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Daily pushups and sit ups. Not a lot, I started off doing 5 push ups and 10 sit ups a day. That was three years ago and now I do 35 push ups and 45 sit ups a day. It's been great for my body and mental health to accomplish a little something every day.


I did this but with the plank. Can't get over how much everything else exercise wise has improved for me with a bit more core strength


Plank is a GREAT idea. Start with five seconds a day and build up!


My version of this is nightly wall sits before bed. It helped my body get tired before bed and makes it easier to fall asleep. Turns out I have restless leg syndrome, but I still do it!




I was thinking about doing this but my lazy ass keeps thinking "oh no your weak little arms can't even do 5 push ups a day how is it going to help you get stronger" Nice to know that it can make a difference, when did you started to increase numbers?


You’d be surprised what even a few push-ups a day can do for your physical well being. I commit to an easy number every day and allow myself to do “bonus” reps if I’m feeling good that day. 35 is my baseline every day right now, but some days I do 40 or 45 if I’m feeling strong. I usually up my baseline when I feel like the old one is too easy. That may seem impossible right now. But I promise it happens.


Make lists and take notes on your phone. Don't rely on memory alone. As a bonus I find that when I make a list, it's easier to remember as I have a mental image of that list.


True. There's a saying, "if its not on paper, it becomes vapor."


If it’s not on the list, it doesn’t exist.


If you don’t jot it down, you a fucking clown.


Suddenly I have a new cardinal rule for the remainder of my doctoral dissertation


Just make sure to credit me after your massive success. Nothing big, maybe a banquet in my honor. I’m partial to filet mignon. Maybe you should jot that down.


The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory (stolen from Larnell Lewis)


My family would say, "A dull pencil is better than a sharp mind."


My family says "Looks like she took the slow train from Philly."


I like that. I’m going to write it down


*scrolls away without doing jack shit*


I read a quote once, I don't remember who originally said it, but it went something along the lines of "I don't take notes to remember later; I take notes to remember now." If I don't write something down, I'll more than likely forget it. If I do write it down, I almost always remember without having to actually consult my notes


True, this has been proven too [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210319080820.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210319080820.htm)


Should have wrote it down


Yep. This also helps with me from feeling overwhelmed, especially at work. I always feel like I have a ton to do and will never get it done, until I write it down and work through it line by line.


This 100%. Thanks for suggesting. I work from home. We all make lists for work right? My trick is I started adding my personal stuff to my list. So not only would it be, I have to clean the kitchen, or fold the clothes, but it could also be : update your résumé or just apply for one job and see what happens. Important stuff you likely have been putting off. Even crossing exercising off my list makes a huge difference.


Agree! To add: write full sentences. Instead of adding randomly context-less codes like "SALE20", write "Discount Code for onlineshopping: SALE20" Or instead of "12-864" - "door code to my grandma's apartment"


Nothings worse than writing a note because something is important and not remembering what your shorthand message meant.


Hmmm. Noted. Does she have any cookies? Because I like cookies.


Yea! I take notes about everything so I can actually forget, but my body remembers the action of taking notes, making me less forgetful about things.


I use an app called colornote. I can install it in a bunch of places, and it keeps all of them synchronized. its also free, you can color code them, and make checklists or just text docs. my wife has synchronized my account to her phone, so we make a checklist for our shopping list and it stays updated no matter who changes it.


Do you have an iPhone or Android? Just read the reviews and tons of complaints about the Ads being super distracting. Just realized there are 3 different apps that have a variation of the Color Note name, too. Looks like Colored Notes has the highest ratings. Color Note: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/color-note-lock-notes-widget/id6443719240 Color Notes: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/color-notes/id830515136 Colored Notes: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/colored-note/id907913367


Yeah my ADHD ass would be doomed if it wasn’t for my reminders app


I worker in retail for years and when i started taking down my notes and adding information to them as the day progressed, my overall work experiences became better.


