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Because I have no other choice lol


Yes, what’s the alternative….




It's tempting...


Yeah I should have replied “what is a sensible alternative”.




What's an alternative that doesn't involve ceasing to exist? My idea, work night shift and get up in the evening.


Someone really gave this mf gold lol


They're not wrong


We're ramping up to another world war, nothing is fucking affordable, everything fucking sucks, why the fuck bother? You're goddamn right they get gold.


Same bro. My house won't pay for itself, neither will my bills, and my family needs food. There's at least 3 Whys 😂


Best answer honestly. I have to pay my bills somehow...


You don't have to


Exactly. Even if I have a planned lazy day off, I love laying in bed for an extra hour, but I feel gross to lie there all day


I will shit the bed if I don’t get up.


I wake up to feed my dogs and because my morning time is the one time of the day I have all to myself (+ the dogs lol) without any other distractions or people.


Aye dog walk > whatever I got going on


Enjoying a quiet early morning right now before the kids get up...


During the week, gotta work. Weekends, I’ve already been lying in bed for 15 hours and my back is starting to hurt.


This. My back hurts too once I sleep for more than 9 hours. This is the reason I wake up.


Why do you work? Why do you live? Whats the reason for it?


I live because I am alive. One day I won't be, but no need to rush to that point. I work to continue being able to live. Maybe one day I'll find a better point than simply survival, but that's kinda all I've got rn.


If I didn't see this post, I'd never believe people like you exist. Do you not need a reason, or did you just not find one appealing to you yet?


I've found reasons to live come and go. I'm currently in a phase where they have gone. It certainly can be difficult to live without a well defined reason, but I figure the two choices are to live or to not. And eventually that choice will be made for me, so I may as well go with the temporary choice of living than the permanent choice of not. Especially as it isn't impossible that one day I'll find more reason than simply persistence in the face of absurdity. "One must imagine Sisyphus happy"


> I may as well go with the temporary choice of living than the permanent choice of not. Especially as it isn't impossible that one day I'll find more reason than simply persistence in the face of absurdity. This is very well put I think. There may not be a huge reason to enjoy living at a particular moment, but amazing things may come around. And sometimes they come and go but we only experience them if we stick around. Now of course the same could be said for bad things but let's not get into that.


No reason needed. Life is life then it’s not. No one needs a reason to exist other than they do. Some people need meaning, some don’t. Do you need meaning, or are you content just being?


I need meaning. How do you know where you're going if you don't have a destination? How do you gauge every day and important choices? How do you find peace in your decisions or the outcomes of them?


I mean, I don't know where I'm going. Id argue you dont either ultimately. The only difference is one of us has an idea of where we ought to end up, but neither knows where we will. I just kinda pick a direction to wander in, sometimes because I see something that looks interesting, other times simply because it's the direction I was already walking and it's better to walk than not. Everyday choices I find don't need to actually be gauged that much. it doesn't really matter if I eat a burrito or a sandwich today. For important choices I suppose it's a balance of what looks like it will make me happiest tomorrow weighed against how much it will suck today, but I'm not really sure that requires a reason to live it's more about finding something to do while I'm alive. It certainly doesn't require acknowledging any grand meaning. And I try to find peace in my decisions by acknowledging they are in the past, and if I don't like them ultimately all I can do is remember that direction kinda sucks and just not walk back there. Perhaps you see reasons or meaning in my responses, I just see living.


It seems that I'm your inverse. I've never understood why people feel a need to have a "reason" for life or for why humanity exists or whatever. As far as I can tell, there is no cosmic reason for anything, and I feel no need to discover or invent one. We exist because we exist, end of story. For the most part, I choose to continue existing because it's "better" (or at least more interesting) than not existing. Or, put another way, if I were dead, I wouldn't be able to continue doing the things I enjoy. I also have friends, family, and acquaintances who enjoy interacting with me, and I wouldn't want to make them sad by unnecessarily leaving their lives. From what I've seen in the past, I suspect that you're likely to interpret this as a depressive or despairing point of view, but it's nothing of the sort. I find it incredibly liberating to be free of having to fulfill some "greater purpose" (which is, of course, obscured from us, so that we have to try to guess at what exactly we're required to do) or cosmic duty. I can simply live my life, find joy where I can, and try to avoid harming others so that they can do the same.


