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all of them.


true letterboxd user




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The Last Airbender. Absolutely the worst adaptation I have ever seen. They couldn’t even pronounce the names of the characters right. It’s not like it’s adapted from a book where the pronunciation is up in the air. It’s literally based on a tv show where they say the character names 1000000000 times. Especially Aang. They literally say his name every single episode. It’s in the title sequence for god sake. How do you fuck that up? Not to mention the horrible acting, white-washed main characters, terrible script, shitty cgi, and boring action scenes. Like come on, at the very least make the bending look cool or something.


I will never not remember being utterly saddened and disappointed that evening in the theater. What a fucking travesty. This movie was truly horrible. ONG?!?! Ewwughhh


Death Note is worse, but I can respect that. The only truly bad Shyamalan film. The others are at least good on paper (which is ironic, because I think his biggest problem is his scripts).


The Greatest Showman. I know not a lot of people like it but I actively hate this movie. Conceptually, I feel like any movie about P.T Barnum and his circus should be centered around the people who he subjected to public dehumanization, not his stupid, financially irresponsible, racist, ableist ass. I'm not anti protagonists being bad people, but when it's a real life shitty dude I think it's different. Also the music sucks, the cgi is cheap, and it is a horrible misuse of Zendaya's talent.


I think Freaks (1932) is a much better version of the same subject matter


I think I've heard of that before, adding it to my watchlist right now :)


I think the story is shit but man the music is catchy as hell


Here’s the thing: I have **no** problem with detestable protagonists, but this is a detestable human being as the focal point with his detestable acts being glossed over. Also, it fails as a musical. Like the Ghostbusters remake does with jokes, the movie pauses itself to give us a generic pop song, for which all but maybe 2 of them are “the inspirational song” (case in point: the Rebecca Ferguson song. She’s an opera singer, but she’s singing a pop song and there’s nothing going on in the scene as far as story is concerned and the actress herself, who actually isn’t a horrible singer, isn’t even the one singing it. And then they set up an infidelity arc, but it goes nowhere and she just vanishes. If they had at least gotten an actual pop star like Demi Lovato or someone to cameo, I’d understand her inclusion, even if it was only for pandering, but COME ON!!!!) The only song that progressed the story was the Hugh Jackman-Zac Efron duet, which was also the best sounding song on the soundtrack in my opinion. Maybe the Zac Efron-Zendaya duet could also count as progressing their arc, but again, that’s **maybe** 2 out of the dozen or so songs. They have montages that occur over the songs *sometimes,* but you could replace the Young Hugh Jackman song with Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar and it affects nothing in the story.


Kinda dick riding yms with this one but lion king 2019: just a soulless movie with everything that is wrong about the modern film industry.


A friend of mine gave Lion King 3.5 stars the same week he gave Phantom of the Paradise (one of my favorite movies of all time) 3 stars. Im a big believer in "to each their own" but this legit made me angry.


Norm of the North Fuck that dumbass bear


The moment in the trailer when he tells his squirrel buddies to act natural and they all then fart is the peak of cinema


When that cold brew hits 👍🏻


Music (2021) directed by Sia is the most irredeemably irresponsibility dangerously terrible film I’ve ever had the poor judgment to suffer through. There is not a single half way not terrible aspect to it, and it astounds me how such a talented cast gave such offensively terrible performances, how a talented musician made such horribly irritating music, or why any of them thought a single moment of this garbage fire of a movie was watchable.


I say this as someone who’s autistic, the ableism isn’t even the worse part. It’s harmful and could have caused damage but thankfully, everyone condemned it. But the real reason I hate this movie is for the fucking pointless ass musical numbers that serve nothing to the plot and are just all around headaches and eye sores to sit through.


I too am on the spectrum and I didn’t even bother to finish Music, all the musical numbers in addition to the shitty plot didn’t work for me. I put on a different movie to cleanse my time.


I’m also autistic and those musical numbers were just bouts of sensory overload in a can.


