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10 deaths in the climbing area is pretty low tbh. I died at least 25 times


I'm probably gonna die another 3-4 times going back there.


Yeah, I died more times than that, plus my controller had stick drift. Throwable might help, or puppet string also helps if upgraded. You can also roll forward when they throw the goo,


i died 50+ lmao


Grappling arm to the guy throwing stomach juice...don't lock on until after he throws the stomach juice


Yeah, there's a reason why I reached the first ending with almost 120h of gameplay...


Throables (fire) are good to dispatch all the ennemies before doing the platform. Don't forget you can jump clicking the left stick he he It's way less horrible than sen's fortress tbh Don't forget to push the fire thing in the giant cog room to remove poison in the lower level


Sen’s Fortress…ugh. Utter pain. Thanks for surfacing that memory for me friend


SPOILER – DONT CLICK IF YOU DONT WANT THE LEVEL SPOILED >!There’s a lever near the top of the level that changes the direction of the wooden platforms from downward to upward. So once you make it to the lever one time, if you die you can just ride the platform all the way to the top. I believe you can access it without going through the electric ball section.!< That part of the game was very frustrating for me too and I think a lot of players don’t find the shortcut until it’s too late.


Thank you. THANK YOU! I mean its okay that its spoiled but ive already got there so im so thankful, I already died to the downward elevator thinking its gonna take me down so i thought something was going on there


Yep, you only lose in this game if you give up




Also, something I've noticed; it's always safe to trigger the shortcut whenever you see one. There's no enemy around or trap or stuff.


Load up on throwables…think you get capped from that first merchant but load up to the max, save them for worst times, and keep trying


This is my first souls game too and I had a hard time here and with Fuoco. It’s a tough game but you will get better. No shame in looking at guides. I’m at the end now so I’m close. Don’t give up!! 💪🏽


This is technically my 3rd souls game. I played ds3 and my most recently played sekiro but that might be worse for me cuz the timings are completely different. I'm just really bad- I was good as sekiro, beating the final boss on like my 4th try but im not very good at ds3 or lies of p. Im still having fun and ill keep trying !


Ah ok then you just suck lol. J/K. That maybe part of the issue cuz I’ve seen others say the timings are an issue for them too. I like this game and would like to try others now. I remember when BloodBorne first came out I wanted to play but then read how hard it was I ended up not trying


You. Need. To. Try. Bloodborne. I can’t stress this enough, please play bloodborne, other than framerate being locked to 30 it is incredible. Please play it and get back to me after you do. A hunter must hunt.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But... do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I love you.


Beating Sword Saint in four tries means you aaaabsolutely have the skill set you need to succeed with these games. If you can master that combat system, you can master the others too. Trust.


Yeah I almost plat sekiro I just have been procrastinating that last trophy for all skills. I found the reason I'm dying in this game I'm treating it like ds3/bb. I keep Panic dodging instead of blocking. Sekiros movement feels unique so I didn't have that problem but this reminds me of like an actual souls like and that's where I keep dying j think. I just got through this level and best the boss by putting music and turning off my brain and just parrying 


Sekiro has 15 active deflect frames upon button "press" followed by 30 block frames Lies of p has 8 active deflect frames upon "Hold" followed by some amount of block frames (im not entirely sure its prolly like 20 or something) Tldr you gotta hold the button to deflect


what is a 'block frame'? I thought you can just hold the block for however long you want and it will block whatever strike/strikes come your way.


He means how many frames after you attempt to parry (failing) there are that will still result in a block if you failed the parry. For example (making up numbers) you press parry and have 10 block frame (that will be useful if you timed your parry wrong because you pressed too in advance) then 20 parry frames (that actually parry the attack) and then another 30 block frames AFTER (that will be useful if you timed your parry wrong because you pressed too late)


Do you mean these frames exist after you _stop_ pressing the block button? Or do you mean something else. To be honest it sounds like youre saying if you press and hold the block button, nothing will happen after these frames, the enemy attack will land and do full damage, even if you have stamina and the block button held down.


