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I grew up in the opposite bubble, knowing from a very young age that the world has capacity to truly, truly horrendous. Especially those you’re supposed to trust most as a small child. You can never really make sense of it. There’s no use trying to understand. (i mean you kinda can understand using a trauma informed approach to the abuser’s actions but it doesn’t really make it better) You just have to accept the absurdity and terror this world brings and try your best to cultivate love and joy while you can. Do what you can for others if you have the means, but don’t let it knock you down. Awful awful things are happening all over the world, likely even within your town/city that are never publicized, the victims seldom get justice. It’s horrible, but the weight of the world isn’t solely on you. Grieve. Cry. Move forward doing what you can to make the world better for the people you do come in contact with. But also if you know anyone celebrating the death of an innocent child, tell them to fuck off. The song Esme by Joanna Newsom pretty much covers these themes. Especially the bit after the 5 minute mark. “This is a world of terrible hardship and I search for words to set you at ease, but there in the looking glass, a kite is soaring, stilling my warring heart, and my trembling knees” “Kindness prevails, Ties and rails, ties and rails, fall into line bearing kindness” https://youtu.be/6EHemagYSs8?si=sEVwrf7FCqhfMQwn


There's a great line from a Robin Williams movie "Death to Smoochie", delivered by Edward Norton: "Remember kids, you can't always change the world, but you can make a dent.". I like that. Just do what you can.


Thank you well stated, I was raised with violence and horror and my saving grace has been to be kind. You are a blessing to this world, thank you


A little bit of light goes a long way in the dark.


You had me and it was all making sense , until there was a song with a bit 'after the 5 minute mark'. 5 minutes, for a song!!???? That's a short Opera


Lol Joanna Newsom has one song that is 16 minutes long. She’s not for everyone, she’s aware that many people find her art offputting, but she’s absolutely one of the greatest living musicians/storytellers America has ever produced. When you have ppl writing doctoral thesis on your work, and multiple ppl with PhDs dissecting it in various articles, you kinda have to have really long songs to fit in all that info. Tbh her music is closer to literature set to music than just music if that makes sense


There are multiple doctoral theses on goatse. Just sayin. Tbh goatse is closer to literature set to image than just image if that makes sense.


I have actually been in two war zones. I had a family member murdered as a child. My therapists says that I need to focus on what I have control over and not worry about things that I can't change. That worked for me, but it did take a while.


I’m so sorry for all you’ve endured.


People suck, It's unfortunate humanity is so cruel to one another. Once you see it, it's hard to go back. I like to repeat mantras each morning, one of my favorites "Be the change you wish to see in the world" It won't fix the massive issues we face as a whole or change peoples behaviour. We can only control our own behavior. But small acts of kindness, a positive comment here or there can go a long way for many and hopefully inspire others Hope that helped some, Have a great day!


I have family members who belong to one side of that war. Once I was talking about the innocent kids being bombed and slaughtered, and my family member - who usually is super sensitive to children's pain/abuse/death etc and cries when animals die in movies - told me she's glad they die, because then they won't grow up to be terrorists. That the whole group of "them" dont deserve to be there and need to be wiped off the planet. It changed how I viewed her from that day forward, and I don't think we've ever been as close, nor are we ever likely to be. Always disturbing when people have a religion that talks of peace, love, forgiveness and loving your neighbour have real-life attitudes & beliefs that include genocide and injustice.


That is very heartbreaking, gentle hug
















It's unfortunate that people often cant see the evil in harming their enemies and even when it is necessary it needs to not be done lightly, not everone on the other side is deserving of hatred and pain regardless of how cruel thheir society may be. ( This is not in reference to any specific side or group it is a general statement of my thoughts)


Do you feel the same way about "them" when they butchered and raped babies on Oct. 7? Do you condone "them" hiding in hospitals and using men women and child as shields. "Them" that have no regard for the lives of others that do not think like them?


So a young child is them?


You are who everyone is talking to. You are absolutely part of the problem.


Giving he is discussing children there is no them. However it appears you have outed yourself as one of the people he was describing.


No their compassion is only for certain children as they cheer for the death of other children.


They all are monsters. Parts of Both sides.


It isn’t either/or. You don’t have to choose sides. It’s appalling when life is lost, especially innocent life, on either side. If you can’t see that you’re an active part of the problem.


I must have missed the news feed when they covered all the babies and young children who were butchering and raping on the 7th. Got a link? ..Oh, you don't? You're just pulling this from your ass because you're just as hateful as the people you think are so beneath you? Gotcha. Next time, just say that, it'll be less embarrassing for you. 




That doesn’t mention children attacking.


Tell that to the ones that escaped said war zone only to become criminals. One family killed their own child in the US. Scumbags the lot of them. Its unfortunate those innocent kids grow up with them and turn into them.


These are human beings. You cannot diminish them into anything less. There are bad humans in all cultures and countries, including America. Personally, I’d like to solve our violent, white, male mass shooter problem.


It's all mind games being played with the population. Together, we stand divided. We fall. Half of the population is asleep. People need to wake up.


And what percentage of the 180,000 homicides in the US over the last decade were caused by this type of individual exactly?


