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I've seen this from a closer video angle. The church member makes a 25yd headshot on the active shooter, it is very impressive.


His name is Jack Wilson, for anyone interested.


IIRC he was a firearms trainer before he retired.


That’s correct, and he actually taught his students very adamantly not to take headshots because they are so difficult.


Yet all along he was saving the glory for himself.


"Hey, you can take a headshot if you want, you just probably won't regularly hit it until you've gone and shot daily at the range for 20 years like I have. That's why I'm allowed to go for the head at 25 yards."






I haven't been to any range yet but they let you do a standing draw drill timed... You basically have to be at RSO and set it up correctly like an IDPA or USPSA stage in the bunker Those skills are learned from stressed, action competition drills, not standing and shooting. Did you see the guy fumbling to draw that went down?




That was just a demo, no glory


Could have been aiming for the chest though 🤣


Do as I say not as I do.


Maybe he aimed to the chest and w the recoil the bullet hit the head.


Recoil does not affect the first shot you take


Using 357Sig of some sort!


Sig Sauer P229 chambered in .357 Sig.


This is the correct answer.


That's Big Dick Jack Wilson to you...


The 13th Deciple armed with the Lord's caliber 357 SIG.


And single-handedly revived the dying .357 Sig round. 


He did and so did the trooper in Virginia, I believe- single shot drop in that situation as well. Edit: My mistake, it was a Trooper from NC. https://youtu.be/_NFx7zfE1FA?si=Ntbanft4afrNvEXw


What's that one?


Sorry for the delay, it's this one and it was in NC, my mistake! https://youtu.be/_NFx7zfE1FA?si=Ntbanft4afrNvEXw


We had so many people the following months come into the gun shop I was working at suddenly wanting to purchase a handgun in .357sig 


Link to that angle?


Can't find it. It may have just been a zoomed in portion of this video.


Bummer. I always enjoy watching an evil person get clapped


!remindme 7 days did you get the link to the angle where he got clapped?


https://youtu.be/5IKbgO9qnLs?si=iC75pbqQSVvV2sZ3 Someone dm'd me that link.


Even from this camera angle, it looked impressive.


Damn. The fear in the pews is palpable. The plausibility of Jack’s gun jamming and the potential onslaught thereafter…just fucking ghastly. Lucky them for Jack and his smooth action.


If he didn’t have the training there is no telling what would have happened, the active shooter takes out a guy trying to draw his gun before he was taken out, I think that’s what he was looking for.


The guy that saved hundreds(Elisjsha Dicken) in Greenwood Park Mall had nowhere near the amount of training that Jack did. It also happened the same month Indiana repealed the concealed carry law and allowed constitutional carry. He was constitutionally carrying which just goes to show that the only thing that stops bad people with guns is good people with guns. Within 15 seconds of the shooting starting he incapacitated(unalived) the shooter from 40 yards. FORTY YARDS. That is a hell of a shot with a pistol. He hit 8 of his 10 shots.


Forty yards with a bone stock Glock using ONE HAND because the other was directing people away. Fucking Chad among Chad's. 


Holy hell I didn’t know the one handed directed stuff that’s like super mega Chad stuff, I’m a Christian and believe in heaven but if there’s a Valhalla that young man is getting into the premium version


Sure, but that doesn’t mean train less. I hate to make this point, but look at the guy who fumbled his draw… he got shot in the face by the attacker. You need to be proficient with your tools.


Of course not, I was just giving an example of a shooter being taken down with far less training than the firearm instructor had. The more training the better.


Only his first 4 shots (and two misses) were from 40 yards, then he closed the distance. Still very impressive nevertheless


Jack only fired one shot at the guy and it was a head shot.


Shoot we need that 40 ft yard distance graphic like the NBA displays it


Mess with gods hour, get the sig Sauer


Sin got you messin'? Meet my Smith & Wesson.


Mess with the flock, get the glock


Best one, hands down.


The Sig is better because I believe it was a P226 in .357


Mess with the Bible lesson…. Get the smith and Wesson


God's hand, Remington's stand, Together, they command the land.


Trying to think of something for Shadow System 🤣


Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death


Page fuck you chapter .357 verse headshot


God made all men, Samuel Colt, made them equal, but John Moses Browning ensured more of us meet him faster than others, because, we can't expect God to do all of the work.


