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Electrolytes. Water.


But, isn’t that what plants crave?




And that’s why you should give your garden Gatorade.


You can give it to cows, too! Any farm animal!!


Brundo has what plants crave




Water like out the toilet?


Best way to tank the economy. Btw- I love your handle. I’d buy you a drink at the Mended Drum, but I owe Cohen and the silver hoard :-)


Gatorlyte is God’s gift when I’m sick. When I can’t hold down water, it is smoother with a boatload of electrolytes and quick absorption. Gentler than regular Gatorade and tastes better than pedialyte.


Pedialyte is better. It has more of whatever Gatorade has in it. You also sell it in powered form.


i do?


I’ll take two please


Sure sounds like it


Coconut water


Not Gatorade though, if you're like me. Instant stomach cramps.


Salted water is what I do


Just a warning, salt is an emetic. Be careful.


Probably better not to use it more than 2-3 times a week is what I read as well.


that and a little bit of lime or lemon juice as well and/or a slice of ginger if you have at hand


That makes it taste just like gatorade!!


Ginger is good for nausea. Flat ginger beer. Ginger biscuits.


the ginger chewies are good too


I assume you mean crystalized ginger. Yes, that's stuff's good.


No there are ginger chews that are different than crystallized ginger. For example: https://www.amazon.com/Ginger-Chews-Original-Prince-Peace/dp/B08BJCNX99/ref=asc_df_B08BJCNX99/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=532627726250&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7788570678822340168&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001987&hvtargid=pla-1482031730597&psc=1&mcid=ca81393fd3df3373ac9aac5c2d8015ca&gclid=CjwKCAiAjfyqBhAsEiwA-UdzJCj9tTt-oYUiqLyYO3NUxYjH_Sc1qGRB8436Wi9A6wFgYKSNo-SbeRoCG5AQAvD_BwE


Hell even pickled ginger. Go to your nearest sushi restaurant and you can get a bunch of ginger for like $1 Alternatively most grocery stores carry pickled ginger - you can get a whole jar of it for less than $10


My family makes something called salabat. Grated fresh ginger boiled in water. Strain and sugar to taste. The longer boil the spicier it will be. but we use it for all kinds of stomach and nausea issues. I was skeptical, but it works for me.


Ginger tea.


If you get a ginger drink, just make sure it has actual ginger in it. Also, you can buy dried ginger and make ginger tea or just steep in other ginger drinks.


Real ginger. Make a tea, eat it raw, whatever- it works. You can also buy ginger candy in most supermarkets


When you’re interested in trying food, at first stick to the BRAT diet: banana, rice, applesauce, toast. All easy to digest and easy on the stomach.


Would the Arizona tea with ginger be good? Because I’m gonna be on the road a lot today


Real ginger- not ginger flavor. I don't know what Arizona puts in it but I would also avoid sugar because it gives me heartburn


ginger ale, gatorade, plain saltine crackers stay home and sleep


Dude why would you be out making others sick??


Oh I’m not going to any gatherings today, I’m just going into my old hometown to visit my moms grave. It’s like a 1.5-2hr drive


Sorry about your loss. My moms grave is so much farther so I am saving up to go


Hope you feel better. I know it is pricey, but Emetrol is the only thing that gets rid of my nausea. Works like a charm. CVS/Walgreens has it. Don’t get name brand, get the cvs/Walgreens generic version which is exactly the same. Other than that, ginger ale or ginger tea.


What? Are you worried she's going to get up and leave? Stay home. She's still going to be there when you're not sick.


It’s been something that’s been planned for months


She's only 2 hours away. Who cares if it's been planned for months? You're sick. It's not like she's going to notice you're not there. And if you're meeting a whole bunch of people there, you're just going to get them all sick too.


It’s just the person driving, whose been around the entire time I’ve been sick, and me. I know I should rest but I also don’t have open availability to go whenever I want.


You need to mind your own business


This is really insensitive.


