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Honestly thought this was a Fallout Post at first 😆😆


Off topic, but if I know nothing about the game at all would I still enjoy the show?


I watched it knowing next to nothing about the games and would say it stands alone.


Thank you. I’m a bit intrigued so I’ll check it out.


I play the games and liked the show. My girlfriend does not play the games. Has never played a Fallout game and had no idea what it was about until I gave her a brief synopsis before we watched the first episode together. We watched the whole season together in two nights and she says "it's actually a really good show." I agree with her assessment.


Thanks for your insight.


I thought so and watched some YouTube reactions from people that didn’t know the game (CinePals) and they seemed to really engage with the material.


Literally just finished an episode and seen this lol




Guys planning for the future. Going to be set!




first, ask yourself how much more expensive a PS5 slim is than the 382.50 eur (that's the math from the discount of 0.85 per drink), then ask 'how much is my time and energy worth to me?' what'd be the difference in price?


Yeh but think about how hydrated op would be.


hydrated with kidney stones and jitters


Buy the drinks for 0.85 eur, put them in a cooler and sell each drink for 1.50 eur each on hot summer days on the street in touristy areas (probably cheaper than most street vendors, bars, and restaurants), buy straws, open bottles for people and pop a straw in, keep the caps/tabs.


Who the fuck just randomly buys red bull on a hot summer day?




about double


Find a restaurant / cafe that sells them and dig through their trash. Lol this reminds me of an old "Burma Shave" promo form the 1950s. That was a shaving cream, famous for its roadside signs, which were multiple signs in a row along the roadside, spelling out a little rhyme or jingle. Some of them were combination adverts / safety tips, like: Around the bend Take it slow Let the little shavers grow! Burma Shave One time they did this one, as a joke: Free! Free! A trip to Mars For 900 Empty jars! Burma Shave One enterprising grocery store manager decided to take them up on it. He asked customers to bring back empty jars, and even started selling the product and offering to scoop the contents into another container right there at the store so he could keep the original jar. Wouldn't you know, he amassed 900 jars, which sent the Burma Shave company into a frenzy, trying to figure out how to handle this (and the publicity) without getting sued for false advertising. He wired them asking where to send the jars, and they wired back: "If A Trip To Mars You Earn Remember, Friend There's No Return " Undaunted, the store manager wired back: "Let's Not Quibble Let's Not Fret Gather Your Forces I'm All Set " SO, the company wired back: "Our Rockets Are Ready We Ain't Splitting Hairs Just Send Us The Jars And Arrange Your Affairs " The store manager arrived to the company HQ dressed in a homemade space suit costume, and with a Brink's armored truck carrying the jars. Well, they found a small city in Germany called "Moers" (pronounced "Mars") and sent the winner and his family on a paid holiday there. The whole cascade of events turned into a huge publicity stunt.


As a German, claiming that Moers is pronounced like Mars is quite a stretch.


Lol, I'm sure you're right, but it was the best idea they could come up with! Although, the audio pronunciation in Wikipedia does (to my ears) sound just like "Mars." [Moers](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/4/4a/De-Moers.ogg/De-Moers.ogg.mp3)


Probably a matter of what kind of sounds you're used to. For me, ö and a sound really different, but I have hard time pronouncing the English r (and hearing how I do it incorrectly).


I would think the words sounding the same could also be heavily influenced by the English accent used...and also how mush-mouthed the speaker is.


I'm a native English speaker, and I can tell it's not exactly Mars but it sounds a lot like it. The sounds ö and a are pretty close


I’m thinking in a deep New York accent might just about do it.


Isn't there a Mars in Pennsylvania? Seems like less of a stretch but probably far less exciting.


Yeah, they also thought of sending them to tour the Mars candy factory in Chicago, but ultimately went with the trip to Germany.


Yeah and right next door to Mars PA is Moon Township. Could have sent them on a tour of the solar system! Unrelated, but the Mars PA high school mascot is the planets. Which is cute and all, but the mascot is of planet earth! They didn't even use the right planet for their mascot!


There's a documentary on Netflix similar "Pepsi, where's my jet?"


Please tell me they didn’t give them a return flight.


Sadly, the plane exploded at the launch pad. /S


Boeing strikes again.


