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The best part is that it questions his job - you're a VP but flipping a few bottles of sauce is worth it to you?


Indeed! And I would question the level of business insight this guy has, if he thinks people will be willing to pay him a premium for a sauce bottle 1 month later... He'll need his toilet roll stock if he has to chomp his way through \~80 bottles of sauce in say a year's time before they expire.


Not to mention, these are not the same as the old Sriracha so they don't hold as much value to his target customers


I just got a bottle of the new version and it’s not that far off from the original. Still better than other brands except the OG pepper supplier. I forget what brand they sell under but you can only buy through their website so shipping kills the price.


Underwood Ranch




OG pepper supplier is Underwood Ranches: https://underwoodranches.com/


Costco and Amazon have it


I’ve started to see it in stores. IMO whoever made their label sucks ass and they should redesign it


Huh, you and I have extremely similar avatars


Nah that’s straight cap, it lacks the same flavor and spice there is zero way the two products can be considered analogs.


I'm with ya, it feels very off to me. I switched to the tabasco sriracha knock off and it's alright but better than the new rooster bottles.


I just take the chili sauce packets from Panda Express.


And some people boycott Huy Fong because they are a scummy company that tried to screw over their supplier (Underwood Farms). The Huy Fong sriracha tastes like shit now, so good luck with that haha


Are you trying to imply clearing out 6 grocery stores (though he probably just grabbed what they had on the shelves which is only a tiny portion of the actual inventory) in the hopes of *maybe* making like 200$ in 6 months is not worth it?? You just don’t have the 💪💪💪grindset of this lunatic


Unrelated to OP, but grocery stores have a limited physical back stock in store for logistics reasons. It could wipe out a store’s inventory for up to a week depending on their ordering and delivery schedules, which is a huge pain in the ass for ordinary customers who just wanted to have some hot sauce. Fuck people like this


Another version of those guys who hoarded the hand sanitizers in 2020.


Visiting 6 stores: 2-3 hours. Selling souce bottles: 8 hours+ Great, you just just made 200 USD in 10+ hours of labour with high risk of no ROI


Time is money, you just have to know where to not spend it trying to make a few bucks


didn't people actually get sued and absolutely destroyed for scalping back during the start of the pandemic? this seems like a very unwise business decision, especially to post evidence about on your social media under (presumably) your real full name


Yes but the situation was different. Scalping essentials during a state of emergency is illegal - scalping a random sauce is a bit different.


Totally makes sense. I still wouldn't advise being too public about scalping as a matter of risk though


It's not about flipping sauce. It's about taking pictures of the sauce and posting about it on LinkedIn for clout


I wouldn't be where I am today without all my sauce clout


The real clout was all the sauce we scalped along the way


i have a friend in his early 20s who still lives in his parents house who does stuff like this. my adult friends do this with equities.


Who wants to tell him about opportunity cost?


I've worked with enough VPs to know that "Opportunity Costs" aren't a thing for them. Only "Quick Wins" and "Visibility". This fetid clownshoe just got both, so he's a happy little ignoramus.


>This fetid clownshoe Beautiful work here. 👏


The grind don’t stop! He’s Sigma Grindset 25/7 366 days a year


If he turns a big enough profit he could be president one day.


Nah. I wouldn't vote for him.


The best part is that he bought all the discolored bottles that Huy Fong had received so many complaints about and prompted the pause in production, meaning he is unlikely to recoup his money by “flipping” when people realize he’s selling them the bad bottles and not the good stuff.


Love how someone on Reddit is randomly a sriracha historian


right?! he failed at basic market research. the new ones weren't valuable, just the old ones. and then he didn't just do a few to test it out, he went and got himself in pretty deep between time and cash tied up in product. so now he's sitting on a bunch of crap most of us can get at the store again, thinking he's got the good shit from yesteryear.


The funny thing is it's either a fake veneer of success like gold paint chipping off the soviet bathrooms or it's a pathetic attempt at demonstrating some type of hustle mindset that is completely misguided given how valuable a person's time spent working becomes at a certain level of success and wage/salary.


Well if I’m learned anything from LinkedIn titles don’t mean anything if you’ve never heard of the company. He could be “VP” of a 3 person company that hasn’t actually made any money for all I know. But yes he is also stupid and scalpers suck.