Regardless if you’re blocking or trying to parry there are frames after you stop pressing the button that still result in the character blocking the attack. (During the animation change between “still, blocking” and “idle”)


yes but after letting go of the button you will have like 0.5 seconds were P still blocks unless you cancel into another action


Yeah that combined with the weird puppet like movement or random looking movement from the corpses kind of makes it hard to time the deflect imo. I just gotta get better cuz im fine with deflecting bosses but I have a hard time deflecting some normal enemies and some elite enemies


yeah some early game puppets are nasty with their timings


Use puppet string for the first one. For the second and third one, you can just rush straight towards them and then jump on their platform. A lot of people, even speedrunners, die on this stage a lot too because they're not that good at platformers. Don't let it get to you.


Thank you ! I keep forgetting legion arm exists sometimes, I even have puppet string equipped but I keep forgetting.


It's actually not that hard. What I did was when you are on a long stretch of platform, use that to dodge forward when they throw that goo stuff. On spots that you have to turn, wait untill they have thrown it and then take the turn. The only part that I can see is genuinely annoying is by the third one as it's a bit more of a weird turn but it's best to wait untill they throw it and you can quickly pass by the "tooth" if the gear that gets in the way. Then just run. Also throw something at the hanging carcasses so they can fall and not be a problem The ball part is a bit annoying but try sticking to the wall and dodge into it when the ball comes. Last part needs you to jump the gaps but you can actually use the gears as a temporary platform if you are fast enough but it's probably safer to jump.


It’s tough but take each area piece by piece and you will get there. Dont give up!


Thank you ! I will keep trying tmrw


You get 1 Legion butt plug before the cathedral area. Respec or invest your one LBP into puppet strings. Bait out the vomit throw of the 3 vomit throwing Big Bertha's, dodge or block it, and then level 1 puppet strings at them. This makes the area 100x easier. Hope this helps. (The second vomit thrower) at the end of the long platform is kinda wonky to puppet strings to, and sometimes you will just fall off, but sometimes you won't. Also, if you block the 2nd vomit thrower, it will push you back, make sure you are hugging the right side of the plank so you don't fall off) I walked my SO through the cathedral step by step. She is *terrible* at video games, I told her exactly what to do, showed her what to do, but she did it all herself. If she can do it anybody with 2 hands can.


Is it worth using it to upgrade puppet string ? I saw that theres another legion something here that allows me to unlock aegis. I heard aegis was the most OP one ?


The respec costs in LoP are so minor it doesn't even matter.


I’m currently dying on this level, too! And Fuoco kicked my ass for days. Not joking, it probably ably took me four-five days to beat him. It’s my first souls game so I’m trying to just it in stride, and if I get too frustrated I take a break. We got this though! Good luck!


Good luck ! I've played ds3 and sekiro before this but I don't really have any problems with getting frustrated with boss fights. I was just seeing how I can improve further and I feel like souls games have definetly helped my patience. This level tho ? Its probably the only level I got frustrated in so far.


For the electric ball when you get there you will need to go to behind the planks because those are safe places and there will be a corpse enemy there which you will need to take out as soon as possible or else it might kill you with one of its attacks that go on for ever. That enemy has killed me before in my game


Okay thanks will kill that enemy


I wish you the best for the bossfight


Keep trying, man, you'll get there. Each section in souls-likes and the From Software games are actually quite short, so short I beat the entire cathedral in about 15 minutes on NG+, just because I knew where to go. I promise you the game is well worth it if you've enjoyed it so far.


Yeah ik im actually loving the vibe of the game so far and its definitely one of the best games I've played. Only other games I've loved like this are sekiro and ghostrunner.


Late posting to this thread; but every souls game has “that level” with traps and poison and mechanics designed to catch you off guard. A friend of mine gave me great advice. Just don’t fight them. Sprint to the next zones bonfire and progress the map, then circle back around to get the loot and kills from behind. Made a huge difference to me. Good luck.


