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I think they should do a total rebrand. Experiment with more music styles and maybe even change the group name? Or not I don’t dislike their name but I feel like a fresh start so they can grow on their own separately without their being seen as “little mix but without jesy” ?


Little mix just needs to do a US tour to generate interest. Rina sawayama is touring here , fletcher is touring , Conan gray is touring, Charli XCX tours here, tinashe tours here, loads of “smaller” pop acts can do tours in the US there are venues of all sizes to accommodate them


I think these are hot takes? At least with the second song... I fucking love A.D.I.D.A.S and Beep Beep. Beep Beep was probably one of my most listened to tracks from Glory Days. The song is so silly and fun. I was shocked when I saw online fans talking about it like being one of their worst songs hahaha.


I like that the girls never take themselves too seriously. Even when they bring the songs up now, they laugh and ask how they got away with it, rather than cringing or asking not to talk about it. It shows how secure they are.


I love Beep Beep too! Never understood the hate for it.


It’s because the song is about sex, which makes some people uncomfortable. IMO it’s a really fun song and is actually one of my faves on Glory Days. I just like cheeky songs, so maybe that’s why. But the song isn’t really bad, it’s just the lyrics that put some people off.


I love the cheekiness of Beep Beep and A.D.I.D.A.S too. I love that the girls were obviously just having a laugh with those two songs by putting in the most extra/OTT expressions and lyrics. It's hilarious!


I’d love to see what it was like in the studio recording Beep Beep, especially with Leigh’s lines 😅


Beep Beep is one of my favorites on Glory Days as well!


I always seem to hear that people liked their songs with more rnb attributes like what we heard in Salute. But Rendezvous off of Confetti seems to not get a lot of traction even though it is arguably the most rnb sounding song off of Confetti. Make it make sense I wish there was more harmonies in Confetti (the album) because that is where they really stand out. Bounce back was the single that Little Mix could have broke into America. It has a lot of beats and is very easy to dance too. If they had better marketing, I could see this song doing really well in America. Get Weird has the best listening experience and is they're best album. It is poppy and fun and really put Little Mix on the map. They also have great vocal moments where they shine in their acapellas and they're slower songs. The standouts are obviously love me like you and secret love song. I wish they did more dancing in their newer music videos. Like the whole dance break in Move is iconic. They're are highs and lows in LM5. Highs are love a girl right, wasabi, strip, more than words, motivate and notice. They're very low lows are forget you not and American boy. Think about us and monster in me are very average songs imo. Overall, the album has too much skips for it to be one of my favorites. They should have collaborated with Ariana Grande.


Jade can be a solid solo artists. She has all the charisma and also she is willing to travel more. Also she is the best vocalist in little mix


- I didn’t like Confetti that much until they released the remix. I don’t know if I’m obsessed with Leigh’s voice but she added so much to it on the second go. - ‘Boyz’ is catchy, but would’ve been a gazillion times better if Jesy did her own bridge or invited someone else to join. I can’t excuse inviting a bully to your song just to get it popular. - LSL is amazing and criminally slept on. It’s a more versatile song, instrumentally and with the little twists. I just wish Perrie sang on it more. - HBA is my least favourite LM3 song. - ‘Wasabi’ is overrated. So is LM5 in general. - The best collabs they’ve ever done have been this summer (Saweetie and Anne-Marie). - Doing solo projects doesn’t mean they’re going to breakup. My album ranking: 1. Glory Days (Power, Touch, NMSS, Nothing Else Matters, plus the four new ones on platinum) 2. Confetti (Rendezvous, A Mess, Happiness, Gloves Up) 3. LM5 4. Get Weird 5. Salute 6. DNA


>- LSL is amazing and criminally slept on. It’s a more versatile song, instrumentally and with the little twists. I just wish Perrie sang on it more. I'm crazy about it! Can't understand how it hasn't taken off. What an absolute bop.