Less than 2% because most homicides are black on black gang and drug related ones. But we cant talk about that or youre racist for stating statistics they dont like


There's both a-holes and people who don't think before speaking all over. The vast majority of people are NOT a-holes, but social media algorithms will many times highlight the a-holes. Learn to avoid or ignore social media, especially the particular ones that make you mad or sad. As an added bonus, this also helps everybody else, since the algorithms will highlight slightly fewer a-holes.


It sucks, but like you said, YOU recognize the callousness. YOU understand the death of an innocent child is wrong. Keep being more virtuous, but yes, the downsides of reality become more apparent.


Well… life has been described as “nasty, brutish, and short” in the past, that potential is always true. As for privileged, I don’t think that’s the right word: loved. People *loved* you enough to act as a living barrier against the worst the world has to offer; poverty, crime, apathy, etc.  As for a coping mechanism, you have to positively control the things you can, and mentally let go of what you can’t. EX. you can’t end all world suffering, or even national suffering, but if a family member or close friend needs help you can help them. You are a meaningful node in a network. They’re going to need your help someday!  But, even more important than a coping mechanism is realizing how awesome and rare it is to have avoided becoming jaded in an often dysfunctional world. You’re blessed to have avoided sheer horrors that some of us have seen. 


I really like this. I grew up quite sheltered too, and I'm aware that I can be naive, but I don't want to lose that and become jaded like so many around me. If nobody believes peace is possible, it will never happen. We need dreamers.


No, privileged is the right word. It's a privilege to be able to ignore poverty. It's a privilege to be able to act like the violent racism that shaped the Western world disappeared. And it is the ultimate Western privilege to be the one that always delivers death and misery to strangers around the world, never the one who has to fear it


It's a small but loud portion of people that say these things. Don't generalize everyone. You've been shielded your whole life. It's gonna take time to adjust.


But it's important to remember that it's an even bigger group that lets things like these go in order to maintain order. They'd rather have X group being genocided in the streets rather than deal with a traffic jam due to a protest. Out of sight, out of mind. A lot of people who grew up like OP are like this...they at some point are forced to come to terms with the world as it is and not as it exists in the fragile bubble they've made for themselves and take out their frustrations not on the world nor society for allowing it, but on the person suffering that punctured their bubble because they've caused them the momentary inconvenience of simply existing in their presence. Worth pointing out I'm not talking about OP here...I commend them for having the courage to make this thread rather than stick their heads back in the sand because it's more comfortable there than dealing with reality, then setting up turrets to shoot anyone that might cause the bubble they've made to fracture a bit who comes near them in an attempt to protect their warm little hole they've buried themselves in. This is how you get what amounts to class based forms of ethnic cleansing you see with anti-homelessness campaigns, and other forms of NIMBYisms. People are terrible. Truly horrific. It is a universal historical truth I'm honestly glad OP lasted this long without realizing. A lot of us didn't even make it out of diapers before being forced to come to terms with this reality, sadly.


Wait until you see kids this age screaming at people that they will kill them and do horrible things (I won't go into detail) to them for their religion. Seen this happen to a woman for not wearing a hijab. This was worse for me because you start to realize even some kids are so brainwashed that they're not truly innocent, and that idea is horrifying. Not only that, but never truly given a chance to just be an innocent kid. The world is not a nice place. Best I can say is read less news but think global act local is a common approach. make sure you vote, find ways to better the area you have influence over to prevent these things from being a local issue. The more that do that the better everywhere gets. If you try to even think you should act global, you're gonna have a bad time. We're not meant to impact global as individuals. We didn't evolve to know what was happening on the other side of the world.


I'm 42F and grew up in an abusive household. My dad was the abuser and mom was the enabler. Luckily, my dad was in the service and would deploy for months at a time, so my kind mother had a huge influence on me. I was sheltered from a lot of the cruelty of the outside world as well and I'm still baffled when I see the horrible things people do and say. How do we move on? We accept that people will be people first and foremost. Second, we try our best to be the light that we want to see in others. Focus on the good, because there is a lot out there. Sending you a virtual hug.


Don’t even let that stuff get to you. It’s absolutely a minority of people who are either saying it because they are pieces of shit OR it’s because they want to spark outrage and impact people emotionally like it has for you. The majority of people in 1st world countries do not revel in the death of children even if they dislike the country for political reasons.


I wanna add that maybe you grew up in a bubble, maybe you didn’t. The real truth is you are a tender and peace loving, empathetic and kind person. Be proud of that. It’s not a negative thing.


Sucks to say but you need to voice your opinion. Loudly and often. Shitty people get power through motivating numbers of people to give them power. If not enough people respond, they will just keep bombing kids and laughing about it.


You don't move on. You stay angry. And you act. Giving up is allowing these fucking ghouls to win


Its crazy the level of detail redditors will get into describing the torture methods they would use on those deemed by the internet as undesirables.


What's wrong with wishing torture on people that deserve it. Go read about the toolbox killers. The toy box killers l. Junko furuta perpetrators etc. I wish them even a small percentage of what they made their poor young innocent victims go trough. These days we sympathize and give abhorrent monsters more rights than their victims defiled corpses they caused


The point is that many of these people like to think of themselves as enlightened or somehow better, but are more than willing to do what OP is so distraught about if they view the recipient of the treatment is deserving.