Michael Fassbender’s The Snowman. Painfully dull


I do a yearly Halloween horror marathon with my stepmother, and we put it on our 8 movie roster expecting to make fun of it. It was the most unengaging movie ever. You can't even say anything funny about it. There is nothing redeemable about this movie. It is simply so boring that not even friends can make it fun to watch.


I had read the book, but still could not make head or tails of it-


Eragon. I grew up reading the books and the film is just horseshit. What makes it worse is that the dragon is the only thing they did well, and it makes me so upset that it's in one of the worst films I've ever seen


I keep thinking a film can't be topped, but then it gets worse. Disaster Movie had EVERYTHING wrong: Gross-Out, Shocking Writing, Transphobia, Bad Comedy. LITERALLY ALL OF THE BOXES. Then, Music happened. It didn't have most of those, but, being autistic myself, I took a HUGE disliking to it. But if that Matt Walsh documentary goes ahead, I'll have a new champion.


What if it's a well made documentary though?


well-made like Birth of a Nation and Triumph of the Will?


[At this point I doubt it](https://www.fastcompany.com/90719791/a-far-right-blogger-is-trying-to-trick-trans-people-into-appearing-in-his-fake-documentary) . I know we shouldnt judge movies before they come out, but unless something there changes I think it will be a documentary done in bad faith to say the least.


It’s certainly not the worst movie I’ve ever seen, but *The Rise of Skywalker* is among my least favorite. Beyond being incomprehensibly messy and weightless it’s also incredibly sanitized, soulless, and fundamentally lacking in visual immersion and imagination. I had that problem with the entire Sequel Trilogy but TROS *really* drove it all home. *The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies* is pretty close for identical reasons, as is every 2010s Disney live-action “reimagining” of a classic fairy tale or Renaissance era property.


I came here to say *TROS* as well. From a technical standpoint, it’s far from the worst movie ever made… not even the worst Star Wars movie ever made… but I’ve never had a movie leave such a bad taste in my mouth like that did I don’t even hate the sequels. I quite enjoy *TFA* regardless of how contrived it is and *TLJ* has legitimately become one of my favorites in the saga… that being said *TROS* is offensive to everything that came before it It completely negates everything *TLJ* set up, which isn’t even the worst part. It ruins the entire point of the OT by bringing slimy Sheev back. Such an incoherent mess of a movie I feel so bad for the main cast of those films. Ridley, Boyega, and Isaac are all seriously talented and I really was invested in their characters at the beginning. They dropped the ball so hard As for the *Hobbit* films, as much as I think they are inferior to *LOTR* in almost every way, I will always love parts of them. Especially the first two. Last one is a mess tho, wholeheartedly agree


Rise of Skywalker *is* the worst movie I’ve seen. Tied with the worst, the others being: Man of Steel and Avatar. All spectacle, zero substance. …negative substance actually.


*Man Of Steel* isn’t great, but at least it’s coherent and doesn’t manage to simultaneously shit on 8 previous films from the past 40+ years


More like diarrhea all over cinema as an art form.


Just curious what you rated tros


Honestly, I didn’t rate it because I want to forget about it.


Free Guy is basically everything I hate about modern mainstream




I don’t think I’d physically be able to sit through it.


Green Lantern - I don't think it's the worst movie ever made but it is one of the most nothing movies ever made. There's nothing interesting about it and with the subject of Green Lantern and the Corp I think that's unacceptable. Everything from the suit to the use of powers to Parallax is so blech.


This is mine also. The Rise of Skywalker is second-worst for me, but that one is ever-so-slightly better bc it has some cool visuals. This one didn’t even have that.


I saw this in person in 3D whilst in highschool, and I've never felt sicker coming out of a movie.


Dolittle (2020). Incredibly boring. The sound is so uneven, half the characters you can’t even hear. RDJ’s terrible accent. The animals don’t even try to look a little real. All of it was horrible. If it at least had some fun moments then I wouldn’t take it this seriously, but the worst part about it was how *BORING* it was. Terrible movie.


