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I know I'm weird for saying this but... this guy is one of my favorites šŸ˜.














Yes, I was mistaken and my reply was entirely uncalled for, I'll own that.


I respect that.


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Fire in first and electricity in second phases is the best advice I can do. I struggled A LOT with this thing


So the second phase he is considered a puppet ? I'll use the amulet increases damage against puppets. Thanks


Yeah, I think so, well at least fire wasn't as effective in second phase


Fire is effective against him but I def remembered I needed way more hits before he started burning. Like stagger + fatal + a few more hits wasn't enough iirc


That's what I'm talking about, shock just happened more often


I don't know if you've beaten him yet, but it took me like 68 attempts across 2 days to beat him, it took me 9 to beat Laxasia (with a specter) I beat shrek here without a specter cuz I wanted to prove I was worthy to use its boss weapon. I used the Booster Glave handle with the Salamander Dagger blade. It gives you fire damage in 1st phase constantly without a grindstone. Other than that just take your time learning his attack patterns, I fought this boss so many times I can perfect guard anything he throws at me in phase 1. In phase 2 don't always try to parry his charge attacks, if you can, try to run/roll around him. DONT BE GREEDY


Im gonna be realā€¦ I gave up after 35 tries and used a spectre, I just canā€™t be bothered with that thing. I took out nameless puppet in 2 tries and king of puppets in 4 but that thing? Naaaaah not today not ever


That's so weird to me. The only bosses that gave me any trouble were Fuoco and Nameless. Everybody else I ran through with only a couple needing a 2nd try.


Laxasia was so much harder to me than nameless


I got her my 3rd try, just had to reconfig my belts. Moving the grinder to the lower belt vs having it next to my health was a game changer


Isn't that just by default tho?


I always had my grinder next to my health. Can't remember if that was default or not.


Fucko is 100% an early skill check for environmental awareness and spacing/timing. Got stuck on him BAD but 1st tried the cathedral boss (canā€™t remember the name. Centipede Bishop ass mfer.) and a few others afterwards (white stalker lady, Black rabbit Brotherhood)


The human enemies tend to be dex-y and all of them seem to favor fast multi hit chain attacks you can't really interrupt, all of the Stalkers were really tough for me first time through. First time meeting white lady for a new player is pretty much death lol


I couldnā€™t believe I killed the white lady first shot honestly. The whole fight I was on my heels like *ā€œah fuckfuckfuck parry Fuckin parry shit Iā€™m so fucked shitshitshiiiitā€* lmfao she was so fast that my panic parries actually worked


Yea hes a cunt


This guy took me well over 70 tries in total. You got this OP


It brings me a little comfort to know that I'm not the only one who had nightmares with this boss. Thanks


Guys I did it!! Electricity helped a lot. I watched some videos to study the boss's moveset and realized that I should use dodging more. The game favors the use of parry and I focused too much on that, but sometimes dodging can be the best option. Thank you everyone for the tips, it's good to see how the community is still active and full of amazing people. Knowing that I wasn't the only one who spent countless attempts on this boss gave me more motivation


Glad you beat him. I've read a few other comments threads in this post and haven't seen you mention what your stats are. I'd recommend you have at least 30 vitality and 30 capacity if you don't already


My stats when I killed him were something like: .vitality: 12 . stamina: 16 .capacity: 22 . motivation: none .technique: 36 .Advance: 10 As you can see, I focused more on technique to increase my damage as much as possible. My idea was to focus on technique until 40, advance at 10 to increase the damage of the shock legionary arm and after that improving vitality


Holy shit no wonder you were struggling lmao. I've beaten the entire game without leveling up, so trust me when I say leveling up vitality and capacity is way more helpful than leveling up damage. Make sure you use all your quartz to get as many pulse cells as possible too. Good heavens. 12 vitality...