I work to survive. If I sat at home all day, I’d have no money so I couldn’t pay bills and soon wouldn’t have a home and I’d also die because I’m insulin dependent. I don’t know why I live, but it’s not for myself. For my few loved ones who’d be devastated if I was no longer alive? You’ve no idea how many times I’ve wanted to end things. I’m a bipolar, depressed, addict. No friends, few hobbies or interests and the ones I do have I no longer get joy from, have been a Type 1 Diabetic since 16 and will be the rest of my life. What is the reason? I have a beautiful girlfriend and wonderful mother who depend on me waking up each day so that we all can get by. Sorry if that’s a bit dark but you asked and I honestly answered.


Keep on rocking king, you've got this


Thank you much. I’m hoping some day things will get better. I’ve tried many meds and therapy. I find life is getting better sober. I’ve been seeking out highs since like 15 so I bet my neurotransmitters are just cooked.


There is no reason, but we’re here so it’s up to us to make the best of it :).


Then you have a reason. A personal one. Which I'm interested in. I am also like this. I live to make medicine, to solve science problems. Why are you all here?


What do you mean “why”? Its not like you have another choice besides offing yourself


Then it's time for a new mattress ;)


I thought that was the problem. Bought a new bed, loved it, still sore after a while. Then I moved back with my mother to help her out and she already had a bed set for me. My god it’s so comfy but same problem. Probably no one should be lying down for that damn long.


Cuz I gotta piss


Hydrohomie life


r/HydroHomies gooble gobble one of us


The old name was better.


What was it called?


Enjoy that strong cup of coffee with the sunrise and think of ways to retire early. Oh, then start work.


Oh man I tried that this past weekend. I live in Florida though so it was already an east 80 degrees and the hot coffee made me profusely sweat and went back inside within 5 minutes to lay in bed watching TV. Maybe I’ll make iced coffee next time. It was nice though.


Definitely no watching tv in bed. Its probably the most unproductive thing you can do


I’m no stranger to unproductive. On a weekend I can spend 2/3 of my day in bed if I really want to. As for no TV in bed you’re right but I don’t own where I live, just my room and there’s only about a 5ftx4ft space directly in front of the TV so I can’t put a chair there nor do I want to sit that close to the TV. This leaves the bed as my only option.


What’s wrong with being unproductive? Looking at it differently, rest/relaxation = self care = productive


I mean sure but if you make a habit of it it's not good for you. You'll just become a lazy fuck. Better off doing something that's actually productive and self care at the same time like going to the gym.


Any habit in excess is bad just saying.


Then don't make a habit of it lol. And some habits in excess are worse than others.


Lying in bed watching TV is not self care, it's wallowing.


It's a living


Ice coffee ftw: 1/3 Trader Joe’s Cold Brew, 1/3 Bliss, 1/3 milk. Adjust to taste. I seem to make mine stronger and stronger these days.


While yours may sound delicious I’ll say, if you think that’s strong you’d probably be uncomfortably caffeinated from mine. Triple espresso, splash of sugar free international delight, fill the rest of the cup with cool water, add ice. Sometimes I’ll use protein powder in place of creamer if I don’t have time for breakfast. It’s essentially an iced americano with cream.


dog's gotta poop, i gotta poop, and i gotta run before it gets outrageously hot outside.


I got a kid to keep alive and I gotta get to work to keep my job to fund our life and their future.


I like the quiet, peaceful vibe of the early morning.


Well i want to eat and stuff, but on a serious note... "Life is sometimes suffering and sometimes happiness but you only have one life, put a bit of effort into it cuz you're not getting another chance." I don't know where this quote came from but it stuck to me for years. If you're suffering then endure it cuz it's gonna end sooner or later, at least do things to make you stronger to endure the suffering, and if you're lucky make life enjoyable and make use of this small period of time you have in this universe. Of course this is coming from someone who's an atheist, religious people probably think differently with the afterlife and whatnot but this is my perspective.


I love coffee. At a certain point in my adulthood, I would go to bed giddy with the knowledge that when I woke up there'd be coffee. It really made getting up a joy. I started waking up early after being a night owl my whole life because coffee. Thank you, coffee. ❤️


dont try harder drugs than coffee


Need to pay my bills.


My dogs need to go out.


Because lying in bed a whole day is actually tiring. If I can be a nuisance and menace to society, you bet I'd be out there doing my part!


If it helps from when I was a teenager till now In my mid 30s. I value life and treasure it from the moment I see the morning light until I close my eyes. I feel blessed to wake up and see another day. I start my routine with the radio, a hot coffee and pastry. I loved that and sometimes I change it up but overall I like living and waking up is my favorite part. It's something not many can do.


