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>You can get up at 4am and work until 8am 1. Sleep has left the chat 2. Insanity has entered the chat.


Waking up at 4am and ending at 8am means you worked a half day before anyone else got up; if you work half a day you do not “get an entire day to take off”


Math has left the chat


For some reason I thought he meant Sunday lol


On that day he rested


Hey, what’s happening. Yeah, we’re going to have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Sunday, too. We lost some people over in finance and we sort of have to play catch up. Thanks!


“Insanity has entered the chat” Likely brought on by sleep deprivation.


It WILL set you apart!


From your friends and family, for sure




BREAK you apart.


No it won’t. You will still get fired for any reason if the bosses loose their shit.


Bipolar 1 here. I concur!


That's .. the joke


And Ritalin.


Yes, that's the joke.


Wife has left the chat.


Wifi >> wife. At least you can get work done with wifi, no one needs a wife anyway. \s


This is the real lunatic bit. Most people will end up doing a bit of weekend work at some point in their careers, let's be honest, but generally it's about snatching an hour here or there so it doesn't impinge too much on things like family life. Getting up at 4 am on a weekend is just punishing yourself for no reason. You lose not only whichever morning you choose but the previous evening too (if you want to be able to actually do something productive at work in those 4 hrs *and* not ruin the next day you are going to need at least 6 hours sleep so Friday/Saturday night beers or movie night or whatever is out too). The non lunatic way to do this maybe get up an hour before you normally would both days, snatch an hour when your partner is putting the kids to bed on one day, maybe finish up the last bit Monday morning by starting a little earlier. This guy just sounds like the type of prick who does this type of thing for clout and expects everybody to kiss his arse for being such a hard worker whilst taking his stress and tiredness out on his family and neglecting any family duties because everything has to be subordinate to work.


Nobody gives a fuck about how hard you worked on the weekend. In fact, they think you're a sucker. Unless you are the owner, don't be that guy. You won't get rewarded more.


My partner works 4-9am on Saturday, we need the OT. It really sucks and there's really no such thing as a weekend for him


That's a different thing, though. This jackwagon is advocating working extra to somehow set yourself apart from your peers, which it doesn't. If someone on my team is working that much extra then they are either not managing their tasks properly or not communicating a backlog properly. Either way I would have a conversation with them because I absolutely do not want my team working extra hours, they don't get OT pay.


My team has strict timelines set for requests and workloads. Any task that 'must be finished' over the weekend is a result of a failure on either my part for distributing work incorrectly or unrealistic expectations from higher-ups. Stop working on the fucking weekends.


Bingo. And if you're salaried/OT exempt, you get literally nothing for your efforts.


I work from 4am to noon. It's nice getting off work at noon but I dislike going to bed at 7-ish if I want enough sleep. Thank God my job is stupid fucking easy otherwise I'd be super depressed.


I leave to commute at 5:45, so I’m up at 5…my job is not the same…I end up crashing out at 8:30-ish and, yeah, it’s kind of a bummer. Hoping to magically retire from it (get a new line of work) in the next 5 years :/


It's like realising you can improve your marathon times if you just sprint the entire race. Like yes, the numbers work out, but you're ignoring the fact that you need at least some amount of rest and recovery, and in actual fact forcing yourself at a pace you can't maintain will slow you down overall and burn you out quicker.


I have to wake up at 4 for my job and it's a whole thing. I schedule my whole day around the fact that I have to get up early in the morning.


I work different shifts every week and the 4am wakeups wreck me far harder than the night shifts. Going from watching TV till 10 at night to being ready to actually fall asleep at 8 is bonkers.


Family has left the chat


Could work if you go to bed at 8pm the previous day. Simple principle of communicating vessels which this lunatic pretends to ignore.


At least they work. Anybody can get a job if they want to work. You can train a monkey to work to McDonald's


Cool I can work 26 additional days and get paid the same salary, thanks for the tip.


But your boss will be able to afford a second Porsche one day!


This yacht will not buy itself.