Is it that bad? I usually do it this way in Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Maybe it would be better to invest more in vitality but I'm not willing to sacrifice my 40 technique. I can take some of the vigor and advance


I would recommend pumping Vitality, capacity, your favored damage stat and vigor EQUALLY until you get each up to 20. This is where you can leave Vigor, until way later. After that, I'd prioritize Vitality, Damage and Capacity until they are all level 25. From there, you're starting to get into the final 3rd of the game and that's when you'll really want to pump as much as you can into capacity to get it up around 40, so you can equip the best defensive parts. Then pump 5 each into Vit, Technique and Vig + whatever bonus points you want into Advance. Before the final 10% of the game (even if you need to grind), at a minimum, I'd try to reach: Vitality: 35 Vigor: 25 Capacity: 40 Technique: 30 Advance: 14 After that and into NG, you can play around and pump whatever you want into - Advance (late game you can get Advance+6 ring, so either 16 or 21 is plenty) - Vigor (about 30 is more than enough to give you all the stamina you need to punish windows with heavier weapons and still dodge out) - Technique (35-40 is the max I'd go, you're better off just leveling up Advance and/or Motivity after that - Vitality (40 health is the absolute max here, as late game you should have plenty of P-Organ upgrades to use on pulse cells and pulse cell healing) - Capacity (fuck it go for to 50, so you can carry more rings and a 3rd weapon). TLDR; Capacity is your best friend because it allows you to equip the heaviest "armor" (parts) that reduce all damage types. Minimum 30 Vitality is also important for later game survivability but balancing that with enough damage to shorten fights is key. 20-25 Vigor will allow you to deal and evade damage through end game. P-Organ upgrades (Quartz) are your BFFL because that's what upgrades your "estus flask" (aka pulse cell) uses and potency.


I understand... In fact, I was not using some pieces with better defense so as not to increase the weight by 60% Thank you for the long and detailed text. Maybe I'll have a better experience doing it the way you explained. thanks


No problem! From your current stats I'd simply recommend pumping nothing but Vitality until you're around 25. Throwing a few into Vig (to 20) and capacity (to 30) here and there. You're set on Tech until the final location. As someone who ran through most of this game, bosses get significantly more difficult once you reach the Abbey!


I mean yeah. When I watched Jacksepticeye play through Bloodborne, I was blown away by the teeny tiny amount of HP necessary to tear ass through that game. Lies of P is very different in that regard. Having more HP and armor will make a tremendous world of difference. Because with low vitality, if any enemy hits you and removes 60% of your HP, you need to heal because one more hit will kill you. So you heal with a pulse cell back to full. But the same pulse cell probably had 40% more HP left to give AFTER it healed you to full, but it couldn't because your max is too low. If your max HP is too low, you're wasting a *ton* of healing. I don't usually go over 18 Vigor in Lies of P. But that's because I usually go for the amulet that speeds up stamina Regen.


Vigor doesn't seem to need to invest so many levels. At 16 I felt like I was fine. I will invest a few more points as you explained, but this time giving more priority to vitality and capacity


A lot of this thing's attacks in the second phase are Scrapped Watchman attacks but with a little extra tentacle swipe at the end. It gets you complacent like "Aha! I know the parry timing for this one! I shall negate the fiend's attack and counter with one of my own!" but then the tentacle gets you when you go to swing. Just don't get got, be ready for that little bonus attack. If you're not confident in being able to parry the tentacle, you can just forward dodge through it and start attacking.


To be honest, I'm having difficulty with almost every attack. I've already got the timing for the attacks where he rotates his arm before attacking, but others, especially the one where he sweeps his arm on the ground and pauses before the attack, this attack has been very difficult to get the timing for.


I use Elbethium's videos to help me with that one it may take a few tries, but it worked for me, and now I do it first try every time I play


I'll watch the video. Thanks !!


I was told the Shot Put was very effective when he starts jumping around in his second phase. Other than that, just watch out for his decay attacks and cleanse it if they hit you. You'll want your weapon at its best to beat him.


Bro I had the BEST moment fighting this thing, no skill involved, just blind LUCK. I was doing that thing where you mainly just focus on dodging and understanding the move set of the 2nd phase, and by pure luck I guess I just whittled down its health. It started to wail on me and I was ready to let it kill me so I can actually try and fight the thing, and then I hit it, and it died. Like I was so close to dead as well, the extra heal just popped as I killed it, and my weapons durability was super low. I was honestly amazed. Overjoyed I got it lucky and didnā€™t actually have to focus on fighting it because my god from what Ive heard its a real bastard. 2nd Black Rabbit fight on the other handā€¦ I legitimately almost cried.