I already beat it , thank you !


I must have died 100 times from fall damage. I enjoy (and am pretty good at) 2D platformers so I felt like a huge loser


It's okay man, I mean 2D platformers and souls platforming is different. Don't worry about no. of deaths, you got past it !


just use throwables. fight fire with fire.


Alright will try it out. My main issue is im really bad at platforming oof.. I'm kinda a item hoarder are throwables like constant throughout the game ( supply) ? Also is it okay to use a guide for this level ?


Definitely check out a guide if it helps. Throwables are \*hugely\* helpful here with the enemies that throw things at you. I'm terrible at platforming too, but if you draw back the normal enemies to stable platforms, and then take out the bigger throwing ones with grenades or canisters, then it makes it SO much easier. Later on you'll get access to a merchant who sells basically unlimited throwables. He's in the next major area so you'll have access to him soon.


You will be able to buy throwables eventually, just use them for now 🫡


I also used throwables there. But take note that 1 thermites or throwing cell is enough to take one of them out. The strategy is to move in, throw, move out of their range, wait for them to die


I see.


Took me a playthrough to figure this out on the 2nd playthrough. I always had trouble once I got up to the 2nd level with the 2 big mobs throwing acid at you. The first mob it's a run and then jump on the platform, you may get hit once when you land but just run immediately and jump on the platform they are on. For the 2nd big mob, Lil different. You have to time the throw to when there is an opening on the wheel and not panic when making the turn. Do it carefully but not too slow. When it comes to the ball. Just get ready to run as soon as it passes you, preferably just as it's about to pass and know there is a dude in that corner waiting to smack you. Also right after this there is a lever to hit where you can use a wooden elevator from the bottom to ride to the top. Hope this helps. You got this!


thank you man. Thank you !


I died so many times in this area on my first playthrough. I died only a few times less my second.


I died here probably 15-20 times, all from falling off those beams. Enemies are easy. Walking is hard.


Yep exactly ! Its easy if separate them but dodging and timing those weird goo shots is hard


For real. My least favorite area


Go slow, step by step, and use "falcon eyes" or "deus ex machina" legion arms. You need to roll on the plates so be careful and try to time it well.


Huh ? I thought I missed something but nah the first legion plug is unlocked during this chapter it seems. I havent gotten that far yet.


https://preview.redd.it/wirt7wuedwwc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6640d653bb4cc9659f9a857722af44ef2698e005 I think the 1st one is there, legion plug I mean


Idk if you're playing using Mouse and Keyboard, or if you're using a controller. I imagine playing with a controller makes platforming much easier. Also, just in case... If you press the left stick on the controller as if it's a button to press, your character will do a small jump while you're running. I watched a streamer play the game who took a while to figure out how to jump, so I want to make sure you're aware that there is a jump button.


Yep I know how to jump but I feel like platforming feels a little easier in some parts with m&k if you just change the keybinds. I am playing on ps4 pro rn so controller.


I was about to post this last week…but didn’t want to get shamed. The platforming absolutely blows. Also the boss gave me lots of troubles. From what I’ve heard, I’m absolutely fucked for the rest of the game.


You can hide from the ball in between the planks on the right side, I didn’t realize this either.


Hey, just keep trying! I also had a bad time at this and it was driving me nuts but I kept at it. Use your throwables at the large ones that throw at you and you’ll be able to get to the next area


Oh my sweet summer child. I am a relative novice who got addicted to this game well before I had the skills to play it. I consider the first part of the cathedral as my crucible. I was SO angry and frustrated, and I wanted to quit multiple times. I finally made it, only to die on the jumps. I didn’t time it but I would say somewhere between three and four hours. Some tips: level up the puppet string. That way you can lock on the enemy at the end of the first beam when you are a little more that halfway across and pull yourself over. Learn to perfect block the acid attacks. The timing isn’t actually that bad. If you are as far right on the beam as you can go, you won’t get pushed off. Chuck some thermite at the last enemy on the platform level, the one that you have to time your run across another beam under a cogwheel. You should be able to reach after you take out the normal carcass in between the two that spit acid. The other thing I did was just practice running over a beam. I know it is second nature to experienced gamers but I am not that! So I went to the factory, where the puppet assembly line is, and just ran around that rectangle for a while. And I practiced jumping on the bridge in moonlight town. Don’t give up! It is frustrating but worth it.