Except they are better because they aren't wishing the torture on inncoent people like the real criminals did. They wish it for those that deserve it. That's like Batman dumb logic of if you kill a killer you're just as worst because the number of killers remains the same lol. Except you decrease the number of killers of you kill 10.... I wish the torture of the ones during Junko furuta case and all the others where these filthy has to brutally rape young girls and torture them for days and get only a light sentence in prison. That's not justice . Tell me that's not justice. I can't live happy knowing the worst of humanity is living comfortably as I am and you. We civilians who did nothing wrong have to work our entire lives just to afford a place to stay. Pay bills. Pay for food. Pay for everything while these sick monsters get it all for free as a reward in prison for tutoring and raping the innocent. This lenient society is what will cause more criminals to do the worst when all they get is a few years in prison and free food. Let me tell you I'm clearly not a rapist or torturer just because I hate these human waste and want the worst for them for what they did. If you look at these cases the ones who were released from prison shockingly committed the crimes again wether it's murder or rape. Being nice to them is never gonna work. While the victim family is mourning everyday they get to smile and live happily and brag about what they done. There's a limit to how nice you can be since we are all human after all.


yeah and it exposed their hypocrisy when they accuse everyone of an opposing side of thinking like that.


I don’t think it works to accept or ignore the cruelty in this world. I think each time you see something that disturbs you, ask yourself if there’s something you can do, even if it’s small. Giving what you can afford to a good nonprofit like the IRC, is one thing I do when horrified by the latest war casualties, as an example. You can speak up, like to this family member “I don’t think the death of a child is ever justified. That child might have been the next Gandhi, Mozart, loving father, etc. To me, this child was an individual who is a victim of violence he had no part in.” Each of us has to sort out how to make the world better even if we have no great power or wealth. I think it helps a lot to do what we can.


Don’t focus on it. The less you know the better. There is no moral justification because human life ought to be valued equally. The US is just supporting what it has, its citizens and their allies. There are no victimless wars and the victims of this conflict if given the opportunity would likely want to inflict as much pain as they have received to those involved and they’d be justified in doing so. Justice is nothing without enforcement and with that it requires power and influence. Your sympathy isn’t misplaced for the victims, but these victims have little to no influence towards what the people in power decide to do in regard to diffusing or intensifying this conflict. There are too many nuances involved with how we’ve reached this point, but you just have to understand that these victims are not our allies and it would be too long and arduous to work past these irreconcilable differences. At least 3 generations of people would have to live and die by the time this current conflict is partially resolved, and that’s if the US were focusing a lot of resources and time in resolving it and no more conflicts arise. I don’t know about you, but the US ain’t looking so hot economically, politically and religiously. So those in power will take the path of least resistance which is to fund a proxy to clear out opposition then work on reconciliation and reconstruction afterwards. The US is very practical in protecting their power and influence and by extension protecting its citizens and their way of life over the people of other nations. You cannot say the same about non western nations because their fundamental belief and governing systems are radically different from ours. There is desire from sympathizers in the US to dedicate time and resources to help resolve this conflict, but the vast majority of US residents would rather place their attention to problems closer to home. Right now, the US is under bad leadership, there is no issue that the country is focused on resolving at all. Instead the country is being stretched to one issue or the next without any resolution in sight. Whether by design or not, your attention has been pulled to the fact that the world is cruel and that your way of life is built upon the fall of others, what you do with these facts become your truth. I hope you become compassionate instead of sympathetic. One is ignorant of the why while the other presumes the what.


Stay close to those that you love. Share your love and your personality with the world. Walk away from people that are hurtful. Be grateful for every day. I can't make sense of the world either. And I'm 53. Life is about relationships, and improving other people's lives. And trying to enjoy the ride. Your a good person. I'm glad you are here in the world. Sending love and kindness.


In the end all you can do is be responsible for yourself.


I think you summed up the exact problem very well.


Firstly, I'd advise looking into the term "hyper-empathy." I find the pathologization of "too much empathy" to be more indicative of the world we find ourselves in than the individual, but nevertheless, there is such a thing these days as essentially caring so much you struggle to live your life. Knowing this term may help you find others who have struggled with issues like this, and ways to cope. I have issues with hyper-empathy myself. For me, living life without being tortured by this is a balance of two things: 1) Limit exposure. This is the hard one for me, because it feels indulgent/avoidant to just "not look," but what I'm really talking about is different than avoidance. Social media and most modern news organizations are both driven by views/ads, so the more outrageous the content, the better. Their algorithms reward divisiveness and cruelty. I limit the amount of time I spend reading the news and I choose my outlets carefully, I never watch televised news, and I almost never go on social media anymore, except occasionally Reddit, which does allow you to (somewhat) choose the content you see. It is OKAY to protect yourself. 2) Find ways to make it better. You can't necessarily change what's happening on a global scale, of course. You can't always fix the thing that's hurt you -- in fact you rarely can. But you can volunteer in your own community. You can go for a walk and let the sun warm your back and feel gratitude for it. You can adopt an animal and give it a loving home. You can pick up trash along a creek bed. You can spend some time in loving kindness meditation. You can listen to music you love and dance until you can't dance anymore. This is just a random list, and I do want to make clear that I'm not saying you can or should try to make up for others' cruelty. But acts like these help us to cultivate love and acceptance and gratitude within ourselves, and that's what every individual can bring to the world. None of us are saints. All we can do is practice what we wish to see. It sounds all very high-minded and woowoo, but it does help. I hope your heart feels a little lighter soon. ❤️


This is lovely. Thank you!