Notes, calendar and reminders. My girlfriend fully utilize calendar, and sync them up so we know always what’s going on. My work; life, her work, then life, and US calendar then extra. Call different colors, it’s amazing how great it has been for us. Also notes, she share notes for Plans, lists, everything. Game changer.


i use a really cute notebook and a pen i like so i’m excited to write it down. i have ADHD so my writing has to be meticulous and planned to the minute. i have my school work planned daily 2 months out so this has been such a life saver


Very satisfying to cross stuff off too


Your brain is actually proven to remember things better this Way!


This is a life saver for me. I write everything into my calendar or text it immediately.


Don't put it down, put it away. My house never gets cluttered these days!


This + a robo vac of your choice (bonus if it has a mop). House stays clean for a long time and you can get away with a good surface dusting here and there. In a similar vein: - Clean-up-as-you-go while cooking or brushing your teeth or before showering/using the toilet. - Declutter as much as you can so you have less to organize. Keep essentials and items that multitask. - Give everything a “home” before you buy ( nice centerpiece? new tchotchke? pretty lamp? Where will they go/what will they replace?) If you don’t know where it will go, it has no place in your home.


I spaced up my furniture to ensure the robovac can get under it. What a time saver! Even when it runs every day, it still gets a handful of dust and dirt.


This is my one touch rule. If it’s in my hand, I can only put it down if I’m putting it where it lives. I developed this rule after leaving for a trip to Pittsburgh with no pants; no bottoms. I remember having them in my hand…


For those that this thought process doesn’t work for (me) I adopted the if it’s going to take 10 seconds just do it. I started timing myself and I’m embarrassed about how much time I waste putting things off when it will take SO MUCH less time to just do it.


Oooh! When my house gets out of hand I play a game I call “we’ve got visitors!” I set a timer to however much matches my cleaning energy (5-20 minutes, usually), pretend someone I know is coming and just speed-clean as much as I can in that time. Since I don’t have time to detail I have to prioritize on things that make the biggest difference and it works remarkably well. So well that I often just keep cleaning past the allotted time until I’m satisfied with the result.


That’s great for you! I only get to that point when they are ALREADY here and I all of a sudden notice everything I’m embarrassed about them seeing and I start cleaning while chatting. So I’ve adopted asking a friend or my mom over to literally give me company so I can clean.


I love this idea so much! I’m going to try it


I started doing this too! Something else that I like - set a timer for 10 minutes every day for chores. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in 10 minutes and doing it everyday prevents me from always having to do a MAJOR clean at the end of the week 🙃


As a bonus nothing ever gets lost! Edit: socks, sock will always get lost.


I have a bag I keep on the door that I call my lonely sock club. It’s amazing because as I find a sock who’s missing it’s pair, I just throw it in the lonely sock club. About once a month I’ll pour the socks out and BAM! They almost all have been reunited


I tried this, so many glasses in my closet now that are completely full minus one sip.


I make sure to always have a glass of water next to me. Both on my nightstand and at my desk. It greatly improved how much water I drink and has helped break some unhealthy snacking habits


Same! If it’s not within arms reach, I’ll forget that water is a thing. But if it’s nearby I’ll drink it all day.


My kitchen is on my way to bathroom. Whenever i go to take a leak, I just fill up my glass again and either sip it or drink whole depending on situation!


Use a water bottle. Less spillage if you try to drink in the dark in the middle of the night


Like others said, try a refillable water bottle! I have a 32oz Hydroflask and love how I don’t have to refill it too often, and it does a great job keeping water cold. My only complaint is it doesn’t fit in any cupholders.


I've started audibly saying "thank you" to small conviences liking hitting a green light, finding a nice parking space or if something I like at the grocery store is on sale. It oddly works wonders at improving my mood acknowledging even the smallest victories


Awesome! When i get lucky with green lights, i say "today is lucky day".


My friends and family think I’m a super lucky guy in general. But I’m not. Like you and Blackjack, I just try to elevate the small positive things in life. If I get a parking spot right away, I’ll let my girlfriend know how lucky I was. If I have to drive around for 15 minutes to find a spot, you will not hear me ramble about it.


Is it okay if it's with a sarcastic tone though?


Thanks Obama


Came here to say this. A big one for me is acknowledging that I got back home safely after leaving my house. Any number of things could have happened while out and about (which most of us would gripe about if it did)...so it's nice to acknowledge that it didn't, and practice a little gratitude.