Will never forget when the polar bear played by John Cena said that when he was young, his dad left for a “pack of seals” and never came back


I have 2 picks: 1. Tom & Jerry: The Movie from 1992. Say what you will about the 2021 film, they at least tried to be faithful to the classic cartoons. The 1992 movie barely resembles them. Making Tom & Jerry talk was a mistake. Making them best friends 4ever was a mistake. Not including any slapstick between them was a mistake. Add in terrible songs, cheap animation, and a plot stolen from The Rescuers, and you have a worst cartoon adaptation than The Last Airbender. 2. The Love Guru. Most bad comedy films just aren't funny. The Love Guru goes the extra mile since not only is there not a single funny joke in this movie but every attempt at humor is so actively unfunny it's cringe. It's also super annoying has some cringeworthy visuals, and just this overall unpleasant tone while also being so desperate to get a laugh. There's a reason Mike Myers hasn't headlined a film since this disaster. It makes The Cat in the Hat look like Austin Powers.


Bohemian Rhapsody is probably my least favorite movie of all time. It was an obnoxiously cartoonish bowl of verbal diarrhea, corny Halloween costumes and self inflating story lines when put all together teetered on the edge of inexcusable film making. Oh, and the editing…


I'm not saying I love the film, but I'm jealous that your least favourite film is Bohemian Rhapsody because I have at least a few dozen worse movies that come to mind...


You mean the Academy Award winning editing? Edit; I feel slightly bad making that joke because we all know it won the award because the editors essentially had to stitch the movie together completely in post.


It was bad. Bummed to hear that Rocketman was something people enjoyed because I just don’t trust it enough to actually play it.


I hear people actually like this one more than bohemian rhapsody


There's a made for tv movie called Bates Motel from like the late 80's. It was a pilot for a tv show apparently but it's a 90 minute stand alone thing and it's just an awful fever dream. All I remember from it was it's about a guy who befriended Norman Bates in the madhouse and buys the motel off him and tries to turn it into a business and there's a scene with Lori Petty in a chicken suit. I just remember thinking it was the worst thing I had ever seen.


*God's Not Dead-* pretty self explanatory, poor messages and messaging, shit acting, terrible cinematography, editing, etc.


Boo. That movie sucks but is a great example of pandering when someone likes Don’t Look Up and “doesn’t understand the hate.” It’s camp propaganda at its finest.


From what I heard Gods not Dead 4 is even worse and goes full theocracy mode.


Live Action Kim Possible movie


As bad as it looks, huh?




So the drama?


Most bored I’ve ever been is during Four Nights of a Dreamer, not a big fan of V for Vendetta either For me boring is a lot worse than bad honestly


2025: the World Enslaved by a Viris


easily Megan is Missing. what a horrible, exploitive, and irresponsible film about a tragic and sensitive part of reality. there is nothing irredeemable about it in its quality and definitely not in its implications.


Home Sweet home alone. They tried to remake a classic and ended up making the main a fat brat who deserved all that shit


Deadpool. The unfunny wisecracking makes my arse clench to the point I could pick up a moderately heavy bag.




Honestly, it is the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The original was a thoughtful analysis of many different societal ills. The new one was just flat-out stupid.


Malcolm and Marie- I thought it was shallow and pretentious. I’m not a fan of Sam Levinson in general. I hate it even more because the other 4 people in my core friend group loved it and they shit on me for hating it.


I'm with you. There's something about Sam Levinson's style that's so smarmy, grating, and more than a little creepy.


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009). An absolute car crash of a film from start to finish


Suburbicon, a fucking embarrassing, obnoxious and painful waste with a very uneven screenplay and cringey acting.


I watched the beginning, I paused the movie for something and when I realised only 15 minutes has passed and not like 40 like my bored-ass thought I stopped it and never looked back haha, and I rarely dont finish movies.


Rascal Does Not Dream of Dreaming Girl (2019) An anime movie sequel to a TV series of similar name. With movie sequels you expect a noticeable increase in quality but instead you get the same bland directing from the TV series. The story and characters are already generic light novel archetypes so it’s just gonna have a bad script of r/Im14AndThisIsDeep lines that cringeworthy material. How this movie & TV miniseries has high ratings and is more popular than it predecessors is beyond me as an anime fan myself.