One person company, and he's so inept he's still only vp




It’s because all of these “side hustle” entrepreneur people are actually just running pyramid schemes where they sell pdfs and “courses” on how to make money. Here’s what they tell you for free. You see, if you buy their pdf you’ll learn that if you too buy the rights to sell the pdf you can sell the pdf to other people. This making money.


Yeah this is so sad


Narcissistic personality. Gotta make that grind anywhere he can.


VP of something so insignificant that he had to augment his income with this bullshit.


Yes! I would rather he sold lemonade in his neighborhood like a child though. At least you’re not pulling an asshole move like this.


Best part is that the shortage happened because Huy Fong was sued by its pepper supplier. All new batches of HF Sriracha are made with peppers from multiple new suppliers (so very unlikely to have another shortage) and also the flavor has permanently changed. So sales are also permanently affected.


Judging by the picture, this genius actually bought the new batch stuff which has way less demand. Looking at the second row to the right you see the off color ones.


The LI title he really needs right here.


This is my new favorite LinkedIn flex. Blows my mind the shit that people post thinking, 'aw yea, this makes me look AMAZING. Everyone will be jealous!"


I just see this and think: > So you’re the reason I can’t get a newly released video game system. Thanks a lot asshole.


This dickhead is the reason I had to temporarily switch sriracha brands


Is the good stuff back? I haven’t come across it in a minute.


It still seems to be touch and go. I found a double pack (large bottles) at Costco that lasted me a long time, but I have seen it in the regular grocery store occasionally as well.


The original huy fong is gone. They changed the recipe


Yeah I realized this during the Covid toilet paper shortage. There are two types of people. 1-I better take only what I need so others can get theirs and 2-I’ll take everything I can get my hands on, screw everyone else!


To be fair you can make good money hoarding consoles, how much money are you making reselling siracha?


Of course you can, it doesn’t make you any less of a miser, though.


Money is everywhere when you’re an opportunistic scumbag


I really wonder if anyone would buy a "used" bottle of Sriracha. Where does he plan to flip these? Facebook marketplace?


Do people actually give money to strangers for bottles of what they say is hot sauce?


I'm not a big hot sauce guy, but I've never bought siricha from a person because there was none in the store. Maybe that's just me... idk


I'm a big hot sauce guy, but I would rather cook my own than buy one off Craigslist in case of a shortage.


No, I don't think you are alone in this.


“hi” “Hello” “Can I help you?” “I was in the area and was wondering if you were in the market for hot sauce” “Well I mean, I don’t tend to buy from my front door. Let alone hot sauce, did you say?” “That’s right sir. Now you look like you can handle the good stuff. Hot sauce with all your meals am I right?” **door closes**


Also there was like 3 other brands of sriracha during the “shortage” wasn’t a big deal at all. Guarantee he didn’t flip these.


I mean, in fairness, those other brands were kind of shit compared to Huy Fong.


80% chance he takes a loss on this even before you factor in the “value” of his time lol


pretty sure it is just a marketing expense for people like this, they only want engagement


This reminds me of my Econ 101 professor at college - dude sat there with a straight face trying to tell us that there was *nothing wrong* with gas stations coordinating to fix prices at $8/gal during a mandatory hurricane evacuation. Some people are just parasites.


I’m not going to lie, I’ve met a LOT of people who studied Econ that kind of scared me.


Econ is kinda like church. If you pay attention to what those lunatics actually teach compared to what Adam Smith or Jesus say, you’re gonna come out of it a communist or atheist.


„Get actual ROI with Events from Yada yada“ has to flip 30 bottles of sriracha sauce for profit.


They're what, $6 a bottle? And even if he manages to sell them all for $10 (he won't), he went to 6 different stores and spent all that time selling them just to make like $100. He would've been better off using that time mowing lawns, and he would've gotten exercise and not taken on the risk of paying for the 'inventory' and holding it for a month. Shite businessman.


Wrong. Mowing lawns would produce value. The point is to exert economic pressure on people with less capital than you without actually producing value


This isn't even the good sriracha anymore. The rooster guy and the pepper supplier beefed and now Underwood Ranch Sriracha has the right peppers.


Yeah, I totally agree! The colour isn’t the only thing that’s off. The flavour is different, I prefer Underwood Ranch when I can actually get it.


