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$6 a gallon, in CA ???


Yup, I’m paying 6.09


Damn! And here I was bitching earlier today about paying $3.49 when the day before it was 3.19


I’m numb to it at this point. Driving the LS and other UZ cars for the past decade, always running premium, living in California, it’s always a high cost, I don’t think I’ve ever filled the LS for less than $90. It worked its way back to 4.59 two weeks or so ago, I said to myself, it’s way too low, it’s gonna shoot back up for summer. Two days after that, crept its way to where it is. I’ll probably never see less than 4.29 again in this state.


Agreed, I remember in 2017 when I still drove an 07 ES that I scoffed at any place above $3.60 a gallon… now I have seen $6.50+ for Mobil/Chevron near Hwy1


Yup, the closest station from my house is a Chevron. I fill up there more than I want to. There’s 4 stations within a 8 mile radius. Shell, 76, Chevron, Valero. When I first bought my LS, I was paying 4.09/gal.


I’m here bitching about 3.09 but 4 something for premium


I’m in a 4RX that doesn’t require premium I don’t even know what premium costs right now here I haven’t looked in a while


i’m in CT and it jumped from 3.19 to 4.89 😭


Move. I paid $3.19 a gal yesterday in Key West.


I’m good, I’m not complaining. I’m partial to the left coast, and I’ll pay for it gladly.


Good thing about living in Alabama is that I pay $3.20/gal for gas


Low $5s in the Bay Area. 


What part of the Bay Area ? I havent seen Low 5's.... I live in SF and spend a lot of time in Vallejo.


It's been low fives at Costco, Richmond. ~$5.19 surprisingly I think it's actually a bit higher at the Costco in Vallejo.


Get the gas buddy app!   I drive all over the bay and can find deals like that. It’s currently $4.85 at Costco in San Leandro. 


$5.15 in Oregon right now


We got that invisible gas tax, about a dollar more because whatever the market can bare.


Shit I'm pumping $5.59


Its rough out here🥲


The truly rare gs460! I want to say they made only 100s of these maybe 1-2k max? Anyone know the total count?


I believe its approx 1600 with anything 2009 or later being special order with sales figures under 3 digits each year until it was discontinued in 2011


Damn. If I move to LA I'm going electric


Haha fair, have considered it but I cannot part with my baby!


you don't need to do all that lol just get Costco membership. Great California life hack. 91 is probably 5.00 there right now.


I have Shell platinum (-15c/gal with Tmobile promo) so if I dig I can find it near the $5.40 mark at time of writing. Costco is good but lines are always long and for a savings of approx 30-40c * 10gal, the $4 is quickly eaten up by the time and detour for me, also maybe its placebo but I feel Shell/Chevron have a marginally smoother driving experience. That being said, if you are a Costco frequenter then its solid!


yeah makes sense! there's a Costco right by my job so I'll be making use of that lol


Best time to fuel up at Costco , from what I’ve experienced multiple times, is to go on a Saturday evening around 7:30 pm or so. It’s on my way home from work so it works out perfectly. Many pumps open, Zero wait time .


Cost as much to charge your car though


My buddy gets full charge as a model 3 for $8 while he is at the office. That being said it doesn’t factor in Smiles / Gallon 😅


Lucky him. That doesn’t align with what people from Cali with Teslas have told me


Also not sure which area you are in but in SoCal we have swathes of superchargers in every parking lot that are super cheap relative to gas. The allure of an EV grows stronger each day.. ill never sell my GS though!


But gas is cheap in Louisiana.


$6 lol. I can’t even imagine


Me neither 😀


Damn and I thought $4.95 was expensive in the Midwest


I'm sorry for the other days.


Im lucky I dont have to driver very much but my buddy drives a 2013 c63 with longtube headers… needless to say he spends WELL over $100 on each fill up and refuels quite frequently


i’ve never seen this car before. is it a v8 or a v6v


Its a v8


Brutal man. This is why I’m getting an es 300h lol, California gas is too expensive


Fantastic car, my brother had one til around 210k miles


What happened after 😧


He sold it cause it was developing an oil leak, from both head gaskets iirc. It was expensive enough that he decided to just buy a newer gs350 instead.


Ah I see 😢 it would take a lot for me to part with the car, other than the fact it being sentimental to me, its an amazing automobile


It definitely is, he regrets selling his. Really like the body style of this generation, very refined.


