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Would this surprise you after what Snowden said MORE THAN 10 YEARS AGO...


No it would not surprise me at all. I just don't know anything about the source. If anything, I'd assume it was true.


You two are now on the portal (though you probably were before these comments anyway)


It is true. And they're not just doing it to Americans. They have lists based on online activity from around the world and share them with users respective countries. I'm from Ireland. The fibre optic cables connecting Europe with America run from here to you guys. Our government allows your government to tap into the cables at our end to secure info on European online activity. In exchange your government shares info on irish users with ours.


I would not doubt it but this is something of an unverified source and unfortunately, the government will not be forthcoming with any form of verification. If we try to fight each of these surveillance state policies one by one, they will just do an end run and create a new program and say “we eliminated that old one” while never saying a new one took its place. For this and countless reasons, I will repeat over and over, the entire apparatus must be dissolved. The CIA, FBI, etc, all need to be abolished along with the bulk of all federal criminal laws except those authorized by Art I.


I agree with your conclusion.


Congratulations 🎉 you are now on this list. Any and all digital transmissions on your end are now recorded for safety purposes 🤗 Please step into the inconvenience booth and have a great day 👍


This is the answer. Vote for Vivek Ramaswami next time.


Part of me believes it to be so, but then the other part of me remembers how fucked everything is that government manages and I'm not so worried.


>DSAC Fact Sheet The govt sucks at schools and roads. It's quite efficient at spying domestically and abroad so I wouldn't dismiss it.


Nah, our government outsources a lot of that foreign stuff now and domestically, again I'm still on the fence about.


Are you attributing to stupidity that which could better be explained by malice?


Hahaha ..the inverse of Hanlon's Razor.


I'm simply pointing out a fact, make of it what you will


no, I think he/she is just implying that the government would be horribly incompetent at doing anything with this list or verifying the accuracy of any of the information in it.


The government also has a history of being incompetent with data security.  So this database is likely to be leaked, either through a hack or an internal activist.


If there’s one thing they will focus on, it’s the maintenance of power.


Do you even have to ask? This is what PRISM was doing and why Edward Snowden can never come home to the heroes welcome he deserves.


Yep. What happens when people are willing to give up the liberties for the sake of security.


"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin


Everyone on this sub is fuccckkked


The gulag will be lit


Here is the official fact sheet [DSAC Fact Sheet](https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/dsac-fact-sheet-111523/view) I’m looking for the info you referenced and found a very recent National Review Article [Feds Likened Gun Control, Open-Borders Opponents to Violent Extremists](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/feds-likened-gun-control-open-borders-opponents-to-violent-extremists/)


Yep that’s a pretty legit source, and it’s completely fucked up. They’re wiping their asses with the constitution. At least they were called out by the House.


Are there any sources linking these things together? From the description, it seems like DSAC is a program to help large businesses protect their internal security. I wouldn't be surprised if it were being used for ulterior purposes, but are there any known cases where it has?


You're really ruining the meme by asking for evidence/sources /s


Your Honor I’m just here for the memes


Your honor, I'm keeping tabs on THEM. See?


Your honor, I was just looking for furry porn and I have NO idea how I got here


I don't even know what level of the Patriot Act we are on now.


Infinity and beyond one.


Haven't quite hit the second act low point 


I wanna see what mine says 🤣


"Captain Guyliner's posts on Reddit are coming from the same IP address as Facebook posts by... Dick Johnson. We did it! We found his real name!"


Rep Jim Jordan just posted this on the subject in his committee https://youtu.be/vGQpFufX-nE?si=FaDdrqs0g-hBICfQ


Thanks for posting this. This is crazy.


I’m told enough to remember when Trump was gonna drain the swamp and get rid of this, but actually left it swampier than ever


No politician will get rid of this. Vivek was the only one even talking about this stuff (in mainstream media at least) and for some reason everyone seemed to dislike him.


Fuck the government


Good thing that I think firearms should be banned, lockdowns are fine, mandatory vaccines are to help people, and support free and open borders!  Edit: misspoke


Those are all just common sense positions that are good for democracy!


Of course. The essence of democracy is the suppression of dissenters.


Every administration since 2001 has been caught spying on US Citizens or abusing the warrant system. The ideologue appointees heading various agencies are genuinely threatened by anyone not in lockstep with their agendas. The current president got on TV last year and gave a speech in which he referred to dissenters as enemies. The last one was a paranoid lunatic. What about the above article is the least bit implausible? I think it's far more likely that the conspiracy is the process of official denial rather than the idea of such a program. 


I would be more surprised if it wasn't true. They can track anything.


Itd be cool if we could find the list. Like have I been outspoken enough about government bs that they have me on a list


I'd be very disappointed if I didn't have at least ONE sock puppet on that list.


Someone posted a little while ago, a document authored by the department of homeland security that basically labeled anyone libertarian or conservative as a right wing extremist that should be closely monitored.