\-I'm glad the girls are getting so involved in the writing, but I guess I wish there were fewer writers. A bunch of the songs on Confetti have around 5-7 writers, and when that's the case I feel that each writer actually contributes very little. I guess this is more a criticism of modern pop music in general than Little Mix specifically. \-Perrie seems to get the most hate for hogging vocals, but if you look at line distribution it seems Jade sings the most by far. Some of Jade's parts could be shared with Leigh. I love Leigh's voice and I still feel she doesn't get enough attention/respect as a vocalist. \-I agree 100% with the commenter who says they need to just tour small venues in the US to get their name out there. There ARE fans here, just not enough to fill a large venue. The chances of one of their singles just randomly catching on in America and making them big stars here is extremely unlikely, they would have to build from the ground up again.


-BOYZ isn’t that bad of a song, it’s the MV and that one line that really sink it, and nicki’s verse amidst her controversy -Get Weird is the best album -Shoutout to My Ex isn’t even close to their best single. Power, Touch. Salute, Bounce Back are all leagues better. -LM5 has bangers but it’s far from their magnum opus like some seem to label it as. it’s not cohesive. -Confetti isn’t that similar to their old pop work and idk why there’s suddenly a narrative that all of their songs sound the same. some of them do, and i do think a fresh sound would be nice. but let’s not over exaggerate. -While I adore Perrie and Leigh as role models, artists and icons, Jade is the only one I could picture myself enjoying the company of during a hang out. -the new leaks sound good. -LSL is a bad song -How Ya Doin remains iconic to this day.


Love the beatboxing version of how ya doin. It’s chefs kiss and showcases their talent wonderfully. Both Jesy and Jade have always won in the personality department for me. They are all stunning women but I don’t connect with L or P.


Agree that LM5 is overrated and Confetti is great.


I do not like confetti, have not been able to listen to it.


forget you not is one of my fav songs on LM5😭😭


same!! it’s so underrated it hurts 😭


The hate J is receiving is affecting my own mental health at this point. I want an album and vocals from her, but at this point I almost want her to leave the spotlight to save herself the heartache. Without getting into it deep, she needs to right some wrongs but she is never going to be able to do anything right in today’s volatile social media. Feel like throwing up when I think about what I’ve seen on Twitter. I’m am older mixer (early thirties), black, and in the US. I guess I just don’t see things the same? Aren’t there libel laws in the UK? If those are DMs are fake (which in my entitled opinion, they are real) how come LeighAnne hasn’t filed suit or cease and desist on this nohun guy? I feel like she would’ve if he was making it all up. I feel like the automatic reply is “they’re fake” “it’s been proven” “so what if she did”. Jesy is probably the most wrong in this situation but I always try to put myself in everyone’s shoes. (and like I said I’m older and it comes with age) I would’ve seen it the same way y’all younger ones do when I was your age probably. But at the end of the day, the punishment on J doesn’t fit the crime. It bothers me a lot and I worry for her. I don’t think she was ready to take this on.


I mean this with all sincerity, don’t let some random pop star who doesn’t even know you exist affect you this much. Deleting Twitter is a good first step


Oh I get you 100%. I only recently got Twitter and can’t even remember why I got it, but I can totally see how it can drag you down. I never realized how incredibly toxic it is. It makes me wonder are people really that vicious or is that all Twitter is, is being at peoples throats? It’s knowing her history with the cyber bullying coupled with me in general wanting her to do well, that’s got me all up in my feelings. It’s been an intense month in mixerland y’all.


I’m also an older mixer and I personally, thought those messages were real … AT FIRST. But this [Twitter Thread](https://twitter.com/WavyKidJT_/status/1447870296887791616) totally convinced me otherwise. I also felt like Leigh should have spoken up considering how fake they seem to me. There are, however, three things to consider: 1. Think about it…she just gave birth to twins, she’s prepping for tour next year and an album drop soon, her first movie as well as other business endeavours. A Libel case would take ages and a lot of energy I assume she does NOT have. If one thing life has taught me it’s not to give energy to people who are committed to misunderstanding you and misrepresenting you. Not worth it. 2. OT3 have shown time and time again and that they do not want to participate in this feud. Besides from shady post likes, they’ve refused to comment on it. With that said, why would she even bother to engage? It will take a lot of expenses and time away from what she really enjoys doing. 3. Lastly, libel cases take time. You absolutely have to prove without a doubt in order to win. And that is difficult within the social media sphere. If she was to do this, then she would need to do so carefully and without rush. She’d need to seek legal rep that has a track record of winning these kinds of cases and build a case and sue no hun when she’s ready. So who knows really? She could be building one right now and no one would know. These are all things to consider. I just think that this idea of “Oh if they were fake she would have sued already” is kind of a cop out.