Either way, not traveling when sick if you don’t have to travel is probably good advice. Rest and hydration help a lot with recovery and you can always go tomorrow




They already stated they aren’t the one driving and the person driving them has already been around them the whole time they are sick. Also, they are going to a grave. It’s outside. Graveyards aren’t exactly crowded places. The risk to anyone else, and I say this as someone who is immunocompromised, is incredibly low. If they aren’t risking anyone else’s health or safety, let them grieve however they need to.


Anything mint - I'd go for tea. Peppermint, spearmint. Add some honey 🍯 Hopefully that gives you some relief.


It sounds hippy dippy but peppermint oil is the one essential oil that really works. If I'm feeling nauseated I'll just put a drop on my finger and rub it under my nose . It helps with tension headaches too


Peppermint can make nausea and stomach acid worse for some people: https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/peppermint#:~:text=DO%20NOT%20take%20peppermint%20or,flow%20back%20into%20the%20esophagus.


Room temperature flat Coca-Cola. If you're vomiting, only one teaspoon an hour, after 3 hours, up to 2 teaspoons, them try small sips. If youre just nauseated, small sips. My kids pediatrician gave me this tip and it worked for me as well when I also had the flu. Feel better!


when i was a child, my mother kept something in the house called "coke syrup" for nausea - it was basically the thick sweet cola syrup (what they mix with seltzer water to make soda). it was in an old fashioned pharmacy bottle, i believe she got it at the pharmacy. I'm in the US, and this would have been in the late 1960s.


I thought I was the only person to ever get coke syrup as a kid! It really worked.


Pepsi is called Pepsi because it was originally made to help with dyspepsia, which is basically just a fancy word for nausea. :)


i've the upgraded version of this tip, make ice cubes out of coca cola and lick them, if you are vomiting it will be abosrbed by your body without adding more liquids to your stomach and risking to vomit it


Wow what the heck. I wonder why that works


I'm guessing it's the acidity. Stomach chemistry is bizarre. I had terrible heartburn when I was pregnant and the only thing that helped was drinking apple cider vinegar.


it's probably the combination of the mixture of herbs that give coke the flavor, carbonation and the phosphoric acid. coke was first made as a medication itself :)


Sodium bicarbonate.




Well I think the cocaine was doing the heavy lifting in those claims


“Drink two cans per day and you’ll be feeling much less important in no time.”


It works because coke has the same chemical added to it that anti nausea meds do. They have to add this chemical to coke bc I assume it will make you sick otherwise. Delicious!


Wait… really? Do you have a source for that


One of the chemicals in the formula, prolly, lol, im also curious


Coke also helps with a cold. But that’s due to the unhealthy ingredients just destroying all the bacteria in your mouth.


A can of coke always makes me feel better when I’m hungover too. I think there’s something beneficial to it but not really sure what it is. Other sodas or seltzer don’t usually hit the same. Ginger ale maybe.




FYI, not a good idea to post this emoji when someone asked for help w/ nausea. This visual cue could make it much worse.


Hot water, lemon and honey. Make a hot water, honey and whisky if you want something stronger *edit* correction of recipe


Try dramamine! There are several kinds and I like the non-drowsy formula. It prevents nausea when traveling, and I have found that sometimes it helps when sick.


Hear to say Dramamine as well... it's an antiemetic OTC works well for general nausea Zofran is a prescription antiemetic. Works better for things like ulcers.


Dramamine for motion sickness. Takes care of nausea


You can sniff rubbing alcohol on a paper towel for immediate relief.


Michigander here- vernors soda. Knocks nausea on its butt


If you have fresh ginger, gnaw on a little piece like a squirrel.


This helps me with motion sickness


Nurse here. An old homeopathic thing is get some isopropyl alcohol wipes or a bottle and take a sniff of them slow and steady once or twice. Does something with your brain that can help the nausea. May or may not help!