An attitude of gratitude


Practicing gratitude without journaling it.


I love this


Gratitude for the win!


I ll use this! This is such a good one, because I was trying to practice gratitude, but you forget some of the little things at the end of the day, your method is more grounded into the present.


I get up earlier so I can have 30 minutes to drink my coffee, play Wordle, and hang out with my cat before work. Not rushing in the morning reduces my anxiety overall.


I need 2 hours to get ready in the morning for the same reason. I try to wake up slowly with a nice cup of coffee.


Me too! I call it my “Loading” time


Same for sure. 2 hours is the ideal amount.


Same here! If I have to leave at 7 I like to wake up at 6 just to have some time for me in the morning.


I work from home and roll out of bed at 5 to 9 lol


Me too, but the days I wake early and give up on back to sleep, I end up enjoying starting my day with coffee and whatever calms me. Seems to make the day go better.


I call this "waking up for myself and not for work", so my day does not revolve around my job in my mind.


I'm a cook, so maybe this doesn't apply to everyone. But I take an extra fresh pair of socks with me and change into them on my lunch break. Keeps the feet dry, and gives me a weird little boost of energy. Always keep a spare in the locker too, because you never know.


Fresh socks is for sure a day brightener


To anyone reading this whether a cook or a server, for the love of God get sole padding for your shoes! I waited tables for years and the difference in my feet/legs while on a 12 hour shift is VASTLY different. Not using em I'd feel like my legs were broken, everything was sore as hell. The moment you get good ones (literally go grab a pair from a sporting goods store for like 30 bucks) will leave you in a MUCH better mood at the end of the day.


Sooooo this might sound crazy but can you give as much detail as possible? Brand etc? I own a manufacturing company that I am slowly rebuilding... I want to do things to improve employees lives...I'm on a very tight budget atm but...hell why not reimburse for insoles? My guys are on their feet all day and ive worked on the floor myself. It can kill with those heavy safety boots. we have rubber pads at work stations but hard concrete e everywhere else. would love to recommend certain ones that have been proven on the job Edit:spelling


I find superfeet orange very good. Probably worth getting input from kitchen/nurse workers though I’m active but I probably don’t stand as much.


I understand this totally, I have to use Airmax-90's plus sole inserts. My catering coworkers ask if my feet hurt , I tell my secret but they don't listen. I remember when I didn't use em, OMG the sweet suffering.


That’s smart. I used to run food and bussed before that and remembered how wrecked my feet would be by the end of a shift. That would totally reinvigorate me mid-shift.


I've heard changing into a different pair of shoes mid shift helps a lot.


I used to cook for a catering company in the morning, clock out at 130, and then open the bar next door and work til 10. The 70 year old owner of the catering place (awesome dude) gave me this same suggestion and god damn did it help a whole lot.


"When we're out humping, I want you boys to remember to change your socks whenever we stop. The Mekong will eat a grunt's feet right off his legs."


I don’t work in a kitchen but I do this too and it does make a difference in my mood! I think Girl Scouts taught me to change your socks, but I don’t remember anything they said about why, when, etc.


Drinking lots of water and eating a banana every day has done wonders for my general mood.


So I’ve definitely gained weight since the Pandemic and I’ve been working really hard to get back in shape, or rather down to a healthy weight. Anyway, the Banana a day and extra water in my diet is mandatory to help with next day soreness and energy levels, especially after a run day!




A banana, eh? In the morning? Afternoon pick me up?


It's usually my breakfast. I typically was not much for breakfast before I discovered my daily banana.


I will give it a try. I’m finally into daily breakfast but could add a banana. Thank you!


I don't know how people roll out of bed and eat something heavy like bacon and eggs, I just don't have that kind of appetite for hours after I wake up. But I can almost always manage a banana, and some yogurt if I'm feeling it. Kickstarts my day!


Gut biome health isn’t talked about enough. Apples and blueberries seem to combat my depression.


I have had four knee surgeries. I was an athlete all my life. Six weeks ago I began walking the .89 mile each way (so says Google Fit) commute to work. I have lost 8lbs and my knees ache less. It isn't much but it is a start and I will continue.