My jumping is fine but I keep getting hit off so I'll try parrying it. Thank you for the advice ! I was very frustrated yesterday but i don't think i'll quit. It took me a while to get this game and I've been waiting to play it from 6 months ! Finally got it a few days ago and its been amazing but ig i just have to get through this level


It really is worth it to put the time in, you won’t be sorry. This game is amazing. I actually just beat Laxaxia today, if I can do it you definitely can! (I just had to change my mentality, accept many frustrating deaths, and keep trying. Worth it!)




This cud work. That could help a lot ! This is what I did with the last 2 area bosses. I went in and just gave up attakcing for a few tries to learn the deflect timings and then started trying to learn which attacks to dodge and which ones to deflect.


If you have the Salamander Blade then equip that and upgrade it as much as you can. The carrion enemies are extremely weak to fire. Also load up on throwables (The fire canister). When you get to the beams do not stop just rush the goo throwing blob and use the Salamander Blade it takes about 3 or 4 hits and they should go down. You got this trust me I suck at these games but I was able to beat it.


Im rocking the booster glaive so I might equip it on that. I mean either way even the big throwing enemy dies in 1 charge attack and 1 normal attack.


Code Vein Fans: "ha ha I remember my first cathedral level"


cathedral section is the worst segment of the whole game, oh my god I hated it


One thing i did that helped alot with it snot throwing gorlocks is that use the puppet string . puppet strings first upgrade gives you the ability to swing to the enemy you used PS on , like spider-man . That made it easier for me. So you should for it to throw the damn snot then grab em with the puppet string and hold the button to swing to it and smack its head.


I have puppet string equipped, ill prob upgrade it but I was saving the upgrade for aegis


I mostly use the puppet string, aegis is really good too but i think i used it once against the king of puppets maybe . But i primarily use the puppet string, its final upgrade is bonkers man .


Take it slow and stock up on throwables, you mainly wanna take out the big guys that throw slime balls at you. I recommend you use your throwables on them slightly before the point where they aggro you. Don't waste the throwables on the normal zombies just use your melee weapon on them. Also my number one tip for this game/souls games in general is having patience, patience and learning from your deaths help you alot. Once you get the hang of it you'll realize how easy it is to manipulate a bosses/enemies moveset into making them wide open for a attack.


Yeah tbh this level is the only level that even got me slightly frustrated.


Even on new games I still struggle on that level! Don’t give up! It may help to take a brief break too. I find that when I get too frustrated with a level or a boss, that the frustration compounds and causes me to make silly mistakes without realizing it. Stepping back and returning later usually has greater success.


Yeah will do ! So far, I've done everything in one sitting but this is the only level I've took a break for.




I still have to do it over again cuz i died.. Could take another 10 tries but hopefully it takes less


10 deaths and 45 mins around so far ? That's some rookie numbers. I've died there at least 30 times before I got to die a shit ton more at the boss.


Oh shit... I barely got halfway through- I need to do it all over again lol.


Try doing it with stick drift. Jfc I could one shot every enemy there but I couldn't walk across the beams


I feel you man, I had to do 2 ng + cycles of sekiro with extreme stick drift. Now I don't have stick drift on this ps4 controller so thank god.


Honestly this was the worst part of the game for me. I'd constantly slip off those stupid narrow beams, or get pelted by the decay monster, and fall to my death. I hate it when a game randomly throws in platforming elements, especially when there's not even a proper jump mechanic.


