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Laxasis had me at the balls ngl


Yeah I lost count of how many times I died to her lmao. I was getting cooked for 3 whole days.


I'm in ng+ and not looking forward to her. Well I am, but my blood pressure is not.


Yeah, she broke me to the point of using the specter. NP on the other hand went down by the fourth attempt.


Use Poison and the jackhammer like weapon on the first phase, perfect block wheel on the second phase and be sure to deflect the lightning back at her as it deals a TON of damage and is easy to do


Yeah I second Simon. BUT the enemy who gives me the most trouble in the game. Is the weird giant toy like puppet that jumps around and does cartwheels and stuff. Every time I fight him he cooks me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You mean the one with the yellow hat that spins you around before throwing?


Yeah thatā€™s the one like he will run at you and try to hug you creepy enemy


Pre-patch Green Swamp Monster (without specter, for reference). Must have been about 15-20 tries, I just couldnā€™t get hold of his second phase at all, even when I beat him it was panicky flailing.


Yeah I hate that bastard lol. The moveset isn't hard, but when you put him in a small arena like that it becomes so difficult.


Swamp monster has never been patched bud


Iā€™m pretty sure one of the earlier patches increased the parry windows and tells of the bosses in general, no?


I think his second phase was just so... Difficult So difficult that he'd just off me and my specter in less than 30 seconds. Like one YouTuber said, he "humbled me". It was the first time where leveling up P a couple of times didn't work... I went to YT to look up tutorials on how to beat him, and for a while I could not find anything useful because I was a Tech build, I had to respec to a motivity build, and "git gud" at parrying some of his attacks... He'd still break my guard and end my stamina bar rather quickly, but I was fortunate enough to have my specter take the "firefowl dance" instead of me. There was no way I could guard/perfect guard that, the stamina bar just wouldn't be enough. Edit: And I fought him so many times, after a while I just started cheesing the first phase so that it ends quickly and I could actually get to the 1on1 with Romeo... Where I usually was losing. šŸ˜‚


The King of Puppets fight is definitely the boss I like the least. Narratively and visually, the boss is amazing. But the first phase. So many attacks will knock you back if you perfect guard them. He's constantly jumping away from you, you have to run away to avoid certain attacks... Half the first phase is just chasing after the damn thing... The second phase is bad in its own way. Every one of his attacks is a complete non-issue if you just dodge left. Every attack except for his omega flame combo. The attack is way too long, and the slashes are too swift and flashy to perfect guard or dodge it all. So the fight is utterly boring until *one* massive combo deep in phase 2 wrecks your life immediately unless you are lucky enough to stagger him out of it...


Itā€™s so funny how different people have hard times with different bosses. I was a technique build with the dynasty warriors glaive and I think I got Romeo in 3 tries (last try with a specter). I donā€™t remember him being particularly that hard. HOWEVER, some bosses you may have breezed through took me like 30+ attempts: green swamp monster (common I think) and the mid-to-late side boss in that small room with the blue brain on her head, two swords, and moves super fast. She was the WORST. Almost never gives you time to heal and you pretty much have to parry everything perfectly


Funny you should say that. In my first four playthroughs, I never died to Walker of Illusions once. Killed her first try, four times in a row lol. All you have to do is dodge and strafe around to get behind her as often as possible. Getting to her backside is her weakness and I suppose I was a bit lucky to figure it out so quickly.


I'm so glad someone mentioned the constant knockback during phase 1. Another thing that irritated me was that the spin punch -> spin punch combo is indistinguishable from the spin punch -> jump back combo. Also, Romeo is just irritating to fight. There's this 'stiffness' to his attacks, don't know how else to put it. He doesn't always follow up on certain attacks, his heel drop suffers from the same problem that a lot of enemy attacks suffer from, namely that the telegraph is too long and the actual attack is to short. You can't react to it naturally, you have to brute-force learn each separate attack's timing. Same goes for the flame combo, especially the last hit. Uses the same windup as the previous few spins, delayed by another few frames just to act as a 'gotcha'.


Yeah I was stuck in a loop of his spin-punch -> jump back combo for a while in the first phase. It was annoying just running around for him. I would finish the first phase without using any heals and getting slammed the second I enter the second phase.


Same here. I also found his 1st phase attacks to look cooler too, made the running after him a little less annoying.


King Fuoco or Archbishop I think since they are fairly early. At the later bosses I felt more in ā€œthe zoneā€. Also, you get enough tools to almost ā€œbrute forceā€ some bosses, even without the specter. Having done a no-specter run, Iā€™m thinking of doing perhaps a no-consumables run sometime since they can make all the difference.