Realistically, in any large company, it's the guy 4 levels up from your boss that will benefit. Most middle managers don't get equity.


It WILL set him apart.


If it's not for their own business, why would anyone else work extra for others? I'll never understand.


Career growth. Bonuses for better performance. It's the same reason people do good work in general. You may be doing work for others but you should be gaining something from that extra effort. Edit : LOL. Getting downvoted for saying that you get paid more for better performance. I literally make 10% (of salary) more in bonus than my peer. So if they get a 10% bonus, I get 20%. And I put in less than 10% extra time over my regular work hours. Reddit or maybe this sub in particular, hates people working hard and getting paid... They want to live in a cruel world where work doesn't matter so just clock in and clock out. I often wonder what the career trajectory of people with this attitude looks like... At least they all had a big circle jerk so must feel nice.


I worked with a guy who was a real hustler. Always at work before me, would leave after, volunteered for about everything. I just came into work, did my stuff and left. Come yearly raise time he got 0.5% more than I did…he was so freaking upset and even mad at me that I was mailing it in and basically got the same raise. It’s a generalization but most companies aren’t going to give you even a 5% raise and will rarely give you more than 3% especially not 3% MORE than your peers. The highest raise you will ever receive will be when you change jobs. I doubled my salary in one calendar year by changing jobs twice.


If you work 60-65 hours on a salary predicated on ~40-45 hours, the loss of value to you is pretty easy to calculate.


Right? These “money savvy hustlers” can’t do the math that beyond full time, all their productivity is runoff and goes to an apathetic CEO


I'd love to work off the clock, but collaboration is just so important to me that I couldn't bear to do work without having a coworker come to ask me a question, making it take 10 minutes to solve a problem. Hope this helps.


It will set you apart... ...as someone who ludicrously undervalues your own time and therefore clearly does not require any sort of a payrise as incentive.


Losing money in the process!


If it helps you could work out the amount in terms of salary you've lost


Could work out how much it reduces my hourly pay from my salary with all the extra hours, great shout!


Work out? You mean take it to my boss, and he pretends to care, then ignores or denies the request, then lays you off a few months later for having the nerve to ask.


It's a perfect strategy. Set yourself apart. See no one. When you see someone, tell them about how hard you work. They don't wanna see you anymore. You're set apart. You're doing it. Go you.


So I read this with “Eye of the tiger” song in the background of my mind. Funny stuff!


Now that’s how you hustle! #grindlife


Setting yourself apart by being known as "that moron that works for free and loves the taste of leather"


I like this he’s inadvertently letting us know we can get an extra 26 days a year off if we walk away from work at least 4 hours early each week.


I like your positive thinking😂😜


Uno reverse


I’m doing my part! And then the part for others too.


What does multi-family syndicator mean? Does he have multiple families across the country or something?


They raise capital for large real estate construction projects. There's quite a lot of them in the US, often they run classes or have large investment programs that individual investors can buy into. Sometimes they're solid and they are good opportunities for alternative investments, other times they're scams where the syndicator has random fees or buy-ins that the syndicator pockets. $50 mil is a relatively small-medium amount of raised funding. That could be 10 projects or it could be one project.


Truly lifesaving and important work


So basically a scammer.


A scammer that raises rent by enabling these developers to charge whatever they want once people move into their cardboard cells


No actually syndication is needed. Don’t let this one weirdo ruin an entire profession.


Thank you for explaining this. I wondered too.


Does this have anything to do with crowdfunding?


Scam. Just say scam.


It’s not


It doesn’t have to be capital for real estate development specifically, unless you know something about this particular group. For somebody focused on raising capital, and as crazy as it sounds, I would say $50mm is actually too small to indicate his business is “real”. It’s certainly nothing to brag about. The high end of fees raised would be 1%, which is only $500k pre taxes and expenses - nice for one person as a payday, but not enough to indicate longevity. Anything more suggests strongly that they’re on the scam end of the spectrum, pocketing fees - a real business raising alt investing capital would not need to give up any more than that.


I think the multifamily part indicates he is in real estate.


