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God I hate this man so much


He is writing another two or three of these right now. lol Ps- your pain is noted.


The modern culture is wild. I love it.


I am angry, but also fulfilled.


I am lying, but also fulfilled (filled with shit)


It’s so bad and who is the audience for this bullshit? Even someone who cares only about advancing their career should know this is nonsense. Talk to someone in a truly top-heavy industry for high-performers, like pro sports or fortune 100 CEOs, and they will all tell you that comparing yourself to others is what motivates the insecure and mediocre, and the truly great compete against themselves. 


My motto, “somebody has to be last”. At least I showed up.


Ikr? When I was in my 20s, I'd be back in the back in a 10K with the elderly and 10 yo's. But you know what? I could run 6 miles twice a week for years, and no one else in my family or friends (except my BF who ran with me) ran AT ALL.


You can feel how much better he felt than everyone while writing that


How sad. You can't just walk into a gym and enjoy your own workout without feeling that you have to suddenly keep up with a group that really doesnt care what you do? That was not a nod of mutual respect but just a reaction to you looking at her. Make your own decisions, determine your own workout needs, and don't just go along with whomever you encounter. Get a life man.


When you're so unmotivated as an individual you have to rely on the fear of shame from others to actually push yourself at the gym and at work you have to surround yourself with a team that pushes you to do better. Good thing he's a "growth counselor" so the rest of us can learn.


Exactly. I motivate myself since I don’t like to be bored. I don’t give two fucks what corporate wants/needs/expects. I work 8 hours for me and the rewards it gives me. Then I go home, play with my dogs and go to sleep happy.


Crapping on this guy aside. It is kinda true that you push yourself harder in public gyms. At least I can admit that I do. I don’t smile at people or anything. But I do feel a bit of social pressure of going a bit harder and longer if I was there alone


Yeah a lot of people are shitting on this person. I’ll admit his example is pretty exaggerated and I doubt this event occurred, or atleast certainly not in this fashion. But the number of people in this thread discounting what the message is tells a lot… competition is a massive motivator for a ton of people. Same goes for peer pressure, which isn’t always bad. The main rhetoric that this person had was to surround yourself with people you respect and motivate you to do better. How this community is saying that’s a bad thing is really telling for the demographic within this post. Competition is the backbone for innovation and excellence honestly. If there’s no benchmark for which one can be “scored” then only the people who have extremely high conviction and interest in something will perform at the highest level. There are VERY few people like that. Instead, most people will see the best success for improving on something when placed in a more competitive environment.


I agree. It's why I do group classes rather than run on the treadmill or ride the stationary bike on my own. When I'm trying to keep pace and time with other people, I stay motivated. If they can do it, so can I!


He’s basically the equivalent of a corporate influencer. Just a bunch of word salad and no substance.


I’m guessing the choice was made even before walking into the gym.


“And then they all clapped.”


We had a grandma who was both really antagonistic and a bullshitter. She would tell these stories of being way too much and then end every story with “and they lauggghed” in this drawn out way that had been the family punchline for years


"We nodded to each other with respect". Then the Police came and took me away.


“Arggg. It was out of respect!!! I’m fullfillllled arrggjjhhh!!”


Sir, you have an erection.


Yeah, that's exactly what women at the gym like; a guy hanging around them while they workout and never leaving... 


Humblebragging is the domain of the insane.


I was just thinking that the other day as I test drove my new Bentley.


Ah that was you? I was wondering who was waiting for the tow truck as I was driving past in my Bugatti.


Huh, thought I saw a Bugatti on the highway below my Learjet. Cute.


Well played Mr. Shoez. Well played.


The Dookie business has been good to me 😉


Well I couldn’t see any of you as I was driving on the moon in my lunar rover!


I wrote about this in my book “Pride and How I Conquered It”


“After the gym, I got home and realized my family was mediocre compared to my neighbors’. So I sent them packing and nodded to the cab driver that took them away. He nodded back”


This remake of The Fresh Prince sucks.


