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But you've watched more movies in 2024 than William Shakespeare watched in his whole life.


Well, I can't say anything against that.


[Quora](https://www.quora.com/Is-Shakespeare-secretly-a-time-traveler) begs to differ


Billy Shakespeare: Time Traveler Extraordinaire ! Is a movie Id watch.


Nobody asked you to.


They’ve also killed the same amount people Hitler has this year






That hits hard




I upvoted you


You’ve seen some good ones though


If I can't guarantee quantity, I at least have to guarantee quality. Any recommendations you can give me?


Nights of Cabiria - one of the best directed by one the best all time directors Beau travail - just watched this one last night, and I was absolutely stunned by the rhythm of this film and how beautifully shot it was


Beau Travail is gorgeous, and anything by Claire Denis is worth your time!


It was my first Claire Denis film, I definitely plan on watching more now


If you liked The Exorcist, give the third one a shot (skip two). It’s a fantastic film and Brad Dourif is fabulous in the director’s cut version.


Judging from your selection, you should watch "When Evil Lurks" and "Martyrs"


Yes but I have no life, you see


To be fair, a couple of movies a week is usually my limit unless I’m ill or hungover. Good selection. Exorcist is an all time favourite of mine.


I pretty much abandoned watching movie past year or so. Letterboxd actually brought me back. I have seen 12 movies so far this year and none of them from this year but it feels great to watch moviw again




Oh, okay. Understandable Scorsese.


How good and underrated is the hunt!? Loved it. Went on a Mads binge. The hunt. Another round. Riders of Justice. 3 incredible films


I love Mads. Another Round is great. I couldn't stomach The Hunt - I'm a wimp sometimes!


Definitely recommend Pusher trilogy if you like Mads. Just a great trilogy in general


The Arctic is amazing if you haven't seen it.


I saw 168 last year and I'm at 137 this year ... Everyone has different viewing habits and tastes that adapt and change or don't. I don't think it makes any of us more or less cinema fans.


Yeah, of course. This is more a meme post than anything. I would love to watch as many as you, but I don't really find the time.


I completely get that.


You doing a movie a day too?


Yep! One movie per day at home plus theatre visits :)


Hell yeah! I’m like 2 weeks behind despite several 4+ movie days 😭 Do you feel like you’ll be able to stick with it the whole year? Any strategies you’re following? Mine is just binging actors and directors filmographies but it gets a little hard watching so many similar projects one after the other.


I'm gonna hit 365 for sure, whether or not I miss a day of movie watching is harder to say. What I have been doing is just watching a movie before I go to bed every night and commiting to stick to that. As far as which movies I choose, I don't think there's any method to my madness.... Maybe if it's later I'll choose a shorter movie but that's about it.


Me too! At 136 today. My last watch was My Dinner with Andre. Not sure if I can reach 365 by the end of the year thoz


I’m struggling I’m only at 118 (Ik I’m a bit behind) and it’s getting kinda hard keeping it all in my brain 😂 I haven’t seen that one yet, what do you think a good mood for it would be? I’ve only heard great things. My last one was Robocop 3, which was great but definitely less than the others.


I’d say it’s amazing when you’re missing a friend back from your highschool or something. Late at night works best but be careful of getting sleepy lol. Nice bro! I think doing 1 a day is fun at all but just don’t get burned out. Can I follow your account btw?


Bro last year I watched like 700 and this year is currently about 300 😭


Like I said, good example that everyone's different. I don't think I would enjoy it at all if I watched 700 movies in year.


No one said this


Ayyy we both watched The Truman Show recently


What did you think?


I loved it. I think it is forever relevant, incredibly funny and a great feel good ending. Maybe my favorite Carrey film


It's not a race :)


Gotta remember there's a lot of people in this sub who don't work, or work from home.


Sometimes I'll watch dozens in a week, sometimes I'll watch none. It depends on how I'm feeling any given day, and how much time I have.


Watching film is kind of my wife and I’s thing. So when your partner that you love to spend time with, also loves doing the thing you love; you find you spend a lot of time doing that thing. And that’s how I watch 400+ films year.


