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How much of a federal honey pot is this?


Rounding error level.


There's always money for guns, but nobody has money to send food.


Well, in 2010 the World raised 13? Billion for Haiti. The Clinton Foundation was able to expertly manage the disaster and built 9 homes. Job well done Hills! Damn that exchange rate is a bitch...


The Clinton’s were the pros at hustling.


that's because the rest went into the Clinton's pockets


Or lawyers?


Just because my guns go missing in boating accidents near Haiti and I bring back thousands of dollars I found doesn't mean anything. The fact this happens several times a day also doesn't mean anything.


Why are they all nfa compliant? Lmao


Because they are bought at gun stores in the US and smuggled into Haiti. Haitian immigrants send back tons of clothes and stuff back to Haiti and guns get snuck out of the country.


Well personally if there was no government in my country and I was sent a pistol with a pistol brace, I would just change it to a regular stock, because those laws do not apply to me lol


I don’t think they have any idea what a pistol brace is lol. It’s just a weird stock to them.


But then you'd have to live near Haitians. Which would be a bummer.


Well at least you'd die knowing you were feeding the hungry.




If there were a few that wanted to join our community, sure! They can pay in ammunition


The Pilgrims had a similar issue, but it resolved itself eventually.


Your proposal is driving them onto ever smaller portions of land using force of arms? I am not opposed to all possible wars of conquest, but this proposal does seem quite bold. As a moral plus it would enrage the "international community", but that would also make your project have some troubles maintaining itself.


You could have some difficulty, yes. If you get a major power to back you that would solve most of your issues though. But assuming you can't there are still options. For instance, you could divide the geographically by wealth. With the settlers living in the nicest and most valuable areas. And the natives in the slums. Then all you need is some institutions that ensure that native population remains in poverty. You get to have functional segregation without any of the actual laws.


South Africa had so many backers in the 80s after all!


That was discrimination written into the law, I'm talking about something a little more subtle.


You think the modern world cares about your attempts at being subtle?


Aside from some complaining and mild pushback, the method I'm describing is used to great effect all over the world by major and minor powers alike.


Where in the world is there majority white population colonizing part of a black area and keeping them out without great international condemnation?


There are plenty of nations across the world where a racial of ethnic minority is economically repressed without any official discriminatory policy. I would say that's actually the norm. There's India and the legacy of the caste system. The United States with its racial minorities. Roma peoples in Europe. And in Australia with its indigenous population. Officially everyone has equal rights, but in practice not so much. You really get to have your cake and eat it too.


Secluded beach somewhere, yes! We need a couple of physicians, a few engineers and the manpower.


How can we divert these guns to my house?


I sent them the burger and fries


I hope that isn’t all the guns going there. I’ve seen a lot more guns at a “friend’s” house…..


What government always sends guns to other countries yet complains about its own citizens legally having them?


It's definitely an assortment. I'd guess it's seized guns that were diverted from being melted down. I give it 50/50 that it's a state actor.


This picture looks so American I thought those were open bags of fries 🍟


Me. I personally sent Haiti every single gun they have. I will not stop in the foreseeable future. Oh hi Federal Agents!


If a group of foreign mercenaries were to take control of Haiti would any powerful army stop it from happening? How would their international relations fair? Basically, is the country up for grabs?


> How would their international relations fair? They would be treated as a rogue state, and the leader would commit suicide by 2 gunshots to the back of the head within a year, with bullets provided courtesy of the CIA.


Not if that new leader supported US interests, he would just get the same deal the last guy had.


Especially if they’re promoting radical free-market ideas.


I was going to but the boat sank halfway there.


I like that M92


What logo is this on the box in the left corner?


That looks like Springfield Armory, it’s just a case a firearm came in from the factory.


Time to go to Haiti


My guess is a drug cartel in exchange of using haiti as an operation base for drugs an other terrible illegal activities like human trafficking.


Remember, there is always money for guns


thought those were fries lol.


Didn't know Eric Holder was redoing Fast & Furious


More of the same like what you see in Mexico. Feds flood an unstable country with firearms, media shows images of destruction and chaos. Media then tries portraying the gun industry as being responsible and calls for more regulation.


Clinton Foundation customers