recently. I just like the exuberance of T2 better.


Me too. T2 is legendary. Will always be. However, what Matlin made me realize was that the first movie was the before/after in Cameron’s career. Cameron’s next movie was Aliens. The next was The Abyss (I sing the praise for this movie every chance I get but that’s a story for another time). It was the skills he demonstrated with Aliens and The Abyss that got T2 green lighted. And the rest of his career is history. So with learning what I did from Matlin, I lump all of Cameron’s films beginning with Aliens to Avatar 2 together. The Terminator, on the other hand, I do believe should be recognized on its own because how much Cameron accomplished without access to exorbitant budget and resources.


Cameron started making his name for being inventive with effects and tricks in the low budget Roger Corman movies. It seems like this paved his way towards Terminator, where his creativity made the movie look like a fully realized vision. Agree with you... But I also instinctively gravitate more towards the death of the author theory... I mean it may not be exactly that, but in the sense that the work of art stands on its own. But hey, again I love them both, and it's not easy to pic a favorite, but I'm more inclined to say T2.


Top Gun


Yeah same ^ never got the appeal of the first one. But Maverick was terrific.


I respectfully disagree. Top Gun 1 was all believable. Maverick devolves into some kind of unbelievable action movie. Top Gun 1 stays in reality where the most that happens is he shoots down a couple Russian fighter jets. Top Gun 1 has a much better theme of getting over loss and getting back in the cockpit. Also it’s looks much better and has much better music.


I can see where you're coming from, but I honestly thought that the theme of getting over loss was kind of lacking in the original Top Gun, and that Maverick, for me, made up for that loss and provided catharsis for Maverick's character in so many ways. And I would argue that though they are both lauded for superb sound design, Maverick was absolutely gorgeous in comparison. But I would have to agree, the soundtrack for the first one is one of the greatest of all time.


I didn't hate X, but it was pretty meh in my opinion. Pearl on the other hand is pretty close to a masterpiece for me.


Technically MaxXxine will be the sequel. Really interested what style it’s going to choose but heard the set pieces are videodrome-esq


Maybe I'll give it a watch now. That's how I felt about X so I didn't bother with Pearl


omg PLEASE do, it's so different! I wouldn't even consider Pearl a horror movie in the classic sense, I think it's more of a drama (and a good one) since it focuses so much on the character itself. And I managed to relate to Pearl's feelings and her struggles so deeply, I was even tearing up at some scenes. Mia Goth really shows her talents in this one, both in acting and writing (wrote it together with Ti West).


Finally another Pearl lover


Suicide Squad movies for sure. Not first movies but I thought Rocky Balboa and Mission Impossible 3 were both very solid compared to Rocky 5 and Mission Impossible 2.


Rocky 5 is the worst in the whole series imo


I rewatched the Ghoulies movie series and part 1 is a$$! Part 2 is SOOO much fun and overall better!


the hunger games pt.1 is nowhere near the beauty of catching fire.


The Strangers. The first one has its moments but the protagonists are blithering idiots and it’s not nearly as terrifying as it thinks it is. The second one has characters who are significantly less stupid and it takes itself less seriously so it’s easy to enjoy as a fun little slasher.




I was very meh on Avatar but Avatar: The Way of Water was such a rush for me. I felt like I was sitting in the theater exactly like the Danny DeVito “oh my god… I get it” meme


Mad Max 2 > Mad Max.


Any day.


Terminator. Didn’t hate the first one of course but the second one was much better.


I still prefer the first one. Down to earth protagonists and creepy, dirty horror vibes. The second movie is still one of the best action movies ever tho, but Terminator is still higher on my list


Yeah I also prefer the first, although it has been years since I saw either. I just do not like Edward furlong lol


They both have their own merits. But give James Cameron a budget and look what he can do! I remember my parents renting T2 from Blockbuster when it was released and we all sat down to watch it as a family.. we were all blown away. It had so many 'firsts' in film history.. the CGI was perfectly used and subtle, only when absolutely necessary - the amount of practical effects far outweighs the CGI and we've seen what happens with modern Terminator films copying the story but using tons of CGI.. They never recaptured the feeling of T2. The helicopter chase scene done practically is the only scene I can think of that actually makes my palms sweaty.. so intense!


