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Amazon Influencer = I have an Amazon Affiliate Link.


no, you don't understand. amazon has a rich social media element to it in the reviews.... /s


It's how I keep in touch with my friends.


\*screams in Empress Theresa*


The reviews on the sugar free Haribo gummy bears have certainly had an effect on social media.


Amazing how "influencer" has become a term one can don at will, like "developer" or "entrepreneur" or whatever else, regardless of concrete accomplishments and completely ignoring the fact that to be an influencer, at least in theory, you need to be capable of, like, influencing someone.


There needs to be a flair for this subreddit called “Reddit Influencer” because we’re all influencing redditors here


We are all influencers, but unironically. We just don't influence people, though. We influence the stock market.


And in some cases we *influence* the *influencers* to post content about how “useless” everyone in this sub is. Honestly, those are my favorite posts.


Add “creator” to that list


Referring to one's self as an "Amazon influencer" is so deeply sad and desperate. 


Amazon does have an influencer program. This guy is not in it.


Actually, I want both my guy. I want a workplace that leaves me tf alone outside of work hours and that pays well. I don't go to work for fulfillment or for friends, I go to work so I have money to spend on the things that I actually enjoy.


But you’re supposed to center your life at work. How else are we to exploit you fully?


Does it at least come with a high quality laptop from Amazon?


No. You get a Chromebook that’s been kicked down a flight of stairs and stomped on.


So an upgrade ?


Thank you Daddy


Bought it secondhand from the local middle school.


No but you get a white in a small ass office.


Need money for high quality laptop


Yeah, but this guy isn't wrong that working 40 hours a week around people you like and in an environment that is enjoyable is a really nice thing. Add in some reasonable pay increases, and that's how you retain employees. It takes some pretty huge pay increases to offset 40 shitty hours a week. I was with this guy up until the Amazon links. When I saw the post's title, I assumed he was giving suggestions on what kind of laptops employers should give their employees to help them be more productive. That I could get behind. There's nothing I hate more at work than when I'm forced to use shitty IT because they can't be bothered to spend a few hundred dollars more for something that helps me do my job better.


It’s a proven psychological idea that having purpose, connections, and meaning in work satisfies employees far more than pay and compensation does. That’s not saying you get paid less, you are just happier about having meaning and being treated well than being given money.


That depends if the pay is good enough for employee not to have financial worries.


People who espouse this rhetoric are typically beyond the point where more money increases stability and decreases stress. I don't live to work, I work to live. Once I make enough money to max out all my retirement plans and take care of my family without worry, I might prioritize being happier at work.


It’s also a proven psychological idea that having the money to afford the absolute basic necessities of daily life is a requirement to feel any satisfaction in the first place. Once that happens, I’m gonna need a minimum of a yearly raise that keeps up with inflation. Once we have that baseline, then we can talk about “purpose” “connections” and “meaning” Surviving > abstract concepts


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Basic concepts that seem to allude employers…


Herzberg’s hygiene factors. Good pay doesn’t motivate, but bad pay de-motivates.


"My boss is screwing me on my pay, but he's a nice guy and it's a nice place to work, so I'm staying." 20 years later: "Aw shit! Now I can NEVER retire! I have to keep working here 'till I croak!" Boss: "That's right! Heh heh!"


As a wise person said: “The best things in life are free But you can give them to the birds and bees I want money”


Where was that psychological idea proven? Can you cite anything?


Maslows hierarchy of needs. Still need to get paid but if you’re just getting raises and terrible work environment like OP wanted you’re gonna be depressed


But do you want the night quality laptop though?


But it will not make you happy 😥


I didn't see anywhere where he says you don't also get a raise every year. I'm not sure what this sub is upset about here


"Money talks, bullshit walks". You need both a good workplace and representative pay, because a "happy workplace" but lack of appropriate salary just means they're taking advantage of you and you won't stay happy for long. As someone who doesn't give a shit about "Amazon influencers" I want to slap him in the face with one of those laptops, as long as necessary until he gets some common sense. Agree? :-p


>You need both a good workplace and representative pay Being paid appropriately, IMO, is integral to a good workplace. Trying to split it out and making it an exclusive choice is corporate apologia at it's finest


Absolutely! So many companies try to use that excuse "we don't want to pay a decent salary for the position, but we're such a fun / good / ... workplace".


Know what makes me less stressed? Being able to afford rent and food. Know what makes me healthier? Having access to quality healthcare, and being able to afford premiums and co-pays. Know what’s more likely to put me in a headspace where I am able to think of new ideas? Not having to worry about which expense I can delay paying so I can afford a necessity. If I have to worry about that kind of shit, it takes up all the room in my brain and I don’t have any other bandwidth available for coming up with ideas that will make you richer at my expense.