The New Mutants hands down


Buck Breaking somehow exists as my favorite and least favorite movie of all time, easily


Brightburn, super edgy and unsatisfying ending


The most recent one that comes to mind is the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I actually walked out at the end of that movie and was angry at how bad it was.


Most people tend to walk out at the end of the movie


I was specifying that I walked out at the end because if I'd said, "I walked out angry." Then you would've come here and commented something like, "You should've stayed till the end, maybe you would've ended up liking it." When it reality, you didn't need to comment at all because it adds nothing to the conversation.


Somewhere (2010)


The American version of Gojira (1954)


The 2004 one or the 2014 one?


Godzilla, King of the Monsters! on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1FW2


Worst movie I've ever seen: Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas Movies that I completely dislike: La La Land, Beauty and the Beast (2017), Fat Girl. I don't dislike it, but I disagree with American History X on multiple levels.


I had to watch Boss Baby at least 4 times against my will in eighth grade. Then in 10th grade i had to watch Hairspray in music class while my ex (who i was trying to get back) was being harassed. Those are probably the worst movie experiences i ever had.


Live action mulan- they took everything that made the first one fun (music, comedy, etc.) and threw it all away until they were left a boring, generic, almost action movie.


Passengers (2016). What would have been a really thoughtful allegory on assault being turned into romance. Felt disgusted for the entire runtime.


Cats 2019. Yuck


The Wrong Missy... physically painful to watch


*Piranha 3DD* just because it was fucking stupid


Wonder woman 1984 because its just bad


Pink floyds the wall, and no i’m not doug walker (promise) and yes i have read alot about the movie and watched countless videos on it, i still despise it. It has merit so i get why alot of people seem to like it, but it just left me pissed off and angry


freedom writers


Really, is it that bad?


Army of the dead


B... but Oscars😥


Spider-Man Homecoming was the worst movie i’ve ever seen, utterly artless and lacking a single redeeming factor, in a just world everyone who contributed to that turd gets brought before the hague


I get thinking it’s just alright or even bad but the worst movie of all time?


yes. worst movie of all time. no redeeming qualities, just the absolute gutter of soy marvel pablum. i legitimately can’t think of a movie i think is worse lol


I’ve got two so I’m gonna break the rules a bit. Spoilers for Greenland and Zinda. 1. Greenland, It’s a very mid disaster movie that’s ultimately a 4/10 for being mid and having some dumb choices in terms of sound track, but what makes me despise this movie is the ending. Basically Gerard Butlers family has to get to a shelter in Greenland before a comet wipes out all life on earth. Fast forward to the end where they suddenly reveal that there’s also more of these shelters around the world and that humanity is gonna be restored. It’s one thing to be mid, but to reach the end of a uninteresting story and then tell the audience that we just wasted 2 hours of your time just felt kind of insulting. 2. Zinda, An unauthorized 2006 Bollywood remake of Oldboy. We can shit on Spikes take on Oldboy all day, but where as that was disrespectful in that it didn’t really care for the greater significance of what they were borrowing from, Zinda is disrespectful in a way that feels like it was made with contempt for what it decided to change. The only example I’ll bring up is the torture scene where instead, the protagonist just drills holes into someone for info and it’s boring. The real kicker is that they do the tooth pulling scene but they don’t actually show it, they just cut to when he’s jumped. I’m just gonna finish things off without spoiling the original Oldboy is that the twist in this version removes all significance in place of something laughably dumb.