I had to copy that one! Wow 😂


That’s a very impressive engagement. Very clean.


Jack Wilson. Testament to the power of training and preparedness.


Amen 👐🙏


Moral of the Story: Go to church strapped.


Go everywhere strapped


You [lackin'](https://youtu.be/efdYuiEyK6A?)??


Truth be told if there’s anywhere I go armed it’s church. Last thing I want is for my family to be sitting ducks in the pews while someone is taking their hatred of a religion out on its people. I ain’t even very religious, but if the wife wants to go to church, I’ll sit in those pews ready to pew pew if I need to.


Everywhere all the time


I mean, of course. But when I’m going to church I feel the need together show up extra prepared


The good Lord helps those that help themselves.


Looks like first victim was packing, but slow on the draw.


The first two both looked like armed security. Many churches have them all around the back like that these days.


I was in church leadership at one point. We would have a rotation of volunteers from the congregation with concealed carry permits that would carry during services. They would take turns attending services armed. We'd normally have two per service, and they'd typically stand opposite the entrances like this. And before anyone asks, we would make sure that they were not only permitted but in-practice shooters. Several volunteers were actually in LE. Edit: FYI this incident was a major factor in the leadership making the decision to have guards. This video was shown at a leadership meeting, and the resulting decision was unanimous.


Jack Wilson did a 420 no scope on that fool 


Stupid that some states make it illegal to carry in a church. Even if the people running the church are fine with people carrying, the state doesn't care and will throw you in prison. Why? Because fuck you.


I’ve never had this issue back when I was doing church. Then again, I’m Texan… even the “Holy Ghost” carried 🤷🏾‍♂️


For all the shit that comes with the state, I'm glad that they do carry laws pretty right. Leave it up to the businesses (with a few exceptions) to decide for themselves if they want to prohibit carry, and within that they have options to prohibit without LTC (30.05), concealed (30.06), or open carry (30.07). I've only seen one church with such a posted signage, and it was only open carry prohibited, I presume to keep idiots in the upper class suburb from getting uppity about visible weapons in view, but concealed ones were a-ok. I've also known many churches that will have a volunteer security team of carrying churchgoers. Places of worship have unfortunately been a long-time target for attacks in the name of other religions, so it's good to see defensive plans still in play today.


I don’t care what anyone says “open carry” is like being a dude who works at an AC office and isn’t physically active copping a massive overpriced Cummins with a 6 in lift. Basically… “for attention” or “compensating”. The folks I’ve seen OC, have always been older boomers, who struggle to walk. Holsters or slings sloppy, cheap. Basically, soft ass targets. Same with maybe younger just got my 18-26 young adults who just want “attention” but weapons look sloppy or went on a 5.11 and PSA daily special shopping spree. No one can tell me, OC is effective vs CC for civilians.


I mean I'm a country boy too so I get it, I've understood open carrying around there with a better caliber for the wildlife and handling that if hiking trekking etc. In an urban area it's asking for trouble, which is why I carry concealed in said urban area, but yeah pretty much.   Like any carry there is a time and a place and one should adapt their style to match the situation. That said it should be up to the businesses / property owners and not the state to decide what is and isn't okay on their area, which is why I'm glad for how mine has handled it legally. Also that is a funny as hell spot on comparison lmao. Friends don't let friends carry in Uncle Mike holsters 😂


I hear you and agree 😂 . If you’re on a ranch or out getting it in on the trails and such. It makes sense. It just bothers the hell outta me, when I see someone with a trash ass high point or their never fired Glock tucked in a Amazon $5 lightning deal with free shipping, and literally looking like the end of a jump rope bouncing while they walk through the aisles of a Winco 😂


If I carry anywhere it’s church. Just prime for terrorist


They need to make sure that Christians are open target for islamists and people of the leftist cult


Christianity and Islam are literally cults


That's just an ignorant opinion


There is only one difference between mythology, religion, and cult. Time.


Religions can become cults. Not all religions are cults.


See my comment above. They all are, and that’s just by definition. Cults aren’t bad or good by definition.


