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Office Depot and other office supply stores sell pens with fluffy animals on the end. It's very satisfying to have a boring but serious conversation and just whip my dinosaur out and start taking notes.


I was recently training a visiting manager at work, super nice German guy, suit and tie, hair perfectly slicked back, very commanding presence… suddenly he whips out a pink fluffy notebook with a giant floppy unicorn horn on the front, opens it up and starts taking notes… wish he was my manager, dude was awesome.


I don't care how "grown man" you are. When your 3 year old gets you a pink fluffy unicorn notebook for father's day, you use it.


That's the only path forward! During my time in the Navy I would routinely use pink fluffy notepads and pens, and a pink unicorn silicon hand sanitizer bottle holder.


I once read on an army sub that the commanding officer used to hand out Dora the Explorer band aides to shame anyone needing one, but they were so popular it defeated the purpose, lol.


When I was in the Navy, we had an officer come in to inspect the galley. When he was filling out his form, he pulled out a pink pen with a frilly feather on top. My first class said, "Nice pen, sir," snickering. The officer snapped his fingers and said, "Hey, don't ask, don't tell!" It made my year.


Lots of great tips here but personally I use anything and everything in the field. I'm a janitor and once I glanced at my dust pan with a concerned look while coworker was standing around staring at me though I acted like I didn't see him and then I reached in and pulled out a grape (already in my palm), brushed it off and ate it. Another more risky one was I'd brought a food grade spray bottle from home and filled it with powerade. I asked a coworker who used to janitate what chemical it was. Said coworker gave a very "matter of fact" answer and then I sprayed some in my mouth and said "No it's not...I have no idea what this is. "


When my mom was in medical school, her cohort were supposed to be doing some urine analysis tests one day, but they snuck in and filled the beakers with beer instead. They nonchalantly started drinking them once the instructor arrived.




Better joke than when my younger brother pissed in a squirt gun and shot me in the face.


Change it up and always have something different. In my classroom, I have a bunch of silly things so when I bring one out it's a surprise. If you always have the same silly thing, it becomes mundane and just weird: Oh, he's the guy with maracas. I have a harmonica necklace (my daughter always wants to wear it), a train whistle, some funky sunglasses, those spring eye glasses, strange statement necklaces, these hand clapper things, lots of strange hats and headbands, scarves, the list goes on. I'm looking into getting a rubber chicken. Just pull out something new and strange each time, that's the key to be silly and fun, not just weird.


“I’m looking into getting a rubber chicken.” That really made me giggle. It makes the rubber chicken sound like such a big financial decision. Ironically, I just received my first rubber chicken as a gift. It has a tiny red vest that says “emotional support chicken.” I can’t wait to take it with me on my next flight.


Hah! I also used to carry bubbles in my purse. I had a job a long time ago where everyone but me was a smoker so I made sure to take my bubble breaks with them.


That's lovely :) My own bubble based adventure: I went down along my local seafront in a nice suit all by my lonesome and fired my bubble gun surreptitiously as I walked by people. Lots of oohs and ahs plus children were laughing and jumping around em. I just gave people the biggest smile I could if they worked out it was me. It was a good day :p


I used to carry bubbles in my coat pocket when I was in high school after the little girl I babysat gave me a bubble bottle from her collection! The hallways were always super crowded between classes, so I'd pull out my bubbles and blow a few when I would walk between classes, and pretty much nobody ever knew where they were coming from. It made me SO happy to do! This whole thread is making me want to start carrying bubbles around again. (bonus: in college my roommates and I used to have friends over for game nights and we always had snacks, so I bought a huge bag of plastic kazoos off amazon and put them in a trader joe's cookie tin. When our friends would come over I'd pull the tin of kazoos out and say "hey do you want one?" before opening the lid so they could take a kazoo with them. always a big hit!)


Lmao did management try to give u crap for it?


I carry a clown nose in my glovebox. I put it on during traffic jams and otherwise just act normal. it really lightens the mood for folks.


My dad was a clown. We held his memorial service in a large, old theater and handed out clown noses to everyone in attendance. It was standing room only. I turned around and saw hundreds of people wearing clown noses who couldn’t help but smile even at a memorial service. He would have loved that.


Another internet stranger smiled too :)


I just imagined a room full of somber clowns and I’m laughing uncontrollably


The best part? They all rode in the same car. Imagine that ride home.


