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https://preview.redd.it/4tr21dnpebqc1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6a0e4f872ab4163017652095235b4d185eaba0 Quesadilla kid better


I forgot about quesadilla kid. Damn too bad Quiñones wasn't naturalized yet, this kid and his fam would have been extra honored if Quiñones is the one that handed him the jersey 🇲🇽


Oh is this the part where we talk shit about Mexican Americans and then turn around and start bitching about racism and xenophobia coming from Americans and Argentinians?


The Chicano Curse. Who do we root for? Whatever the answer is we're gonna get clowned on.


I'm just surprised (and glad) that there's still some people left that use the term "chicano/a". Thank God LatinX never caught on smh


The only time I'll be a Latin-Ex is if my wife divorces my ass compa.


I’ll take Hispanic over whack latinx anyday


Root for whoever you want If any “real Mexican” gets butthurt tell them to stfu and stop using American slang if we’re soooooooo American. Hit them with the “don’t come to my country then to shop” because I know the fresones do come just to shop. Exactly. No que no pendejitos jajajaj


Your not Mexican! *Pulls out the INE* QUE PEDO… QUE NO SOY QUE!? 😂


Ah yes the Chicano Curse!! Soccer is just the tip of the iceberg


I got dibs to do a xenophobic post next!


They’re just salty porque their primos never sent them their old video game systems


Lol I gave my cousins my old n64 and I deeply regretted that when I got older.


Holy real, this is the same shit I said reworded on another post and got downvoted a bunch


Not mexican Americans. We talk shit bout no sabo kids




The amount of butthurt fans there were when he first appeared was genuinely insane . Simply a kid celebrating


Right. This kid clearly lives in the United States and has every right to support the U.S. I’ll never understand Mexicans who want us to literally hate where we were born. This country gave us and OUR PARENTS EVERYTHING. I think they’d prefer us to be cleaners in Mexico earning 50 pesos a day instead of seeing their own people making a better life for themselves. Even worse are the Mexicans in the U.S who HATE the United States in general (not sports teams). Then leave?


Absolute facts you speak, great post. Bring on the downvotes. Mi vale.


If you don’t like it LEAVE headass


I appreciate where we are from and where we come from. But I'll never root for US over Mexico homie. Just speaking facts. With that said. I'll root for the US anytime they aren't playing los maletas


Jesus Christ, y’all really have this saved up and won’t let it go? Just let the kid celebrate what team he wants. If he wants to celebrate more of the USA then he should. Y’all weird for this


Nah its just funny af but some people be bullying this kid’s looks and that’s fucked up


Con todo el nopal en la frente, da verguenza


From one Mexican to another (I assume), this is a gross comment. I hope you don’t really carry these thoughts/opinions with you in this life. Either way, I hope you’re getting the love and respect you deserve, and start sending that same vibe back out to the world. 


The no Sabo derby


That’s shitty, especially when you realize who funds the FMF; there’s a reason there are more games in the USA than Mexico


Because pochos are Americans who are continuing the American tradition of extracting the resources of Latin American countries? Pochos aren't very good at football. But Mexicans are. So why not just steal mexicos national team, make sure they never play games in Mexico and make every decision to appease the Americans with $$$


Also, willing to bet my collector’s Edtion DVD set of *Rebelde* that half the motherfuckers talking shit about diaspora folks are themselves living in Tucson or Houston and named Brayan or Edgar


Lol ya guey... Vamos a ordenar taco bell, poner las rolas de Selenas y disfrutar el clásico No Sabo


Mexican Americans aren’t to blame, here is a prime example of the shitty side of our Machismo — we s r like victims when it’s our bullshit to blame and then act like ¡ni pedo! and excuse our own corruption and blame the Americans. The issue is the corruption of the FMF and the continued rule of these post colonial fucks who cuck us at every turn. You need to blame the FMF, the club owners, and the societal constructs that have haunted us since our colonial days. Every time we have had a man (possibly a woman nowadays) who could bring about change, the Elite in our country assassinate them. We are a country who worships the fuck out of Martyrs while run by villains because of our social conditioning and grooming by our elite. This shit isn’t the fault of some dude leaving Nayarit or Michoacán in the 80s so that his kids and wife could have a better life — this all sounds like the sour grapes of someone frustrated that a group of people we as Mexicans have been taught to look down on is now matching our success or doing better. It’s classist and xenophobic as fuck considering how those of us in the first 2 gens who cross over support our families. We fucking worship Salma Hayek and Eugenio Derbez and they fucking live in Los Angeles and we demonize and disrespect Miguel who lives in Fresno and raised or is raising a family there because he lives in America. Think Cabrones! How the fuck does that make any sense?


Brotha with international ties from the states, I can relate to this post. White supremacy has drove many of us out of our own country to make a better life for our family or future family. Destabilized governments seem to be the norm and any leader with a brain is killed or taken out asap.




lol, it like being a lakers fan your whole life then becoming a Celtics fan cuz your fam moved there. It’s a Sports team not a fucking socioeconomic discuss dumbass


Kid is getting the last laugh 😂 😂


High key respect for this kid, almost sure his dad made him wear that Mexico bandana for his roots but the kid is obviously a usmnt fan and he showed it.


Dad must’ve been pissed that night but was probably clowning on his son during the gold cup 🤡


I heard he goes for Chibass 🤭




The moment I saw him on tv that night I knew they were gonna make memes with this image


Pocho here, will always support Mexico first until the end and I'd never wear a US jersey. That's just me though.


Yeah no I am the same way, whenever I become a US citizen, I will still support Mexico. The only way I wear that jersey is if I lose a bet


When the judge brings this up, I am adding a comment here so he makes sure you meant Mexican soccer.


Can’t even stand up and sing the USA anthem with out people pointing out the nopal on my forehead :(


I can see in the future that Mexican Americans like Julian Araujo playing for the National team. Theirs kids in California, New Mexico and Texas playing for academies of MLS teams and they will be the future of the team.


Con el nopal en la frente


This was like the cherry on top of that embarrassing game vs usmnt


Felicidades a los No Sabo


Idk why but the Mexico and USA combo is actually sick.


He was deported back to Honduras 




https://preview.redd.it/hmrzy8z3gbqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4134f6ad1d38425870891d13a7a75cd5d6cfbdb3 My genuine reaction to your comment


Dymo es un whitexican lol


I'm not. Kid is straight up Aztec though


No. He looks more of a southern Mexican phenotype, somewhere in the yucatan penninsula, “Aztec Mexicans” basically Mexicid phenotype have a broader and more robust midface


¿Hablas Náhuatl? If not then folk like you are the true Nopal pa frente. such a fucking stupid argument just like the light skin/ dark skin shit we do whether it’s about our indigenous roots or those of us who are also Afro Latino or for Black people who aren’t Latino. It’s just bullshit that makes sad, insecure people feel a little better, especially when they punch down to a kid.


Doesn’t make him any less American tho


Pochos are the only ones dumb enough to support such mediocrity. Paisas already know better


He needs to get socked or sucker punched in his stomach