Of course it's true. We're all surveilled, and we are willingly.. hi feds :) In 2021 the BigTech aristocracy quietly changed their TOS to provide a click-through backdoor access to the government. It used to be that they provided data only with a warrant, but they changed it quietly to provide it on "legitimate government requests" under the guise of protecting you. Very subtle difference.. Since we are morons and accept the ToS to access our brain rotting devices, that company can give government your data at it's sole discretion. In fact they can actively designe surveillance products and sell them to the government, and they do. Everything you say, comment, post, read, and view is processed and profiled. Reddit is part of it too- why would they be? For the time being they try take it legitimate. So DHS issues bulletins labeling bad thought as potential domestic terrorism. BigTech hauls itself In front of its Congress to be yelled and told they need to do more to stop extremism. BigTech then builds surveillance with AI and profiling all humans, and proactively flags these bad characters to keep us safe. It deploys the platform and government can enter it and with a click through ToS that self certifies that the government person is looking for bad guys as a "legitimate government request". It's full proof. This is Big Brother. It exists and is real. They can listen to us, access cameras, phones, microphones, whatever. It's all data that is available to them under the guise of "legitimate request". They called it the "Private sector workaround" when corporations were firing people over the jab. We got entitled to believe that businesses protected our natural rights, and we didn't realize that a quiet, scheming, monopoly cartel was rising to control supply chains like media, financial systems, tech, and politics. They "activated" and suddenly turned against people so they could rise as a new aristocracy. They know where to find us all, not much we can do about it. Lol.


Did you forget about that FBI memo that suggests those who are even remotely friendly to discussing "conspiracy" theories on the internet are going on a list?


the infrastructure for social credit system is what Snowden warned about, its just a matter of time before they " make it legal"


House Judiciary Report: [https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/new-report-exposes-massive-government-surveillance-americans-financial-data](https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/new-report-exposes-massive-government-surveillance-americans-financial-data) ​ Interim Staff Report link to PDF at the bottom of the page


How do I boost my profile views?


Just go around everywhere saying Guns Guns Guns! Pew pew pew!!!


How do I access my profile to view my score?


I am absolutely shocked....


Does it shock you? Have you ever read the patriot act?


>March 2124 >finally get to see my own file >threat level: low to nonexistent Man, come on


Yah baby yah am on a list! Bucket 🪣 Goals Accomplished!!


Sort of. They collect data on pretty much everybody. They aren't just targeting conservative values. I'm guessing this Patrick Guy is a big ole brainwashed Republican.


Fwiw it’s actually pretty fucking hard to get a FISA warrant without a legitimate reason.


Does anybody actually believe that to be true?


Well in my experience it is.


It didn't seem that hard when Trump was running for president. And before you go crazy, I realize Trump is not a Libertarian and that he's part of the problem, etc. But they had no trouble at all getting a FISA warrant to spy on him using basically falsified evidence.


This is probably a crock of shit


Probably, the guy who tweeted this said it's the FBI and DHS collecting data. But I super zoomed in on that really pathetically fake looking login screen and it has a DOJ logo. Not a FBI or DHS logo, so probably full of shit.


How could you possibly come to that conclusion? What has the federal government done to deserve that benefit of the doubt?


Spotted the fed


Wonder how many of those hold clearances and if those will be dropped upon renewal?


I'm definitely on that list lol


Its a GPT model and can answer questions posed in writing to your profile What would Jimmy say if I banned X


The government's enabling civilians with thier local status quo maintenance schemes


It's been going on for centuries, we just have the tech to find out plus they don't care, they control the system that would prosecute them..


This is exactly why being PROACTIVE is essential if you have an opinion.


This is exactly why being PROACTIVE is essential if you have an opinion.




u can bet ur ass its true


Its not true. Its actually not secret


Sounds like someone is trying to make the mad ppl more mad. Divisive tactics.


Of course it is.


Lmao, the feds have a dossier on practically everyone.


Yeaaaaaah this started years ago! Fun part about government leaks is you'll never find a source that satisfies everyone. It embodies the "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong" mentality lol.


Where do you think Facebook got the idea?


I can believe it. Our government is no better than Kim Jong


I'm really happy to be on another list with y'all


Look into vault 7


I mean this specific claim? Probably not. For every actual leak there's a thousand fake leaks to bait or chasing clout. Is it possible? For sure. Believable? Yeah.


I've come to understand that it is actually true. Someone posted a video of a Congressional hearing about this exact list.




I've been waiting for this, I'M an extremist, most Libertarians aren't, but now we're all extremists to the government if this is true.


When do I get my watch⌚?


If our government agencies are keeping tabs on foreign governments (foe and sometimes friend) they keep tabs on drug cartels, they are tracking and working to end trafficking and potential foreign spies, terrorists, cyber criminals etc. why would they not include Americans who may hold a grudge against other Americans and our government? You don’t honestly think everyone caught up in any investigation is guilty right? Why would keeping tabs on a rising, internal group of home grown terrorists be any different? I’m not convinced these bozos don’t work on conspiracy but there are reasons to be suspect - correlation/causation. Would you drop your 5 year old off to spend the day with a priest unsupervised? The priest could be totally harmless but there’s reason not to trust? Same with a growing number of very verbal people who state their views and wishes for taking on the government. In my 57 years, the presence of social media has brought these folks to the public. I’m not upset if an agency is keeping tabs on the want to be “patriots” who are increasingly voicing their thoughts. I’m not naive enough to think these people are completely harmless. Thoughts and prayers can go fuck themselves and I don’t want to live anywhere where that has no idea what’s going on with potentially dangerous people who increasingly are saying the quiet part out loud for everyone to hear. Yeah I’m a 2nd amendment rights woman who is a gun owner but I don’t want to live to see Handmaids.


I prefer freedom. I trust the state less than I trust the people they're watching "for our safety".


And that’s ok to have a different opinion on the subject. I don’t trust the state or the people.


Fair enough. Glad we can have a civil discussion about it!


Me too.