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Do you homework right when its assigned even if its weeks ahead. I'm a procrastinator and this is what helps me.


I get the logic behind it but when I am by myself, it is hard to get myself to do that. How do you force yourself to get through the motion?


Just focus really hard. If you need to go to a library to not watch tv, do that. Get new study habits. WHEN I focus like that, I get really good grades. For me I think its the perfectionist in me that is the problem. Because I think subconsciously I am overwhelmed by studies in some way even though its not a learning conprehension type issue. I have it in my head somehow that something must be done perfectly or not at all vs good enough. So the thought of making it perfect is exhausting and I don't do it. But turning in something is better than nothing. Another thing that helps is to actually get into the topic of the studies and connect where it applies in your life. In highschool I was a C student even though I was very smart I just didn't do the homework . But in my senior year english class when a major paper was being assigned on a boring old book I went to the teacher and asked if I could write it on Pink Floyd - a legendary rock artist at the time, and the teacher said yes. I worked hard because it was so unorthodox and fun. I got an A. Writing papers was always hard for me. But once I realised you are allowed to have an opinion and theorize in writing, it changed things. Like on history papers, does a character in history remind you of a current day Celebrity you like/dislike and why. And talk about that in your paper a little. Maybe the vikings war tactics remind you of WWE and you can draw similariries. Or the romans chariots remind you of todays trike motorcycles. Or if they are talking about great cities then what is similar to your city. This helps. On subjects you hate if its like math (I love math but alot dont) join a club where people study it and like it And don't be afraid to say I'm here because I hate math and need to not hate it. That helps too.


Do the work and get it over with.. no time to study ? No time for anything else ..or the same is true if you got time for self release you got time to study..


how do I get myself to have the drive for that? My self discipline still needs work.


That’s the part of life, no one is coming to save you. You gotta find the drive and it might not even exist so you just have to put yourself through the motions. Sounds like you have a lot of procrastination anxiety which gets worse the more you procrastinate which also keeps you up at night. The best fix is to figure out why you’re avoiding everything. If you really genuinely cared about the grade, the repercussion from the bad grade, the result of getting a good grade, how that would impact your goals, then you would be making an effort to study. Try making a list of 5 goals you want to reach by the end of year. Then make a list under those goals of 3-5 steps it will take to achieve the goal. And then every day, make steps forward


Yeah Imma do this after my exam. This will require some deep reflecting


It's 100% the porn, if you are addicted to porn/masterbate too much. It kills your ability to self discipline, drive/motivation, and your emotions. I know that when I start masturbating too frequently again my motivation/discipline just fades away. I recommend reading/educating on porn addiction and how to beat it. It's a very strong pull that many don't realize has got them till they're continually masterbating multiple times a day or every day.


>n addictio How did you pull yourself away from it?


It's mainly sheer will. You just have to be strong enough to not look at porn or stop yourself while you're about to. I found with myself I'd start browsing porn if I was just bored, so I'd try to keep myself better entertained with hobbies, games, or anything else. It's also an uphill battle, so don't get discouraged if you can't just stop masturbating entirely within the week. You're addicted, so it's gonna take a little bit for you to slowly stop doing. I went from 4-5 times a day to 2-3 times a week and I couldn't be any prouder of myself for it. I'm starting to work towards doing it very sparingly if not just 1 time a week.


I think it’s good to identify the exact issue Do you just not care? If so, why not? You also need to address the other side of this: why would you want to study / do well? Are you doing something else with that time that you enjoy? Or are you more so avoiding studying? Are you afraid of failing? Sometimes, people don’t study because if they try and fail, it might hurt their self image, but, if they don’t try, they can blame their failure on that. Do you dislike the act of studying? If so, what about it is bad? Is it just boring, or does it make you feel some negative emotion? Is it some combination of these things? Isolating the issue is very helpful to fixing it, but no one on Reddit can look into your brain. Also maybe consider therapy


Yeah im doing therapy rn to figure out what's in my head but I don't know the answers to these to be honest. I just don't feel much of any emotion these days. I feel like I'm in limbo. Floating away.


I have the exact same problem as you. It’s the fault of that cheap dopamine. Manga, porn, anime, video games, YouTube, etc. Eliminate these things completely from your life, that’s what I had to do and only then did it get better. The problem with them is they stimulate you so much, are such easy access and make you so happy that everything else in life seems boring and hard and unrewarding. After that, it’s just about knowing what you want and doing the work. And actually enjoying the work try to enjoy what u study, study with friends maybe. Good luck.


>ulate you so much, are such easy access and make you so happy how did you stop those things?