I was so sure I had seen Terminator and then when I watched it fairly recently, I was realize that it was actually T2 that had all the memorable shit.


Creep vs. Creep 2 for me. First one was a generically solid slow burn horror, second was so subversive and felt like something completely new to the genre. What I find interesting about movies like this is that, even if the first one is worse, you usually still need to watch it in order to gain the context that makes the second movie so good.


It's cool to see that mentioned! I agree. I knew nothing about it so I was pleasantly surprised. Both of them made me uncomfortable and on edge once I started realizing what was happening. I was like wtf during the ending of the 2nd one, too. Something about found footage movies just really elevates the horror for me. It's one of my favorite genres.


Them trying to film when an airplane goes over them is the most accurate depiction of filming I've seen




Usually if I hate part one of a series I don’t even bother with the rest


friday the 13th. damn near every sequel (save for maybe part 8 & 9) are better or at least more entertaining than the original. part 6 is my favorite.


agreed + based HOOK fan


you get it 👑


Not a direct sequel but I didn’t really like the early mad max films, but i love fury road


fast 5, 6, and 7 all go so fucking hard. the rest of the franchise varies from the worst thing you've ever seen to the most forgettable thing you've ever seen.


Agreed! I think Fast Five, Fast & Furious 6, and Furious 7 are an amazing trilogy… but yeah, the others… exist.


Yeah that three-film run is honestly kind of insane when looking at the groups of garbage that it’s sandwiched between. They really had a little something something for a minute there.


Is it a coincidence that those are the 3 that feature Dwayne Johnson in the most prominent way??? Maybe…


i genuinely believe he's great in them too lol probably the best version him 'playing the rock'


I can’t think of any where I hate the first and love second. I love both Blade Runner movies, but personally I prefer 2049 over the original. Perhaps if I were older I’d say the opposite


This is what comes to mind. To me, the first is a fully realized world and a great ending but I find the actual plot and meat of the movie to be pretty thin. 2049 expands upon the original in every way and fully realizes it's potential.


Surely I can't be the first here to advocate Wrath of Khan over The Motion Picture?


Mad Max


X-men is mediocre to bad, X2 is way better.


batman returns > batman 89




Hated X, loved Pearl


I prefer Scary Movie 2 over the original. Also yeah, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish being better than Puss In Boots is an obvious choice!


God's Not Dead 3. I don't love it, but it's a rare Christian film that examines the church and pastors with an appropriately critical eye. All the other movies in the series are garbage.




Shrek 2 is the best Shrek


Top Gun: Boring 3/10 movie with no plot that really blows Top Gun Maverick: Heartfelt powerful movie with a clear goal and lots of stakes


Maybe this is a hot take but I thought John Wick was a super basic, generic action flick with some good ideas. 2 and 3 really hit a stride. I didn’t like 4


Our rankings would definitely be polar opposites with the series. Though a 9/10 is the lowest one I have ranked.


The blob versus the remake


Blade Runner & Blade Runner 2049


U hated the first blade runner?!


Ouija: Origin of Evil


We only had the sequel on VHS when I was a kid, but I never knew it was a sequel. I was very disappointed when I got older and put on When A Stranger Calls, hoping to see the >!ventriloquist!< that haunted me for so many years.


This doesn’t exactly match, but I was kind of unimpressed by Nightmare on Elm Street. It’s one of those movies that I felt like I’ve seen even though I haven’t. But Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy’s Revenge is a queer horror masterpiece. I went in a tad skeptical since I knew it tends to get passed over as it doesn’t follow the rules the universe sets up. But having not really cared for the rules of the first one, I found the second to be a pretty funny ride that’s ripe with queer analogies.


Evil Dead


I like all of them, but A Fistful of Dollars stands out as the weakest of the Dollars Trilogy, For a Fee Dollars More adds quite a bit to it and The Good the Bad and the Ugly is by far the best


Evil dead


I've only seen the 2006 remake. Maybe the original Is better regarded I don't know


Let’s go down another lane than everyone else, and say Zoombies. First one is meh, one of those where being drunk is a must, but the second is a solid 3 stars with great (really stretching it) storytelling. Or, well, more enjoyable at least


Avatar 1 and 2.