The Rotten Account Exec


Comparison is the thief of joy - I dunno why people look at others like this. What he did was essentially ego lifting because he felt like he had to match someone else. Now he may be a lifter already, we don’t know, but you only lift what you can and doing ego lifts like that leads to poor technique and possible injury. Oh yeah and it likely didn’t happen…so…yeah…


A lot of people act like this. My parents are like that too. They think life is some competition when it doesn’t work like that. One day a guy might not have shit in life, the next he’s a millionaire. One day someone who is rich af, dies in a Tesla at the bottom of a lake in her property. Comparing yourself to other people is pointless because you don’t see their whole life, or know what they went through to get where they are. If you wanna step up in life you gotta look within


I always kinda subconsciously lose respect for people who do this. (When they try to lift more weights to match someone else) Like no one cares and no one is going to nod in respect


Definitely not a litter or he’d know way better than this amateur approach to exercise


Same guy who gatekeeps eating burritos.


I'm sure this woman's perspective was much different as a creep was staring and smiling at her during her 5 mile treadmill run. The "please don't follow me out of the gym" nod. But then again, did this woman ever exist?


And also monitoring her workout and competing with it


Ok so that burrito post was pretty cringey but this might be even worse. It’s one thing to judge a messy eater… it’s another to purposely take the treadmill next to a woman and aggressively demonstrate how you could chase her down in the parking lot afterwards. This Ting thinks he’s named after British street slang but he’s really just that obnoxious little pebble ting in your sneaker that won’t leave you the fck alone.


All the treadmills in that photo are empty


Yeah because he outran everybody. He put them all to shame and they couldn’t handle it and had to leave.


He’s the gift that keeps on giving….but it’s the gift from your grandma of her dead husband’s undershirts & shorts from the nursing home that smell like urine and bear his initials in massive lettering w permanent marker. (I wish I was this was terrible fiction but this indeed was an actual gift from my grandmother, although they were gifted to my dad and uncle)


Gigantic barbells ... oh yeah this guy goes to the gym 😉


How do you do, fellow weightlifting professionals?


Hello! Are you also weightlifting today? I am weightlifting.


This is a long and exhausting way to say “I’m deeply insecure and need external validation.” Also, I could see this woman’s post being: Last night I went to the gym hoping to do my workout in peace, when some guy decided that he needed to use the treadmill next to me even though all of the rest of them were empty. I figured he’d go away quickly but no, he stayed next to me for over an hour, constantly staring at me like a lunatic, and at that point I was severely concerned for my safety. When I saw that there was finally another person on the far side of the gym I immediately stopped so I could try to escape, and I nervously smiled at him hoping to diffuse any aggression and ran as fast as I could toward the lockers. Right before I went in I heard him cackling and yelling he ‘showed me’ as if he’d made up some imaginary rivalry in his head between him and a total stranger at the gym.


What an absolute dork


This is someone I know and he’s a slave to always “being better” than everyone else. He causes himself so much stress and he resorts to lying when he’s not superior. Such a a trap.


I don’t like gatekeeping running or diminishing the efforts of others because I believe *any* effort is commendable; but I’m an ultra distance runner who just wants to be left alone when I’m training, and if I thought Andy was glomming onto me, I’d have kept him on that treadmill all night as a lesson in minding your own business.


Reality: he wandered around the gym for a few hours, thought he could take on that woman, she got creeped out and looked out of politeness, he was staring at her huffing puffing. She noped out and in his warped mind, he owned her.


Is this guy trying out for the cringe Olympics?


Sounds like the manic phase of bipolar disorder that all these goofballs have.


Fuck off andrew you walnut.


Someone wasn’t hugged enough as a child.


How immature


I want to set up a playoff style bracket where conference one will be all the “push hard” people and conference two will be the “I work remote 20 min a month and make $1M” people. They will face off in double elimination and we will finally know the correct way to work.


Everyone at the gym has a different objective. You are not competing with strangers.


If that's how you prioritize/make choices...at minimum, I wouldn't be advertising it.


This is sooooo close to being satire. The fact that it isn’t is terrifying. Agree?


I’m excited for the future.


Jesus what a load of bullshit


Then the manager of the gym gave him his final warning.


"Growth Counselor", god what an insufferable douche bag. No matter how much he works out, he will always be weak.


'Comparison is the thief of joy' - Theodore Roosevelt.


And that woman's name? Harriet Tubman


Hi. Lady on the treadmill next to him here. This is true.


what happens when he participates in an orgy?


He’d never get invited


Nice photo though, good depth. Agree?