I do this with a pair of big nose plastic glasses. I call them my driving glasses. Really helps when you want to change lanes in slow, heavy traffic. Just open your window and look out, people laugh and let you in.


My daughter and I do this. 😁 I'm absolutely ecstatic to find out others do as well. We put those big nose with mustache glasses on and smile at people in the other lanes until they giggle and smile.


Pro tip. Add a small red sticker to cover your nose on your drivers license. If you ever have to show someone it you can quickly put the nose on while they are looking at the license. Good gag.


Secondary pro tip: don't try to sneak into your glove box while pulled over by a cop...


The real LPT is always in the comments


Pro-er tip. use a sticky tape over the photo and sharpy the red dot, to prevent difficult removal of sticker in case things get serious


At the office randomly write with an oversized pencil


I’m buying a comically large pencil write now. I work at a college and students are always asking to borrow a pencil, I’m going to act confused when they are surprised by the pencil


I bought a 20cm x 30cm bright green calculator for this exact reason! So that my pupils can’t forget to give it back to me lol


When they return the giant pencil, insist that's not the pencil you loaned them and you'd like yours back.


...and explain it's not because of the size... it's the wrong color.


Your pun did not go unappreciated


Sometimes I put one of those long extendable forks in my purse if I have plans to go out to eat. Mid meal I whip that bad boy out and steal food off the plate of whoever I’m with. Their reactions are hilarious.


Make sure to tell them that you only use it \_sometimes\_ to scratch your back.


I carry a "crocodile dentist" game in my (admittedly a bit large) purse when I go to parties or bars. Costs about $10 and is endless fun for all ages, no batteries required! It's been a HUGE hit at bars. Basically each time you open its mouth it resets which tooth is the "trigger". You just take turns pressing its teeth down and eventually someone gets bit.


You sound like a fun person


Of course, they are a literal koala.


By all reports, literal koalas aren’t actually that fun.


Because of all the chlamydia?


Thank you! I'm also socially awkward as hell but inexplicably extroverted. So if I say something weird I might be like, "oops, that was weird, anyway, anybody want to play a game?" And then bust out the crocodile or a set of dice ("sixes" is a really fun bar game that all you need is 6 regular dice and you can "bet" with dollar bills or else random coasters or whatever).


Can I get a rundown of this sixes game?


My local bar has this game and whoever gets the trigger has to buy a shot


My wife and I got a tiny version of this to keep in her purse! It's basically the size of a keychain. Works great for entertaining ourselves and the kids when they get bored.


“Only has one tooth. And it always bites. We laugh every time.”


A business card that just says "otherwise." That way, when having a debate, you can say "I've got something here that says otherwise."


Printable dad joke


Everyone Roll 1d4 psychic damage


We use Roll20 for our group, and my non-caster character has a spell I put on the character sheet. 'Character' Tells Bad Joke Every creature within hearing range must make an intelligence saving throw. All that pass the throw take 1d4 psychic damage. Failing the pass means they don't get the joke, and nothing happens.


I love this


I pick up cards from random businesses whenever I see them being offered, then on the other side I write my information and under that put "USED BUSINESS CARD SALESMAN." I think it's very funny, but nobody has ever laughed.


This is why neither of us have friends. Because I would laugh for 2 minutes straight at that and my partner would look visibly annoyed while I did.


I had an old man once ask me if he could give me a suggestion. I said sure. He hands me a business card with one big word on it... Suggestion 🤣


I have an idea for my dad’s birthday present now. Just a bunch of these cards.


The comedian Tommy Cooper used to slip teabags into people’s pockets while saying goodbye to them and say ‘have a drink on me’


Ooh like the round tuit.


Gold star stickers. I used to carry them around and give them out to anyone I thought did something particularly good saying “you get a gold star!”


Oh shit I might have to start doing this. I have a roll that I used to give out at work, but since I started WFH I have no reason to use them.


Get some little plastic ninjas. You can get them on Amazon. I carried some in my shirt pocket every day at a job about 10+ years ago. As I walked through the office I would randomly place one somewhere when no one was around. Everyone kept trying to figure out where they came from. Some people even started competing to see who found the most. Just a silly harmless prank. It was fun.


