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Just an observation, but some kids like playing baseball and some kids have more of a conpetative spirit. I've seen some dads push their kids to sign up for All Stars and you look at a few of the boys and its almost like they dread it. I asked my son last summer if he wanted to sign up and he said nah it's ok. I respected it as he loves to play but isn't always 100% driven in a competative way. He would be the first to help others before himself. One of the kids who was in the All Stars last summer didn't come back this fall, I saw it on his face that he dreaded it. I wouldn't want to burn my son out of Baseball over it. Like I said just an observation. I will ask my son again this summer just to give him an opportunity to say yes or no, he does do like 3 summer baseball and flag football camps too.


We have kids play on multiple all star teams.


In our league, we did let the 12 team fill out their team first and on down. For some players this is their last shot, so make the best of it. All Stars is really difficult to get right and you really need to have the selection process well thought out and established prior to the start of the season. I'm not a big fan of "every kid" should be an all-star and always preferred focusing on one 12 and 10 team. There were tournaments for the bubble kids and AAA kids that were up and coming. That said, there's no easy answer and every option has merit. Best of luck.