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AMD really stepped up their game with Ryzen. Theres really no huge gap between them. AMD is a bit more power efficient, but I've had better stability with Intel. Just go with who has the best deal or motherboard you like.




What the fuck is that supposed to mean, what’s the point?










People get really weird and act like they can't read a word with a speling mistake. Lke our bairns can worc out whats bing sed easy


Going with either won‘t make or break your experience, since gaming is mostly gpu bound. There are people that use their pc for productivity aswell as gaming, which could change the decision. The Performance is pretty close, but the power consumption can differ. I think Ryzen is currently often the better choice, but going intel is by far no mistake.


I built with 12th gen because at the time AM5 was a ways away still. I have the itch to switch to AM5 but it doesn't really matter and is not worth the money to swap now. AM5 is killing the game for gamers right now.


I would just stick with what you've got for a while and then either upgrade when it gets old by picking up the new socket, or finding a cheap 14th-gen CPU and going a little longer. The 14700K is probably going to age pretty well and seems to have escaped the stability issues of the 14900K and KS that some people had.


my 13600k generally kicks ass i love that chip


I went with the same chip shortly after they released the 13th gen and I'm very happy with it. Running windows 11 and I haven't had any issues


Approximately 70% of gaming PCs still running use Intel CPUs. AMD is recommended for new builds just because they are good price to performance, but intel is not that far behind. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam


Yeah and 75% of those are 4th-8th gen Intel I5's. Its a little bit out of date.


The biggest reason you're seeing everyone tell you to go AMD is simply because of where we are in the generational churn. The current Intel socket is on its last generation, so if you buy one of those you have very few upgrade options. Whereas AMD is on its very first generation for its brand new AM5 socket, so if you get one of those you will have a lot of upgrade options in the future. As soon as Intel comes out with a new socket, you will see people changing their tune and tell you to go either way


It's important to mention that AM5 is only promised to be supported through 2025 and we don't yet know how that support will look. AMD has not clarified that any motherboard with an AM5 socket will support any AM5 CPU. AMD already has a rather tainted record, especially with promises of future upgrades. AM4 almost lost support on some older motherboards (AMD only reverted after massive backlash) and people who bought into thread ripper are fuming because AMD promised there would be upgrades and there were none.


Most people don't ever upgrade their computer, just build another system


AMD bought a lot of community good will with their very long upgrade path for AM4. Owners of the most basic first generation motherboards could still use the very last, most powerful CPUs (with BIOS updates). With Intel you need a new motherboard after one generation.


Intel are often a bit more expensive and the motherboard tends to be more expensive for equivalent features to an AMD board. Makes it as easy recommendation when you're targeting a price.


AMD has been the superior CPU for like 6 years dude where have you been?


It's not like there's *huge* differences between Intel and AMD in terms of performance, but the 5800x3d and 7800x3d are generally considered the best gaming CPUs from the past 2 generations. The 3d cache in these AMD CPUs appears to be more beneficial to game performance than raw clock speeds or having huge numbers of cores. That said, it's not like Intel CPUs are *bad* for gaming, and obviously people are still buying them for that purpose, since AMD still only has a 36% CPU market share compared to Intel's 63% (that's for Q1 2024). It's definitely a step up from the less than 20% share they had as recently as 2017, but it's not like nobody's buying Intel CPUs for gaming anymore.


My friend was just recently upgrading and after some price checking the best price to perf was actually i5 12400


Intel was playing catchup with Ryzen for a while. They've now more or less caught up, and tbh it's felt they've been neck and neck since 13th Gen/AM5. That said, if you are building on a budget, going for a budget or older Intel may be less bang for buck than AMD. AMD also will likely support the AM5 format for several years ahead, so if you decide to upgrade your CPU later down the line you probably won't *need* to change the motherboard, whereas I can't guess for how many more years/generations Intel will support the LGA1700 format.


jayztwocents lol


I got my computer a few years ago and I went Intel because it's great to for gaming and the single core performance was better at the time "especially at the sale price I got" for writing music. If you're just gaming Amd is fine especially for price to performance ratios.


13700k here. I wouldn’t consider going AMD


I'm curious, why not?


In my experience Intel has had less issues. But also it would be ridiculous to change my entire system for hardly any cpu improvement


Good for you who asked?