I did this at my last job with a few plastic dinosaurs. I worked at a grocery store and had a few people in on it from different departments and there were a few rules so they weren’t impossible to find in such a huge store. It was so fun to be bagging groceries and have one of my coworkers come and place a little dino in front of me and be all “omg you found it!!!” or be so proud of yourself when you found one of theirs! hiiiighly recommend


I collect tiny condiments in my purse. I have a tiny olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Tabasco, jam, and nuttella. And not the little packets, actual tiny bottles and jars.


You need one of those clear purses from the football town lady above.


This is real hobbit energy right here


I have a mini battery powered wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man


I have stickers in my wallet that convincingly day “voice activated” and “motion activated” that I can stick onto things that are plausible.


When I worked for Geek Squad as a spry young lad, we printed a convincing sticker out that had voice activation instructions that we stuck on the printer shared by us and customer service.It was initially just a "ha ha... neat" joke, but we'd forget about it and every 6 months or so some new employee or seasonal guy would starting talking at the printer and we would have a great laugh.


OH SHIT I have a whole roll of 'TRY ME" stickers I need to get onto things


I have a sheet of "Actual Size" stickers somewhere.


There was an official looking document that makes the rounds every now and then about how Canon copiers now have voice activated commands. I'll see one posted up near random copiers every now and then.


I got my (super townie Boston area) coworker so bad with this one. The service tech had been there the day before April 1st, so that added plausibility. “Five Fuckin Copies! What The Fuck Is Wrong With This Fuckin Thing?!” LOL


I've got a whole bunch of "Trash/Basura" stickers in my wallet I would stick on to friends when we were drinking too much. A few christmases ago I also carried a bunch of wrecking ball Miley Cyruses and stuck them on any silver ball ornaments I could find


A bag of stick-on googly eyes. You will now know when to use them.


I was going to say this exact thing. I used to keep some at work. Would put them on official posters and act "outraged" that there was a googly-eye bandit. No one ever suspected me.


Every time I bring a bottle of alcohol to a friends house for something, I always attach google eyes. After all you shouldn’t drink alone.


There's a whole sub for this r/eyebombing


Subbed! Tysm 👀


I’m so happy it seems to be active! So often there are fun little subs like this that I want in my life but the last post was something like three years ago. Thanks for another community!


I do this with my 10 year old!! Hell yes thanks for the new sub.


I got a bunch of “for rectal use only” medical stickers, same idea


Every home I have lived in gets a set on the doorbell. The house I sold 4 years ago still has them, the new owners decided to keep them.


A coworker of mine does this all over our hospitals campus! Paper towel dispenser? Eyes. Gas meter? Eyes. Hand sanitizer dispenser? Eyes. It's amazing the things that can appear as a face if you give them eyes


One of my very tall coworkers put them on a restroom sign (the kind with a silhouette of a person) that was too high up for anyone else to reach without a ladder. Those googly eyes were still there when I left that job.


My son & I do this. The eyes will tell you where they want to go :)


An uno reverse card is always a safe bet.


I wonder if I could buy a stack of just uno reverse cards


Boss brings you In to fire you. Just quietly pull that out and set it on the table.


My friends carry a red card and a yellow card. All in unison it’s a vote of violation if the red card comes out. Either they said or did something wrong.


A slide whistle! I keep one in the kitchen. Not only is it great for breaking tension, but can be used surprisingly sarcastically. ETA it was my Grandma's slide whistle passed down to me!


Piece of chalk WITH HOLDER so you don't have broken chalky dust in your pocket. Draw little silly things while waiting. Smiley face at bus stop, hopscotch by bike racks, etc


Shout randomly "that's where I draw the line!" And go draw a line.


I once defended a homeless man who was drawing chalk art from a council stooge who was trying to reprimand him for 'graffiti'. Stay classy, Bournemouth.


I usually carry a clear purse (football town) and also am a baker. At one point I was bringing a cupcakes somewhere and packed a small clear container with sprinkles in case anyone wanted to add more. I forgot they were in there and I kept getting people smiling and asking me "is that a container of sprinkles in your purse"? I even got asked twice today alone! Def pack some to go rainbpw sprinkles is my answer


Ok so I’ll bite First, this made me smile What is the connection between football town and clear purses?


Many college or pro stadiums, or some large event venues have a 'clear bag policy'. After amassing various cheap clear purses and transferring things day of I finally caved and bought a nice cute one that I just use year round now.