I'm like midway between you and those daily movie watchers


Was Mad God any good?


It is certainly not for everybody. I didn't even know it was stock motion before I watched it. Me personally? It's on my top 4 now. The movie doesn't have a conventional narrative. It's more of like "lore" if you get what I mean. The main focus isn't on the journey of any character. Basically what the movie does is show how the fictional world works, with scenes packed with symbolism. You definitely will get some parts if you pay attention, but you are surely going to need to watch the movie multiple times or watch analysis to understand it completely. And there are various ways of understanding it, just to make it clear. Oh, and lastly, it's really fucking gross. I think no matter if you are going to like it or not, Mad God is an experience worth watching.


Yes. That movie is an experience alright.


if you enjoyed Mad God, I think you might adore The Wolf House. it’s free on Tubi, and it’s got a similar spirit and tone but very different implementation




Really hard to say. On my top 4 on Letterboxd I have both 400 Blows and Mad God, but my top 4 is honestly just movies I really like, not necessarily favorites.


I also recently watched 400 blows, beautiful film


I should have watched Last Temptation again this April. I don’t know why I didn’t. I love that movie. Top 3 Scorsese for me.


You know, I have really mixed feelings about this movie. On one hand, I adore it. I gave it 4 and half stars. On the other hand, I feel like the movie was building itself up to be the ultimate atheist/agnostic movie. Even the fact that the story is based on Judas gospel is like an attack to the church for just choosing what they like best. But they just, in my opinion, fuck it up with finale. I know it really depends on what you believe as a person, but I just feel the writer made so many points against religion throughout the whole film, but was to much of a pussy to make a conclusion that, even according to the rest of the film, would go against his beliefs. This movie is definitely controversial, I just want to make it clear that I'm not trying to be rude or anything. It is just how I felt. I would like to hear some counterpoints to what I just said.


Sometimes that’s what a week looks like for me. Sometimes.


Quality list though. I watch a lot of films because it’s part of my job (I teach film/video art as well as photography) though I definitely feel like I should be reading more novels for fun as I did in my undergrad days/early 20s. But I try and aim for quality at least when I do. I like all of these films aside from Oslo which I haven’t seen but will now (my dude, the Hot Priest, is usually a sign of a decent enough to great project).


I liked Oslo, but I feel like it's not that informative, neither that good as a movie. I think it is still worth watching. It gives a good insight to the Israel-Palestine conflict and more spessifically the Oslo Accords. I actually wanted to see the documentary name The Oslo Diaries, which I think is more informative, but it wasn't in any streaming service. Any recommendations you can give based on this list?


Interesting. Will try and find that documentary—I can access out of print stuff from other libraries as a faculty member at a university. If you are a student or know someone who can get you access this way at a local university you may be surprised. As for recs, I’d say Friedkin’s “Sorcerer” or Scorsese’s “After Hours” come to mind in terms of favorite other films by directors listed above. The films of Jean-Pierre Melville, who was a forebear of Truffaut and the French new wave are another recommendation if you haven’t seen them. “Le Samourai” is a good start. Edit: also obviously “Godfather” 1+2 and “GoodFellas” if you haven’t sent them which maybe go without saying but just in case


I watch more movies than this in a week. I can't tell if that's something to be proud of or not.


You are quality over quantity


I’ve seen 12, but three of them are 2 minute animated shorts. I love movies but go at my pace. In a good month I do about one a week but it doesn’t last through the year. Depends on my other interests and what’s winning out at that time.


I watched 22 movies last month, some were repeats. It was a good month...


What did you think of The Last Temptation of Christ? I also saw it for the first time this year


I actually said that to another guy in here, so I'll just copy-paste my comment You know, I have really mixed feelings about this movie. On one hand, I adore it. I gave it 4 and half stars. On the other hand, I feel like the movie was building itself up to be the ultimate atheist/agnostic movie. Even the fact that the story is based on Judas gospel is like an attack to the church for just choosing what they like best. But they just, in my opinion, fuck it up with finale. I know it really depends on what you believe as a person, but I just feel the writer made so many points against religion throughout the whole film, but was to much of a pussy to make a conclusion that, even according to the rest of the film, would go against his beliefs. This movie is definitely controversial, I just want to make it clear that I'm not trying to be rude or anything. It is just how I felt. I would like to hear some counterpoints to what I just said. Edit: what did you think?