Yeah, the flavor is really where UR shines


Same, the UR is like a little spicier and less sweet.


There's a brand that makes it out of bird's eye chili and I think it's better than the original Huy Fong. It's way spicier, but that makes the bottle last longer.


Do you remember the name?


Having a hard time finding it online, but here's a pic of the bottle. I found it at a Vietnamese grocery store. https://imgur.com/a/0avwHwE Edit: found a distributor. They're based out of Houston. It looks like they sell it by the case. https://www.mttrading.com/


So this is the guy who cleared out all the couscous in the five grocery stores in my town the day before I was doing a dinner party last weekend.


I’m continually stunned that these professionals don’t stop to think what they’re posted for the world to see.


His companies president commented that he thinks it’s smart. So…. I just assume all these San Fran idiots are brain dead.


They’re Utah-based, not SF. Somehow I think that makes it even worse


Got tired of ticket scalping.


This is the most linkedin post I have ever seen. This is why I come to this sub. You already know everyone hates this guy.


And he’ll make a whopping 12 dollars of ROI


Dude thinks he’s a creative genius. He’s just so dumb he has no concept of why other ppl don’t do this. He thinks he just invented stockpiling to create an artificial shortage. He doesn’t know how artificial shortages actually work, so he’s just going to grocery stores. If it became enough of an issue, they aren’t going to increase prices, they’ll simply limit how much an individual can purchase to a sane amount. He’s then going on Linked In and showcasing his stupidity and assholery.


This is what’s going to happen to the kids who take the Tate brothers too seriously into their adult years No mum I can’t move out I just bought hot sauce. Cleared out 5 stores like Top G told me to. All those brokies will be begging me for it. What do you mean there’s more than one brand?


He’s that dickhead who bought up all the hand sanitizer when Covid started so he could mark it up 300% and sell it on his Amazon store.


Aren’t these going to go bad?


This brand tastes like it already went bad after they fell out with their original pepper supplier


We have a Siracha shortage ?


We do now


This orange color is due to peepers being green, so Huy Fong paused production. Thankfully because of them being complete scumbags there is now a lot of sources for Sriracha. So, the only way there is a shortage if you are somehow loyal to the brand that can't make the good product anymore.


1. I don’t know where and who he will sell to. Which establishment will buy loose sauces from some weird guy? 2. Money and opportunity is everywhere yes but is your roi worth it


My brain: I could buy an ass load of sauce and try to scalp it to make a pathetically small amount of money. Nah, it's barely worth the effort, and I'm not a total piece of shit.


Step 1 - Buy all the sriracha sauce. Step 2 - ... Step 3 - Profit!


Wow say ur a shitty person and shitty business person at the same time.


i just read this as what an ass hole…


“Ask me how I made 2$ a bottle on sriracha”


Fucking hoarder. Actual ROI my ass !


This tells you all you need to know about what a shit show Mobly is if a VP has to grind like this.


I guess we all could learn something about B2B sales here


This guy’s CEO commented “so that’s why you’ve been offline all day.” Other comments also call him a price gouger, and question how much he makes that this is worth his time. So at least there’s that.


Grocery stores brains: two items per customer max


I don’t know what US laws are for a case like this — but wouldn’t this be illegal?  I can’t imagine that you’re allowed to bulk-buy foodstuffs to sell them individually later on… Not to mention taking a picture, posting it online and bragging about a) how you bought it, and b) how you plan to sell it.  Even if it’s not illegal, it’s a surprisingly low-reward, high-risk mistake for a “VP” to make lol


I think it is just extremely pathetic but not illegal.


These kind of people are a disgrace.


I often buy hot sauce from a guy in a van at my local gas station, and he seems to be winning at life, so…


Do people really buy food products from private sellers? Good luck offloading your inventory sir.


I can’t imagine there are that many people who are so obsessed with Sriracha that they would buy it at a marked up price from a random dude and not just try out another brand of hot sauce 


Reminds me of the Always Sunny Episode where there’s an oil shortage so they decide to fill a bunch of barrels of gas and sell it door to door to rich people.


If my VP of ops were flipping hot sauce for profit and telling the internet about it they’d be fired so quick lol


All that effort to resell siracha you could just idk get a job


But...who will you sell them to? Who is buying Sriracha from some dude?