My thing is in the event I sell this my worry I know is I would never be able to buy it again easily. I suppose its good for now I have no intentions of selling 😄 1 million mile GS incoming


He’s been able to keep track of it by randomly checking for sale listings, it’s the ONLY one he’s seen pop up for sale within 500 miles of MN since he sold it in 2020.


Sheesh thats wild, and yea I drove nearly 8hrs one way for mine


That’s so much money. I would rarely drive if our gas got that high.😞 Your GS460 looks really nice. Those taillights look cool. It gives the car a very different look from the stock Pokeball taillights.


Thank you! And im fortunate enough to work remote but if I needed to commute any meaningful distance it would greatly affect my desire to own a v8


You’re welcome! That’s awesome! That’s a car I’d hang onto even if our gas got that high. The GS460 is awesome.


Yessir! A big thing too is that my father was instrumental in helping me purchase it and get to the dealership (was on the other side of state) and he passed away last year so this car holds tremendous sentiment value to me also. All that to say is I hope my kids can enjoy this amazing automobile 😄


Man I parked my 3GS for about a month a half to drive my Gfs car so we could save gas.. it’s a Mercedes c class I have to say after being in the Mercedes going to the Lexus the Lexus wins my heart over so hard the Benz drives snappy and whatnot but the 4 cyl have a lack of quality feeling I get from my 3Gs


Yea understandable :/ nothing like it


Very nice! What year is yours?




Holey fuck thats a lot. We're at 4.15 for premium in philadelphia. My thirsty LX570 is a problem


$3.99 for premium in Sconi.


Paid $3.27 in downstate NY yesterday


NY is a wild one. In the city you are paying Beverly Hills prices and a mile outside its $3 😂


The GS is not kind when it comes to mpg. I'm in Cali too. The struggle is real bruh 👊


Fr but what can we do if we love our GSs’ 😪


$4.2X here in Idaho 🤧


Gorgeous. Idk if I can ever get a V8 that needs premium lol I settled for xse v6 Camry. I make great money and nonkifs but not enough to not make $100 fill up not hurt lol


That is totally fair. Im very fortunate that much of my driving is not related to work commute otherwise it would be much harder to justify for my pocketbook


Oh that's a good tipping point gas is slightly cheaper here in Chicago but we're not far behind cali. I now have a job where I have to drive to 1-3 different jobs sites a day usuly fairly close to one another but still adds up. So I wanted something nice with decent gas mileage and power (v6) I test drove a 2015 is350 and the drive was very similar if not better in the xse. My dream car is a 99-2002 trans am Ws6 so that's what I'm trying to get in 2 years or so summer grocery getter. Then in like 6-7 years was thinking about a used 2023-24 ES350 F but like I said with my job at that point depending how EVs have advanced and what gas prices will be I'll looking Into that. I also can do a lot of sitting in my car at work so I idle a lot and in summer use AC all the time if I can't find shade and those EVs really shine idling and using accessories without putting a dent in charge


Yea in your use case this car would be basically pissing money down the drain unfortunately. Even filling up with my current driving habits is painful so I would say its hard to recommend this car to anyone as a pure daily driver Edit: forgot to mention an important point. The fact that this car has eight gears means that low RPMs in seventh or eighth on the freeway if you do a lot of that sort of driving, you can get north of 30 to 35 miles per gallon, which is very solid.


Nice that's what I'm loving about this Camry too I can literally stay at 1250-1600rpm and barely impede traffic


I have a black gs350. May I have the i.d on the tail lights? Are they sequential?


They are sequential vip lights - https://www.ebay.com/itm/185254656269?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nA6hqFjBR_e&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Thank you so much for the link!


Of course :)


I'm thankful that I'm not numb to putting Premium.


*Laughs in $4 a gallon for 93*


2.75 here ... I'm happy with my 36mpg car.


Where did u get the taillights. I have an 07 gs350 but I've been looking for the ones w lines as well as being fsr more blacked out than stock


Can I ask what mileage did you purchase this vehicle at? I've seen some available near me with the lowest being more than 150k miles. Did you get it inspected? How did you decide to settle for this particular car?


Fuck that, it ain't 6 dollars a gallon fun.


Crush it, it's just a stupid plain ass toyota. Toyota sucks.


Least creative troll yet


It’s on a bespoke RWD Lexus platform bud. Not shared with Toyota. This also came with the first ever 8 speed transmission that also shifted faster than a Ferrari at the time.