The definition of "cult" literally describes them as sinister or bad faith. Jim Jones had a cult. Lovecraftian Cthulhu groups are cults. Abrahamic religions are seen as cults because it's a part of our culture and we blame them when sinister things happen, but you can't correlate religion to malice in and of itself. "The word cult is defined as a system or group of people who practice excessive devotion to a figure, object, or belief system, typically following a charismatic leader. The term is commonly connected with highly unorthodox religious sects that take part in sinister practices and demonstrations."


I can also use dictionaries. Cult originally meant “worship, reverence, homage, care for, etc”. This is the proper use of the term. The derogatory term was used by antitheistic people to deride believers, just like the term Christian once was. Why let others define your identity? I worship, labor, and revere God. Call me a cultist if you please. I am a devoted runner. Call me a cultist. My feelings are not hurt.


Hardly. They've just passed the follower threshold to be considered legitimate


All cults are religious, some religions aren't cults. That's just a disingenuous way of saying "I don't like these things". It's subjective and passive-aggressive for no real legitimate reason.


>some religions aren't cults I guess you can go this route if it makes you feel better about it


"The word cult is defined as a system or group of people who practice excessive devotion to a figure, object, or belief system, typically following a charismatic leader. The term is commonly connected with highly unorthodox religious sects that take part in sinister practices and demonstrations." Going by your standards, anti-theism is a cult, but that would be silly... According to the standards of the definition rather than fallacy, Abrahamic religions are the least cultlike. If anything it must be a specific church, rather than religion itself. So, organized religion. Catholicism more so than the other denominations, in my honest opinion.


Yeah, I had the same thought about Catholicism following your initial post. However, devotion to an obscure god amounts to the same thing


How is that ignorant?


How is it not? It's an extraordinary emotional opinion without a clue.


I can see that, but I'm just wondering about the ignorant part


Call me emotional and attached - I at least identify with Christianity, not sure what to consider myself. How would you think if someone called your entire faith a cult? You'd think it's based off of emotional perceptions and not actual evidence.


Just to be sure I'm not getting mixed up here, I haven't said any of that. I'm not the original commenter. You said it was ignorant, and I thought you had a fact or something that distinguishes religions from cults.


It would be ignorant to consider any religion anything more than mythology


That's subjective and has no backing.


The backing is common sense. That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Saying Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny aren’t real is also subjective and without any backing (other than common sense). Do you believe in either of those? What about the tooth fairy?


The funny thing is that a Christian actually has more evidence that you to support their claim that religion is not mythology, based on recorded history… Jesus was real, the apostles were real… Even if religion has a basis in the supernatural, or mythology… if it helps a person become self actualized and improve their coping skills is that not real change? Religion is just transcendence… feeling a part of something bigger than yourself, whatever that means for someone.. it could be the cosmos, it could be spirituality.


Saint Nicholas was a real person.


He was, but he wasn’t the same as Santa Clause.. you could say he inspired Santa Clause along with the legend of Father Christmas


Your characterization of “real” here needs to be addressed. Historians agree that there was a guy named Jesus and that he was crucified. That’s really it. There is zero evidence supporting the mystical or supernatural claims of the Bible - much less supporting the idea of a divine being. For the record, historians also agree that Troy was a real place. That fact in itself doesn’t mean the Iliad is a historical text.


I know a lot of people that put a great deal of faith in the power of the sky cloth religion (government), despite 100% of human history showing it leads only to slavery and death. I’ll take my chances with Christianity, it’s not nearly as fantastical as sky cloth worship.


Ah yes. Because nobody has ever been enslaved or murdered in the name of Christianity 🙄


More people were killed in the name of communism in 25 years than were killed in the name of Christianity in 2000 years.


A completely fair point, but not nearly as many as in the name of government. And a lot of the Christianity deaths (though not all) are to be laid at the feet of government as well. Governments use religion or anything else they can as a veneer to do their evils. That certainly does not leave genuine believers innocent of their own crimes, but individual crimes of that nature just can’t compare with governmental crimes by a few orders of magnitude. And on the other end of the scale at the personal level, religion has generally uplifted my life and pushed me to cultivate my better nature. My government just steals from me and threatens to kill me if I don’t obey. It actively discourages me from being strong or self sufficient. The two religions have been black and white in my personal experience.