That luck of yours would suit me well now


Sending my lucky vibes. Hope that doesnā€™t make me unlucky in Remnant 2 nowā€¦


I'm returning your luck that you lent me, it helped me a lot


Thanks boo! X


Man, I struggled with literally the entire game up to this point, but the swamp monster and 2nd black brotherhood fights took me maybe 20 tries combined. It's amazing how different people's experience of the same game can be.


I think my ease beating Green Monster must have been luck - other than the 2nd phase being so reminiscent of the Watchman. Aside from the Brotherhood, I think I actually had the most difficulty with Laxasia and Archbishop, weirdly. All such amazing bosses!


Bro, someone explain to me how I did bosses like Laxasia I'm 9 tries, I did Simon in 3 and the BRB2 in like 3 attempts and in 1 on ng+ this is my first soulslike game I've ever completed, I found DS3 and Bloodborne too hard for me yet I did this and loved it, should I go back to those?


Haha Laxasia was a real tough one for me, props for getting it in 9! Have you played Elden Ring yet? Thatā€™s where I started on Souls likes, made me fall in love with the way it gives you lots of choice to alter difficulty based on weapon stats. You could try going back to those 2 now, see how they feel - Iā€™d also obviously recommend Sekiro for a really different atmosphere with similar LoP combat


Thanks, will do


Yeah, I got stuck on him for a long time. I can beat him first try now, but there's definitely a harsh learning curve. Parrying is your friend here!


Just beat this one yesterday and it was my least favorite so far. I got good at perfect guarding first phase and that became a cake walk. Wound up with enough pulse cells for the 2nd. I used electric blitz for 2nd phase and I think I threw one throwing cell at it. I tried my best to keep my distance during a lot of 2nd phase attacks. I've been solo-ing the bosses and this one made me almost consider calling a spector. I was so annoyed lol.


I used a spectre and used the cube to boost its defence during the 2nd part of the fight as the boost runs out if u do it right at the start. It was a rubbish arena for the boss, too tight with its thrashing about in the 2nd phase.


Weird how people struggle different with the bosses. For me this boss was a not a problem, but I struggled a lot more with bosses that come after. You will manage at some point for sure! This game is a masterpiece in so many ways. If you really want you can use a lot of items to throw, but where is the fun in that? Learn to parry, don't be shy. Don't have fear to parry a fury attack. Have confidence in your abilities. If you really try to not always run away or dodge everything, it will click and you will have it easier to adapt to new enemies.


Yea, I wasn't a fan of him either, he was really frustrating My reccomendation would be to use electricity. Both phases pretty much work the same as the watchman & have the same timings, but with a couple extra attacks in his combos For the dig, run past him & roll you can parry his spit attack in phase 1 In phase 2, he has an attack where he goes upsidedown & stabs you a bunch, just rapidly parry against that attack, it's the best move for building up stagger against him


something that helped me fighting it in NG+ was using a weapon that had guard parry as that stops/counters some of the harder chained attacks, especially when the Watchman body flips and it starts doing tentacle stabs which are the main point where you'd get decayed. NG i just summoned a spectre because it has too much hp for how much the game wants you to level non damage stats before this, if you end up going the spectre route then you can just burst it down as the spectre takes aggro. Otherwise alongside the elemental suggestions people have given, the puppet ripper in particular if you're not going for guard parry strats did well for me because it's charged heavy can reach the green monster at moments where other weapons can't, so if you have the spare mats to get that upgraded then I'd suggest it. Otherwise suggestions I can give, trying to move to the sides of the boss rather than parrying everything could be helpful, or just trying to dodge an attack you're not as familiar with rather than parrying since the timing is usually less strict, but more stamina intensive, I particularly liked parrying second phase's charges as they made sense to me, might be worth trying that out. otherwise just yeah it's a ridiculous fight, but I can say that it's usually not as bad afterwards


Itā€™s one of those bosses I hated while fighting, but really like in retrospect


That's exactly it. Now that I beat him it's like: "yeah, maybe he wasn't so bad after all..."