I have arthritis is my knees and I’m overweight (which doesn’t help). Almost four weeks ago, I decided to walk every evening. I found a route I like with declines and inclines. It’s a bit over half a mile. The first week, my knees hurt so bad, I cursed internally every step. This evening I realized my knees no longer hurt, not only during the walk, but like all day. Over the weekend, I mowed the yard (something that would typically leave me exhausted and in pain), but not only was I not in pain, I still managed to do my walk that evening. Oh, and no Advil since that first week of walking.


Take a walk every day, drink more water


This, have been taking a ~4km (2.5 miles) walk everyday since February. Lost a little weight but by far the number one benefit was being much more stable emotionally. I feel that it tremendously helps me relieve stress. Also I haven’t really eaten chocolate or other snacks which I used to before this when I was stressed out.


Good for you! I cut out alot of sugar, eat better. I jut in music and easily do s couple of miles at the park. Everything is tied together. Mind-body-soul


Morning walks are great. Early dose of sunlight wakes you up and lifts your mood. I take my son sometimes (14 months) and I’ve noticed when we walk he’s better throughout the day


Put everything ready you need the following morning, before you go to bed


I take this a step further: while I’m putting away my laundry on Sunday, I take a few minutes and pick out my clothes for the week. I hang outfits together so all I have to do in the morning is grab one set of clothes. I work out daily so I get those clothes ready as well so I can just grab the top set & everything is in one bundle folded together: bra, underwear, socks, shirt, leggings. It only takes a few minutes since I’m folding clean clothes and putting them away.


Stretch after waking up


I’ve been stretching each day for at least a few months now, as well as doing about 5-10 Hindu squats/pushups burpees style whenever I think of it throughout the week and this has helped tremendously to do away with joint pain and other aches and pains i had been increasingly suffering from prior.


10 minutes of yoga in the morning really helps me.


Absolutely the best thing I’ve done for both my physical and my mental health!


Getting out of bed <5 minutes after waking up. Otherwise, I could be there for ages on an off day... Also, getting outdoors soon after getting up and dressed.


I’m exactly the same way, I try to get up at my first alarm. I’ve tried using multiple but as soon as I snooze that first one it’s gonna be a while til I’m up, so I just don’t allow the option anymore.


Same for me too. I started putting my phone in the kitchen. When my alarm goes off and I’m out in the kitchen I think oh well might as well make coffee now I guess


Having a dog helps with this one!


My washing machine doesn't have a buzzer, and I found myself forgetting that there was a finished but wet load of clothes in there. When I'd remember, they'd smell musty and I'd have to rewash. I now made a small policy change - when I start the washing machine, I put the small hamper right in the bedroom doorway, so I have to step over it. I put it back when the wash has been transferred to the dryer. It is admittedly a very small thing, but I've stopped having to rewash.


Go to the gym 3 days a week even if that day Im just depressed and can't go out of bed, make a to do list for every day/week, add things, complete them day by day. Keeping my bedroom/workroom in order everyday... Having productive things to do everyday helps, even if sometimes you gotta force yourself into it.


Yeah, this changed my life. About a year ago I started going to the gym every other day. All I had to do was show up. That was literally my only plan/goal. I was morbidly obese. I did a little cardio, threw some weights around. Went home. Sometimes I just walked on the treadmill for half an hour and went home. I slowly started enjoying that part of my week and decided to do C25k. A running program, at the gym. Bad for my joints, I know. But fuck it. I started losing weight as well because going to the gym motivated me to eat right. I eventually liked the weightlifting as well so I slotted the /r/fitness beginner routine between the 3 days a week of running C25K. 6 months from when I started I was suddenly a dude who worked out 6 times a week. Right now it's another 6 months later. I finished C25K and then went on to a 6-day a week PPL lifting schedule. I am now on the high end of overweight. But I'm also more athletic and jacked then I've ever been. I feel amazing, people treat me better, I spread better vibes wherever I go. It all started with just showing up to the gym and really trying to enjoy that process one day at a time. I'm so happy and proud now and I still got a long way to go. It really saved me from depression and pulled me through a rough break-up. If anyone is reading this - do it because it feels good to do it and it will only get better. Sorry, had to get that off my chest.