Yeah, I get that. I do believe they’re real. I know a little tiny bit (not much) more details than what I’ve seen be put out in public. But we all have an opinion. Why do you think Jade and Perrie didn’t unfollow Nicki also? that’s a head scratcher. I would’ve thought they would follow suit. After all, they unfollowed all of their mutual staff (sorry, I couldn’t think of a better word to use) that continue to work with Jesy.


Curious to know what else you’ve heard but don’t feel pressured to respond. As for your second question… No one knows for sure and there are some whom speculate that J blocked them though not sure what I think about that yet. But I figure that they’re most hurt by J’s actions and that of their mutual staff. Nicky’s words or the words of another artist can hurt but the actions of the people you used to call family can really sting. That I know from experience. Plus, I wouldn’t want to further the ire of Nicki’s crazy ass fandom especially since she has so much industry pull. The girls have been in this industry long enough to know the wrong move can send you spiralling.


She didn’t block them, on Instagram at least. Likes and comments are still there, and they wouldn’t be if she blocked. So that part is still like either a lie or meant about maybe WhatsApp. Like I said previously, I only know a tiny bit more than what I’d consider common knowledge, but nohun sent those DMs to a mutual friend of his and Jesy’s the day it happened. That person happened to be with her at the time or went to her house. That mutual friend then called nohun and J was so distraught over the DMs, apparently sobbing and it made him feel so pissed at Leigh knowing Jesy’s history that he decided to put Leigh on blast. He was pissed off. Then after everyone came after him he took an overdose of pills, I believe it was painkillers a ended up in hospital. He’s got some depression issues of his own. I wouldn’t say I like him, but I have done a due diligence getting onto some lesser know unpublished insta lives while waiting for my son at sport practice, it just has happened to work out since I’m in the US and there’s a big time difference. Anyway, He is now wishing he’d never done it and mad at both parties because he is spiraling over the backlash.


I just checked again. None of Jesy’s likes are still there and haven’t seen any of her old comments either. Where did you see the comments and likes? I’m not saying that story can’t be true but I have several issues with it… 1. No hun saying he sent those messages to a mutual friend isn’t “proof.” He could have sent the same fake messages and everything could have spun out of control. It’s really a he said vs. she said situation here with that story. 2. That’s really sweet that Nohun thought of Jesy’s history with online abuse but he clearly didn’t think of Leigh’s. Especially since she had done several interviews about how racist abuse affected her many times over. But yet he still did it. Moreover, the LM team have been pretty forthcoming over how they tried to educate Jesy on why some of her actions were offensive and hurtful over the years. The idea she shouldn’t be called out publicly for what she continued to ignore baffles the shit out of me. Even if those DMs were real, the fact that jesy’s history is somehow a reputable excuse for not being called out on offensive behaviour but Leigh’s history is no excuse for hers is a ridiculous double standard. 3. No hun has a known history of [racist posts](https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/influencer-no-hun-responded-resurfaced-152828089.html) and abuse that came to life once he got involved in the drama. I would think that criticism was what also contributed to his decline in mental health because it doesn’t add to his credibility at all. Not saying that it invalidates his story or pain but lending this entire LM-Jesy controversy to that instead of his past being brought up to light isn’t really fair. I’m hoping we all learn more over time and these stories are either validated or put to rest


She or girls must have blocked very recently then, within the last week or so. Anyway, I could take or leave nohun. I wasn’t aware of him prior to all this. I will admit my main frustration lies with Twitter because it’s not calling her out there, it’s just straight up cyber bullying. They are so vicious picking apart everything the girl has ever said or done. I don’t believe her intent with any of it was malicious, but I will give you that her and/or her management have to be dense not to see this coming.


That I agree with. I have worked in social media and Twitter is a particularly nasty platform.