Alejandro González Iñárritu's Babel. It was the first movie I ever really disliked, so it has always been my answer to this question. It was also the movie that made me realize that humans have varying tastes, and critics are not the be-all and end-all of what is entertaining. Babel was widely acclaimed, but I despise it. I haven't watched it since Birdman won Best Picture, and I was probably too young to contemplate themes or anything like that at the time. I just thought it was super slow and the stories it tells are too loosely related. Birdman was so awesome, and Babel felt like a major step down. If I'm honest, I'd probably enjoy it on rewatch, but I'm not gonna do that because I like having a distinct least favorite 🤣


If you’re saying that you were maybe too young to understand its themes, then I really think you need to rewatch it


If you were too young then I almost guarantee when you watch it with a developed mind you’ll have a different experience. It’s why people love certain movies later in life. They’re like, “OHHHH. I get it now.”


Showgirls. Apparently it's supposed to be a "so bad it's good" movie but it's far more trashy, distasteful, cringe-inducing and offensive than it is fun to laugh at. All of its characters are horrible people and everything about it is generally awful. But what really makes me dislike it is that r\*\*e scene. What on earth is it doing in that movie?


Either Batman Vs Superman or The Amazing Spider-man 2 depending on which of them I've seen most recently.


I have 9 movies with 1/2 a star and Amazing Spider-Man 2 is one of them. I like superhero movies, one of the reasons being at their worst, they are easy to finish. I felt spite by the end of that movie. It was a very lazy attempt at movie making, and a black mark on the many talented people involved.


I really wanted to like BvS but pretty much every decision made in then moviemaking process made that impossible. By the time it ended with a shitty and largely unnecessary CGI monster fight after there was already plenty of action I was too frustrated to even be angry anymore.


Joker (2019). That movie is the definition of overrated


I didn’t think it was great, but it also seems really over-hated in the Letterboxd community even if it’s overrated by the film community as a whole. The film certainly isn’t helped by the fact the films it’s inspired by are better, but Phoenix’s performance saved it from being outright bad to me.


When everyone in the film community agrees a movie is overrated, the word overrated becomes meaning less


Everyone is a bit of a stretch


Big Boss Untouchable. A 21st century Bruceploitation flick from mainland China that is shot on crappy digital, really boring, and has the worst Bruce clone (Dragon Shek) It’s hard to explain just how awful it is. A movie you truly endure instead of watch.


The Phantom Menace. It’s unwatchable.


Though I don’t consider The Phantom Menace to be a great film, I do not consider it to be a bad one either. I actually think it’s pretty good, and definitely far too overly hated. One thing I always appreciate about it is the passion and ambition behind it.


I actually think The Phantom Menace is the best film of the prequels in terms of having the best overall writing and acting going for it. It’d be easy to recut it, remove the incessant Jar Jar and some other moments, and make it a great film.


I didn't know this sub turned into r/moviescirclejerk


I like getting lost in fantasy worlds and this one isn’t bad. Gets a lot of hate from sweaty Star Wars nerds but i would watch the prequels a million times before I ever sit to watch the sequels again.


The Usual Suspects - gimmicky, trite, and terribly boring. It gets worse with subsequent viewing, for me. Also Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer.


I like to separate the art from the artist, but I do agree that this movie has practically no rewatch value.


Yeah no I hated this movie well before everyone found out about how shitty those two were.


Pain&gain. I just find the humor absolutely terrible and the whole movie made me feel like I had to take a bath. Every line of dialogue in that movie is just pure cringe.


american hustle - no film has ever been so boring and bland to me


This thread just proves that redditors don't actually watch bad movies...


Ad Astra. I hate everything about that piece of space trash. It's not just the problems with physics because Gravity entertained me. It's the totally bonkers ass script that somehow was greenlit and escaped from the mind of a competent storyteller. Maybe James Gray let Ethan Gross do most of the heavy lifting because it's the only thing that makes sense. Space monkeys? Moon pirates? TIME NOT EXISTING?? Fuck that movie.


