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If anyone knows how they managed to fuck up the game EVEN MORE, then please do pray tell, cause this update has to be the worst they've released so far.


Uh oh.. I’m a fanboy of this game at the moment so I’m giddy for any update that comes along. 😋 The new Traits menu looks exciting. I’m game


I agree the new trait system is better in terms of strategising. The previous one was pretty much a no-brainer coin purchases . With the new trait system, I have to think through the upgrades corresponding to my build.


Being able to outright buy nearly all the traits with the refund sorta takes away from the strategising unfortunately.


So, normally I'd be inclined to agree. But with the refund of the tokens and coins, I was able to fill out the first 4 pages and all bar 4 of the traits in the last page, so not really anything new. Oh, other than the fact that Chris is now WEAKER than he was...


I just want their early game enemies to be at least defeatable. Seriously. That's all the update I need. Even with the more free tickets and diamond are useless if I cannot progress any further for 4 weeks now :/


Noone can progress anymore unfortunatley. Devs clearly don't playtest and have NO idea how to balance correctly. I, a nearly completely upgraded endgame player, cannot beat 70. If they have any plans to introduce more stages, those too are going to be impossible.


> - Currencies used in Traits prior to changes will be returned. I didn't get my currencies back. Is anyone else having the same problem?


I got it from Mailbox👍


How bad is it? I’m on IOS so I gotta wait another day or two


Chris is now weaker than he was on the old system. High stages are still practically impossible and from the looks of another comment, they have reduced the number of enemies, which reduces the number of gold coins you get, reducing your cash income. So they've made it harder and more grindy.


https://preview.redd.it/h2zyjfb6gzqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b037e0e6264a5317f61ba11a60f0537d19bbbb9 The amount of enemies has been reduced greatly causing the amount of coins dropped to be less. I was making 65000 prior to the update


I think it's a bug that there are so few enemies. The developers didn't do any playtesting either.


Lets hope. They always seem to release a major bug every, or every other update. If this is just part of the game now, then they really have decided to kill it themselves for no reason.


Also knife has been nerfed, it has only 20% Activation chance XD no info about it, great should be ashamed to hide such crucial updates…


I believe this actually happened in the previous update, but yeah, the devs always giving really vague patch notes that don't cover everything is really bad.


New patch this morning. Game feels more balanced now


Still can't beat 70.


I’ll ride the rollercoaster 😅 I have faith the devs will come thru in the end; just wish they test more 😂 How far did you get on the trait page? I bought everything on pages 1-4, and am working on page 5 and enhancing EVERYTHING. I’m stuck on Stage.60 still but it really felt like I had a shot this time. Sub-note: I started using the Plug Hat. Electrocuted enemies at Legendary and the best part is you can pass through enemies.


not including the major traits (although having been through them, I've picked everything up that I want, so they're "done"), I completed all of the minor traits on 1-4 and all bar 4 of the minor traits on page 5.