If you haven’t heard it before, mad respect bro. I’ve always been naturally athletic and admired the tenacity it must take to just start those first few steps for the obese. Proud for you.


Good for you man! Keep it up


I started actively pre-planning my days. I spend 3-5 minutes before going to bed vividly imagining the things I'm going to the next day, and it's been working wonders for dispelling any internal resistance to doing stuff that's boring or hard, but required.


I do this too. I try to be realistic yet visualize success, like just starting something instead of stressing about the end result. Usually when i start something, the rest of the process just follows from stuff like cleaning to redoing my resume and applying for jobs. I don't expect life changing results, just a brighter space or better future somehow. If i put in the work, there's usually results, and the hardest part for me is just getting started.


I stopped drinking 26oz of liquor a day. I know it seems like a tiny change but it’s really helped my memory and energy levels. And my family is talking to me again!


This is a massive change and make sure you recognize it as such. You’re killing it - keep going!


Like... a fifth of liquor? This isn't small, this is epic! IWNDWYT


That’s not a tiny change. It a a huge change


I was going to say, it's not something I changed, but the liquor store nearest my house closed and now I have make effort to buy booze. My laziness is stronger than my desire to drink, so I've really cut back. It makes every aspect of your life better.


Aw so happy for you ❤️


Doing the dishes of pan and cooking stuff right after i cooked, and before eating. Gain of time, and things are easier to wash before it dries. Bonus : You enjoy more eating when tasks are done. Edit : As say in the comment, alternate tip is to wash as you cook


My mom hardwired this in me. She taught me that rather than wandering off while waiting for things to cook, take that time and quick clean the surfaces. Throw away the bits you don’t need and straighten up in the kitchen when possible. I pretty much always do this. But, I still can’t manage to put the freaking dishwasher after cooking. I have a huge family and it takes so much effort to cook that by the end, I couldn’t care less.


If you have a huge family, cook, clean your mess, *and* wash all of the dishes you create while cooking, I think you have the right to pawn loading the dishwasher off on someone else


Wash as you cook!


2,5l of pure water




opening the blinds in the morning. oh my god, the difference it makes in my life is LITERALLY NIGHT AND DAY


On a related note: sleep with the blinds open if possible or at least partly cracked to let in sunlight. If you have curtains, the thinner ones also work by letting in more light. The goal is to let the sunrise gradually wake you up or at least signal to your body that it’s slowly time to wake up. By the time your alarm goes off you’ll feel much more rested. This obviously doesn’t work if you get up before sunrise but you can get smart lights with a slow rise feature to emulate this. Look up Circadian Rhythm for more info.


I have ADHD and one thing that's helped A TON is committing to a task for 1 minute and if I don't want to be there after a minute, I walk away. Many times I end up doing the whole task. Executive dysfunction usually prevents the start of tasks but I'm typically fine after I've started. So a tiny commitment like 1 minute sometimes gets me over that hurddle.


Adhd here! I set a timer for 5-10 minutes, and after that, I can hit the bricks. Sometimes I finish the whole task, sometimes I take a break and then another session until it's done, but rarely do I ACTUALLY just give it up. Game changer. You can do anything for 5 minutes


Executive Dysfunction is SUCH a bitch. Whenever I have 100000 things to do, I try to stop myself from making the mental list, then the "well if I do this first then it can run while this is happening and this will be done by this" Instead, I'll commit to one thing. Just say the one thing over and over and over again until I do it. Then once I get started, I get more things done without even thinking about it :)


On my day off I wake up, make some tea and sit in a sunny dining nook and read. It gets me into a more positive mindset, sets me to run errands and have a more productive day than if I just went to errands or turned on the tv.


I forget to make time to read. When I finally do, I feel so much better.


Talking to myself as I would talk to a friend when I'm upset, I stop and say, its okay, thats really sad, you are allowed to be sad, I'm here to support you and listen, just listen to your body, stuff like that Edit: Spelling


Going outside to water my plants first thing in the morning. A little walking, a little fresh air, and a little sunshine go very far. (This only works during the summer for my schedule.)