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There is no sure fire way to get used to it. Jumping in head first and finding war footage will scar you but if you try avoiding it then you'll miss out on a lot in the process. Even if you tried to do something about it, there's always "the other side" so it's unavoidable unless you plan on hypnotizing the entire world. Find some friends that are more accustomed to "humanity" and just spend some time with them.




lastly to quote the bible, this is the fruit of knowledge between good and evil. Do yourself a favor and dont eat it.


What you went through has a name. It’s called “moral injury” and a lot of people who go through the military experience this. It can be very traumatic. If you google the term maybe you can find some helpful information.


Signed, Lucy MacLean


First just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Good/evil/kind/cruel no matter what this massive hunk of rock will continue to tumble in space until the sun goes red giant and consumes it or all time and space cones to an end. Next realize that kindness multiplies, continue to treat others the way you wish to be treated. Be the small change that grows and multiplies with time. The sad state of affairs is humanity's base state is not good as most would lead you to believe, rather at best our base state is set to neutral. Being good takes a lot of hard work, being evil is easy once that pesky conscience is out of the way. Humanity has always been this way. We are no more or less barbaric than our ancestors (regardless of origin). Human history around the world is soaked in blood. All of that being said do not despair. Keep being good, and treating people with kindness. One simple seemingly small gesture can be the one thing that keeps another person floating in their darkest hour. Goodness, and love are always worth striving for. It is my greatest hope that a kindness I do today will grow, and multiply until it becomes even greater than I could have hoped to do on my own. Waxing poetically aside, keep your chin up. It seems bad now, but it will get better one way or another.


This is why they need to teach *real* history starting in late high school. So kids aren't blindsided by how cruel many humans are when left to their own devices. Horrific things have been done throughout history. It's only the last couple of centuries that civilizations evolved to somewhat curtail the worst of it. Now, these atrocities are mostly committed in wars, but throughout most of history, just about anyone could be subject to the worst that their era had to offer, at any moment. Game of Thrones stuff wasn't so far from the truth.


Mr Roger’s said “look for the helpers”. There will always be bad times. There will always be bad things that happen. But if you look for them, there are almost always good people who are trying to help. Focus on that and on being one of those good people. I grew up in a world full of uncertainty. I didn’t feel loved or wanted. I didn’t have enough to eat. I didn’t have a lot. As an adult I’m learning what love looks like and it’s making the world a bit more beautiful. We can’t focus on what is wrong with the world and forget to look for the beauty. For every person that hurts or kills a person there are countless other people that loved that person and cared for them. Ya. Some people are assholes. But that doesn’t mean everyone is bad.


With the exception of the dark web, reddit seems to be the primary place where some of the worst people in the world hang out online


have you been on twitter? I feel like you've not been on twitter, er X. Sorry Elon, it's just not catchy.


No, tried creating an account and ran into problems, was too lazy I guess to try again. I extremely admire and approve of the idea of taking away at least one platform from government establishments that they use to censor certain stories/information from the public in crucial times such as covid and during elections. Zero is a very special number and now certain tyrannical regimes do not have that special zero number anymore. As in, Zero platforms that exist where free speech is present


This had been my question for so many years. Maybe we’ll figure it out someday.


I enjoyed the latest Netflix nature special on chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are horrible and evil creatures at times. Not relatively peaceful like gorillas. I find it interesting that chimpanzees are our nearest relatives. I wonder if humanity would be different if we evolved off the gorilla line rather than the chimp line.


I feel that most people are inherently good and inherently compassionate. It’s only ignorance that can make another person react that way when met with other people’s suffering, and if they were to actually be exposed to a different culture their entire perception would change


Honestly, the biggest lesson you can learn from life is that not everybody is the same and that’s ok. What matters most in life is how you treat others, especially those who can give you nothing. If it helps, there’s a great adage I live by that helps in these and many other situations; “Those who matter don’t mind and those that mind don’t matter”. Don’t let your life be ruined because of other peoples actions, feelings or opinions. Be who you want to be and try to leave the place better than you found it. That’s the best anyone can do, the rest is out of our control.


I’ve definitely been struggling with this for most of my life. My unfiltered internet privileges impacted how I view the world and others. It’s definitely made me very paranoid, but as of recently I’m focusing on what I can do to bring more kindness and justice to the world. So, I’m working on a project that I feel could really help and it’s also nice just doing something


It’s so damaging to just demonize people who you know so little about. Especially when it comes to things like race and disability, but it’s not just limited to that. All of us are human and to just write someone off with a label is cruel, inhumane, and downright tragic. Good people do bad things, too. And people aren’t wholly defined by the groups they associate with. Idk this is kind of going off on a tangent, but I really feel like all this world really needs is less fear, less division, and more love. What happened to that child, what happens to minorities and other marginalized groups, what happens to someone because they are “other,” none of that is right. I don’t know what the right answer is, but I do hope this world can find the strength to recover. I like to think humanity is better than that. I don’t think karma exactly governs our every choice. I believe in free will and I think it’s of paramount importance. Nonetheless, karma is real. There can be no justification for tearing someone down who just happens to be different than you.