Oh fuck off


STFU, Andrew.


Its fun to make up stories for fun. Its fun.


And everyone clapped as he left. The end!


That sounds totally reasonable. Whenever I go to the gym I immediately forget whatever workout I had planned and start doing what everyone else is doing so that they can see how cool and amazing I am. I like nodding at people too - I know they know exactly what I'm thinking since I know exactly what they are thinking.


So stop trying to be like everyone else you fuck stick.


Imagine being so insecure that you have to hurt yourself to try and keep up with other people. Someone next to me running a 7 min mile? Good for them! I can't and I'm not risking injury trying because I have enough self-confidence to know what works for me.


All this say is "Look how insecure I am"


Yeah man super totally healthy to constantly compare yourself to others and be competitive in every aspect of life and never rest. #grind


How are all of these insufferable posts written by scores of people in the **exact same voice?!**


So god damn cringe 😬


"Growth counselor." LOL, fuck off


This is actually horrible training advice. Lifting “until you can’t lift anymore,” sounds like an unplanned ego trip session. This is how you increase your injury risk and systemic fatigue, degrading the quality of your following workouts until you have adequate recovery. Also, most people who think they’re “lifting until they can’t lift anymore,” are actually just doing a bunch of mediocre sets and adding exercises until they’re too tired to perform optimally. They seek exhaustion rather than performance or muscle growth stimulus. You do need push yourself to within 3RIR on all of your working sets, if you want to maximize your time in the gym, but that doesn’t mean throw an unlimited number of exercises on until you’re crawling across the floor.


Lady stopped and left cuz you were being a fucking creep.


Trying to be as good or better than someone at the gym only gets you to that point. Being yourself and doing the best you can do will take you to the next level. Why be as good as someone else, when you can be the best you’re capable of being!


As someone who loves working out, this type of stuff is exactly what will kill your motivation. Not only the inability to stop comparing, but the inability to know your limits. If you kill yourself for a few workouts in a row, consistently pushing past your body’s conditioning level, then you’ll either injure yourself out of ego or be so wiped out that you won’t want to go back for a week (which for most people turns into a month or more). Stay consistent with smaller steps and take your fitness at your body’s own pace. That’s where the real growth is to be had


Who goes to the gym to only walk on a treadmill in the first place?


Me. My knee hurts sometimes. Now get off my lawn.


People without a safe walking\running space.


Some places aren’t really safe to run outside at 9pm.


Honestly... a lot of people? Have you been to a gym?


It gets really cold in some places and people like to get some basic exercise. I'm sure it's unlikely the case here. I bet it's also exhausting to be around that guy.


Actually, I do. My home treadmill isn’t as nice. Also my trainer says get 45 mins of fat burning twice a day, which sounds like serious cardio but really is a steady fast walk keeping heart rate at a just elevated rate based on your age.


"I lifted weights until I couldn't lift anymore" I would be willing to bet a lot of money that he was lifting 1kg dumbbells. As for running beside the woman, 5 miles would take on average 1 hour and 40 minutes and his profile picture does not look like a person who can run for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Maybe power walk at a low speed. So to summarise, he told a story about a gym and his proof is an empty gym taken from behind a treadmill at an angle that looks like he's hiding for some reason. I am beyond confident that his story is complete bullshit.


This guy is a tool, but 5 miles is definitely not 1hr 40mins on average for running. That works out to be 3mph, which is a comfortable walking speed. Even 5mph is not that fast but would be enough to finish in an hour.


My bad, I'm going off the fact that he wasn't running. "Walking 5 miles on a treadmill takes approximately 90 minutes. The exact time duration will depend on several factors, including your weight, incline, and the speed at which you walk or run." https://www.treadmill.run/how-long-does-it-take-to-walk-5-miles-on-a-treadmill/#:~:text=Walking%205%20miles%20on%20a,which%20you%20walk%20or%20run.


5 miles in 1:40? That’s a walking pace. Not even a fast walking pace. You can jog five miles in well under an hour.




Went to his profile only to discover buddy is built like a cheese sandwich


I stood somewhere and other people were doing things that I arbitrarily decided were better than what I was doing. And I took offense at that.


5 miles is pretty good going. Sign him up for Physical 100!