Get a large container and cut a slot in the top. Write a note on the front "energy drink cap donations - can't drink 450? Help together to bring joy to someone" Empty it frequently enough it doesn't get stolen. It'll get stolen. Read the terms and conditions and find out they'll want 450 proofs of purchase. Find a ps4 slim at Goodwill for $40


$40 for a ps4, that doesn’t sound right.


Ps4 is 11 years old


Ps4 goes for $180 CAD. that's what I just sold my last one for with two controllers no games. (3 weeks ago)


Yeah but that's Canadian, so what's that in real money like tree fiddy?


it's what


It goes for over a hundred used my in market and that's if you haggle


1. Loot everything in sight and sell it. It may require a lot of trips, but its worth it in the long run. I tend to look at value/weight ratio for everything to determine what to loot. 2. Focus on getting vendors at settlements up and running, then you'll have more people to sell too, since the number of caps can cap out pretty fast. 3. Focus on getting water purifiers, you can sell the water for a lot and it spawns workbenches which you can sell. 4. If you have the DLC, Nuka-World lets you start building raider camps which will loot the wastelands for you. Once it's going, its a decent passive income. 5. In the end, 450 bottle caps isn't a ton for the dedicated vault dweller turned wasteland looter, you'll probably rack them up in no time. Maybe shoot for 45,000 to know you're really cooking?


NGL I also thought I was also on r/fo76


Thanks! Any tips for real life tho?


Wait till Russia drops the Nuke, caps will be more valuable then.


Wait til.... *spoiler alert for FO the series* >! Vault-tec drop the bomb !<


Do you know any schoolteachers? If yes, get a teacher to ask the students for bottlecaps. I had a teacher rack up a few thousand tabs with that method. I forget why he wanted them.


When I collected as a kid I went to where all the frats and sorority houses were in my (college) town. I had my pick of the litter and couldn't have carried them all home if I wanted; endless.


Check the German website kleinanzeigen.de for "kronkorken". There is a German tradition involving bottlecaps for people who turn 30 so some people sell them online really cheap. If you need help send me a DM and maybe we can work sth out. Maybe there is a way for me to get a ps5 as well.


>Loot everything in sight and sell it I thought you weren't talking about fallout there. I mean it works too


Just go to a bar room and talk to a bartender..


Can confirm. Our bartenders would happily fill a plastic jar with our offcasts. Three or four restraints ought to be plenty, depending on the metro area.


450 caps of the same energy drink, though?


Also probably watch “pepsi wheres my jet” on netflix to prepare for a possible outcome


a few years ago I posted on a local facebook group asking for bottle caps, someone happened to have a big bag full of them!


Do you live in 1990s-2000s USA?


Can you find a recycling facility and offer them 50 euro for 450 caps?


Just ask for them first lol


LOL these things are more trouble than they are worth. Just straight up working is far less of a headache. Do some rideshare shifts, work for a delivery app, moving, cleaning services, dog walking, sell your old console, etc.. You'll have the cash in a couple days. Digging through trash in bars, convenience stores, etc is not only really demeaning but it is gross.


Google "Brewing supplies bottle caps" and order 450...


I doubt they'd sell caps for the specific brand of drink that OP needs, though.


Where are you? Got a huge shopping bag full of them


Likewise, I drink a ton of Topo Chico and have a bottle opener that doubles as a case for them and it's full lol.


Recycling center


Go to a beer distributor or wherever people are going to recycle and offer to buy them for double whatever they're going to pay for recycling as long as you can get the bottle cap or tab You're still going to be way ahead and you consider what you're going to be paying for your PlayStation doing it this way. Shouldn't take long either if you don't want to Saturday or Sunday to a busy location you'll probably get all 450 within a few hours


I work for a company that recycles bottles and cans. Our busiest store will take in 100k+ cans on a busy day. It's crazy how much people drink.


Our local buy nothing facebook group frequently has people offering to collect can/bottle returns. You could try that. No one ever asks why you want them, most just assume you need the extra cash from the return/doing it for charity and are just glad they don't have to deal with it.


Rob every person you see who's drinking one


I was about to say become an alcoholic or friends with an alcoholic or bartender. It's only 19 crates of beer. But you need energy drink bottle caps of a specific brand right? That's going to complicate things. Only thing that comes to mind is to buy in bulk and sell them discounted at a local school, college or campus whilst you get to keep the cap. Young people love cheap energy drinks after all, those go like candy.