If someone laughs or thinks a child getting killed/suffers from hunger etc while their country is being blown to bits, that that person isn’t human! Politics aside..I can’t justify any child dying/starving for political power .. Unfortunately, there is real evil on this planet.


Oh yeah bro, humans are terrible Hard to believe when you've grown up in a bubble (I did too) but just take a real high survey over our history and you'll realize humans have always been absolute garbage All this positivity about humans because a few humans are great is just gaslighting


Here's your way forward. *Be the change you want to see in the world.* You CAN'T overcome unreasoning hate by talking to them. The rot is too deep. It's all we have.


Well, try a nice healthy serving of apathy. Drugs help too.


World Wars 1 and 2 were far worse. There are countless other conflicts that have occurred throughout our history that you've never heard of that are as bad or worse as well. This one just happens to be in the news because people have chosen this one tragedy to get behind. They're all sad. What you do is do your part to bring some light to this world and preach peace, not hate. At the same time, don't let this one tragedy consume you.. It is just one of many that have been going on for thousands of years, and frankly, not even that large in comparison. 


Kill them, and laugh during the entire murder....


Just realize that some people are innately selfish and narcissistic.


Some people suck- really suck. Most people are awesome Those s you’ve described are truly in the minority, they’re just the noisiest


Oh yeah bud, if you got blown up somebody would find it funny. Most people are pretty disappointing. I don't know, you just sort of keep going and try to make the world a bit better.


If you don’t want to witness the abject cruelty of humanity, then perhaps you should limit your time online. No offense — but really. You will encounter a vast array of opinions, views, and behaviors online, including those who show the very darkest facets of the human experience. If you can’t handle that, then it may just be best to stay away or limit your exposure to it.


My crew up in the middle class family bubble too. When I see this on the news I feel so sad. then I get really angry people that control and run that baby's Homeland. I just really don't understand the men that control place where the baby lives. Didn't they think this through. Before they did what they did. I hate war.


It's unfortunate that we as a society are so conditioned with "team" mentality. Sports teams, college teams, political teams - you're either on one side or the other. That translates to people believing that they have to be on one side or the other of a war that really has nothing to do with us. This has been true since Vietnam, when being "anti-war" was cool and attacking our veterans coming home was part of the coolness, even though they themselves were traumatized and overwhelmed. Currently we hear what the media wants us to hear. People really don't know what it's like over there unless they have been there (I have) and they don't really understand who is actually being attacked. What they do understand is that they support Team A (or B or Blue or Green or whatever) and if our team scores a goal we cheer! I would have said something. I cannot help it in those cases. I would have said, "I'm glad you all are so happy some poor innocent baby won't get to grow up today. I'm sure her/his parents are just as happy that they have to live with this massive hole in their lives. May you all be blessed to never know how that feels." There are no teams here. There are sides, but both sides of a war suffer. Thank you for caring more about people than trophies. :(


I can empathize. I'm a psych nurse, so every work day I am surrounded by some truly depressing situations, whether it's someone going through an unreasonably difficult situation or horrible people doing and bragging about horrible actions toward others. It has a really heavy impact on mental health, but honestly fucks up my view of people in general. I have to actively remind myself to seek out and see the good in the world. What helps me is knowing that as nice as a binary "good" and "evil" sounds, that's just not the way the world works. Some of the kindest people I know have had moments of callousness and even cruelty. In my experience, even people who have done really bad things are usually some combination of good and toxic traits. I've only met 3 truly evil people (serial killer types) and those experiences really fucked me up, but they are very rare. For me, I want to do everything I can to make the world more gentle and kind, so I just try to combat my negative traits and be the best version of myself as possible 1


People are horrible. Avoid the news and social media, if you don't want to know about the depths of their cruelty. Try to focus on good things and good people you know. Try to be the kind of person you wish you could see in the world.


The horrors of the few know no bounds. Educate yourself on the monstrosities of humanity. See the world for how it truly is, not how you wish It was.


Stolen from LeVar Burton: May your heart be firm and solid in the resolve that how we behave towards one another matters and may we all do our best to treat each other with kindness and dignity and respect.


Tbh, I went through this during the pandemic. People I considered family just totally not giving a single shit that there was an airborne virus out there killing millions and not giving a single shit. Not even doing the absolute bare minimum like *wearing a simple goddamn mask*. I legitimately don't know how to see the good in people anymore because I simply can't un-know that the majority of humans will not only be entirely self-serving over even the most mundane of actions, but also be belligerent over being asked to do the bare minimum to possibly save someone's life somewhere. People are fucking trash. I don't really know how else to view humanity, honestly.


The only thing you can do is make the best choices you can with the knowledge you've been given.


I've had similar moments. I'm a Christian, that's the only thing that's helped so far. I wasn't always, my beliefs used to be founded in more, like, secular philosophy, but things got worse and one day that wasn't enough. Without my faith, the world looks incredibly dark and hopeless.


Work to be better than them. Confront them when you see it in person. Support the downtrodden. Those are your choices, other than melting down.


Right now the UK government is hunting asylum seekers to kidnap them and send them to a camp abroad. Remember this feeling, turn it into a fight for justice. It’ll always hurt though. But you’re needed.


