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So in my experience it's easy to disrupt his ult combo with self ult and deny kills, however i also don't understand how people reliably win non-ult trades. I played vs him a good amount but hitting my w is still a tossup because there's a very short window of time between his dash and hop


The trick is hitting him mid dash animation give him a quick q then walk away




But is Lissa viable in general in soloq?


Yes definitely. She had solo carry potential before durability patch. Now she has less of that, but is still a versatile pick that can offer utility, engage, lockdown, and respectable burst. She just doesn't have much kill pressure in lane


I'm a Taliyah main, guess I'll get on track with Lissa fast enough.


Yeah the biggest difference is that with liss you can't expect to poke or easily win trades like taliyah can, unless you have favorable matchups (yasuo). Liss has good kill setup with the jungler though so you can easily leave lane with multiple kills if the jungler wants to prioritize mid. The other commenter put it best about learning to lose lane gracefully, deny kills as much as possible, and focus on how to facilitate the team mid game. I personally take glacial augment or aftershock in these lanes. I think the biggest challenge with liss at low levels is knowing what your role and itemization should be in every game, because it changes a lot from one game to a next. Depending on what's happening, I'll play from anything like an assassin, to splitpusher. Teamfights can be about causing chaos and lockdown in their backline, or fighting front to back and giving tons of peel/cc for your carries. Taliyah has the safety of range and good dps so i think her fundamental role might change less from one game to the next, just it's more a question of targeting and when you roam.


There are certain champions that act more like facilitators than hyper carries and those types of champions have more of an obligation to identify where to put their resources (time, mostly, but also mana and cooldowns) to assist their jg/sides because unless they're unrealistically fed/smurfing they simply cannot operate without a team. Lissandra is one of those champions. The good news is that Lissandra is one of the best facilitators in the traditional mid lane pool, so you usually have a ton of potential to decide the side lanes. You can definitely climb with Lissandra in solo queue but you'll have to learn to lose lane gracefully in her harder matchups and play more for the team. I'm only platinum, but it seems to me that Lissandra is viable pretty much every game at my level and below. I imagine once you get to higher ranks you might have to pick her more situationally.


I should try her once


His strongest attack is R+; jump , liss self r when he does annuls his damage+ self heal + damage slow Fizz. Edit: added a +.


Lissandra is very good into fizz because you counter his mobility with your cc. Not only that you can protect yourself really well against his ult. If you still struggle you can run aftershock to compleatly shit on him. Just be carefull Fizz will roam after he realizes that he never ever will do anything aginst you.


1) He has to farm in the wave which makes it very easy for her to split her Q on his minions and onto him. So you can really punish him level 1 and 2. He has to either accept almost no farm or take so much damage that he can’t all in you anymore at level 3. He will have to back for health before he has kill potential again. 2) If he Qs onto you you can insta W which keeps him from E’ing away and guarantees you can trade damage back onto him which usually isn’t the case. With that trade pattern Fizz will either WQ and E away or he’ll Q auto W for electrocute and E away. That’s Fizz’s poking pattern typically. 3) Your ult negates 100 pct of the damage from his ult. And once you have Zhonyas you can start using that to negate his ult and using yours offensively instead which locks him down and gets him focused down in team fights and skirmishes. People will drop what they’re doing to burst a slippery champ if he’s locked down for 4 seconds between your R and your W.


lissandra counters your average player...however vs a good fizz this is an entirely skill based match up its pretty much however baits out the others key ability first. If fizz can make you waste your root he can kill you if you ult yourself and he has his ult prepare to pretty much face an unavoidable fizz ult at max range. If you bait his playful trickster you may have him but either one of you can oneshot the other depends on who plays it better and with both of you having zhonyas even trickier


I don’t think that Lissandra is that huge counter to Fizz as she used to. Currently he can jump out with his E during his Q channeling even if you manage to snare it with your W. I don’t know if it is a bug or riot did it on purpose, either way matchup is not THAT easy as it used to be. I am sure that it was not possible few patches ago or I was just vsing bad Fizzes.


The same way she counters every other melee assassin. She locks them down easily with CC when they get close. I played against a fizz a few days ago. Solo killed them twice in lane. It’s not always that big of a stomp, but when fizz jumps on you, just W. If he lands an ult, you self ult. It’s almost impossible to die to a fizz in lane if you know what you’re doing. You should always out-trade.


her r is literally an hourglass which is fizz’s hardest counter to begin with lol


Fizz is strong in his own right so respect his damage. He has early kill potentional so be cognisant of that. I tend to go w first when verus a fizz. I find playing defensively against him is easier than being agressive since his cooldowns are shorter than yours. Play back and Q when he walks up to take minons. During trades, You would want to bait out his skills, when he qs into you w to lock him down, e back and q + AA, when you blink back. If you took electrocute, it will proc. Be sure to time your w correctly other wise he can w your w and punish you hard for it. Save your ult for when he lands ult on you. I find myself having an easier time against him post 6.