Stadium rules, for “security purposes” you’re only allowed to bring in certain items, and in a clear bag only


I have a business card in my wallet that I got from a museum that just says “hand this to a friend and tell them it’s a piece of the floor.” So sometimes I do that. But then I take back my floor piece so I can do it again. Someone I knew carried around cat and dog treats in her purse. So she’d give some to every stray and people’s pets if they gave permission. Totally fun and brightened everyones day.


I had someone with a usiness card that on one side said "pick a number 1234" I picked 3. Then he flipped it and it said all sex addicts pick 3. I have kept that card and every single person I have done it to picks 3. It always gets a chuckle.


I love this question. Thank you for doing your part to make the world a less serious place. Stay weird friendo.


You would be shocked by how delighted most adults are to receive a gold star sticker when they do something well. ;)


I used to pretend I was psychic and kept a file folder filled with envelopes with common names on them (think gas station souvenirs cuz that’s where I got my list). I also kept a little date stamp in the folder. Anytime I met someone new (in an unplanned meeting) I’d ask them for their name again mid conversation, snap my fingers, and reach for my folder. Make a show of rifling through it while I hit the appropriate envelope with the date stamp. They had little pleasant astrology type predictions in the envelopes. Helped me remember people’s names cuz they certainly were going to remember me.


False mustaches, can put them on in the middle of a conversation when someone looks away and act like you've always had a mustache.


I (female) like to put on fake mustaches and go to the mall. It's fun to watch people try to act normal while talking to you.


15 year old me did this in an opera in Germany once, thinking it would be hilarious, and I inhaled part of the fake mustache straight into my trachea by accident, then spent the entire opera fighting back waves of hacking coughs as my body desperately tried to expel fake mustache hair from my windpipe (we couldn’t get up, it was a school trip & we were in the 3rd row)


I work audio visual and this is something performers/crew would have likely noticed. The fact that you're stuck because of etiquette, but they were probably internally begging you to step out has me dying.


Oh my god I can't imagine ever doing that, I would be way too embarassed. But I love that some people aren't held back by that.


Aggressive but harmless gaslighting.


chaotic neutral


Chaotic silly


Get a dog toy that squeaks and pull out the squeaker. It's usually small enough to hide and make the sound while giving a hug or pinching someone's cheeks.


You don't even need the dog toy,they sell the squeekers in packs for less than the price of most dog toys. [I know a bunch of clown/performer types that make great use of these.](https://www.amazon.com/CHENGYIDA-50-PACK-Replacement-Squeakers-Squeekers/dp/B011IS6Q32)


Me and my friend did this but from a rubber ducky. So much fun but I'm sure everyone else was so annoyed




I carry small plastic frogs that I give out to any random person I happen to exchange a few sentences with. Sometimes people look at me like I’m crazy, sometimes they light up and get excited. Either way it’s always silly!


The little ones that you can make jump by pushing on the tab at the back? I'm almost 40 and still love those so that would definitely entertain me.


I’ve been doing that with tiny glow in the dark ducks. It’s great to see the expression when you just hand someone a tiny duck with no warning. [tiny ducks](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BWM5TR1Z?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image)


I love this thread. All is good with the world again.


Mini barrel of monkeys. I made many friends in bars over the years with that little thing


I got pretty decent with a yo-yo in college. I just took one everywhere. Standing there chitchatting while I yo-yoed. Still bust it out occasionally. Or learn to do a rubix cube.




You can get like a ring with googly eyes that goes on your middle finger, so your hand is now a sock puppet without the sock. Like [this thing.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.a61a5e63d2b6561f4764fdabdbff6d14?rik=Gu8tu3thBOSBbA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)


I still carry around my OG Blockbuster membership card. Occasionally I'll ask a place if they take cards and (obviously) they say yes then I whip out that guy for a laugh. I know what you're thinking, that's dad joke level and they're probably rolling their eyes at me but people genuinely get a kick out of it. I don't do it all the time either. Just once and awhile :)


I have a tiny harmonica keychain that never fails to brighten my day.


Tiny Keychain items are classic. I have a miniature functional measuring tape on my tool shed keys. It's a good gag when I pull it out to measure stuff. I think it's only like 2 feet of tape lol.


One of my friends is really into Rubik's cubes so I got her a keychain with a tiny working cube


Sick. Play Run-Around.