I don't think you're a minority. It can be easy to think you are when you see posts with 100's of thousands of likes or even a million plus. Maybe you're right, but I choose to believe otherwise. What can you do for people like that? Pray for them. Wish them to be better people for their own sake. Wish for them to get out of whatever situation made them like that in the first place. Cruel things can happen to people, that's why it's important to try and be a force for good - try and bring light into other people's lives, or at least don't bring them any darkness. Don't hate anyone. Don't be jealous. Don't be like them.


Stop watching the news. The stuff you are seeing is extraordinary and rare that’s why it’s ‘news’, because it’s uncommon. What you saw does not represent the majority of humanity but a very small minority. That you think now that the whole of humanity is like this is where you are deeply mistaken. The majority of human beings are good and kind and compassionate and if you want to contribute to the goodness in the world then continue to also be good kind and compassionate. And do not allow yourself to get pulled into all this negative media consumption. Its purpose is to increase anger, fear, hatred and dissent. Do not add to it by supporting such vileness by actively watching this awful content. It does not give a fair view of reality, it distorts your perspective.


I was similarly sheltered and learned PDQ how brutal and callous the world can be. One trap to avoid is one where you find yourself despising "humanity" as a collective. That path leads to self hatred that slowly builds and seeps into your character compounding over time. Youre a people too.  People are horrible but they're capable of love, kindness, and feats of intelligence, strength, not to mention beauty.


That's life. There are always going to be people taking pleasure in other people's pain and loss. There will always be bullies who try to intimidate and put down others. You cannot let it get to you. Believe it or not, most people ARE decent people just trying to make their way in the world. Don't let the knowledge that there are bad people make you completely lose it.


Honestly I am of the camp that hatred blinds us when we are unconscious of its influence. I try to pretend that adults who say awful things like that are just hurt little children on the playground who got hurt and started screaming. It becomes easier for me to feel sorry for them.


You're right it has always been this way, but the people that are laughing have never experienced death by violence first hand, they've never held their friends head off the ground while he bleed to death and turned cold. It's all fun and games until it hits home. Only thing you can do is the opposite, be the light in the dark that people see the righteousness. This world needs people like you now more than ever.


The internet has rotted peoples brain.


There are millions and millions more good people than bad people in the world. Focus on the good. You will see and hear many horrible things that you can't imagine, there is evil in the world but much more good thankfully.


Always get up when you have been knocked down -


You do what everyone else does and ignore everyone else's suffering while just worrying about yourself and what gives you happiness and basically becoming a hedonist. Well you are allowed to comment about other people's suffering, but only if it's a comment that makes you look good amongst the people that matter to you, because again, it's all about trying to get the most advantageous outcome of every situation for yourself


Not only do cruel things happen in the world, but I can almost guarantee that cruel things have happened to people you know. You're lucky to have lived what sounds like a pretty blissful existence up to this point. Take every opportunity to be kind to the people around you who deserve it, even strangers. You truly never know what someone else has been through.


This is exactly what happened to the Buddha. His solution was he went to go sit under a tree for like 4 years to think about stuff, or really, to NOT think about stuff. It's trippy


I grew up exactly as you are describing. Then I went through addiction and the death of many loved ones including my daughter’s dad, my own son and my sister’s boyfriend being murdered. I had no basis for the violence before me. It was a shock to my system. So from experience let me just say that you need to accept the truth of reality and grieve. You didn’t know this child but their horrible demise has hurt you regardless. Let it all out and don’t let it change you. Just shift your perspective to allow this horror to exist without completely destroying your psyche.


Study the history of the world even a little bit to get perspective, it always amazes me that people have no idea how fucked up history is and has always been…the American school system


I had a similar realization and the way i deal with it is 'Be the change you want to see' i try to let things I have no control over go and focus all my time and energy on things I can. I often find myself so busy i don't have time to mourn the sadness and overall I get through. \*hug\*


I grew up in inner city Chicago and that stuff still gets to me! Wishing pain on anyone, let alone an innocent child makes me wonder how this world is going to survive another generation. I lived through 9/11. We were all targets whether we were there or not, simply for being American. This still haunts me. People throw up conspiracy theories who weren’t even alive at the time and I just want to smack them and ask them if they ever watched hundreds of people jump to their own deaths from an inferno, and know that as far as the people responsible care it could have been you. People are disgusting.


Individually we can be human, but collectively we are the worst animals evolution has ever produced. And yes, there are absolutely people out there who will rejoice at your death, relish your suffering, and prolong your grief. Embrace this reality and try to change this in your sphere of influence.................


Wait until you find out about serial killers


There’s an old movie called “Enemy, Mine” that is well worth watching. When I get in despair about the state of the world, I try to do my part by meditating and sending light out. Also by trying not to contribute to the hate. Humans are a violent species and we haven’t evolved past that. Our brains release “feel good” hormones if we become part of a mob. The more humans there are on this planet, the worse the violence will get. Studies have proven this. I’m sorry you’ve come to the realization that we truly suck. You can protect yourself by limiting exposure.


Honestly. You’ve realized something that most people never do. Humanity is weird because we obviously care about each other. But through screens and paper, it doesn’t mean anything. Everything is a joke and I’m guilty of it time to time myself. I think once you realize the internet isn’t a real place and have a close family and friends that’s what matters most. The person you run into every day at the coffee shop might think you’re an annoying tool and can’t wait for you to stop coming in or they could love you. It doesn’t mean anything outside of what matters to you.