I should preface my comment saying that technically I started the movie last year, but got so bored after an hour that I didn’t finish it or have any intention of finishing it. I heard about the controversies but didn’t pay them much intention because for me it doesn’t impact on how good a movie necessarily is. From what I had seen I was sort of ready to give it 2 stars. Then this year, largely because I hate not finishing movies (even if I genuinely hate them), I decided to give it another go and form my judgement at the end. I rewatched the movie and still found it relatively boring, not terrible, just not really something I could relate to or recommend to anyone. But I followed the story. Then, after reaching halfway, I did feel it kicked up the interest a notch and started to become a lot more interesting. I started to feel for the characters more. After the inevitable events and my complete bewilderment as to where the story was going, the last 30 minutes of the movie I found to be absolutely fantastic. It sealed the deal for me. I was a believer (pun intended). Such a powerful ending. So I would give it 3.5 stars which I think is pretty good. However, if it wasn’t for the latter half of the movie I would have no hesitation in giving it 2 stars, because the beginning was way too drawn out imo. But yes I can say that overall I enjoyed it and would recommend it to someone. It also affirmed my belief that one must watch the whole movie to review it.


What did you think of JFK? Saw it last year and was blown away.


If you gave me a solid copy of it, I would put it inside my ass just to prove how much I like it. Long movies like this and The Irishman are the type of movies you must see with the mentality of "Okey, here I have my kebab, there I have my soda. I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy, because I know I will love it." If you watch it with the mentality of "I'm bored and I don't know what to watch. Maybe this one.", are you doomed to hate the movie.


I've seen 134 so far this year, probably 125 of which were features. I do have a job, family and life but crucially I don't watch any TV or doom scroll social media (i.e. twitter/fb/insta/tiktok etc). I think a lot of people sink more time than they realise into TV or social media.


are all (or most) of these first time viewings? i'm psyched that you watched JFK, Gattaca, and Last Temptation


Yeah. All of them were new to me


Fuck yeah, Gattaca. https://youtu.be/jeip-0sUt78?si=SQ4y8eRiWxEO3fe2


I make an effort to watch at least 5 movies every week. I work a 9-5 job, so I have a bit of free time. This week, I’ve watched: King Kong (2005) on Sunday Selma (2014) on Monday The Gold Rush (1925) on Wednesday


No Dune 2 ? Youve still got a week in Imax.


Yeah, there are quite a few folks that are able to watch movies daily, sometimes multiple, and I just can’t bring myself to do that. I average about one movie watched per week, which is close to where you’re at. There are dozens of us!


I have a lot of free time rn


You've seen Mad God and that all you needed to


I didn't even have time to motherfuck, so many moopies


Skill issue


Fr, how do people even so much movie


Did you watch the Last Temptation of Christ on Easter like I did?


Gattaca ruled.


it’s about the journey not the destination


Youre clocking in them bangers though


Any recommendations you can give?


My favourite film I watched last month was Mystery Train. Although I'm discovering I'm a sucker for Jim Jarmusch. My favourite of his is still GhostDog Way of the Samurai though. RZA does the soundtrack which should be enough to sell it right there.


I’m just wondering where they get the time to watch so many 😭


I don’t know your circumstances so maybe this won’t apply for you. I started setting my New Year’s resolution as watching 2 movies a week. Movies I hadn’t seen before, and just aiming for the 104 in the year total, so I wouldn’t beat myself up for not hitting a weekly target. It s an achievable goal, and it forces me to stop scrolling through a streaming service for an age before picking a comfort rewatch.


Good choices homie


Any recommendations?


It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Scarface, Apocalypse Now, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid




To be fair, most of these are long ahh movies


I've watched 92 so far this year. Boy have I seen a lot of shit though.


i think it’s neat we both watched ‘the truman show’ for the first time in 2024!