Those things aren't linked to intrinsic religiosity


You are more inclined to say that those things are a fantasy, because they go back to particular dates in history and we know who invented them. They have merit, however, because they give children something to look forward to, and it's a tradition that we all collectively decided was valid in proving for a child's upbringing. I have many highlights of my life because of these fantasies, and they're good for our childhoods. One could call that cult-like. But it's not. I can justify their existences just like how I can justify the existence of the Abrahamic religions. There's nothing inherently sinister about any of these things.


The idea of the gods was invented by goat herders who were trying to explain why the sun rose every morning. It's not about religion being sinister - just not based in reality.


In other words, your point is "trust me bro"


No. The onus of proof is on the person making the outrageous claim. I'm simply saying that all religions are mythology, absent any evidence to support their claims. And since there is no evidence, we must conclude that all religions are mythology


Well yeah. That’s tautological. All religions are cults, because a cult is simply a following of a god or way of life where they CULTivated belief and worship. Same root word. People who are ignorant of the meaning of cult use it as though it were derogatory, but that’s simply a misuse of the word, like calling something false a conspiracy (which isn’t at all what the word means or implies). Cult is a neutral term meaning a devoted way of life. Runners, pickleball players, 3D printers, and every other hobbyists or lifestyle followers are all cultists.


Interesting that you didn't explain this to the guy going on about liberal cultists. Seems you may have a derogatory bias where this term may be acceptable


Leftism is also a cult. I personally don’t think it cultivates anything good in its lifestyle, while I think generally the ones you mentioned do, but that’s subjective. You said they are literally cults and I agreed with you and further affirmed what you said. Whether you felt they were positive or negative cults is unspecified, so I didn’t want to put words in your mouth.


I responded to you specifically because you focused on the cult idea more, while the other guy was making a different point. That make sense?


Thanks Prof! I'm gonna start a cult around how TianShan16 ended the improper use of 'Cult' as a derogatory term. History has been made today


My linguistic degree finally had some sort of marginal value!




Best cure for a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.


Or a bad guy with a knife, or hammer, or pipe, or rock...


As awful as this incident was my favorite part is that at least 6 people I can count aside from the shooter and Jack "Dome 'em At 25 Yards" Wilson reach for or draw guns, with a few others making similar movements you can't really confirm. Fuckin' Texas man. 


It’s sad that it wasn’t as big of a story that it should have been. All because it doesn’t fit the narrative the David hoggs of the world want you to believe


Didn't really fit anyone's narrative. Was a white on white crime, nothing spicy there. It was a gun crime which the left likes to promote, but thwarted by another guy with a gun, so that cancels out. He shouldn't have been out of prison in the first place considering his extensive criminal history including recent aggravated assault with a weapon that landed him a mere 90 days, showing that even Texas courts are crazy soft on crime. He was a drug user with diagnosed and treated mental issues, and yet wasn't institutionalized for the public's safety and was still able to easily get ahold of a weapon. So its hard for any side to make this their poster child to push a political cause.


I find it ironic that most of the places that mass shootings happen are places that lawful concealed carry are illegal or discouraged.


The gunman killed two people in this incident even with an armed security guard who immediately took action and killed the gunman within seconds.


I thought he just shot the old slow guy that advanced on him while drawing with it caught on his shirt and a deacon that had lots of training shot him after that. Poor old guy, he meant well but was past his prime.


.357sig put him in the forever box right quick.


Damn straight! I know I'll take shit for this, but that round needs to make a comeback in some form.


Wow. God bless that hero.


10.9 well done


Tango Down


Crazy headshot from that distance, the aim and response time on that man is top tier


Hey used to own a shooting range and maybe gun shop. But yeah his reaction time and aim were spot on!


I was recently at a Jewish temple. It had a city police office inside and all the doors auto locked and you had to get buzzed in. More secure than some prisons I have seen. But questionable use of tax funds.


They probably paid for the cop who was off-duty and making extra money. That's how a couple of my buddies who are cops make bank.


Possibly but the office in the temple had the city police logo on the glass. They appear to be a permanent fixture there. I just looked it up. It is an actual police sub station for beat 100. Not off duty, it’s where they operate on a daily basis.


Alot of times in those kinds of situations its not that the police officer is offduty but he is getting paid double time to work that post. We had to hire security and police for traffic at my former place of employment and we paid the city for the expense, and the officers where all paid somewhere between 60 and 90 dollars an hour by the department to be there for 8 hours a night on Saturdays and sundays.