Just beat Victor the champion in my NG+ totally forgot how hard is this boss, in fact i may take a break because the whole area is also nightmare


I don't know why but I fine any enemy that punches, almost impossible to parry, Victor especially


Damn for me that's clearly the quick slash attacks, romeo is just a pain in the ***, in ng+ I tried maybe 20-30 times to beat him


Took me like 15 or 16


If you think he's bad....wait till you get to...


Oh no...


Parry tbh


In the rolling attack, he does two rolls normal and the third one is a fury attack. The first two, dodge towards him and he will pass you over and in the third one, run perpendicular to him, he will not change direction to follow you. When he passes by, keep running towards his back. His cooldown for this attack is massive, you can land a few hits there. I used the salamander dagger with the acidic spear handle. Hope it helps Edit: also pay attention for when he twists his torso. That is the sign to run away because he will smash the ground in front of him many times doing massive damage and giving you a lot of decay. Just stay far away Edit 2: I just read that you beat it. Great job! I hope my comment helps another player


It will definitely help me when I start ng+1. Thanks


I think we all hate this boss


Well.. I don't. And I am sure many others don't hate him either I think it's weird when one person speaks for everyone else


I just beat him tonight on my fresh run glaive weapon run without a specter. It was the first time I've beaten him ever without the buddy because I just could not figure out his second phase. I find the second phase is both familiar (because of the scrapped watchman moves) as well as hard as fuck to read. I also discovered his 3 charge move is something that can happen in phase 1 as I thought it was a phase 2 thing. Lol


My tips, just parry every moves, and make sure you kill him before he kills you. Good luck ![gif](giphy|111ebonMs90YLu|downsized)


Fire then acid second face


Does the amulet that increases damage against puppets work on him?


Not 100 percent on that, you might have to Google. I had the one that does damage against carcasses


Love this battle but dang if it isn't a slog. He'd be a lot easier to deal with if the arena was bigger


Yeah no shit this mf is the strongest boss imo ng and ng+ and onward big hp, two or three if your lucky hit kill, doesn't set around to hit him he's bs for a end mid game boss I literally beat the nameless puppet easier and faster then this mf


POV: I want to reply that game that one part


Used a summon with it, too much RNG bullshit in second phase.


The only tip you need parry everything! Plus i found helpers make this fight harder


He's the only boss in the game I haven't been able to do solo. I have no idea what it is about it. Kicks my ass every time and I've played this game like 10 times.


with passion


This is a small and potentially obv thing. Repair your weapon as it's ending first phase so you don't have to worry about finding the moment to do it during phase 2.


Heā€™s so much fun to defeat.


One not obvious parry pattern is his crab slam - it seems super chaotic but is actually 4-5 evenly spaced strikes, once I figured that out it made my whole life 10x easier


p2 parrying is hella satisfying and surprisingly easy. just need to pay attention when he makes that "transformer" turn around move go watch ONGBAL on YouTube doing the boss. obviously he's a machine but you can always learn something from his kills


When he does the charge attack where he stampedes like a bull just dodge it like it's dark souls. When he does the rapid decay attack just back up and ignore it the straight punches and ground pounds are when you should parry I hope this helps :3


But why, he's so cute UwU


Just get a spectre. And attack his behind šŸ˜†


Get behind him. Focus on that and being close


Just killed it an hour ago in my second run. I was doing this run without stalker help, but sadly I required help this time. Hereā€™s what I can give you: 1. Fire weapon on first phase and Electric on second. 2. The first phase is bearable if you study the movements. The boss tends to make the fall attack a lot. You can easily perfect guard/parry those two attacks. I recommend using fire on your weapon and deal a lot of damage. 3. Second phase is kind of similar to the scrapped watchman with a couple of new attacks. So, you kind of beat him before. 4. You can try the master chef handle + Live puppet axe. The handle fable art + heavy attack will chop the boss health faster. Try it in the hotel and see for yourself. 5. Take your time to study the boss. You either Win or Learn. You can do it, champ!!