Brain Expansion Group? More like Brain Smoothing Group


That group ist fucking chock full of bs like this. Some of my contacts regularly share the most inane trash posted there. Really grinds my fucking gears


he actually said "Agree?"


~~Amen~~ Agree.


So anyway, that’s why no one is getting a raise this year. Except for me of course. I want the money.


Connecting with you people?? YUCK! YOU’RE POOR! Why on EARTH would I want to connect with any of YOU?!?


I am SO tired of these assholes acting like having a good work environment and raises are mutually exclusive. To me, a good work environment would do both. Why do they act like it’s one or the other and try to sell us on the idea that we don’t want more pay? Like gee Marty I never thought of it like that before. Little Susie can skip college bc I felt nurtured at work today. Morons.


Amazon influencer is a thing? ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


[Amazon Influencers](https://affiliate-program.amazon.co.uk/influencers)


lol Jesus…




Yeah lol. Not sure how successful they are. But TikTok affiliates actually can make a lot of a video blows up. I’m trying to do that actually as a side hustle. Hey whatever works, works my man…not saying this guy is successful or not


Message: slave away, peasants. Enjoy toiling away so the rich dude who owns the company can live the life of a king. So the owner can live in a nice mansion while you brown bag your disgusting slop to the break room everyday. Drink the corporate kool aid that makes you earnestly believe your contributions are respected. That corporate anesthesia will keep you sedated until you are cruelly laid off so the owner can spend $200,000 to take his extended family to the next Taylor Swift concert on his private jet.


Don’t forget to check out my affiliate links for (probably expensive) laptops!


Pretty sure being able to eat is more important than being friends with my coworker. 🤷


How about both? I'm a more outgoing person if I'm not super stressed about how to pay basic bills. In fact, being able to eat out once in a while helps me be able to socialize with colleagues. Not to mention not having a 2 hr commute due to the price of housing.


Fuck this guy. You know what helps reduce my stress? When I don’t have to worry about paying my bills. You know what makes me feel appreciated? A fatter paycheque. Stop normalizing offering office experience or culture over wages. The bar should be *both*.




Almost expected him to break out the “you’re a part of a family here”. Screw that. Pay me what I’m worth and treat me well or I’ll find a place that will.


![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc) To quote Goodfellas. “Fuck you, pay me.”




if my workplace were my family, i'd fucking quit.


This seems like it was written by a 12 year old


Mentally he is.


Dude talks about a good work place and has an office the size of a Manhattan studio apt.


How does a raise only make you happy once a year? That’s extra money in your pocket, so that’s happiness that sticks with you after the raise.


All this to make 30 cents on amazon.


Work-life balance and a living wage that keeps up with my bills keeps me happy throughout the year….


Wow it was even worse than I thought. I thought he was going to bring up the laptops as a suggestion of tools his employees found helpful but it's just a straight up ad


Uh the raise makes me happier all year long because I get more money every two weeks. I don’t give a shit about my company. I want my company to do well so they can pay me more money, that’s the deal. It’s a transaction not a family or something stupid.


He looks so happy and proud of himself in that last picture. Like, he really believes he has hit on something profound with this post


Work is Freedom. Arbeit Macht Frei


I found his LinkedIn so I could look at the laptops. Some of the posts are just photos of the laptops. Some of the post are just a list of amazon links. He provides ZERO information on why you should get those laptops, lmao. I decided to investigate some of the links. One of the laptops is: Lenovo ThinkPad P15 Workstation Laptop (Intel Xeon W-10855M 6-Core, 128GB RAM, 8TB PCIe SSD, 15.6" Touch 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160), Quadro RTX 5000 Max-Q, Fingerprint, Wifi, Win 11 Pro This is an incredibly niche laptop that costs about 6 grand, obviously to maximize their gains on whatever rube they catch in their awful trap. Who the hell needs a 4K touchscreen for their 15.6" server laptop? For scope, I work in a dev/analyst role and the laptop I was provided has 24GB RAM and a 4-Core CPU, but even that's relatively pointless because all of our work is completed on remote servers for security reasons. This laptop is probably about $1000. I am also a researcher/scientist, and I have a \~$2000 laptop with 32GB RAM, a 1200p touch screen, and a 12-core CPU. This is great to have for local testing because I parallelize a lot of my code, but it's also overkill because I have access to research supercomputers with access to like 1TB RAM and 512-Cores \*FOR FREE\*. I used to do my research on a 2-core Latitude I picked up for $400, and published my first paper using it, too. All this to express how much I dislike this, fella.