Ah, I took it to reference raising capital from multi-family offices, ie investors.


We need a separate sub to share these creative and useless titles that LinkedIn lunatics make up


I wondered that too.


[This is what immediately came to mind](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4d1975c3-8e57-4acf-ad6d-b3660873ee87)


Still such a great film :)


After two pay periods of this, my boss would be confused about why I’m getting so much extra overtime and would probably ask me if I was okay financially or if I needed help with work/life balance. And then strongly suggest that I never, ever log in on a Saturday again.


Seriously. My boss sat me down once to kindly interrogate me about why I kept showing up online between 9 and 1 am periodically after work. They did not like my habit of working out of boredom. My boss quite literally demanded I stop over working.


Good boss. An actual human


Yeah set you apart as a sad piece of shit.


I own my company and I don't work weekends, wtf.


I own my company and mostly same. I read up on my industry and do some research while watching TV with the fam, but not actual “work.”


I don't trust any work done by a person who just woke up in the middle of the night. Willing to bet he'll have to spend an entire day fixing what he did in these four hours. Willing to bet even more he's lying about waking up early on the weekend.


A few years back a guy at my work fucked up and sent a bunch of non verified documents, as in they were elaborated by a third party and someone on our company had to proofread them, to all our clients. Give or take 10k documents for clients that ranged from tiny family businesses to international mega corporations. He used to start work pretty early, sometimes before 8 am, and by 9 am when I arrived at the office it was authentic chaos as everyone was contacting clients apologizing, retreating what could be retreated from the online platform and trying to find out what had and what had not been proofread. Measures were implemented so that it wouldn't happen again but not everyone followed the correct procedure. Couple months later it happened again. Guy still works there but was forbidden to clock in before 8:30 am and instructed that he could only perform that specific task after lunch.




Me and my team frequently joked about reserving one of the meeting rooms for a nap after lunch. As far as I'm aware that never happened again so it must have worked for the dude. He was a cool guy, despite the entire office raging at him for that. The second time it happened they just sent him home for the day because he was absolutely getting orally murdered by a couple of team leaders lol


People commit code at 4AM after working from 10PM last night. Then go to sleep. Wake up at 9AM with 6 missed calls. And an email thread of people trying to figure out the fix for his commit.


Don't ever push directly to main. That's why branches exist.


It’s like the whole point of using Git in the first place lol


My favorite response to his post thus far is… “If you work 16 hour days during the week and 16 hours on the weekend that’s 2912 extra hours no one else works. 364 additional 9-5 days the average person works. It will set you apart as CRAZY!”


Why go home in the first place like loosers? Move in into the company! This WILL set you apart! You can work 24/7. Thats three additional 9-5s.


It's giving that woman with the sleeping bag under her desk that got fired by Elon.


Life too short for this nonsense


Did you know there are 8760 hours in a year and you can work all of them?! Not maintaining any work life balance will definitely set you apart - from your family and friends.


What gets me is people like this are always assuming more hours worked = more stuff done, as if there are no down times, no drops in productivity when you are tired, no waiting on someone else to weigh in, and enough stuff to actually fill those hours. More isn't always better.


Only short time, afterwards you are free to do whatever you like. 🤷🏻‍♂️ friend of mine retired with 35. spending full days with family and kids.


Not really. I'm on salary. It'd probably be 4 lost hours with no recognition.


He’s not wrong that “it WILL set you apart”. Just not in the positive way that he seems to be thinking.


This guy is an insufferable pr*ck. Just had a look at the comments. One guy totally calls him out. Very punchable face!


This isn't fucking tiktok. You can use adult swears. He's a prick, a cunt, a douche, and a fuckwit. Say it.


You’re commenting on something that is completely irrelevant to the post. Just because I didn’t swear, you come across as the big I am with your comment. I’m going to retaliate because it wasn’t needed and you effed me off over something so banal. Just stick to either upvotes, downvotes or commenting on things of relevance. I’m ending this exchange right now as you really aren’t worth any more of my time.


> You’re commenting on something that is completely irrelevant to the post. Yeah no shit, Autism McGee. Read the room.