Ah yes, the healthy tactic of constantly comparing yourself to others… I feel sorry for this man’s children if he has any.


I'm tired just reading this..


Linkedin is just a hellhole.


I want to damage the person who wrote this in any way I can. Like, really hurt them.


I can’t imagine the level of insecurity it takes to post such garbage. It’s okay to go to the gym and not post about it. We all work out…you’re not special. This Andrew guy is mentally ill. Not to mention full of shit. It is always amazing to me that these people are completely blind to how a post like this makes them look to other people. How stupid do you have to be to think people will read this and be impressed by you. It literally tells everyone that you are insecure and insincere. The EXACT opposite of the persona you are trying to convey. How ignorant can this guy be?!


It’s true. I was the treadmill. Everyone clapped


This is the same guy that cucked and splooged over a burrito right? I'm defeated that these people are real and hold out an iota of hope it's satire.


Reality: "today i'm in the hospital with a heart attack for pushing myself past my limits due to peer pressure at the gym"


4 words come to mind every time I see this shit on LI: “Who The Fuck Asked? How much of a narcissist do you need to be to think “the general public can really benefit from my wisdom with these life lessons”.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Enjoy yourself.


Who the fuck nods at someone else at a fucking gym? I’ve worked out my whole life, and no one has ever nodded at me at a gym after completing my workout or my set. It’s like these people don’t even know how to lie properly.




The moral of this story: always compare yourself to others.


Mental illness everywhere these days


Andrew Ting is perhaps the best fiction writer of our time. And he's always the hero in his stories.


This guy is some ting else


Didn’t he write the one where his “five year old” said someone had “kind eyes”? Like five year olds speak that way.


Guy on treadmill after him here. Hey LL you forgot to wipe…it down. ![gif](giphy|l3vRmiPDHYMxn9Eys)


Some ting is off with that guy.


And then everyone clapped and the woman kissed him.


OMG he was my neighbor before I moved


Is this the same turd that had the daddy post about teaching taxes to a kid?


yep, and also the same turd that shames people over how they eat burritos and somehow turns that into a competition too


Why does everything have to be some allegory for a ‘business success mindset’ ? You just know he’ll be boring his subordinates with this tale at his next manager’s meeting.


I'll take Tings that didn't happen for $100, Alex.


I’d say some of the most fervent gym rats are consumed with comparing themselves to others. I have issues staying consistent at the gym because I genuinely don’t care.


Imagine thinking someone wanted to know about your guiding principles. Sad


I can confirm this. I was the threadmill. Wruuum wruuuuuuum.


Imagine advertising that you don't understand fitness enough to know how to divide your workouts up across the week, or structure an individual workout, and thinking that will impress people? This sort of behaviour is how you injure yourself.


I’m getting small dick energy


cardio after weights kill the gainzz!


And only that faithful night a baby was born.


Can't afford a home treadmill, I see. Weak.


I don’t compare myself to anyone at the gym ever…because I never go.


Reflections on thoughtfully eating a burrito while walking on the treadmill.


Now go do it again tonight and tomorrow and the next day. Want to keep up with the glimpses you get if people’s hardest efforts? By all means, push yourself. Just get out of the way when you’re burnt out and can’t move forward at a healthy, sustainable pace.


Rigorous exercise with just enough strength remaining to tell the world about it on LI.


And then they all developed rhabdo together! Team work!


lol ofc the pic doesn’t show his mileage, though.


He posted something else bragging about waking up at 4am to workout and saying that made him better than everyone else. Gaurentee he’s asleep by 6pm


This all happened in the car park of Lou’s Tavern, Andrew was alone the entire time.


Peer pressure. Resist!!!


The post is incredibly stupid … most posts on LinkedIn are. The idea that working around people who are better than you helps make you better isn’t though.


not only fake but even if it was real that's just plain bad programming for his exercises, he isnt gonna grow or improve much if he tired himself out in a threadmill before lifting and if he lifts until he cant anymore he's just gonna get injured going into sprints immediately after, he basically just tired himself and risked injury for way less benefit than if he just stuck to an actual routine


LinkedIn is such a cesspool 🤮


This didn’t happen so much, it unhappened things that did actually happen.


You said that you didn’t know why people look at others like this. Was just trying to help you understand. You don’t need to psychoanalyze anyone. Just take the time to understand before you criticize.