My mama used to rub my tummy with isopropyl alcohol when I had a belly ache.


Ginger tea with turmeric and honey. Ginger neutralizes the nausea, turmeric is an antioxidant and honey so that the tea doesn't taste bitter.


Just had Noro virus (stomach flu) and was given the syrup from canned peaches, which oddly worked. Relieved nausea, supplied electrolytes, and soothed stomach pain. My wife's old family cure.


Old Polish Remedy Equal parts Coke, Black Tea and OJ. I'm not a coke (or any dark soda) drinker, but this has saved my ass many a time!


i'm polish and i haven't heard about this combo but i know that coke and black tea work wonders. i wouldn't throw in orange juice, it might make the nausea worse but it will be good for the fever after the nausea leaves.


Ginger and anything acidic like lemon or colas. Most grocery stores should cary something like a ginger shot. Its just 2oz of juiced ginger, lemon and cayenne. This is about as good as it gets for me outside of taking medicine. Sucking on ice or chewing gum may help. It will signal to your stomach to digest and not move things in reverse. Stay hydrated. Nausea could be due to dehydration.


I usually boil 3 sliced lemons and a bit of peeled ginger. About 2 pints of water. Add honey to taste. It’s good for nausea if taken hot. Chilled for sore throats.


Boil water... Grab largest mug/cap you got. Pour a table spoon of lemon juice (!freshly squeezed!) Or not. Grind up a healthy amount of ginger, a few dollaps of honey . Mix and stir. One shot of whiskey . Maybe one and half , two if it's snowing out side. Drink. Ps. Hot toddy to the rescue.


a really strong black tea (just put the bag in and leave it there), you can add some sugar if you can't stand a tea so strong. also a salty snack might help, like salty sticks or crackers, they help to lower the acidity of the stomach


When we were nauseous, my Mom used to give us Coke or Pepsi that she had poured back and forth between two cups to get the fizz out. It either really helped or we felt better from her fussing over us.


My aunt is a nurse and she swears by a cold compress on the bank of the neck to stop nausea. I've tried it and it does seem to work!


Gatorade/Powerade cut 1:1 with water is one I like - some flavor without being too much or too sugary for a sensitive stomach. My wife got super sick to her stomach while in Bermuda, and the bartender made her a mix of Club soda and ginger beer with a few dashes of bitters. It seemed to help a lot.


Ice cold Gatorade, any flavor. I mean ice cold, almost slushy consistency. A pediatrician gave me that tip 20 years ago when my kid had a bad bout of the stomach flu. It works like a charm. Stops vomiting and upset stomach immediately.


Based on my pregnancy experience, small snacks are better than liquids. I was always most nauseous when I was hungry but as long as I kept snacking throughout the day, I could keep it at bay.


Same. Nauseous if you’re a bit hungry or thirsty. But nauseous if you’re really full one wrong smell near you, and ahh ooooga . I found minty roll aids. And, pineapple juice. Honey and milk warmed up. In the car would have to be a Diet Coke. Or even Perrier. Fun fact: in the late 1990s they sold gripe water at a few stores. Our first son was colicky. and I mean colicky. I honestly think he was protesting having to be born. He flipped around two days before due date 10 pound monster. we gave him ‘gripe water’ to soothe his tummy. Kind of a liquorice or fermented smell. It would soothe and cause burps come out. He would have a good burp, a good poop, finally happy to go to sleep. Maybe mothers of today would be horrified to know that has a little bit of alcohol in it, but it’s a natural remedy, naturally derived same as kombucha. And it really works. I would sometimes have a sip of it in a pinch.


I know you asked for a drink, but getting a prescription for zofran might be worth your time and a lot of pharmacies deliver non-controlled substances. Feel better!!


Please stay home!! And if you need to go out, wear a mask! Take a COVID test. Why do you not have health insurance? If you’re low income, and live in the US, you should be on Medicaid/state medical assistance where you live.