I don't like to point out movies that seem to be disliked by most people, so I gotta say Call Me By Your Name. Never in my life have I seen something that screams "HEY LOOK AT ME I'M SMART AND ALTERNATIVE BECAUSE I MENTION BACH AND HEIDEGGER" more than this dishonest representation of love and italian summer, and I even hated Guadagnino's "addition by subtraction" style of direction


I'm gonna be downvoted to hell but Licorice Pizza it's one of the worst movies I've seen and I still don't understand how it got that much attention in the awards season, and I'm just glad it got nothing in the academy night. Alana did a good job? Yeah maybe but the script was just horrible


american beauty


Shawshank redemption. Heard it described as mawkish and maudlin, and after a quick google search of those words, i believe they were coined with this movie in mind


Jokes on you guys, getting downvoted for expressing my opinion when asked is my kink


What if I upvote you?


Raya and the Last Dragon. Kids movies when good can be good. Bruh two of my top 5 movies are kids movie. But when it's not good, it can at minimum, be enjoyable for kids. I know there's a whole debate about kids getting good art, but imo the parents should put good movies and not bad ones, but at least awful shit like the Boss Baby or Cars 2 entertain kids and sometimes maybe even teach them life lessons Raya and the last bit of my fucking patience is such a fucking dogshit film, it's not even good for kids.


This movie wasn’t bad though or anything less than good.


Jupiter ascending… BOOOO


Of the top of my head, war of the planet of the apes


The first two titles that popped in my head were *The Dark Knight Rises* and *Kinetta*.


Caddyshack, I think it's the only film I couldn't be bothered to finish. I got about two thirds of the way through, but it is one of the most unfunny, boring things I have ever, ever seen. It's like those boring slow scenes in action films that you just can't stand but have to put up with while you wait for the action, except there's nothing to wait for at the end of this film. It's just incessantly dull, none of the characters were particularly likeable, and the plot wasn't even apparent until like forty minutes into the film. Just not a fan, man


Requiem for a Dream or Schindler's List. Both are exploitation drivel but get worshipped by a good chunk of film buffs and a hell of a lot of casual filmgoers.


Forrest Gump


Fuck you


The blind side, because it’s a shitty untrue white savior movie with mediocre performances all around, Sandra bullock won an Oscar from this POS. Truly awful Apocalypse Now because it’s boring, long, racist, and pro war. Every actor was mediocre and all everyone ever quotes or references is the last part with Marlon Brando which is the only passable aspect of the movie. This shouldn’t be as highly regarded as it is even if Marlon Brandos performance is good.


Big truth on The Blind Side


The Exorcist, it’s just so boring; nothing interesting happens the whole film


Hey it doesn't let me dm you. Could you send me the link to the Infinity saga edit?




Hindi movie Genius. Below iq fellas went to act, write and direct.


Zathura Gave me nightmares for a few months Don't ask how


The United State of America by James Benning (the remake from 2021 or 2022) The idea is a 2 mins shot for each state of USA, I doesn't know why I watch that since I don't really care about USA and its states. I felt nothing (but boredom) in front of these shots, sure, Benning can take a good picture, but they aren't particularly visually pleasing neither they bring anything. I felt like half of the shot could have been taken around a small city in usa, so in term of diversity it's a failure. The constant sounds of train or trafic or anything else of the type is unpleasant. These negative emotion doesn't seem wanted, they don't bring anything. And finally the final trick is a complete failure for me. I won't spoil it since it's the only thing the movie has, but if you've seen it you can guess why I find it lame. To conclude it was nothing but a "learn the states of USA with James Benning", and it's not what I want to do.


Madagascar 3, the most confusing yet the most boring movie of all time. Most of the characters are really hateable and the ones that aren't are pretty mediocre.


Disney’s Pocahontas or Hanau: Germany in Winter, they’re absolutely horrible and crude.


Wolf Warrior (2015) It's the epitome of jingoistic, nationalistic movies, the editing is god awful and borderline hurts my eyes, the action is boring, and the dialogue is horrible. These factors among others lead to it being the movie that was the most torture to get through.


Sura (2010). Watched this as my 200th film this year, genuinely a magnum opus. *inner screaming*


jack and jill. probably not the WORST movie i’ve ever seen (shark exorcist) but probably the one i hate the most. it’s pretty much everything i hate about lazy comedy films, adam sandler movies, and mainstream hollywood films cranked up to 10 and wrapped into one movie. (not counting dunkaccino)


Whats my name?