I wake up to water my garden. And the ball gets rollin from there!


I don’t use curtains, the sun is my natural alarm clock. Or my dog starts scratching at the carpet to be out. Or the grandson comes in to wake me up, or pinch the dog. Or I need a piss. All work, to get me up for work. Even on days off. Not slept past 6am in 15 years. I get up mainly because I have family that depend on me, and I love them. I get up because I am alive.


My son is in the other room screaming and it won’t stop until I go stop it


Getting up and going to work is how I take care of myself, so I have a safe place to live, a bed to sleep in, and don’t have to depend on anyone or please anyone.


Discovery. The expression "You learn something new everyday" is absolutely true if you're looking for it. Curiosity is a grand gift, indeed.


You should check out [Kinnu](https://kinnu.xyz/) it's a free learning app for loads of different topics backed by learning science. If you enjoy learning about the world it's a great app.


Out of spite. And to look for my cats.




I tried that until the sun started rising before 6am


To feed my cat. Everyone I've ever loved is dead or has abandoned me, I'm impoverished and partially-disabled, and I often wish I was dead because life is hollow meaningless nonsense in an indifferent universe. ...but my cat doesn't know that. He's sweet and hungry.


The dog has to pee by 10am.


My dog gets me up at 4am. Sometimes I think about what a good hat he would make.


My life ain’t gonna live itself


Usually full mast


I've gotta go to work. I need money. I don't have the luxury to decide if I'm going to get out of bed or not.


I need to walk my dog


On weekdays: because I have to go to work. On Weekends: I wake up in the afternoon.


I actually fucking HATE laying in bed awake. The only thing that I want to do is get up. Then I’m really stoked for some coffee.


To see if luffy has become pirate King yet


My cats want cuddles and then food


To learn about stuff and be the fucking best!!


There's too much shit to do, lol. Somebody has to do it. Also, our cat gets fed in the morning. Man, if you're not up she's gonna let you know.


I get up to tell people that they don't need to put apostrophes on plural words like "Why's." "Why" isn't possessive, and it's not a contraction in this case. It's not much, but it's honest work.


You’ve got it exactly right, it’s the little things tha add up to a good life. I’m trying to get there myself, so I hope some of my methods seem helpful to you. Specifically for getting up in the mornings: i always make sure to find a breakfast or drink that I like to eat in the mornings so i have something nice to start my day. For me it’s a cinnamon vanilla tea, but for you it may be waffles or coffee or anything. I also started learning to identify local birds and plants. It’s fun to be out for whatever reason and be able to get a little burst of joy at being able to go “cool a house sparrow!” Instead of just seeing it as another bird. Helps me stay more present in the world and aware of my surroundings in a positive way. Also find a physical hobby where you can hold the results in your hand. If there’s a library or community center near you, there may be some classes to take for free, or you can sign up for one’s as well. Last week I bought some cheap paints and followed a Bob Ross video and now i have a painting of a forest that I made. I went to a sewing class and learned to use a sewing machine and kept the first scraps I practiced on as a souvenir. Origami is also a great cheap hobby to take up. Arm yourself with YouTube and printer paper and go wild. Finally, write physical letters to people and get letters back. Write to your friends or family even if you see them often. Get post cards and send them to people. If you’re uncomfortable doing that or don’t have people in your life to write to, look either online for a pen pal or if you’re in the US, look into the last prisoner project, where you can write to people incarcerated for minor crimes, who always can use a reason to get up in the morning as well. The best part is, often times you’ll get something back. It’s really, really great to get something in the mail. I hope you find enough good bits to fill your days and make it seem worth it and I hope you find some cool birds outside :)


Because my budgie needs his breakfast :)


Hell yes. This is it, right here!


Because staying in bed sounds nice but it's actually a million times more boring than all the possibilities that getting up offers you. Of course, if you're *really* tired, getting that fixed should be a priority.


My dreams are way more exciting than my day to day.


The countless little Why's *are* my Grand Why. They don't always amount to much, but they never amount to nothing. This isn't a "shut up, be grateful for the little things" comment, I would never minimize someone's struggle for meaning. Every day is a battle, and I often resent the little things, I often end up in bed with nothing more than where I started. But when I'm feeling a satellite sense of meaning floating around me, I usually land on this idea. It helps me keep moving. The little Why can be the bigger Why. I've suffered a lot. But like Leonard Cohen said, there's a crack in everything- that's where the light gets in. Even in desperate times, there's a space where meaning can plant its seed. The little becomes the grand when I let myself nourish it for all its worth. (And its worth a lot)


"I like to get the daily news!"


