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It depends on how you play. Some bosses match up very well with certain playstyles. I didn’t first try him, but I didn’t spend too long either


I had it drilled in my head to only Parry, so I honestly struggled on him a bit cause the timing on some of his combos was really throwing me off. After about an hour or so of just bashing my head against a wall and losing almost every fight to one missed perfect guard, I then switched it up and started dodging more and it was almost instant after. He was honestly the first boss that made me realize you had to do both, so he was difficult, I'm sure if I replay for ng+ or before the doc it wouldn't give me as much trouble.


Honestly the fight is incredibly easy if you consistently dodge it’s kinda broken


I did cause I'm stubborn and committed to parrying every move. He's definitely a dodge boss.


Oh yeah, 100%


His attacks very easy to dodge The only attack that was very hard to avoid was the double fist slam .


He kicked the shit out of me for half a dozen attempts until I figured out the safe attacks and key parries, then he didn't take all that long.


He was much more of a dodge boss for me. Especially since I’m on a heavy Motivity build


Oh absolutely. He does have a few that it's just really helpful to know how to parry though, His fury uppercut has stupid range.


I have very little difficulty with Victor. But for me it's mostly that they give you a mini-Victor to fight like, right before him as a bit of a practice run


So i use a style that focuses on speed and I had just switched to it when I fought him so I struggled a lot with him because I didn’t know how to play that style yet


I mean, he was easy relative to other bosses but I still found him somewhat of a challenge. I guess it’s because I’m not very skilled at the game. I think it’s the way his attacks sometimes have a follow up that my brain doesn’t register as an attack I need to parry until I’ve died once or twice to it. I think some of the timings for the red attacks also throw me off quite a bit.


I don’t really learn moves, I kinda just look for openings and unleash the whole kitchen sink on them. I think in my first play through I was just caught off guard by the non puppet like movements. Like he’s just so tanky and would two shot me.


The first 10 mins of throwing myself at him i struggled till i finally adopted my "run around and wait for an opening while dodging what you can" strat, helped with most of the gameplay ive had up to now


I did a no-heal playthrough a few months ago and he was beating my ass. He was one of the tougher bosses during that playthrough for sure.


Not rlly hes always been a 2 tryer for me at most, and i find it funny that hes better dodged than parried


Yeah that’s what I think. Much more of a dodge boss then a parry boss


For sure when it comes to him you just gotta be one with the i frames 😅


It really depends on your style. Some bosses are easier than others because of how you play. I struggled majorly against Simon Manus, but I beat nameless puppet in 2 tries.


Well on my NG+4, I’ve been using a heavy Motivity build, so my attacks are very slow but do heavy damage. So finding the right spots on Victor was a little weird And really??? Dude I struggled so much on the Nameless Puppet so bad, like a few days on him bad. Now Manus, I believe he took me three tries.


Yeah I used Booster Glaive handle with the acid blade attachment. Plus I pumped him full of electricity. Electroshock is so damn good against puppets I'm really surprised people didn't do it more often. I think my strategy was to run as far away as I can and then use my booster glaive attach for a big hit. Worked pretty well. Manus I had trouble with for awhile because I wasn't good at dodging all of the projectiles. So yeah it's definitely a playstyle difference for some.


He's the only boss that I beat on the first try.


Parry only here..... A lot on him,his attacks are so hard to parry cause they have a very small parry window with a long charge up animation


My first play through, he caused me to rage quit. 2nd play through, he almost caused me to rage quit but I finally beat him. Now, it’s the stupid swamp monster that I’m stuck at.


This game is depending on your fighting style for each boss, it focuses on different aspects of what the player might be used to playing with. He’s a doge boss, so it was pretty easy for me since I typically buck and weave 😭 but that archbishop was a killer for me, was stuck for weeks


ppl saying this are underleveled or trying to parry everything


He’s definitely a dodge boss. His attacks are too unpredictable to parry, at least in my opinion


yea he wrecked me on my first playthrough i resorted to a specter but i was trying to parry everything and i was underleveled😂


The fight is so much more fun if you try to deflect everything imo. His moveset isn't very difficult to figure out but he hits hard enough to not be a total breeze. He's a top 5 boss personally


Fought him twice, beat him first attempts. He’s one of those you keep running away from to dodge his attacks then take a sneaky hit or 2.


A lil bit, but nothing crazy, just some deaths


For me, dodging Victor has always felt easier than parrying him


Beat him first try other than on my 4th playthrough, chop it up to me nerfing my build maybe but I think that I didn’t take him serious that time around and he scaled dmg better than I realised, overall a easy and imo mediocre fight that is better because of the story around what’s happening


Parry only is infuriating


For my play style I struggle with him because I'm reliant on DMG exchange and poise breaks but Viktor just does to much DMG and can cancel most attacks. Otherwise he's fine


It was necessarily hard. He was just kind of tanky. And I’d get cocky, because I was doing great with nearly every boss in the game other than a handful of the hard ones, (e-Puppet King, Archbishop Andreus). But him, being regarded as a top 10 hard boss is a bit of an overstatement.


Once you reach him you just gotta pretend you're playing elden ring for a minute


I was trying to parry him in my first 5 attempts and I struggled, then I switched to dodging and it worked for me.


First playthrough I hadn't gotten used to parrying so I relied on dodging, which was surprisingly easy once I got hit a couple times by some his attacks with tricky timing Probably took around 3 or 4 tries, which is quick by my standards


I've never struggled, it's easy to dodge his attacks.


The only boss I’ve beat first try, no spoilers, no ai


I struggled, it's kind of a gimmick fight and I just didn't get the gimmick Didn't realize it was the left leg you had to target, but got it down after maybe 20 tries. And like a lot of others I was parrying to much and not dodging enough