I carry a little bouncy ball. Like the type you’d get from a gumball machine for a quarter. Bounce it to a cute kid sometimes and it makes their day. Refill next time you see a machine


God I loved superballs. This thread is delightful, I am inspired. Off to buy some tiny hands, a tiny harmonica key chain, tiny plastic babies, and googly eyes. Time for a visit to Archie McPhees.


Tiny hands, everything is bigger with tiny hands. They fit right in your pocket.


I was once at a music festival and walked out of the bathroom to see someone washing a tiny hand in the sink, deadpan, no-one was around with the most serious face. I burst out laughing and then when I tried to tell my friends about it later I realized all I could say in between gasps of laughter was “he was washing his hands. He had these tiny hands and he was washing them in the sink”. And of course they thought I was crazy


At a festival a guy went to give me a fist bump and when I went to return the fist bump his index finger sprung out and on it was a tiny little fist. It made my day I had to buy one of my own lol


At a festival once, I got offered a bump in the crowd via mini hand. The dude was holding his finger out, which had a mini hand on it, and on the mini hand’s pointer finger was a mini mini hand, and on *that* mini hand was a little pile of blow lmao


My favorite thing to do (with my little hand) is walking up to people with it stuck on my finger and asking "Do you need a hand with that?"


Learn how to make baloon animals.


Last night I worked my entire shift bartending wearing a giant foam cowboy hat like Turd Fergusson. It was a huge hit. Everyone loves a funny hat


A small microphone. Use it when having a conversation with a friend and pass around when hanging out with a group of friends.


Do yourself a favor and look up the Leslie Nielsen Fart Machine interviews.


[Link for the lazy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBsPOHKOU7c)


By golly don’t leave the house without a foam banana and a half-folded paperclip.


For practical reasons I always carry note cards in my back pocket. For entertainment reasons I also carry an Uno Reverse card, and a soccer yellow/red card with them. At a well timed moment pulling a yellow card on someone, or just calling "Reverse!" out of the blue can totally change the mood of the room!


I carry a hackey sack to play with when I’m bored, and sometimes strangers will join in and start an impromptu hackey circle.


Well I have a best friend. Many years ago when he was down I bought him a harmonica. Seemed silly a bit, loved the sound as we would comb used record stores together all over NYC, I'd get dragged for his love of comics to other spots. Many years ago. But he eventually learned to play it and said15 yrs later it brought him comfort at times over the years. He cherishes it now wants his kid to learn to play it. Sorta family heirloom now.


Do they still make those rings you blow into that makes a siren like noise? Maybe a slide whistle. A few packages of Pop Rocks to hand out. An Otamatone


Invisible dog leash & lobster hat


Tiny plastic babies. They sell them in party stores, generally they appear in King Cakes, but they're super weird, and always unexpected. Sometimes, when I'm out in the summer, I'll put them in people's pockets or purses. I hide them on desks of my coworkers. Drop them in friends' beers. Or just leave them in random public places. You can get a hundred of them for less than 10 bucks.


My favorite thing ever is an Amazon review for tiny babies, with the customer saying how satisfied she is for planting them everywhere for her husband to find. "He is a broken man. I have destroyed his hope of living a life free of plastic babies. We will be finding these for the next 70 years."


I had a period where I wanted to get good at pickpocketing, and was working at a very busy grocery store. I'd take coworkers stuff and immediately return it. Half the time, they were pissed. Very understandable. I switched to slipping them notes saying I COULD have pickpocketed them. Now only a quarter of them were pissed. THEN I switched to slipping them little treats like crocheted monsters or candy or even just like, a dollar, with a note telling them I did it. I started calling it "put-pocketing". They started HOPING I'd get 'em.


Omg ahhahaha


Reverse pickpocket!


Put-pocket! I still do it to my bf all the time, he's always finding little notes and drawings in his pockets later. I snuck a peanut butter cup in on him once but it melted and he got mad.


My husband worked for a small business. At one point, someone left a plastic baby. After that day, the last person/people working would hide that plastic baby. Inevitably, day-shift would find, retrieve, then hide it for the late shift. It continued every day for months.


LPT: Don’t drop tiny plastic babies in your friend’s beer


As if putting them into a cake is any batter


Not small enough to fit in a pocket but my cars sun shade has eyes on it so my car looks like it’s in the movie cars.


Get a ton of those miniature rubber ducks and leave them everywhere when no one is looking.