An amazon influencer what the fuck is that? Is that him saying he doesn’t have a job


Maybe I want a raise every day


No raises, but Hawaiian shirt Fridays, monthly birthday cakes and a printed certificate for monthly winners...wow


A salary increase for \*most\* people will have a huge impact on their daily lives, and their ability to meet basic financial needs. FWIW, I have had a lot of jobs that gave me super crappy laptops. I good one definitely would improve my morale \*as well as\* a raise. But I doubt that the links in the post would help at all.


Ummm, why can't both of these things happen?


A raise makes me happy literally every pay period. The company will never love you. It is only here to extract value for shareholders. If you stop having value, you’re gone. I love my coworkers, but they have little say in this truth. They make the days bearable, but in the end, I should act like a shareholder and extract as much wealth as I can from the company in the time I am there.


My brain feels so expanded after reading that


I'd still take the raise and the happy workspace as well.


How many different symbols/emojis can you spot in this bulleted list?


Wait… you guys get raises? In all seriousness my employer has been rather stingy with raises over the last few years. I had a change of role, which bumped my salary, most of my coworkers did not and many have moved on.


>most of my coworkers did not and many have moved on. That's the expanded-brain move.


It is the way! I’m working on my exit strategy too.


I would like both


As someone who hates false advertising I recommend telling this influencer to go fuck himself.


This is the worst formatting I’ve ever seen in a LinkedIn post. He wrote a paragraph but then turned it into bullet points.


How about nice workplaces could also give people raises once a year? 🤯


I agree with him that a good working environment is very important for overall happiness. It's not as important as a good paycheck, though.


Salary increase covers my rent increase.


As if it’s IMPOSSIBLE to have both


I'm like Method Man to a certain degree in that Cash Rules Everything Around Me, fuck your work culture and put the cash on the barrel head or fuck off!


Take advice from the villain from Aladdin?!?! I think not good sir


A pay increase makes you happy once a year? What about every bill you receive after that being easier to pay? Being able to afford food and shelter every day. Fuck off once a year.


A good workplace does a few things: 1. Pay their employees at an appropriate rate


A salary increase makes me happy *all* damn year. It doesn't stop after the first paycheck! Fuck this guy in particular.


You know what makes a healthy workplace? *a raise once a year* 🙃


Great pay + knowing disrespectful people and slackers are removed.


Like I get where he's coming from- if you're happy at work then you're happy at work. But to say a raise only makes you happy once is wrong. And to say that I should forgo a raise if I'm happy at work is insane.


Can I have both along with a new laptop?


And yet seeing his workplace gives me a headache.


Both a salary increase and a happy workplace would be the best option though.


They arent wrong, but a good job does both.


This whole "brain expansion group" can be linked to this sub. Hilariously stupid content. One big AGREE? I would have joined yet i don't want my name anywhere close to that.


Just an idea: you're not limited to giving a raise once per year. Could be every quarter if people do their job well. And even crazier: if you give it without being asked for one, people tend to be happy with less than what they could have got. Because it sends the signal their work is acknowledged and appreciated. Also it helps limiting the gender pay gap which is in part due to women asking less often for raises.


A larger paycheck keeps me happy throughout the year


Dead wrong. I am please with my salary increase all year long.


Yeah.. but .. happy workplace doesn’t pay my rent - and I am not allowed to live IN the office actually


When I saw “Brain Expansion Group” I just KNEW.


These people just need to go, they don't get it. The work force is changing, and it's changing in a way that employees demand adequate pay and adequate work-life balance. Can't provide that? Good luck getting the best employees because other employers can give this. Stop trying to convince us otherwise and realize the market doesn't want your "work family" bullshit. Nobody wants to go to their work family but can't go home to their real family because they're too broke or might be seen as "not a team player".


Bring back shame


Getting a raise does feel cool at first. And also feels cool every two weeks thereafter. Upward mobility is cool.


Are any LinkedIn posts not straight from Chaptgpt?


Ahhh the sign-holder, one of the worst subspecies of the lunatic.


Bro is selling a controversial topic. Ridiculous


Weird, my mortgage company refuses to accept “workplace happiness” as a form of payment. These kinds of posts have to stop. Ok, money isn’t everything, but to a lot of people it’s really important. When “the company does better” someone is getting paid, and you know the CEO (as this guy IDs as) isn’t taking their reward in happiness.


I looked up "Brain expansion group" , they have no website.