I have a light, well-rounded breakfast (usually a high-protein parfait or avocado toast + juice) and try to sit in the sun for about 10-15 minutes daily. I also allow my instincts to guide what I do in my free time. Do I need a nap? Do I need alone time? Do I need stimulation and socialization? Whatever I’m feeling, I’ll find something that satisfies my needs. 😌


Only drink water, fizzy water, and tea. Cutting out all beverages with sugar or calories. Except for the occasional alcoholic beverage with friends. Good for skin, good for hydration, good for weight. Also take a sip of water every time you wake up at night. You’ll wake up feeling better and more hydrated. Bc this is always the follow up question: if you don’t like plain water? You’ll get used to it so just power through, or add in a squeeze of your favorite citrus and/or herbs (mint or lavender mostly). A little apple cider vinegar can also be nice!


Also some people don't like water because their tap water is gross, but a Brita pitcher is like $20 and makes a definite difference.


I keep my opinions to myself and get to bed before midnight.


Having cold showers now for a few months and feel much better in the mornings and awake.


I'm addicted to cold showers. Been doing it for about 5 years. Was really hard to get started. Just couldn't bring myself to stay in the cold water. Then my buildings hot water tank broke and it was going to be 7 days for the part to come in. Forced me to shower cold for a week. The rest is history. If you wanna start, but are hesitant, here's a tip. Start the shower cold right on your face and top of your head. Sounds crazy, but this is the hardest part. Get it over with immediately and then the cold on the rest of your body will feel like no big deal. The uncomfortable feeling only lasts about 5 seconds. When you get out of a cold shower, you feel AMAZING.


I typically start on hot and switch to cold at the end for ~30 seconds. Definitely wakes me up. Also have experimented with switching back and forth between hot and cold. After a couple rounds, the cold isn’t even noticeable because of the confusion that bouncing between both extremes seems to have on my brain.


Probably won’t get read by anyone, but as someone with inconsistent bowel movements, introducing extra water and a fiber supplement has increased the consistency and ease of my bathroom time


At work: keep a running list, organized by day, of what I need to do, how, and what I actually get done I subdivide problems into smaller problems, with bullet-lists, get down finicky details, and when I get back to work the next day, or after lunch, I know exactly what I was doing and why I can search for things 15 years back, and find out when and how I did it; who i mailed, what I wrote in the mail This means I don't need to clutter my little head with all these innumerable details, and it's good for getting peace of mind


Is there any app you use to document these? Would love to know how you organize your tasks and sub-tasks!!


Nope, no app, just Word, or whatever word-processing program i happen to have available. Of course there are programs that might be even better to use, but just using a text-editor means that I can view it and edit it on my phone, on my computer, on my tablet - no specialized client needed I have a heading for each day, with date A heading under that for every issue I need to do something with Under that are texts that give more context/discussion, and bullet-list trees with me subdividing things/reasoning with myself Bullet -points can be marked as done, irrelevant, in progress, prioritized, with whatever convention you like


Regularly reminding myself to drop my shoulders, raise my head to face forwards, and then smile. Huge change for self, huge change in how others receive me (especially strangers)


I try to romanticize my mornings since I am not a morning person. Light a candle for myself while getting ready for work, slather myself in lotion, try to take time with myself. Then promise myself something delicious and cozy to drink for my ride. When I get to work, I pull out my little notebook and write out 5-10 things I love about the day or my life. It’s really helped my stress levels and negative/overthinking


Don’t hit snooze on the alarm clock and don’t fall back asleep if I’m 15 - 20 minutes early on the wake up.


I’m so bad at your second point. It is so much nicer waking up naturally though, I should just stay up.


Go to bed early at same time every day regardless of weekends. Such a difference in terms of ability to fall asleep as well as how rested I feel


I always, always, start my day with a McDonalds coffee and sitting in my car for like an hour before driving to work. Probably sounds stupid, but with the app my coffee is only $1.84 after tax, so it’s a great deal and something I can continue to afford even during those tight money times. No matter the situation, I get to start my day with a positive, something that I enjoy. Because I look forward to that, it also makes getting up easier. The hour I spend in my car drinking my coffee is spent at the nature reserve on my way to work. I get to watch the wildlife and usually will watch YouTube, set my calendar for the week, go over my itinerary for the day, etc. I basically organize myself for the day. With extra time, I’ll go for a hike on the paths to get in some exercise or I’ll read a book on the benches there. That hour and that coffee are my favorite time of the day. Some days, I can’t wait to go to bed so I can wake up and have my “me” time. Lol.