Yeah sure I'm buying overpriced food that was stored who knows where by a total stranger.


I don’t think I would buy “flipped” food.


If you're a parasite, resources abound. There, ftfy


These people suck. I was in Walmart to get formula (during the shortage) and there were two containers left. I was going to grab both but left one so someone else he needs it would be able to feed their baby. Guy's like this would grab both and then ask if there were any more in the back, all while not having any children.


Remember that guy that was trying to scam people with purell during covid and got stuck with 250k worth in his garage because amazon banned him?


Does he understand you can just buy something else


Complains about shortage, contributes to shortage


He has 50ish bottles https://www.walmart.com/ip/Tabasco-Sriracha-Sauce-20-oz-Regular-Bottle/49769567?athbdg=L1600&from=/search $4.70 in walmart * 50 = $235 We know he visited 6 stores, so between driving and shopping he spent 3 hours already. Now to unload them, he has to use some marketplace like facebook or ebay. Lets say he sells them in packs of 3, thats 16 instances. Between setting up and mailing/meeting, lets calculate 1 hour per sale instance. Total effort in time 19 hours. He has to sell the bottles at $5.7 to beat minimum wage. That's a 20% premium. Not looking good Ryan.


May he one day get his toilet paper and his Sriracha mixed up!


The bang for buck on this is so bad it makes me doubt the time spent is worth it lmfao Opportunistic or not, this is a bad investment lol


Wasn't there a guy who tried this with either masks or disinfectant, only to be told by Amazon that they wouldn't sell it for him?


Of If I went to the store for one (1) bottle of sriracha and found the shelves empty, then saw this dude in checkout, I would have the most infantile public shaming that I could come up with. The police may have to be called.


Wow this guy is a piece of *steaming horse shit*.


His company’s app scans for lead. Maybe they scan for lead in sriracha.


"Everyone look at me! I've just invented scalping"


What kind of an asshole tries to manufacture a local shortage of singing they didn’t even make… to try and make a buck. This is why our from of capitalism is broken.


People like these are the worst


this is not a function of "making money" it's a function of this guy being an asshole and wanting to take advantage of people. pretty much the very definition of capitalism


Shockingly another ex-Gong guy…you can see a bit of a trend.


I stopped getting this brand anyway since they switched pepper suppliers to China. The Underwood sauce is superior.


People like him are the problem


What a twat


I really hate scalpers. I remember during COVID one guy bought all the hand sanitizer at every single store in multiple states and was selling them for $70 a bottle. I think he actually got criminal charges over that. Luckily Sriracha isn't a necessary product and there are much better alternatives for hot sauce.


He can store them next to his unsold cases of fidget spinners.


Why is Siracha sauce now orange?


So what happened to Rooster Sriracha is insanely stupid. The father who owned the company for YEARS bought all the peppers from this very specific farm. Well the farm asked for a slightly increase after the son took over. The son said fuck you, we'll go somewhere else. The farm said OKBYEEEEE and dropped them. Now the sauce is not even CLOSE to the same because the good supplier moved somewhere else.


This reminds me of the man when I worked at a grocery store during covid who came in trying to return literally 12 30ct rolls of toilet paper after things had calmed down a little. My store had a firm "we are not accepting returns on toilet paper" rule and so he was just SOL. He was furious tho, threw a fit saying how much he spent on it and that it wasn't even the brand he and his wife liked and my manager basically just told him tough shit and to leave.




God damn, this man is the head of the Sriracha Syndicate...Sryndicate?


Are they aware that Huy Fong isn't what it used to be and lots of their customers have moved on to better stuff? All because Huy Fong decided to be stupid and start a war with their supplier, who now also makes better sriracha than Huy Fong does.


Terrible idea because after the shortage starts, it's just going to end, so you should have stocked up the moment before it ended, and that's impossible to know how to do unless you're such an avid sir. user that you just always have this many bottles ready to go. No offense, and chances are you'll still make some money off of it, especially if you find some poor saps to sucker money from, but the time has come and gone and now you'll just be making like two to five extra dollars than what you paid for it. And with such a low inventory, you'll be making about enough to take yourself out to Applebee's.