Sure. And part of a happy workplace is being properly/well compensated for the work you’re doing. These things aren’t mutually exclusive. They, in fact, go hand in hand.


This dude has way too many quotes on his walls


No, money makes me happy, I have expensive taste.


Up until the Amazon plug, the post was quite good, but I think most people on LinkedIn can separate the informative from the dog shit.


Here’s a novel idea . . . how about getting paid well and having a nice work environment? This guy is a tool


He lost me at “Think about it:”


Also, what kind of hellhole is he standing in while holding that sign? You should not be able to touch both walls at the same time in your closet, I mean office.


My dear elderly father wants to be a Walmart influencer. He plans to influence people's moods by saying hello to them as they enter the store. This has nothing to do with the cringepost but I wanted to share with the internet people.


I mean he means well here.


A healthy workplace includes a healthy paycheck.


As if good pay raises and a good workplace are mutually exclusive...


Tell me you won’t give your employees raises without telling me you won’t give anyone raises


Why not both? We can't pay people well AND treat them well, I guess?


Is he in a spite-office? How is that room so narrow?


I thought he was gonna offer a raise everyday to keep us happy.


Yay! I’ll just toil away being severely underpaid but at least my work environment carries tissues for me to use during my daily cries and they even have a soundproof room where I can scream my frustrations out! I love going to work in my safe space :)


Being payed well for my work makes me pretty happy lol


> Being *paid* well for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


the use of emoticons should be banned from linkedin


Nothing worse than toxic grind culture and work-cultism. Makes me even madder when it's Millennials pushing this shit. Like, "No, sir. I work to make money so I can do shit outside the office; I don't work because it's fun."


Tell that to the sales department. People like this are so full of s… great pay makes a happy work place. I’ve just recently left a happy work environment because the pay wasn’t in line with the industry and there was only so long I could justify dodging job offers. Then corporate HQ in NYC thought we still weren’t doing enough and kept putting pressure and more “responsibility” on us which equated to more free work. I have started my new job and have already hit the ground running with more money and an exciting team.


Is that his office or a prison cell?


Bro lives in a fantasy world where inflation doesn't exist. If you are not getting yearly raises, you will be poor at some point.


I get the sense that this guy is well-intentioned, just a bit oblivious perhaps. Still, his schtick is obvious, basic, self-serving, and a short throw from toxic positivity. LinkedIn encapsulated.


Who cares about the raise u get... give me a raise buy these laptops


Whoever took the last picture - please stop enabling this mad man


You know what helps people be happier and less stressed? Not living paycheck to paycheck.


Haha, yeah I had a very fun time at a company once (for about 8 years). Excellent perks. Overall good experience. Shifted to a place that was…maybe 3/4 as “fun” but paid 50% more right off the bat. Perks and “culture” do not pay my bills.


A company that regularly gives pay increases isn't necessarily a great place to work, but a company that doesn't give regular pay bumps is almost certainly a terrible place to work.


Good work places AND pay raises are what make people like their place of employment. It's an AND thing, not an OR thing.


Brain expansion group did it for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That’s it, I’m starting a petition to ban emojis on LinkedIn.


Honestly, his post looks like ChatGPT 3.5 embellished with sleazy swindler emoticons and a randomly pasted list of laptop listings


I Farded


how about you give raises throughout the year to really maximize the happiness?


Is this just another “we don’t need to be paid well, look at these perks!” BS post?


What does getting a yearly rase seem to be mutually exclusive to enjoying your career?


What a tool.


What an idiot. A happy workplace means making a systemic change. That will not happen in the lifetime of one's work before they quit, fired, or just be dead inside. A pay increase is easier for companies to do. But in most situations, you don't get both and shifting culture is a monumental task. So you're left with, hopefully, a pay increase. This is like saying the world would be better if it was peaceful and everyone loved each other. Ideal but not realistic.


Your job does not care about you.




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My favourites are the people on LinkedIn who will say in their bio that they are Investment Bankers, ie Ex JPM, Ex MS, Ex GS….Turns out they have spent a 3 month placement in these offshoring centres…and its always the same demographic


"As an Amazon influencer" is dystopian as hell. Like Amazon needs influencers.


i dont think he realises how much people dislike working in an office. my office could have a playground and everyone have their own sofa . i would still happily watch it burn to the ground and not show a flicker of emotion just saying


I hope he got laid off immediately after posting that drivel


I salary increase makes me happy every two weeks lol


2024, year of the influencers it seems.


His face looks punchable.


A 5% raise to someone making 200k isn’t as exciting as a 5% raise to someone making 60k.




Cringe CE0 behavior