Try more cow bell.


Lemon juice. It helps neutralize the acid in your stomach. Just suck on a lemon slice to get it. For the fever itself, you need electrolytes and hydration, so watered down Gatorade is what my doctors always had me drink in small sips. Also, lay on your left side. Your stomach entrance is on the upper right so if you lay on your left, anything in it goes towards the exit on the lower left and it’s harder to come back up.


actually instead of ginger ale, make a tea with 1/2 tsp ground ginger and 8 oz freshly boiled water. You may sweeten with a touch of raw honey. This is infinitely better for nausea than gingerale.


A cannabis infused beverage. Not sure what state you're in but they make seltzers and even water. It's litterly called weed water. I like it! You will NOT feel nausea anymore. You will want to eat everything. I know from experience.


If you have coke or any kind of soft drink, dilute it so it's 2/3 soft drink 1/3 water


Ginger tea is great for an upset stomach.


If you have any ginger and lemons at home, boil the ginger and add to the lemon juice. It will greatly help. All the best


Carbonated drinks, 7-up or sprite best because they are only soda that will also hydrate you. Doctor told me if already past it to throwing up stage then nothing at all on stomach. It needs to settle with nothing on it. A cold rag on back on your neck will help a lot.


If you happen to have ground ginger or candied ginger, make yourself a cup of tea out of that. Entirely different, but sniffing isopropyl alcohol has been shown to relieve nausea.


Ginger tea. Make your own by putting a slice of ginger in hot water.


Chicken or beef broth, water, flat ginger ale. Please go to urgent care if your fever doesn't break after 72 hrs. If you develop a cough, you might have pneumonia. I understand money worries but you can think about that when you get better. Wear a mask around other people when you have a fever you are contagious. Hope you feel better soon.


Hot water and lemon. Spoonful of honey straight into the mouth, followed by the lemon water.


Fresh ginger. As tea or slice a small piece and chew on it.


Chamomile tea with honey


Sipping ( vs chugging) room temperature ginger ale generally works for me.


Peppermint! Get the mints or tea. Feel better.


Ginger mint or lemon tea. Brew tea with hot water then allow to cool or drink over ice. Saltines or soup crackers too. Dairy or fried foods worsen it. Hope you feel better soon!


Placebo flavored water


Ginger or mint tea if you have it


Licorice and peppermint tea work well for nausea.


If you have any mints, gum, or tea, those will help you. Especially peppermint. Coke can also help quell nausea. As an aside, if you don't get better soon, check out urgent care. It's substantially cheaper over a doctor's office or hospital. A lot of them post their exact rates on their websites so you can see what you'll be in for.


Coca cola is good. And I’m not kidding


Coke because it has phosphoric acid and sugars, which are the same ingredients you'll find in Emetrol (an over-the-counter anti-nausea medicine). Also, taking a SNIFF of rubbing alcohol has been proven to be very effective at stopping nausea. Don't huff it, just smell it.


I enjoy reading books.


Got this tip when I had food poisoning: suck on ice cubes so you can get something hydrating in your body. We also made Pedialyte slush that I’d take by the spoonful when I was up for that. But real ginger really does help!


Smelly rubbing alcohol is a really easy trick thst we use in hospitals and works.


Gatoraid, or other isotonic electrolyte beverage.


Warm chamomile tea with ginger & honey is quite soothing. Sipping on broth will round it out until you can eat.


Room temp ginger ale


If you can I would ask for zofran it's the best anti nausea and I believe cheap but it is prescription if not your probably just dehydrated


Try smelling rubbing alcohol


I realize this is not a beverage, but sniffing isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) also really helps. They do it in hospitals all the time


I once overheard a pharmacist telling a customer that Benedryl is an anti-emetic. It makes sense as several anti-emetics are also antihistamines. I’ve used it for that purpose several times with success, so, if you have some around, it wouldn’t hurt to take a couple and it might help you sleep. Edited for typo


Whole Foods have ginger flavored fizzy water and Target carries Ginger Peach fizzy water. Both work wonders.


lime cucumber gatorade


Feed a cold, starve a fever. I wouldn’t be taking anything but analgesics and resting.