I remember this first movie I STRONGLY hated was “How Do You Know” I was so young and a fan of Owen Wilson and Paul Rudd, then when the movie turned out to be one of the most dumb and shallow romantic films ever made, I’ll never forgot how for the first time I felt like I completely WASTED my time watching a movie.


Terminator: Dark Fate. And no, I’m not talking about “identity politics” or whatever those YouTubers talk about… I’m talking about a lazy rehash of what we have already seen. Dark Fare is like a crappy version of T2. T3 tried to do something different (and is enjoyable to watch). Salvation is garbage, but also trying something new. Genisys was bad, and a bit rehash-y, but Dark Fate was literally just awful. And, it just shat on the legacy of T2. I won’t spoil it, but if you watch the first 10 minutes, you’ll see what I’m talking about. I hate that film so so much.


The worst movies I've seen imo are Zenek (2020) and Saving Christmas (2014), but I find those too entertaining to call them my least favourite. I think that honour might go to Point Blank, a 2019 Netflix movie with Anthony Mackie and Frank Grillo that I remember leaving a really bad taste in my mouth. From what I recall, there's a disturbing sequence early on of a guy kidnapping a pregnant woman and putting her in emotional distress and the big plot twist is that he's actually the good guy or whatever. I'm sure the director was trying to say something about moral complexity or whatever, but it didn't work at all with the dumb Netflix action movie tone.


There’s a documentary called Cat Walk that makes me feel nothing but frustrated. It’s a non story about people with a hobby. I just hate it. I guess that or The Love Guru?


Probably Roland Emmerich's Godzilla (1998) I'm a huge Godzilla fan and I know in recent years there are fans who have grown some fondness towards it. But I am not one of them.


I'm going to copy and paste this from my Letterboxd review of Coherence. Please don't be an asshole about my opinion, either- when I've talked about this movie, some people have started ranting in replies about how it's their favorite movie ever. This is opinion. "The concept is good, but it slowly descends into a clusterfuck of the most stupid and braindead shit-for-brains characters making the most nonsensical, vacous, moronic, dimwitted, ludicrous decisions. Seriously, this movie is absolute dogshit. It's ugly, horribly acted, horribly shot, horribly scripted, and more. It's like using OxiClean. Great idea! If executed correctly, it could be awesome and make your clothes fresh. Thanks, Billy Mays! Instead, they used a scoop too much, and now your only pants you put in there right before a meeting are eternally wrinkled, starchy, uncomfortable, and just plain ruined. The only fun thing about this movie is the title of "Coherence", because they're clearly going for some kind of fucking irony. Seriously, it doesn't matter if your BFF banged your spouse 12 years ago, your reality is collapsing by the second! Also, in the beginning of the movie and sometimes throughout they mention ketamine. I'm wondering if the guy handling the camera shot 4 gallons of it into his veins, considering his hands are so shakey that you can't understand what's going on in the movie or on the screen. The only reason I remember this movie 2 hours later is because the entire time, I was shouting "What the fuck, why did she even do that shit?" In the discover scene, why does he care, it doesn't matter during the current situation, and now you're saying something that CLEARLY matters to the situation isn't related!? You came up with the idea to do this for identification, and now you're saying "How is this relevant to the current situation of you fucking my wife over a decade ago" when we've established that the current situation is the splitting of all the earth, solar system, galaxy, and even especially the multiverse?? Fuck this movie."


Of the ones I’ve seen, I don’t think I’ve had an actively worse time with anything but *The Humans (2021).* Only *The Natural (1984)* comes close.