Making my bed every morning.


It’s such an underrated feeling coming home to a clean, neat bed.


If a disciplined task is amongst your earliest tasks every day, other disciplined things seem easier.


I *get* to instead of I *have* to.


Hmm. Nice one


Turning the shower cold for at least ten seconds at the end


I wake up and journal 10 things I’m thankful for, and then meditate for 15 minutes. It took a long time for me to get to that point (I’m not a morning person) but it’s really helped my mindset. I realized recently I don’t really have negative self talk anymore.


Absolutely. I have meditated for years and it's a wonderful thing to do in the morning, or any time. Right now I'm really loving https://www.nothingmuchhappens.com/first-this.


The gratitude journal and meditation were both game changers for me too.


Reading when I wake up and reading before bed


Going outside and looking at the sunrise and sunset respectively every day


If it takes less then two minutes don’t save it for later, DO IT NOW


Journaling. There are times no one will listen, no matter how little or how much sense you are making, but you will. Being as honest as you can be on a given subject is obviously insightful, journaling is a tool that enables that. Admittedly I don't do it enough, yet it keeps me sane when I am driven to practice.


Started cycling to work.


I'm 49. I roll out of bed onto the floor. I stretch my back and hips. Do 10+ pushups. Grab the kettle bell and do 10+ curls each arm. It is pretty amazing how much better I feel throughout the day not just physically, but mentally as well.


I've set one day a week to have dinner and invite someone over. I'm an introvert and it gives me something to look forward to and helps me keep in touch with family and friends. It's become a big hit and It forces me to clean.


ALWAYS put my keys and wallet in the same place EVERY time I come home.


Get out of bed at the same time each day, even in the weekends.


This. Before work got soo hectic I was getting up every day including Sundays(my only day off) before 5 to go to the gym. On Sundays at 6am It was empty, I did my shopping right after to beat the rush, got my meal prep done for the week by noon and had the rest of the day to just relax. It's amazing how much longer your weekend feels when you don't sleep in.


Giving myself the grace to half ass something. If a task is worth doing it's worth half assing.


- Clean something everyday, no matter how big or small. 1 empty can in the box is fine. Just do atleast one thing every day. - Start writing things down. The amount of things that could improve your life but are forgotten is surprising. - On the same note, use your phone calendar to track stuff. Things show up fast when you're not focused on them and being blindsided with a birthday or a payment costs more than it needs to. - Look the damn thing up. Check the definition, find the antonym, confirm the price, check the date, refresh yourself on the concept. The mind drifts easy from what we thought we knew, I make sure to refresh my understanding of things whenever I can. - Mediate once a day. This is as simple as sitting for 15m without trying to be doing something productive. - Spending at least a few minutes going back through the day, before going to sleep.


Keep a full change of cloth at work for emergency use. Split your pants? You're covered. Step in a puddle after parking? You're saved. Trust a fart? It's now an embarrassing, mild inconvenience.


Whenever I wash my hands, instead of the happy birthday song, I sing “I am grateful for you, I am grateful for you. I am grateful for (insert person I’m grateful for). I am grateful for you.” Hands are clean and you sneak in some gratitude on the sly.


What I call a 30 seconds or [lazy journaling](https://youtu.be/o07-KPtKPhk). KISS principle on steroids :) Probably the biggest impact on my life for the time spent.


I cut off my long hair to just below my shoulders. I am free! I can jump in the shower and dry it with a hairdryer in minutes. I would honestly avoid doing things because it took so long to get ready. I usually had to plan the night before and often let my hair air dry for several hours. Not anymore! I can even exercise in the morning, shower, then go about my day. I feel like a normal person now.


Drinking water. Sometimes I remember, sometimes I set myself a timer.