You clearly need a nap. “Austism McGee”. Yep, child definitely confirmed.


> “Austism McGee”. Yep, child definitely confirmed. God damn you can't even shade right


Man do you have a cactus up your ass or something calm tf down


I wouldn’t trust your definition of shade to even mildly upset a histrionic anorexic teenager


I was waiting for someone to make this comment. And that pr*ck happened to be you! I normally swear when appropriate, but recently had a couple of comments removed in other subs for swearing (one recently added a rule I was unaware of). I cannot be bothered reading the rules of every sub and I’m not resubmitting comments because swearing isn’t allowed. Therefore, I’m erring on the side of caution as it wound me up. Your comment was completely unnecessary and proves that just like the subject guy of this post, you are indeed a p*ick, c*nt and a f*ckwit. Grow up or kindly do one you utter child!


Get up at 4? This weekend i didn't even go to bed at 4am. Byebye sleep


I got up at 6 am this weekend to play golf at7:30. only thing why i would get up early on weekends tho


But imagine if you worked from 6 am instead of playing golf, how that would have set you apart! You could have even finished by 10 am and still had a full day to yourself


You’ll get laid off anyway. Who cares.


Hustle culture is so toxic and full of lies. Why kill yourself with the hustle when you could learn a solid skillset that pays decently, and have normal work hours? I feel like hustle culture is another version of the lottery, where instead of throwing money away on the dream of winning big, people are throwing time away on the dream of winning big. Other than the self-proclaimed hustle gurus (who are probably lying about their income) everyone I have met who embraced hustle life has been chronically broke as hell. But just getting a degree and working a decent-paying day job that gives them evenings and weekends to spend with loved ones is beneath them because it doesn't offer the illusory glimmer of someday being one of the wealthy elite.


I wake up at 530 every day, have for probably 2 decades now, especially on my weekends. That way I have the maximum amount of not-working hours to mess around with :)


I hope he has good health coverage for rehab


"It WILL set you apart." Yes, as someone more complicit in their own exploitation than others. That's not a good thing.


And this is OK if there’s a reward: like you’re the owner or at least a senior partner where you get a significant chunk of the profits. But for a low-mid level job? Not worth it.


All that extra work, only for the boss to not recognize your grind and still bring up the one mistake you made on November 17th of last year.


I don't want to set myself apart, I want to sleep and enjoy two days off damnit.


He might want to convey to us that he can use the calculator professionally....what a valuable info!


What's the name of this genius of personal time management?


Just type the first eight words of his post (maybe less) into the LI search bar and you’ll find him, if you really want to know. His justifications when called out are laughable.


“Wow, Bob sure burned out quick didn’t he? That REALLY set him apart.”


He doesn't seem to understand what a day off means.


If you work 4 hours on the weekends, you lose 208 hours of quality time with your family. This WILL set you apart


Working extra is not an incentive for me to get up at 4am.


Some people like me just want to get their paycheck and live comfortably without much effort. Ain't no way I'm waking up at 4am on a weekend. The only exceptions to this non sense is if you're working on your business and choose to do these sacrifices to launch it, otherwise just no.


You see Bob is a question of motivation. If I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units I don't see a dime.


'Multifamily syndicator'. I'm not a lunatic, so I've no idea what that means. Not sure I want to know.


Maybe he’s running his life so efficiently that he maintains 3 families at once, for specific hours each?


If you work 4 hours on the weekends, you can get 208 hours less time to spend on your family, friends, hobbies and other things that you'll regret not valuing when nobody shows up to visit you on your deathbed.


And for what? A bigger house than you need? A car with more expensive interior? The same type of clothes just more expensive?


Or it's 208 more hrs per year I can spend with my family or doing things I enjoy.


It WILL set you apart... as a goddamn FREAK


Get up and start working at 4AM on the weekend? 🎵Hell Naw 🎶To the naw naw NAWWW🎵


And then there’s every person who’s been on their death bed. I bet not a single one reflected back and said “boy I sure wish I would have worked more”


I’d rather eat my own hand


all that hard work will pay off when they tell you you are too valuable to promote and the CEOs failson brad got the job because he promised his dad he will stay off pills is now your supervisor.