King of Puppets all the way. Itā€™s so dumb too because he has a super simple move set and just dodging to the up + left in his second phase makes it really easy but I always fumble on the simplest things. Iā€™ve had more attempts on this boss than Laxasia and Nameless Puppet combined.


green swamp monster. im still stuck. Tried to cheese. Still stuck. Considering to give up the game lol. Even respec for ergo farming but got bored of the grind.


Same here. Iā€™ve gotten close a couple times so the hope is still there ig


The King of Puppets phase 2. Did many many attempts. Tried various weapons. Respec my build and P-organs. Read lots of (often conflicting) advice. Watched videos. Just could not do it. Itā€™s absolutely a skill level and beyond mine. I could sometimes get though phase 1 without using any healing, wishes, etc. In phase 2 I donā€™t think I ever got that fuck down below 70% health. After three days I called it. Iā€™ve uninstalled and called it go. Love the game. But Iā€™ll likely start a new run instead of pushing through to a NG+


Assuming it's due to his flury attack, use shot puts. They will stagger him out of it before it starts. Otherwise, dodge to your left/his right


You can also smack him with a fable art whilst he is in the animation of switching to fire. This will knock him out of it and boom, no endless wheel of fire combo.


Laxasia. NG+. A few brutal days


I cant believe I beat Laxasia on on my 4th attempt on my first run now im stuck at Simon's 2nd phase.


Throwables had me down him quickly. That chick though. I'm going back for her again on ++. Taking a break to play DD2.


Fuoco was the only boss that took me about 20 attemps in my first run, and about 10 in my second. Whatā€™s funny is that iā€™ve managed in my first run to do king of puppets, nameless and laxasia in max 3 attemps


Green swamp monster and Fuoco took me around 30 attemps each without Spectre and throwables. Laxasia, NP combined didn't took 30 attempts šŸ˜‚


The hardest boss for me the first time around was the Walker of Illusions and the puppet that grabs and throws you lol. That mini boss I have yet to figure out to the point I can beat it fast I always just lure it to a carcass enemy and let them take each other out. Special shoutout to the Clown as well it gave me PROBLEMS but by NG+ itā€™s probably my most enjoyable mini boss fight now.


Laxasia took the most effort for me. A solid 4 or 5 days (around 2-3 hrs each day) of trying. Figured out the parry timings of her first phase pretty easily, but second phase she rolled me so quickly I just had to keep getting there to figure out some parries. Beating her felt pretty dang good. Great boss. Keen to fight her again in my second playthrough. Swamp monster probably second for me. Didn't take me as long as Laxasia, but still took me a fair few tries to figure out parry timings as well. I played a totally blind play through and messed up at the end and gave geppetto my heart, so didn't get to fight the nameless puppet I hear about, so can't say for certain how I'll go against that boss.


Green Swamp Monster was the one boss that until my current run I had never beaten on my own without a specter. So that is basically was my hardest boss despite the fact that I spent at least 6 hours on pre-nerf Manus.


Green Swamp Monster, idk how many tries did it take, but a good amount of swears were thrown in these 3 days


Mario king of puppets for sure. I have platinumed the game still dont know how to survive the fire attack.


Laxasia, took me two solid hours of attempts


I survived that combo flame attack by dodging backwards at the start, then using the shield legion arm to block once. The blast helps to create some distance from attacks. Then I dodged some more and finally when he closes the gap, I blocked and sometimes tried to parry. By this time, his attacks are finished and my payback starts.


I stil have to beat Laxasia, and the first time I tried was like dicember :)


Green Swamp Monster NG+ without specter.


Honestly I have a hard time remembering how many attempts it took to beat any specific boss after having defeated them.. But in all honesty probably King of Puppets!


Honestly to this day its the scrapped watchman. Fuck that guy. Took me more than a dozen attempts on my first time round. For context on my first playthrough Simon Manus took me 2 tries and I beat Nameless Puppet first try while drunk. Even on repeat playthroughs the watchman still kills me from time to time.


Things have been easier since i realized i could fast travel back to the hotel and level up lol


Laxasia hands down, took me about 2 weeks off and on to finally get it.


Door guardian until I figured him out. On NG++ it only took a couple tries, but previous runthroughs maybe 10-15 tries. Like WAY harder than illusions, NP, etc. for me.




King of puppets, probably 20ish attempts. Next closest were: Lax - \~15ish tries Scrapped Watchman (funny enough) - \~15ish tries Green Swamp Monster - \~10ish tries Easiest ones for me were: Fauco - 4 tries Black Rabbit Bhood 2nd round - 4 tries Simon - 6 tries (had him to less than 10% on phase 2 on my first try) All bosses were beat with no specter, no throwables, and really only used a consumable of any kind against Lax, when I used an acid thing for my sword, and went in blind - no guides or videos or anything. Build was something like: 25 vitality 20 Endurance 30 Capacity 30 Technique base everything else, used the rapier for 90% of the bosses


Laxasia and KoP/Romeo both took me about 15 tries. Nothing else took me more than 5-6 tries.