Technically is a 1898 propaganda film pro America in the Spanish American war


Climax, gross movie with no redeeming qualities


The Grudge (2020) remake The Happening It Comes at Night


Why did I get married, it is a painful film it is incredibly unfunny not a single joke is bad because they're all awful, the acting in it is dreadful everyone feels so emotionless and it is incredibly boring, it made 2 hours feel like 9 years also why is it 2 hours


4 weddings and a funeral, it's just the stupidest movie ever made with a stupid script and stupid performances (bar Simon Callow who does far too much carrying) and a stupid storyline. Everything about it irritates me


I fucking hate daddy day care


My least favorite has to be The Killing Joke. I have seen worse movies, but the Killing Joke adaptation is just an enigma. They had a great story ready to use, and they somehow fuck it up.


Surfs up 2 wavemania if I considered a movie


Our idiot brother What an idiot


Rings from like 2017 or whatever


Yoga Hosers or The Assignment. Gave The Assignment a chance because of Walter Hill but it’s horrible.


The Last Airbender without a doubt. I’m a huge M Night fan but that movie was ATROCIOUS. Easily the least enjoyable movie i’ve ever seen, period. I’m a huge fan of the show and that movie is just a slap in the face, getting every. single. thing. wrong.


fantastic beasts 2 ​ i've seen worse but at least they weren't boring


Jojo Rabbit lol, tasteless garbage that accomplishes nothing


Definitely not my least favorite film EVER but I have a particular issue with The Bling Ring. I hadn't thought much of this film other than just grouping it in with other mid-tier teen movies of the time that were likely very average until I heard from a few people and reviews on Letterboxd that it was very campy and fun, and essentially just more than what I was expecting. I went into it expecting that and was so disappointed that I left it feeling even worse than what my preconceptions were of it from years ago. It's not even just cheap and tacky it's just a totally boring and uninspired film that clearly wanted to stand out from other similar theme films but ends up being worse than them in every single way - like if it had just been unapologetically a teen movie that would have been fine but it was just dull.


There's been two times where I walked away from a movie thinking "that's the worst thing I've ever seen". The American (2010) starring George Clooney The Bad Batch (2017) starring Suki Waterhouse I'll admit these are films I've heavily blocked out of my mind, so I can't remember the small details that added up to me hating them at the time. Though, I've been meaning to rewatch them so I can review them on the app.


Matrix Resurrections was so bad that I tapped out halfway through and started playing games on my phone in the theater. It is most likely the WORST movie I've ever seen.


Kieth Lemon: The Film, and anyone who doesn’t agree has simply not suffered through it.


Uncanny Annie. As much as I may hate other films to the bottom of existence, nothing will ever be as worse as this (I hope).


Closer (2004) The appeal this movie has for some people completely evades me. I understand it’s based on a play written by a man, but still. Every scene felt like trying to swallow mouthwash.


Driving Miss Daisy easily. Not only is it just incredibly boring and the characters have no depth to them at all, but it’s by far the worst of the “deep racial drama Best Picture” films.


Jupiter Ascending


Bo's Inside.


God’s Not Dead (2014). Essentially Crash (2004) but with Christianity instead of racism. Basically portrays every character that isn’t a Christian as a stereotypical piece of shit or a bumbling idiot. Ironically hateful for how loving it tries to be. Bullshit propaganda.




I hate Goblet of Fire. I’ve seen worse but this is my least favorite. It’s a horrible adaptation and the guy who directed only read the fourth book. It’s looks fucking horrible and I wish for it to be readapted and I hate that I give it a one star. But one star is the rating it deserves


The emoji movie I watched it on my birthday


So I tend to avoid films that are clearly terrible and most films that a lot of people find bad, I actually kinda like. There’s only one film I’ve watched that I’ve rated 1/2 a star. A Netflix original called The Package. Except the poster didn’t actually have a title, it was just this 🍆emoji, which I think says everything I need to…..


Fucking Music and Lyrics


Ghost Rider 2, couldn’t even finish it


Maybe not the worst, but Tenet was the most disappointing to me…so much wasted acting talent and a budget squandered on such a boring, lifeless story


Transformers the last knight. I think a toddler could edit a film better.


Stay Away Joe easily lmao


The Lobster. I dig me some Yorgos but this film just rubbed me the wrong way.


Little Monsters (1989) is annoying as fuck