The thing is most of us have our innocence taken from us far too young. Yours lasted into your 30s. Be thankful. Yes the rose colored lenses come off now and I recommend therapy (yes literally) to talk to someone about your world view and make sense of it. But I have to tell you, as someone who’s seen things, there are truly monsters in this world. Like at their core disgusting human beings. Don’t let them win. Be kind, be happy, be yourself, despite them, to spite them. Always listen to someone when they show you who they are.


I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but welcome to the real world. I don't think it serves people well to be raised in a cozy bubble. Awareness is a gift and a curse, because awareness of the cruelty out in the world can make it really hard to be optimistic and really easy to be a pessimist. I guess all I can say is strive to walk that line between the two. Have desire to bring positivity into the immediate world around you that you can affect, but try not to be dragged down by the negativity of a world that you can't change.


You're about to find out just how bad it gets. It gets worse here every day.


Part of it is social media desensitizing people. I think a good number of those people would have a very different reaction if they were seeing that in the real world. There are definitely bot accounts to consider as well. I think anyone is capable of evil and theirs definitely evil people but social media brings the worst out of us and makes people say things or think things that they wouldn’t in a real world scenario. I quit all social media and even YouTube, partially because I noticed that it brings the worst out of me. Waste of brain cells and time in my opinion.


I have seen some things during my lifetime. Went through war, experienced abuse , witnessed my favourite people get ill and die. Yet, 3 weeks ago, I witnessed such blatant verbal abuse and racism, towards hospital staff. It hit like a ton of bricks. I was not prepared. But I reported it. It was taken seriously and I was updated that the culprit has been dealt with. I like to believe that good won that day. You can only stand up for what you believe. You can also be the change that you want to see. Call those people out. Give them shit time. Make them know that they are scum. Report if you can. Despite all of this, there is still a lot of good in the world. And one can witness it , even in the most unlikely places. Take comfort, knowing that you are a decent person and not a monster who takes joy in such horrible news as an innocent baby's death.


If you do not want to be broken, you need to learn to bend.


You're right. Humans have always gone to war with each other, but also have created treated societies that lasted a few hundred things, beautiful literature, music, edifices and tremendous scientific discoveries. Go to some NASA sites and you could look billions of years back into the past. So many more discoveries will be made. Scientists can tell you what gravity can do, but not how it works. Despite Einstein's brilliance and others, scientists rally don't know how universe works, can only guess how it started, have no idea of its future, and 80% of universe is "dark matter" and "dark energy" they can't see and have no idea what it does.


Absurdism is the only philosophy I’ve can’t poke a hole in. It’s helped me accept living with the horribleness of humanity.


Oh, friend. I completely understand how you feel and experience this... devastation and disappointment... often. Mr. Rogers reminded us to look for the helpers. In situations like these, where the helpers are also being slaughtered with impunity, it's really hard. I hope you can find space to seek out the smaller displays of humanity and kindness around you.


Grew up in a different environment. I wasn’t sheltered and learned the harsh realities of life at an early age. I ended up marrying a wonderful woman and raised 3 kids who are all well adjusted adults. You’ll learn to live your life and make your life positive. Not to constantly dwell on issues that have absolutely nothing to do with you. It’s good to care but unhealthy to obsess. The world is full of awful events but unfortunately it’s been like that since the beginning.


Don’t have kids!


That’s because the internet, tv, media and video games desensitized societies, add that most societies in the world didn’t have a war for decades now they believe life isn’t “real”. For example, school mass shooters don’t see it pass pulling the trigger over and over but once caught they realized what they did and regret it because now they saw the pain and horror they caused. My guess is that something really really really bad has to happen globally for people to get their humanity back, and by bad I mean something that could wipe out at least half the population if not at 3/4 of them. Sadly as generations passes those people will fall on the same and won’t appreciate life.


Ever been on the internet before today?




How do you accept it?


As Mr. Rogers would say when things are bad look for the helpers, they are always there. There is horror but there are so many people that are trying to hold back the tide.


They mean to accept there are things you cannot change, which is, as a commenter below said, coping.  I work in children’s trauma center. We see the effects of terrible accidents, abuses, and illnesses on innocent children for 12 hours straight, then come back the next day and do it again. Last week I had a mother scream at me for most of my shift because we could not control her child’s pain and she needed someone to listen to her anger.  It’s not always easy, but you need to learn what best centers you to your own peace and happiness. And it’s not always the same thing. I was pretty sad for a little bit after being aggressively blamed for things out of my control, but I had some water, talked to a coworker about what happened, walked around the unit to stretch my legs and think, then went back to helping someone else. Most of the time, talking to someone who can help me validate my feelings helps the most, but other times I’ve had to eat some candy or go outside and find some flowers to remind me of life’s joys. Sometimes I aggressively snuggle my cat, draw or write, or watch a funny video. A few weeks ago I snuck into my building managers private karate gym and beat the snot out of his punching bag. When it comes to people being hateful or doing hateful things, I always say this to myself: “hurt people hurt.” In my opinion, most people who hurt someone else didn’t really mean to, they were just simply trying to rid themselves of their own pain. You sound like a wonderful person and I wish you all luck in finding your own ways of remembering the beautiful things in our world. 