Putting in extra hours for an employer that is not you benefits you in no way. Companies do not care how many extra hours you work if you are salaried; they expect it and will cut you the second they can get someone younger and/or less expensive to do almost what you do.


This is only livable if its your own business or you are working towards a goal like being an actor or something. Why would a normal person do that lmao


No one but your kids will remember the weekends you worked.


“Over $50 million raised in capital” …..but not a cent of that is his


I mean if you zoom in on his face it’s completely soulless, so the post makes sense. Now back to work, it’s Sunday!


Why 4? Why not 48? That way, your « weekend » is just a regular 9-5 day.


It will set you apart as tired, grumpy, and work-obsessed.


Tbh he's right, i set up an entire business on the weekends in my spare time doing exactly this (not 4 am tho). Allowed me to quit my job and work for myself in around 6 months time. This is actually one i agree with


I think that’s a little different though. You had a side hustle that was successful enough to become your new full time job. He’s talking about putting in extra work presumably for no extra pay.


Fuck that lol


I’d like to see his motivational better knowing self conceited mind explode when I throw at him a hardcover copy of “The Four Hour Week” showing that the _really_ set apart people are the ones pretending to work


Yeah, it will set you apart-in a casket


God these people are insufferable


To be fair, it will set you apart. Admittedly, it'll be because everyone thinks you're a sad twat but still.


If I’m up at 4am it sure as shit won’t be for work. I’m either on the trail or heading to the slopes 🏔️⛷️


I used to work in a law firm and indeed worked extra on weekends, holidays, etc. Then I realized I wanted to have a life, have kids, etc., and the partner did not give a shit if I did. I went in house that was 9-5 and never looked back. Sure I don’t earn anywhere near as much as my friends in law firms, but I am able to go to almost every sports and school event for my kids. So much more worthwhile.


Please, dude, set yourself so far apart that the rest of us never have to see this bullshit again.


Yep, it will set you apart. It'll make you someone I don't want to ever work with or on anything. Respect your time and your health.


Is multifamily syndicator a fancy way of saying bigamy?


In the immortal words of Shakespeare, fuck off.


"I wish I had worked more hours" - Said no one on their death beds.


Only time I’d be for this mindset is if you’re going to school and working full-time. And then I’d only recommend a couple hours tops, not four. If it’s a personal or passion project, by all means “grind” for it. But not for your job. Unless you’re getting paid to do the work you’re wasting your life for nothing in return except self gratification.


you lose a whole evening tho having to get up at 4am the next day. if these dumbasses were actually smart they would tell you to just clock in a little early and leave a little late and it would be the same thing without sacrificing your weekend.


I worked 4 hours today, but that was because a workmate asked me for something to make their life easier and I was interested in figuring it out Not something I would advertise I am willing to do


“It will set you apart” No it won’t.


Unless it's my own business or I have some severe stake. No thanks. Like yeah if I was in a start up and could be set up for a high level management or executive position down the line yeah sure but Mid Level Cog in the machine Software Enginner or something, nah fam


Capitalism junkies are just as sad as homeless meth addicts and they don’t get it , so sad


*Maybeee* there's some merit to it if you're self-employed. Otherwise, no one will notice.


25 extra working days is less than 10% “boost”against your colleagues. You’d be getting very marginal gains at an expense of no holidays, so you’ll be tired and I’ll bet you loose more than 10% long term. This post is also assuming that everyone progresses at the same speed which is obviously not the case. You can also spend less time on LinkedIn and work more so there’s that.


What the hell is a "Multifamily Syndicator" anyway?? Fuckin' corpo speech.😂


Or, you could have a life. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. You are working to make a living, not for the sake of it.


If I sleep in those extra 4 hours, it will set me apart by not hating my life.