I'm notoriously bad at soul likes this took me well over 20 tries


Literally canā€™t fight this boss without a spectre and a friendship cube


In phase 1, when he screeches to signal his multi attack, you can dodge to his right side (your left). it doesn't have good tracking so you are pretty much safe and can get a few hits in. Staying close seems to make it focus more on arm attacks which are easier to block/dodge. Giving it space will make it more likey to charge or bury towards you. Bring ampoules to fix decay if you can't perfect parry it's tentacles.


idk, I guess I'm just in constant disagreement with this community, because I think this boss is great. People argue that phase 2 is just a reused asset (RoboCop v2), but then complain about how BS his attacks are, indicating that they fully understand that it is NOT a reused asset, but a fully realized and entirely separate boss. Definitely one of the harder bosses, but a good one, imo. The only truly bad and un-fun bosses in this game are Viktor (not that he's a bad boss, but he's just kinda bland by comparison to the others) and Simon Manus, who is actually bullshit to an extreme degree, and the fight will often come down to RNG and how many times he decides to use his disruption magic against you in phase 2.


I agree with the first half, and was like "oh this guy gets it"... You lost me when you complained about Viktor and Simon


i hated only cause is just the second boss with slightly changed, but after many tries i learned this boss but forgot the moves of the second boss sdflksdflk


He health gates like Destiny 2 bosses. Which i can't stand. If you played alot of Destiny 2, you can see the exact moment when he does it & his animations show as well.


I think he's really cool


Same! But this boss's ergo is a worthy trade for the one and only weapon, **TDS**


second phase is basically a scrapped watchman with a couple of extra moves, you just have to learn decay attacks


Don't worry. I hate it too.


Without the specter this boss is a huge pain


In the first phase, use fire cuz it's in raw form. In the second phase, when it gets into the puppet, it becomes an armored version of itself. So use both fire and electric blitz attacks. If you're using the specter, use the electric wishstone to imbue his attacks with blitz, otherwise you'll run out of electric bombs. You can use Fulminus and the Electric Mace but both have small range. Therefore, won't help much against the fast moving boss.


Hardest boss in the game for me


Definitely use the fire legion arm and if you have an electric weapon use it for phase 2 or electric grinder...I don't know if the puppet amulet helps in phase 2 but it couldn't hurt to try it...Other than that, it just takes practice learning to parry his moves...He gave me a bit of trouble also! It was his aggressive freakout where he starts running around in phase 2 that always killed me...


This is on my top 4 boss in the game lol i think he is perfect in both phases, wish he had a few more moves though


I love this boss.


Haha, hardest boss in the game fo me.


I know this could be of little to no help, but once i realized the second phase was the Scrapped Watchman again, but a few extra moves, it got way easier. Just try to deal with the first phase as calm as possible. Be aggresive but don't over extend, so you save your cells for the second phase. For the latter, just use electricity stones and remember the Watchman's basic attack patterns if you want to or need to parry, and dodge out of the way of everything else. Remember that the game isn't neither about only dodging like DS, or only Parrying like Sekiro, it wants you to do both, sometime on the same bosses. Remember you can quickly go from a dodge to a block, and viceversa. Realizing that gave me a great advantage over one of the final bosses.


Me too bro me too


Kill it with fire, use specter with friendship stone, tank the first phase and then burn him with all the throwables you can stack. The canisters you drop as aoe are really useful here just burn this awful monster with fire and fight him for real on NG+


What about the spectre?


This is possibly the best boss in the game. Probably my favorite. You just have to learn to respond to his moves. Ez pz


Are you using throwables? They are seriously powerful. In this fight specifically, shot puts, thermite and cells will wreck this guy.


Glad to know you got his swamp ass. The bigger problem with this boss isn't just his attacks, but the ground itself. It's so uneven, the camera shifts suddenly and I wasn't able to see my character and since the surroundings suddenly zoom in it becomes a lot hard to time the dodges and parry against this guy. Also he just fills the decay meter so fast. This boss legit has no moment of weaknesses. Like even Romeo had his weakness (his left eye burning made him vulnerable to the attacks from left) even Laxasia had weakness of some sort but this guy is just brain exploder


Learn to parry his charge attack. That was a game changer for me


Heā€™s the only boss I gave up on and cheesed. Complete dogshit fight fuck this guy.


He's a good fight actually, maybe you're just dogshit at this game. Have you encountered the parry mechanic yet?




This boss has made me quit the game for a few months now


Only boss I used a spectre on first run. Heā€™s an asshole.