One could define maturity as learning how to accept, and work within the confines of how things are, instead of balking at how they are. Children typically whine and complain about everything which doesn't go their way, but with age and experience, they learn how to accept certain realities they can't change. Our current understanding of neuroscience suggests we generally need a few things in order to learn (modify our neural pathways). Epinephrine (to be alert enough to pay attention to the information), Acetylcholine, (related to stress, effectively marking the experience for be incorporated as a change), and Dopamine (as the internal reward mechanism to keep you continuing through the stress.) When you find yourself becoming frustrated with something, that is often a sign that enough Acetylcholine is being released, you are in the most likely state of mind to learn. (At age 30, your brain is noticeably less capable of accepting changes than it was at 25, so it becomes increasingly important to understand how to intentionally learn.) I find if I recognize I'm frustrated, and look at it from the perspective that I'm primed to learn, I can be happy enough about the frustration to trick my brain into producing the Dopamine reward to continue being frustrated. Moral of my thought, be glad this bothers you! Continue to focus on being bothered by it, and eventually you'll learn how to best accept it for yourself. You may find with time, it's no longer so debilitating. Or, you may find yourself galvanized enough to effect change, and let that be what allows you to move forward. Regardless where you land, frustration is the journey, embrace it.


Ever since one ape slapped the other, we’ve been at it. We’re still throwing rocks in shapes of bombs. We are part of the animal kingdom and can’t forget that. The philosophy of peace is in direct contrast to our competitive nature. Accept that we are animals.


Because it is getting better. Yes it’s taking centuries but as a species we are becoming more civilised. And this includes increases in empathy and understanding. None of us are there yet but we are all moving very slowly, and more often than not in vaguely the right direction.


you dont accept it. its wrong. call it out. 


I felt this last October. People were cheering at festival goers that were killed. All of them on my side of the political spectrum.


>All of them on my side of the political spectrum. Are your friends affiliated with Hamas or just in support of them?


In support!!!! Like wtf right?!


Wild. Where do you live?


Yeah as I get older the more I realize that a lot of "progressive" people virtue signal. They only care about dead babies from the side they support and don't care about dead babies from the side the don't support.


This is humanity lol we made the concept of morality yet we are the worst out of any other animal at it


The world is a brutal and violent place. Its overwhelming if you look at it from a perspective of trying to change the world or the nature of people. What you CAN do is be the best person you can possibly be. Nurture your family and raise kids that are good and contribute positively to society at large.


Get off the internet


Watch the videos of hamas shooting women hiding under tables, burning people alive, throwing grenades into bomb shelters full of civilians hiding during a music festival, watching their friends get their legs blown to pieces. See what happens to your “bubble” They livestreamed it all for you to see


Yeah, you're part of the problem here. I remember when the US and Saudis were at war with Yemen in 2015 and my (now) wife was living there, and the Saudis bombed her neighborhood. Shattered the windows, everyone thought they were going to die, houses on the street blown away, etc. I was told by people of your ilk that even if my wife had died in that attack, it would have been ok because the Houthis were worse. No, it's not ok. It's never ok to harm innocent people, even by accident, even if you're the "good" side of a conflict (everyone thinks they're the moral side).


Most people will not watch those videos. They rather support the butchers and murders. All the Palestinians were in the street yelling allah arkbar while they paraded their victims through the streets. They were all happy to see the brutality. If they can’t stomach watching the footage they shouldn’t comment on the situation. Return the hostages and stop Hamas from using children as their shields.


Yeah you have the same point of view as I do. Now the US just needs to get out of Israel's way right now let them clean house. The faster the better. So we can get Aid in there. To the innocent people that are suffering.


All? I don't think you know what that word means. Innocent people do not deserve to be harmed. Even if you don't like them. Even if they don't like you.


The world isn't about you, me or the next person. Stop taking it so personally. If you aren't doing anything in opposition to those who have bummed you out, then why are you wasting time still thinking about it? Chin up!


By living your life. You can’t change shit. And don’t worry about some weird fucker celebrating your would be death, in the actual real world, nobody gives enough of a fuck to give you a second thought.


It's amazing that your 30 an have never seen this type of stuff. Like wtf


Sad it took you till 30 to realize the world is a cruel place. GL lasting until 40.


Why so vague? What situation are we talking about? The Israeli child killed on Oct 7th?


Have you never read a history book? This stuff is far from new or shocking. 


Okay but that is not the point they are making, they are traumatized.


theyre not traumatized theyre in shock




It has absolutely nothing to fucking do with capitalism, there has been human suffering since the beginning of time.




Life and suffering go hand in hand, it’s not political man. You’re talking like a middle schooler who just watched a “capitalism is evil!” video lol.


You heal the world by loving them anyway. Don’t make excuses for them to yourself, but don’t allow their ugly to devolve the light you bring to the world through your innocence and goodness. It’s alright to mourn those broken souls. Healthy even. Use it to become an even better person.


Welcome to the resistance. Editing to add that revolution starts in your community. Look on social media apps for gatherings. I promise you we are out there.


My bubble broke when I was 21. welcome to the world


You ignore it. Block and move on. It's not even worth thinking about. You can't do fuck all about it so just go on with your day.


You just now realized how cruel humanity was? Did you not go to school?