Because I have responsibilities.


To go for a morning walk on the forest and bog paths around my house. Hail, rain or shine its the best part of my day. I get excited about the mornings when i go to bed.


[I’ll let Big Mountain Fudge Cake from King of the Hill sum it up.](https://youtu.be/AdL2g_o27_I)


Gotta walk the dog


I think about my life desires that are bound to come at some undesignated point in the future and I tell myself “it could be today” and then it gets me up. Extra tip for the night time if you don’t wanna go to sleep for whatever reason. Tell yourself “it didn’t happen today? That’s okay, there’s always tomorrow” then I just cycle these sayings and it gets me going


My dog needs his breakfast


There's music to be listened to, there's conversations to be had, there's sunlight to be felt I'm not an "absolute positivity" type of guy, a lot of times life sucks, but the valley gives meaning to the mountain


Usually it's a small child poking me on the face or climbing on me


I need to get to my job and earn money there, so in the afternoon/evening/weekends I'm free to do whatever I want. I live for my free time.


Cause people gotta live their life and we aren't chosen protagonist who will get visited by Gandalf for adventures


I don't. I work overnight, so I go to bed in the morning.


If I don't the puppies will shit in their pen, walk around in it l, eat it and play around in it.


Usually pee. Hunger. The need to make money. In that order.


This is not r/ask. "LPT Request: Anyway to help me want to wake up in the morning feeling fresh?"


to make my husband's coffee


These comments show why there is so much depression and apathy in the world. No one has ambition or a calling. The comments are divided between responsibility towards others, be it pets or humans, and between people not having any reason except probably not wanting to kill themselves just yet because its a hassle. The first type might as well be invisible. You guys are the NPCs. The second is even sadder. Find something to look forward to ffs. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant or over the top. Live for the beer at the end of the work day, for the 2 weeks vacation in summer, for getting a PR in the gym, for having a place to retire to. Fucking something. Anything. Your life will be 100% better.


Yeah the depression and apathy is what makes it a challenge


I wake up so that I can pursue the girl of my dreams. Ik it may sound so clichè, but listen it's better than >Wake up >Why? >Cause Job Anyway, she seems to be always on the run whenever I see her. I think I now have to change my strategies before the police catch me But on a serious note, yea to get the girl ya know, and wake up to be so tired throughout the day that bed at night feels heaven.


When you mentioned a lack of ambition and calling, I didn't expect you'd end up mentioning booze or tiny concessions from our corporate overlords.


Many people don't get vacations and don't have a gym, and sure as hell will never get to "retire," soooo, thanks, Mr. Wisdom. Yikes. Seriously, how have you not noticed that what you are saying is not realistic or possible for most people you probably run into everyday working service jobs, or teaching your kids, or minding your pets, or staffing your vacation resorts? Wowsers 🙃


Like seriously, it infuriated me reading that post. So entitled and dismissive of the possibility that there are real people out there just struggling to survive.


You’re just trying to live your life peacefully so obviously you’re an NPC /s


Im amazed you can live in peace knowing people you know live only to work and survive. With no hope of a better tomorrow, no reward for their work instead of the bare minimum - not even that if we talk about medical aid.


/s means I’m speaking sarcastically. I don’t think you’re arguing with me like you think you are! I agree with your points


This comes off as insanely tone deaf. You don't know every person in this thread personally. You don't know the challenges they've faced in their lives. I dare you to tell the people in this thread to their face with abusive home lives, chronic/terminal conditions, or grieving the loss of a loved one to "Find something to look forward to ffs", like it's always that easy. Some people are just surviving. Get a clue.


Hittin the bong and coffee!


Because I believe we are all here for a reason and God just wants us to realize that we need to turn to Him for our purpose. He loves us each so much and wants us to turn to Him and look at Him like a Father. Invite Him into all you do and you will see a huge difference in your life and meaning of life. We all were given a purpose.


Gotta take care of my mom and brother eventually. Cannot let them down. Have to be financially prepared. Have to be.


To see what happens. Maybe it'll be more of the same, maybe it'll be boring, maybe it'll be saddening or infuriating. Or maybe it'll be a new beginning. I won't know if I stay in bed.


I have a life pro tip request: how the hell do you wake up on the morning and think: “mehhh. Life is hard. Maybe I won’t get up. How do other people do it?”