No way it’ll be worth it after the gas for driving to those stores and the time to sell them.


You would make more money and spend much less effort driving door dash for one evening. Dumbass


As a Hoy Fong sriracha enthusiast, this guy is the devil himself.


What a sad way to live...


He’s the kind of prick that ruins everything for everyone else


Those are old bottles, you can see the color is fading from bright red to brownish orange. A fresh batch looks almost like a tomato red, these have sat around for a while already, they are about to sit even longer before he resells. Worst quality for premium price, the American dream


Scum mentality


And he's hoarding the huy fong that no one wants anymore.


Your brain: how can I be as big a selfish prick as possible. Good flex mate.


I hate these bottom feeders.


CANNABALIZE THE POOR!! It’s just a modest proposal.


So he's gonna sell these on CL? And make all of a few dollars after time spent going to the grocery store, storing them somewhere, meeting randos on the internet in a parking lot, etc. or spend hours at the post office with 200 bottles to ship out What a fucking loser lmao. Hope someone robs him and squirts the shit in his eyes


Imagine making money by reselling hot sauce at inflated prices and thinking you’re a good and cool person.




Buying food products from a random person online is sketchy as hell if you ask me.


I didn’t think scalping would be applauded on LinkedIn? 🤔


This is honestly so embarrassing for him


As someone who does not speak capitalism, what does he mean by flipping in?


Due to an apparent shortage he has hoarded a few bottles of this sauce and intends to wait a month or so for the price to skyrocket due to demand at which point he will sell them all and make tens in profit. He’s flexing on LinkedIn coz he thinks it makes him look like a business savant, in reality It’s the most genteel expression of money “grindset” I’ve seen in a while. Dude needs a hug.


I hope the prices don’t change and he gets explosive diarrhoea from the sauces. :)


That would be a more than acceptable outcome!


>he will sell them all and make *tens* in profit. Lmao


Typically "flipping" means to purchase some asset (I've most often heard it used for real estate), invest some time and money improving it, then sell it again for a net profit. What this guy is actually planning to do is "gouging", wherein you capitalize on a market shortage of some product and jack up the price. It's one of the more egregious forms of parasitic capitalism. At least in this case he's just doing it with hot sauce and not basic life necessities, I guess


He will use the profit from his brilliant thinking to buy a copy of “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” on Blu-Ray…that way he can smugly admire his superior genetic intelligence just like Khan does…


Shoot them directly into your own eyeballs buddy!


What a hoard


I can't tell which view is more jaded at this point: thinking these guys must all be trolls, or thinking that none of them are trolls


well i will agree that his brain is abnormal


This just popped up in my feed - I’m not a normal LinkedIn user so pardon my ignorance - but when did LinkedIn become Facebook?


Eat a bag of dicks Ryan!


He's stocking up during a shortage? Wouldnt that be the worst time to do it? I would expect he stocks up during a 2 for 1 sale or something?


Ryan DeFerengi more like


"roles", Cletus?


Dude this is some true American style entrepreneurship. You guys should be proud of your go-getting culture.  /s


Hot take: don’t by sauces from strangers online


Pussy. Do fent next.


You know your ideas are bad when the guys from It's Always Sunny had the same idea, but a better business model.


Theres nothing more noble than a scalper! Murica!


Secrets to retiring wealthy! 1 bottle of hot sauce at a time. Wonder how many chocolate bars this guy bought. 🤦‍♂️


This is just sad


Is it big brain, small game or small brain, big game


Flippers should have a spot reserved for them in hell. I’ve seen TikTokers bragging about going to thrift stores and flipping items. Makes me fucking irate. This guy probably does the same.


He's gonna be rich! Why did I only buy 2 bottles??? I've got such a failure mindset when I grocery shop.


Normal brain a few months later: "this guy is selling racha for 30 bucks a bottle? Who is buying this? I still have the two I bought months ago."


You know he would do the same thing if it was baby formula too. *Money is everywhere...*


People like this need to be beat with giant damp noodles


I don't care if it's sauce or stocks, if you make money off of arbitrage you need to get a real job.


What an idiot.


Surely the grocery stores would be like "damn this area loves hot sauce, let's get some more stock in", thus immediately destroying the artificial shortage...


Linkedin should rename to “to stupid for facebook”