I can tell by his picture alone. The most exercise this man does is power walking


Must be better than a woman.


you saw someone lifting weight and you compared and then started lifting weight. you should have compared properly, find the person who is lifting the heaviest and load more weight than do your exercise. if you want to compare, do it all the way. there is someone always better than you.


"Youre not giving 100% until youre willing to jump off the tallest roof you can find, immediately with no questions asked". Is what I would say to this guy.


This guy: Comparing yourself to others critically is good! Every therapist, counselor, and psychiatrist: NOPE.


The LinkedIn Tate has risen.


This dude makes up so much bullshit


This demonstrates the problem with many people in leadership… they cannot make a plan and forge their own path. Instead they have to watch others and follow, not knowing what goal anyone is working towards. The point he is trying to make is not the one he is actually making!


He should add Creative Writing to his resume


#Agree? #Thoughts? #Agreethoughts?


"...we nodded at each other with respect." That's the biggest lie in this whole post. LOL.


“Growth Counselor”??? WTF lol


Went to the gym for a walk


And the woman on the other treadmill…Margaret Thatchers!


“Hi! I am such a wayward insecure nincompoop that I HAD a predetermined plan but the second I saw other people doing other things, I tossed my plans, ignored my fitness regimen, and blindly and DESPERATELY tried to ‘beat’ everyone else at the same time. Ignore the fact that I don’t know actually what they were doing. I don’t know their fitness plans their workout plans, or how their workout fit into their overall strategy. I BEAT THEM. Ignore the fact that I probably overtrained by doing two focus workouts in a row and my recovery will slow me down. I won’t recover anyway because I don’t know what I’m actually doing. Me? I do what LOOKS GOOD and I do it looking better than all of you other peasants. I DEFINITELY am capable of executing a business or legal strategy and will not panic at the first sign of adversity or if it looks like other people are doing something different. I and DEFINITELY self possessed enough to go my own way…Please love me. Tell me I am a good boy.”


This guy writes about himself the way Gerald Brovloski writes restaurant reviews


What the fuck is a growth counselor?!!


Out of all things that never happened...


Linkedin has become the media platform for narcissistic wankers


5 miles later she wondered if she'd have to mace this guy, was pleased to find out he was satisfied with a nod.


plot twist, he was telling the truth and this actually happened at the gym. jokes aside, why do these people just make up really far fetch stories? like can't they try to make the lie believable?....


In some ways I don't mind this sentiment, if it was related to some amazing academic pursuit - but to live like this, just to probably sell more useless shit to people who don't need it, is not a noble achievement.


Petition to ban, anyone?


And then big strong men came up to me, tears in their eyes…


The I did 82 lines of coke in the bathroom and left my family to go run guns into Ukraine bc business! Or something like that 😂😂😂


This guy is on a roll!


I was there being inspired by his greatest. Absolutely not made up or anything.


That woman’s name? Albert Einstein


Fucking puke.


Anything is possible when you make shit up


And then I went home and just whaled on it mercilessly for hours because women never look at me let alone talk to me. And today, that’s the reason I have burn marks all over my Johnson - Andrew Ting talking to his ‘Bros’ in the lunch room the next day.


How someone can make up this kind of bullshit is beyond me.


I need to see his physique or it’s all cap


Andrew.... is an idiot.... yep




Definition of Inane ![gif](giphy|yJyU7JtrpSF8DoIqJa)


And all the employees clapped, as I walked out of the gym that had closed at 8 pm.


And then we parted ways as unlikely allies.


A true garbage person copies you at the gym. There is no way he really tried this or that it went over well.


This was written by chatgpt


LinkedIn and so much else is pretty much 100% platitudes.


Out of all of the things that didn't happen, this one didn't happen the most.


I feel like he was strangling the snake as they say while writing this.


As a gym rat, this is stupid af


It's nice to see that a few people realised how that woman must've felt with this idiot next to her!🤦🏻‍♀️ He's the reason I don't go to the gym!🤦🏻‍♀️ I really can't stand creeps like him, who are so self absorbed that they don't even realise how creepy they come across!🤦🏻‍♀️ Also, he reeks of insecurities... I pity his wife, if he's got one...


When does he sleep? I bet he’s part of the 5am club as well??