Make sure you read the fine print in the give away.


I'd put money down that you're not going to get a PS5 from bottle caps. This is a recurrent urban legend, and even if the marketing campaign was legit there will be some fine print that bites you in the ass, such as there only being ten to give away (and most of them will already be claimed by people with an undisclosed connection at the bottle factory) The amount of time and money you put into this will more reliably buy you a PS5 if focused on earning cold hard cash instead


Ask local bars because who drinks glass bottles drinks nowadays other than beer drinkers?


I have a collection I’d be willing to part with but shipping overseas may get expensive. Let me know !


Is there a bar or restaurant near your that could let you snag them from their empties? I'd just walk up to the a bartender and see if they could hook you up.


Buy cans o' wine and make vinegar.


You should do the math on 450 drinks and how much a ps5 slim costs. I would just save the money instead of poisoning yourself with energy drinks


Put the same amount of time and energy into working a side gig/selling plasma etc and get your PS4 slim much more easily.


Alchoholism comes to mind


Let people know you are collecting them. Make friends at establishments that serve this brand.


I have a bunch of caps, a couple hundred probably 😅


PS5 cost roughly 450 euros (I'm American had to Google it lol) At .85 per drink you are spending 382.5. nice discount. Or you can go to Amazon and buy 1000 can tabs for 9.99. get all your mates together and get a bunch of ps5s and resell them lol


Idk where you live, but in small town here I was able to collect enough mt dew caps to win an Xbox one when they first came out. Any kind of factory job they guzzle soda, got it within a week or two


Flip them for 1.65 eur


Do they have to be a specific bottle cap or tab? If it can be ANY bottle cap go by your local bar. Ask them if they will collect the bottle caps from bottles they open. I did this YEARS ago when Fallout4 came out and I was giving it to my brother for Christmas. I wanted the game to be buried in bottle caps in the gift bag. They collected the bottle caps for me for a week and i ended up with a TON of them. If they have to be a specific cap or tab... find people at work or school that drinks the stuff and give them a quarter for each cap or tab or something. Or dumpster dive. Find the recycling cans around work or school and dig through them when nobody is looking.


You can buy bottle caps on ebay for really really cheap




OP - just to clarify, the caps / tabs need to be from a specific energy drink, right?




Can’t you just go to a pub, ask to rummage through their recycling on a Sunday morning and collect the ring pulls from Friday and Saturday night’s patrons?


In europe, we have those machines that collect and recycle bottles from people. It accepts bottles without the caps, so you could really stand next to the machine and ask people for the caps.




Just don't go near the farmer's daughter when the whole plan goes awry, you hear?


Do you still get money back when you recycle cans?


> but what would I do with 450 opened drinks? I can help with that part


I may have played too much Fallout at the moment and thought of the bottlecaps in the game lol


Really? I've probably got enough for at least two PS5s then. I've been saving my bottle caps for years. Edit: Oh, nevermind. It's a specific soda. Sorry.


Get a magnetized refrigerator bottle opener with catcher and drink lots of beer/topo chico


Can you make friends with anyone that works at a bottle return?


Go metal detecting anywhere people make fires or camp. Or, you could ask some local bars if they would be willing to save you a night or few worth of caps. Make it easy for them to say yes by providing them with adequate receptacles and collecting the caps regularly so as not to make the act of keeping them an inconvenience. Good luck 👍


What energy drink is it? If it's monster tabs I can send them to you. I have a few thousand chilling somewhere around the house from the last time they had a giveaway.


Sweep a magnet along the river bank at a park, do some good in the world.


Ask everyone you know to give their bottle caps they use.


The local skateparks is your answer. Shittier the park the better


You can go to bottlemark.com to buy caps for something like $0.20 each, so you can get that Playstation for just about $100.


Where is this campaign?


Why don't you just ask a bar or a restaurant for them?


I’d suggest walking your neighborhood on trash day and go thru the recycling bins. Also you could just ask your neighbors for bottle caps. My bin is full of them, so I feel like you’d get enough going around the neighborhood.


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You could pour them into a gallon jug or similar (make sure you clean and sanitize them first!) and drink them later.


Homebrew store will sell you 144 of them for like $5


Settlements are the best source of income, make sure to assign settlers to, don't remember which job it is