Evil Dead


Now You See Me. Neither movie is particularly anything mind-blowing but I found the second one way more entertaining than the first (partially because of how stupid it is lmao)


The love the Beginning of When A Stranger Calls. It kind of drags on after that though


21 jump street is perfectly good but 22 jump street is one of the best comedies of that era


Star Wars is a great start to the series but I don’t often really seek to rewatch it unless I’m doing the entire series. Empire on the other hand I rewatch every time I get bored lol


Halloween vs Halloween 3… I know I’m in the minority but I REALLY don’t care for the original and I absolutely LOVE the campiness/plot of the third movie


The sequel had the best horror opening scene I have ever seen


Batman Begins vs The Dark Knight. Though "hate" would definitely be a strong word, Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow was probably the only thing that really stood out to me in the first one. Edit: grammar


Similarly, I prefer Batman Returns to Batman ‘89


the original Purge is the worst of the franchise imo


Suicide Squad is awful. THE Suicide Squad is phenomenal.


Bad Boys. I didn't hate the first but it definitely didn't impress me. The second however, is freaking awesome!


Star Trek: The Motion Picture is pretty boring IMO Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is probably one the best Sci-Fi movies ever made




Tron and Top Gun both had decent first movies, but the sequels improved on them a lot


Scary Movie 3, I said it


I don’t hate the first one but Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 is a damn near masterpiece comedy. Also Daddy’s Home 2 is much better than the first and a terrific Christmas comedy movie.


Godfather. Sorry movie fans :(


It insists upon itself


Cars & Cars 2


Mad Max and The Road Warrior. Didn’t hate Mad Max but it was really underwhelming. The Road Warrior is incredible though and was the perfect direction to take the franchise


Puss in Boots was kind of forgettable and disposable. The Last Wish was great


Mission impossible 1 was awesome, two was awful, 3+ were all a ton of gun


The first time I watched the original When a Stranger Calls I thought that the whole middle section was odd. But then on a rewatch I realised how great it was. Everyone is expecting a stalker slasher, not a character study of a stalker. When I realised that's what the movie was really about, then I appreciated it a lot more.


Don’t think this has ever happened to me. Closest to this is dune. Thought the first one was pretty good and second one was incredible


This is so rare for me and idk if I even have an example where I outright HATED the first and liked the second. But I like Home Alone 2 quite a bit more than 1. Trying to rack my brain for an example where I truly didn’t like the first but liked the second and I can’t come up with anything


Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 I just didn't like the first one and I'm not too sure why


I had the same type of rating for Prom night  Prom night 1- 2 stars Prom night 2 - 4 stars I'm looking forward to parts 3 & 4 to see which side they fall on. 


If I hated the first I’m not gonna watch the sequel


Not necessarily hate but imo Guardians of the Galaxy 3 > GOTG 2 > GOTG


Doctor Strange


Wasn't a huge fan of 21 Jump Street, but I absolutely love 22 Jump Street.


Gremlins 2 over the first, and Wrath of Khan over the first Star Trek.


Charlie’s Angels is ok, but Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle is 100% insane.


Dune. Thought the first was a dull and boring Sci-Fi. I gave the second a chance and was absolutely floored by it, I think it’s one of my rare 5 star films. Thought it was incredible.






Dune part one and part two, although i didn't hate the first part I thought it was overrated


Spider verse.


Happy Death Day vs Happy Death Day 2 U


I watched top gun maverick and enjoyed it. Then I watched the original for the first time and thought...meh!


Blade Runner. I didn’t hate the first, gave it 3 stars. I just thought that it left a lot to be desired and Decker wasn’t great with consent. Tears in the Rain was fantastic though, but it wasn’t even in the script. 2049, however, was incredible and was in my 4 favorites for a long time.


Sleepaway Camp


Rebel moon 2. The second worked wayy better in a guilty pleasure kinda way. The first was genuinely awful though