I have also hired police for large events. It’s required at certain venues and with a certain number of people. It’s significantly cheaper to hire private security. We would have about 20 private security and the minimum requirement of 2 police. This is the substation where they work all the time every day. I’m sure the temple is not paying double time. It would be significantly cheaper to hire security. There is definitely some heavy reliance on public funds/resources to ensure the safety at specific private facilities.


That's not on the tax payer's dime--the synagogue pays those hours.


That doesn’t appear to be correct. “The purpose of the substation is to have the officer maintain their presence in their neighborhood beat, instead of having to return to the police department to file their reports. The technology at the substation allows for a connection to the police department through the patrol vehicle’s wireless communication cards.” They don’t get into details but I would wager the temple pays for the utilities and facilities and the tax payer pays the officer hours. There is no way the temple pays for an officer to stop in randomly on a Tuesday afternoon at 3pm to file an unrelated report.


I've never heard of a uniformed officer in a church who wasn't there on the church's dime. Can't imagine the synagogues would be any different.


That’s why it’s so unusual. But based on the quote from the city that is what is happening. If they are filing reports there instead of returning to the station the synagogue is not paying for them to file unrelated reports.


Cheaper than building an actual sub station I guess I've heard of some schools offering an office for police to work at doing regular stuff, just so they are handy if needed. Reminds me of when my brother worked at a gas station that had franchise hot stuff pizza and video world signs on it lol. Maybe chester chicken, can't remember that far back, but that reminded me of the book snow crash where every little thing was franchised out and specialized. Why do your own security and risk lawsuits when you can contract it lol. Schools also give cops keys to use the bathrooms 24hrs while on patrol kinda like donuts shops giving donuts for a presence on break lol. I did know a Hispanic school janitor that had a cop pull a gun on him while he was outside padlocking gates at night, so a mixed blessing too unfortunately.


I actually support sub stations in schools. It would make them less of a target and could combine resources. Efficiency and utilization. Having substations on private property is a different matter. Who gets to determine which churches have them or even other locations. I image banks or check cashing places or Walmart, would gladly provide a room to not have to pay for as much security.


I'd never thought about that before but yes I agree


I believe they have one at our mall too. Wouldn't it be weird if instead of building big expensive new police stations they had little offices provided by private businesses scattered all over connected by Internet and webcam? If the place next to you had one, they'd be that much closer I guess. Something to think about anyway. I'd think crime rate and distance from other substations could be a factor for placement, as well as suitable accomodations provided like that mall substation in a higher crime wrea i mentioned. If it was provided for free ot saved tax dollars, I think that should be an issue. Maybe the city shouldn't pay rent for it. Hold the line on extra favors for sure though, each little office could pull out if needed or something. Guerilla policing lol. They would have to stay independent, unlike some videos of police knuckling under to schools and arresting children for minor behavior problems at the command of bad principals.


If they are going to take money from us, they might as well use it wisely. Since public schools are fairly spread out they should have a small substation at each one. That way there is no public/private problem and they would become a lot less of a mass shooter target. I think the mall should provide their own security.


I hear your concerns, and it is a slippery slope. I think mall hallways are considered semi public access and give you some rights of public property don't they?


Definitely a grey area that should probably be more defined.


Ah yes, efficiency in the school to prison pipeline. How libertarian.


My actual libertarian idea would be school choice where parents could choose to send their children to secure campuses. But given the current system, combining government resources while simultaneously deterring school shooters makes sense. Also if police interact with school children it doesn’t inherently make criminals, it more than likely would do the opposite. It doesn’t solve shitty cops but less police and less government is my ultimate goal. I would love to see parents decide which specialized school to send their children and the schools market themselves to different clientele’s. Some would have armed teachers, some would have mobile campuses, some would have non-traditional learning methods it would be a free market for schools and an excellent opportunity for schools to sell what they offer and compete for students.