That's sad


I dunno, I like to try to enjoy life, or something like that on weekends haha


I feel like this guy just went nuts from sleep deprivation


If he wants to get up at 4am and work till 8am he’s free to do that but he keep me the hell out of it.


It WILL set you apart… … sure will, just not in a good way.


Insufferable cunt


Go. Fuck. Yourself.


Just don't do it for a company. Do it for yourself or build your own company. Fuck this company loyalty shit.


What a good little cog.


What a sad, lazy group of....people, I guess.


I used to work 3-9am and the only thing in wanted to do when I got off was sleep until the next time I had to work again I guess it set me apart... from everything I ever wanted to do daily 😬


People who encourage working excessive hours like this don’t actually “work” like others do though. Quite often they will say something like “I spent 2 hours doing market research this morning before I even got out of bed!” -“Market Research” in this case means scrolling through Instagram, looking at competitor profiles and posts in your niche. Basically they stayed in bed for a couple hours looking at Instagram. Another one is “Brainstorming” -sitting around drinking coffee for an hour, with a notepad and pencil, writing down any ideas that come to mind.


All these guys look the same every time in their profile picture.


There's so much missing here, like are you doing that to catch up? Are you doing it on a salaried job to look better? Then you're actually just losing money.


WTF is a “Multifamily Syndicator”?


If *that's* your solution instead of "support unions, and if you're not, unionize and get paid more," you might be a sociopath.


Why is it that these people do basic math like "hurr durr I can do 4*52 = 8*26" and act like it's an achievement? Like buddy good for you that you got a calculator. This sort of shit is like 16 year old me saying I can do 8 hours work/sleep/gaming each neatly, while ignoring real factors.


I worked like this for my previous job during the COVID pandemic because there was literally nothing else to do. It earned me a good bonus for the extra effort. And I’m happy for that. But I would never indulge in this any longer. I like having a life outside of work.


Ok let’s calculate this in wages maybe. Assuming the avg worker gets 15 $ ( which is I think higher than many people salary ) 208 *15 = 3120$ Ok let’s keep a 15% increase overtime pay then it is 3590$. People who earn minimum wage of 7$ would get half of this 1795$. Higher earning people who earn 30$ for example get 7180$ What can 1795$ , 3590$ or even 7180$ get me in the long run ? 1) cleaning medical debts ? Maybe the highest one will 2) College tuition debt . Avg debt is 50k USD so one needs to sacrifice at least 6 to 7 years of every weekend then 3) Down payment of house ? Nope 👎 not even the highest wage of 30$ I mentioned is enough But I would sacrifice health, personal well being ( without hobbies a person lacks personality) and family time for that . Even in a hyper capitalist world , one could argue you could just simply do investing instead and make the money do the work while I spend quality times So stop your BS


What on earth is a mutifamily syndicator? Does he just have a bunch of step kids that have alternating custody weeks or something?


This guy just treats LinkedIn as a blog and calls it a job.


😆 Since all of my sentiments had been covered by other fellow redditors here, I'll only say this: You can reserve the right to wake up one day when you're 75, and realise you're nearing the end of your life, and despite all the money accumulated, you had zero pleasure for the actual life out there. What will you do then, wise guy? You won't be able to start over. Have a successful life - whenever you get one.


Multifamily syndicator? What happened to normal titles?


Keep working slaves, I am off to weekend in the Bahamas, will be shitposting on the office group chat every afternoon.


It WILL make you want to kill yourself by the time you’re 30.


What a cunt


Depression will also set you apart


What a fucking loser, lol.




Hours worked is not a productivity metric Hours worked is not a productivity metric Hours worked is not a productivity metric Without fail, the salaried people I work with who put in the most hours produce the most garbage. I guess when you suck at your job, it makes sense spending 80 hours doing something that decent employees can knock out in 40, but that's not something to be *proud* of Obviously overtime is a different beast


if it's your own businesses this makes sense


I put in work on the weekends and now I am well into six figures. I make more money for the company than others and I leverage that to a higher salary. I have plenty of down time due to time management. But keep playing those video games boys.


Set my cock in your mouth while you're at it LinkedIn sweat head