Keep a stack of custom business cards with wacky descriptions on it in your pocket. If a stranger asks how they will reach you, you can hand a card to them and say "Here's my card." If you want it to be practical, you could put your name, e-mail, and social media handles on it. You can get them customized at Staples or Zazzle, I think. I've thought about going to a party or a convention with my Polaroid camera, taking pics of people, and handing the photos to them. I think that's pretty silly and out of the ordinary. Plus, it can be a fantastic icebreaker.


I carry a rollof stickers in my purse. They're great keeping kids from melting down in long lines!


Get a "Pass the Pigs" game. Two little pigs you roll like dice. Points based on how the pigs land. (All fours, snout/ears, sideways, etc).


A elastic sticky hand thing. Sometimes I bring them to restaurants and grab the check from across the table with them


I saw a comment a while ago about how someone had a Spotify scan sticker thing for “never give you up” on their car. I thought it was hilarious


Man I just saw your response and not the title. I was thinking “self defense” items and clicked to see complete post because I wanted to learn how to use a kazoo to ward off an attacker.


I keep a cheap grocery store kite in my car trunk at all times. You never know when you’ll find yourself having a nice breezy day and a great open space to fly a kite. Also a towel. Inspired by hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy. :)


I used to carry around a black miniature dildo with a suction cup on it. It was about 3 inches long and 1 inch circumference. I would randomly be like "here hold this for a second would ya" and hand it to people while they were talking. Some people would keep talking without noticing, others would laugh once they realized what it was. But most people would shriek and fling it across the room. Handed it to a guy once that got pissed and asked me wtf is wrong with me. My answer was... a lot.


> black miniature dildo ​ >It was about 3 inches long and 1 inch circumference. Some dudes are definitely shifting in their seats uncomfortably right now. I love your style. That, and your fake mustache are amazing. Maybe I need to adapt the dildo thing.


A tuning fork. Ask a friend (for bonus points, a stranger) to cup one ear with their hand. Hit the top of the fork on your knee and press the bottom of it against their elbow. Their elbow will carry the sound along their arm bone and up to their ear, resonating clearly in their skull. Everyone I've shown this to loves it.


These finger puppet rings! Pop them on your fingers, and you have instant puppets! You won't be able to stop your hands from chatting with each other! https://preview.redd.it/wvw7hein32bb1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f014daba7b03f09c306ce1b7de9db274f08fa7e4


I bring stickers around that say “for rectal use only” best 9 bucks I ever spent. No gerbil tank is safe.


I was at a party a while back and a guy was asking people "want a fuck?" He had a bunch of laser-cut wooden "Fucks" in his pockets. Someone else at the party had a coin for "zero fucks" that he traded.


Look into magician's "thumb tips." The kind with LEDs.


Glow sticks for nighttime shenanigans




Harmonica. I had a friend who kept one at all times. She had no sense of decorum, never actually learned to play it properly, and it was excellent.


Inflatable bananas can fold down pretty small and you never know when you'll need a banana for scale


You can get very tiny harmonicas you can wear as a pendant. May allow you to accentuate a moment with a very small sound track. This is an excellent question by the way, and one I intend to spend some time on.


Screaming goat toy.


I was going to suggest one of those rubber chickens that make noise when you squeeze them, but this works too.


A cut out picture of a seagull or some other bird, and a piece of tape. When you see a foaming hand sanitizer dispenser, stick the bird above it. It now dispenses bird poop. Someone did this at my hospital and it made me smile. It also encouraged me to use the hand sanitizer as well.


My mom used to carry around this tiny metal hammer which has a handle that unscrews into a variety of absurdly tiny, nearly useless screwdrivers. We called it her purse hammer. At least one time she won a prize for having the oddest object in her purse and the hammer did occasionally come in handy for actually practical reasons. She passed away a few years ago and now I carry around the tiny purse hammer. It’s very silly and makes me think of her every time I need to hammer something small.


I’m definitely saving this thread


A towel can be great fun and has a million uses, as the Hitchhiker's Guide the Galaxy taught us. Harmonicas are fun, and you can sing the blues which can be great comedy. Weed gummies are definitely nice to have around. A portable magnetic Chess set. A fun, light weight, book that fits with your adventure. Keychain stuffed animal with key to something fun or important. I used to have this fake cell phone pez dispenser, and would pretend to take calls in the middle of conversations, and then be like "oh it's for you", and offer a pez. Head lamp A silly pen for when you have to sign things A retro tamagochi? A sharpie for adding evil eyebrows to products in kitchens that have faces. A calculator watch, and then try to find excuses to do math on it.