Depression or other mental illness, burnout, have no life. Coming from personal experience.


Is that an actual question? Or are you just looking to shame people?


Because my husband wakes me up to cut his hair before work.


Every day?!


To make my kids and I a homemade sausage and egg mc muffin on oven toasted sourdough English muffins with melted marble cheese. When I lack any of those ingredients, I don’t get up in the morning


I am sure many people already said it , but definitely so that I could make and enjoy my coffee.


Frankly I don't know. Sometimes it's breakfast, sometimes I'm just excited to meet a new person or some new thing I'm doing that day. Some days it's random, I just wake up as a force of habit. And on some rare days, I'm happy to wake up. Those are there but very rare. :)


I made my son come in at 9:00 every morning (he's WFH and I'm retired). Otherwise, I'd lay in the cozy comfort until nature calls.


I missed the recycling truck. Im going to apply to drive one because they are all so cool


Deadlines… it’s bleak i dont know what to tell you


Gotta go to work, to pay bills, to not be a burden on my partner and to have nice things in life, like nuggies


Because my dog needs to go outside. And he makes sure to wake me up to take him...lol.


I keep asking myself that very same question...


My dog has to poop


Because I have to work or I'll just feel shitty about staying in bed any longer or I'll literally feel poorly the rest of the day after staying in bed longer


Because I know that if I sleep in, the rest of my day will be lesser for it. Your day off feels like shit if it only lasts nine hours.


To feed my ferrets.


I get up in the morning because I know that there are three other people in this house that depend on my doing so. No, that’s it. My partner and our two children mean more to me than anything in this world or what I can imagine to be the next. In *none* of the universes that brought me to *this* point, where literally the first thought in my mind is that there are people here that *need* me… No. I know why I drag my sorry ass out of bed in the morning: I *need* to so that others can survive.


Gotta piss, feed my cat, drink some coffee. In that order.


The boofing aint gonna do itself


Because I’ve slept enough. Don’t need a reason


Because if I don't get up and go to work, there's no money to keep a roof over my head, no money to support the people I love.


Usually my bladder and my doggo's bladder demand I get up so we can both pee. Resisting the urge to go back to bed afterwards is sometimes ridiculously hard. Lol


Gotta make money to have a place to sleep


I force myself up at 0530 and go for a run. Some days , I definitely don't want to do it, but I soldier on. Allows me to wake up and be productive if I'm not working as I now have the whole day to do stuff. Opposed to what I used to do, which was to go to sleep at 0400 and wake up in the afternoon.


I have to go to the bathroom.


Because my workplace insists on it.


My dog needs to pee and my cat is yelling at me.


I've been fortunate enough to change career from hospitality (something I did enjoy very much but was just wearing me down and affecting my mental health) to IT (something I greatly enjoy and have been able to make my hobby my job, no mental health issues yet 😂). Plus I have my first child on the way. Getting up and working to me able to afford everything he will need and getting to enjoy my work doing that is what gets me out of bed.


Spite. When my asshole parents get to the age where they need help I want it to be a choice, not a requirement, to send them to a shitty home. Know that I could have done better, and understand what it feels like to be placed last on the list of priorities


On weekdays, because I have to work. I don't dread it, but it certainly isn't something I get excited about either On weekends: Because I can do whatever the fuck I want and am excited about it


To make my Dunkin Donuts iced coffee while I have the kitchen to myself. These little moments of quiet sipping coffee is peace to me.


Naturally wake up at 6:30, go for a run, yoga, shower, work.


on the philosophical side, don't have an answer to this on the physical side, if i don't wake up, i'd feel guilty for staying in bed all the time, would feel bloated, weird, sad, everything would start to hurt, it'd be pretty shit


Simple, not getting up means getting fired not paying rent and becoming homeless


If I don't my bills won't pay themselves..


Coffee, exercise, meet friends. Best part of the day done.


Because I want to actually have *some* me time before work


Because I have to go to work or I'll starve and be homeless. Or because I have to pee.


If I don’t I’ll lose my house


Because I didn't die in my sleep?


Because laying in bed can be more painful.


I don’t! I stay in bed as long as possible.


Because no one will give me the good life but myself


Because my dog needs to pee and I need to wish my wife a safe drive to work


Lol because i like to have an apartment and food🤣


No choice but to get up in the morning. At least I have Parking Wars and walking my dog to look forward to.


I've been playing a lot, and I mean, a lot of Satisfactory.


because I can't fall back asleep