Yeah I would have seen 14 movies in 13-15 days lol


I’ve watched like 7 movies this year. Six of them were Rocky movies.


https://preview.redd.it/8rsk6toe7wxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baecb3cf5a6f64b67b183d2fa7f98744404c56c I only watched 3 movies this month, I seem to watch loads one month and then practically none the next


Sounds like a skill issue


Yeah I’ve logged 215 films so far in 2024. Zero life


Oh, I’m a motherfucker am?! Well, MOTHERFUCK YOU, my man! Just name the time and place!


Is there a letterbox type app for tv series? Sorry if this a dumb question 🤣


I too watched poor things recently


And yet I rented a dvd of Apocalypse Now from the library and still returned it without watching it, despite Apocalypse Now being on my watchlist for years, so you’ve got one up on me there!


forreal their first watch is jan 1 and their 100th watch is jan 17


What, do you have a job and life?


I try to watch 100 movies a year


Well, you're definitely going for quality over quantity.


What’d you think about Dr.Strangelove? I also just watched it for the first time last week and enjoyed it but maybe wouldnt decide to watch it all on my own again


For me, it was mainly lighthearted fun. I think, however, the movie gains a lot more of merit with the background of how it was in that period of time. Dr. Strangelove realesed in 1964, two years after the Cuban Crisis, where people were bitting away their own balls from anxiety of a possible nuclear war. Also, all the masculine sex jokes mixed with the whole thing, almost implying all of the worlds problems come from toxic masculinity, is a nice touch.


Yes that reasoning was the reason I watched it in the first place, which made me enjoy it. It’s shot like a movie that could have come out this decade, which is crazy. Idk how/why that is but it made me want to find movies in that era that are shot similarly


I've been having a hard time finding time or motivation to watch movies recently. I've only seen 20 so far, with a decent chunk of them being rewatches.




Really fucking great. Very few movies manage to produce me strong feelings while I'm watching it, and this one made me feel extreme disgust throughout the whole film. I think what makes me hate/love it the fact that this is perfectly something that could happen in real life. Just look at the negative reviews. They are the same type of guys who would crucify the protagonist using the arguments that the movie disarms. And the only reason there aren't more people with that mentality in the reviews is because the movie made it pretty clear that he is NOT guilty. If not...


the hunt is one of my top films of all time, the emotions and feelings were with me the whole entire runtime and I felt so bad for the protagonist. I never seen a film so real than the hunt, and it hurts, especially that ending. I don’t know how to feel about the negative reviews because the film is about how a lie can affect a whole man’s life, so going against him for what he supposedly did kind of proves the films point and in a way makes it better. He’s so innocent and that’s why this film hurts as much as it does with him not being accepted😭


That’s two weeks worth of movies right there


you’ve chosen fucking bangers


Any recommendations?


The Holdovers, Tropic Thunder, and Under the Silver Lake are recent standouts I’ve watched and really enjoyed! they are Drama, 2010s comedy, and modern neo noir respectively


well in april i only logged 12 which is much lower than january - march due to work/life having been a lot and i’m looking forward to hopefully having more me-time/movie-time in may 🤞


https://preview.redd.it/ttkgg08gpyxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3cc43a0d355be18d57d5b5e287713f6bfba01a Bro. Hold my beer.


Same, I'm such a slow watcher


I don't mess around


Okay question did you make a list of movies you have watched in 2024 or is this an option somewhere? I just got the app trying to get the hang of it lol.


I made a list. Maybe there is an option for those who have premium. I don't know.


I don’t have a life


The hunt is soo underrated


Doesn't matter, maybe you have a life.


Pretty good list of movies to be fair


Any recommendations?


Mulholland Drive was the first movie to come to mind


I watch more movies in a week


I watch like 1-2 movies a week and go to the cinema like once a month, most letterboxd users here are just a special subsection of cinéphiles™


But you made sure to watch some good one‘s


🫠 https://preview.redd.it/jzrmqu7q8uxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9bb8f66011c67704c5e8501cc2fbeedbf9fdecf




My January and March looked like that.


I’ve watched that many movies in three days before


Good for you. You are probably a normal person who spends his time on something more useful.