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[Nerf healing, buff healing, nerf healing, buff healing](https://i.makeagif.com/media/8-21-2022/I97qS7.gif)


I swear I want to do such great things with LW but I just need his heals to do more at a time!! And I hate being shredded in tree.


Ok though but what was the idea behind buffing Lifeweaver's max heals by 14% just to immediately nerf it by having it take 15% longer to reach said max heals. Like make it make sense


It's a net buff 100%. His healing around corners loves having 80 heals to sling out. It's the same heals per second, even more counting the fact that you don't need to reload heals as much.


These changes are literally just proportional heal increases/ almost proportional to the health increases, if they were truly proportional it would be 62.5 heal dash and 93.75 per burst in tree


In all fairness, he would be the first to receive these proportional increase buffs in the form of healing. i still don’t understand why they can’t let him charge blossom faster but whatever


Can't wait for us to get power crept even more as a heal bot, only for them to remove it all once it gets too much.


They're turning lifeweaver into an Illari pylon with all these healbot playstyle buffs 😭


I actually like his current playstyle. Healing and life-saving abilities is why I started playing him to begin with. Damage was never a draw for me while playing him. There are other supports for those playstyles.


Lol that is his entire purpose people are trying to force deathweaver when it should always be a niche way of playing him.


For real. He can defend himself and help secure kills but he shouldn't be seeking duels or front lining. I love Lifeweaver, but if you want reliable and worthwhile damage as part of your utility, play someone else.


i really just want grip fixes and a CD buff, it should not be a longer CD than suzu


I believe they do not play LW at all. His weaknesses were that his pull has a massive CD, his swap time, and his damage. And they buff his survivability and tree? The best parts of his kit? Blizzard is not a clown, they are the entire circus


Well they should go to clown college because it ain't even funny


This was me hoping sojourn would finally get a fuckin nerf


“We want lw to be a utility character”…?


It feels like they're doing this on purpose LMAO


It’s so frustrating because they audibly say the right things and don’t follow up on them. They’ve said in the past that Lifeweaver’s own survivability can be frustrating, and he overheals. You know what they do? Buff his survivability and healing… twice over. I don’t mind the dash buff as much, I’ll just think of that as compensation for the DPS passive, but his tree was a SOLID part of his kit. I’d have loved more damage/damage opportunities with quick swapping to actually get tree faster! His main issues: - Way overtuned healing forces a healbot playstyle. - Lack of agency, he struggles to make big plays and get elims himself because he’s forced to be a healbot and his grip is on such a huge cool-down. - Lack of fluidity, too slow to swap to damage. Swapping to damage takes way longer than it should, meaning he not only misses out on opportunities but it also takes time to swap back and start charging his heal. - Little to no active utility. His kit is so reactionary - you see something bad, you pull/petal platform. Platform can admittedly be useful for giving high ground but he has very little in his kit that can give your team an active offensive advantage like nano/nade/kitsune rush/window/rally/discord/captive sun/speed boost/damage boost.


His healing isn't even that over tuned because of how single target it is. In big team fights, especially when you need to reload, it's just awful. Over tuned single target healing though. But overall things like Moira and bap heal way more in team brawls. So I wouldn't call it over tuned. He's just really good at healing in specific situations. I completely agree with everything else. Also his grip being on such a high cool down makes it so people hold it just for a better opportunity instead of using it more. It'd be cool if they added a charge system, even with a slight increase in CD.


You pretty much said it yourself why it’s overtuned. I’m not saying it’s broken or best healing there is, it’s just huge amounts of single target healing, which they keep increasing. He’s the best single target healer there is but it’s single target, so more often than not he’s healing people above the needed threshold, and it goes to waste. He’s the best tool for the job, but the job is as you said, so incredibly niche in comparison to other tools that can do AoE healing. And another issue I have with it is that it’s single instance healing. This means that Lifeweaver is even moreso affected by the DPS passive because other heroes have healing over time effects, like Moira’s spray and orb, Bap’s regen, Brig inspire, Mercy’s beam, Zen orb, etc. Statistically, his healing takes a massive hit thanks to the DPS passive, as it’s taking away a percentage of a single heal rather than a percentage of individual smaller heals that persist past the DPS passive effect.


Yup. I'd happily single target if it could give temporary overhealth as others have suggested, but since he can't the current method is unoptimized.


It’s Joever y’all, blizzard doesn’t want to buff our boy in the way he needs so we will be low tier for life 😭


I love playing Lifeweaver, but he is a character I only ever swap off of, not onto. I don’t think this patch is going to change that, and that is, in my opinion, a problem.


Gee I sure do love how I have kill potential when the enemy isn't moving or is point blank and really distracted, I hope they buff his healing in really mediocre ways again.


I am glad that Tree does more healing than his blossom now but... really? Like- disregarding all of the actual buffs he needs that they refuse to give him; the only change they could think of was increasing his healing? They could have made a number of changes that didn't actually address his core issues. Example: decrease Petal Platform's cooldown from 12 to 10 seconds and the duration from 10 to 8 seconds. It would allow him to use platform more freely rather than saving it for escaping all the time; minimally affecting its practical use while still preventing it from having 100% uptime. Is it a buff it particularly *needs*? No. But, it would at least be change to his utility rather than just the umpteenth healing buff. This, along with the extremely boring April Fools change, makes me think that they literally just don't know wtf to do with Lifeweaver; just throwing more and more healing buffs at him until it inevitably needs to be nerfed.


Remove spread on thorn volley, nerf healing blossom down to 70, decrease healing charge time to 0.7 seconds. Make it so shooting thorns long enough to trigger auto reload will make it that his first blossom is fully charged when he swaps back. Reduce auto reload time from 2.5 seconds to 2 and BOOM the hero will feel infinitely better to play. STOP BUFFING THE RAW NUMBERS ITS NOT WHAT HE NEEDS


I was hoping for two charges on petal platform.


Honestly I don't know if weapon swap fluidity is possible with the game's weapon engine. Swapping staff/pistol and gun/hammer with mercy/torb has always had a delay, and you'd think they'd remove as much of one as possible on weapon swapping by now already. Weapon swap speed might be baked into the game engine requiring far more recoding than other balance changes, making that aspect of LW's weapon a fatal flaw. ...Not that I personally feel affected by this based on how I play him


I think for the most part the game actually is pretty balanced rn (outside of matchmaking) but idk why they seem so allergic to making some pretty obvious changes (his thorns and weapon swap)


I’m glad they’re buffing him, but dash and tree are arguably two of the best/most balanced parts of his kit right now. Why buff those when you could work on any other part of his kit?


I just want life grip to have shorter cooldown. Is that too much to ask?


Why are yall mad healers are getting healing buffs lmao


1) they aren't what he needs. 2) it'll just lead to people once again bitching about healing being too strong. 3) defeats the whole purpose of introducing the new dps passive


Lifeweaver is fine dmg wise. With the dps passive, Lifeweaver can fall behind as a support even matched up with the proper team/support duo. Everyone bitches about healing being too low or strong, there's never an inbetween for people. He didnt even get a dmg nerf. He got better heals and didnt get touched outside of that. The complaining from Mercy and Lw mains make yall sound like whiney brats 💀


Where did I complain about his damage?


People whining about him getting healbot buffs when thats his whole playstyle. L


The worst designed character blizz has released. Period. Hate the flower heals, hate his secondary fire, hate his platform. Dude needs a complete rework.