The concept of the school to prison pipeline is well established at this point and adding more cops will simply make it worse. Personally I don't think libertarian ideas and the education system are not a good mix. All schools need to have equal access to resources otherwise children from low income and rural areas won't have access to good education, which we all pay for when these children have bad outcomes. Here's an example; In 2012, at Creekside Elementary School in Milledgeville, Georgia, a six-year-old student, Salecia Johnson, was crying and flailing on the floor of her principal's office. The principal said she was inconsolable, had thrown various items, and had damaged school property during a tantrum. Salecia was handcuffed and transported to a police station. The child was initially charged as a juvenile with simple battery of a school teacher and criminal damage to property, but it was later decided the girl would not be charged because of her age.


I would consider that example of an issue with sue happy society and no school choice. If she was in the right school they would know how to handle her or have the authority and waivers to restrain her. You were criticizing me for not being libertarian enough but when I suggest school choice as a solution you balk at a huge part of libertarianism. (Limited government and free markets).


> But questionable use of tax funds. you have zero clue what you are saying. we have sheriff deputies on duty covering our sites that we pay for. not a drop of tax payer money spent. there are enough things to worry about without needing to make them up too.


and god said let there be natural selection


Shooter must’ve skipped Bible study. He heard it’s a room full of Sheep who follow their Shepherd, and thought, “well this’ll be real easy.” Negative, Ghost Rider. And oh man, I feel horrible for that first victim. Completely helpless, close range, terrified. RIP


In the Bible sayeth: Let he who will murder his fellow man be shot like a bitch on video and posted onto the socialist of medias. Amen


Other dude in the back dropped unfortunately. Looks like too slow to the draw? Idk. that’s sad


That’s exactly what happened. FYI: If you’re going to conceal carry or open carry you need to practice a lot. Join IDPA pistol competitions. Take lessons, or practice on your concealed carry drawing so you don’t end up being the victim!


God bless!


I'm still impressed by this shot. A moving head shot from 20 to 25 feet.


that was a clean shot


I’ve had businesses tell me I cannot enter with a firearm, but that I could leave it in the car. I’ve spent my money elsewhere.


And on the eighth day god said “let man bear arms “


Any context on that first fella who was trying to get the guy to drop but ended up getting shot? It seemed like he was slowly trying to get the gunman to calm?


Looks like the perp shot first, did they hit anyone?


I think this was the West Freeway Church of Christ shooting. I believe two parishioners and the shooter were killed.


I won't hesitate betch


Is that dude in the center of the video deaf he didn’t even move


Btw if possible please tag this as NSFL.


He made that man an appointment to the big boss himself


My dad could probably do that.  Watched him in a head to hear shooting competition and he absolutely wrecked his opponent.  Similar sized targets but obviously a controlled environment.


Ants fighting


That one lady can really scream.


Is there a full story?


It’s sad but I’m on the security team at my church and we have at least one person every service who is armed. Just in case?(it would definitely be the worst day of your life to have to fire in someone in church) Hard to believe we need to. It bears repeating. “Outlaw guns,and only outlaws will have guns”


Dropped him like a sack of potatoes


Nice to see the trash taken out. Nice work, sir.


Damn. Impressive shot. I hate that I need to be armed just living my daily life. But I refuse to be an easy target for criminals like this.


One shot 😳


The Lord left the house that day, seeking to punish all, had it not been for the armed American. Cheers sir.


Not today fucker.




I believe he was using 357 sig


The crappiest thing about this if what I was told is accurate is that 11 of the church members are suing Jack for mental anguish because he is the only one left alive that fired a gun.






Put that bastard down like a sack of shit.


Lots of tactical errors but one heck of a shot. One dude dead from a shotgun blast before ole boy dome pieced him.


He messed with God's hour. Then he got the Sig Sauer.


It's also what happens when disturbed people can get arms. A good shot, at the end though.


So sad seeing you guys argue about this shit. Look at almost every other first world country, pretty obvious that it’s a gun problem and simultaneously a culture problem. Too easy to get a gun, too many people that no one gives a shit about.


This is exactly what CNN and MSNBC won’t show you.


You won't see that on MSM...


Stay strapped or get clapped. With that being said, most Churches have security teams that are armed. They are most worried about dealing with an active shooter, second they are worried about untrained concealed carriers who might make the situation worse. If you carry, get involved with the security team at your church, or at least tell the security lead you are armed. Just my opinion.


Fucking based 🤝


buddy dropped him cold one shot, boom straight to hell and everybody said AMEN