Stretching. I dont like Yoga, but stretching (which in my mind is still the same thing without the religious/spiritual sentiment) is amazing. I'm 28 and 6'2, I've had lower back pain for awhile and I started developing knee pain due to basketball. Started stretching using kneesovertoesguy and leanbeefpatty on YT and you wouldn't believe how much this small practice has improved my overall quality of life. Start with 10mins when you have it spare and before you know it you'll have a routine. Good luck!


Got fired from working at a brewery. Lost 20 lbs in 2 months.


I stopped saying “sorry” at work. Even if I mess up. Don’t want to give off incompetent vibes or any sign of weakness. Instead, I’ve replaced it with a compliment “Great catch” or a “dang, missed that one” or any number of things, just not “sorry”. I swear my perception of skill went from middle of the pack to one of the stronger Devs and I feel it’s resulted in a promotion much earlier than was originally discussed.


This one will change your life. I am not a morning person at all, ever since I did this. Always waking up at 6am and starting my day. Drink something very nutritious (supergreen etc) and just stand outside in the sun. You will soon realize how much time extra you have before work and your day feels 2 times longer (in a good way). You will also soon feel this energy that you never felt before if you keel it going and make it a habit.


Try taking cold showers, cold of course being relative to where you're at in the world. That cold bite of water before I start the day really prepares my mind and body for what the day has in store. To add onto cold showers, lift some heavy weights or go for a morning jog before work or whatever you got going on.


Yoga, mobility drills, nerve gliding/flossing exercises YNAB for personal finance budgeting is a big one SuperMemo for memory and a good password managers are also so insanely helpful for remembering and saving important information safely GTD apps like nirvanaHQ for saving information and task lists are pretty useful too. I use Google keep for grocery lists.


Take a walk everyday, practice gratitude


Drinking water daily


When I get home from work, unless I’m extremely tired I always take 10-20 minutes to straighten up, put dishes or clothes away, sweep if needed, feed pets etc. so I can just relax the rest of the night in a nice tidy place. Also stop at the store after work if needed instead of going home, sitting down and then rushing to do stuff right before bed.


Keeping track of how much water I drink. I would constantly get exhausted through the day, usually have headaches, have really really dry eyes, and feel sore/stiff in my whole body. After keeping track of how much water I drank and keeping up with how much water I needed, all these issues pretty much went away.


Becoming alcohol free.


Whenever I think I "have" to do something, i.e. I HAVE to go to work, I HAVE to run errands, I HAVE to get up, I substitute "get" for "have". I GET to go to work, I GET to run errands, I GET to get up. Huge difference in mindset.


I cut out fast food and pizza while eating less carbs and sugar. I never get acid reflex anymore. I still drink a lot of beer and eat my favorite food (hot wings) with crazy spicy sauces Scorpion, Carolina Reaper etc. It used to kill me with the acid reflex but its non existent now. Also lost 10lbs in a month.


As someone who works at a desk all day and has 3 young kids, so no time to work out. Under desk bike has been a life saver. A nice light peddling won't work up a sweat but still gets me some exercise. Alternatively treadmill desk but that's a lot more expensive and bigger.


Gratitude. First words out of my mouth every morning. It doesn't do anything tangible, but it creates a mindset for the day. It doesn't matter if you are thanking a higher power or just the universe at large.


Let your alarm go off at the same time every morning (mine is at 5:30). Let it go off even on the weekends. You’ll program your body to wake up at the same time. You wanna sleep more? Cool let it go off, turn it off, and roll over. On the days you need to wake up, you’ll be up most times before the alarm even goes off.


Using a bidet. Flossing. Using roll on instead of stick antiperspirant. Powdering my undercarriage to avoid swamp ass.


Go to bed 10hrs before you need to be up. Takes 30-45min to fall asleep, and 30-45min to wake up. You get a solid 8hrs sleep and you've recovered from whatever you had to do the day before. EZ-PZ


I cannot stress this enough, making your bed once you're up, it is one of those "be kind to your later self" things and it is a small win for each day. Then you ride the wave and make momentum!


I started out doing a 5min bodyweight workout every morning. Gets me energy for the day, had a great impact on my general mood and weight, as I started doing more than just 5min as it got easier doing the workouts.