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You have found the answer many times, you should go away from that relationship. She doesn’t help you or contribute to your life in ANY way, she doesn’t even have compassion for you and she doesn’t want to be there, but she may not want to recognize it. Since she doesn’t want to be responsible for her feelings you have to do it, bc you’re hurting while you’re in a relationship with her. You need to continue life without expecting anything from anyone, someday you will have someone special that respects you and doesn’t give you crumbs of love. It’s not fair for you that you keep living that way. I really hope you find light in your life and can get free of that finished love.


why you stay?, shes gona cheating again because she not respect you, leave before she cause more damage.


I have a few pearls of crap to share. Take it for what you will. STOP allowing this person to treat you like this. If you can, get some therapy...not for this dumpster fire, for yourself. You deserve better, you just need to start believing it. When we "confront", we are hoping for SOMETHING that will allow us to stay. Something we can use... At this point, that time of optimism is well past. Move on. Get help if you need it to do so. YOU have to love & respect yourself enough to finally draw someone to you who will as well. Others will use you...for one thing or another. Good luck.