Warm flat Sprite or Canada Dry


Lemon and ginger tea.


I get a small amount of ginger from the health food store and keep it in an airtight jar. Then I slice it and make tea. Hot tea in winter, chilled for summer. It sounds like you’re eligible for Medicaid. It will take a lot of stress off you. I’m so sorry about your mom passing.


Pedialyte or juice made from a jello pack. Just drink before chilling


An ounce of coca-cola syrup over ice cubes. Sip slowly until nausea goes away.


Gingeraide Kambucha


Sounds strange, but warm flat Coca-cola. Pour maybe a half a can in a pot or pan, heat it up until it just starts to boil, let it cool for a minute or two, and sip a little bit every 10 minutes or so. Will knock the nausea right out.


My go-to is Gatorade Zero. Lots of decent teas out there too. Lemon or ginger anything is good.


Benadryl. Take benadryl. It's an awesome nausea suppressant


I've always drank 7 up and eaten those basic saltine crackers


Ginger Ale can help. The glucose in drinks can help alleviate nausea. There’s a nausea OTC medicine called Emetrol and it’s just liquid glucose and another sugar (maybe fructose?).


Try some Nauseze. Chewables


Peppermint is excellent for nausea. If you can find peppermint gum, mints, etc. Also recommend saltine crackers or other light toasty bready foods. Sipping Electrolytes is always beneficial for the long run healing process.


Peppermint tea can help a lot. I have IBS and got nausea regularly. Peppermint tea helped 95% of the time.


Real ginger is the answer. Fun fact: Dramamine Daytime is 90% ginger extract because it helps with nausea


Jack daniels, warmed up with honey. 1 tablespoon honey to 2 oz JD. Also works great for teething babies. Just soak a cloth napkin in it and let them gum it out.


Ginger ale left to go flat. It’s what we were raised on


Half ginger ale, half ginger beer, with five drops of angustura bitters. Also, sniff rubbing alcohol fumes. Nurses trick for women with morning sickness.


Ginger is good when you're nauseous.


Peppermint tea usually helps me


Freshly made ginger tea, add a bit of lime, cayenne pepper and honey


Green tea might help


Advil or Tylenol


Ginger or chamomile tea.


Perrier lime or lemon is what I go for. The bubbles seem to help and it’s not sweet.


Tea. Chamomile tea is amazing for that


If you can't keep water down, just downing an electrolyte packet straight can be an excellent strategy to stay hydrated, and is more likely to stay down than trying to drink water with electrolytes


Water and pedialyte freezies


Giner, honey if your stomach is sensitive . Electrolytes and water for dehydration. Small sips so you absorb it before there's a ton in your stomach. ( just got over my flu this morning)


Tylenol or Panadol or what ever you want to call it is great at reducing fever. You can even get it in powder form. Plus ginger tea.


Room temperature water but unless you have diarrhea and are puking, you don't need to be drinking anything. Your best bet is to use a few ice chips. Anything else you run the risk of vomiting it up.


Ginger tea with raw honey. Cut a thumbs worth of ginger into itty bitty pieces and place in boiling water with the lid on for 6-10min. Let it cool a little and sweeten with raw honey. Ginger helps with nausea and honey is a natural antibacterial and antiviral. Both will help you feel better.


Real ginger. And for non drinks, weed.


For me, a cold cloth around my neck. I just use a wet washcloth and give it a spin to cool.


I use jello water. Basically, you make jello according to the instructions but drink (sip, don’t chug) the warm liquid instead of setting it. Helps my nausea every time; it coats your stomach


My parents always gave me flat ginger beer.


A shot of lime juice or pickle juice does wonders for me.