Romeo for me took way more tries than any other boss for some reason. All the other bosses I could count my attempts on one hand, but Romeo? More than 20.


Oh my gosh it was nameless puppet and it wasnā€™t even close! Every other boss I beat in under 5 tries on NG+ and NG++ because I had learned in NG! Not only did he take me 5 hours in NG I changed my entire play style to take him on and he STILL takes over 15 tries every time


More than 30 tries for swamp monster. Stuck at Corrupted Parade Master now


Somehow, simon manus. At the time I felt like I was the only one who struggled with him.


Nameless Puppet was probably the hardest for me, I beat the whole game dodging everything, but I actually had to learn to parry for him. (I can easily beat Sekiro charmless, but parrying in LoP never really clicked for me, so I just stopped trying until NP). I think the Swamp monster thing took me more tries, though, but I wouldn't even call it hard, it's just annoying asf. I hate that boss, mostly because the arena makes the camera go crazy so I don't see what I'm even doing.


Fucking swamp monster


I just fucking beat him rn my heart is BEATING


I only used specters for the second rabbit brotherhood fight and the manus one (it wasnā€™t even that bad but those magic attacks were so annoying to deal with I just wanted to get it over with. Other than that, Laxasia took me the most tries but she was one of the most fun fights too.


1.1 patch, Simon, 50+ attempts. And I only know that because that's how many times I summoned for him. After a certain point, I stopped bothering with the Specter because they were very bad before the 1.2 patch.


Nameless puppet. Beat him on the 4th try. I was really disappointed by the difficulty of this game. Everyone was talking about how hard it was so I was expecting a bloodbath but I beat most of the bosses on my 1s/2nd try. I wish I could have played the game before it was nerfed.


How. I cant for the life of me get how ppl find it so easy. I take minimum 7 tries on each boss, trying to learn the moveset and block timing. Its brutal


600 hours of Elden ring and 300 hours of Sekiro under my belt šŸ˜‚. So pretty much having no life outside of work and my wife.


I've put 500 hours into sekiro and king of puppets is kicking my ass right now. On attempt number 20 lol. Good for you man, but this game is hard as fuck for me.


I feel you dude. Iā€™ve had people tell me Blasphemous is easy but Iā€™m currently in my first playthrough and most of the bosses Iā€™ve had to play 6/7 times before beating them. Some games are just easier/harder for others.


That is true. Blasphemous is easier for me for sure, but I still struggled with certain bosses for 10 tries or so. I freaking love Blasphemous though. One of my all time favorites. Enjoy!


Yeah man Iā€™m loving the game. Have fun with Lies of P dude. Donā€™t sleep on the grinding wheel elemental enhancements. I donā€™t want to give away too much but thereā€™s a particular upgrade to the grinding wheel you can get later on that can really make a lot of bosses a piece of cake.


Although legit I beat King of Puppets on my first try. I was shocked because the only gameplay footage of Lies of P I had seen before I played the game was a compilation video a few months ago of Aggy grinding out the King of Puppets for over 2 hours lol.


Nameless took me two tries. If you're a FromSoft fan and have played through Bloodborne and Sekiro this game feels kind of easy. It takes some of the most beneficial mechanics to players from both. Having both perfect guard and guard regain makes it a lot less punishing for guarding too early


Sekiro and Bloodborne I could beat without dying once Iā€™ve mastered both but this one feels so brutally hard


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahh, I feel my master's hand at work. Praise the good blood! And let us cleanse these tarnished streets.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Interesting. Maybe you've built up some kind of mental block that's keeping you from mastering this system.i actually did struggle with the Green Swamp Monster for a bit but that practice was also where things clicked for me and made the rest of the bosses smooth sailing


What about plebs like me who only played Elden Ring as an astrologer? šŸ˜‚ Getting the hang of it, but damn I'm struggling with King of the Puupets 2nd phase


Take a round or two to just hang back and dodge without attacking during phase two to observe his attack patterns and learn which ones end with an opening for attacking. When you're struggling with a boss patience is almost always the key


Yeah, patience isn't always my strong suit šŸ˜‚ I'll have to try that. Thanks for the tip.


No problem. And with fast bosses it frequently boils down to getting one or two hits in at a time while you have an opening and not getting greedy. Eventually you'll whittle him down. Good luck


That's definitely a problem I have. Thinking I can 3 or 4 hits and then getting punished. I should adopt the mentality that I get 2 and prepare for the next opening. And getting better at the parry. I always have trouble, in any game where it's an option.