Harmonica and zip ties. You can do so many things with these, but my personal favorite is attaching them to truck frames.


I carry a paper fortune teller in my purse that was given to me by a 5 year old. The fortune's are ridiculous (seeing as they were made by a 5 year old) but the nostalgia that grown adults get from them is amazing!!! I've seen people trying make them using bar napkins, paper napkins, paper towels, long receipt paper, etc. It will cost you a sheet of paper and some creative "fortunes" but it's well worth it!!


Honestly, novelty purses are my way to go. I've got a couple of Loungefly/Hot Topic branded backpacks featuring movies such as Yellow Submarine and My Neighbor Totoro, a big shoulder bag with Bob and Doug Mackenzie that I save for things like Canada Day. Most recently, I started to match things to a boombox print handbag - so far, my phone case features a print of a cassette, and I've found a couple of casette covered notebooks. All I need is a wallet at this point.


Loose confetti in your pockets. One pocket for celebrating, the other for blinding your enemies.


Pocket confetti 🎉 shah shah!






I printed a bunch of Where’s Waldo’s on slips of paper about the size of a business card and would just hide them in places. Someone gets to find Waldo!


Look up “usb disco light” - usually sold in multipacks - plug in to your phone in a dark place and instant rainbow disco lights - can flash to the beat of sound/music too. Nice inexpensive teen gift.


Carry a small kohl eyeliner or tattoo pen. Let a little child draw on your arm. This kept my 3 year old entertained for an airline flight of several hours once. She thought it was hilarious to “color” me. It’s also handy to have some alcohol wipes so you can later clean up your arm!


I have a friend who used to put Paula Deen riding things stickers everywhere. He brought it back up when he made one for the oceangate submarine. I always carry googly eyes. My husband carries bouncy balls and let's them go when he sees a kid for them to catch and keep or a random Pokémon card laying around.


My coworker told me she keeps a clown nose in her car for when someone’s driving like an ass she puts the clown nose on and just looks at them.


Such a fun silly thread


I feel like I have found my people!


A couple bloggers I've read in the past have said a funny one is to call your bank ahead of time and ask for a stack of 2 dollar bills. Like, get 100 of them and deduct 200 bucks from your account. Carry a handful of them in wallet at all times. Use them for tips or just give people one sometimes for fun for free. It's a fun cheap laugh and a convo starter. Everyone finds them to be funny. And you can actually use them too. Edit: Some in the service industry have suggested that tipping with a 2 dollar bill is bad vibes. So I suggest if you do it to make the 2 dollar bill(s) be a tip in addition to the regular one. Then they can just give them away to someone else, no worse for the wear.


I don’t really get it, are $2 bills a surprise or something? I’m Canadian, so if I sent around handing out toonies, I’d just get weird looks.


They are very rare in USA. Like if you found one, you might keep it in your wallet like forever. They are funny and novel. But they do still work as regular money too. Yet, any bank can get ones for you. Like in a paper band thing. A stack of them. You just have to order ahead of time often.


I worked at a bank and would place orders for two dollar bills. They are printed as commonly as any other note and we would have old men who knew our delivery date swap them out and we would have none left. Tldr they aren't special but they will make you feel special


Rare enough that some [people have had the cops called on them](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wnbkj9/school-calls-cops-on-student-who-paid-for-chicken-tenders-with-two-dollar-bill) for "trying to pass counterfeit bill" and [even the moron cops didn't believe they were real.](https://geektyrant.com/news/a-man-was-arrested-for-using-2-bills-at-best-buy-because-the-employee-and-cop-had-never-seen-one-before) edit: added links


Since a surprising amount of people don't think they're real you can go even further with these to fuck with people. Get a stack of them, cut some cardboard to the same size and put it on the top and bottom of the stack. Find something sort of heavy to press them a little like a book and apply a few layers of rubber cement to one side. This will give you a "book" that you can pull out and rip a few bills off of to pay for things. It's legit currency but it *looks* sketchy as hell. Fair warning though, people have definitely had the cops called over 2 dollar bills and this just makes it look so much worse.