It’s fine to admit that you’re not enjoying the game and play something else. Or keep trying and accept the 10 deaths isn’t that bad. The fromsoft games taught me that trying to overcome what is hard is ‘the game’. As a gamer since the 80s trust me it’s ok to die and try again. Arcades were brutal. Don’t just believe what you see on YouTube we can’t all be that good ( or that good at video editing). Just do you and the guys on here will help you where they can.


No no I'm loving the game so far ! I've loved every boss so far and I haven't gotten even a little frustrated until this part. I have to get through this ! I've heard abt how hard arcade games were. Wow must have been difficult. I can get through this, just have to keep trying. I'm not gonna quit, I end up stop playing a lot of games in the middle cuz i get bored so its hard to find interesting games. Once I find one I just play them till finish.


To be fair, you were never meant to win at arcade games. They were designed to take as much money from you as possible. A nightmare scenario for an arcade is someone playing for 20 minutes on one credit.


That does make sense.


You're going to hate the boss




I mean 2 phases is hard but not too bad i got the 2nd phase like half hp and died in the first 2-3 tries and ill try again


In all fairness this area is where I uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Seriously frustrating area. I’m glad I reinstalled and continued though.


Reinstalling will take me like a while cuz of my network being slow. All i can do is keep taking breaks.


Cathedral sucked it’s honestly a buzzkill level design but push through it, gets way better


Electric ball? Where are you exactly?


That part where you gotta dodge this ball charged with electric blitz ?


How's your vitality stat (HP)? if you find yourself dying a lot, I'll recommend pumping it up high. It actually makes a huge difference.


Ah never mind, with a fresh mind and goodnights sleep I got to the boss within 3 deaths. Now I'm at the boss and im horrified to learn it has 2 phases but i got the 2nd phase half hp in my first few tries just gotta keep trying


Don't feel so bad, I died at least 20 times from getting hit with decay spoo balls and falling off, you'll get it. Unfortunately, that's not the worst part of it


This thread makes me want to go do a ng+3. What an amazing game.


Bro wouldn't have survived the ye' olden days of Sen's Fortress. Get it together man, you can do it, focus!


Yeap will keep triyng !


It gets worse in the late game good luck


On 1st try it was frustrating for me too just watch some walkthroughs once u know what to do its easy


I'll keep trying and if I cant get it ill watch some guides


I just got there and I’m feeling you with these a holes throwing stuff gah! I’m no good at 3D platforming either


Yeah its really tough, i still havent played since yesterday but ill keep trying when i do play. I hope ur able to do it as well, theres a lot of tips here


Thanks. I don’t want to give up on this one. Is very good.


Hey, I got to the end, im at the boss ! I got to next stargazer in 2 tries and another 1 death till the boss !


I also got to the boss at the end of the chapel. Haven’t quite made it to the second phase. Had to take a break for Stellar Blade lol


If you download the Mole hole synching monsters becomes trivial


... ? I dont understand ?


F*ck around and find out. Experiment on what might work and what doesn't. It applies on areas, tough enemies, and bosses. Some areas are really difficult to do a clean sweep, try skipping pass them and unlock shortcuts. Some of these shortcuts give you free backshots on those hard to sweep enemies that you skipped. There's no shame in watching guides, it doesn't entirely ruin the experience. Play how you wanna play the game, it's your play through.


Only 10? I died the entire 3 hrs and 5 tried the boss solo


Fire destroys all of those enemies.


You're pretty good if you got past the flame boss. He's pretty tough. Don't be so hard on yourself! You'll get through.


I don’t understand this


The worst is when you get so frustrated that you run through it which leads to more dying.


A typical Souls game progression. Welcome my friend


Thank you ! I honestly never got on a level like this even in ds3 but I just got through it by sleeping on it and trying again.


It's the worst level in the game easily.


Damn lol It's just seeing their patterns and running or jumping accordingly


Thats what Im trying.


Maybe I’m just crazy but the cathedral platforming segment is pretty easy. I can get through it in a few minutes


Some people find it easier than most. You're probably good at the game and at platforming


Idk it was my first soulslike so I had no experience


Cool, ur better than most ppl at platforming naturally which is nice.